예제 #1
파일: mask.py 프로젝트: vavilon/pygame_cffi
def from_threshold(surf,
                   threshold=(0, 0, 0, 255),
    """from_threshold(surf, color, threshold = (0,0,0,255), othersurface = None,
                      palette_colors = 1) -> Mask

        Creates a mask by thresholding Surfaces"""
    c_surf = surf._c_surface
    color = create_color(color, surf._c_surface.format)
    if threshold:
        threshold = create_color(threshold, c_surf.format)

    output_mask = Mask((surf._w, surf._h))

    with locked(c_surf):
        if othersurface:
            surf2 = othersurface._c_surface
            with locked(surf2):
                sdl.bitmask_threshold(output_mask._mask, c_surf, surf2, color,
                                      threshold, palette_colors)
            sdl.bitmask_threshold(output_mask._mask, c_surf, ffi.NULL, color,
                                  threshold, palette_colors)
    return output_mask
예제 #2
    def fill(self, color, rect=None, special_flags=0):
        """ fill(color, rect=None, special_flags=0) -> Rect
        fill Surface with a solid color

        c_color = create_color(color, self._format)
        sdlrect = ffi.new('SDL_Rect*')
        if rect is not None:
            sdlrect.x, sdlrect.y, sdlrect.w, sdlrect.h = rect_vals_from_obj(
            sdlrect.w = self._w
            sdlrect.h = self._h

        if self.crop_to_surface(sdlrect):
            if special_flags:
                res = sdl.surface_fill_blend(self._c_surface, sdlrect, c_color,
                with locked(self._c_surface):
                    # TODO: prep/unprep
                    res = sdl.SDL_FillRect(self._c_surface, sdlrect, c_color)

            if res == -1:
                raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()

        return Rect._from4(sdlrect.x, sdlrect.y, sdlrect.w, sdlrect.h)
예제 #3
    def fill(self, color, rect=None, special_flags=0):
        """ fill(color, rect=None, special_flags=0) -> Rect
        fill Surface with a solid color

        c_color = create_color(color, self._format)
        sdlrect = ffi.new('SDL_Rect*')
        if rect is not None:
            sdlrect.x, sdlrect.y, sdlrect.w, sdlrect.h = rect_vals_from_obj(rect)
            sdlrect.w = self._w
            sdlrect.h = self._h

        if self.crop_to_surface(sdlrect):
            if special_flags:
                res = sdl.surface_fill_blend(self._c_surface, sdlrect,
                                             c_color, special_flags)
                with locked(self._c_surface):
                    # TODO: prep/unprep
                    res = sdl.SDL_FillRect(self._c_surface, sdlrect, c_color)

            if res == -1:
                raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()

        return Rect._from4(sdlrect.x, sdlrect.y, sdlrect.w, sdlrect.h)
예제 #4
 def set_at(self, pos, color):
     x, y = pos
     if x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= self._w or y >= self._h:
         raise IndexError("index out of bounds")
     c_color = create_color(color, self._format)
     with locked(self._c_surface):
         self._set_at(x, y, c_color)
예제 #5
 def set_at(self, pos, color):
     x, y = pos
     if x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= self._w or y >= self._h:
         raise IndexError("index out of bounds")
     c_color = create_color(color, self._format)
     with locked(self._c_surface):
         self._set_at(x, y, c_color)
예제 #6
    def set_colorkey(self, color=None, flags=0):
        c_color = 0
        if color is not None:
            c_color = create_color(color, self._format)
            flags |= sdl.SDL_SRCCOLORKEY

        with locked(self._c_surface):
            if sdl.SDL_SetColorKey(self._c_surface, flags, c_color) == -1:
                raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()
예제 #7
    def set_colorkey(self, color=None, flags=0):
        c_color = 0
        if color is not None:
            c_color = create_color(color, self._format)
            flags |= sdl.SDL_SRCCOLORKEY

        with locked(self._c_surface):
            if sdl.SDL_SetColorKey(self._c_surface, flags, c_color) == -1:
                raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()
예제 #8
def polygon(surface, color, points, width=0):

