예제 #1
	def __init__(self, start_loc, size, speed, rot_speed, dir, depth, screen_size):

		self.loc = start_loc
		self.size = size
		self.radius = math.sqrt(3) * self.size / 3 # the radius of the circle the snowflake is inscribed in
		self._velocity = (0.0, 0.0)
		self._rot_speed = rot_speed
		self._dir = dir
		self.theta = 0
		self.depth = depth
		self._velocity = [math.sin(self.theta) * self._dir, speed]
		self.wind = [0, 0]
		self._damping = 0.0001 # damping factor so wind dies down
		self.debug = False
		self._stroke_color = (0, 0, 0, 200)
		self._screen_size = screen_size

		blue = random.randrange(20) # how blue the snowflakes should be
		self._fill_color = (255 - blue, 255 - blue, 255, 240) 

		points = self.generate_snowflake()
		self.surface = pygame.Surface((self.radius * 2, self.radius * 2), pygame.SRCALPHA, 32).convert_alpha()
		gfxdraw.aapolygon(self.surface, points, self._stroke_color) # border
		gfxdraw.filled_polygon(self.surface, points, self._fill_color) # fill
		gfxdraw.polygon(self.surface, points, self._stroke_color) # fill
예제 #2
def draw_cell(cell):
    font_size = 16
    virus_sizes = {100:1, 106:2, 113:3, 119:4, 125:5, 131:6, 136:7}

    cx,cy = world_to_win_pt(cell.pos,c.player.center)
        mov_ang = cell.movement_angle
        p2 = cell.pos + Vec( math.cos(mov_ang + mechanics.eject_delta*math.pi/180), math.sin(mov_ang + mechanics.eject_delta*math.pi/180) ) * (cell.size+700)
        p3 = cell.pos + Vec( math.cos(mov_ang - mechanics.eject_delta*math.pi/180), math.sin(mov_ang - mechanics.eject_delta*math.pi/180) ) * (cell.size+700)

        cx2,cy2 = world_to_win_pt(p2,c.player.center)
        cx3,cy3 = world_to_win_pt(p3,c.player.center)
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):

    radius = world_to_win_length(cell.size)

    if cell.is_virus:
            color = (0,255,0)
            color2 = (100,255,0)
            polygon = generate_virus(int(cell.size*0.3), 10*zoom, radius, (cx, cy))
            polygon2 = generate_virus(int(cell.size*0.3), 10*zoom, radius-10, (cx, cy))
            gfxdraw.filled_polygon(screen, polygon, color2)
            gfxdraw.polygon(screen, polygon, (0,0,0))
            gfxdraw.aapolygon(screen, polygon, (0,0,0))
            gfxdraw.filled_polygon(screen, polygon2, color)
            gfxdraw.aapolygon(screen, polygon2, color)
            draw_text((cx, cy), "%s / 7" % virus_sizes.get(cell.size, "?"), (64,0,0), font_size*2, False, True)
            draw_text((cx, cy + radius + 10), str(cell.cid), (0,0,0), font_size, False, True)
        color=(int(cell.color[0]*255), int(cell.color[1]*255), int(cell.color[2]*255))

