예제 #1
파일: builtins.py 프로젝트: lhoekenga/pyFF
def _filter(req, *opts):
    Refines the working document by applying a filter. The filter expression is a subset of the
    select semantics and syntax:

.. code-block:: yaml

    - filter:
        - "!//md:EntityDescriptor[md:SPSSODescriptor]"
        - "https://idp.example.com/shibboleth"

    This would select all SPs and any entity with entityID "https://idp.example.com/shibboleth"
    from the current working document and return as the new working document. Filter also supports
    the "as <alias>" construction from select allowing new synthetic collections to be created
    from filtered documents.

    if req.t is None:
        raise PipeException(
            "Unable to filter on an empty document - use select first")

    alias = False
    if len(opts) > 0:
        if opts[0] != 'as' and len(opts) == 1:
            name = opts[0]
            alias = True
        if opts[0] == 'as' and len(opts) == 2:
            name = opts[1]
            alias = True

    name = req.plumbing.id
    args = req.args
    if args is None or not args:
        args = []

    def _find(member):
        return req.md.find(req.t, member)

    ot = req.md.entity_set(args, name, lookup_fn=_find, copy=False)
    if alias:
        nfo = dict(Status='default', Description="Synthetic collection")
        n = req.md.store.update(ot, name)
        nfo['Size'] = str(n)
        set_metadata_info(name, nfo)

    req.t = None

    if ot is None:
        raise PipeException("empty filter - stop")

    # print "filter returns %s" % [e for e in iter_entities(ot)]
    return ot
예제 #2
파일: builtins.py 프로젝트: lhoekenga/pyFF
def publish(req, *opts):
Publish the working document in XML form.

:param req: The request
:param opts: Options (unused)
:return: None

 Publish takes one argument: path to a file where the document tree will be written.


.. code-block:: yaml

    - publish: /tmp/idp.xml

    if req.t is None:
        raise PipeException("Empty document submitted for publication")

    if req.args is None:
        raise PipeException("publish must specify output")

    except DocumentInvalid as ex:
        raise PipeException("XML schema validation failed")

    output_file = None
    if type(req.args) is dict:
        output_file = req.args.get("output", None)
        output_file = req.args[0]
    if output_file is not None:
        output_file = output_file.strip()
        log.debug("publish {}".format(output_file))
        resource_name = output_file
        m = re.match(FILESPEC_REGEX, output_file)
        if m:
            output_file = m.group(1)
            resource_name = m.group(2)
        log.debug("output_file={}, resource_name={}".format(
            output_file, resource_name))
        out = output_file
        if os.path.isdir(output_file):
            out = "{}.xml".format(os.path.join(output_file, req.id))
        safe_write(out, dumptree(req.t))
            req.t, tid=resource_name
        )  # TODO maybe this is not the right thing to do anymore
    return req.t
예제 #3
파일: builtins.py 프로젝트: lhoekenga/pyFF
def stats(req, *opts):
Display statistics about the current working document.

:param req: The request
:param opts: Options (unused)
:return: always returns the unmodified working document


.. code-block:: yaml

    - stats

    print("total size:     {:d}".format(req.md.store.size()))
    if not hasattr(req.t, 'xpath'):
        raise PipeException("Unable to call stats on non-XML")

    if req.t is not None:
        print("selected:       {:d}".format(
            len(req.t.xpath("//md:EntityDescriptor", namespaces=NS))))
        print("          idps: {:d}".format(
        print("           sps: {:d}".format(
    return req.t
예제 #4
파일: builtins.py 프로젝트: lhoekenga/pyFF
def _setattr(req, *opts):
Sets entity attributes on the working document

:param req: The request
:param opts: Options (not used)
:return: A modified working document

Transforms the working document by setting the specified attribute on all of the EntityDescriptor
elements of the active document.


