alldas = [] for ts in np.linspace(tstart, tstart + seg_len * dt, nfull, endpoint=False): results = LP.process_swept_Langmuir(t_range=[ts, tend], dtseg=seg_len, plot_DA=plot_DA, **kwargs) if hasattr(LP, 'da'): alldas.append(LP.da) # this one must start at a V maximum half_kwargs = dict(dtseg=seg_len // 2, **kwargs) fit_params = half_kwargs['fit_params'] cycavg_h = fit_params['cycavg'] if cycavg_h is not None and (seg_len // 2) < cycavg_h[0]: cycavg_h = [seg_len // 2, 1, cycavg_h[2]] fit_params.update(dict(cycavg=cycavg_h)) half_kwargs.update(dict(fit_params=fit_params)) for ts in np.linspace(tstart, tstart + seg_len * dt, nhalf, endpoint=False): results = LP.process_swept_Langmuir(t_range=(ts, tend), plot_DA=plot_DA, **half_kwargs) if hasattr(LP, 'da'): alldas.append(LP.da) bigda = DA(alldas[0].copyda()) for da in alldas[1:]: bigda.append(da)
if remerge: # #tmpDA_file holds the merged flucstrucs until they can be merged into da tmpDA_file = '/tmp/DA_{sht}.npz'.format(sht=sht) # flucfiles is the wildcard name for the files processed on h1svr or locally mcmd = '''python pyfusion/examples/ 'file_list=np.sort(glob("{tfile}"))' exception=Exception save_filename={DA_file}'''.format( sht=sht, tfile=flucfiles, DA_file=tmpDA_file) sub_pipe = subprocess.Popen(mcmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) print('merging') (resp, err) = sub_pipe.communicate() print(resp, err) newda = DA(tmpDA_file, load=1) da.append(newda.da) print('{n} shots in {da}'.format(n=len(np.unique(da.da['shot'])), da.extract(locals()) if boydsdata: ph = -phases else: ph = phases ws = np.where(sht == shot)[0] ph = ph[ws] print('where on {0:,}x{1} phases '.format(*np.shape(ph))),
print(err) with open(flucfiles.replace('*','_'),'w') as txtfile: txtfile.write(resp) if remerge: # #tmpDA_file holds the merged flucstrucs until they can be merged into da tmpDA_file = '/tmp/DA_{sht}.npz'.format(sht=sht) # flucfiles is the wildcard name for the files processed on h1svr or locally mcmd = '''python pyfusion/examples/ 'file_list=np.sort(glob("{tfile}"))' exception=Exception save_filename={DA_file}'''.format(sht=sht,tfile=flucfiles,DA_file=tmpDA_file) sub_pipe = subprocess.Popen(mcmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) print('merging') (resp,err) = sub_pipe.communicate() print(resp,err) newda = DA(tmpDA_file,load=1) da.append(newda.da) print('{n} shots in {da}'.format(n=len(np.unique(da.da['shot'])), da.extract(locals()) if boydsdata: ph = -phases else: ph = phases ws = np.where(sht == shot)[0] ph = ph[ws] print('where on {0:,}x{1} phases '.format(*np.shape(ph))), w15=where((ml[15].one_rms(ph)<thr))[0];len(w15)