예제 #1
파일: pfsim.py 프로젝트: mraue/pyfact
def sim_evlist(flux=.1,
               loglevel='INFO') :
    # Time it!
    t_1 = time.clock()

    # Configure logging
    numeric_level = getattr(logging, loglevel.upper(), None)
    if not isinstance(numeric_level, int):
        raise ValueError('Invalid log level: %s' % loglevel)
                        format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
                        datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

    # Welcome user, print out basic information on package versions
    logging.info('This is {0} (pyfact v{1})'.format(os.path.split(__file__)[1], pf.__version__))
    logging.info('We are running with numpy v{0}, scipy v{1}, and pyfits v{2}'.format(
        np.__version__, scipy.__version__, pyfits.__version__


    logging.info('Exposure: {0} h'.format(obstime))
    obstime *= 3600. #observation time in seconds
    obj_ra, obj_dec = 0., .5
    pnt_ra, pnt_dec = 0., 0.
    t_min = 24600.

    objcosdec = np.cos(obj_dec * np.pi / 180.)

    # Read ARF, RMF, and extra file

    logging.info('ARF: {0}'.format(arf))
    ea, ea_erange = pf.arf_to_np(pyfits.open(arf)[1])

    # DEBUG
    #ea /= irf_data[:,4]
    rm, rm_erange, rm_ebounds, rm_minprob = None, ea_erange, None, None
    if rmf :
        logging.info('RMF: {0}'.format(rmf))
        rm, rm_erange, rm_ebounds, rm_minprob = pf.rmf_to_np(pyfits.open(rmf))

    if extra :
        logging.info('Extra file: {0}'.format(extra))
        extraf = pyfits.open(extra)
        logging.info('Using effective area with 80% containment from extra file')
        ea = extraf['EA80'].data.field('VAL') / .8 # 100% effective area
        ea_erange = 10. ** np.hstack([extraf['EA80'].data.field('BIN_LO'), extraf['EA80'].data.field('BIN_HI')[-1]])
    else :
        logging.info('Assuming energy independent 80% cut efficiency for ARF file.')
        ea /= .80
    # Signal

    #log_e_cen = (irf_data[:,0] + irf_data[:,1]) / 2.
    e_cen = 10. ** ((np.log10(ea_erange[1:]*ea_erange[:-1])) / 2.)

    ea_loge_step_mean = np.log10(ea_erange[1:]/ea_erange[:-1]).mean().round(4)
    D('ea_loge_step_mean = {0}', ea_loge_step_mean)

    # DEBUG
    #ea_s, e_cen_s = ea, e_cen

    # Resample effective area to increase precision
    if ea_loge_step_mean > .1 :
        elog10step = .05
        logging.info('Resampling effective area in log10(EA) vs log10(E) (elog10step = {0})'.format(elog10step))
        ea_spl = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(e_cen, np.log10(ea), s=0, k=1)
        e_cen = 10. ** np.arange(np.log10(e_cen[0]), np.log10(e_cen[-1]), step=elog10step)
        ea = 10. ** ea_spl(e_cen)
    # DEBUG plot
    #plt.loglog(e_cen_s, ea_s, )
    #plt.loglog(e_cen, ea, '+')

    func_pl = lambda x, p: p[0] * x ** (-p[1])
    flux_f =  lambda x : func_pl(x, (3.45E-11 * flux, 2.63))

    f_test = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(e_cen, ea * flux_f(e_cen) * 1E4, s=0, k=1) # m^2 > cm^2

    log_e_steps = np.log10(rm_erange)

    # Calculate event numbers for the RMF bins
    def get_int_rate(emin, emax) :
        if emin < e_cen[0] or emax > e_cen[-1] :
            return 0.
        else :
            return f_test.integral(emin, emax)
    int_rate = np.array([get_int_rate(10. ** el, 10. ** eh) for (el, eh) in zip(log_e_steps[:-1], log_e_steps[1:])])
    # Sanity
    int_rate[int_rate < 0.] = 0.

