예제 #1
    def draw_polygon(self, pointlist, colour=None, color=None, pw=1, \
        """Draws a polygon on the screen
        pointlist    -- a list of (x,y) tuples resembling the cornerpoints
                   of the polygon
        keyword arguments
        colour    -- colour for the circle (a colour name (e.g. 'red') or
                   a RGB(A) tuple (e.g. (255,0,0) or (255,0,0,255))) or
                   None for the default foreground colour, self.fgc
                   (default = None)
        pw        -- penwidth: polygon line thickness (default = 1)
        fill        -- Boolean indicating whether polygon should be filled
                   or not (default = False)
        Nothing    -- draws a polygon on (PyGame) or adds a ShapeStim
                   stimulus to (PsychoPy) the self.screen property

        if color is None and colour is None:
        elif color is None and colour is not None:
        elif color is not None and colour is None:
            colour = color
        elif colour != color:
            raise Exception(
                "The arguments 'color' and 'colour' are the same, but set to different values: color={}, colour={}"
                .format(color, colour))

        if colour is None:
            colour = self.fgc

        colour = rgb2psychorgb(colour)
        pl = []
        for pos in pointlist:
            pl.append(pos2psychopos(pos, dispsize=self.dispsize))

        if fill:
            self.screen.append(ShapeStim(pygaze.expdisplay, lineWidth=pw, \
                lineColor=colour, lineColorSpace='rgb', fillColor=colour, \
                fillColorSpace='rgb',vertices=pl, closeShape=True))
            self.screen.append(ShapeStim(pygaze.expdisplay, lineWidth=pw, \
                lineColor=colour, lineColorSpace='rgb', \
                fillColor=rgb2psychorgb(self.bgc), fillColorSpace='rgb', \
                vertices=pl, closeShape=True))
예제 #2
	def draw_polygon(self, pointlist, colour=None, pw=1, fill=True):

		"""Draws a polygon on the screen
		pointlist	-- a list of (x,y) tuples resembling the cornerpoints
				   of the polygon
		keyword arguments
		colour	-- colour for the circle (a colour name (e.g. 'red') or
				   a RGB(A) tuple (e.g. (255,0,0) or (255,0,0,255))) or
				   None for the default foreground colour, self.fgc
				   (default = None)
		pw		-- penwidth: polygon line thickness (default = 1)
		fill		-- Boolean indicating whether polygon should be filled
				   or not (default = False)
		Nothing	-- draws a polygon on (PyGame) or adds a ShapeStim
				   stimulus to (PsychoPy) the self.screen property

		if colour == None:
			colour = self.fgc

		colour = rgb2psychorgb(colour)
		pl = []
		for pos in pointlist:

		if fill:
			self.screen.append(ShapeStim(pygaze.expdisplay, lineWidth=pw, lineColor=colour, lineColorSpace='rgb', fillColor=colour, fillColorSpace='rgb',vertices=pl, closeShape=True))
			self.screen.append(ShapeStim(pygaze.expdisplay, lineWidth=pw, lineColor=colour, lineColorSpace='rgb', fillColor=rgb2psychorgb(self.bgc), fillColorSpace='rgb',vertices=pl, closeShape=True))
예제 #3
	def __init__(self, dispsize=settings.DISPSIZE, fgc=settings.FGC,
		bgc=settings.BGC, screennr=settings.SCREENNR, screen=None, **args):

		# See _display.basedisplay.BaseDisplay for documentation
		# try to import copy docstring (but ignore it if it fails, as we do
		# not need it for actual functioning of the code)
			copy_docstr(BaseDisplay, PsychoPyDisplay)
			# we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied
			# docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs
			# in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost

		self.dispsize = dispsize
		self.fgc = fgc
		self.bgc = bgc
		self.screennr = screennr
		self.mousevis = False

		# create window
		pygaze.expdisplay = Window(size=self.dispsize, pos=None,
			color=rgb2psychorgb(self.bgc), colorSpace='rgb',
			fullscr=settings.FULLSCREEN, screen=self.screennr, units='pix')
		# set mouse visibility
		# get screen in window
		if screen:
			for s in screen.screen:
예제 #4
	def __init__(self, dispsize=settings.DISPSIZE, fgc=settings.FGC,
		bgc=settings.BGC, screennr=settings.SCREENNR, monitor = None, screen=None, **args):

