예제 #1
    def draw(self, screen):
        # draw roads
        for i in range(self.n_all):
            for j in range(i, self.n_all):
                if not self.nodes_distance[i, j] < float('inf'):

                pos_i = utils.lb2lt(tuple(self.nodes_position[i]))
                pos_j = utils.lb2lt(tuple(self.nodes_position[j]))
                color = utils.get_color()
                size = 2
                if self.flags_main_road[i, j]:
                    color = utils.get_color('RED')
                    size = 3
                draw.aaline(screen, color, pos_i, pos_j)
        # draw nodes
        for i in range(self.n_all):
            pos = utils.lb2lt(tuple(self.nodes_position[i]))
            if 'D' in self.i2c[i]:
                xdraw.filled_circle(screen, pos[0], pos[1], 8,
            elif 'Z' in self.i2c[i]:
                xdraw.filled_circle(screen, pos[0], pos[1], 6,
            elif 'J' in self.i2c[i]:
                xdraw.filled_circle(screen, pos[0], pos[1], 4,
            elif 'F' in self.i2c[i]:
                xdraw.box(screen, (pos[0] - 4, pos[1] - 4, 8, 8),
                          (139, 19, 69))
 def __init__(self, parent):
     self.image = Surface([3, 19])
     self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
     self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h = self.rect
     draw.aaline(self.image, COLOR_TEXT, [1, 0], [1, self.h])
예제 #3
    def update(self):
        self.ticks += 1
        self.image.fill(self.color_fondo, (1, 1, self.w - 2, self.h - 2))
        if len(self.input):
            t = ''.join(self.input)
            color = self.color_texto
            fuente = self.f
            t = 'Ingrese el nombre de un producto'
            color = 125, 125, 125
            fuente = self.empty_f

        r = fuente.render(t, 1, color, self.color_fondo)
        rr = r.get_rect(topleft=(self.rect.x + 1, self.rect.y + 1))

        if self.rect.contains(rr):
            self.image.blit(r, (1, 1))
            self.dirty = 1

        if 10 < self.ticks < 30 and len(self.input) and self.active:
            draw.aaline(self.image, self.color_texto,
                        (rr.right - self.rect.x + 2, 3),
                        (rr.right - 80 + 2, self.h - 3))
        elif self.ticks > 40:
            self.ticks = 0
예제 #4
    def draw(self):
        #draw graph
        backdrop = self.graph.copy()
        self.graph.blit(backdrop, (-1, 0))
        if self.tick % 10 != 0:
            draw.line(self.graph, self.graph_color, (self.gWIDTH - 1, 0),
                      (self.gWIDTH - 1, self.gHEIGTH - 1))
            for i in range(10, self.gHEIGTH, 10):
                self.graph.set_at((self.gWIDTH - 1, i),
            draw.line(self.graph, self.support_line_color,
                      (self.gWIDTH - 1, 0),
                      (self.gWIDTH - 1, self.gHEIGTH - 1))

        point = (3 * self.gWIDTH // 4,
                 int((self.content - self.min_value) * self.gHEIGTH /
                     (self.max_value - self.min_value)))
        if self.previous_point:
            draw.aaline(self.graph, self.line_color, self.previous_point,

        x, y = point
        self.previous_point = (x - 1, y)
        self.tick += 1

        #draw canvas
        self.canvas.blit(self.graph, (3 * self.TAB, self.TAB))
예제 #5
 def test_color_validation(self):
     surf = pygame.Surface((10, 10))
     colors = 123456, (1, 10, 100), RED # but not '#ab12df' or 'red' ...
     points = ((0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 0))
     # 1. valid colors
     for col in colors:
         draw.line(surf, col, (0, 0), (1, 1))
         draw.aaline(surf, col, (0, 0), (1, 1))
         draw.aalines(surf, col, True, points)
         draw.lines(surf, col, True, points)
         draw.arc(surf, col, pygame.Rect(0, 0, 3, 3), 15, 150)
         draw.ellipse(surf, col, pygame.Rect(0, 0, 3, 6), 1)
         draw.circle(surf, col, (7, 3), 2)
         draw.polygon(surf, col, points, 0)
     # 2. invalid colors
     for col in ('invalid', 1.256, object(), None, '#ab12df', 'red'):
         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
             draw.line(surf, col, (0, 0), (1, 1))
         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
             draw.aaline(surf, col, (0, 0), (1, 1))
         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
             draw.aalines(surf, col, True, points)
         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
             draw.lines(surf, col, True, points)
         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
             draw.arc(surf, col, pygame.Rect(0, 0, 3, 3), 15, 150)
         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
             draw.ellipse(surf, col, pygame.Rect(0, 0, 3, 6), 1)
         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
             draw.circle(surf, col, (7, 3), 2)
         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
             draw.polygon(surf, col, points, 0)
예제 #6
def draw_parus(parus_x, parus_y, p):

