예제 #1
def load(filename, namehint=""):
        filename = rwops_encode_file_path(filename)
        c_surface = sdl.IMG_Load(filename)
    except SDLError:
        # filename is not a string, try as file object
            rwops = rwops_from_file(filename)
            if namehint:
                name, ext = path.splitext(namehint)
            elif hasattr(filename, 'name'):
                name, ext = path.splitext(filename.name)
                # No name info, so we pass an empty extension to
                # SDL to indicate we can only load files with
                # suitable magic format markers in the file.
                name, ext = '', ''
            if len(ext) == 0:
                ext = name
            ext = rwops_encode_file_path(ext)
            c_surface = sdl.IMG_LoadTyped_RW(rwops, 1, ext)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError("file argument must be a valid path "
                            "string or file object")
    if not c_surface:
        raise SDLError(ffi.string(sdl.IMG_GetError()))
    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(c_surface)
예제 #2
def scale(surface, size, dest_surface=None):
    """ scale(Surface, (width, height), DestSurface = None) -> Surface
    resize to new resolution
    width, height = size
    if width < 0 or height < 0:
        raise ValueError("Cannot scale to negative size")

    c_surf = surface._c_surface

    if dest_surface is None:
        new_surf = new_surface_from_surface(c_surf, width, height)
        new_surf = dest_surface._c_surface

    if new_surf.w != width or new_surf.h != height:
        raise ValueError("Destination surface not the given width or height.")

    if c_surf.format.BytesPerPixel != new_surf.format.BytesPerPixel:
        raise ValueError(
            "Source and destination surfaces need the same format.")

    if width and height:
        with locked(new_surf):
            with locked(c_surf):
                sdl.stretch(c_surf, new_surf)

    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(new_surf)
예제 #3
def scale(surface, size, dest_surface=None):
    """ scale(Surface, (width, height), DestSurface = None) -> Surface
    resize to new resolution
    width, height = size
    if width < 0 or height < 0:
        raise ValueError("Cannot scale to negative size")

    c_surf = surface._c_surface

    if dest_surface is None:
        new_surf = new_surface_from_surface(c_surf, width, height)
        new_surf = dest_surface._c_surface

    if new_surf.w != width or new_surf.h != height:
        raise ValueError("Destination surface not the given width or height.")

    if c_surf.format.BytesPerPixel != new_surf.format.BytesPerPixel:
        raise ValueError(
            "Source and destination surfaces need the same format.")

    if width and height:
        with locked(new_surf):
            with locked(c_surf):
                sdl.stretch(c_surf, new_surf)

    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(new_surf)
예제 #4
def load(filename, namehint=""):
        filename = rwops_encode_file_path(filename)
        c_surface = sdl.IMG_Load(filename)
    except SDLError:
        # filename is not a string, try as file object
            rwops = rwops_from_file(filename)
            if namehint:
                name, ext = path.splitext(namehint)
            elif hasattr(filename, 'name'):
                name, ext = path.splitext(filename.name)
                # No name info, so we pass an empty extension to
                # SDL to indicate we can only load files with
                # suitable magic format markers in the file.
                name, ext = '', ''
            if len(ext) == 0:
                ext = name
            ext = rwops_encode_file_path(ext)
            c_surface = sdl.IMG_LoadTyped_RW(rwops, 1, ext)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError("file argument must be a valid path "
                            "string or file object")
    if not c_surface:
        raise SDLError(ffi.string(sdl.IMG_GetError()))
    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(c_surface)
예제 #5
    def render(self, text, antialias, color, background=None):
        """Font.render(text, antialias, color, background=None): return Surface
           draw text on a new Surface"""
        color = Color(color)
        fg = ffi.new("SDL_Color [1]")
        bg = ffi.new("SDL_Color [1]")
        fg[0].r = color.r
        fg[0].g = color.g
        fg[0].b = color.b
        if background:
                background = Color(background)
                bg[0].r = background.r
                bg[0].g = background.g
                bg[0].b = background.b
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                # Same error behaviour as pygame
                bg[0].r = 0
                bg[0].g = 0
                bg[0].b = 0
            bg[0].r = 0
            bg[0].g = 0
            bg[0].b = 0

        if text is None or text == "":
            # Just return a surface of width 1 x font height
            height = sdl.TTF_FontHeight(self._sdl_font)
            surf = Surface((1, height))
            if background and isinstance(background, Color):
                # clear the colorkey
            return surf