		# See _display.basedisplay.BaseDisplay for documentation

		# try to import copy docstring (but ignore it if it fails, as we do
		# not need it for actual functioning of the code)
			copy_docstr(BaseDisplay, PsychoPyDisplay)
			# we're not even going to show a warning, since the copied
			# docstring is useful for code editors; these load the docs
			# in a non-verbose manner, so warning messages would be lost

		self.dispsize = dispsize
		self.fgc = fgc
		self.bgc = bgc
		self.screennr = screennr
		self.mousevis = False
		self.monitor = monitor

		# create window
		pygaze.expdisplay = Window(size=self.dispsize, pos=None,
			color=rgb2psychorgb(self.bgc), colorSpace='rgb',
			fullscr=settings.FULLSCREEN, monitor=self.monitor,
			screen=self.screennr, units='pix')
		# set mouse visibility
		# get screen in window
		if screen:
			for s in screen.screen:
예제 #5
    def draw_rect(self, colour=None, color=None, x=None, y=None, w=50, h=50, \
        pw=1, fill=False):
        """Draws a rectangle on the screen
        keyword arguments
        colour    -- colour for the circle (a colour name (e.g. 'red') or
                   a RGB(A) tuple (e.g. (255,0,0) or (255,0,0,255))) or
                   None for the default foreground colour, self.fgc
                   (default = None)
        x        -- x coordinate of the rectangle or None for a
                   horizontal centrally drawn rectangle (default = None)
        y        -- y coordinate of the rectangle or None for a
                   vertical centrally drawn rectangle (default = None)
        w        -- width of the rectangle (default = 50)
        h        -- height of the rectangle (default = 50)
        pw        -- penwidth: ellipse line thickness (default = 1)
        fill        -- Boolean indicating whether rectangle should be filled
                   or not (default = False)
        Nothing    -- draws a rectangle on (PyGame) or adds a GratinsStim
                   stimulus to (PsychoPy) the self.screen property

        if color is None and colour is None:
        elif color is None and colour is not None:
        elif color is not None and colour is None:
            colour = color
        elif colour != color:
            raise Exception(
                "The arguments 'color' and 'colour' are the same, but set to different values: color={}, colour={}"
                .format(color, colour))

        if colour is None:
            colour = self.fgc
        if x is None:
            x = self.dispsize[0] / 2
        if y is None:
            y = self.dispsize[1] / 2

        pos = x, y
        colour = rgb2psychorgb(colour)
        pos = pos2psychopos(pos, dispsize=self.dispsize)
        pos = pos[0] + w / 2, pos[1] - h / 2

        if fill:
            self.screen.append(Rect(pygaze.expdisplay, width=w, height=h, \
                lineWidth=pw, lineColor=colour, lineColorSpace='rgb', \
                fillColor=colour, fillColorSpace='rgb', pos=pos))
            self.screen.append(Rect(pygaze.expdisplay, width=w, height=h, \
                lineWidth=pw, lineColor=colour, lineColorSpace='rgb', \
                fillColor=None, pos=pos))
예제 #6
    def draw_line(self, colour=None, color=None, spos=None, epos=None, pw=1):
        """Draws a line on the screen
        keyword arguments
        colour    -- colour for the circle (a colour name (e.g. 'red') or
                   a RGB(A) tuple (e.g. (255,0,0) or (255,0,0,255))) or
                   None for the default foreground colour, self.fgc
                   (default = None)
        spos        -- line start, an (x,y) position tuple or None for a
                   quarter x and a central y position (default = None)
        epos        -- line end, an (x,y) position tuple or None for a
                   three-quarter x and a central y position (default =
        pw        -- penwidth: line thickness (default = 1)
        Nothing    -- draws a line on (PyGame) or adds a Line stimulus to
                   (PsychoPy) the self.screen property

        if color is None and colour is None:
        elif color is None and colour is not None:
        elif color is not None and colour is None:
            colour = color
        elif colour != color:
            raise Exception(
                "The arguments 'color' and 'colour' are the same, but set to different values: color={}, colour={}"
                .format(color, colour))

        if colour is None:
            colour = self.fgc
        if spos is None:
            spos = (int(self.dispsize[0] * 0.25), self.dispsize[1] / 2)
        if epos is None:
            epos = (int(self.dispsize[0] * 0.75), self.dispsize[1] / 2)

        colour = rgb2psychorgb(colour)
        spos = pos2psychopos(spos, dispsize=self.dispsize)
        epos = pos2psychopos(epos, dispsize=self.dispsize)