    parus_x - координата x левого верхнего угла стержня паруса
    parus_y - координата y левого верхнего угла стержня паруса
    p - коэффициент пропорциональности размеров паруса

    draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 0), (parus_x, parus_y, p * 2 - 2, 2 * 10 * p))
    draw.polygon(screen, (218, 173, 128),
                 [(parus_x + p * 2 - 2, parus_y),
                  (parus_x + p * 6, parus_y + p * 10),
                  (parus_x + p * 14, parus_y + p * 10)])
    draw.polygon(screen, (218, 173, 128),
                 [(parus_x + p * 2 - 2, parus_y + p * 10 * 2),
                  (parus_x + p * 6, parus_y + p * 10),
                  (parus_x + p * 14, parus_y + p * 10)])
    draw.aaline(screen, (0, 0, 0), (parus_x + p * 6, parus_y + p * 10),
                (parus_x + p * 14, parus_y + p * 10))
    draw.aaline(screen, (0, 0, 0), (parus_x + p * 6, parus_y + p * 10),
                (parus_x + p * 2 - 2, parus_y))
    draw.aaline(screen, (0, 0, 0), (parus_x + p * 14, parus_y + p * 10),
                (parus_x + p * 2 - 2, parus_y))
    draw.aaline(screen, (0, 0, 0), (parus_x + p * 6, parus_y + p * 10),
                (parus_x + p * 2 - 2, parus_y + 2 * 10 * p))
    draw.aaline(screen, (0, 0, 0), (parus_x + p * 14, parus_y + p * 10),
                (parus_x + p * 2 - 2, parus_y + 2 * 10 * p))
예제 #7
	def draw(self, surface):
		c_inner, c_outer = self.colouring()

		for arm in self.arms:
			pdraw.aaline(surface, c_outer, arm.p1, arm.p2, 1)

		gfx.filled_circle(surface, int(self.position[0]), int(self.position[1]), self.radius, c_inner)
		gfx.aacircle(surface, int(self.position[0]), int(self.position[1]), self.radius, c_outer)
예제 #8
    def draw(self, surface, x, y, w, h):
        start_pos = self.__get_point(self.__start, x, y, w, h)
        end_pos = self.__get_point(self.__end, x, y, w, h)
        if start_pos[0] > end_pos[0]:
            tmp = start_pos
            start_pos = end_pos
            end_pos = tmp

        aaline(surface, (56, 21, 200), start_pos, end_pos, 1)
예제 #9
    def _crear(checked):
        lado = 12
        img = Surface((lado, lado))
        img.fill((255, 255, 255), (1, 1, lado - 2, lado - 2))

        if checked:
            draw.aaline(img, (0, 0, 0), [2, 2], [9, 10])  # \
            draw.aaline(img, (0, 0, 0), [2, 10], [9, 2])  # /

        return img
예제 #10
def render(direction: math.Vector2, window_size: tuple, surface: Surface) -> None:
    start_pos = math.Vector2 (window_size[0]/2, window_size[1]/2)
    if direction is None or direction.length() < 0.05:
        draw.circle(surface, (255, 0, 0), start_pos, 5, 1)
        # copy, no reference
        vector = math.Vector2(direction)
        length = vector.length()
        vector.scale_to_length(length * 100)
        draw.aaline(surface, (0, 255, 0), start_pos, start_pos + vector)
예제 #11
 def update_turrets(self, screen):
     lines = []
     for turret_id, turret in self.all_turrets.items():
         line = turret.update(screen, self.all_enemies_on_map)
         lines.append(line) if line is not None else None
     for line in lines:
         draw_better_line(screen, line[0].begin(), line[0].end(),
                          line[1][0], 2)
         aaline(screen, line[1][1], line[0].begin(), line[0].end())
예제 #12
 def draw_link(self, surface, link):
     from pygame.draw import aaline
     #TODO stop line at side of hole
     start = self.apos
     end = link.apos
     aaline(surface, (100, 50, 50), start, end)
     return self
예제 #13
    def draw_link(self, surface, link):
        from pygame.draw import aaline