.. code-block:: yaml

    - setattr:
        attr1: value1
        attr2: value2

Normally this would be combined with the 'merge' feature of fork to add attributes to the working
document for later processing.
    if req.t is None:
        raise PipeException("Your pipeline is missing a select statement.")

    for e in iter_entities(req.t):
        # log.debug("setting %s on %s" % (req.args,e.get('entityID')))
        req.md.set_entity_attributes(e, req.args)

    return req.t
예제 #5
파일: builtins.py 프로젝트: lhoekenga/pyFF
def first(req, *opts):
If the working document is a single EntityDescriptor, strip the outer EntitiesDescriptor element and return it.

:param req: The request
:param opts: Options (unused)
:return: returns the first entity descriptor if the working document only contains one

Sometimes (eg when running an MDX pipeline) it is usually expected that if a single EntityDescriptor is being returned
then the outer EntitiesDescriptor is stripped. This method does exactly that:
    if req.t is None:
        raise PipeException("Your pipeline is missing a select statement.")

    gone = object()  # sentinel
    entities = iter_entities(req.t)
    one = next(entities, gone)
    if one is gone:
        return req.t  # empty tree - return it as is

    two = next(entities,
               gone)  # one EntityDescriptor in tree - return just that one
    if two is gone:
        return one

    return req.t
예제 #6
파일: builtins.py 프로젝트: lhoekenga/pyFF
def _reginfo(req, *opts):
Sets registration info extension on EntityDescription element

:param req: The request
:param opts: Options (not used)
:return: A modified working document

Transforms the working document by setting the specified attribute on all of the EntityDescriptor
elements of the active document.


.. code-block:: yaml

    - reginfo:
            <lang>: <registration policy URL>]
       authority: <registrationAuthority URL>
    if req.t is None:
        raise PipeException("Your pipeline is missing a select statement.")

    for e in iter_entities(req.t):
        req.md.set_reginfo(e, **req.args)

    return req.t
예제 #7
파일: builtins.py 프로젝트: lhoekenga/pyFF
def emit(req, ctype="application/xml", *opts):
Returns a UTF-8 encoded representation of the working tree.

:param req: The request
:param ctype: The mimetype of the response.
:param opts: Options (not used)
:return: unicode data

Renders the working tree as text and sets the digest of the tree as the ETag. If the tree has already been rendered as
text by an earlier step the text is returned as utf-8 encoded unicode. The mimetype (ctype) will be set in the
Content-Type HTTP response header.


.. code-block:: yaml

    - emit application/xml:
    - break
    if req.t is None:
        raise PipeException("Your pipeline is missing a select statement.")

    d = req.t
    if hasattr(d, 'getroot') and hasattr(d.getroot, '__call__'):
        nd = d.getroot()
        if nd is None:
            d = str(d)
            d = nd

    if hasattr(d, 'tag'):
        d = dumptree(d)

    if d is not None:
        m = hashlib.sha1()
        req.state['headers']['ETag'] = m.hexdigest()
        raise PipeException("Empty")

    req.state['headers']['Content-Type'] = ctype
    return unicode(d.decode('utf-8')).encode("utf-8")
예제 #8
파일: builtins.py 프로젝트: lhoekenga/pyFF
def store(req, *opts):
Save the working document as separate files

:param req: The request
:param opts: Options (unused)
:return: always returns the unmodified working document
Split the working document into EntityDescriptor-parts and save in directory/sha1(@entityID).xml. Note that
this does not erase files that may already be in the directory. If you want a "clean" directory, remove it
before you call store.
    if req.t is None:
        raise PipeException("Your pipeline is missing a select statement.")

    if not req.args:
        raise PipeException("store requires an argument")

    target_dir = None
    if type(req.args) is dict:
        target_dir = req.args.get('directory', None)
        target_dir = req.args[0]

    if target_dir is not None:
        if not os.path.isdir(target_dir):
        for e in iter_entities(req.t):
            eid = e.get('entityID')
            if eid is None or len(eid) == 0:
                raise PipeException("Missing entityID in %s" % e)
            m = hashlib.sha1()
            d = m.hexdigest()
            safe_write("%s.xml" % os.path.join(target_dir, d),
                       dumptree(e, pretty_print=True))
    return req.t
예제 #9
파일: builtins.py 프로젝트: lhoekenga/pyFF
def xslt(req, *opts):
Transform the working document using an XSLT file.