        # The `Line` class appears to be broken in a recent update of
        # PsychoPy. Hence the fallback to `ShapeStim`. See also:
        # <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/psychopy-dev/1sKn6RrqH-8>
        #self.screen.append(Line(pygaze.expdisplay, start=spos, end=epos, \
        #    lineColor=colour, lineColorSpace='rgb', lineWidth=pw))
        stim = ShapeStim(pygaze.expdisplay, lineWidth=pw, \
            vertices=[spos, epos], lineColor=colour)

    def draw_circle(self, colour=None, pos=None, r=50, pw=1, fill=False):
        """Draws a circle on the screen
		keyword arguments
		colour	-- colour for the circle (a colour name (e.g. 'red') or
				   a RGB(A) tuple (e.g. (255,0,0) or (255,0,0,255))) or
				   None for the default foreground colour, self.fgc
				   (default = None)
		pos		-- circle center, an (x,y) position tuple or None for a
				   central position (default = None)
		r		-- circle radius (default = 50)
		pw		-- penwidth: circle line thickness (default = 1)
		fill		-- Boolean indicating whether circle should be filled or
				   not (default = False)
		Nothing	-- draws a circle on (PyGame) or adds a Circle stimulus
				   to (PsychoPy) the self.screen property

        if colour == None:
            colour = self.fgc
        if pos == None:
            pos = (self.dispsize[0] / 2, self.dispsize[1] / 2)

        colour = rgb2psychorgb(colour)
        pos = pos2psychopos(pos, dispsize=self.dispsize)

        if fill:
                       radius=r - pw,
예제 #8
	def draw_ellipse(self, colour=None, x=None, y=None, w=50, h=50, pw=1, fill=False):

		"""Draws an ellipse on the screen
		keyword arguments
		colour	-- colour for the circle (a colour name (e.g. 'red') or
				   a RGB(A) tuple (e.g. (255,0,0) or (255,0,0,255))) or
				   None for the default foreground colour, self.fgc
				   (default = None)
		x		-- x coordinate of the rectangle in which the ellipse is
				   drawn or None for a horizontal centrally drawn
				   ellipse (default = None)
		y		-- y coordinate of the rectangle in which the ellipse is
				   drawn or None for a vertical centrally drawn
				   ellipse (default = None)
		w		-- width of the rectangle in which the ellipse is drawn
				   (default = 50)
		h		-- height of the rectangle in which the ellipse is drawn
				   (default = 50)
		pw		-- penwidth: circle line thickness (default = 1)
		fill		-- Boolean indicating whether ellipse should be filled
				   or not (default = False)
		Nothing	-- draws an ellipse on (PyGame) or adds a GratinsStim
				   stimulus to (PsychoPy) the self.screen property

		if colour == None:
			colour = self.fgc
		if x == None:
			x = 0
		if y == None:
			y = 0

		pos = x,y
		colour = rgb2psychorgb(colour)
		pos = pos2psychopos(pos,dispsize=self.dispsize)
		pos = pos[0] + w/2, pos[1] - h/2

		if fill:
			self.screen.append(Circle(pygaze.expdisplay, lineWidth=pw, lineColor=colour, lineColorSpace='rgb', fillColor=colour, fillColorSpace='rgb', pos=pos, size=(w,h)))
			self.screen.append(Circle(pygaze.expdisplay, lineWidth=pw, lineColor=colour, lineColorSpace='rgb', fillColor=None, pos=pos, size=(w,h)))
예제 #9
	def draw_ellipse(self, colour=None, x=None, y=None, w=50, h=50, pw=1, fill=False):

		"""Draws an ellipse on the screen
		keyword arguments
		colour	-- colour for the circle (a colour name (e.g. 'red') or
				   a RGB(A) tuple (e.g. (255,0,0) or (255,0,0,255))) or
				   None for the default foreground colour, self.fgc
				   (default = None)
		x		-- x coordinate of the rectangle in which the ellipse is
				   drawn or None for a horizontal centrally drawn
				   ellipse (default = None)
		y		-- y coordinate of the rectangle in which the ellipse is
				   drawn or None for a vertical centrally drawn
				   ellipse (default = None)
		w		-- width of the rectangle in which the ellipse is drawn
				   (default = 50)
		h		-- height of the rectangle in which the ellipse is drawn
				   (default = 50)
		pw		-- penwidth: circle line thickness (default = 1)
		fill		-- Boolean indicating whether ellipse should be filled
				   or not (default = False)
		Nothing	-- draws an ellipse on (PyGame) or adds a GratinsStim
				   stimulus to (PsychoPy) the self.screen property