        if not isinstance(text, basestring):
            raise TypeError("text must be a string or unicode")
        if "\x00" in text:
            raise ValueError("A null character was found in the text")
        if isinstance(text, unicode):
            text = text.encode("utf-8", "replace")
            if utf_8_needs_UCS_4(text):
                raise UnicodeError("A Unicode character above '\\uFFFF' was found;" " not supported")
        if antialias:
            if background is None:
                sdl_surf = sdl.TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(self._sdl_font, text, fg[0])
                sdl_surf = sdl.TTF_RenderUTF8_Shaded(self._sdl_font, text, fg[0], bg[0])
            sdl_surf = sdl.TTF_RenderUTF8_Solid(self._sdl_font, text, fg[0])
        if not sdl_surf:
            raise SDLError(ffi.string(sdl.TTF_GetError()))
        surf = Surface._from_sdl_surface(sdl_surf)
        if not antialias and background is not None:
            surf.set_palette([(bg[0].r, bg[0].g, bg[0].b)])
        return surf
예제 #6
def flip(surface, xaxis, yaxis):
    c_surf = surface._c_surface
    w, h = c_surf.w, c_surf.h
    new_surf = new_surface_from_surface(c_surf, w, h)
    bpp = c_surf.format.BytesPerPixel
    pitch = c_surf.pitch

    with locked(new_surf):
        with locked(surface._c_surface):
            # only have to deal with rows
            if not xaxis:
                srcpixels = ffi.cast('uint8_t*', c_surf.pixels)
                destpixels = ffi.cast('uint8_t*', new_surf.pixels)
                if not yaxis:
                    # no changes - just copy pixels
                    destpixels[0:h * pitch] = srcpixels[0:h * pitch]
                    for y in range(h):
                        dest_start = (h - y - 1) * pitch
                        src_start = y * pitch
                        destpixels[dest_start:dest_start + pitch] = \
                                srcpixels[src_start:src_start + pitch]
            # have to calculate position for individual pixels
                if not yaxis:

                    def get_y(y):
                        return y

                    def get_y(y):
                        return h - y - 1

                if bpp in (1, 2, 4):
                    ptr_type = 'uint%s_t*' % c_surf.format.BitsPerPixel
                    srcpixels = ffi.cast(ptr_type, c_surf.pixels)
                    destpixels = ffi.cast(ptr_type, new_surf.pixels)
                    for y in range(h):
                        dest_row_start = get_y(y) * w
                        src_row_start = y * w
                        for x in range(w):
                            destpixels[dest_row_start + (w - x - 1)] = \
                                    srcpixels[src_row_start + x]
                    srcpixels = ffi.cast('uint8_t*', c_surf.pixels)
                    destpixels = ffi.cast('uint8_t*', new_surf.pixels)
                    for y in range(h):
                        dest_row_start = get_y(y) * pitch
                        src_row_start = y * pitch
                        for x in range(0, pitch, 3):
                            dest_pix_start = dest_row_start + (pitch - x - 3)
                            src_pix_start = src_row_start + x
                            destpixels[dest_pix_start:dest_pix_start + 3] = \
                                srcpixels[src_pix_start:src_pix_start + 3]

    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(new_surf)
예제 #7
def rotozoom(surface, angle, scale):
    """ rotozoom(Surface, angle, scale) -> Surface
    filtered scale and rotation
    c_surf = surface._c_surface
    if scale == 0.0:
        new_surf = new_surface_from_surface(c_surf, c_surf.w, c_surf.h)
        return Surface._from_sdl_surface(new_surf)

    if c_surf.format.BitsPerPixel == 32:
        surf32 = c_surf
        surf32 = sdl.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(sdl.SDL_SWSURFACE, surf.w, surf.h,
                                          32, 0xff, 0xff00, 0xff0000,
        sdl.SDL_BlitSurface(surf, ffi.NULL, surf32, ffi.NULL)

    new_surf = sdl.rotozoomSurface(surf32, angle, scale, 1)

    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(new_surf)
예제 #8
def rotozoom(surface, angle, scale):
    """ rotozoom(Surface, angle, scale) -> Surface
    filtered scale and rotation
    c_surf = surface._c_surface
    if scale == 0.0:
        new_surf = new_surface_from_surface(c_surf, c_surf.w, c_surf.h)
        return Surface._from_sdl_surface(new_surf)

    if c_surf.format.BitsPerPixel == 32:
        surf32 = c_surf
        surf32 = sdl.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(sdl.SDL_SWSURFACE, surf.w, surf.h,
                                          32, 0xff, 0xff00, 0xff0000,
        sdl.SDL_BlitSurface(surf, ffi.NULL, surf32, ffi.NULL)

    new_surf = sdl.rotozoomSurface(surf32, angle, scale, 1)