        if not (cell.is_ejected_mass or cell.is_food):
            gfxdraw.aapolygon(screen, [(cx,cy),(cx2,cy2),(cx3,cy3),(cx,cy)] ,(255,127,127))
            gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, cx, cy, radius, color)
            gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, cx, cy, radius, (0,0,0))
            gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, cx, cy, int(radius/2), (255,255,255))
            gfxdraw.circle(screen, cx, cy, int(radius/2), (255,255,255))
            draw_text((cx, cy + radius + 10), cell.name, (0, 0, 0), font_size, False, True)
            draw_text((cx, cy + radius + 10 + font_size), str(cell.cid), (0,0,0), font_size, False, True)
            # surface = draw_text(cell.name, (0, 0, 0), font_size)
            # screen.blit(surface, (cx - (surface.get_width()/2), cy + radius + 5))
            draw_text((cx, cy), str(int(cell.mass))+"/"+str(int(cell.size)), (255, 255, 255), font_size, False, True)
            # surface = draw_text(str(int(cell.mass)), (255, 255, 255), font_size)
            # screen.blit(surface, (cx - (surface.get_width()/2), cy - (surface.get_height()/2)))
            gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, cx, cy, radius, color)
            gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, cx, cy, radius, color)
예제 #3
def draw_polygon(polygon, color, filled=False, global_coords=True):
    if len(polygon) > 2:
        if global_coords:
            polygon = list(map(lambda x: world_to_win_pt(x, c.player.center), polygon))
        if filled:
            gfxdraw.filled_polygon(screen, polygon, color)
            gfxdraw.polygon(screen, polygon, color)
        gfxdraw.aapolygon(screen, polygon, color)
예제 #4
파일: game.py 프로젝트: MrGecko/pyguane
 def renderGame(surface):
     if self.physic_world.debug:
         color = self.physic_world.DEBUG_COLOR
         for b in self.physic_world.world:
             x, y = b.position
             for fixture in b:
                 vertices = [(vx + x, vy + y) for vx, vy in fixture.shape.vertices]
                 polygon(surface, vertices, color)
     return self.sprite_factory.draw(surface, Window().bgd)
예제 #5
def drawPolygon(origin, numpoints, points, color, filled):
  global gfxSurface
  points1 = []
  noDraw = False
  for i in points:
    points1.append(getPoint(transformCoords(origin, i)))
    if getPoint(transformCoords(origin, i))[2] == 0:
      noDraw = True
  if filled:
    if not noDraw:
      gfxdraw.filled_polygon(gfxSurface, points1, color)
  if not filled:
    if not noDraw:
      gfxdraw.polygon(gfxSurface, points1, color)
예제 #6
    def polygon(self, points, color):

        points : array-like
            配列の2次元目の要素数は2で, 少なくとも3点以上の座標を設定する必要があります.
        color : tuple of int


        return gfx.polygon(self.pg.screen, points, color)
예제 #7
def surface_with_node(surface, node, angle, offset_in, current_resize_offset, widthscalar, heightscalar):
    transformedlists = transformtopointlists(node.plantshapelist,
                                        node.shiftchance, angle,
                                        widthscalar, heightscalar)

    mainloffset = None
    mainltranslated = None

    def currentoffset():
        return (offset_in[0] + current_resize_offset[0], offset_in[1] + current_resize_offset[1])

    def surface_offset(pointlist_bounds):
        return Rect(currentoffset()[0]-node.anchor[0]+pointlist_bounds[0], currentoffset()[1]-node.anchor[1]+pointlist_bounds[1], pointlist_bounds.width, pointlist_bounds.height)

    # go through all the plantshapes and their corresponding transformed lists
    for i in range(len(transformedlists)):
        currentlist = transformedlists[i]
        bounds = getlistbounds(currentlist)

        # make the surface
        shape_surface = Surface((bounds.width, bounds.height), SRCALPHA)
        # translate points into this surface
        shiftedlist = offsetpointlist(currentlist, (-bounds[0], -bounds[1]))

        # draw the plant shape onto the new surface
        plantshape = node.plantshapelist[i]
        if plantshape.fillcolor != None:
            gfxdraw.filled_polygon(shape_surface, shiftedlist, plantshape.fillcolor)
        if plantshape.outlinecolor != None:
            gfxdraw.polygon(shape_surface, shiftedlist, plantshape.outlinecolor)

        # apply the texture if any
        for ptexture in plantshape.textures:
            addtexture(shape_surface, ptexture)

        # now check if resizing is needed
        newsurfacerect = surface.get_rect().union(surface_offset(bounds))
        if not newsurfacerect == surface.get_rect():
            new_surface = Surface((newsurfacerect.width, newsurfacerect.height), SRCALPHA)
            new_surface.blit(surface, (-newsurfacerect.x, -newsurfacerect.y))

            current_resize_offset = (current_resize_offset[0]-newsurfacerect.x, current_resize_offset[1]-newsurfacerect.y)

            surface = new_surface
            devprint("Resized surface to " + str(new_surface.get_width()) + " by " + str(new_surface.get_height()))

        surface.blit(shape_surface, surface_offset(bounds))

        # also save the first list for other nodes to go off of
        if i == 0:
            # save the offset of l without the resizing
            mainloffset = surface_offset(bounds)
            # also remove the current resize offset
            mainloffset = (mainloffset[0] - current_resize_offset[0], mainloffset[1]-current_resize_offset[1])
            mainltranslated = shiftedlist
    return surface, mainltranslated, mainloffset, current_resize_offset
예제 #8
    def _draw(self, deco: List[Tuple[int, str, Any]], surface: 'pygame.Surface') -> None:

