예제 #1
def generate_il(im_array, f_ih, theta, phi, cfg):
    """ Returns the low resolution sampled image with added reconstructed phase
    in the according spectral position. More detailed explanation:
    Takes the high resolution spectrum, calculates a low resolution sample in
    the spectral area occupied by the sampled image (im_array) by cuting it
    with the pupil at the (theta, phi), takes just the phase information in
    this area and replaces its modulus with the acquired im_array.
    Why this is outside the main function? Because it is also used in the
    quality metric (to be reimpemented here).
    ps = fpmm.ps_required(cfg.phi[1], cfg.wavelength, cfg.na)
    image_size = np.shape(im_array)
    pupil = fpmm.generate_pupil(theta=theta, phi=phi, image_size=image_size,
                                wavelength=cfg.wavelength, pixel_size=ps,
    pupil_shift = fftshift(pupil)
    # Step 2: lr of the estimated image using the known pupil
    f_il = ifft2(f_ih*pupil_shift)  # space pupil * fourier image
    Phl = np.angle(f_il)
    # Step 3: spectral pupil area replacement
    Il = np.sqrt(im_array) * np.exp(1j*Phl)  # Spacial update
    Iupdate = Il
    # Iupdate /= np.max(Iupdate)
    # Iupdate *= 150
    return Iupdate
예제 #2
def dpc_init(samples=None, backgrounds=None, it=None, init_point=None,
             cfg=None,  debug=False):
    """ Absolutely experimental reconstruction function. Virtually analog to
    fpm_reconstruct() to be used as a test sandbox.
    # pc = PlatformCoordinates(theta=0, phi=0, height=cfg.sample_height, cfg=cfg)
    xoff, yoff = init_point  # Selection of the image patch
    ps_required = fpmm.ps_required(cfg.phi[1], cfg.wavelength, cfg.na)
    # mask = get_mask(samples, backgrounds, xoff, yoff, cfg)
    # Getting the maximum angle by the given configuration
    # Step 1: initial estimation
    Et = initialize(samples, backgrounds, xoff, yoff, cfg, 'zero')
    f_ih = fft2(Et)  # unshifted transform, shift is later applied to the pupil
    if debug:
        fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(25, 15))
        # fig, axes = implot.init_plot(4)
    # Steps 2-5
    for iteration in range(cfg.n_iter):
        iterator = ct.set_iterator(cfg)
        print('Iteration n. %d' % iteration)
        # Patching for testing
        for index, theta, shift in iterator:
            theta, phi = ct.corrected_coordinates(theta=theta, shift=shift,
            print(theta, phi)
            # Final step: squared inverse fft for visualization
            im_array = fpmm.crop_image(samples[(theta, shift)],
                                       cfg.patch_size, xoff, yoff)
            background = fpmm.crop_image(backgrounds[(theta, shift)],
                                         cfg.patch_size, xoff, yoff)

            im_array = image_correction(im_array, background, mode='background')
            im_array, resc_size = image_rescaling(im_array, cfg)
            Il = generate_il(im_array, f_ih, theta, phi, cfg)
            #     print("Testing quality metric", quality_metric(image_dict, Il, cfg), phi)
            pupil = fpmm.generate_pupil(theta=theta, phi=phi,
                                        image_size=resc_size, wavelength=cfg.wavelength,
                                        pixel_size=ps_required, na=cfg.objective_na)
            pupil_shift = fftshift(pupil)
            f_il = fft2(Il)
            f_ih = f_il*pupil_shift + f_ih*(1 - pupil_shift)
            if debug and index % 1 == 0:
                fft_rec = np.log10(np.abs(f_ih)+1)
                fft_rec *= (255.0/fft_rec.max())
                fft_rec = fftshift(fft_rec)
                # fft_rec = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(fft_rec*255), 'L')
                im_rec = ifft2(f_ih)
                # im_rec *= (255.0/im_rec.max())
                im_rec_abs = np.abs(im_rec*np.conj(im_rec))
                def plot_image(ax, image):
                    ax.imshow(image, cmap=plt.get_cmap('hot'))
                ax = iter([ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4])
                for image in [np.abs(fft_rec), im_rec, im_array, np.angle(im_rec)]:
                    plot_image(ax.next(), image)
        # print("Testing quality metric", quality_metric(image_dict, Il, cfg, max_phi))
    return np.abs(np.power(ifft2(f_ih), 2)), np.angle(ifft2(f_ih+1))
예제 #3
def image_rescaling(lr_image, cfg):
    """ Image rescaling acording to sampling requirements. The numerical
    aperture, wavelength, pixel size and maximum sampling are used to calculate
    the upsampled image size to contain all the new information.

        image: the (xpy, npx) image to be rescaled
        cfg: configuration (named tuple)

        (ndarray) upsampled image and final high resolution shape
    phi_max = float(cfg.phi[1])
    wavelength = float(cfg.wavelength)
    na = float(cfg.objective_na)
    ps_required = fpmm.ps_required(phi_max, wavelength, na)
    scale_factor = cfg.pixel_size/ps_required
    Ih = ndimage.zoom(lr_image, scale_factor, order=0)  # HR image
    hr_shape = np.shape(Ih)
    return Ih, hr_shape