def put(scrap_type, thing): board = NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard() if scrap_type == SCRAP_TEXT: board.declareTypes_owner_([NSStringPboardType, ScrapPboardType], None) if isinstance(thing, unicode): text_thing = thing else: text_thing = unicode(thing, 'utf-8') board.setString_forType_(text_thing, NSStringPboardType) board.setString_forType_(unicode_(''), ScrapPboardType) elif 1: raise NotImplementedError(err) elif 0 and scrap_type == SCRAP_BMP: # Don't use this code... we put the data in as a string. #if type(thing) != type(pygame.Surface((1,1))): # thing = pygame.image.fromstring(thing, len(thing) * 4, "RGBA") # This is pretty silly, we shouldn't have to do this... fh = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png'), path = if not isinstance(path, unicode): path = unicode(path, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) img = NSImage.alloc().initByReferencingFile_(path) tiff = img.TIFFRepresentation() fh.close() board.declareTypes_owner_([NSTIFFPboardType, ScrapPboardType], None) board.setData_forType_(tiff, NSTIFFPboardType) board.setString_forType_(unicode_(''), ScrapPboardType) elif scrap_type == SCRAP_BMP: other_type = scrap_type board.declareTypes_owner_([other_type], None) board.setData_forType_(thing, other_type) else: other_type = scrap_type if 0: board.declareTypes_owner_([NSStringPboardType, other_type], None) board.setString_forType_(text_thing, NSStringPboardType) elif 0: board.declareTypes_owner_([other_type], None) #board.setString_forType_(thing, other_type) board.setData_forType_(thing, other_type) else: board.declareTypes_owner_([NSStringPboardType, other_type], None) board.setString_forType_(thing, NSStringPboardType)
def test_freetype_Face_render_raw(self): face = self._TEST_FONTS['sans'] text = "abc" size = face.get_rect(text, ptsize=24).size rend = face.render_raw(text, ptsize=24) self.assertTrue(isinstance(rend, tuple)) self.assertEqual(len(rend), 2) r, s = rend self.assertTrue(isinstance(r, bytes_)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(s, tuple)) self.assertTrue(len(s), 2) w, h = s self.assertTrue(isinstance(w, int)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(w, int)) self.assertEqual(s, size) self.assertEqual(len(r), w * h) r, (w, h) = face.render_raw('', ptsize=24) self.assertEqual(w, 0) self.assertEqual(h, face.height) self.assertEqual(len(r), 0) # bug with decenders: this would crash rend = face.render_raw('render_raw', ptsize=24) # bug with non-printable characters: this would cause a crash # because the text length was not adjusted for skipped characters. text = unicode_("").join([unichr_(i) for i in range(31, 64)]) rend = face.render_raw(text, ptsize=10)
def test_caption_unicode(self): TEST_CAPTION = u"台" display.set_caption(TEST_CAPTION) import sys if sys.version_info.major >= 3: self.assertEqual(display.get_caption()[0], TEST_CAPTION) else: self.assertEqual(unicode_(display.get_caption()[0], "utf8"), TEST_CAPTION)
def test_unload(self): import shutil import tempfile ep = unicode_(example_path('data')) org_file = os.path.join(ep, u'house_lo.wav') tmpfd, tmppath = tempfile.mkstemp('.wav') os.close(tmpfd) shutil.copy(org_file, tmppath) try: finally: os.remove(tmppath)
def _load_unicode(self, path): import shutil fdir = unicode_(FONTDIR) temp = os.path.join(fdir, path) pgfont = os.path.join(fdir, u'test_sans.ttf') shutil.copy(pgfont, temp) try: with open(temp, 'rb') as f: pass except IOError: raise unittest.SkipTest('the path cannot be opened') try: pygame_font.Font(temp, 20) finally: os.remove(temp)
def test_save_unicode_path(self): temp_file = unicode_("tmpimg.png") im = pygame.Surface((10, 10), 0, 32) try: os.remove(temp_file) except EnvironmentError: pass self.assert_(not os.path.exists(temp_file)) try: save_extended(im, temp_file) self.assert_(os.path.getsize(temp_file) > 10) finally: try: os.remove(temp_file) except EnvironmentError: pass
def test_save_unicode_path(self): temp_file = unicode_("tmpimg.png") im = pygame.Surface((10, 10), 0, 32) try: os.remove(temp_file) except EnvironmentError: pass self.assert_(not os.path.exists(temp_file)) try: imageext.save_extended(im, temp_file) self.assert_(os.path.getsize(temp_file) > 10) finally: try: os.remove(temp_file) except EnvironmentError: pass