        :param deco: Decoration list
        :param surface: Pygame surface
        :return: None
        if len(deco) == 0:
        rect = self._obj.get_rect()

        for d in deco:
            dtype, decoid, data = d
            if not self._decor_enabled[decoid]:

            if dtype == DECORATION_POLYGON:
                points, color, filled, width, gfx, kwargs = data
                points = self._update_pos_list(rect, decoid, points, **kwargs)
                if gfx:
                    if filled:
                        gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, points, color)
                        gfxdraw.polygon(surface, points, color)
                    pydraw.polygon(surface, color, points, width)

            elif dtype == DECORATION_CIRCLE:
                points, r, color, filled, width, gfx, kwargs = data
                points = self._update_pos_list(rect, decoid, points, **kwargs)
                x, y = points[0]
                if filled:
                    if gfx:
                        gfxdraw.filled_circle(surface, x, y, r, color)
                        pydraw.circle(surface, color, (x, y), r)
                    pydraw.circle(surface, color, (x, y), r, width)

            elif dtype == DECORATION_SURFACE or dtype == DECORATION_BASEIMAGE or dtype == DECORATION_TEXT:
                pos, surf, centered, kwargs = data
                if isinstance(surf, pygame_menu.BaseImage):
                    surf = surf.get_surface(new=False)
                pos = self._update_pos_list(rect, decoid, pos, **kwargs)[0]
                surfrect = surf.get_rect()
                surfrect.x += pos[0]
                surfrect.y += pos[1]
                if centered:
                    surfrect.x -= surfrect.width / 2
                    surfrect.y -= surfrect.height / 2
                surface.blit(surf, surfrect)

            elif dtype == DECORATION_ELLIPSE:
                pos, rx, ry, color, filled, kwargs = data
                pos = self._update_pos_list(rect, decoid, pos, **kwargs)[0]
                if filled:
                    gfxdraw.filled_ellipse(surface, pos[0], pos[1], rx, ry, color)
                    gfxdraw.ellipse(surface, pos[0], pos[1], rx, ry, color)

            elif dtype == DECORATION_CALLABLE:
                data(surface, self._obj)

            elif dtype == DECORATION_CALLABLE_NO_ARGS:

            elif dtype == DECORATION_TEXTURE_POLYGON:
                pos, texture, tx, ty, kwargs = data
                pos = self._update_pos_list(rect, decoid, pos, **kwargs)
                if isinstance(texture, pygame_menu.BaseImage):
                    texture = texture.get_surface()
                gfxdraw.textured_polygon(surface, pos, texture, tx, ty)

            elif dtype == DECORATION_ARC:
                points, r, ia, fa, color, width, gfx, kwargs = data
                points = self._update_pos_list(rect, decoid, points, **kwargs)
                x, y = points[0]
                rectarc = pygame.Rect(x - r, y - r, x + 2 * r, y + 2 * r)
                if gfx:
                    gfxdraw.arc(surface, x, y, r, ia, fa, color)
                    pydraw.arc(surface, color, rectarc, ia / (2 * pi), fa / (2 * pi), width)

            elif dtype == DECORATION_PIE:
                points, r, ia, fa, color, kwargs = data
                points = self._update_pos_list(rect, decoid, points, **kwargs)
                x, y = points[0]
                gfxdraw.pie(surface, x, y, r, ia, fa, color)

            elif dtype == DECORATION_BEZIER:
                points, color, steps, kwargs = data
                points = self._update_pos_list(rect, decoid, points, **kwargs)
                gfxdraw.bezier(surface, points, steps, color)

            elif dtype == DECORATION_RECT:
                drect: 'pygame.Rect'
                pos, drect, color, width, kwargs = data
                pos = self._update_pos_list(rect, decoid, pos, **kwargs)[0]
                drect = drect.copy()
                drect.x += pos[0]
                drect.y += pos[1]
                pygame.draw.rect(surface, color, drect, width)

            elif dtype == DECORATION_PIXEL:
                pos, color, kwargs = data
                pos = self._update_pos_list(rect, decoid, pos, **kwargs)[0]
                gfxdraw.pixel(surface, pos[0], pos[1], color)