    if width != 0:
        return lines(surface, color, 1, points, width)

    c_color = create_color(color, surface._format)
    points = _check_and_filter_points(points, 3)

    with locked(surface._c_surface):
        _draw_fillpoly(surface, points, c_color)

    return _make_drawn_rect(points, surface)
예제 #9
def polygon(surface, color, points, width=0):

    if width != 0:
        return lines(surface, color, 1, points, width)

    c_color = create_color(color, surface._format)
    points = _check_and_filter_points(points, 3)

    with locked(surface._c_surface):
        _draw_fillpoly(surface, points, c_color)

    return _make_drawn_rect(points, surface)
예제 #10
파일: mask.py 프로젝트: CTPUG/pygame_cffi
def from_threshold(surf, color, threshold=(0, 0, 0, 255), othersurface=None,
    """from_threshold(surf, color, threshold = (0,0,0,255), othersurface = None,
                      palette_colors = 1) -> Mask

        Creates a mask by thresholding Surfaces"""
    c_surf = surf._c_surface
    color = create_color(color, surf._c_surface.format)
    if threshold:
        threshold = create_color(threshold, c_surf.format)

    output_mask = Mask((surf._w, surf._h))

    with locked(c_surf):
        if othersurface:
            surf2 = othersurface._c_surface
            with locked(surf2):
                sdl.bitmask_threshold(output_mask._mask, c_surf, surf2, color,
                                      threshold, palette_colors)
            sdl.bitmask_threshold(output_mask._mask, c_surf, ffi.NULL, color,
                                  threshold, palette_colors)
    return output_mask
예제 #11
def line(surface, color, start, end, width=1):
    c_color = create_color(color, surface._format)

    _check_point(start, "Invalid start position argument")
    _check_point(end, "Invalid end position argument")

    [start] = _check_and_filter_points([start])
    [end] = _check_and_filter_points([end])

    if width < 1:
        return Rect(start, (0, 0))

    with locked(surface._c_surface):
        drawn = _clip_and_draw_line_width(surface, c_color, width, start, end)

    if drawn is None:
        return Rect(start, (0, 0))
    return drawn
예제 #12
def line(surface, color, start, end, width=1):
    c_color = create_color(color, surface._format)

    _check_point(start, "Invalid start position argument")
    _check_point(end, "Invalid end position argument")

    [start] = _check_and_filter_points([start])
    [end] = _check_and_filter_points([end])

    if width < 1:
        return Rect(start, (0, 0))

    with locked(surface._c_surface):
        drawn = _clip_and_draw_line_width(surface, c_color, width, start, end)

    if drawn is None:
        return Rect(start, (0, 0))
    return drawn
예제 #13
파일: draw.py 프로젝트: tazjel/pygame_cffi
def lines(surface, color, closed, points, width=1):
    c_color = create_color(color, surface._format)
    points = _check_and_filter_points(points, 2)
    drawn_points = set()

    with locked(surface._c_surface):
        start_point = points[0]
        for point in points[1:]:
            drawn = _clip_and_draw_line_width(surface, c_color, width,
                                              start_point, point)
            if drawn is not None:
            start_point = point

        if closed and len(points) > 2:
            _clip_and_draw_line_width(surface, c_color, width, points[0],

    return _make_drawn_rect(drawn_points, surface)
예제 #14
파일: draw.py 프로젝트: tazjel/pygame_cffi
def lines(surface, color, closed, points, width=1):
    c_color = create_color(color, surface._format)
    points = _check_and_filter_points(points, 2)
    drawn_points = set()

    with locked(surface._c_surface):
        start_point = points[0]
        for point in points[1:]:
            drawn = _clip_and_draw_line_width(
                surface, c_color, width, start_point, point)
            if drawn is not None:
            start_point = point

        if closed and len(points) > 2:
                surface, c_color, width, points[0], points[-1])

