def test_compare_svd_splusps(self): print('Starting Comparison between Serial SVD and SPLUSPS ..........') case_id, nx, ny = 4, 4, 4 print('Critical Case Selected %i ' % case_id) print('Number of Domain in the X-direction %i ' % nx) print('Number of Domain in the Y-direction %i ' % ny) K_dict, B_dict, f_dict = create_FETI_case(case_id, nx, ny) solver_obj = SerialFETIsolver(K_dict, B_dict, f_dict, pseudoinverse_kargs={ 'method': 'svd', 'tolerance': 1.0E-8 }) start_time = time.time() print('....................................') print('Starting SVD FETI solver ..........') sol_obj = solver_obj.solve() elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print('SVD Solver : Elapsed time : %f ' % elapsed_time) u_dual_svd, lambda_svd, alpha_svd = self.obj_to_array(sol_obj) print('\n\n Starting SPLUSPS FETI solver ..........') solver_obj = SerialFETIsolver(K_dict, B_dict, f_dict, pseudoinverse_kargs={ 'method': 'splusps', 'tolerance': 1.0E-8 }) start_time = time.time() sol_obj_slu = solver_obj.solve() elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print('SPLUSPS Solver : Elapsed time : %f ' % elapsed_time) print('....................................') # check gap using SPLUSPS local solver self.check_interface_gap(sol_obj_slu.u_dict, solver_obj.B_dict) # assembling dual vectors u_dual_slu, lambda_slu, alpha_slu = self.obj_to_array(sol_obj_slu) # compare results norm = np.linalg.norm(u_dual_svd) norm_lambda = np.linalg.norm(lambda_svd) norm_alpha = np.linalg.norm(alpha_svd) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(u_dual_svd / norm, u_dual_slu / norm, decimal=10) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(lambda_svd / norm_lambda, lambda_slu / norm_lambda, decimal=10) print('End Comparison SVD and SPLUSPS FETI solver ..........\n\n')
def test_compare_serial_and_parallel_solver(self, pseudoinverse_kargs={ 'method': 'svd', 'tolerance': 1.0E-8 }): print( 'Starting Comparison between Serial and Parallel FETI solver ..........' ) case_id, nx, ny = 1, 2, 1 print('Critial Case Selected %i ' % case_id) print('Number of Domain in the X-direction %i ' % nx) print('Number of Domain in the Y-direction %i ' % ny) K_dict, B_dict, f_dict = create_FETI_case(case_id, nx, ny) solver_obj = SerialFETIsolver(K_dict, B_dict, f_dict, pseudoinverse_kargs=pseudoinverse_kargs) start_time = time.time() print('Starting Serial FETI solver ..........') sol_obj = solver_obj.solve() elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print('Serial Solver : Elapsed time : %f ' % elapsed_time) u_dual_serial, lambda_serial, alpha_serial = self.obj_to_array(sol_obj) print('\n\n Starting Parallel FETI solver ..........') solver_obj = ParallelFETIsolver( K_dict, B_dict, f_dict, pseudoinverse_kargs=pseudoinverse_kargs) start_time = time.time() sol_obj = solver_obj.solve() elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print('Parallel Solver : Elapsed time : %f ' % elapsed_time) u_dual_parallel, lambda_parallel, alpha_parallel = self.obj_to_array( sol_obj) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(u_dual_serial, u_dual_parallel, decimal=10) np.testing.assert_almost_equal( lambda_serial / np.linalg.norm(lambda_serial), lambda_parallel / np.linalg.norm(lambda_parallel), decimal=10) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(alpha_serial, alpha_parallel, decimal=10) print('End Comparison Serial and Parallel FETI solver ..........\n\n')