		if colour == None:
			colour = self.fgc
		if x == None:
			x = 0
		if y == None:
			y = 0

		pos = x,y
		colour = rgb2psychorgb(colour)
		pos = pos2psychopos(pos,dispsize=self.dispsize)
		pos = pos[0] + w/2, pos[1] - h/2

		if fill:
			self.screen.append(Circle(pygaze.expdisplay, lineWidth=pw, lineColor=colour, lineColorSpace='rgb', fillColor=colour, fillColorSpace='rgb', pos=pos, size=(w,h)))
			self.screen.append(Circle(pygaze.expdisplay, lineWidth=pw, lineColor=colour, lineColorSpace='rgb', fillColor=None, pos=pos, size=(w,h)))
예제 #10
	def draw_text(self, text='text', colour=None, pos=None, center=True, font='mono', fontsize=12, antialias=True):

		"""Draws a text on the screen
		keyword arguments
		text		-- string to be displayed (newlines are allowed and will
				   be recognized) (default = 'text')
		colour	-- colour for the circle (a colour name (e.g. 'red') or
				   a RGB(A) tuple (e.g. (255,0,0) or (255,0,0,255))) or
				   None for the default foreground colour, self.fgc
				   (default = None)
		pos		-- text position, an (x,y) position tuple or None for a
				   central position (default = None)
		center	-- Boolean indicating is the pos keyword argument should
				   indicate the text center (True) or the top right
				   coordinate (False) (default = True)
		font		-- font name (a string value); should be the name of a
				   font included in the PyGaze resources/fonts directory
				   (default = 'mono')
		fontsize	-- fontsize in pixels (an integer value) (default = 12)
		antialias	-- Boolean indicating whether text should be antialiased
				   or not (default = True)
		Nothing	-- renders and draws a surface with text on (PyGame) or
				   adds SimpleTextStim to (PsychoPy) the self.screen

		if colour == None:
			colour = self.fgc
		if pos == None:
			pos = (self.dispsize[0]/2, self.dispsize[1]/2)

		if center:
			align = 'center'
			align = 'left'

		colour = rgb2psychorgb(colour)
		pos = pos2psychopos(pos,dispsize=self.dispsize)

		self.screen.append(TextStim(pygaze.expdisplay, text=str(text), font=font, pos=pos, color=colour, height=fontsize, antialias=antialias, alignHoriz=align, fontFiles=pygaze.FONTFILES, wrapWidth=None))
예제 #11
	def draw_text(self, text='text', colour=None, pos=None, center=True, font='mono', fontsize=12, antialias=True):

		"""Draws a text on the screen
		keyword arguments
		text		-- string to be displayed (newlines are allowed and will
				   be recognized) (default = 'text')
		colour	-- colour for the circle (a colour name (e.g. 'red') or
				   a RGB(A) tuple (e.g. (255,0,0) or (255,0,0,255))) or
				   None for the default foreground colour, self.fgc
				   (default = None)
		pos		-- text position, an (x,y) position tuple or None for a
				   central position (default = None)
		center	-- Boolean indicating is the pos keyword argument should
				   indicate the text center (True) or the top right
				   coordinate (False) (default = True)
		font		-- font name (a string value); should be the name of a
				   font included in the PyGaze resources/fonts directory
				   (default = 'mono')
		fontsize	-- fontsize in pixels (an integer value) (default = 12)
		antialias	-- Boolean indicating whether text should be antialiased
				   or not (default = True)
		Nothing	-- renders and draws a surface with text on (PyGame) or
				   adds SimpleTextStim to (PsychoPy) the self.screen

		if colour == None:
			colour = self.fgc
		if pos == None:
			pos = (self.dispsize[0]/2, self.dispsize[1]/2)

		if center:
			align = 'center'
			align = 'left'

		colour = rgb2psychorgb(colour)
		pos = pos2psychopos(pos,dispsize=self.dispsize)

		self.screen.append(TextStim(pygaze.expdisplay, text=str(text), font=font, pos=pos, color=colour, height=fontsize, antialias=antialias, alignHoriz=align, fontFiles=pygaze.FONTFILES, wrapWidth=None))
예제 #12
	def draw_line(self, colour=None, spos=None, epos=None, pw=1):