        #TODO stop line at side of hole

        start = self.apos
        end = link.apos

        aaline(surface, (100, 50, 50), start, end)

        return self
예제 #14
    def test_aaline_blend(self):
        """ blends correctly with the background color.
        surface = pygame.Surface((20, 20))
        surface.fill(pygame.Color(0, 255, 0))
        draw.aaline(surface, pygame.Color(255, 255, 255), (2, 2), (18, 18), 1)
        draw.aaline(surface, pygame.Color(255, 255, 255), (2, 18), (18, 2), 1)

        # white should be blended with the background green.
        self.assertEqual(surface.get_at((10, 10)), (191, 255, 191, 255))
        # should be full green here.
        self.assertEqual(surface.get_at((9, 7)), (0, 255, 0, 255))
예제 #15
    def draw(self, screen):

        first = self.waves[0]
        amp = mapf(first.amp, b=(0, self.scale))
        draw.aalines(screen, DARKER_GREY, True,
                     [(x - amp * cos(first.phase), y - amp * sin(first.phase))
                      for x, y in self.origin_path])

        origin = self.MIDDLE
        if not self.stop:
            for wave in self.waves[1:]:
                radius = mapf(wave.amp, b=(0, self.scale))
                gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, int(origin.x), int(origin.y),
                                 int(max(2, radius)), GREY)

                angle = self.t * wave.freq + wave.phase
                end_point = origin + (radius * cos(angle), radius * sin(angle))
                draw.aaline(screen, WHITE, origin.int_tuple,

                origin = end_point

        length = len(self.trail)

        if length > 1:
            if self.teleport:
                prev = self.trail[0]
                for i in self.trail[1:]:
                    if prev.dist(i) < 10:
                        draw.aaline(screen, NICE_RED, prev.float_tuple,
                    prev = i
                draw.aalines(screen, NICE_RED, False,
                             list(map(lambda x: x.float_tuple, self.trail)))
            if not self.stop: self.t += self.dt
        if length > self.trail_length + 15:
            self.stop = True

        if self.zoom:
            scaled = transform.scale2x(screen)
            screen.blit(scaled, (self.size[0] / 2 - origin.x * 2,
                                 self.size[1] / 2 - origin.y * 2))

        font = pygame.font.Font("NanumSquare.ttf", 17)
        text = font.render("https://github.com/pl-Steve28-lq", True, WHITE)
        rect = text.get_rect()
        rect.x = 10
        rect.y = int(self.size[1] - rect.size[1] * 3 / 2)
        screen.blit(text, rect)
예제 #16
파일: Board.py 프로젝트: ppsha3/SnakeAI
    def makeColumns(self):

        columns = int(self.window.display_width / self.grid_size) + 1
        temp = 0

        for i in (range(1, columns)):

            start_point = (temp, 0)
            end_point = (temp, self.window.display_height - 50)

