def __init__(self): # Path major_path = os.path.join(data_path, "Chord Flow - Major keys.xlsx") minor_path = os.path.join(data_path, "Chord Flow - Minor keys.xlsx") major_weight_path = os.path.join(data_path, "major_flow_weight.xlsx") minor_weight_path = os.path.join(data_path, "minor_flow_weight.xlsx") # Get major data self._major = get_data(major_path, start_row=1)["Sheet1"] self._majweight = get_data(major_weight_path, start_row=1)["Sheet1"] # TODO: now just append a None to the last element to fix the list size. need better solution self._major[len(self._major) - 1].append(None) # Get minor data self._minor = get_data(minor_path, start_row=1)["Sheet1"] self._minweight = get_data(minor_weight_path, start_row=1)["Sheet1"] self._minor[len(self._minor) - 1].append(None) # Create major and minor index self._major_index = [] self._minor_index = [] self._map = {} self._seven = {} for row in self._major: self._major_index.append(row[0]) for row in self._minor: self._minor_index.append(row[0]) chord_list = MusicManager.get_instance().make_table_full_extend() self.make_map(chord_list[0], "Major", self._major_index, self._majweight) self.make_map(chord_list[1], "Minor", self._minor_index, self._minweight)
def __init__(self): # Path major_path = os.path.join(data_path, "Chord Flow - Major keys.xlsx") minor_path = os.path.join(data_path, "Chord Flow - Minor keys.xlsx") major_weight_path = os.path.join(data_path, "major_flow_weight.xlsx") minor_weight_path = os.path.join(data_path, "minor_flow_weight.xlsx") # Get major data self._major = get_data(major_path, start_row=1)["Sheet1"] self._majweight = get_data(major_weight_path, start_row=1)["Sheet1"] # TODO: now just append a None to the last element to fix the list size. need better solution self._major[len(self._major)-1].append(None) # Get minor data self._minor = get_data(minor_path, start_row=1)["Sheet1"] self._minweight = get_data(minor_weight_path, start_row=1)["Sheet1"] self._minor[len(self._minor) - 1].append(None) # Create major and minor index self._major_index = [] self._minor_index = [] self._map = {} for row in self._major: self._major_index.append(row[0]) for row in self._minor: self._minor_index.append(row[0]) self.make_map() # map data structure: dict(index)-> dict(target index)
def generate_payment_xlsx(self): if len(self.get_payment_files()) == len( self.customers.get_customer_files()): logging.warning('no need to generate payment xlsx') return fund_account_code = ['0001', '0002'] fund_account_abstract = [ u'现金充值', u'其他充值', u'销售返点', u'退款', u'订单付款', u'其他付款' ] for customer_file in self.customers.get_customer_files(): customer_data = get_data(customer_file) customer_columns = list(customer_data[u'客户数据']) fund_account_data = get_data(self.pay_template) fund_account_data_columns = list(fund_account_data['Sheet1']) for customer in customer_columns[2:]: fund_account_data_column = [ customer[0], fund_account_code[randrange(0, len(fund_account_code))], randrange(500, 10000), fund_account_abstract[randrange( 0, len(fund_account_abstract))] ] fund_account_data_columns.append(fund_account_data_column) new_fund_account_data = OrderedDict() new_fund_account_data.update({'Sheet1': fund_account_data_columns}) save_data(customer_file.replace('customers', 'payment'), new_fund_account_data)
def __init__(self): # Create chordlist by chordtype and key for indexing # C Major C Minor C Dim ... self._chord = [] for pitch in self.all_pitch_class: for chord in self.all_chord_type: self._chord.append(" ".join((pitch, chord))) # Prepare path self._major_model_path = os.path.join(data_path, "majortransmodel.txt") self._major_input_path = os.path.join(data_path, "Chord Flow - Major keys.xlsx") self._major_output_path = os.path.join(data_path, "MajorProp.xlsx") self._minor_model_path = os.path.join(data_path, "minortransmodel.txt") self._minor_input_path = os.path.join(data_path, "Chord Flow - Minor keys.xlsx") self._minor_output_path = os.path.join(data_path, "MinorProp.xlsx") # Major get model data self._major_file = open(self._major_model_path, "r") self._major_map = [] for line in self._major_file: self._major_map.append(float(line)) self._major_index = get_data(self._major_input_path, start_row=0)["Sheet2"] # Minor get model data self._minor_file = open(self._minor_model_path, "r") self._minor_map = [] for line in self._minor_file: self._minor_map.append(float(line)) self._minor_index = get_data(self._minor_input_path, start_row=0)["Sheet2"]
