from breve.tags.html import tags as T from wtforms import Form, StringField from pyeve.www.core import Page, UIModuleDescriptior from pyeve.www.html import HtmlLayout, FormRenderer, forEach __author__ = 'Rudy' ProfileModule = UIModuleDescriptior('Profile', 'profile') ProfileModule.addPage('overview', lambda: ProfilePage, 'My profile') ProfileModule.addPage('apiKeys', lambda: APIKeys, 'Manage API keys') ProfileModule.addPage('newKey', lambda: NewAPIKey) class ProfilePage(Page): def doGet(self, request): return self.renderProfile() def renderProfile(self): html = HtmlLayout() html.setContent(T.h2['LOLOLOL LAYOUT']) return html class APIKeys(Page): def doGet(self, request): keys = ( # (keyId, expires, characters) ('123qwe', '2014-12-10 10:00:21', ['Rudykocur Maxwell', 'Zenon Koźbiał', 'Mariola Szczęsna']),
from breve.flatten import flatten from breve.tags.html import tags as T from breve.tags import C from pyeve.www.core import UIModuleDescriptior, Page, JsonResponse from pyeve.www.html import Panel, forEach, Modal from pyeve.www.igb import IGBLayout, IGBRequest WormholeMapModule = UIModuleDescriptior('Wormhole map', 'wh_map', private=True) WormholeMapModule.addPage('map', lambda: WormholeMapPage, 'Wormhole map') def whSlotEmpty(): return T.div(class_='whSlot emptySlot') def whSlot(title, data): return T.div(class_='whSlot', id='sig-%s' % title)[ T.div(class_='title')[title], T.div(class_='')[data] ] class WormholeMapPage(Page): def doGet(self, request): layout = IGBLayout() layout.addJs('dom.jsPlumb-1.6.4-min.js') layout.addJs('whMap.js') layout.setContent([
from breve.flatten import flatten from breve.tags.html import tags as T from breve.tags import C from pyeve.www.core import UIModuleDescriptior, Page, JsonResponse from pyeve.www.html import Panel, forEach, Modal from pyeve.www.igb import IGBLayout, IGBRequest from pyeve.signatures import parseSignatures from pyeve.loot import parseContainerEntries, formatWorthAsString ScanningModule = UIModuleDescriptior('Scanning', 'scanning', private=True) ScanningModule.addPage('personal', lambda: PersonalScanningPage, 'Personal scanner') ScanningModule.addPage('corporation', lambda: CorporationScanningPage, 'Corporation scanner') ScanningModule.addPage('help', lambda: HelpPage, 'Help page') class HelpPage(Page): def doGet(self, request): layout = IGBLayout() layout.setContent([ Panel(heading=['How to use scanning tool'], content=[ T.p[""" This tool alows you to remember all scanned signatures in given solar system. It will try to automatically detect that you changed system, and always show you signatures from system you are currently in """],
from pyeve.www.core import Page, UIModuleDescriptior from pyeve.www.html import HtmlLayout __author__ = 'Rudy' SkillsModule = UIModuleDescriptior('Skills', 'skills') SkillsModule.addPage('overview', lambda: SkillsOverview, 'Overview') SkillsModule.addPage('queue', lambda: SkillsQueue, 'Train queue') SkillsModule.addPage('plans', lambda: SkillsPlans, 'Manage plans') class SkillsOverview(Page): def doGet(self, request): layout = HtmlLayout() layout.setContent('Skills list, etc') return layout class SkillsQueue(Page): def doGet(self, request): layout = HtmlLayout() layout.setContent('Skills queue') return layout class SkillsPlans(Page): def doGet(self, request): layout = HtmlLayout()