    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(new_surf)
예제 #9
def flip(surface, xaxis, yaxis):
    c_surf = surface._c_surface
    w, h = c_surf.w, c_surf.h
    new_surf = new_surface_from_surface(c_surf, w, h)
    bpp = c_surf.format.BytesPerPixel
    pitch = c_surf.pitch

    with locked(new_surf):
        with locked(surface._c_surface):
            # only have to deal with rows
            if not xaxis:
                srcpixels = ffi.cast('uint8_t*', c_surf.pixels)
                destpixels = ffi.cast('uint8_t*', new_surf.pixels)
                if not yaxis:
                    # no changes - just copy pixels
                    destpixels[0:h * pitch] = srcpixels[0:h * pitch]
                    for y in range(h):
                        dest_start = (h - y - 1) * pitch
                        src_start = y * pitch
                        destpixels[dest_start:dest_start + pitch] = \
                                srcpixels[src_start:src_start + pitch]
            # have to calculate position for individual pixels
                if not yaxis:
                    def get_y(y):
                        return y
                    def get_y(y):
                        return h - y - 1

                if bpp in (1, 2, 4):
                    ptr_type = 'uint%s_t*' % c_surf.format.BitsPerPixel
                    srcpixels = ffi.cast(ptr_type, c_surf.pixels)
                    destpixels = ffi.cast(ptr_type, new_surf.pixels)
                    for y in range(h):
                        dest_row_start = get_y(y) * w
                        src_row_start = y * w
                        for x in range(w):
                            destpixels[dest_row_start + (w - x - 1)] = \
                                    srcpixels[src_row_start + x]
                    srcpixels = ffi.cast('uint8_t*', c_surf.pixels)
                    destpixels = ffi.cast('uint8_t*', new_surf.pixels)
                    for y in range(h):
                        dest_row_start = get_y(y) * pitch
                        src_row_start = y * pitch
                        for x in range(0, pitch, 3):
                            dest_pix_start = dest_row_start + (pitch - x - 3)
                            src_pix_start = src_row_start + x
                            destpixels[dest_pix_start:dest_pix_start + 3] = \
                                srcpixels[src_pix_start:src_pix_start + 3]

    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(new_surf)
예제 #10
def smoothscale(surface, size, dest_surface=None):
    """ smoothscale(Surface, (width, height), DestSurface = None) -> Surface
    scale a surface to an arbitrary size smoothly
    width, height = size
    if width < 0 or height < 0:
        raise ValueError("Cannot scale to negative size")

    c_surf = surface._c_surface

    bpp = c_surf.format.BytesPerPixel
    if bpp < 3 or bpp > 4:
        raise ValueError("Only 24-bit or 32-bit surfaces can be"
                         " smoothly scaled")

    if dest_surface is None:
        new_surf = new_surface_from_surface(c_surf, width, height)
        new_surf = dest_surface._c_surface

    if new_surf.w != width or new_surf.h != height:
        raise ValueError("Destination surface not the given width or height.")

    if (width * bpp + 3) // 4 > new_surf.pitch:
        raise ValueError("SDL Error: destination surface pitch not"
                         " 4-byte aligned.")

    if width and height:
        with locked(new_surf):
            with locked(c_surf):
                if c_surf.w == width and c_surf.h == height:
                    # Non-scaling case, so just copy the correct pixels
                    c_pitch = c_surf.pitch
                    n_pitch = new_surf.pitch
                    srcpixels = ffi.cast('uint8_t*', c_surf.pixels)
                    destpixels = ffi.cast('uint8_t*', new_surf.pixels)
                    step = width * bpp
                    for y in range(0, height):
                        offset_n = y * n_pitch
                        offset_c = y * c_pitch
                        destpixels[offset_n:offset_n +
                                   step] = srcpixels[offset_c:offset_c + step]
                    sdl.scalesmooth(c_surf, new_surf)
    if dest_surface:
        return dest_surface
    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(new_surf)
예제 #11
def smoothscale(surface, size, dest_surface=None):
    """ smoothscale(Surface, (width, height), DestSurface = None) -> Surface
    scale a surface to an arbitrary size smoothly
    width, height = size
    if width < 0 or height < 0:
        raise ValueError("Cannot scale to negative size")

    c_surf = surface._c_surface

    bpp = c_surf.format.BytesPerPixel
    if bpp < 3 or bpp > 4:
        raise ValueError("Only 24-bit or 32-bit surfaces can be"
                         " smoothly scaled")

    if dest_surface is None:
        new_surf = new_surface_from_surface(c_surf, width, height)
        new_surf = dest_surface._c_surface

    if new_surf.w != width or new_surf.h != height:
        raise ValueError("Destination surface not the given width or height.")

    if (width * bpp + 3) // 4 > new_surf.pitch:
        raise ValueError("SDL Error: destination surface pitch not"
                         " 4-byte aligned.")

    if width and height:
        with locked(new_surf):
            with locked(c_surf):
                if c_surf.w == width and c_surf.h == height:
                    # Non-scaling case, so just copy the correct pixels
                    c_pitch = c_surf.pitch
                    n_pitch = new_surf.pitch
                    srcpixels = ffi.cast('uint8_t*', c_surf.pixels)
                    destpixels = ffi.cast('uint8_t*', new_surf.pixels)
                    step = width * bpp
                    for y in range(0, height):
                        offset_n = y * n_pitch
                        offset_c = y * c_pitch
                        destpixels[offset_n:offset_n + step] = srcpixels[offset_c:offset_c + step]
                    sdl.scalesmooth(c_surf, new_surf)
    if dest_surface:
        return dest_surface
    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(new_surf)
예제 #12
def rotate(surface, angle):
    c_surf = surface._c_surface