:param req: The request
:param opts: Options (unused)
:return: the transformation result

Apply an XSLT stylesheet to the working document. The xslt pipe takes a set of keyword arguments. The only required
argument is 'stylesheet' which identifies the xslt resource. This is looked up either in the package or as a
user-supplied file. The rest of the keyword arguments are made available as string parameters to the XSLT transform.


.. code-block:: yaml

    - xslt:
        sylesheet: foo.xsl
        x: foo
        y: bar
    if req.t is None:
        raise PipeException("Your plumbing is missing a select statement.")

    stylesheet = req.args.get('stylesheet', None)
    if stylesheet is None:
        raise PipeException("xslt requires stylesheet")

    params = dict((k, "\'%s\'" % v) for (k, v) in req.args.items())
    del params['stylesheet']
        return xslt_transform(req.t, stylesheet, params)
        # log.debug(ot)
    except Exception as ex:
        raise ex
예제 #10
파일: builtins.py 프로젝트: lhoekenga/pyFF
def pick(req, *opts):
Select a set of EntityDescriptor elements as a working document but don't validate it.

:param req: The request
:param opts: Options (unused)
:return: returns the result of the operation as a working document

Useful for testing. See py:mod:`pyff.pipes.builtins.pick` for more information about selecting the document.
    args = _select_args(req)
    ot = req.md.entity_set(args, req.plumbing.id, validate=False)
    if ot is None:
        raise PipeException("empty select '%s' - stop" % ",".join(args))
    return ot
예제 #11
파일: builtins.py 프로젝트: lhoekenga/pyFF
def discojson(req, *opts):
Return a discojuice-compatible json representation of the tree

:param req: The request
:param opts: Options (unusued)
:return: returns a JSON array

    if req.t is None:
        raise PipeException("Your pipeline is missing a select statement.")

    res = [req.md.discojson(e) for e in iter_entities(req.t)]

    return json.dumps(res)
예제 #12
파일: builtins.py 프로젝트: lhoekenga/pyFF
def info(req, *opts):
Dumps the working document on stdout. Useful for testing.

:param req: The request
:param opts: Options (unused)
:return: None

    if req.t is None:
        raise PipeException("Your pipeline is missing a select statement.")

    for e in req.t.xpath("//md:EntityDescriptor",
    return req.t
예제 #13
파일: builtins.py 프로젝트: lhoekenga/pyFF
def signcerts(req, *opts):
Logs the fingerprints of the signing certs found in the current working tree.

:param req: The request
:param opts: Options (not used)
:return: always returns the unmodified working document

Useful for testing.


.. code-block:: yaml

    - signcerts
    if req.t is None:
        raise PipeException("Your pipeline is missing a select statement.")

    for fp, pem in xmlsec.crypto.CertDict(req.t).iteritems():
        log.info("found signing cert with fingerprint %s" % fp)
    return req.t
예제 #14
파일: builtins.py 프로젝트: lhoekenga/pyFF
def prune(req, *opts):
Prune the active tree, removing all elements matching

:param req: The request
:param opts: Not used
:return: The tree with all specified elements removed

** Examples**
.. code-block:: yaml

    - prune:
        - .//{http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#}Signature

This example would drop all Signature elements. Note the use of namespaces.

.. code-block:: yaml

    - prune:
        - .//{http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#}Signature[1]

This example would drop the first Signature element only.


    if req.t is None:
        raise PipeException("Your pipeline is missing a select statement.")

    for path in req.args:
        for part in req.t.iterfind(path):
            parent = part.getparent()
            if parent is not None:
            else:  # we just removed the top-level element - return empty tree
                return None

    return req.t
예제 #15
파일: builtins.py 프로젝트: lhoekenga/pyFF
def _pubinfo(req, *opts):
Sets publication info extension on EntityDescription element

:param req: The request
:param opts: Options (not used)
:return: A modified working document

Transforms the working document by setting the specified attribute on all of the EntityDescriptor
elements of the active document.