            elif dtype == DECORATION_LINE:
                pos, color, width, kwargs = data
                pos = self._update_pos_list(rect, decoid, pos, **kwargs)
                pydraw.line(surface, color, pos[0], pos[1], width)

                raise ValueError('unknown decoration type')
예제 #9
def pantalla_refresh(sf):
	global pts,mpts
	global xbw,xdev
	global fq,fqc,bw
	global modelabel,bwlabel,fqlabel1,fqlabel2
	global ftqc, numx
	global maxfill_enable, maxpts_enable, refreshfq
	global azoom, base
	global fft_sf,top_sf
	global sq,xsq,asq,smval,smvaladj,possq,sqstate
	global frame, count
	global menusf, stereosf

	a = FFTANCHO/2 										# media pantalla
	pleft = fqlabel1.get_size()[0]/2 + fqlabel2.get_size()[0]/2 

	fft_sf.fill(BGCOLOR) 									# Borra BW Más rapido que reescribir.

	for x in range(12):										# Escala FFT
		y = int(FFTALTO - (x*(FFTALTO/12))*azoom) + base
		if y > 0 :
			lb = ftdev1.render(str((12-x)*-10), 0, ESCCOLOR,BGCOLOR) # pinta db text
			fft_sf.blit(lb, (0,y-10))	# Pinta db label

	# Pinta BW
	if nobaile: txdev = FFTANCHO/2;
	else:		txdev = xdev
	txbw 	= 2*xbw
	tcodo 	= txdev - txbw/2
	if not nobaile or (nobaile and (frame % 10) > 4 ):			# parapedea dev si introscan
		if 	tmode != "FM W" and tmode != "FM ST":			# WFM no tiene ancho de banda
			if 	tmode == "USB":						
				txbw /= 2	
				tcodo = txdev
			elif tmode == "LSB": 	
				txbw /= 2	
				tcodo = txdev - txbw
			fft_sf.fill(BWCOLOR2,(tcodo,BWY,txbw,FFTALTO-BWY),0) 		# Pinta BW
	pgd.vline(fft_sf,int(txdev),0,FFTALTO,DEVCOLOR)		# Pinta linea dev

	if maxpts_enable:												# Pintta puntos de max

	if fftfill_enable:												# Pintta FFT relleno (Más rápido que el fill)
		for x in pts: pgd.vline(fft_sf,x[0],x[1],FFTALTO,FILLCOLOR)				

	pgd.polygon(fft_sf,pts,FGCOLOR)									# pinta FFT

	if detect_enable :												# Pinta detector picos
		for x in dtc :	pgd.circle(fft_sf,x[0],x[1],10,DETECTCOLOR)

	# PINTA DEV text
	if not nobaile or (nobaile and  (frame % 10) > 4):
		if 	tmode != "FM W" and tmode != "FM ST":
			fft_sf.blit(bwlabel,  (txdev-bwlabel.get_size()[0]/2,BWY+2))	# Pinta bw label
			fft_sf.blit(fqlabel1, (txdev-pleft,BWY-22))						# Pinta dev label 
			fft_sf.blit(fqlabel2, (txdev-pleft+fqlabel1.get_size()[0]+4,BWY-20))	
		fft_sf.blit(modelabel,(txdev-modelabel.get_size()[0]/2,BWY-40))	# Pinta mode label

	# pinta Sqelch
	tc 	= SQCOLOR
	if not sqstate:	tc = (0,200,0)			# Si está levantado pinta verde
	pgd.hline(fft_sf,0,FFTANCHO,xsq+base, tc)
	fsq = ftdev2.render(' SQ '+str(sq)+ ' ', 0, DEVCOLORHZ,(100,25,25))
	fft_sf.blit(fsq, (FFTANCHO-fsq.get_size()[0],xsq-10+base))		# Pinta bw label

	possq = (FFTANCHO-fsq.get_size()[0]+25,xsq-12+base+12)	# Guardo posicion para el botón
	#asq = tsq