    # special treatment if rotating by 90 degrees
    if abs(angle) == 90.0:
        numturns = (angle / 90) % 4
        if numturns < 0:
            numturns = 4 + numturns
        if numturns % 2 == 0:
            width = c_surf.w
            height = c_surf.h
            width = c_surf.h
            height = c_surf.w
        new_surf = new_surface_from_surface(c_surf, width, height)
        with locked(new_surf):
            with locked(c_surf):
                sdl.rotate90(c_surf, new_surf, int(angle))

        radangle = angle * 0.01745329251994329
        sangle = math.sin(radangle)
        cangle = math.cos(radangle)
        x, y = c_surf.w, c_surf.h
        cx, cy = cangle * x, cangle * y
        sx, sy = sangle * x, sangle * y
        nxmax = int(
            max(max(max(abs(cx + sy), abs(cx - sy)), abs(-cx + sy)),
                abs(-cx - sy)))
        nymax = int(
            max(max(max(abs(sx + cy), abs(sx - cy)), abs(-sx + cy)),
                abs(-sx - cy)))
        new_surf = new_surface_from_surface(c_surf, nxmax, nymax)

        if c_surf.flags & sdl.SDL_SRCCOLORKEY:
            bgcolor = c_surf.format.colorkey
            bgcolor = surface.get_at_mapped((0, 0))
            bgcolor &= ~(c_surf.format.Amask)

        with locked(new_surf):
            with locked(c_surf):
                sdl.rotate(c_surf, new_surf, bgcolor, sangle, cangle)

    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(new_surf)
예제 #13
def scale2x(surface, dest_surface=None):
    """ scale2x(Surface, DestSurface = None) -> Surface
    specialized image doubler
    c_surf = surface._c_surface
    if dest_surface:
        new_surf = dest_surface._c_surface
        if (new_surf.w != 2 * c_surf.w) or (new_surf.h != 2 * c_surf.h):
            raise ValueError("Destination surface not 2x bigger")
        new_surf = new_surface_from_surface(c_surf, c_surf.w * 2, c_surf.h * 2)

    with locked(new_surf):
        with locked(c_surf):
            sdl.scale2x(c_surf, new_surf)

    if dest_surface:
        return dest_surface
    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(new_surf)
예제 #14
def rotate(surface, angle):
    c_surf = surface._c_surface

    # special treatment if rotating by 90 degrees
    if abs(angle) == 90.0 or abs(angle) == 180.0 or abs(angle) == 0.0:
        numturns = (angle / 90) % 4
        if numturns < 0:
            numturns = 4 + numturns
        if numturns % 2 == 0:
            width = c_surf.w
            height = c_surf.h
            width = c_surf.h
            height = c_surf.w
        new_surf = new_surface_from_surface(c_surf, width, height)
        with locked(new_surf):
            with locked(c_surf):
                sdl.rotate90(c_surf, new_surf, int(angle))

        radangle = angle * 0.01745329251994329
        sangle = math.sin(radangle)
        cangle = math.cos(radangle)
        x, y = c_surf.w, c_surf.h
        cx, cy = cangle * x, cangle * y
        sx, sy = sangle * x, sangle * y
        nxmax = int(max(max(max(abs(cx + sy), abs(cx - sy)),
                            abs(-cx + sy)), abs(-cx - sy)))
        nymax = int(max(max(max(abs(sx + cy), abs(sx - cy)),
                            abs(-sx + cy)), abs(-sx - cy)))
        new_surf = new_surface_from_surface(c_surf, nxmax, nymax)

        if c_surf.flags & sdl.SDL_SRCCOLORKEY:
            bgcolor = c_surf.format.colorkey
            bgcolor = surface.get_at_mapped((0, 0))
            bgcolor &= ~(c_surf.format.Amask)

        with locked(new_surf):
            with locked(c_surf):
                sdl.rotate(c_surf, new_surf, bgcolor, sangle, cangle)

    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(new_surf)
예제 #15
def scale2x(surface, dest_surface=None):
    """ scale2x(Surface, DestSurface = None) -> Surface
    specialized image doubler
    c_surf = surface._c_surface
    if dest_surface:
        new_surf = dest_surface._c_surface
        if (new_surf.w != 2 * c_surf.w) or (new_surf.h != 2 * c_surf.h):
            raise ValueError("Destination surface not 2x bigger")
        new_surf = new_surface_from_surface(c_surf, c_surf.w * 2, c_surf.h * 2)

    with locked(new_surf):
        with locked(c_surf):
            sdl.scale2x(c_surf, new_surf)

    if dest_surface:
        return dest_surface
    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(new_surf)
예제 #16
def smoothscale(surface, size, dest_surface=None):
    """ smoothscale(Surface, (width, height), DestSurface = None) -> Surface
    scale a surface to an arbitrary size smoothly
    width, height = size
    if width < 0 or height < 0:
        raise ValueError("Cannot scale to negative size")

    c_surf = surface._c_surface

    bpp = c_surf.format.BytesPerPixel
    if bpp < 3 or bpp > 4:
        raise ValueError("Only 24-bit or 32-bit surfaces can be"
                         " smoothly scaled")

    if dest_surface is None:
        new_surf = new_surface_from_surface(c_surf, width, height)
        new_surf = dest_surface._c_surface

    if new_surf.w != width or new_surf.h != height:
        raise ValueError("Destination surface not the given width or height.")