.. code-block:: yaml

    - pubinfo:
       publisher: <publisher URL>
    if req.t is None:
        raise PipeException("Your pipeline is missing a select statement.")

    req.md.set_pubinfo(root(req.t), **req.args)

    return req.t
예제 #16
파일: builtins.py 프로젝트: lhoekenga/pyFF
def sign(req, *opts):
Sign the working document.

:param req: The request
:param opts: Options (unused)
:return: returns the signed working document

Sign expects a single dict with at least a 'key' key and optionally a 'cert' key. The 'key' argument references
either a PKCS#11 uri or the filename containing a PEM-encoded non-password protected private RSA key.
The 'cert' argument may be empty in which case the cert is looked up using the PKCS#11 token, or may point
to a file containing a PEM-encoded X.509 certificate.

**PKCS11 URIs**

A pkcs11 URI has the form

.. code-block:: xml

    pkcs11://<absolute path to SO/DLL>[:slot]/<object label>[?pin=<pin>]

The pin parameter can be used to point to an environment variable containing the pin: "env:<ENV variable>".
By default pin is "env:PYKCS11PIN" which tells sign to use the pin found in the PYKCS11PIN environment
variable. This is also the default for PyKCS11 which is used to communicate with the PKCS#11 module.


.. code-block:: yaml

    - sign:
        key: pkcs11:///usr/lib/libsofthsm.so/signer

This would sign the document using the key with label 'signer' in slot 0 of the /usr/lib/libsofthsm.so module.
Note that you may need to run pyff with env PYKCS11PIN=<pin> .... for this to work. Consult the documentation
of your PKCS#11 module to find out about any other configuration you may need.

.. code-block:: yaml

    - sign:
        key: signer.key
        cert: signer.crt

This example signs the document using the plain key and cert found in the signer.key and signer.crt files.
    if req.t is None:
        raise PipeException("Your pipeline is missing a select statement.")

    if not type(req.args) is dict:
        raise PipeException("Missing key and cert arguments to sign pipe")

    key_file = req.args.get('key', None)
    cert_file = req.args.get('cert', None)

    if key_file is None:
        raise PipeException("Missing key argument for sign pipe")

    if cert_file is None:
        log.info("Attempting to extract certificate from token...")

    opts = dict()
    relt = root(req.t)
    idattr = relt.get('ID')
    if idattr:
        opts['reference_uri'] = "#%s" % idattr
    xmlsec.sign(req.t, key_file, cert_file, **opts)

    return req.t
예제 #17
파일: builtins.py 프로젝트: lhoekenga/pyFF
def finalize(req, *opts):
Prepares the working document for publication/rendering.

:param req: The request
:param opts: Options (not used)
:return: returns the working document with @Name, @cacheDuration and @validUntil set

Set Name, ID, cacheDuration and validUntil on the toplevel EntitiesDescriptor element of the working document. Unless
explicit provided the @Name is set from the request URI if the pipeline is executed in the pyFF server. The @ID is set
to a string representing the current date/time and will be prefixed with the string provided, which defaults to '_'. The
@cacheDuration element must be a valid xsd duration (eg PT5H for 5 hrs) and @validUntil can be either an absolute
ISO 8601 time string or (more comonly) a relative time on the form

.. code-block:: none


For instance +45d 2m results in a time delta of 45 days and 2 minutes. The '+' sign is optional.

If operating on a single EntityDescriptor then @Name is ignored (cf :py:mod:`pyff.pipes.builtins.first`).


