예제 #1
 def bend(self, amount):
     """Bend the line to the right by a given distance."""
     if amount == 0:
         self.arcthrupoint = None
         return self
     middle = self.p1.midpoint(self.p2)
     nx = (middle.y() - self.p1.y()) / abs(self.p1.distance(middle))
     ny = (self.p1.x() - middle.x()) / abs(self.p1.distance(middle))
     vx = middle.x() - self.p1.x()
     vy = middle.y() - self.p1.y()
     if (vx * ny - vy * nx) > 0:
         nx *= -1
         ny *= -1
     arcpoint = Point(middle.x() + amount * nx, middle.y() + amount * ny)
     if config.getOptions().VDEBUG:
             pyx.path.line(middle.x(), middle.y(), arcpoint.x(),
                           arcpoint.y()), [color.rgb.blue])
     if config.getOptions().DEBUG:
     if config.getOptions().VDEBUG:
             self.getVisiblePath(), [color.rgb.blue])
     return self
예제 #2
 def fracpoint(self, frac):
     Get a new Point representing the point at the given fraction along
     the fundamental line (i.e. no truncation or deformation).
     TODO: Handle units properly.
     p = self.getPath() ## no truncation or deformation
     x, y = p.at(p.begin() + frac * p.arclen())
     return Point(x/defunit, y/defunit)
예제 #3
 def arcThru(self, arcpoint = None, x = None, y = None):
     """Set the point through which this line will arc. Either pass a Point
     or set x, y as floats."""
     if arcpoint is not None:
         self.arcthrupoint = arcpoint
     elif x is not None and y is not None:
         self.arcthrupoint = Point(x, y)
         raise Exception("Tried to set an arcpoint with invalid arguments")
     return self
예제 #4
    def getPath(self):
        """Get the path taken by this line."""
        if self.arcthrupoint is None:
            ## This is a simple straight line
            return pyx.path.path( pyx.path.moveto( *(self.p1.getXY()) ),
                              pyx.path.lineto( *(self.p2.getXY()) ) )
        elif (self.p1.x() == self.p2.x() and self.p1.y() == self.p2.y()):
            ## This is a tadpole-type loop and needs special care;
            ## We shall assume that the arcthrupoint is meant to be
            ## the antipode of the basepoint
            arccenter = self.p1.midpoint(self.arcthrupoint)
            arcradius = self.p1.distance(self.arcthrupoint) / 2.0

            ## TODO Why does a circle work and an arc doesn't?
            cargs = (arccenter.x(), arccenter.y(), arcradius)
            circle = pyx.path.circle(*cargs)
            line = pyx.path.line( self.p1.x(), self.p1.y(), arccenter.x(), arccenter.y())
            if config.getOptions().VDEBUG:
                FeynDiagram.currenDiagram.currentCanvas.stroke(line, [color.rgb.green])
            ass, bs = circle.intersect(line)
            subpaths = circle.split(ass[0])
            cpath = subpaths[0]
            return cpath

            ## or, with an arc...
            arcangle1 = arccenter.arg(self.p1)
            arcangle2 = arccenter.arg(self.p1) + 360
            arcargs = (arccenter.x(), arccenter.y(), arcradius, arcangle1, arcangle2)
            return pyx.path.path( pyx.path.arc(*arcargs) )

            n13, n23 = None, None
            ## Work out line gradients
                n13 = (self.p1.y() - self.arcthrupoint.y()) / (self.p1.x() - self.arcthrupoint.x())
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                if config.getOptions().DEBUG:
                    print("Grad 1 diverges")
                n13 = 1e100

                n23 = (self.p2.y() - self.arcthrupoint.y()) / (self.p2.x() - self.arcthrupoint.x())
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                if config.getOptions().DEBUG:
                    print("Grad 2 diverges")
                n23 = 1e100

            ## If gradients match,
            ## then we have a straight line, so bypass the complexity
            if n13 == n23:
                return pyx.path.path( pyx.path.moveto(*(self.p1.getXY())),
                                      pyx.path.lineto(*(self.p2.getXY())) )

            ## Otherwise work out conjugate gradients and midpoints
            m13, m23 = None, None
                m13 = -1.0 / n13
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                m13 = 1e100
                m23 = -1.0 / n23
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                m23 = 1e100
            mid13 = self.p1.midpoint(self.arcthrupoint)
            mid23 = self.p2.midpoint(self.arcthrupoint)

            ## Line y-intercepts
            c13 = mid13.y() - m13 * mid13.x()
            c23 = mid23.y() - m23 * mid23.x()

            ## Find the centre of the arc
            xcenter =  - (c23 - c13) / (m23 - m13)
            ycenter = m13 * xcenter + c13
            arccenter = Point(xcenter, ycenter)

            ## Get the angles required for drawing the arc
            arcradius = arccenter.distance(self.arcthrupoint)
            arcangle1 = arccenter.arg(self.p1)
            arcangle2 = arccenter.arg(self.p2)
            arcangle3 = arccenter.arg(self.arcthrupoint)
            arcargs = (arccenter.x(), arccenter.y(), arcradius, arcangle1, arcangle2)

            if config.getOptions().DEBUG and arcangle1 == arcangle2:
                print("Arc angles are the same - not drawing anything")

            ## Calculate cross product to determine direction of arc
            vec12 = [self.p2.x()-self.p1.x(), self.p2.y()-self.p1.y(), 0.0]
            vec13 = [self.arcthrupoint.x()-self.p1.x(), self.arcthrupoint.y()-self.p1.y(), 0.0]
            crossproductZcoord = vec12[0]*vec13[1] - vec12[1]*vec13[0]

            if crossproductZcoord < 0:
                return pyx.path.path( pyx.path.moveto(*(self.p1.getXY())),
                return pyx.path.path( pyx.path.moveto(*(self.p1.getXY())),
예제 #5

# tZq production (5FS) - WWZ vertex
fd = FeynDiagram()
# l1 = Label('Lowest Order', x=0, y=2)

pntIn = []
pntOut = []
pntIn.append(Point(-3, +1.5))
pntIn.append(Point(-3, -1.5))
pntOut.append(Point(+3, +1.5))
pntOut.append(Point(+3, -1.5))

vtx = []
vtx.append(Vertex(0, +1.5, mark=CIRCLE, fill=[RED]))
vtx.append(Vertex(0, -1.5, mark=CIRCLE, fill=[RED]))

# Add Z boson on various lines
vtx.append(Vertex(0.5, 0.0, mark=CIRCLE, fill=[RED]))
pntOut.append(Point(+3, 0.0))

draw_fermion(pntIn[0], vtx[0], uCOLOR, r'\Pqu', displacement=+0.2)
draw_fermion(vtx[0], pntOut[0], dCOLOR, r'\Pqd', displacement=+0.2)
draw_boson(vtx[2], vtx[0], pCOLOR, r'\PW')