		"""Draws a line on the screen
		keyword arguments
		colour	-- colour for the circle (a colour name (e.g. 'red') or
				   a RGB(A) tuple (e.g. (255,0,0) or (255,0,0,255))) or
				   None for the default foreground colour, self.fgc
				   (default = None)
		spos		-- line start, an (x,y) position tuple or None for a
				   quarter x and a central y position (default = None)
		epos		-- line end, an (x,y) position tuple or None for a
				   three-quarter x and a central y position (default =
		pw		-- penwidth: line thickness (default = 1)
		Nothing	-- draws a line on (PyGame) or adds a Line stimulus to
				   (PsychoPy) the self.screen property

		if colour == None:
			colour = self.fgc
		if spos == None:
			spos = (int(self.dispsize[0]*0.25), self.dispsize[1]/2)
		if epos == None:
			epos = (int(self.dispsize[0]*0.75), self.dispsize[1]/2)

		colour = rgb2psychorgb(colour)
		spos = pos2psychopos(spos,dispsize=self.dispsize)
		epos = pos2psychopos(epos,dispsize=self.dispsize)
		# The `Line` class appears to be broken in a recent update of
		# PsychoPy. Hence the fallback to `ShapeStim`. See also:
		# <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/psychopy-dev/1sKn6RrqH-8>
		#self.screen.append(Line(pygaze.expdisplay, start=spos, end=epos, lineColor=colour, lineColorSpace='rgb', lineWidth=pw))
		stim = ShapeStim(pygaze.expdisplay, lineWidth=pw, vertices=[spos, epos], lineColor=colour)

예제 #13
	def draw_circle(self, colour=None, pos=None, r=50, pw=1, fill=False):

		"""Draws a circle on the screen
		keyword arguments
		colour	-- colour for the circle (a colour name (e.g. 'red') or
				   a RGB(A) tuple (e.g. (255,0,0) or (255,0,0,255))) or
				   None for the default foreground colour, self.fgc
				   (default = None)
		pos		-- circle center, an (x,y) position tuple or None for a
				   central position (default = None)
		r		-- circle radius (default = 50)
		pw		-- penwidth: circle line thickness (default = 1)
		fill		-- Boolean indicating whether circle should be filled or
				   not (default = False)
		Nothing	-- draws a circle on (PyGame) or adds a Circle stimulus
				   to (PsychoPy) the self.screen property

		if colour == None:
			colour = self.fgc
		if pos == None:
			pos = (self.dispsize[0]/2, self.dispsize[1]/2)

		colour = rgb2psychorgb(colour)
		pos = pos2psychopos(pos,dispsize=self.dispsize)

		if fill:
			self.screen.append(Circle(pygaze.expdisplay, radius=r, edges=32, pos=pos, lineWidth=pw, lineColor=colour, lineColorSpace='rgb', fillColor=colour, fillColorSpace='rgb'))
			self.screen.append(Circle(pygaze.expdisplay, radius=r-pw, edges=32, pos=pos, lineWidth=pw, lineColor=colour, lineColorSpace='rgb'))
예제 #14
    def draw_text(self, text="text", colour=None, color=None, pos=None, \
            centre=None, center=None, font="mono", fontsize=12, \
            antialias=True, wrap_width=None):
        """Draws a text on the screen
        keyword arguments
        text        -- string to be displayed (newlines are allowed and will
                   be recognized) (default = 'text')
        colour    -- colour for the circle (a colour name (e.g. 'red') or
                   a RGB(A) tuple (e.g. (255,0,0) or (255,0,0,255))) or
                   None for the default foreground colour, self.fgc
                   (default = None)
        pos        -- text position, an (x,y) position tuple or None for a
                   central position (default = None)
        center    -- Boolean indicating is the pos keyword argument should
                   indicate the text centre (True) or the top right
                   coordinate (False) (default = True)
        font        -- font name (a string value); should be the name of a
                   font included in the PyGaze resources/fonts directory
                   (default = 'mono')
        fontsize    -- fontsize in pixels (an integer value) (default = 12)
        antialias    -- Boolean indicating whether text should be antialiased
                   or not (default = True)
        Nothing    -- renders and draws a surface with text on (PyGame) or
                   adds SimpleTextStim to (PsychoPy) the self.screen