.. code-block:: yaml

    - finalize:
        cacheDuration: PT8H
        validUntil: +10d
        ID: pyff
    if req.t is None:
        raise PipeException("Your plumbing is missing a select statement.")

    e = root(req.t)
    if e.tag == "{%s}EntitiesDescriptor" % NS['md']:
        name = req.args.get('name', None)
        if name is None or not len(name):
            name = req.args.get('Name', None)
        if name is None or not len(name):
            name = req.state.get('url', None)
        if name is None or not len(name):
            name = e.get('Name', None)
        if name is not None and len(name):
            e.set('Name', name)

    now = datetime.utcnow()

    mdid = req.args.get('ID', 'prefix _')
    if re.match('(\s)*prefix(\s)*', mdid):
        prefix = re.sub('^(\s)*prefix(\s)*', '', mdid)
        ID = now.strftime(prefix + "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ")
        ID = mdid

    if not e.get('ID'):
        e.set('ID', ID)

    valid_until = str(req.args.get('validUntil', e.get('validUntil', None)))
    if valid_until is not None and len(valid_until) > 0:
        offset = duration2timedelta(valid_until)
        if offset is not None:
            dt = now + offset
            e.set('validUntil', dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
        elif valid_until is not None:
                dt = iso8601.parse_date(valid_until)
                dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=None)  # make dt "naive" (tz-unaware)
                offset = dt - now
                e.set('validUntil', dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
            except ValueError, ex:
                log.error("Unable to parse validUntil: %s (%s)" %
                          (valid_until, ex))

                # set a reasonable default: 50% of the validity
        # we replace this below if we have cacheDuration set
        req.state['cache'] = int(total_seconds(offset) / 50)
예제 #18
파일: builtins.py 프로젝트: lhoekenga/pyFF
def load(req, *opts):
General-purpose resource fetcher.

    :param req: The request
    :param opts: Options: See "Options" below
    :return: None

Supports both remote and local resources. Fetching remote resources is done in parallel using threads.

Note: When downloading remote files over HTTPS the TLS server certificate is not validated.
Note: Default behaviour is to ignore metadata files or entities in MD files that cannot be loaded

Options are put directly after "load". E.g:

.. code-block:: yaml

    - load fail_on_error True filter_invalid False:
      - http://example.com/some_remote_metadata.xml
      - local_file.xml
      - /opt/directory_containing_md_files/

Defaults are marked with (*)
- max_workers <5> : Number of parallel threads to use for loading MD files
- timeout <120> : Socket timeout when downloading files
- validate <True*|False> : When true downloaded metadata files are validated (schema validation)
- fail_on_error <True|False*> : Control whether an error during download, parsing or (optional)validatation of a MD file
                                does not abort processing of the pipeline. When true a failure aborts and causes pyff
                                to exit with a non zero exit code. Otherwise errors are logged but ignored.
- filter_invalid <True*|False> : Controls validation behaviour. When true Entities that fail validation are filtered
                                 I.e. are not loaded. When false the entire metadata file is either loaded, or not.
                                 fail_on_error controls whether failure to validating the entire MD file will abort
                                 processing of the pipeline.
    opts = dict(zip(opts[::2], opts[1::2]))
    opts.setdefault('timeout', 120)
    opts.setdefault('max_workers', 5)
    opts.setdefault('validate', "True")
    opts.setdefault('fail_on_error', "False")
    opts.setdefault('filter_invalid', "True")
    opts['validate'] = bool(strtobool(opts['validate']))
    opts['fail_on_error'] = bool(strtobool(opts['fail_on_error']))
    opts['filter_invalid'] = bool(strtobool(opts['filter_invalid']))

    remotes = []
    for x in req.args:
        x = x.strip()
        log.debug("load parsing '%s'" % x)
        r = x.split()

        assert len(r) in range(1, 7), PipeException(
            "Usage: load resource [as url] [[verify] verification] [via pipeline]"

        url = r.pop(0)
        params = dict()

        while len(r) > 0:
            elt = r.pop(0)
            if elt in ("as", "verify", "via"):
                if len(r) > 0:
                    params[elt] = r.pop(0)
                    raise PipeException(
                        "Usage: load resource [as url] [[verify] verification] [via pipeline]"
                params['verify'] = elt

        for elt in ("verify", "via"):
            params.setdefault(elt, None)

        params.setdefault('as', url)

        post = None
        if params['via'] is not None:
            post = PipelineCallback(params['via'], req)