            draw.aaline(self.window.gameDisplay, colours['lime'], start_point,

            temp = temp + self.grid_size
예제 #17
 def draw(self, surface, draw_rays=False):
     updated_rects = []
     updated_rects.extend(super(CarAI, self).draw(surface))
     for i in range(self._dists.shape[0]):
         angle = self._ray_angle[i]
         start_pos = np.copy(self.pos)
         start_pos[0] += np.cos(self.angle) * self._ray_origin[
             i, 0] - np.sin(self.angle) * self._ray_origin[i, 1]
         start_pos[1] += np.sin(self.angle) * self._ray_origin[
             i, 0] + np.cos(self.angle) * self._ray_origin[i, 1]
         direction = np.array(
             [np.cos(self.angle + angle),
              np.sin(self.angle + angle)])
         if draw_rays:
                     surface, (0, 127, 0), start_pos.astype(np.int32),
                     (start_pos + self._ray_length[i] * direction).astype(
                 draw_text(surface, (255, ) * 3, f'{i}',
                           (start_pos +
                            self._ray_length[i] * direction).astype(
                                np.int32), 8, 'topleft'))
             draw.circle(surface, (0, 255, 0),
                         self._points[i].astype(np.int32), 2))
     return updated_rects
예제 #18
파일: pytang.py 프로젝트: Durlabh08/pytang
def _draw_shape_draft(surface, shape):
    """Draw the shape on the given surface.
        surface - drawing surface (an instance of pygame.Surface class);
        shape - shape to draw (an instance of one of the shape classes
            defined in shapes module);
        bounding box, defined during the drawing;
    # Get some of the shape attributes
    ref_point = shape.get_ref_point()
    r_inner = shape.get_r_inner()
    # Draw the shape edges
    shape_bounds = draw.aalines(
        surface, SHAPE_COLOR, True, shape.get_vertices()
    # Draw the shape inner circle
        surface, SHAPE_COLOR,
        # NB! draw.circle() expects integer arguments
        map(int, ref_point), int(r_inner),
        1 # circle edge width
    # Draw the cross in the inner circle center
    for (a, b) in (
        ((-1, 0), (+1, 0)),
        ((0, +1), (0, -1))
            surface, SHAPE_COLOR,
                    ref_point[coord] + r_inner / 3 * p[coord]
                    for coord in (0, 1)
                for p in (a, b)
    return shape_bounds
예제 #19
파일: Board.py 프로젝트: ppsha3/SnakeAI
    def makeRows(self):

        rows = int(self.window.display_height / self.grid_size)
        temp = 0

        for i in (range(1, rows)):

            start_point = (0, temp)
            end_point = (self.window.display_width, temp)

            draw.aaline(self.window.gameDisplay, colours['lime'], start_point,

            temp = temp + self.grid_size

        draw.aaline(self.window.gameDisplay, colours['black'], start_point,
예제 #20
    def draw(self, screen):
        h = screen.get_height()
        s = self.scale_sim_to_vis

        center = self.body.position
        top = self.body.GetWorldPoint((0.0, self.sim_radius))

        if center.x < 0 or center.y < 0:

        cx = int(round(s * center.x))
        cy = int(round(h - s * center.y))

        top_x = int(round(s * top.x))
        top_y = int(round(h - s * top.y))

        gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, cx, cy, self.pixel_radius, self.circle_color)
        draw.aaline(screen, self.line_color, (cx, cy), (top_x, top_y))
예제 #21
def make_platform_surface():
    surf = pygame.Surface((640, 148), flags=pygame.SRCALPHA | pygame.HWSURFACE)

    for x in xrange(40, 600, 40):
        draw.rect(surf, LIGHT_COLOUR, pygame.Rect((x, 122), (40, 23)))
        draw.rect(surf, DARK_COLOUR, pygame.Rect((x, 130), (40, 4)))
        draw.aaline(surf, BACKGROUND_COLOUR, (x, 140), (x + 40, 140))
        draw.aaline(surf, BACKGROUND_COLOUR, (x + 19, 146), (x + 21, 134))

    # tunnels
    draw.rect(surf, DARK_COLOUR, pygame.Rect((35, 0), (5, 147)))
    draw.rect(surf, LIGHT_COLOUR, pygame.Rect((20, 0), (15, 147)))

    draw.rect(surf, DARK_COLOUR, pygame.Rect((600, 0), (5, 147)))
    draw.rect(surf, LIGHT_COLOUR, pygame.Rect((605, 0), (15, 147)))

    # roof
    draw.rect(surf, DARK_COLOUR, pygame.Rect((40, 0), (560, 10)))
    draw.rect(surf, LIGHT_COLOUR, pygame.Rect((40, 10), (560, 20)))

    return surf
예제 #22
    def lines(self, polys: List[List[Tuple[int, int]]],
              lines: List[Tuple[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]]]):
        # Draw polygons
        for poly in polys:
            temp = poly.copy()

            for i in range(len(temp)):
                temp[i] = (temp[i][0] / 500 * self.scale + self.offset[0],
                           temp[i][1] / 500 * self.scale + self.offset[1])

            pygame.draw.polygon(self.surface, (0, 255, 0), temp)
            for i in range(-1, len(temp) - 1):
                aaline(self.surface, (255, 255, 255), temp[i], temp[i + 1])

        for line in lines:
            startx = line[0][0] / 500 * self.scale + self.offset[0]
            starty = line[0][1] / 500 * self.scale + self.offset[1]
            endx = line[1][0] / 500 * self.scale + self.offset[0]
            endy = line[1][1] / 500 * self.scale + self.offset[1]
            aaline(self.surface, (255, 255, 255), (startx, starty),
                   (endx, endy))
예제 #23
def show(screen):
    global t