    # DEBUG
    #int_rate_s = int_rate

    if rmf :
        D('Photon rate before RM = {0}', np.sum(int_rate))
        # Apply energy distribution matrix
        int_rate = np.dot(int_rate, rm)
        D('Photon rate after RM = {0}', np.sum(int_rate))

    # DEBUG plots
    #plt.semilogy(log_e_steps[:-1], int_rate_s, 'o', label='PRE RMF')
    ##plt.plot(log_e_steps[:-1], int_rate_s, 'o', label='PRE RMF')
    #if rmf :
    #    plt.semilogy(np.log10(rm_ebounds[:-1]), int_rate, '+', label='POST RMF')

    # Calculate cumulative event numbers
    int_all = np.sum(int_rate)
    int_rate = np.cumsum(int_rate)

    if rmf :
        #log_e_steps = (np.log10(rm_ebounds[1:]) + np.log10(rm_ebounds[:-1])) / 2.
        log_e_steps = np.log10(rm_ebounds)

    # Filter out low and high values to avoid spline problems at the edges
    istart = np.sum(int_rate == 0.) - 1
    if istart < 0 :
        istart = 0
    istop = np.sum(int_rate / int_all > 1. - 1e-4) # This value dictates the dynamic range at the high energy end

    D('istart = {0}, istop = {1}', istart, istop)

    # DEBUG plots
    #plt.plot(int_rate[istart:-istop] / int_all, log_e_steps[istart + 1:-istop], '+')

    # DEBUG plots
    #plt.hist(int_rate[istart:-istop] / int_all)

    ev_gen_f = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(
        int_rate[istart:-istop] / int_all,
        log_e_steps[istart + 1:-istop],

    ## DEBUG plot
    #plt.plot(np.linspace(0.,1.,100), ev_gen_f(np.linspace(0.,1.,100)), 'o')

    # Test event generator function
    n_a_t = 100.
    a_t = ev_gen_f(np.linspace(0.,1., n_a_t))
    D('Test ev_gen_f, (v = 0 / #v) = {0}, (v = NaN / #v) = {1}',
      np.sum(a_t == 0.) / n_a_t, np.sum(np.isnan(a_t)) / n_a_t)

    if (np.sum(a_t == 0.) / n_a_t > 0.05) or (np.sum(np.isnan(a_t)) / n_a_t > .05) :
        raise Exception('Could not generate event generator function for photons. Try to decrease the upper cut-off value in the code.')

    # Calculate total number of photon events
    n_events = int_all * obstime

    logging.debug('Number of photons : {0}'.format(n_events))

    # Generate energy event list
    evlist_e = ev_gen_f(np.random.rand(n_events))
    # Sanity
    D('Number of photons with E = NaN : {0}', np.sum(np.isnan(evlist_e)))
    evlist_e[np.isnan(evlist_e)] = 0.

    ## DEBUG plot
    #plt.hist(evlist_e, range=[-2.,2.], bins=20)

    # Apply PSF

    # Broken power law fit function, normalized at break energy
    bpl = lambda p,x : np.where(x < p[0], p[1] * (x / p[0]) ** -p[2],  p[1] * (x / p[0]) ** -p[3])
    evlist_psf = None
    if extra :
        d = extraf['ANGRES68'].data
        g = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline((d.field('BIN_LO') + d.field('BIN_HI')) / 2., d.field('VAL'), s=0, k=1)
        evlist_psf = g(evlist_e)
    else :
        psf_p1 = [1.1, 5.5E-2, .42, .19] # Fit from SubarrayE_IFAE_50hours_20101102
        evlist_psf = bpl(psf_p1, 10. ** evlist_e)
        logging.warning('Using dummy PSF extracted from SubarrayE_IFAE_50hours_20101102')
    evlist_dec = obj_dec + np.random.randn(n_events) * evlist_psf
    evlist_ra =  obj_ra + np.random.randn(n_events) * evlist_psf / objcosdec

    evlist_t = t_min + obstime * np.random.rand(n_events) / 86400.