def test_load_unicode(self): """test non-ASCII unicode path""" import shutil ep = unicode_(example_path('data')) temp_file = os.path.join(ep, u'你好.wav') org_file = os.path.join(ep, u'house_lo.wav') try: with open(temp_file, 'w') as f: pass os.remove(temp_file) except IOError: raise unittest.SkipTest('the path cannot be opened') shutil.copy(org_file, temp_file) try: # unload finally: os.remove(temp_file)
def test_sound_unicode(self): """test non-ASCII unicode path""" mixer.init() import shutil ep = unicode_(example_path('data')) temp_file = os.path.join(ep, u'你好.wav') org_file = os.path.join(ep, u'house_lo.wav') shutil.copy(org_file, temp_file) try: with open(temp_file, 'rb') as f: pass except IOError: raise unittest.SkipTest('the path cannot be opened') try: sound = mixer.Sound(temp_file) del sound finally: os.remove(temp_file)
def test_unicode_(self): self.assertTrue(hasattr(compat.unicode_(), "isdecimal"))
'darkorchid' : (153, 50, 204, 255) , 'thistle3' : (205, 181, 205, 255) , 'thistle2' : (238, 210, 238, 255) , 'thistle1' : (255, 225, 255, 255) , 'salmon' : (250, 128, 114, 255) , 'gray93' : (237, 237, 237, 255) , 'thistle4' : (139, 123, 139, 255) , 'gray39' : (99, 99, 99, 255) , 'lawngreen' : (124, 252, 0, 255) , 'hotpink3' : (205, 96, 144, 255) , 'hotpink2' : (238, 106, 167, 255) , 'hotpink1' : (255, 110, 180, 255) , 'lightgreen' : (144, 238, 144, 255) , 'hotpink4' : (139, 58, 98, 255) , 'darkseagreen4' : (105, 139, 105, 255) , 'darkseagreen3' : (155, 205, 155, 255) , 'darkseagreen2' : (180, 238, 180, 255) , 'darkseagreen1' : (193, 255, 193, 255) , 'deepskyblue4' : (0, 104, 139, 255) , 'gray44' : (112, 112, 112, 255) , 'navyblue' : (0, 0, 128, 255) , 'darkblue' : (0, 0, 139, 255) , 'forestgreen' : (34, 139, 34, 255) , 'gray53' : (135, 135, 135, 255) , 'grey100' : (255, 255, 255, 255) , 'brown1' : (255, 64, 64, 255) , } for k,v in THECOLORS.items(): THECOLORS[unicode_(k)] = v
import pygame from pygame.locals import * import sys try: from cStringIO import StringIO as BytesIO except ImportError: from io import BytesIO from pygame.compat import unicode_ QUIT_CHAR = unicode_('q') usage = """\ python <movie file> A simple movie player that plays an MPEG movie in a Pygame window. It showcases the module. The window adjusts to the size of the movie image. It is given a boarder to demonstrate that a movie can play autonomously in a sub- window. Also, the file is copied to a file like object to show that not just Python files can be used as a movie source. """ def main(filepath): pygame.init() pygame.mixer.quit() f = BytesIO(open(filepath, 'rb').read()) movie = w, h = movie.get_size() w = int(w * 1.3 + 0.5)
def test_load_unicode_path_0(self): u = unicode_(example_path("data/alien1.png")) im = imageext.load_extended(u)
def main(): # initialize pygame.init() resolution = 400, 200 screen = pygame.display.set_mode(resolution) ## pygame.mouse.set_cursor(*pygame.cursors.diamond) fg = 250, 240, 230 bg = 5, 5, 5 wincolor = 40, 40, 90 # fill background screen.fill(wincolor) # load font, prepare values font = pygame.font.Font(None, 80) text = 'Fonty' size = font.size(text) # no AA, no transparancy, normal ren = font.render(text, 0, fg, bg) screen.blit(ren, (10, 10)) # no AA, transparancy, underline font.set_underline(1) ren = font.render(text, 0, fg) screen.blit(ren, (10, 40 + size[1])) font.set_underline(0) a_sys_font = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 60) # AA, no transparancy, bold a_sys_font.set_bold(1) ren = a_sys_font.render(text, 1, fg, bg) screen.blit(ren, (30 + size[0], 10)) a_sys_font.set_bold(0) # AA, transparancy, italic a_sys_font.set_italic(1) ren = a_sys_font.render(text, 1, fg) screen.blit(ren, (30 + size[0], 40 + size[1])) a_sys_font.set_italic(0) # Get some metrics. print("Font metrics for 'Fonty': %s" % a_sys_font.metrics(text)) ch = unicode_("%c") % 0x3060 msg = (unicode_("Font metrics for '%s': %s") % (ch, a_sys_font.metrics(ch))) print_unicode(msg) ## #some_japanese_unicode = u"\u304b\u3070\u306b" ##some_japanese_unicode = unicode_('%c%c%c') % (0x304b, 0x3070, 0x306b) # AA, transparancy, italic ##ren = a_sys_font.render(some_japanese_unicode, 1, fg) ##screen.blit(ren, (30 + size[0], 40 + size[1])) # show the surface and await user quit pygame.display.flip() while 1: # use event.wait to keep from polling 100% cpu if pygame.event.wait().type in (QUIT, KEYDOWN, MOUSEBUTTONDOWN): break
