예제 #1
    def __init__(self, r, fee=0., fee_freq='Q', start=None, end=None,
                 lookback={}, strict=False, dist_amt=None, dist_pct=None,
                 dist_freq=None, v0=float(1e6), include_start=True, freq='M',
                 name=None,  in_format='num'):

        self.gross = returns.prep(r=r, freq=freq, name=name,

        # fee_freq: if str -> frequency; if int/float -> periods/yr
        # Get `fee` to a per-period float
        if isinstance(fee_freq, (int, float)):
            self.fee_freq = fee_freq
            self.fee = fee / self.fee_freq
        elif isinstance(fee_freq, str):
            self.fee_freq = utils.convertfreq(fee_freq)
            self.fee = fee / self.fee_freq

        # Logic for interaction of `start`, `end`, and `lookback`
        # TODO: how should lookback be passed? Consider params to
        # `constrain_horizon`
        if any((start, end)) and not lookback:
            self.gross = self.gross[start:end]
        elif lookback:
            # TODO: cleanup
            self.gross = utils.constrain_horizon(self.gross, **lookback)
        elif all((any((start, end)), lookback)):
            raise ValueError('if `lookback` is specified, both `start` and'
                             ' `end` should be None')

        self.index = self.gross.index
        self.columns = self.gross.columns

        masktypes = {12. : 'is_month_end',
                     4. : 'is_quarter_end',
                     1. : 'is_quarter_end'}

        mask = getattr(self.index, masktypes[self.fee_freq])
        self.feesched = np.where(mask, self.fee, 0.)

        # Net of fees (not yet of distributions)
        self.net = (1. + self.gross.values) \
                 * (1. - self.feesched.reshape(-1,1)) - 1.
        self.net = DataFrame(self.net, index=self.index, columns=self.columns)

        self.dist_amt = dist_amt
        self.dist_pct = dist_pct
        self.dist_freq = dist_freq
        self.v0 = v0
        self.include_start = include_start
예제 #2
def load_rf(
    """Build a risk-free rate return series using 3-month US T-bill yields.

    The 3-Month Treasury Bill: Secondary Market Rate from the Federal Reserve
    (a yield) is convert to a total return.  See 'Methodology' for details.

    The time series should closely mimic returns of the BofA Merrill Lynch US
    Treasury Bill (3M) (Local Total Return) index.

    reload : bool, default False
        If False, use pickled data.  If True, reload from source
    freq : str, sequence, or set
        If a single-character string, return a single-column DataFrame with
        index frequency corresponding to `freq`.  If a sequence or set, return
        a dict of DataFrames with the keys corresponding to `freq`(s)

    The Federal Reserve publishes a daily chart of Selected Interest Rates
    (release H.15; www.federalreserve.gov/releases/h15/).  As with a yield
    curve, some yields are interpolated from recent issues because Treasury
    auctions do not occur daily.

    While the de-annualized ex-ante yield itself is a fairly good tracker of
    the day's total return, it is not perfect and can exhibit non-neglible
    error in periods of volatile short rates.  The purpose of this function
    is to convert yields to total returns for 3-month T-bills.  It is a
    straightforward process given that these are discount (zero-coupon)
    securities.  It consists of buying a 3-month bond at the beginning of each
    month, then amortizing that bond throughout the month to back into the
    price of a <3-month tenor bond.

    The source data (pulled from fred.stlouisfed.org) is quoted on a discount
    basis.  (See footnote 4 from release H.15.)  This is converted to a
    bond-equivlanet yield (BEY) and then translated to a hypothetical daily
    total return.

    The process largely follows Morningstar's published Return Calculation of
    U.S. Treasury Constant Maturity Indices, and is as follows:
    - At the beginning of each month a bill is purchased at the prior month-end
      price, and daily returns in the month reflect the change in daily
      valuation of this bill
    - If t is not a business day, its yield is the yield of the prior
      business day.
    - At each day during the month, the price of a 3-month bill purchased on
      the final calendar day of the previous month is computed.
    - Month-end pricing is unique.  At each month-end date, there are
      effectively two bonds and two prices.  The first is the bond
      hypothetically purchased on the final day of the prior month with 2m
      remaining to maturity, and the second is a new-issue bond purchased that
      day with 3m to maturity.  The former is used as the numerator to compute
      that day's total return, while the latter is used as the denominator
      to compute the next day's (1st day of next month) total return.

    Description of the BofA Merrill Lynch US 3-Month Treasury Bill Index:
    The BofA Merrill Lynch US 3-Month Treasury Bill Index is comprised of a
    single issue purchased at the beginning of the month and held for a full
    month. At the end of the month that issue is sold and rolled into a newly
    selected issue. The     issue selected at each month-end rebalancing is the
    outstanding Treasury Bill that matures closest to, but not beyond, three
    months from the rebalancing date. To qualify for selection, an issue must
    have settled on or before the month-end rebalancing date.
        (Source: Bank of America Merrill Lynch)

    See also
    FRED: 3-Month Treasury Bill: Secondary Market Rate (DTB3)
    McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Interest Rates, 2008.
    Morningstar, Return Calculation of U.S. Treasury Constant Maturity Indices,
      September 2008.

    # Validate `freq` param
    freqs = list('DWMQA')
    freq = freq.upper() if freq.islower() else freq
    if freq not in freqs:
        raise ValueError('`freq` must be either a single element or subset'
                         ' from %s, case-insensitive' % freqs)

    # Load daily 3-Month Treasury Bill: Secondary Market Rate
    # Note that this is on discount basis and will be converted to BEY
    # Periodicity is daily
    rates = dr('DTB3', 'fred', DSTART) * 0.01
    rates = (rates.asfreq('D',

    # Algebra doesn't 'work' on DateOffsets, don't simplify here!
    trigger = rates.index.is_month_end
    dtm_old = rates.index + offsets.MonthEnd(-1) + offsets.MonthEnd(3) \
            - rates.index
    dtm_new = rates.index.where(trigger, rates.index +
                                offsets.MonthEnd(-1)) \
            + offsets.MonthEnd(3) - rates.index

    # This does 2 things in one step:
    # (1) convert discount yield to BEY
    # (2) get the price at that BEY and days to maturity
    # The two equations are simplified
    # See https://people.ucsc.edu/~lbaum/econ80h/LS-Chap009.pdf
    p_old = (100 / 360) * (360 - rates * dtm_old.days)
    p_new = (100 / 360) * (360 - rates * dtm_new.days)

    res = p_old.pct_change().where(trigger, p_new.pct_change())
    res = returns.prep(res, in_format='dec', name='RF', freq='D')

    if freq != 'D':
        res = returns.prep(dr.rollup(out_freq=freq),

    return res