    if (width * bpp + 3) // 4 > new_surf.pitch:
        raise ValueError("SDL Error: destination surface pitch not"
                         " 4-byte aligned.")

    if width and height:
        with locked(new_surf):
            with locked(c_surf):
                if c_surf.w == width and c_surf.h == height:
                    pitch = c_surf.pitch
                    # Trivial case
                    srcpixels = ffi.cast('uint8_t*', c_surf.pixels)
                    destpixels = ffi.cast('uint8_t*', new_surf.pixels)
                    destpixels[0:height * pitch] = srcpixels[0:height * pitch]
                    sdl.scalesmooth(c_surf, new_surf)
    if dest_surface:
        return dest_surface
    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(new_surf)
예제 #17
def smoothscale(surface, size, dest_surface=None):
    """ smoothscale(Surface, (width, height), DestSurface = None) -> Surface
    scale a surface to an arbitrary size smoothly
    width, height = size
    if width < 0 or height < 0:
        raise ValueError("Cannot scale to negative size")

    c_surf = surface._c_surface

    bpp = c_surf.format.BytesPerPixel
    if bpp < 3 or bpp > 4:
        raise ValueError("Only 24-bit or 32-bit surfaces can be"
                         " smoothly scaled")

    if dest_surface is None:
        new_surf = new_surface_from_surface(c_surf, width, height)
        new_surf = dest_surface._c_surface

    if new_surf.w != width or new_surf.h != height:
        raise ValueError("Destination surface not the given width or height.")

    if (width * bpp + 3) // 4 > new_surf.pitch:
        raise ValueError("SDL Error: destination surface pitch not"
                         " 4-byte aligned.")

    if width and height:
        with locked(new_surf):
            with locked(c_surf):
                if c_surf.w == width and c_surf.h == height:
                    pitch = c_surf.pitch
                    # Trivial case
                    srcpixels = ffi.cast('uint8_t*', c_surf.pixels)
                    destpixels = ffi.cast('uint8_t*', new_surf.pixels)
                    destpixels[0:height * pitch] = srcpixels[0:height * pitch]
                    sdl.scalesmooth(c_surf, new_surf)
    if dest_surface:
        return dest_surface
    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(new_surf)
예제 #18
def load(filename, namehint=""):
        filename = rwops_encode_file_path(filename)
        c_surface = sdl.IMG_Load(filename)
    except SDLError:
        # filename is not a string, try as file object
            rwops = rwops_from_file(filename)
            if namehint:
                name, ext = path.splitext(namehint)
                name, ext = path.splitext(filename.name)
            if len(ext) == 0:
                ext = name
            c_surface = sdl.IMG_LoadTyped_RW(rwops, 1, ext)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError("file argument must be a valid path "
                            "string or file object")
    if not c_surface:
        raise SDLError(ffi.string(sdl.IMG_GetError()))
    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(c_surface)
예제 #19
def load(filename, namehint=""):
        filename = rwops_encode_file_path(filename)
        c_surface = sdl.IMG_Load(filename)
    except SDLError:
        # filename is not a string, try as file object
            rwops = rwops_from_file(filename)
            if namehint:  
                name, ext = path.splitext(namehint)
                name, ext = path.splitext(filename.name)
            if len(ext) == 0:
                ext = name
            c_surface = sdl.IMG_LoadTyped_RW(rwops, 1, ext)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError("file argument must be a valid path "
                            "string or file object")
    if not c_surface:
        raise SDLError(ffi.string(sdl.IMG_GetError()))
    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(c_surface)
예제 #20
파일: font.py 프로젝트: vavilon/pygame_cffi
    def render(self, text, antialias, color, background=None):
        """Font.render(text, antialias, color, background=None): return Surface
           draw text on a new Surface"""
        color = Color(color)
        fg = ffi.new("SDL_Color [1]")
        bg = ffi.new("SDL_Color [1]")
        fg[0].r = color.r
        fg[0].g = color.g
        fg[0].b = color.b
        if background:
                background = Color(background)
                bg[0].r = background.r
                bg[0].g = background.g
                bg[0].b = background.b
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                # Same error behaviour as pygame
                bg[0].r = 0
                bg[0].g = 0
                bg[0].b = 0
            bg[0].r = 0
            bg[0].g = 0
            bg[0].b = 0