        if "://" in url:
            log.debug("load {} verify {} as {} via {}".format(
                url, params['verify'], params['as'], params['via']))
            remotes.append((url, params['verify'], params['as'], post))
        elif os.path.exists(url):
            if os.path.isdir(url):
                log.debug("directory {} verify {} as {} via {}".format(
                    url, params['verify'], params['as'], params['via']))
            elif os.path.isfile(url):
                log.debug("file {} verify {} as {} via {}".format(
                    url, params['verify'], params['as'], params['via']))
                    ("file://%s" % url, params['verify'], params['as'], post))
                error = "Unknown file type for load: '{}'".format(url)
                if opts['fail_on_error']:
                    raise PipeException(error)
            error = "Don't know how to load '{}' as {} verify {} via {} (file does not exist?)".format(
                url, params['as'], params['verify'], params['via'])
            if opts['fail_on_error']:
                raise PipeException(error)

    req.md.fetch_metadata(remotes, **opts)
예제 #19
파일: builtins.py 프로젝트: lhoekenga/pyFF
def select(req, *opts):
Select a set of EntityDescriptor elements as the working document.

:param req: The request
:param opts: Options - used for select alias
:return: returns the result of the operation as a working document

Select picks and expands elements (with optional filtering) from the active repository you setup using calls
to :py:mod:`pyff.pipes.builtins.load`. See :py:mod:`pyff.mdrepo.MDRepository.lookup` for a description of the syntax for


.. code-block:: yaml

    - select

This would select all entities in the active repository.

.. code-block:: yaml

    - select: "/var/local-metadata"

This would select all entities found in the directory /var/local-metadata. You must have a call to local to load
entities from this directory before select statement.

.. code-block:: yaml

    - select: "/var/local-metadata!//md:EntityDescriptor[md:IDPSSODescriptor]"

This would selects all IdPs from /var/local-metadata

.. code-block:: yaml

    - select: "!//md:EntityDescriptor[md:SPSSODescriptor]"

This would select all SPs

Select statements are not cumulative - a select followed by another select in the plumbing resets the
working douments to the result of the second select.

Most statements except local and remote depend on having a select somewhere in your plumbing and will
stop the plumbing if the current working document is empty. For instance, running

.. code-block:: yaml

    - select: "!//md:EntityDescriptor[md:SPSSODescriptor]"

would terminate the plumbing at select if there are no SPs in the local repository. This is useful in
combination with fork for handling multiple cases in your plumbings.

The 'as' keyword allows a select to be stored as an alias in the local repository. For instance

.. code-block:: yaml

    - select as foo-2.0: "!//md:EntityDescriptor[md:IDPSSODescriptor]""

would allow you to use /foo-2.0.json to refer to the JSON-version of all IdPs in the current repository.
Note that you should not include an extension in your "as foo-bla-something" since that would make your
alias invisible for anything except the corresponding mime type.
    args = _select_args(req)
    name = req.plumbing.id
    alias = False
    if len(opts) > 0:
        if opts[0] != 'as' and len(opts) == 1:
            name = opts[0]
            alias = True
        if opts[0] == 'as' and len(opts) == 2:
            name = opts[1]
            alias = True

    ot = req.md.entity_set(args, name)
    if ot is None:
        raise PipeException("empty select - stop")

    if alias:
        nfo = dict(Status='default', Description="Synthetic collection")
        n = req.md.store.update(ot, name)
        nfo['Size'] = str(n)
        set_metadata_info(name, nfo)

    return ot
예제 #20
파일: builtins.py 프로젝트: lhoekenga/pyFF
def certreport(req, *opts):
Generate a report of the certificates (optionally limited by expiration time or key size) found in the selection.

:param req: The request
:param opts: Options (not used)
:return: always returns the unmodified working document


.. code-block:: yaml

    - certreport:
         error_seconds: 0
         warning_seconds: 864000
         error_bits: 1024
         warning_bits: 2048

For key size checking this will report keys with a size *less* than the size specified, defaulting to errors
for keys smaller than 1024 bits and warnings for keys smaller than 2048 bits. It should be understood as the
minimum key size for each report level, as such everything below will create report entries.