def build_strings_dict(xlsx_path, logger): """ Will return a dictionary containing all of the strings in the xlsx file. The dictionary will look like so: { "French": {"app_name': "C'est ma vie", "capital": "C"est ma vie", "add_tab": "Jours de la semaine"}, "German": {"app_name": "Berufe\n", "capital": "Der Weg zur Post", "add_tab":}, "Hindi": {"app_name": "शब्दावली", "capital": "देशों", "add_tab": "कंबोडिया"} } """ from pyexcel_xlsx import get_data import json raw_workbook_data = get_data(xlsx_path, start_row=3, start_column=5, column_limit=1) # data_values = get_data(xlsx_path, start_row=3, end_row=len(output_dict),start_column=1, column_limit=1) raw_workbook_dict = json.loads(str(json.dumps(raw_workbook_data))) # dict_values = json.loads(str(json.dumps(data_values))) xlsx_dict = {} # start the workbooks loop for language in raw_workbook_dict.keys(): language_dict = {} # scrape the codes list codes_list = list(filter(None, raw_workbook_dict[language])) # scrape the translated words list translated_words_data = get_data(xlsx_path, start_row=3, start_column=1, column_limit=1)[language] translated_words_list = translated_words_data[0:len(codes_list)]'Parsing ' + language) # loop on all of the codes list (the rightest column) for i in range(len(codes_list)): if translated_words_list[i] is None or not translated_words_list[i]: logger.warning('Seems like the string name \'' + codes_list[i][0] + '\' didn\'t got translated to ' + language + '. Would you like to continue? [yes]') to_continue = tools.ask_for_input('') if not su.str2bool(to_continue):'Exiting') return else: language_dict[codes_list[i][0]] = translated_words_list[i][0] xlsx_dict[language] = language_dict return xlsx_dict
def print_minorsheet(self): # Get data for index data = get_data(self._minor_input_path)["Sheet1"] full_list = [data[0]] # Create result for row in self._minor_index: list = [row[0]] for secrow in self._minor_index: if row[1] is None or secrow[1] is None: list.append(None) else: current = self._chord.index(row[1]) next = self._chord.index(secrow[1]) if current == next: list.append(-36) else: list.append(self.getminorvalue(current, next)) full_list.append(list) print(full_list) # Save result sheetx = {"Sheet1": full_list} save_data(self._minor_output_path, sheetx) # Calculate Correctness using the Chord Flow file data = get_data(self._minor_input_path, start_row=1)["Sheet1"] Yessum = 0.0 Yes = 0 Nosum = 0.0 No = 0 data[len(self._minor_index) - 1].append(None) for row in range(0, len(self._minor_index)): for column in range(0, len(self._minor_index)): if data[row][column + 1] == "Yes": Yes += 1 Yessum += exp(full_list[row + 1][column + 1]) else: No += 1 Nosum += exp(full_list[row + 1][column + 1]) print("Yes: ", Yes, Yessum, Yessum / Yes, "No: ", No, Nosum, Nosum / No) # Display the correctness of Major and Minor self._minorsum = Yessum + Nosum self._minorcount = Yes + No print(self._majorcount, self._majorsum, self._majorsum / self._majorcount, self._minorcount, self._minorsum, self._minorsum / self._minorcount)
def analysis(read_path): # Collect text analysis file xlsx_file = './article_text_analysis.xlsx' print("Converting:", xlsx_file) data = get_data('./article_text_analysis.xlsx', start_row=1, start_column=3, column_limit=1) with open("article_text_analysis.txt", "w") as text_file: # print(json.dumps(data)) for key, values in data.items(): for item in values: sentence = str(item) sentence = sentence[2:-2] text = nltk.word_tokenize(sentence) string_text = str(text) bi_grams = nltk.bigrams(text) pos_tagged = nltk.pos_tag(text) pos_line = str(sentence) + "\n" + str(pos_tagged) + "\n\n" text_file.write(pos_line) print("Text:", text) print("Bi-grams:") for bigram in bi_grams: print(bigram) print("Pos-tags", pos_line) print() nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") doc = nlp(string_text) for ent in doc.ents: print("Entities:", ent.text, ent.start_char, ent.end_char, ent.label_) print()