def test_load_unicode_path(self): u = unicode_(example_path("data/alien1.png")) im = load_extended(u)
#!/usr/bin/env python import pygame from pygame.locals import * import sys try: from cStringIO import StringIO as BytesIO except ImportError: from io import BytesIO from pygame.compat import unicode_ QUIT_CHAR = unicode_("q") usage = """\ python <movie file> A simple movie player that plays an MPEG movie in a Pygame window. It showcases the module. The window adjusts to the size of the movie image. It is given a boarder to demonstrate that a movie can play autonomously in a sub- window. Also, the file is copied to a file like object to show that not just Python files can be used as a movie source. """ def main(filepath): pygame.init() pygame.mixer.quit()
"darkorchid": (153, 50, 204, 255), "thistle3": (205, 181, 205, 255), "thistle2": (238, 210, 238, 255), "thistle1": (255, 225, 255, 255), "salmon": (250, 128, 114, 255), "gray93": (237, 237, 237, 255), "thistle4": (139, 123, 139, 255), "gray39": (99, 99, 99, 255), "lawngreen": (124, 252, 0, 255), "hotpink3": (205, 96, 144, 255), "hotpink2": (238, 106, 167, 255), "hotpink1": (255, 110, 180, 255), "lightgreen": (144, 238, 144, 255), "hotpink4": (139, 58, 98, 255), "darkseagreen4": (105, 139, 105, 255), "darkseagreen3": (155, 205, 155, 255), "darkseagreen2": (180, 238, 180, 255), "darkseagreen1": (193, 255, 193, 255), "deepskyblue4": (0, 104, 139, 255), "gray44": (112, 112, 112, 255), "navyblue": (0, 0, 128, 255), "darkblue": (0, 0, 139, 255), "forestgreen": (34, 139, 34, 255), "gray53": (135, 135, 135, 255), "grey100": (255, 255, 255, 255), "brown1": (255, 64, 64, 255), } for k, v in THECOLORS.items(): THECOLORS[unicode_(k)] = v
def test_sound_args(self): def get_bytes(snd): return snd.get_raw() mixer.init() sample = as_bytes("\x00\xff") * 24 wave_path = example_path(os.path.join("data", "house_lo.wav")) uwave_path = unicode_(wave_path) bwave_path = uwave_path.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) snd = mixer.Sound(file=wave_path) self.assertTrue(snd.get_length() > 0.5) snd_bytes = get_bytes(snd) self.assertTrue(len(snd_bytes) > 1000) self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(wave_path)), snd_bytes) self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(file=uwave_path)), snd_bytes) self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(uwave_path)), snd_bytes) arg_emsg = "Sound takes either 1 positional or 1 keyword argument" with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: mixer.Sound() self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), arg_emsg) with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: mixer.Sound(wave_path, buffer=sample) self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), arg_emsg) with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: mixer.Sound(sample, file=wave_path) self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), arg_emsg) with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: mixer.Sound(buffer=sample, file=wave_path) self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), arg_emsg) with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: mixer.Sound(foobar=sample) self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "Unrecognized keyword argument 'foobar'") snd = mixer.Sound(wave_path, **{}) self.assertEqual(get_bytes(snd), snd_bytes) snd = mixer.Sound(*[], **{"file": wave_path}) with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: mixer.Sound([]) self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "Unrecognized argument (type list)") with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: snd = mixer.Sound(buffer=[]) emsg = "Expected object with buffer interface: got a list" self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), emsg) ufake_path = unicode_("12345678") self.assertRaises(IOError, mixer.Sound, ufake_path) self.assertRaises(IOError, mixer.Sound, "12345678") with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: mixer.Sound(buffer=unicode_("something")) emsg = "Unicode object not allowed as buffer object" self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), emsg) self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(buffer=sample)), sample) if