def test_elimination_matrix(self): self.setUp() L_target = self.L Lexp_target = self.Lexp solver_obj = SerialFETIsolver(self.K_dict, self.B_dict, self.f_dict) sol_obj = solver_obj.solve() u_dual = np.array([]) u_dict = sol_obj.u_dict lambda_dict = sol_obj.lambda_dict alpha_dict = sol_obj.alpha_dict for domain_id in self.domain_list: u_dual = np.append(u_dual, u_dict[domain_id]) L_calc = solver_obj.manager.assemble_global_L() Lexp_calc = solver_obj.manager.assemble_global_L_exp() n = L_target.shape[0] #testing orthogonality np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(, np.eye(n)) # testing L matrix asseblying method np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.sort(, np.sort(self.u_global))
def test_total_FETI_approach(self): ''' This test incorporate Dirichlet constraint in the Boolean matrix The constraint are considered the 0-th Neighbor F-> |>0 0-----0-----0 0-----0-----0 Dir D1 D2 ''' print('Test Total FETI solver ..........') K1 = np.array([[1, -1], [-1, 1]]) K2 = np.array([[1, -1], [-1, 1]]) B0 = np.array([[-1, 0]]) B1 = np.array([[0, 1]]) B2 = np.array([[-1, 0]]) f1 = np.array([0., 0.]) f2 = np.array([0., 1.]) # Using PyFETI to solve the probrem described above K_dict = {1: K1, 2: K2} B_dict = {1: {(1, 2): B1, (1, 1): B0}, 2: {(2, 1): B2}} f_dict = {1: f1, 2: f2} solver_obj = SerialFETIsolver(K_dict, B_dict, f_dict) solution_obj = solver_obj.solve() u_dual = solution_obj.displacement lambda_ = solution_obj.interface_lambda alpha = solution_obj.alpha solver_obj = ParallelFETIsolver(K_dict, B_dict, f_dict) solution_obj = solver_obj.solve() solver_obj.manager.delete() u_dual_par = solution_obj.displacement lambda_par = solution_obj.interface_lambda alpha_par = solution_obj.alpha np.testing.assert_almost_equal(u_dual, u_dual_par, decimal=10) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(lambda_, lambda_par, decimal=10) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(alpha, alpha_par, decimal=10) print('End Total FETI solver ..........')
def system(u, tol=1.0e-8): global counts f = f_dict = manager.vector2localdict(f, manager.global2local_primal_dofs) feti_obj = SerialFETIsolver(K_dict, B_dict, f_dict, tolerance=tol) solution_obj = feti_obj.solve() u_dict = solution_obj.u_dict counts += 1 return solution_obj.displacement
def system_without_projection(u, tol=1.0e-8): global countswp f = f_dict = manager.vector2localdict(f, manager.global2local_primal_dofs) feti_obj = SerialFETIsolver(K_dict, B_dict, f_dict, tolerance=tol) solution_obj = feti_obj.solve() u_dict = solution_obj.u_dict countswp += 1 return solution_obj.displacement
class FETI_system(): def __init__(self, Z_dict, B_dict, f_dict, tol=1.0e-3, dtype=np.float, dual_interface_algorithm='PCPG'): #f_dict = manager.vector2localdict(f,manager.global2local_primal_dofs) #self.feti_obj = SerialFETIsolver(Z_dict,B_dict,f_dict,tolerance=tol,dtype=np.complex) #self.mapdict = manager.local2global_primal_dofs self.Z_dict = Z_dict self.B_dict = B_dict self.tol = tol self.feti_obj = SerialFETIsolver( self.Z_dict, self.B_dict, f_dict, tolerance=self.tol, dtype=dtype, max_int=100, dual_interface_algorithm=dual_interface_algorithm, pseudoinverse_kargs={ 'method': 'splusps', 'tolerance': 1.0E-12 }) self.dtype = dtype def apply(self, f): f_dict = self.array2dict(f) self.feti_obj.f_dict = f_dict solution_obj = self.feti_obj.solve() u_dict = solution_obj.u_dict return solution_obj.displacement def array2dict(self, v): v_dict = {} for key, posid in mapdict.items(): if v.ndim < 2: v_dict[key] = v[posid] else: v_dict[key] = v[posid, :] return v_dict def dict2array(self, v_dict): v = np.zeros(self.shape[0], dtype=self.dtype) for key, posid in self.mapdict.items(): v[posid] = v_dict[key] return v
def system(u, tol=1.0e-8): f = f_dict = manager.vector2localdict(f, manager.global2local_primal_dofs) feti_obj = SerialFETIsolver(K_dict, B_dict, f_dict, tolerance=tol, pseudoinverse_kargs={ 'method': 'splusps', 'tolerance': 1.0E-8 }) solution_obj = feti_obj.solve() u_dict = solution_obj.u_dict return