def handle(self, *args, **options): path = options['xlsx'] try: data = get_data(path) except (AssertionError, NoSupportingPluginFound): raise CommandError('Archivo no válido') for key in data.keys(): sheet = data[key] keys = sheet[0] for row in sheet[1:]: row_data = dict(zip(keys, row)) pk = int(row_data.get('pk', 0)) if not pk: continue calidad = row_data['calidad'] if calidad in ('A', 'B', 'C'): lat = row_data['lat'] lon = row_data['lon'] geom = {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [lon, lat]} escuela = LugarVotacion.objects.get(id=pk) escuela.geom = geom escuela.longitud = lon escuela.latitud = lat escuela.calidad = calidad self.success(f'actualizada {escuela} con calidad {calidad}') else: self.warning(f'{pk} ignorada')
def read_excel_graph(filename, draw=False): data = get_data(filename) G = nx.DiGraph() nodes = set([]) edges = [] i = 0 for line in data.values(): for v in line: i += 1 if i > 2: node_id, void, a, b = v nodes.add(node_id) edges.append([a, b]) try: nodes.remove(None) except: pass G.add_nodes_from(nodes) G.add_edges_from(edges) if draw: pos = nx.spring_layout(G) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, node_color='yellow') nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edge_color='black') nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, font_size=7) return G
def test_complex_hidden_sheets(): data = get_data(os.path.join("tests", "fixtures", "complex_hidden_sheets.xlsx"), skip_hidden_row_and_column=True, library='pyexcel-xlsx') expected = [[1, 3, 5, 7, 9], [31, 33, 35, 37, 39], [61, 63, 65, 67]] eq_(data['Sheet1'], expected)
def as_read_excel(PTE, action, plate, filename, sheetname, conditions=None): if conditions: for attr, value in conditions.items(): setattr(PTE, attr, value) getattr(PTE, action)(plate) getattr(PTE, "close")() return get_data(filename)[sheetname]
def registerBulkProduct(level1Category,fileName): try: connection, db, collection = MongoDBconnection('Admin', 'Categories') iter = collection.find({'_id':level1Category},{"Categories":True}) categories = iter[0]['Categories'] MainCategories = [] for category in categories: MainCategories.append(category.keys()[0]) records = get_data(fileName) i = 1 while i < len(records) and i<1098: product = {'Level1 Category':records[i][1], 'Main Category': records[i][2], 'Sub Category': records[i][3], 'product_name': records[i][5], 'Product Category': records[i][4], 'Quantity': [{'City':'Hyderabad', 'Quantities':[]}]} product['_id']='1_'+str(MainCategories.index(records[i][2]))+'_' product['_id']='1_' + str(MainCategories.index(records[i][2])) + '_' + str(categories[MainCategories.index(records[i][2])][records[i][2]].index(records[i][3])) j = i while records[i][5] == records[j][5]: quantity = [records[j][8], int(records[j][9]), int(records[j][9]), 0, 'Available'] product['Quantity'][0]['Quantities'].append(quantity) j=j+1 print json.dumps(product) reply, pid = registerProduct(product['Main Category'], product['Sub Category'], str(json.dumps(product))) if reply == 'Registered' and pid: ProductImagePath(pid) print i = j connection.close() gc.collect() return 'Registered' except Exception as e: return str(e) return 'Unable to Register', '[]'
def update_many_data(): excel_data = get_data("69码更新144个---201704201958.xlsx") sheet_data = excel_data['Sheet1'][1:] # 获取Sheet1的第二行之后的数据 print("excel数据:{}".format(sheet_data)) sql_data = [tuple(x[::-1]) for x in sheet_data] print("sql_data:{}".format(sql_data)) return sql_data
def read_spreadsheet(request): spreadsheet_filename = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'NYS Drop Box Locations 2017-01-31.xlsx') data = get_data(spreadsheet_filename) datadict = {} i = 0 for sheet in data.keys(): print('DEBUG ', data[sheet][0]) for item in data[sheet]: i += 1 print('\tDEBUG item=', item) datadict[i] = { 'location_name': item[0], 'street_address': item[1], 'city': item[2], 'zip': item[3], 'borough': item[4], 'county': item[5] } Place.objects.create( location_name=item[0], street_address=item[1], city=item[2], zip=item[3], borough=item[4], county=item[5], ) print('DEBUG datadict={}'.format(datadict)) return redirect('/admin/location/place/')