    return _make_drawn_rect(drawn_points, surface)
예제 #15
def _fillellipse(surface, pos, radius_x, radius_y, color):
    """Internal helper function

       draw a filled ellipse on surface."""
    c_surf = surface._c_surface
    c_x, c_y = pos
    c_color = create_color(color, surface._format)
    if _check_special_ellipse(surface, c_x, c_y, radius_x, radius_y, c_color):
    # Draw the filled ellipse
    # We inherit this structure from pygame
    # We draw by drawing horizontal lines between points, while _ellipse
    # is orientated towards creating vertical pairs.
    # There are also some annoying other differences between how
    # the filled ellipse and hollow ellipse are constructed that makes it
    # hard to do both in a single function
    # Why, pygame, why?

    stop_h = stop_i = stop_j = stop_k = -1

    with locked(c_surf):
        i = 1
        h = 0
        if radius_x > radius_y:
            ix = 0
            iy = radius_x * 64
            while i > h:
                h = (ix + 8) // 64
                i = (iy + 8) // 64
                j = (h * radius_y) // radius_x
                k = (i * radius_y) // radius_x

                if stop_k != k and stop_j != k and k < radius_y:
                    _drawhorizline(surface, c_color, c_x - h, c_x + h - 1,
                                   c_y - k - 1)
                    _drawhorizline(surface, c_color, c_x - h, c_x + h - 1,
                                   c_y + k)
                    stop_k = k
                if stop_j != j and stop_k != j and k != j:
                    _drawhorizline(surface, c_color, c_x - i, c_x + i - 1,
                                   c_y - j - 1)
                    _drawhorizline(surface, c_color, c_x - i, c_x + i - 1,
                                   c_y + j)
                    stop_j = j
                ix = ix + _c_div(iy, radius_x)
                iy = iy - _c_div(ix, radius_x)
            ix = 0
            iy = radius_y * 64
            while i > h:
                h = (ix + 8) // 64
                i = (iy + 8) // 64
                j = (h * radius_x) // radius_y
                k = (i * radius_x) // radius_y

                if stop_i != i and stop_h != i and i < radius_y:
                    _drawhorizline(surface, c_color, c_x - j, c_x + j - 1,
                                   c_y - i - 1)
                    _drawhorizline(surface, c_color, c_x - j, c_x + j - 1,
                                   c_y + i)
                    stop_i = i
                if stop_h != h and stop_i != h and i != h:
                    _drawhorizline(surface, c_color, c_x - k, c_x + k - 1,
                                   c_y - h - 1)
                    _drawhorizline(surface, c_color, c_x - k, c_x + k - 1,
                                   c_y + h)
                    stop_h = h

                ix = ix + _c_div(iy, radius_y)
                iy = iy - _c_div(ix, radius_y)
예제 #16
def _ellipse(surface, pos, radius_x, radius_y, color):
    """Internal helper function

       draw a ellipse with line thickness 1 on surface."""
    c_surf = surface._c_surface
    c_x, c_y = pos
    c_color = create_color(color, surface._format)
    if _check_special_ellipse(surface, c_x, c_y, radius_x, radius_y, c_color):
    # Draw the ellipse
    # Pygame's ellipse drawing algorithm appears to come from allegro, via sge
    # and SDL_gfxPrimitives. It's known to be non-optimal, but we're aiming
    # for pygame compatibility, so we're doing the same thing, much as
    # it grates me to do so.
    # We assume suitable diligence in terms of the licensing, but allegro's
    # zlib'ish license should mean we're OK anyway.