    # Background


    p_rate_area, log_e_cen = None, None
    if extra :
        d = extraf['BGRATED'].data
        p_rate_area = d.field('VAL')
        log_e_cen = (d.field('BIN_LO') + d.field('BIN_HI')) / 2
        #g = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline((d.field('BIN_LO') + d.field('BIN_HI')) / 2., d.field('VAL'), s=0, k=1)
    else :        
        logging.warning('Using dummy background rate extracted from SubarrayE_IFAE_50hours_20101102')
        bgrate_p1 = [9., 5.E-4, 1.44, .49] # Fit from SubarrayE_IFAE_50hours_20101102
        log_e_cen = np.linspace(-1.5, 2., 35.)
        p_rate_area = bpl(bgrate_p1, 10. ** log_e_cen)
        p_rate_area[log_e_cen < -1.] = .4

    # DEBUG plot
    plt.semilogy(log_e_cen, p_rate_area)

    p_rate_total = np.sum(p_rate_area)

    ev_gen_f = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(
        np.cumsum(p_rate_area) / np.sum(p_rate_area),

    cam_acc = lambda p, x: p[0] * x ** 0. * (1. + (x / p[1]) ** p[2]) ** ((0. + p[3]) / p[2])
    cam_acc_par = (1.,1.7, 6., -5.5)

    r_steps = np.linspace(0.001, 4., 150)
    int_cam_acc = np.zeros(150)
    for i, r in enumerate(r_steps) :
        int_cam_acc[i] = scipy.integrate.quad(lambda x: cam_acc(cam_acc_par, x) * x * 2. * np.pi, 0., r)[0]

    n_events_bg = int(p_rate_total * obstime * int_cam_acc[-1])

    logging.debug('Number of protons : {0}'.format(n_events_bg))

    tplt_multi = 5
    evlist_bg_e = ev_gen_f(np.random.rand(n_events_bg * (tplt_multi + 1)))

    ev_gen_f2 = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(
        int_cam_acc / scipy.integrate.quad(lambda x: cam_acc(cam_acc_par, x) * 2. * x * np.pi, 0., 4.)[0],

    evlist_bg_r = ev_gen_f2(np.random.rand(n_events_bg * (tplt_multi + 1)))

    r_max = 4.
    #evlist_bg_r = np.sqrt(np.random.rand(n_events_bg * (tplt_multi + 1))) * r_max
    rnd = np.random.rand(n_events_bg * (1 + tplt_multi))
    evlist_bg_rx = np.sqrt(rnd) * evlist_bg_r * np.where(np.random.randint(2, size=(n_events_bg * (tplt_multi + 1))) == 0, -1., 1.)
    evlist_bg_ry = np.sqrt(1. - rnd) * evlist_bg_r * np.where(np.random.randint(2, size=(n_events_bg * (tplt_multi + 1))) == 0, -1., 1.)

    #evlist_bg_sky_r = np.sqrt(np.random.rand(n_events_bg * (tplt_multi + 1))) * r_max
    #evlist_bg_sky_r = ev_gen_f2(np.random.rand(n_events_bg * (tplt_multi + 1)))
    rnd = np.random.rand(n_events_bg * (tplt_multi + 1))
    evlist_bg_ra = np.sin(2. * np.pi * rnd) * evlist_bg_r / objcosdec
    evlist_bg_dec = np.cos(2. * np.pi * rnd)  * evlist_bg_r

    #plt.hist(evlist_bg_rx ** 2. + evlist_bg_ry**2., bins=50)

    #print float(n_events_bg * (tplt_multi + 1)) / np.sum(p_rate_area) / 86400.
    evlist_bg_t = t_min + obstime *  np.random.rand(n_events_bg * (tplt_multi + 1)) / 86400.

    # Plots & debug

    objra, objdec = 0., 0.
    H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(
        np.append(evlist_bg_dec, evlist_dec),
        np.append(evlist_bg_ra, evlist_ra),
        bins=[100, 100],
        range=[[objra - 3., objra + 3.], [objdec - 3., objdec + 3.]]
    extent = [yedges[0], yedges[-1], xedges[-1], xedges[0]]
    plt.imshow(H, extent=extent, interpolation='nearest')
    cb = plt.colorbar()
    cb.set_label('Number of events')

    plt.xlabel('RA (deg)')
    plt.ylabel('Dec (deg)')

    test_r = np.sqrt(evlist_bg_ra ** 2. + evlist_bg_dec ** 2.)
    logging.debug('Number of BG events in a circle of area 1 deg^2 = {0}'.format(np.sum(test_r[0:n_events_bg] < np.sqrt(1. / np.pi))))
    logging.debug('Expected number of BG event per area 1 deg^2 = {0}'.format(p_rate_total * obstime))

    obj_r = np.sqrt(((obj_ra - evlist_ra) / objcosdec) ** 2. + (obj_dec - evlist_dec) ** 2.)