        if text is None or text == '':
            # Just return a surface of width 1 x font height
            height = sdl.TTF_FontHeight(self._sdl_font)
            surf = Surface((1, height))
            if background and isinstance(background, Color):
                # clear the colorkey
            return surf

        if not isinstance(text, (bytes_, unicode_)):
            raise TypeError("text must be a string or unicode")
        if isinstance(text, unicode_):
            text = text.encode('utf-8', 'replace')
            if utf_8_needs_UCS_4(text):
                raise UnicodeError(
                    "A Unicode character above '\\uFFFF' was found;"
                    " not supported")
        if b'\x00' in text:
            raise ValueError("A null character was found in the text")
        if antialias:
            if background is None:
                sdl_surf = sdl.TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(self._sdl_font, text,
                sdl_surf = sdl.TTF_RenderUTF8_Shaded(self._sdl_font, text,
                                                     fg[0], bg[0])
            sdl_surf = sdl.TTF_RenderUTF8_Solid(self._sdl_font, text, fg[0])
        if not sdl_surf:
            raise SDLError(ffi.string(sdl.TTF_GetError()))
        surf = Surface._from_sdl_surface(sdl_surf)
        if not antialias and background is not None:
            surf.set_palette([(bg[0].r, bg[0].g, bg[0].b)])
        return surf
예제 #21
def chop(surface, rect):
    """ chop(Surface, rect) -> Surface
    gets a copy of an image with an interior area removed
    rect = Rect(rect)
    width = rect.width
    height = rect.width
    x = rect.x
    y = rect.y
    if rect.right > surface._w:
        width = surface._w - rect.x
    if rect.height > surface._h:
        height = surface._h - rect.y
    if rect.x < 0:
        width -= -x
        x = 0
    if rect.y < 0:
        height -= -y
        y = 0
    c_surf = surface._c_surface

    new_surf = new_surface_from_surface(c_surf, surface._w, surface._h)

    bpp = c_surf.format.BytesPerPixel
    pitch = c_surf.pitch
    w, h = c_surf.w, c_surf.h

    with locked(new_surf):
        with locked(c_surf):
            if bpp in (1, 2, 4):
                ptr_type = 'uint%s_t*' % c_surf.format.BitsPerPixel
                srcpixels = ffi.cast(ptr_type, c_surf.pixels)
                destpixels = ffi.cast(ptr_type, new_surf.pixels)
                srcpixels = ffi.cast('uint8_t*', c_surf.pixels)
                destpixels = ffi.cast('uint8_t*', new_surf.pixels)
            dy = 0
            for sy in range(0, surface._h):
                if sy >= y and sy < y + height:
                dx = 0
                if bpp in (1, 2, 4):
                    dest_row_start = dy * w
                    src_row_start = sy * w
                    dest_row_start = dy * pitch
                    src_row_start = sy * pitch

                for sx in range(0, surface._w):
                    if sx >= x and sx < x + width:
                    if bpp in (1, 2, 4):
                        destpixels[dest_row_start + dx] = \
                            srcpixels[src_row_start + sx]
                        dest_pix_start = dest_row_start + dx
                        src_pix_start = src_row_start + sx
                        destpixels[dest_pix_start:dest_pix_start + 3] = \
                            srcpixels[src_pix_start:src_pix_start + 3]
                    dx += 1
                dy += 1

    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(new_surf)
예제 #22
def chop(surface, rect):
    """ chop(Surface, rect) -> Surface
    gets a copy of an image with an interior area removed
    rect = Rect(rect)
    width = rect.width
    height = rect.width
    x = rect.x
    y = rect.y
    if rect.right > surface._w:
        width = surface._w - rect.x
    if rect.height > surface._h:
        height = surface._h - rect.y
    if rect.x < 0:
        width -= -x
        x = 0
    if rect.y < 0:
        height -= -y
        y = 0
    c_surf = surface._c_surface

    new_surf = new_surface_from_surface(c_surf, surface._w, surface._h)

    bpp = c_surf.format.BytesPerPixel
    src_pitch = c_surf.pitch
    dest_pitch = new_surf.pitch
    w, h = c_surf.w, c_surf.h

    with locked(new_surf):
        with locked(c_surf):
            if bpp in (1, 2, 4):
                ptr_type = 'uint%s_t*' % c_surf.format.BitsPerPixel
                srcpixels = ffi.cast(ptr_type, c_surf.pixels)
                destpixels = ffi.cast(ptr_type, new_surf.pixels)
                srcpixels = ffi.cast('uint8_t*', c_surf.pixels)
                destpixels = ffi.cast('uint8_t*', new_surf.pixels)
            dy = 0
            if bpp in (1, 2, 4):
                dest_step = dest_pitch // bpp
                src_step = src_pitch // bpp
            for sy in range(0, surface._h):
                if sy >= y and sy < y + height:
                dx = 0
                if bpp in (1, 2, 4):
                    dest_row_start = dy * dest_step
                    src_row_start = sy * src_step
                    dest_row_start = dy * dest_pitch
                    src_row_start = sy * src_pitch

                for sx in range(0, surface._w):
                    if sx >= x and sx < x + width:
                    if bpp in (1, 2, 4):
                        destpixels[dest_row_start + dx] = \
                            srcpixels[src_row_start + sx]
                        dest_pix_start = dest_row_start + dx
                        src_pix_start = src_row_start + sx
                        destpixels[dest_pix_start:dest_pix_start + 3] = \
                            srcpixels[src_pix_start:src_pix_start + 3]
                    dx += 1
                dy += 1