    # Original path
    draw.aalines(screen, DARKER_GREY, True, original_path)

    # Epicycles
    origin = MIDDLE  # type: Vec2d
    for wave in waves:

        # Circle
        radius = mapf(wave.amp, b=(0, SCALE))
        #draw.circle(screen, DARK_GREY, origin.int_tuple, int(max(2, radius)), 1)
        gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, int(origin.x), int(origin.y),
                         int(max(2, radius)), DARK_GREY)

        # Line
        angle = t * wave.freq + wave.phase
        end_point = origin + (radius * cos(angle), radius * sin(angle))
        draw.aaline(screen, WHITE, origin.int_tuple, end_point.int_tuple)

        origin = end_point

    # Trail
    if len(trail) > trail_length:
    if len(trail) > 1:
        draw.aalines(screen, NICE_RED, False, trail)

    # Zoom
    if ZOOM:
        scaled = transform.scale2x(screen)
                    (WIDTH / 2 - origin.x * 2, HEIGHT / 2 - origin.y * 2))

    t += dt
예제 #24
def drawing(pos=[0, 0], angle=0, line_size=0):
    draw.aaline(screen, (0, 255, 0), pos, (sin(angle+120*(pi/180))*line_size+pos[0],
                                            cos(angle+120*(pi/180))*line_size+pos[1]), 1)
    draw.aaline(screen, (0, 255, 0), pos, (sin(angle+240*(pi/180))*line_size+pos[0],
                                            cos(angle+240*(pi/180))*line_size+pos[1]), 1)
    draw.aaline(screen, (0, 255, 0), pos, (sin(angle+0*(pi/180))*line_size+pos[0],
                                            cos(angle+0*(pi/180))*line_size+pos[1]), 1)
예제 #25
 def draw(self):
     #draw graph
     backdrop= self.graph.copy()
     self.graph.blit(backdrop, (-1, 0))
     if self.tick%10 != 0:
         draw.line(self.graph, self.graph_color, (self.gWIDTH-1, 0), (self.gWIDTH-1, self.gHEIGTH-1))
         for i in range(10, self.gHEIGTH, 10):
             self.graph.set_at( (self.gWIDTH-1,i), self.support_line_color )
         draw.line(self.graph, self.support_line_color, (self.gWIDTH-1, 0), (self.gWIDTH-1, self.gHEIGTH-1))
     point= (3*self.gWIDTH//4, int( (self.content -self.min_value)*self.gHEIGTH/(self.max_value - self.min_value) ) )
     if self.previous_point:
         draw.aaline(self.graph, self.line_color, self.previous_point, point)
     x, y= point
     self.previous_point= (x-1, y)
     #draw canvas
     self.canvas.blit(self.graph, (3*self.TAB, self.TAB ) )
예제 #26
    def _render_segment(self, buffer: Surface, theme: Theme,
                        pos_a: Tuple[int, int], pos_b: Tuple[int,
                                                             int]) -> None:
        Render a segment of a wire between two route waypoints.

        The width of the segment is dependent on the wire's bit-width.

            buffer: the pygame surface to render on to
            theme: the color and layout scheme to use for rendering
            pos_a: the start position of the line segment
            pos_b: the end position of the line segment
        y_off = self.wire_in.width // 2
        a_x = pos_a[0]
        a_y = pos_a[1] - y_off
        b_x = pos_b[0]
        b_y = pos_b[1] - y_off
        for i in range(self.wire_in.width):
            draw.aaline(buffer, theme.wire_col, (a_x, a_y), (b_x, b_y))
            a_y += 1
            b_y += 1
예제 #27
    def draw(self, surface):
        if self.status == 'dead':

        c_inner, c_outer = self.colouring()