    thetamax_on, thetamax_off = .1, .22
    non = np.sum(obj_r < thetamax_on) + np.sum(test_r[0:n_events_bg] < thetamax_on)
    noff = np.sum(test_r[0:n_events_bg] < thetamax_off)
    alpha = thetamax_on ** 2. / thetamax_off ** 2.

    logging.info('N_ON = {0}, N_OFF = {1}, ALPHA = {2}, SIGN = {3}'.format(
        non, noff, alpha, pf.get_li_ma_sign(non, noff, alpha)))

    plt.hist(obj_r ** 2., bins=30)

    # Output to file
    if output_filename_base:
        logging.info('Writing eventlist to file {0}.eventlist.fits'.format(output_filename_base))
        newtable = pyfits.new_table(
                pyfits.Column(name='TIME', format='1E', unit='deg', array=np.append(evlist_t, evlist_bg_t)),
                pyfits.Column(name='RA', format='1E', unit='deg', array=np.append(evlist_ra, evlist_bg_ra)),
                pyfits.Column(name='DEC', format='1E', unit='deg', array=np.append( evlist_dec, evlist_bg_dec)),
                pyfits.Column(name='DETX', format='1E', unit='deg', array=np.append(np.zeros(n_events), evlist_bg_rx)),
                pyfits.Column(name='DETY', format='1E', unit='deg', array=np.append(np.ones(n_events) * .5, evlist_bg_ry)),
                pyfits.Column(name='ENERGY', format='1E', unit='tev', array=10. ** np.append(evlist_e,evlist_bg_e)),
                pyfits.Column(name='HIL_MSW', format='1E', array=np.append(np.zeros(n_events + n_events_bg),
                                                                           5. * np.ones(n_events_bg * tplt_multi))),
                pyfits.Column(name='HIL_MSL', format='1E', array=np.append(np.zeros(n_events + n_events_bg),
                                                                           5. * np.ones(n_events_bg * tplt_multi))) 
        #newtable = pyfits.new_table(coldefs_new)
        dstart = datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 1, 0, 0) # date/time of start of the first observation
        dstop = dstart + datetime.timedelta(seconds=obstime) # date/time of end of the last observation
        dbase = datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 1)

        hdr = newtable.header
        hdr.update('RA_OBJ' , obj_ra, 'Target position RA [deg]')
        hdr.update('DEC_OBJ', obj_dec, 'Target position dec [deg]')
        hdr.update('RA_PNT', pnt_ra, 'Observation position RA [deg]')
        hdr.update('DEC_PNT', pnt_dec, 'Observation position dec [deg]')
        hdr.update('EQUINOX ', 2000.0, 'Equinox of the object')
        hdr.update('RADECSYS', 'FK5', 'Co-ordinate frame used for equinox')
        hdr.update('CREATOR', 'pfsim v{0}'.format(pf.__version__) , 'Program')
        hdr.update('DATE', datetime.datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'FITS file creation date (yyyy-mm-dd)')
        hdr.update('TELESCOP', 'CTASIM', 'Instrument name')
        hdr.update('EXTNAME', 'EVENTS' , 'HESARC standard')
        hdr.update('DATE_OBS', dstart.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'Obs. start date (yy-mm-dd)')
        hdr.update('TIME_OBS', dstart.strftime('%H:%M:%S'), 'Obs. start time (hh:mm::ss)')
        hdr.update('DATE_END', dstop.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'Obs. stop date (yy-mm-dd)')
        hdr.update('TIME_END', dstop.strftime('%H:%M:%S'), 'Obs. stop time (hh:mm::ss)')
        hdr.update('TSTART', 0., 'Mission time of start of obs [s]')
        hdr.update('TSTOP', obstime, 'Mission time of end of obs [s]')
        hdr.update('MJDREFI', int(pf.date_to_mjd(dstart)), 'Integer part of start MJD [s] ')
        hdr.update('MJDREFF', pf.date_to_mjd(dstart) - int(pf.date_to_mjd(dstart)), 'Fractional part of start MJD')
        hdr.update('TIMEUNIT', 'days' , 'Time unit of MJD')
        hdr.update('TIMESYS', 'TT', 'Terrestrial Time')
        hdr.update('TIMEREF', 'local', '')
        hdr.update('TELAPSE', obstime, 'Diff of start and end times')
        hdr.update('ONTIME', obstime, 'Tot good time (incl deadtime)') # No deadtime assumed
        hdr.update('LIVETIME', obstime, 'Deadtime=ONTIME/LIVETIME') # No deadtime assumed
        hdr.update('DEADC', 1., 'Deadtime fraction') # No deadtime assumed
        hdr.update('TIMEDEL', 1., 'Time resolution')
        hdr.update('EUNIT', 'TeV', 'Energy unit')
        hdr.update('EVTVER', 'v1.0.0', 'Event-list version number')
        #hdr.update('', , '')