    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(new_surf)
예제 #23
            surf = sdl.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(sdl.SDL_SRCALPHA if alphamult
                                            else 0, w, h, 32, rmask, gmask,
                                            bmask, amask)
        if not surf:
            raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()
        with locked(surf):
            pixels = ffi.cast("char*", surf.pixels)
            for y in range(h):
                dest = surf.pitch * y
                src_start = (h - 1 - y) * w * 4 if flipped else y * w * 4
                pixels[dest:dest + w * 4]  = string[src_start:src_start + w * 4]

        raise ValueError("Unrecognized type of format")

    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(surf)

def tostring(surface, format, flipped=False):
    """ tostring(Surface, format, flipped=False) -> string
    transfer image to string buffer
    surf = surface._c_surface
    if surf.flags & sdl.SDL_OPENGL:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    if format == "P":
        if surf.format.BytesPerPixel != 1:
            raise ValueError("Can only create \"P\" format data with "
                             "8bit Surfaces")
        with locked(surf):
예제 #24
def fromstring(string, size, format, flipped=False):
    w, h = size
    if w < 1 or h < 1:
        raise ValueError("Resolution must be positive values")

    if format == "P":
        if len(string) != w * h:
            raise ValueError("String length does not equal format and "
                             "resolution size")
        surf = sdl.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, w, h, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        if not surf:
            raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()
        with locked(surf):
            pixels = ffi.cast('char*', surf.pixels)
            for y in range(h):
                dest =  surf.pitch * y
                src_start = (h - 1 - y) * w if flipped else y * w
                pixels[dest:dest + w] = string[src_start:src_start + w]

    elif format == "RGB":
        if len(string) != w * h * 3:
            raise ValueError("String length does not equal format and "
                             "resolution size")
        surf = sdl.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, w, h, 24, 0xff, 0xff << 16,
                                        0xff << 8, 0)
        if not surf:
            raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()
        with locked(surf):
            pixels = ffi.cast("char*", surf.pixels)
            for y in range(h):
                dest = surf.pitch * y
                src_start = (h - 1 - y) * w * 3 if flipped else y * w * 3
                row = string[src_start:src_start + w * 3]
                for x in range(0, w * 3, 3):
                    # BYTE0, BYTE1 and BYTE2 are determined by byte order
                    pixels[dest + x + BYTE0] = row[x + BYTE0]
                    pixels[dest + x + BYTE1] = row[x + BYTE1]
                    pixels[dest + x + BYTE2] = row[x + BYTE2]

    elif format in ("RGBA", "RGBAX", "ARGB"):
        if len(string) != w * h * 4:
            raise ValueError("String length does not equal format and "
                             "resolution size")
        if format == "ARGB":
            if get_sdl_byteorder() == sdl.SDL_LIL_ENDIAN:
                rmask, gmask, bmask, amask = (0xff << 8, 0xff << 16,
                                              0xff << 24, 0xff)
                rmask, gmask, bmask, amask = (0xff << 16, 0xff << 8,
                                              0xff, 0xff << 24)
            surf = sdl.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(sdl.SDL_SRCALPHA, w, h, 32,
                                            rmask, gmask, bmask, amask)
            alphamult = format == "RGBA"
            if get_sdl_byteorder() == sdl.SDL_LIL_ENDIAN:
                rmask, gmask, bmask = 0xff, 0xff << 8, 0xff << 16
                amask = 0xff << 24 if alphamult else 0
                rmask, gmask, bmask = 0xff << 24, 0xff << 16, 0xff << 8
                amask = 0xff if alphamult else 0
            surf = sdl.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(sdl.SDL_SRCALPHA if alphamult
                                            else 0, w, h, 32, rmask, gmask,
                                            bmask, amask)
        if not surf:
            raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()
        with locked(surf):
            pixels = ffi.cast("char*", surf.pixels)
            for y in range(h):
                dest = surf.pitch * y
                src_start = (h - 1 - y) * w * 4 if flipped else y * w * 4
                pixels[dest:dest + w * 4]  = string[src_start:src_start + w * 4]

        raise ValueError("Unrecognized type of format")