	# pinta smeter

	if refreshfq:	
		sp 	 = 4
		size = 24
		numx = []	# Repinta el indicador de frecuencia
		txt = format(fqc,'010d')
		txt = txt[:-9]+'.'+txt[-9:-6]+'.'+txt[-6:-3]+','+txt[-3:]
		lon = len(txt)
		anc = 0
		for x in range(lon):
			if txt[x] in ['.',','] : 
				col = BGCOLOR
				anc = size / 2
			else :	
				col = BGFQCCOLOR
				anc = size
			px = (TOPANCHO/2) - (lon+sp)*size/2 + (x*(size+sp)) 	# Calcula posición
			fqclabel = ftqc.render(txt[x], 1, FQCCOLOR, col)		# pinta fqc text
			top_sf.blit(fqclabel,(px,0))							# blit
			if txt[x] not in ['.',','] : numx += [px]				# Almacena la coordenada del numero

	if rec:
		if frame == FPS/2: 
			pgd.filled_circle(top_sf, smx+sml+TOPALTO/2, TOPALTO/2, TOPALTO/4, BGCOLOR)		#Borra botón rojo izquierda smeter
		if frame == 1:
			pgd.filled_circle(top_sf, smx+sml+TOPALTO/2, TOPALTO/2, TOPALTO/4, tc)			#Pinta botón del color del smeter

	if REAL and tmode == "FM ST":
		if (sdr.probe_st.level() > 0.5 ): 

	# Pinta BIRDIES
	for i in birds:
		fft_sf.blit(fbd, (i+((birdsize-16)/2),FFTALTO-16))

	if mn : mn.refresca()

	# Flipea/Vuelca la pantalla
	refreshfq = False
	frame = (frame % FPS) +1	
	count += 1
예제 #10
def surface_with_node(surface, node, angle, offset_in, current_resize_offset, widthscalar, heightscalar):
    transformedlists = transformtopointlists(node.plantshapelist,
                                        node.shiftchance, angle,
                                        widthscalar, heightscalar)

    mainloffset = None
    mainltranslated = None

    def currentoffset():
        return (offset_in[0] + current_resize_offset[0], offset_in[1] + current_resize_offset[1])

    def surface_offset(pointlist_bounds):
        return Rect(currentoffset()[0]-node.anchor[0]+pointlist_bounds[0], currentoffset()[1]-node.anchor[1]+pointlist_bounds[1], pointlist_bounds.width, pointlist_bounds.height)

    # go through all the plantshapes and their corresponding transformed lists
    for i in range(len(transformedlists)):
        currentlist = transformedlists[i]
        bounds = getlistbounds(currentlist)

        # make the surface
        shape_surface = Surface((bounds.width, bounds.height), SRCALPHA)
        # translate points into this surface
        shiftedlist = offsetpointlist(currentlist, (-bounds[0], -bounds[1]))

        # draw the plant shape onto the new surface
        plantshape = node.plantshapelist[i]
        if plantshape.fillcolor != None:
            gfxdraw.filled_polygon(shape_surface, shiftedlist, plantshape.fillcolor)
        if plantshape.outlinecolor != None:
            gfxdraw.polygon(shape_surface, shiftedlist, plantshape.outlinecolor)

        # apply the texture if any
        for ptexture in plantshape.textures:
            addtexture(shape_surface, ptexture)

        # now check if resizing is needed
        newsurfacerect = surface.get_rect().union(surface_offset(bounds))
        if not newsurfacerect == surface.get_rect():
            new_surface = Surface((newsurfacerect.width, newsurfacerect.height), SRCALPHA)
            new_surface.blit(surface, (-newsurfacerect.x, -newsurfacerect.y))

            current_resize_offset = (current_resize_offset[0]-newsurfacerect.x, current_resize_offset[1]-newsurfacerect.y)

            surface = new_surface
            devprint("Resized surface to " + str(new_surface.get_width()) + " by " + str(new_surface.get_height()))

        surface.blit(shape_surface, surface_offset(bounds))

        # also save the first list for other nodes to go off of
        if i == 0:
            # save the offset of l without the resizing
            mainloffset = surface_offset(bounds)
            # also remove the current resize offset
            mainloffset = (mainloffset[0] - current_resize_offset[0], mainloffset[1]-current_resize_offset[1])
            mainltranslated = shiftedlist
    return surface, mainltranslated, mainloffset, current_resize_offset
예제 #11
def draw_polygon_normal(screen, p, color):
    gfx.polygon(screen, p, color)