type(sample) != str: somebytes = get_bytes(mixer.Sound(sample)) # on python 2 we do not allow using string except as file name. self.assertEqual(somebytes, sample) self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(file=bwave_path)), snd_bytes) self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(bwave_path)), snd_bytes) snd = mixer.Sound(wave_path) with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: mixer.Sound(wave_path, array=snd) self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), arg_emsg) with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: mixer.Sound(buffer=sample, array=snd) self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), arg_emsg) snd2 = mixer.Sound(array=snd) self.assertEqual(snd.get_raw(), snd2.get_raw())
def test_unicode_(self): self.failUnless(hasattr(compat.unicode_(), 'isdecimal'))
# # These methods are called internally by pygame.scrap # from AppKit import * from Foundation import * import sys import tempfile import pygame.image from pygame.locals import SCRAP_TEXT, SCRAP_BMP, SCRAP_SELECTION, SCRAP_CLIPBOARD from cStringIO import StringIO from pygame.compat import unicode_ ScrapPboardType = unicode_('org.pygame.scrap') err = "Only text has been implemented for scrap on mac. See lib/ to debug." def init(): return 1 def get(scrap_type): board = NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard() if 0: print(board.types) print(dir(board.types)) print(dir(board)) print(board.__doc__)
def test_freetype_Face_cache(self): glyphs = "abcde" glen = len(glyphs) other_glyphs = "123" oglen = len(other_glyphs) uempty = unicode_("") ## many_glyphs = (uempty.join([unichr_(i) for i in range(32,127)] + ## [unichr_(i) for i in range(161,172)] + ## [unichr_(i) for i in range(174,239)])) many_glyphs = uempty.join([unichr_(i) for i in range(32,127)]) mglen = len(many_glyphs) count = 0 access = 0 hit = 0 miss = 0 f = ft.Face(None, ptsize=24, style=ft.STYLE_NORMAL, vertical=False) f.antialiased = True # Ensure debug counters are zero self.assertEqual(f._debug_cache_stats, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) # Load some basic glyphs count = access = miss = glen f.render_raw(glyphs) self.assertEqual(f._debug_cache_stats, (count, 0, access, hit, miss)) # Vertical should not affect the cache access += glen hit += glen f.vertical = True f.render_raw(glyphs) f.vertical = False self.assertEqual(f._debug_cache_stats, (count, 0, access, hit, miss)) # New glyphs will count += oglen access += oglen miss += oglen f.render_raw(other_glyphs) self.assertEqual(f._debug_cache_stats, (count, 0, access, hit, miss)) # Point size does count += glen access += glen miss += glen f.render_raw(glyphs, ptsize=12) self.assertEqual(f._debug_cache_stats, (count, 0, access, hit, miss)) # Underline style does not access += oglen hit += oglen f.underline = True f.render_raw(other_glyphs) f.underline = False self.assertEqual(f._debug_cache_stats, (count, 0, access, hit, miss)) # Oblique style does count += glen access += glen miss += glen f.oblique = True f.render_raw(glyphs) f.oblique = False self.assertEqual(f._debug_cache_stats, (count, 0, access, hit, miss)) # Strong style does; by this point cache clears can happen count += glen access += glen miss += glen f.strong = True f.render_raw(glyphs) f.strong = False ccount, cdelete_count, caccess, chit, cmiss = f._debug_cache_stats self.assertEqual((ccount + cdelete_count, caccess, chit, cmiss), (count, access, hit, miss)) # Rotation does count += glen access += glen miss += glen f.render_raw(glyphs, rotation=10) ccount, cdelete_count, caccess, chit, cmiss = f._debug_cache_stats self.assertEqual((ccount + cdelete_count, caccess, chit, cmiss), (count, access, hit, miss)) # aliased (mono) glyphs do count += oglen access += oglen miss += oglen f.antialiased = False f.render_raw(other_glyphs) f.antialiased = True ccount, cdelete_count, caccess, chit, cmiss = f._debug_cache_stats self.assertEqual((ccount + cdelete_count, caccess, chit, cmiss), (count, access, hit, miss)) # Trigger a cleanup for sure. count += 2 * mglen access += 2 * mglen miss += 2 * mglen f.get_metrics(many_glyphs, ptsize=8) f.get_metrics(many_glyphs, ptsize=10) ccount, cdelete_count, caccess, chit, cmiss = f._debug_cache_stats print (ccount, cdelete_count, caccess, chit, cmiss) self.assertTrue(ccount < count) self.assertEqual((ccount + cdelete_count, caccess, chit, cmiss), (count, access, hit, miss))