    stop_h = stop_i = stop_j = stop_k = -1
    bounds = surface.get_bounding_rect()

    with locked(c_surf):
        i = 1
        h = 0
        if radius_x > radius_y:
            ix = 0
            iy = radius_x * 64
            while i > h:
                h = (ix + 16) // 64
                i = (iy + 16) // 64
                j = (h * radius_y) // radius_x
                k = (i * radius_y) // radius_x

                if (stop_k != k
                        and stop_j != k) or (stop_j != j
                                             and stop_k != k) or (k != j):
                    plus_x = c_x + h - 1
                    minus_x = c_x - h
                    if k > 0:
                        plus_y = c_y + k - 1
                        minus_y = c_y - k
                        if h > 0:
                            if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, plus_y):
                                surface._set_at(minus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                            if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, minus_y):
                                surface._set_at(minus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, plus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, minus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                    stop_k = k
                    plus_x = c_x + i - 1
                    minus_x = c_x - i
                    if j > 0:
                        plus_y = c_y + j - 1
                        minus_y = c_y - j
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, plus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, minus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, plus_y):
                            surface._set_at(minus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, minus_y):
                            surface._set_at(minus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                    stop_j = j
                ix = ix + _c_div(iy, radius_x)
                iy = iy - _c_div(ix, radius_x)
            ix = 0
            iy = radius_y * 64
            while i > h:
                h = (ix + 32) // 64
                i = (iy + 32) // 64
                j = (h * radius_x) // radius_y
                k = (i * radius_x) // radius_y

                if (stop_i != i
                        and stop_h != i) or (stop_i != h
                                             and stop_h != h) or (h != i):
                    plus_x = c_x + j - 1
                    minus_x = c_x - j
                    if i > 0:
                        plus_y = c_y + i - 1
                        minus_y = c_y - i
                        if j > 0:
                            if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, plus_y):
                                surface._set_at(minus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                            if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, minus_y):
                                surface._set_at(minus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, plus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, minus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                    stop_i = i
                    plus_x = c_x + k - 1
                    minus_x = c_x - k
                    if h > 0:
                        plus_y = c_y + h - 1
                        minus_y = c_y - h
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, plus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, minus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, plus_y):
                            surface._set_at(minus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, minus_y):
                            surface._set_at(minus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                    stop_h = h
                ix = ix + _c_div(iy, radius_y)
                iy = iy - _c_div(ix, radius_y)
예제 #17
파일: draw.py 프로젝트: berteaa/pygame_cffi
def _ellipse(surface, pos, radius_x, radius_y, color):
    """Internal helper function

       draw a ellipse with line thickness 1 on surface."""
    c_surf = surface._c_surface
    c_x, c_y = pos
    c_color = create_color(color, surface._format)
    if _check_special_ellipse(surface, c_x, c_y, radius_x, radius_y, c_color):
    # Draw the ellipse
    # Pygame's ellipse drawing algorithm appears to come from allegro, via sge
    # and SDL_gfxPrimitives. It's known to be non-optimal, but we're aiming
    # for pygame compatibility, so we're doing the same thing, much as
    # it grates me to do so.
    # We assume suitable diligence in terms of the licensing, but allegro's
    # zlib'ish license should mean we're OK anyway.

    stop_h = stop_i = stop_j = stop_k = -1
    bounds = surface.get_bounding_rect()

    with locked(c_surf):
        i = 1
        h = 0
        if radius_x > radius_y:
            ix = 0
            iy = radius_x * 64
            while i > h:
                h = (ix + 16) // 64
                i = (iy + 16) // 64
                j = (h * radius_y) // radius_x
                k = (i * radius_y) // radius_x

                if (stop_k != k and stop_j != k) or (stop_j != j and stop_k != k) or (k != j):
                    plus_x = c_x + h - 1
                    minus_x = c_x - h
                    if k > 0:
                        plus_y = c_y + k - 1
                        minus_y = c_y - k
                        if h > 0:
                            if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, plus_y):
                                surface._set_at(minus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                            if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, minus_y):
                                surface._set_at(minus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, plus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, minus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                    stop_k = k
                    plus_x = c_x + i - 1
                    minus_x = c_x - i
                    if j > 0:
                        plus_y = c_y + j - 1
                        minus_y = c_y - j
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, plus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, minus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, plus_y):
                            surface._set_at(minus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, minus_y):
                            surface._set_at(minus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                    stop_j = j
                ix = ix + _c_div(iy, radius_x)
                iy = iy - _c_div(ix, radius_x)
            ix = 0
            iy = radius_y * 64
            while i > h:
                h = (ix + 32) // 64
                i = (iy + 32) // 64
                j = (h * radius_x) // radius_y
                k = (i * radius_x) // radius_y