def parse_xlsx_files(xl_files_path): xl_files = [os.path.join(xl_files_path, filename) for filename in os.listdir(xl_files_path) if '.xlsx' in filename] genotype_data = {} for xl_file in xl_files: data = get_data(xl_file) sheet_name = 'HaploView_ped_0' data = data.get(sheet_name) header = data[0] for row in data[1:]: if not re.match(r"^ID\d+-P\d+_\d+", row[1]): continue # if the same sample occurs in a different 'xlsx' files, will be overwriten sample_id = row[1].split('-')[-1] project_id = sample_id.split('_')[0] for rs_id in header[9:]: rs_index = header.index(rs_id) if project_id not in genotype_data: genotype_data[project_id] = {} if sample_id not in genotype_data[project_id]: genotype_data[project_id][sample_id] = {} reference, alternative = row[rs_index].split() genotype_data[project_id][sample_id][rs_id] = {'gt_allele1': reference, 'gt_allele2': alternative} # todo: add try-except new_path = os.path.join(xl_files_path, 'archived') if not os.path.exists(new_path): os.makedirs(new_path) filename = os.path.basename(xl_file) # shutil.move(xl_file, os.path.join(new_path, filename)) return genotype_data
def init_dept(self): data = get_data(self.excel_unit)['单位'] for dept in data: res = Dept.query.filter_by(dept_name=dept[0]).first() if res is None: system = System.query.filter_by(system_name=dept[1]).first() dept_pro = DeptPro.query \ .filter_by(dept_pro_name=dept[2]).first() _dept = Dept(dept_name=dept[0]) if system: _dept.system = system if dept_pro: _dept.dept_pro = dept_pro db.session.add(_dept) message = '插入完成' else: message = '开始更新所属职务属性以及其系统' res.dept_pro = DeptPro.query \ .filter_by(dept_pro_name=dept[2]).first() res.system = System.query \ .filter_by(system_name=dept[1]).first() if res.order is None: res.order = 10 db.session.add(res) # print(dept[0] + message) print('单位分类更新完毕')
def get_msfd_reporting_history_from_file(file): res = PersistentList() sheets = get_data(file) env_data = sheets['ENV'] indx_date_due = env_data[0].index('DateDue') indx_date_received = env_data[0].index('DateReceived') for row in env_data: row = [isinstance(x, basestring) and x.strip() or x for x in row] while len(row) < 14: row.append('') date_due = row[indx_date_due] date_received = row[indx_date_received] if isinstance(date_due, datetime): row[indx_date_due] = if isinstance(date_received, datetime): row[indx_date_received] = res.append(ReportingHistoryENVRow(*row[:14])) return res
def add_resection_status(path): """add resection status to database """ conn = sqlite3.connect(util.DB_PATH) try: conn.execute("alter table Patient add column 'resection' 'INTEGER'") except sqlite3.OperationalError: pass # Add resection status data = pyexcel_xlsx.get_data(path + "Biopsy_cases.xlsx") case_list = [int(pid[0]) for pid in data['Ark1'][2:]] cursor = conn.execute("SELECT pid FROM Patient WHERE study_id LIKE '%GBM_survival_time%'") for pid in cursor: pid = pid[0] if pid in case_list: resection_status = 0 else: resection_status = 1 conn.execute("UPDATE Patient SET resection = ? WHERE pid = ?", (resection_status, pid)) conn.commit() cursor.close() conn.close()
def test_is_stack(self): self.stack.to_excel("test.xlsx") remove_sheet("test.xlsx") From = _BioPlateFromExcel("test.xlsx") Fr = From.get_BioPlate_object() self.assertTrue( From.is_stack(get_data("test.xlsx")["plate_representation"]))
def load_excel(self): data = dict() raw = pyexcel_xlsx.get_data(self.excel_filename) data['meta'] = dict() try: data['meta'][self.SHEET_SETTINGS] = OrderedDict() for row in raw.pop(self.SHEET_SETTINGS): data['meta'][self.SHEET_SETTINGS][row[0]] = row[1] except (KeyError, IndexError) as e: print(e) try: data['meta'][self.SHEET_DECKS] = dict() header, *records = raw.pop(self.SHEET_DECKS) for record in records: data['meta'][self.SHEET_DECKS][record[0]] = OrderedDict( zip(header, record)) except (KeyError, IndexError) as e: print(e) data['data'] = OrderedDict() for note_type, values in raw.items(): header, *records = values data['data'][note_type] = dict() for record in records: data['data'][note_type][record[0]] = OrderedDict( zip(header, record)) return data