def test_sound_args(self): def get_bytes(snd): return snd.get_buffer().raw mixer.init() try: sample = as_bytes('\x00\xff') * 24 wave_path = example_path(os.path.join('data', 'house_lo.wav')) uwave_path = unicode_(wave_path) bwave_path = uwave_path.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) snd = mixer.Sound(file=wave_path) self.assert_(snd.get_length() > 0.5) snd_bytes = get_bytes(snd) self.assert_(len(snd_bytes) > 1000) self.assert_(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(wave_path)) == snd_bytes) self.assert_(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(file=uwave_path)) == snd_bytes) self.assert_(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(uwave_path)) == snd_bytes) arg_emsg = 'Sound takes either 1 positional or 1 keyword argument' try: mixer.Sound() except TypeError: self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), arg_emsg) else:"no exception") try: mixer.Sound(wave_path, buffer=sample) except TypeError: self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), arg_emsg) else:"no exception") try: mixer.Sound(sample, file=wave_path) except TypeError: self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), arg_emsg) else:"no exception") try: mixer.Sound(buffer=sample, file=wave_path) except TypeError: self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), arg_emsg) else:"no exception") try: mixer.Sound(foobar=sample) except TypeError: emsg = "Unrecognized keyword argument 'foobar'" self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), emsg) else:"no exception") snd = mixer.Sound(wave_path, **{}) self.assertEqual(get_bytes(snd), snd_bytes) snd = mixer.Sound(*[], **{'file': wave_path}) try: snd = mixer.Sound([]) except TypeError: emsg = 'Unrecognized argument (type list)' self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), emsg) else:"no exception") try: snd = mixer.Sound(buffer=[]) except TypeError: emsg = 'Expected object with buffer interface: got a list' self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), emsg) else:"no exception") ufake_path = unicode_('12345678') self.assertRaises(pygame.error, mixer.Sound, ufake_path) try: mixer.Sound(buffer=unicode_('something')) except TypeError: emsg = 'Unicode object not allowed as buffer object' self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), emsg) else:"no exception") self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(buffer=sample)), sample) self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(sample)), sample) self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(file=bwave_path)), snd_bytes) self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(bwave_path)), snd_bytes) snd = mixer.Sound(wave_path) try: mixer.Sound(wave_path, array=snd) except TypeError: self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), arg_emsg) else:"no exception") try: mixer.Sound(buffer=sample, array=snd) except TypeError: self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), arg_emsg) else:"no exception") snd2 = mixer.Sound(array=snd) self.assertEqual(snd.get_buffer().raw, snd2.get_buffer().raw) finally: mixer.quit()
def main(): #initialize pygame.init() resolution = 400, 200 screen = pygame.display.set_mode(resolution) ## pygame.mouse.set_cursor(*pygame.cursors.diamond) fg = 250, 240, 230 bg = 5, 5, 5 wincolor = 40, 40, 90 #fill background screen.fill(wincolor) #load font, prepare values font = pygame.font.Font(None, 80) text = 'Fonty' size = font.size(text) #no AA, no transparancy, normal ren = font.render(text, 0, fg, bg) screen.blit(ren, (10, 10)) #no AA, transparancy, underline font.set_underline(1) ren = font.render(text, 0, fg) screen.blit(ren, (10, 40 + size[1])) font.set_underline(0) a_sys_font = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 60) #AA, no transparancy, bold a_sys_font.set_bold(1) ren = a_sys_font.render(text, 1, fg, bg) screen.blit(ren, (30 + size[0], 10)) a_sys_font.set_bold(0) #AA, transparancy, italic a_sys_font.set_italic(1) ren = a_sys_font.render(text, 1, fg) screen.blit(ren, (30 + size[0], 40 + size[1])) a_sys_font.set_italic(0) # Get some metrics. print ("Font metrics for 'Fonty': %s" % a_sys_font.metrics (text)) ch = unicode_("%c") % 0x3060 msg = (unicode_("Font metrics for '%s': %s") % (ch, a_sys_font.metrics (ch))) print_unicode(msg) ## #some_japanese_unicode = u"\u304b\u3070\u306b" ##some_japanese_unicode = unicode_('%c%c%c') % (0x304b, 0x3070, 0x306b) #AA, transparancy, italic ##ren = a_sys_font.render(some_japanese_unicode, 1, fg) ##screen.blit(ren, (30 + size[0], 40 + size[1])) #show the surface and await user quit pygame.display.flip() while 1: #use event.wait to keep from polling 100% cpu if pygame.event.wait().type in (QUIT, KEYDOWN, MOUSEBUTTONDOWN): break
def test_sound_args(self): def get_bytes(snd): return snd.get_raw() mixer.init() sample = as_bytes('\x00\xff') * 24 wave_path = example_path(os.path.join('data', 'house_lo.wav')) uwave_path = unicode_(wave_path) bwave_path = uwave_path.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) snd = mixer.Sound(file=wave_path) self.assertTrue(snd.get_length() > 0.5) snd_bytes = get_bytes(snd) self.assertTrue(len(snd_bytes) > 1000) # TODO: FIXME: skipped because appveyor fails here sometimes. # self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(wave_path)), snd_bytes) self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(file=uwave_path)), snd_bytes) self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(uwave_path)), snd_bytes) arg_emsg = 'Sound takes either 1 positional or 1 keyword argument' with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: mixer.Sound() self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), arg_emsg) with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: mixer.Sound(wave_path, buffer=sample) self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), arg_emsg) with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: mixer.Sound(sample, file=wave_path) self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), arg_emsg) with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: mixer.Sound(buffer=sample, file=wave_path) self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), arg_emsg) with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: mixer.Sound(foobar=sample) self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "Unrecognized keyword argument 'foobar'") snd = mixer.Sound(wave_path, **{}) self.assertEqual(get_bytes(snd), snd_bytes) snd = mixer.Sound(*[], **{'file': wave_path}) with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: mixer.Sound([]) self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), 'Unrecognized argument (type list)') with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: snd = mixer.Sound(buffer=[]) emsg = 'Expected object with buffer interface: got a list' self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), emsg) ufake_path = unicode_('12345678') self.assertRaises(IOError, mixer.Sound, ufake_path) self.assertRaises(IOError, mixer.Sound, '12345678') with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: mixer.Sound(buffer=unicode_('something')) emsg = 'Unicode object not allowed as buffer object' self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), emsg) self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(buffer=sample)), sample) if type(sample) != str: somebytes = get_bytes(mixer.Sound(sample)) # on python 2 we do not allow using string except as file name. self.assertEqual(somebytes, sample) self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(file=bwave_path)), snd_bytes) self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(bwave_path)), snd_bytes) snd = mixer.Sound(wave_path) with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: mixer.Sound(wave_path, array=snd) self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), arg_emsg) with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: mixer.Sound(buffer=sample, array=snd) self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), arg_emsg) snd2 = mixer.Sound(array=snd) self.assertEqual(snd.get_raw(), snd2.get_raw())