                if (stop_i != i and stop_h != i) or (stop_i != h and stop_h != h) or (h != i):
                    plus_x = c_x + j - 1
                    minus_x = c_x - j
                    if i > 0:
                        plus_y = c_y + i - 1
                        minus_y = c_y - i
                        if j > 0:
                            if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, plus_y):
                                surface._set_at(minus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                            if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, minus_y):
                                surface._set_at(minus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, plus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, minus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                    stop_i = i
                    plus_x = c_x + k - 1
                    minus_x = c_x - k
                    if h > 0:
                        plus_y = c_y + h - 1
                        minus_y = c_y - h
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, plus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(plus_x, minus_y):
                            surface._set_at(plus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, plus_y):
                            surface._set_at(minus_x, plus_y, c_color)
                        if bounds.collidepoint(minus_x, minus_y):
                            surface._set_at(minus_x, minus_y, c_color)
                    stop_h = h
                ix = ix + _c_div(iy, radius_y)
                iy = iy - _c_div(ix, radius_y)
예제 #18
파일: draw.py 프로젝트: berteaa/pygame_cffi
def _fillellipse(surface, pos, radius_x, radius_y, color):
    """Internal helper function

       draw a filled ellipse on surface."""
    c_surf = surface._c_surface
    c_x, c_y = pos
    c_color = create_color(color, surface._format)
    if _check_special_ellipse(surface, c_x, c_y, radius_x, radius_y, c_color):
    # Draw the filled ellipse
    # We inherit this structure from pygame
    # We draw by drawing horizontal lines between points, while _ellipse
    # is orientated towards creating vertical pairs.
    # There are also some annoying other differences between how
    # the filled ellipse and hollow ellipse are constructed that makes it
    # hard to do both in a single function
    # Why, pygame, why?

    stop_h = stop_i = stop_j = stop_k = -1

    with locked(c_surf):
        i = 1
        h = 0
        if radius_x > radius_y:
            ix = 0
            iy = radius_x * 64
            while i > h:
                h = (ix + 8) // 64
                i = (iy + 8) // 64
                j = (h * radius_y) // radius_x
                k = (i * radius_y) // radius_x

                if stop_k != k and stop_j != k and k < radius_y:
                    _drawhorizline(surface, c_color,
                                   c_x - h, c_x + h - 1, c_y - k - 1)
                    _drawhorizline(surface, c_color,
                                   c_x - h, c_x + h - 1, c_y + k)
                    stop_k = k
                if stop_j != j and stop_k != j and k != j:
                    _drawhorizline(surface, c_color,
                                   c_x - i, c_x + i - 1, c_y - j - 1)
                    _drawhorizline(surface, c_color,
                                   c_x - i, c_x + i - 1, c_y + j)
                    stop_j = j
                ix = ix + _c_div(iy, radius_x)
                iy = iy - _c_div(ix, radius_x)
            ix = 0
            iy = radius_y * 64
            while i > h:
                h = (ix + 8) // 64
                i = (iy + 8) // 64
                j = (h * radius_x) // radius_y
                k = (i * radius_x) // radius_y

                if stop_i != i and stop_h != i and i < radius_y:
                    _drawhorizline(surface, c_color,
                                   c_x - j, c_x + j - 1, c_y - i - 1)
                    _drawhorizline(surface, c_color,
                                   c_x - j, c_x + j - 1, c_y + i)
                    stop_i = i
                if stop_h != h and stop_i != h and i != h:
                    _drawhorizline(surface, c_color,
                                   c_x - k, c_x + k - 1, c_y - h - 1)
                    _drawhorizline(surface, c_color,
                                   c_x - k, c_x + k - 1, c_y + h)
                    stop_h = h

                ix = ix + _c_div(iy, radius_y)
                iy = iy - _c_div(ix, radius_y)