        if color is None and colour is None:
        elif color is None and colour is not None:
        elif color is not None and colour is None:
            colour = color
        elif colour != color:
            raise Exception(
                "The arguments 'color' and 'colour' are the same, but set to different values: color={}, colour={}"
                .format(color, colour))

        if center is None and centre is None:
            centre = True
        elif center is None and centre is not None:
        elif center is not None and centre is None:
            centre = center
        elif centre != center:
            raise Exception(
                "The arguments 'center' and 'centre' are the same, but set to different values: center={}, centre={}"
                .format(center, centre))

        if colour is None:
            colour = self.fgc
        if pos is None:
            pos = (self.dispsize[0] / 2, self.dispsize[1] / 2)

        if centre:
            align = "center"
            align = "left"

        colour = rgb2psychorgb(colour)
        pos = pos2psychopos(pos, dispsize=self.dispsize)

        self.screen.append(TextStim(pygaze.expdisplay, text=str(text), \
            font=font, pos=pos, color=colour, height=fontsize, \
            antialias=antialias, alignHoriz=align, \
            fontFiles=pygaze.FONTFILES, wrapWidth=wrap_width))
        # PsychoPy deprecated "alignHoriz", but in version 3.2.4 (and maybe
        # also others, who knows?) its replacements "alignText" and
        # "anchorHoriz" are unknown keyword arguments to __init__. Yet,
        # "alignHoriz" does NOT work any longer. I guess alignment is just
        # broken now? The ugly workaround below will NOT work for those broken
        # versions of PsychoPy, but will at least not crash them.
        self.screen[-1].anchorHoriz = align
        self.screen[-1].alignText = align
예제 #15
    def update(self, locs, oris, bgcols, linewidth=None, stimtypes=None):
        """Updates the locations, colours, line colours, and line widths of
        this stimulus array.
        locs         -      List of (x,y) tuples that determine the positions
                            of all stimuli. The list's length should be equal
                            to the number of stimuli as defined by nstim.
        oris         -      List of integers that determine the orientations
                            of all stimuli. The list's length should be equal
                            to the number of stimuli as defined by nstim.
        bgcols     -        List of (r,g,b) tuples that determine the colours
                            of the background to all stimuli. The list's length
                            should be equal to the number of stimuli as
                            defined by nstim.

        Keyword Arguments
        linewidth    -      Integer or a list of integers that determines the
                            width of the lines around stimuli (in pixels), or
                            None to leave the width as it is. Default value is
        stimtypes    -      String or a list of strings that determines the
                            type of stimulus. Options are 'gabor' and 'noise',
                            or None to not update.
                            Default is None.

        # Convert the linewidth to a list (if necessary).
        if type(linewidth) in [int, float]:
            linewidth = len(self._stimindexnrs) * [int(linewidth)]

        # Convert the stimulus types to a list (if necessary).
        if type(stimtypes) in [str, unicode]:
            stimtypes = len(self._stimindexnrs) * [stimtypes]

        # Loop through all stimuli.
        #     stimnr is a number between 0 and nstim
        #     stimindexnr refers to the index of a stimulus in self.screen
        for stimnr, stimindexnr in enumerate(self._stimindexnrs):

            # Update the stimulus location.
            self.screen[stimindexnr].pos = pos2psychopos(locs[stimnr])
            self.screen[self._bgindexnrs[stimnr]].pos = pos2psychopos(
            self.screen[self._outlineindexnrs[stimnr]].pos = pos2psychopos(

            #            # Update the stimulus colour.
            #            self.screen[stimindexnr].fillColor = rgb2psychorgb(list(oris[stimnr]))

            # Update the stimulus orientation.

            # Update the stimulus background colour
            self.screen[self._bgindexnrs[stimnr]].fillColor = rgb2psychorgb(
            self.screen[self._bgindexnrs[stimnr]].lineColor = rgb2psychorgb(