def test_simple_bar_problem(self): K1 = np.array([[2., -1.], [-1., 1.]]) K2 = np.array([[1., -1.], [-1., 2.]]) B1 = np.array([[0., 1]]) B2 = np.array([[-1, 0]]) f1 = np.array([0., 0.]) f2 = np.array([0., 1.]) K_dict = {1: K1, 2: K2} B_dict = {1: {(1, 2): B1}, 2: {(2, 1): B2}} f_dict = {1: f1, 2: f2} solver_obj = SerialFETIsolver(K_dict, B_dict, f_dict) solution_obj = solver_obj.solve() u_dual = solution_obj.displacement lambda_ = solution_obj.interface_lambda alpha = solution_obj.alpha u_target = np.array([0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75]) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(u_dual, u_target, decimal=10)
def test_serial_solver(self, precond_type=None): print('Testing Serial FETI solver ..........\n\n') solver_obj = SerialFETIsolver(self.K_dict, self.B_dict, self.f_dict, precond_type=precond_type, tolerance=1E-11) sol_obj = solver_obj.solve() self.postproc(sol_obj) K_dual = sparse.block_diag((self.K_dict[1], self.K_dict[2])) f_dual = np.concatenate((self.f_dict[1].data, self.f_dict[2].data)) u_dual = sol_obj.displacement np.testing.assert_almost_equal(, self.L @ f_dual, decimal=10) u_primal = self.dual2primal(K_dual, u_dual, f_dual, self.L, self.Lexp) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(self.u_global, u_primal, decimal=10) print('end Serial FETI solver ..........\n\n') return u_dual, sol_obj
def test_simple_bar_with_redundante_contraints(self): ''' A simple example with Reduntant Constraints Positive Define Domains ''' K1 = np.array([[2, -1], [-1, 1]]) K2 = np.array([[1, -1], [-1, 2]]) B1 = np.array([[0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1]]) B2 = np.array([[-1, 0], [-1, 0], [-1, 0]]) f1 = np.array([0., 0.]) f2 = np.array([0., 1.]) K_dict = {1: K1, 2: K2} B_dict = {1: {(1, 2): B1}, 2: {(2, 1): B2}} f_dict = {1: f1, 2: f2} solver_obj = SerialFETIsolver(K_dict, B_dict, f_dict) solution_obj = solver_obj.solve() u_dual = solution_obj.displacement lambda_ = solution_obj.interface_lambda alpha = solution_obj.alpha u_target = np.array([0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75]) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(u_dual, u_target, decimal=10)
v_dict, precond_type='Dirichlet') v_id_ = list(s_local.keys())[0] i_id, j_id = v_id_ if j_id < i_id: v_id = (j_id, i_id) sign = 1.0 else: v_id = v_id_ sign = 1.0 d[mapdict[v_id], count] = sign * s_local[v_id_] #d[mapdict[v_id],count] = sign*v/2 count += 1 return d solution = feti_obj1.solve() lambda_target = solution.interface_lambda d = manager.assemble_global_d() e = manager.assemble_e() F = manager.assemble_global_F() G = manager.assemble_G() GGT_inv = sparse.linalg.inv(G @ G.T) P = sparse.linalg.LinearOperator(shape=F.shape, matvec=lambda x: x - G.T @ GGT_inv @ #solve lambda_im lambda_im = G.T @ d_ = d - li = 0.0 * lambda_im
zeros = np.zeros(K1.shape[0]) case = FETIcase_builder(domains_X, domains_Y, K1, zeros, B_local_dict, s, BC_type='G', force_scaling=1.0) K_dict, B_dict, f_dict = case.build_subdomain_matrices() # In[6]: feti_obj = SerialFETIsolver(K_dict, B_dict, f_dict, tolerance=1.0e-6) solution_obj = feti_obj.solve() u_dict = solution_obj.u_dict for i, sysi in enumerate(system_list): sysi.u_output = [u_dict[i + 1]] # In[7]: p0 = 1 fig, ax2 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 3)) for i, sysi in enumerate(system_list): amfe.plot_2D_system_solution(sysi, u_id=0, ax=ax2, factor=p0) delta_ = 1.5 ax2.set_xlim([-delta_, (2.0 + delta_) * width]) ax2.set_ylim([-delta_ * 3, (1.0 + delta_) * heigh])