        # Write eventlist to file

        if write_pha :
            logging.info('Writing PHA to file {0}.pha.fits'.format(output_filename_base))
            # Prepare data
            dat, t = np.histogram(10. ** evlist_e, bins=rm_ebounds)
            dat = np.array(dat, dtype=float)
            dat_err = np.sqrt(dat)
            chan = np.arange(len(dat))
            # Data to PHA
            tbhdu = pf.np_to_pha(counts=dat, stat_err=dat_err, channel=chan, exposure=obstime, obj_ra=obj_ra, obj_dec=obj_dec,
                                 quality=np.where((dat == 0), 1, 0),
                                 dstart=dstart, dstop=dstop, dbase=dbase, creator='pfsim', version=pf.__version__,
            tbhdu.header.update('ANCRFILE', os.path.basename(arf), 'Ancillary response file (ARF)')
            if rmf :
                tbhdu.header.update('RESPFILE', os.path.basename(rmf), 'Redistribution matrix file (RMF)')

            # Write PHA to file

    # Time it!
    t_2 = time.clock()
    logging.info('Execution took {0}'.format(pf.get_nice_time(t_2 - t_1)))

    logging.info('Thank you for choosing {0}. Have a great day!'.format(os.path.split(__file__)[1]))

    if do_graphical_output:
예제 #2
파일: fits.py 프로젝트: mraue/pyfact
def np_to_pha(channel, counts, exposure, dstart, dstop, dbase=None, stat_err=None, quality=None, syserr=None,
              obj_ra=0., obj_dec=0., obj_name='DUMMY', creator='DUMMY',
              version='v0.0.0', telescope='DUMMY', instrument='DUMMY', filter_='NONE') :
    Create PHA FITS table extension from numpy arrays.

    dat : numpy 1D array float
        Binned spectral data [counts]
    dat_err : numpy 1D array float
        Statistical errors associated with dat [counts]
    chan : numpu 1D array int
        Corresponding channel numbers for dat
    exposure : float
        Exposure [s]
    dstart : datetime
        Observation start time.
    dstop : datetime
        Observation stop time.
    dbase : datetime
        Base date used for TSTART/TSTOP.
    quality : numpy 1D array integer
        Quality flags for the channels (optional)
    syserr : numpy 1D array float
        Fractional systematic error for the channel (optional)
    obj_ra/obj_dec : float
        Object RA/DEC J2000 [deg]

    For more info on the PHA FITS file format see:
    # Create PHA FITS table extension from data
    cols = [pyfits.Column(name='CHANNEL',

    if stat_err is not None :
    if syserr is not None :

    if quality is not None :

    tbhdu = pyfits.new_table(cols)

    tbhdu.header.update('EXTNAME ', 'SPECTRUM', 'name of this binary table extension')
    tbhdu.header.update('TELESCOP', telescope, 'Telescope (mission) name')
    tbhdu.header.update('INSTRUME', instrument, 'Instrument name')
    tbhdu.header.update('FILTER  ', filter_, 'Instrument filter in use')
    tbhdu.header.update('EXPOSURE', exposure, 'Exposure time')

    tbhdu.header.update('BACKFILE', 'none', 'Background FITS file')
    tbhdu.header.update('CORRFILE', 'none', 'Correlation FITS file')
    tbhdu.header.update('RESPFILE', 'none', 'Redistribution matrix file (RMF)')
    tbhdu.header.update('ANCRFILE', 'none', 'Ancillary response file (ARF)')