def import_translations(self): alsoProvides(self.request, IDisableCSRFProtection) file_loc = resource_filename( 'wise.msfd', 'data/MSFDTranslations.xlsx' ) with open(file_loc, 'rb') as file: sheets = get_data(file) transl_data = sheets['translations'] for row in transl_data: try: lang = row[0] orig = row[1] transl = len(row) > 2 and row[2] or '' approved = len(row) == 4 and int(row[3]) or 0 if not transl: delete_translation(orig, lang) continue save_translation(orig, transl, lang, approved=approved) except: pass
def write_data(product_price, excel_data, companies): rows, columns = excel_data.shape j = 0 i = 0 new_data = [] new_data.append([]) nested_list = new_data[0] for companies_name in companies: nested_list.append(companies_name) while i < rows: new_data.append([]) nested_list = new_data[i + 1] while j < columns: column = excel_data.columns[j] selected_data = excel_data[column].tolist() nested_list.append(selected_data[i]) j += 1 j = 0 i += 1 new_data.append([]) nested_list = new_data[-1] for item in product_price: nested_list.append(item) data = get_data("Data.xlsx") data.update({"Sheet1": new_data}) save_data("Data.xlsx", data)
def fill_refs(apps, schema_editor): data = get_data("{0}/{1}.xlsx".format( os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, 'refs_data'), 'devices')) data = data['Отчет'] DeviceType = apps.get_model('collector', 'DeviceType') DeviceBrand = apps.get_model('collector', 'DeviceBrand') Device = apps.get_model('collector', 'Device') phone = DeviceType.objects.create(category=1) tablet = DeviceType.objects.create(category=2) other = DeviceType.objects.create(category=3) brand_other = DeviceBrand.objects.create(name="Other") device_types = {"Смартфоны": phone, "Планшеты": tablet} for d in data[1:]: brand = d[1].lower() if brand == "не определено": brand = brand_other if d[0] not in device_types.keys(): continue device_type = device_types.get(d[0]) brand, created = DeviceBrand.objects.get_or_create(name=brand) Device.objects.create(device_type=device_type, brand=brand, model=d[2].lower()[0:49]) Device.objects.create(device_type=other, brand=brand_other, model="other")
def parse_assessments_2012_file(): f = resource_filename('wise.msfd', 'data/Regional_Descriptors_2012_assessment.xlsx') res = [] with open(f, 'rb') as file: sheets = get_data(file) rows = sheets['Assessment'] for row in rows[1:]: if not row: break if row[0] == 'NEA': row[0] = u'ATL' report_by = 'Commission' assessment_by = 'Milieu' date_assessed = datetime.datetime.strptime('2019-09-20', '%Y-%m-%d') commission_report = '' \ 'eu-coast-and-marine-policy/implementation/' \ 'pdf/' row.extend( [report_by, assessment_by, date_assessed, commission_report]) res.append(Assessment_2012(*row)) return res
def __generate(self, limit, row_num, filename, order_num, file_count): order_data = get_data(self.order_template) order_columns = order_data['订单归集'] for order_num_count in range(limit): good_subscript = randrange( 0, len(self.goods_data) - self.goods_in_order_num) for goods_count in range(0, self.goods_in_order_num): column_data = ['' for j in range(row_num)] column_data[0] = order_num + str(order_num_count) column_data[5] = self.customer_data[file_count]['name'] column_data[7] = self.customer_data[file_count]['contactor'] column_data[8] = '11111111111' column_data[9] = self.customer_data[file_count]['area'] column_data[10] = '北京市' column_data[11] = '北京市' column_data[12] = '东城区' column_data[14] = self.goods_data[good_subscript + goods_count]['code'] column_data[15] = self.goods_data[good_subscript + goods_count]['name'] column_data[17] = self.goods_data[good_subscript + goods_count]['marketPrice'] column_data[18] = randrange(1, 50) order_columns.append(column_data) new_order_data = OrderedDict() new_order_data.update({'订单归集': order_columns}) save_data(filename, new_order_data)
def readexceldata(path_file): book = get_data(path_file) data_set = np.array(book['filtro']) filtro = np.array([row for row in data_set if row[6] <= 2]) n_filas = filtro.shape[0] rangos, filtro2 = [0, 0, 0], [] for row in filtro[:n_filas - 4]: if row[6] == 2: valor_selecc = int((row[1] + row[2]) / 2) else: valor_selecc = int(random.choice(row[1:3])) if valor_selecc < 4: rangos[0] += 1 valor_selecc = 1 elif valor_selecc > 6: rangos[2] += 1 valor_selecc = 3 else: rangos[1] += 1 valor_selecc = 2 row[0] = row[0].encode('latin-1', errors='ignore').replace('<<=>>', '') filtro2.append((row[0], valor_selecc)) return filtro2