if sys.platform == 'win32' and sys.getwindowsversion()[0] >= 5: # condi. and # On NT like Windows versions smpeg video needs windb. os.environ['SDL_VIDEODRIVER'] = 'windib' import pygame import pygame._movie from pygame.locals import * try: from cStringIO import StringIO as BytesIO except ImportError: from io import BytesIO from pygame.compat import unicode_ QUIT_CHAR = unicode_('q') usage = """\ python <movie file> A simple movie player that plays an MPEG movie in a Pygame window. It showcases the module. The window adjusts to the size of the movie image. It is given a boarder to demonstrate that a movie can play autonomously in a sub- window. Also, the file is copied to a file like object to show that not just Python files can be used as a movie source. """ def main(filepath): pygame.init() pygame.mixer.quit()
def test_sound_args(self): def get_bytes(snd): return snd.get_raw() mixer.init() try: sample = as_bytes('\x00\xff') * 24 wave_path = example_path(os.path.join('data', 'house_lo.wav')) uwave_path = unicode_(wave_path) bwave_path = uwave_path.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) snd = mixer.Sound(file=wave_path) self.assert_(snd.get_length() > 0.5) snd_bytes = get_bytes(snd) self.assert_(len(snd_bytes) > 1000) self.assert_(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(wave_path)) == snd_bytes) self.assert_(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(file=uwave_path)) == snd_bytes) self.assert_(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(uwave_path)) == snd_bytes) arg_emsg = 'Sound takes either 1 positional or 1 keyword argument' try: mixer.Sound() except TypeError: self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), arg_emsg) else:"no exception") try: mixer.Sound(wave_path, buffer=sample) except TypeError: self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), arg_emsg) else:"no exception") try: mixer.Sound(sample, file=wave_path) except TypeError: self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), arg_emsg) else:"no exception") try: mixer.Sound(buffer=sample, file=wave_path) except TypeError: self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), arg_emsg) else:"no exception") try: mixer.Sound(foobar=sample) except TypeError: emsg = "Unrecognized keyword argument 'foobar'" self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), emsg) else:"no exception") snd = mixer.Sound(wave_path, **{}) self.assertEqual(get_bytes(snd), snd_bytes) snd = mixer.Sound(*[], **{'file': wave_path}) try: snd = mixer.Sound([]) except TypeError: emsg = 'Unrecognized argument (type list)' self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), emsg) else:"no exception") try: snd = mixer.Sound(buffer=[]) except TypeError: emsg = 'Expected object with buffer interface: got a list' self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), emsg) else:"no exception") ufake_path = unicode_('12345678') self.assertRaises(pygame.error, mixer.Sound, ufake_path) try: mixer.Sound(buffer=unicode_('something')) except TypeError: emsg = 'Unicode object not allowed as buffer object' self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), emsg) else:"no exception") self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(buffer=sample)), sample) self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(sample)), sample) self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(file=bwave_path)), snd_bytes) self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(bwave_path)), snd_bytes) snd = mixer.Sound(wave_path) try: mixer.Sound(wave_path, array=snd) except TypeError: self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), arg_emsg) else:"no exception") try: mixer.Sound(buffer=sample, array=snd) except TypeError: self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), arg_emsg) else:"no exception") snd2 = mixer.Sound(array=snd) self.assertEqual(snd.get_raw(), snd2.get_raw()) finally: mixer.quit()
# # These methods are called internally by pygame.scrap # from cStringIO import StringIO import sys import tempfile from pygame.compat import unicode_ import pygame.image from pygame.locals import SCRAP_TEXT, SCRAP_BMP, SCRAP_SELECTION, SCRAP_CLIPBOARD from AppKit import * from Foundation import * ScrapPboardType = unicode_('org.pygame.scrap') err = "Only text has been implemented for scrap on mac. See lib/ to debug." def init(): return 1 def get(scrap_type): board = NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard() if 0: print (board.types) print (dir(board.types))