    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(surf)
예제 #25
        new_surf = dest_surface._c_surface

    if new_surf.w != width or new_surf.h != height:
        raise ValueError("Destination surface not the given width or height.")

    if c_surf.format.BytesPerPixel != new_surf.format.BytesPerPixel:
        raise ValueError(
            "Source and destination surfaces need the same format.")

    if width and height:
        with locked(new_surf):
            with locked(c_surf):
                sdl.stretch(c_surf, new_surf)

    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(new_surf)

def rotozoom(surface, angle, scale):
    """ rotozoom(Surface, angle, scale) -> Surface
    filtered scale and rotation
    raise NotImplementedError

def scale2x(surface, dest_surface=None):
    """ scale2x(Surface, DestSurface = None) -> Surface
    specialized image doubler
    c_surf = surface._c_surface
    if dest_surface:
예제 #26
def fromstring(string, size, format, flipped=False):
    w, h = size
    if w < 1 or h < 1:
        raise ValueError("Resolution must be positive values")

    if format == "P":
        if len(string) != w * h:
            raise ValueError("String length does not equal format and "
                             "resolution size")
        surf = sdl.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, w, h, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        if not surf:
            raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()
        with locked(surf):
            pixels = ffi.cast('char*', surf.pixels)
            for y in range(h):
                dest = surf.pitch * y
                src_start = (h - 1 - y) * w if flipped else y * w
                pixels[dest:dest + w] = string[src_start:src_start + w]

    elif format == "RGB":
        if len(string) != w * h * 3:
            raise ValueError("String length does not equal format and "
                             "resolution size")
        surf = sdl.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, w, h, 24, 0xff, 0xff << 16,
                                        0xff << 8, 0)
        if not surf:
            raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()
        with locked(surf):
            pixels = ffi.cast("char*", surf.pixels)
            for y in range(h):
                dest = surf.pitch * y
                src_start = (h - 1 - y) * w * 3 if flipped else y * w * 3
                row = string[src_start:src_start + w * 3]
                for x in range(0, w * 3, 3):
                    # BYTE0, BYTE1 and BYTE2 are determined by byte order
                    pixels[dest + x + BYTE0] = row[x + BYTE0]
                    pixels[dest + x + BYTE1] = row[x + BYTE1]
                    pixels[dest + x + BYTE2] = row[x + BYTE2]

    elif format in ("RGBA", "RGBAX", "ARGB"):
        if len(string) != w * h * 4:
            raise ValueError("String length does not equal format and "
                             "resolution size")
        if format == "ARGB":
            if get_sdl_byteorder() == sdl.SDL_LIL_ENDIAN:
                rmask, gmask, bmask, amask = (0xff << 8, 0xff << 16,
                                              0xff << 24, 0xff)
                rmask, gmask, bmask, amask = (0xff << 16, 0xff << 8, 0xff,
                                              0xff << 24)
            surf = sdl.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(sdl.SDL_SRCALPHA, w, h, 32, rmask,
                                            gmask, bmask, amask)
            alphamult = format == "RGBA"
            if get_sdl_byteorder() == sdl.SDL_LIL_ENDIAN:
                rmask, gmask, bmask = 0xff, 0xff << 8, 0xff << 16
                amask = 0xff << 24 if alphamult else 0
                rmask, gmask, bmask = 0xff << 24, 0xff << 16, 0xff << 8
                amask = 0xff if alphamult else 0
            surf = sdl.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(
                sdl.SDL_SRCALPHA if alphamult else 0, w, h, 32, rmask, gmask,
                bmask, amask)
        if not surf:
            raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()
        with locked(surf):
            pixels = ffi.cast("char*", surf.pixels)
            for y in range(h):
                dest = surf.pitch * y
                src_start = (h - 1 - y) * w * 4 if flipped else y * w * 4
                pixels[dest:dest + w * 4] = string[src_start:src_start + w * 4]

        raise ValueError("Unrecognized type of format")

    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(surf)
예제 #27
            surf = sdl.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(
                sdl.SDL_SRCALPHA if alphamult else 0, w, h, 32, rmask, gmask,
                bmask, amask)
        if not surf:
            raise SDLError.from_sdl_error()
        with locked(surf):
            pixels = ffi.cast("char*", surf.pixels)
            for y in range(h):
                dest = surf.pitch * y
                src_start = (h - 1 - y) * w * 4 if flipped else y * w * 4
                pixels[dest:dest + w * 4] = string[src_start:src_start + w * 4]

        raise ValueError("Unrecognized type of format")

    return Surface._from_sdl_surface(surf)

def tostring(surface, format, flipped=False):
    """ tostring(Surface, format, flipped=False) -> string
    transfer image to string buffer
    surf = surface._c_surface
    if surf.flags & sdl.SDL_OPENGL:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    if format == "P":
        if surf.format.BytesPerPixel != 1:
            raise ValueError("Can only create \"P\" format data with "
                             "8bit Surfaces")
        with locked(surf):