def Unique_Check(): rd_data = get_data(Excel_filename) sv_data = OrderedDict() len1 = len(rd_data) len2 = len(rd_data.values()[0]) len3 = len(rd_data.values()[0][0]) # Excel save directory sheet_data = [[[0 for y in xrange(len3)] for x in xrange(len2 * 2)] for z in xrange(len1)] # create a sheet list for Excel All_Chipid = [] # restore All Chip ID for i in xrange(len1): for j in xrange(len2): for k in xrange(len3): print i, j, k All_Chipid += [rd_data[rd_data.keys()[i]][j][k]] # print All_Chipid # check unique chip_id Repe_Chipid = [ val for val in list(set(All_Chipid)) if All_Chipid.count(val) >= 2 ] # search repeated chip_id print "Repeted Chip ID:", Repe_Chipid # print repeated chip ID with open("Uniqueness.txt", 'w') as uniquenessfile: # save repeated chip ID to txt file for i in xrange(len1): for j in xrange(len2): for k in xrange(len3): # print i, j, k for id in xrange(len(Repe_Chipid)): if Repe_Chipid[id] == rd_data[rd_data.keys( )[i]][j][k] and Repe_Chipid[id] != 9008: print rd_data.keys()[i], j, k, rd_data[ rd_data.keys()[i]][j][k] uniquenessfile.write( "%s %2d %2d %s\n" % (rd_data.keys()[i], j, k, rd_data[rd_data.keys()[i]][j][k]))
def test_reading(): data = get_data(os.path.join("tests", "fixtures", "date_field.xlsx"), library="pyexcel-xlsx", skip_hidden_row_and_column=False) expected = OrderedDict() expected.update({ "Sheet1": [ ["Date", "Time"], [ datetime(year=2014, month=12, day=25), time(hour=11, minute=11, second=11), ], [ datetime(2014, 12, 26, 0, 0), time(hour=12, minute=12, second=12), ], [ datetime(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0), time(hour=13, minute=13, second=13), ], [ datetime(year=1899, month=12, day=30), datetime(1899, 12, 30, 0, 0), ], ] }) expected.update({"Sheet2": []}) expected.update({"Sheet3": []}) eq_(data, expected)
def repeated_ber_check(): Excel_filename = "Sinewave_BER1_Results.xlsx" # Excel filename rd_data = get_data(Excel_filename) with open("BER_Record_20181109.txt", 'r') as ber_record_file, open( "Repeat_BER_Check.txt", 'w') as reber_file: # BER Record file for row in ber_record_file.readlines(): chip_id = row.split()[3] # achieve chip id Chip_Test = 0 Chip_Test1 = 0 Chip_Result = 0 result = "BNR" for row in xrange(4, len(rd_data[rd_data.keys()[1]]), 1): if rd_data[rd_data.keys()[1]][row][0] == int(chip_id): Chip_Test = 1 # Chip test # print len(rd_data[rd_data.keys()[1]][row]) if len(rd_data[rd_data.keys()[1]][row]) >= 25: if rd_data[rd_data.keys()[1]][row][0] == int(chip_id): # print rd_data[rd_data.keys()[1]][row] Chip_Test1 = 1 Chip_Result = rd_data[rd_data.keys()[1]][row][24] if Chip_Test == 1 and Chip_Test1 == 0: result = "BFNT" elif Chip_Test1 == 1 and Chip_Result == 1: result = "BP" elif Chip_Test == 0 and Chip_Test1 == 0: result = "BNR" else: result = "BF" print chip_id, result reber_file.write("%s %s\n" % (chip_id, result))
def config(self, sheet_path: str) -> "table_extract": print(2) self.path = sheet_path self.sheet_content = get_data(self.path) self.json_data = json.loads( json.dumps(self.sheet_content, default=json_converter)) #add a way of gathering all of the page names V self.page_selection_list = [ property_name for property_name in self.json_data ] self.page_selection_iter = iter(self.page_selection_list) self.page_content = {} for property_name in self.json_data: page = next(self.page_selection_iter) self.page_content[page] = [ property_value if property_value != [] else None for property_value in self.json_data[property_name] ] print(self.pages) if page in self.pages: self.table_extract(self.page_content[page], False)
def read_spreadsheet(request): spreadsheet_filename = os.path.join( settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'NYS Drop Box Locations 2017-01-31.xlsx') data = get_data(spreadsheet_filename) datadict = {} i = 0 for sheet in data.keys(): print('DEBUG ', data[sheet][0]) for item in data[sheet]: i += 1 print('\tDEBUG item=', item) datadict[i] = { 'location_name': item[0], 'street_address': item[1], 'city': item[2], 'zip': item[3], 'borough': item[4], 'county': item[5] } Place.objects.create( location_name=item[0], street_address=item[1], city=item[2], zip=item[3], borough=item[4], county=item[5], ) print('DEBUG datadict={}'.format(datadict)) return redirect('/admin/location/place/')