        for row in self.branches:
            for segment in row:
                sp = segment.p1
                ep = segment.p2
                d, l = (sp - ep).as_polar()
                p1 = sp + 1 * np.cos(np.radians(d + 90))
                p2 = sp + 1 * np.cos(np.radians(d - 90))
                p3 = ep + 1 * np.cos(np.radians(d + 90))
                p4 = ep + 1 * np.cos(np.radians(d - 90))
                gfx.aapolygon(surface, [p1, p2, p3, p4], c_outer)
                gfx.filled_polygon(surface, [p1, p2, p3, p4], c_outer)

        for row in self.branches:
            for segment in row:
                sp = segment.p1
                ep = segment.p2
                pdraw.aaline(surface, c_inner, sp, ep, 1)
예제 #28
파일: pytang.py 프로젝트: yushun0718/pytang
def _draw_shape_draft(surface, shape):
    """Draw the shape on the given surface.
        surface - drawing surface (an instance of pygame.Surface class);
        shape - shape to draw (an instance of one of the shape classes
            defined in shapes module);
        bounding box, defined during the drawing;

    # Get some of the shape attributes
    ref_point = shape.get_ref_point()
    r_inner = shape.get_r_inner()

    # Draw the shape edges
    shape_bounds = draw.aalines(surface, SHAPE_COLOR, True,

    # Draw the shape inner circle
        # NB! draw.circle() expects integer arguments
        map(int, ref_point),
        1  # circle edge width

    # Draw the cross in the inner circle center
    for (a, b) in (((-1, 0), (+1, 0)), ((0, +1), (0, -1))):
            surface, SHAPE_COLOR,
            *[[ref_point[coord] + r_inner / 3 * p[coord] for coord in (0, 1)]
              for p in (a, b)])

    return shape_bounds
예제 #29
def drawing(pos=[0, 0], angle=0, line_size=0):
    draw.aaline(screen, (0, 255, 0), pos,
                (sin(angle + 120 * (pi / 180)) * line_size + pos[0],
                 cos(angle + 120 * (pi / 180)) * line_size + pos[1]), 1)
    draw.aaline(screen, (0, 255, 0), pos,
                (sin(angle + 240 * (pi / 180)) * line_size + pos[0],
                 cos(angle + 240 * (pi / 180)) * line_size + pos[1]), 1)
    draw.aaline(screen, (0, 255, 0), pos,
                (sin(angle + 0 * (pi / 180)) * line_size + pos[0],
                 cos(angle + 0 * (pi / 180)) * line_size + pos[1]), 1)
예제 #30
    def aaline(self, color, startpos, endpos, blend=1):

        color : tuple of int
        startpos : tuple of float
        endpos : tuple of float
        blend : int or bool
            Trueに設定された場合、描画位置のピクセルに上書きはされず , 半透明の状態で描画されます.

        rect : pygame.Rect


        return pyd.aaline(self.pg.screen, color, startpos, endpos, blend)
예제 #31
    def _draw_arrow(self, start, end, colour, width=1, rel_spoke_len=0.2):
        """ internal function for drawing arrows
        draws directly to screen coordiantes,
        so make sure start and end have been converted

        plot._draw_arrow( start: np.array, end: np.array, colour: rgb or name
                width=1: int, rel_spoke_len=0.2: float)

        rel_spoke_len is the length of the spokes relative
                        to the length of the line from
                        start to end
        if str(colour) in clrs.info:
            colour = clrs[colour]

        strt, endp = np.array(start), np.array(end)
        diff = endp - strt
        norm_diff = tools.norm(diff)
        perp = tools.perp(tools.normalize(diff))

        midpoint = strt + diff * 0.7

        pnt2 = midpoint - (perp * norm_diff * rel_spoke_len)
        pnt1 = midpoint + (perp * norm_diff * rel_spoke_len)

        #pgdraw.line(self.screen, colour, pnt1, pnt2)