            # Update the stimulus line width and colour.
            if linewidth != None:
                    stimnr]].lineWidth = linewidth[stimnr]
                if linewidth[stimnr] == PROBELINEWIDTH:
                    self.screen[self._outlineindexnrs[stimnr]].lineColor = \
                    self.screen[self._outlineindexnrs[stimnr]].lineColor = \
            # Update the stimulus texture.
            if stimtypes != None:
                if stimtypes[stimnr] == 'gabor':
예제 #16
    def __init__(self, nstim, locs, oris, linewidth=3, \
        stimtypes='gabor', showcolourwheel=False):
        """Initialises a new StimScreen instance.
        nstim        -      Integer that determines the number of stimuli on
                            this screen.
        locs         -      List of (x,y) tuples that determine the positions
                            of all stimuli. The list's length should be equal
                            to the number of stimuli as defined by nstim.
        oris         -      List of integers that determine the orientations
                            of all stimuli. The list's length should be equal
                            to the number of stimuli as defined by nstim.
        Keyword Arguments
        linewidth    -      Integer or a list of integers that determines the
                            width of the lines around stimuli (in pixels).
                            Default value is 3.
        stimtypes    -      String or a list of strings that determines the
                            type of stimulus. Options are 'gabor' and 'noise'.
                            Default is 'gabor'.
        showcolourwheel-    Boolean that determines whether a central colour
                            wheel should be drawn of not. Default is False.

        # Settings from the constants.
        self._sf = float(STIMSF) / float(STIMSIZE)
        self._alpha = STIMALPHA
        self._contrast = STIMCONTRAST

        # Noise texture.
        self._noisetex = numpy.random.rand(STIMNOISERES, STIMNOISERES)

        # Convert the linewidth to a list (if necessary).
        if type(linewidth) in [int, float]:
            linewidth = nstim * [int(linewidth)]

        # Convert the stimulus types to a list (if necessary).
        if type(stimtypes) in [str, unicode]:
            stimtypes = nstim * [stimtypes]

        # Create a Screen to use its wonderful drawing functions.
        self.scr = Screen()

        # Draw the fixation cross.
        self.scr.draw_fixation(fixtype=FIXTYPE, diameter=FIXSIZE)

        # Draw the colouw wheel
        if showcolourwheel:
            # Load the image.
            self.scr.draw_image(CWIMG, scale=CWIMGSCALE)

        # Create an internal list of stimuli (=PsychoPy stimulus instances) by
        # copying it from the internal screen.
        self.screen = self.scr.screen

        # Draw the backgrounds to the stimuli, which will appear in the
        # background colour initially, but will turn to a different colour to
        # mark that they are fixated by a participant.
        # Keep a list of the index numbers of all stimuli. The indices refer
        # to positions within the self.scr.screen list of PsychoPy stimuli.
        self._bgindexnrs = []
        # Draw the stimuli.
        for i in range(nstim):
            # Add the stimulus' index number to the list of indices.
            # Create a new Circle stimulus instance.
            stim = Circle(pygaze.expdisplay, \
                radius=STIMSIZE, \
                edges=64, \
                pos=pos2psychopos(locs[i]), \
                fillColor=rgb2psychorgb(BGC), \
                lineColor=rgb2psychorgb(BGC), \
            # Add the new stimulus to our list of stimuli.

        # Keep a list of the index numbers of all stimuli. The indices refer
        # to positions within the self.scr.screen list of PsychoPy stimuli.
        self._stimindexnrs = []
        self._outlineindexnrs = []
        # Draw the stimuli.
        for i in range(nstim):
            # Add the stimulus' index number to the list of indices.
            #            # Create a new Rect stimulus instance.
            #            stim = Rect(pygaze.expdisplay, \
            #                pos=pos2psychopos(locs[i]), \
            #                fillColor=rgb2psychorgb(list(oris[i])), \
            #                lineColor=rgb2psychorgb(list(linecols[i])), \
            #                lineWidth=linewidth[i], \
            #                width=STIMSIZE, \
            #                height=STIMSIZE)
            # Create a Gabor-ish GratingStim.
            if stimtypes[i] == 'gabor':
                tex = 'sin'
                tex = self._noisetex
            stim = GratingStim(pygaze.expdisplay, \
                pos=pos2psychopos(locs[i]), \
                ori=oris[i], \
                size=STIMSIZE, \
                sf=self._sf, \
                opacity=self._alpha, \
                contrast=self._contrast, \
                tex=tex, \
                mask='circle', \
            # Add the new stimulus to our list of stimuli.

            # Add an outline for the stimulus.
            stim = Circle(pygaze.expdisplay, \
                pos=pos2psychopos(locs[i]), \
                lineWidth=linewidth[i], \
                radius=STIMSIZE//2, \
                edges=32, \
                closeShape=False, \
                fillColor=None, \
            # Add the new stimulus to our list of stimuli.