    tbhdu.header.update('HDUCLASS', 'OGIP', 'Format conforms to OGIP/GSFC spectral standards')
    tbhdu.header.update('HDUCLAS1', 'SPECTRUM', 'Extension contains a spectrum')
    tbhdu.header.update('HDUVERS ', '1.2.1', 'Version number of the format')

    poisserr = False
    if stat_err is None :
        poisserr = True
    tbhdu.header.update('POISSERR', poisserr, 'Are Poisson Distribution errors assumed')

    tbhdu.header.update('CHANTYPE', 'PHA', 'Channels assigned by detector electronics')
    tbhdu.header.update('DETCHANS', len(channel), 'Total number of detector channels available')
    tbhdu.header.update('TLMIN1  ', channel[0], 'Lowest Legal channel number')
    tbhdu.header.update('TLMAX1  ', channel[-1], 'Highest Legal channel number')

    tbhdu.header.update('XFLT0001', 'none', 'XSPEC selection filter description')
    tbhdu.header.update('OBJECT  ', obj_name, 'OBJECT from the FIRST input file')
    tbhdu.header.update('RA-OBJ  ', obj_ra, 'RA of First input object')
    tbhdu.header.update('DEC-OBJ ', obj_dec, 'DEC of First input object')
    tbhdu.header.update('EQUINOX ', 2000.00, 'Equinox of the FIRST object')
    tbhdu.header.update('RADECSYS', 'FK5', 'Co-ordinate frame used for equinox')
    tbhdu.header.update('DATE-OBS', dstart.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'EARLIEST observation date of files')
    tbhdu.header.update('TIME-OBS', dstart.strftime('%H:%M:%S'), 'EARLIEST time of all input files')
    tbhdu.header.update('DATE-END', dstop.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'LATEST observation date of files')
    tbhdu.header.update('TIME-END', dstop.strftime('%H:%M:%S'), 'LATEST time of all input files')

    tbhdu.header.update('CREATOR ', '{0} {1}'.format(creator, version), 'Program name that produced this file')

    tbhdu.header.update('HDUCLAS2', 'NET', 'Extension contains a bkgr substr. spec.')
    tbhdu.header.update('HDUCLAS3', 'COUNT', 'Extension contains counts')
    tbhdu.header.update('HDUCLAS4', 'TYPE:I', 'Single PHA file contained')
    tbhdu.header.update('HDUVERS1', '1.2.1', 'Obsolete - included for backwards compatibility')

    if syserr is None :
        tbhdu.header.update('SYS_ERR ', 0, 'No systematic error was specified')

    tbhdu.header.update('GROUPING', 0, 'No grouping data has been specified')

    if quality is None :
        tbhdu.header.update('QUALITY ', 0, 'No data quality information specified')

    tbhdu.header.update('AREASCAL', 1., 'Nominal effective area')
    tbhdu.header.update('BACKSCAL', 1., 'Background scale factor')
    tbhdu.header.update('CORRSCAL', 0., 'Correlation scale factor')

    tbhdu.header.update('FILENAME', 'several', 'Spectrum was produced from more than one file')
    tbhdu.header.update('ORIGIN  ', 'dummy', 'origin of fits file')
    tbhdu.header.update('DATE    ', datetime.datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'FITS file creation date (yyyy-mm-dd)')
    tbhdu.header.update('PHAVERSN', '1992a', 'OGIP memo number for file format')

    if dbase :
        import pyfact as pf
        tbhdu.header.update('TIMESYS ', 'MJD', 'The time system is MJD')
        tbhdu.header.update('TIMEUNIT', 's', 'unit for TSTARTI/F and TSTOPI/F, TIMEZERO')
        tbhdu.header.update('MJDREF  ', pf.date_to_mjd(dbase), '{0:.2f}'.format(dbase.year + (dbase.month - 1.) / 12.
                                                                                + (dbase.day - 1.) / 31.))
        tbhdu.header.update('TSTART  ', (pf.date_to_mjd(dstart) - pf.date_to_mjd(dbase)) * 86400., 'Observation start time [s]')
        tbhdu.header.update('TSTOP   ', (pf.date_to_mjd(dstop) - pf.date_to_mjd(dbase)) * 86400., 'Observation stop time [s]')

    return tbhdu