        # draw the arrow
        #print(strt, endp, pnt1, pnt2)
        if width != 1:
            pgdraw.line(self.screen, colour, strt, endp, width)  # main line
            pgdraw.line(self.screen, colour, pnt1, endp, width)  # spoke one
            pgdraw.line(self.screen, colour, pnt2, endp, width)  # spoke two
            pgdraw.aaline(self.screen, colour, strt, endp, width)  # main line
            pgdraw.aaline(self.screen, colour, pnt1, endp, width)  # spoke one
            pgdraw.aaline(self.screen, colour, pnt2, endp, width)  # spoke two
예제 #32
 def show(self, surface):
     end = self.pos + 10 * self.dir
     draw.aaline(surface, self.color, self.pos, end, 1)
예제 #33
 def draw_aaline(self, color, from_point, to_point):
     draw.aaline(self.surface, color, from_point, to_point, 1)
예제 #34
파일: main.py 프로젝트: ammzen/delaunay
 def draw_line(o):
   aaline(surface, (255 * flash, 255 * flash, 0),
     tuple(a + o*n + (4-abs(o))*m),
     tuple(b + o*n + -1.*(4-abs(o))*m)
예제 #35
def draw_umbrella(left_upper_x, left_upper_y, width_umb, height_umb,
                  umb_radius, umb_length, dist_betw_spokes):

    left_upper_x - координата x левого верхнего угла стержня зонтика
    left_upper_y - координата y левого верхнего угла стержня зонтика
    width_umb - ширина стержня зонтика
    height_umb - высота стержня зонтика
    umb_radius - радиус "шапочки" зонтика
    umb_length - длина "шапочки" зонтика
    dist_betw_spokes - ширина между спицами зонтика


    draw.rect(screen, (210, 110, 34),
              (left_upper_x, left_upper_y, width_umb, height_umb))
        screen, (249, 96, 75),
        [(left_upper_x + width_umb, left_upper_y),
         (left_upper_x + width_umb, left_upper_y + umb_length),
         (left_upper_x + width_umb + umb_radius, left_upper_y + umb_length)])
    draw.polygon(screen, (249, 96, 75),
                 [(left_upper_x, left_upper_y),
                  (left_upper_x, left_upper_y + umb_length),
                  (left_upper_x - umb_radius, left_upper_y + umb_length)])
    draw.rect(screen, (249, 96, 75),
              (left_upper_x, left_upper_y, width_umb, umb_length))
    draw.aaline(screen, (0, 0, 0), (left_upper_x, left_upper_y),
                (left_upper_x - umb_radius + 1 * dist_betw_spokes,
                 left_upper_y + umb_length))
    draw.aaline(screen, (0, 0, 0), (left_upper_x, left_upper_y),
                (left_upper_x - umb_radius + 2 * dist_betw_spokes,
                 left_upper_y + umb_length))
    draw.aaline(screen, (0, 0, 0), (left_upper_x, left_upper_y),
                (left_upper_x - umb_radius + 3 * dist_betw_spokes,
                 left_upper_y + umb_length))
    draw.aaline(screen, (0, 0, 0), (left_upper_x + width_umb, left_upper_y),
                (left_upper_x + width_umb + umb_radius - 3 * dist_betw_spokes,
                 left_upper_y + umb_length))
    draw.aaline(screen, (0, 0, 0), (left_upper_x + width_umb, left_upper_y),
                (left_upper_x + width_umb + umb_radius - 2 * dist_betw_spokes,
                 left_upper_y + umb_length))
    draw.aaline(screen, (0, 0, 0), (left_upper_x + width_umb, left_upper_y),
                (left_upper_x + width_umb + umb_radius - 1 * dist_betw_spokes,
                 left_upper_y + umb_length))
    draw.aaline(screen, (0, 0, 0), (left_upper_x + width_umb, left_upper_y),
                (left_upper_x + width_umb, left_upper_y + umb_length))
    draw.aaline(screen, (0, 0, 0), (left_upper_x, left_upper_y),
                (left_upper_x, left_upper_y + umb_length))
예제 #36
 def aaline(self, color, start, end, width=1, screen=False):
     start = start if screen else self._vec2_to_screen(start)
     end = end if screen else self._vec2_to_screen(end)
     return draw.aaline(self.surface, color, start, end, width)
예제 #37
 def draw_rays(self, start=0):
     for angulo in range(start, 181, 10):
         contra = (angulo - 180) + 360
         x1, y1 = self.set_xy(angulo)
         x2, y2 = self.set_xy(contra)
         draw.aaline(self.image, self.color, (x1, y1), (x2, y2))