Remember that you need a 'publish' or 'emit' call after certreport in your plumbing to get useful output. PyFF
ships with a couple of xslt transforms that are useful for turning metadata with certreport annotation into

    if req.t is None:
        raise PipeException("Your pipeline is missing a select statement.")

    if not req.args:
        req.args = {}

    if type(req.args) is not dict:
        raise PipeException("usage: certreport {warning: 864000, error: 0}")

    error_seconds = int(req.args.get('error_seconds', "0"))
    warning_seconds = int(req.args.get('warning_seconds', "864000"))
    error_bits = int(req.args.get('error_bits', "1024"))
    warning_bits = int(req.args.get('warning_bits', "2048"))

    seen = {}
    for eid in req.t.xpath("//md:EntityDescriptor/@entityID",
        for cd in req.t.xpath(
                "md:EntityDescriptor[@entityID='%s']//ds:X509Certificate" %
                cert_pem = cd.text
                cert_der = base64.b64decode(cert_pem)
                m = hashlib.sha1()
                fp = m.hexdigest()
                if not seen.get(fp, False):
                    entity_elt = cd.getparent().getparent().getparent(
                    seen[fp] = True
                    cdict = xmlsec.utils.b642cert(cert_pem)
                    keysize = cdict['modulus'].bit_length()
                    cert = cdict['cert']
                    if keysize < error_bits:
                            entity_elt, "certificate-error",
                            "keysize too small",
                            "%s has keysize of %s bits (less than %s)" %
                            (cert.getSubject(), keysize, error_bits))
                        log.error("%s has keysize of %s" % (eid, keysize))
                    elif keysize < warning_bits:
                            entity_elt, "certificate-warning", "keysize small",
                            "%s has keysize of %s bits (less than %s)" %
                            (cert.getSubject(), keysize, warning_bits))
                        log.warn("%s has keysize of %s" % (eid, keysize))

                    notafter = cert.getNotAfter()
                    if notafter is None:
                            entity_elt, "certificate-error",
                            "certificate has no expiration time",
                            "%s has no expiration time" % cert.getSubject())
                            et = datetime.strptime("%s" % notafter,
                            now = datetime.now()
                            dt = et - now
                            if total_seconds(dt) < error_seconds:
                                    entity_elt, "certificate-error",
                                    "certificate has expired",
                                    "%s expired %s ago" %
                                    (cert.getSubject(), -dt))
                                log.error("%s expired %s ago" % (eid, -dt))
                            elif total_seconds(dt) < warning_seconds:
                                    entity_elt, "certificate-warning",
                                    "certificate about to expire",
                                    "%s expires in %s" %
                                    (cert.getSubject(), dt))
                                log.warn("%s expires in %s" % (eid, dt))
                        except ValueError as ex:
                                entity_elt, "certificate-error",
                                "certificate has unknown expiration time",
                                "%s unknown expiration time %s" %
                                (cert.getSubject(), notafter))

            except Exception as ex:
예제 #21
파일: builtins.py 프로젝트: lhoekenga/pyFF
                offset = dt - now
                e.set('validUntil', dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
            except ValueError, ex:
                log.error("Unable to parse validUntil: %s (%s)" %
                          (valid_until, ex))

                # set a reasonable default: 50% of the validity
        # we replace this below if we have cacheDuration set
        req.state['cache'] = int(total_seconds(offset) / 50)

    cache_duration = req.args.get('cacheDuration',
                                  e.get('cacheDuration', None))
    if cache_duration is not None and len(cache_duration) > 0:
        offset = duration2timedelta(cache_duration)
        if offset is None:
            raise PipeException("Unable to parse %s as xs:duration" %

        e.set('cacheDuration', cache_duration)
        req.state['cache'] = int(total_seconds(offset))

    return req.t

def _reginfo(req, *opts):
Sets registration info extension on EntityDescription element

:param req: The request
:param opts: Options (not used)
:return: A modified working document