def parse_xl_file(config, xl_file): genotype_data = {} data = pyexcel_xlsx.get_data(xl_file) data = data.get('HaploView_ped_0') # sheet name # getting list of lists header = data[0] data = data[1:] for row in data: # row[1] is always sample name. If doesn't match NGI format - skip. if len(row) == 0: continue if not re.match(r"^ID\d+-P\d+_\d+", row[1]): continue # sample has format ID22-P2655_176 sample_id = row[1].split('-')[-1] # if the same sample occurs twice in the same file, will be overwriten if sample_id not in genotype_data: genotype_data[sample_id] = {} else: log.warning('Sample {} has been already parsed from another (or this) file. Overwriting'.format(sample_id)) # rs positions start from 9 element. hopefully the format won't change for rs_id in header[9:]: rs_index = header.index(rs_id) allele1, allele2 = row[rs_index].split() genotype_data[sample_id][rs_id] = [allele1, allele2] return genotype_data
def parse_xl_file(config, xl_file): genotype_data = {} data = pyexcel_xlsx.get_data(xl_file) data = data.get('HaploView_ped_0') # sheet name # getting list of lists header = data[0] data = data[1:] for row in data: # row[1] is always sample name. If doesn't match NGI format - skip. if len(row) == 0: continue if not re.match(r"^ID\d+-P\d+_\d+", row[1]): continue # sample has format ID22-P2655_176 sample_id = row[1].split('-')[-1] # if the same sample occurs twice in the same file, will be overwriten if sample_id not in genotype_data: genotype_data[sample_id] = {} else: log.warning( 'Sample {} has been already parsed from another (or this) file. Overwriting' .format(sample_id)) # rs positions start from 9 element. hopefully the format won't change for rs_id in header[9:]: rs_index = header.index(rs_id) allele1, allele2 = row[rs_index].split() genotype_data[sample_id][rs_id] = [allele1, allele2] return genotype_data
def saveStats(self): data = get_data(self.currFile) save_data(self.oldFile, data) namesDict = {} for i in range(1, 5): namesDict[data['cricStats'][i][0]] = i strings = ['BatArchives', 'BatArchives', 'BowlArchives'] for i in range(len(strings)): len1 = len(data[strings[i]][0]) el = [] for j in range(len1): el.append('') data[strings[i]].append(el) for i in range(self.noOfInnings): data = self.innings[i].writeStats(data, namesDict, self.batsmanNames[i], self.bowlerNames[i]) save_data(self.currFile, data) saveData = messagebox.showinfo("Stats Info", "Stats saved succesfully!!!!") self.lead = self.innings[0].retScore() - self.innings[1].retScore() if self.selected.get() == 1 and self.inningsCount == 0: self.window2 = Toplevel() self.window2.title("Innings-2") self.window2.geometry('1350x1200') self.clickedStartMatch(False) self.runsButtons(17, self.window2) self.inningsCount += 1 self.window2.mainloop() self.window2.destroy() self.window1.destroy()
def test_exploration(): data = get_data( get_fixture("merged-sheet-exploration.xlsx"), detect_merged_cells=True, library="pyexcel-xlsx", ) expected_sheet1 = [ [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [2], [2], [2], [2], [2], [2], [2], [2], [2], ] eq_(data["Sheet1"], expected_sheet1) expected_sheet2 = [[3], [3], [3], [3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4], [3], [3], [3]] eq_(data["Sheet2"], expected_sheet2) expected_sheet3 = [ ["", "", "", "", "", 2, 2, 2], [], [], [], ["", "", "", 5], ["", "", "", 5], ["", "", "", 5], ["", "", "", 5], ["", "", "", 5], ] eq_(data["Sheet3"], expected_sheet3)
def karnofsky_to_db(): """Convert qol data to database """ conn = sqlite3.connect(util.DB_PATH) cursor = conn.cursor() data = pyexcel_xlsx.get_data('/home/dahoiv/disk/data/Segmentations/siste_runde_hgg/Indexverdier_atlas_250117.xlsx')['Ark3'] try: conn.execute("alter table QualityOfLife add column 'karnofsky' 'INTEGER'") except sqlite3.OperationalError: pass k = 0 for row in data: k = k + 1 if not row: continue if k < 3: continue print(row) try: float(row[0]) except ValueError: continue cursor.execute('''UPDATE QualityOfLife SET karnofsky = ? WHERE pid = ?''', (row[1], row[0])) conn.commit() cursor.close() conn.close()
def test_merged_cells(): data = get_data( get_fixture("merged-cell-sheet.xlsx"), detect_merged_cells=True, library="pyexcel-xlsx", ) expected = [[1, 2, 3], [1, 5, 6], [1, 8, 9], [10, 11, 11]] eq_(data["Sheet1"], expected)
def qol_to_db(data_type): """Convert qol data to database """ conn = sqlite3.connect(util.DB_PATH) cursor = conn.cursor() # cursor.executescript('drop table if exists QualityOfLife;') # cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE "QualityOfLife" ( # `id` INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT UNIQUE, # `pid` INTEGER NOT NULL, # 'Index_value' REAL, # 'Global_index' INTEGER, # 'Mobility' INTEGER, # 'Selfcare' INTEGER, # 'Activity' INTEGER, # 'Pain' INTEGER, # 'Anxiety' INTEGER, # FOREIGN KEY(`pid`) REFERENCES `Patient`(`pid`))''') data = pyexcel_xlsx.get_data('/mnt/dokumneter/data/Segmentations/Indexverdier_atlas.xlsx')['Ark2'] for row in data[4:]: print(row) if not row: continue if data_type == "gbm": idx1 = 1 idx2 = 0 idx3 = 7 elif data_type == "lgg": idx1 = 12 idx2 = 11 idx3 = 18 if len(row) < idx3 - 1: continue if row[idx1] is None: gl_idx = None elif row[idx1] > 0.85: gl_idx = 1 elif row[idx1] > 0.50: gl_idx = 2 else: gl_idx = 3 val = [None]*7 idx = 0 for _val in row[idx2:idx3]: val[idx] = _val idx += 1 cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO QualityOfLife(pid, Index_value, Global_index, Mobility, Selfcare, Activity, Pain, Anxiety) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)''', (val[0], val[1], gl_idx, val[2], val[3], val[4], val[5], val[6])) conn.commit() cursor.close() conn.close()
def get_convert_table(path): """Open xls file and read new pid""" xls_data = pyexcel_xlsx.get_data(path) convert_table = {} data = xls_data['Ark1'] for row in data: if not row: continue pid = str(row[0]) case_id = str(row[1]) convert_table[case_id] = pid return convert_table
def registerBulkProduct(tableName,fileName): try: records = get_data(fileName) i = 1 while i < len(records) and i<11: product = {'product_name':records[i][0], 'Actual_Price':records[i][1], 'TMS_Price':records[i][2], 'Shop_Name': tableName, '_id':''} i=i+1 reply= registerProduct('TMS', tableName, str(json.dumps(product))) #if reply == 'Registered' and pid: #ProductImagePath(pid) gc.collect() return 'Registered' except Exception as e: return str(e) return 'Unable to Register', '[]'
def test_complex_merged_cells(): data = get_data( get_fixture("complex-merged-cells-sheet.xlsx"), detect_merged_cells=True, library="pyexcel-xlsx", ) expected = [ [1, 1, 2, 3, 15, 16, 22, 22, 24, 24], [1, 1, 4, 5, 15, 17, 22, 22, 24, 24], [6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 18, 22, 22, 24, 24], [10, 11, 11, 12, 19, 19, 23, 23, 24, 24], [13, 11, 11, 14, 20, 20, 23, 23, 24, 24], [21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 23, 23, 24, 24], [25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25], [25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25], ] eq_(data["Sheet1"], expected)
import datetime import pytz # fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z' # d ="America/New_York")) # dtz_string = d.strftime(fmt) + ' ' + "America/New_York" # d_string, tz_string = dtz_string.rsplit(' ', 1) # d2 = datetime.datetime.strptime(d_string, fmt) # tz2 = pytz.timezone(tz_string) # print dtz_string # print d2.strftime(fmt) + ' ' + tz_string import pyexcel as pe from pyexcel.ext import xlsx from pyexcel_xlsx import get_data data = get_data("/home/bharathi/EquipmentDetails/Dec.xlsx") print(data)
#from pyexcel.ext import plugin from functools import reduce import os import pyexcel as pe import pyexcel.ext.xls # import it to handle xls file import pyexcel.ext.xlsx # import it to handle xlsx file from pyexcel_xlsx import get_data import json #for rx in range(sh.nrows): # print sh.row(rx) records = get_data("ComparisonMatrix.xlsx") #data = json.loads(records) #print (data[0]) #print (json.dumps(records)) print (records['Sheet1'][0][1]) print (records['Sheet1'][1][2]) sheetAtacante = records['Sheet1'] print(sheetAtacante[1][2]) negatives = ['PerdaPosse','GolSofrido','FaltaCometida', 'CartaoAmarelo','CartaoVermelho','Impedimento','GolSofrido'] positives = ['Jogos','FaltaRecebida','Passe','GolPro','Desarme', 'Finalizacao','Defesa','ViradaJogo','Cruzamento','Drible']