예제 #1
def main(argv=sys.argv):

    argv = sys.argv
    args = read_inputs(argv[1:])

    in_files_path = args.infiles
    #Import silver data
    wave_s, diel_rs, diel_is = numpy.loadtxt(
        '../data/wave_silver_diel_3700-4000.txt', skiprows=1, unpack=True)

    #Import water data
    wave_w, diel_rw, diel_iw = numpy.loadtxt(
        '../data/wave_water_diel_3700-4000.txt', skiprows=1, unpack=True)

    #Creating dielectric list first dielectric outside, then inside
    diel_list = [
        for eps in zip(diel_rw + 1j * diel_iw, diel_rs + 1j * diel_is)

    #Set enviornment variable for PyGBe
    folder_path = in_files_path + 'BSA_sensorR8_d=infty'
    full_path = os.path.abspath(folder_path) + '/'
    os.environ['PYGBE_PROBLEM_FOLDER'] = full_path

    #Creating dictionary field. We will modify the 'E' key in the for loop.
    field_dict_Ag = read_fields(full_path + 'sph_sensor.config')

    #Calculate Cext(lambda) for silver
    tic_ss = time.time()
    e_field = -0.0037
    wave, Cext_silver = Cext_wave_scan(e_field, wave_s, diel_list,
                                       field_dict_Ag, full_path)
    toc_ss = time.time()

    #Calculate Cext_analytical(lambda) for silver, radius of sphere=8 nm
    tic_sa = time.time()
    r = 8.
    Cext_an_silver = Cext_analytical(r, wave_s / 10, diel_rw + 1j * diel_iw,
                                     diel_rs + 1j * diel_is)
    toc_sa = time.time()

    #Save wavelength, Cext, Cext_analytical, error
                  list(zip(wave / 10, Cext_silver, Cext_an_silver)),
                  fmt='%.5f %.5f %.5f ',
                  header='lambda [ang], Cext, Cext_analytical')

    time_simulation = (toc_ss - tic_ss)
    time_analytical = (toc_sa - tic_sa)
    time_silver = (toc_ss - tic_ss) + (toc_sa - tic_sa)

    with open('../results/time_verification.txt', 'w') as f:
        print('time_total: {} s (simulation: {} + analytical: {}) '.format(
            time_silver, time_simulation, time_analytical),
예제 #2
def initialize_field(filename, param, field=None):
    Initialize all the regions in the surface to be solved.

    filename   : name of the file that contains the surface information.
    param      : class, parameters related to the surface.
    field      : dictionary with preloaded field values for programmatic
                 interaction with PyGBe

    field_array: array, contains the Field classes of each region on the surface.

    if not field:
        field = read_fields(filename)

    for key in ['E', 'kappa']:
        for i, e in enumerate(field[key]):
            if not numpy.iscomplexobj(e) and not isinstance(e, str):
                field[key][i] = param.REAL(field[key][i])

    Nfield = len(field['LorY'])
    field_array = []
    Nchild_aux = 0
    for i in range(Nfield):
        field_aux = Field(field['LorY'][i], field['kappa'][i], field['E'][i],
                          field['coulomb'][i], field['pot'][i])

        if int(field['charges'][i]) == 1:  # if there are charges
            field_aux.load_charges(field['qfile'][i], param.REAL)
        if int(field['Nparent'][i]) == 1:  # if it is an enclosed region
            # pointer to parent surface (enclosing surface)
        if int(field['Nchild'][i]) > 0:  # if there are enclosed regions inside
            for j in range(int(field['Nchild'][i])):
                    field['child'][Nchild_aux +
                                   j]))  # Loop over children to get pointers
            Nchild_aux += int(
                field['Nchild'][i])  # Point to child for next surface
        if field['pot'][i] == 1:
            param.E_field.append(i)  # Field where surface energy is calculated

    return field_array
예제 #3
def initialize_field(filename, param, field=None):
    Initialize all the regions in the surface to be solved.

    filename   : name of the file that contains the surface information.
    param      : class, parameters related to the surface.
    field      : dictionary with preloaded field values for programmatic
                 interaction with PyGBe

    field_array: array, contains the Field classes of each region on the surface.

    if not field:
        field = read_fields(filename)

    for key in ['E', 'kappa']:
        for i, e in enumerate(field[key]):
            if not numpy.iscomplexobj(e) and not isinstance(e, str):
                field[key][i] = param.REAL(field[key][i])

    Nfield = len(field['LorY'])
    field_array = []
    Nchild_aux = 0
    for i in range(Nfield):
        field_aux = Field(field['LorY'][i], field['kappa'][i], field['E'][i],
                          field['coulomb'][i], field['pot'][i])

        if int(field['charges'][i]) == 1:  # if there are charges
            field_aux.load_charges(field['qfile'][i], param.REAL)
        if int(field['Nparent'][i]) == 1:  # if it is an enclosed region
            # pointer to parent surface (enclosing surface)
        if int(field['Nchild'][i]) > 0:  # if there are enclosed regions inside
            for j in range(int(field['Nchild'][i])):
                field_aux.child.append(int(field['child'][Nchild_aux + j])
                                       )  # Loop over children to get pointers
            Nchild_aux += int(field['Nchild'][i])  # Point to child for next surface
        if field['pot'][i] == 1:
            param.E_field.append(i)  # Field where surface energy is calculated

    return field_array
def main(argv=sys.argv):

    argv = sys.argv
    args = read_inputs(argv[1:])

    in_files_path = args.infiles

    #Import surface data
    wave_s, diel_rs, diel_is = numpy.loadtxt(

    air_diel = [1. + 1j * 0.] * len(wave_s)
    #Creating dielectric list first dielectric outside, then inside
    diel_list = [list(eps) for eps in zip(air_diel, diel_rs + 1j * diel_is)]

    #Set enviornment variable for PyGBe
    folder_path = in_files_path + 'prism_reg_SE'
    full_path = os.path.abspath(folder_path) + '/'
    os.environ['PYGBE_PROBLEM_FOLDER'] = full_path

    #Creating dictionary field. We will modify the 'E' key in the for loop.
    field_dict_pillars = read_fields(full_path + 'prism_reg_38K.config')

    #Calculate Cext(lambda) for pillars' surface
    tic_ss = time.time()
    e_field = -1.
    wave, Cext_pillars = Cext_wave_scan(e_field, wave_s, diel_list,
                                        field_dict_pillars, full_path)
    toc_ss = time.time()

    numpy.savetxt('../results_data/prism_regular_SE_LE_res/' +
                  'prism_reg_38K_short_edge' + '10-20microns.txt',
                  list(zip(wave, Cext_pillars)),
                  fmt='%.9f %.9f',
                  header='lambda [Ang], Cext [nm^2]')

    time_simulation = (toc_ss - tic_ss)

    with open(
            '../results_data/prism_regular_SE_LE_res/Time_' +
            'prism_reg_38K_short_edge' + '.txt', 'w') as f:
        print('time_total: {} s'.format(time_simulation), file=f)
예제 #5
    all(l_w == l_s) & all(l_s == l_p)
    wavelength = l_w
    raise ValueError(
        'The wavelength ranges are not equal, check data generation')

#Complex dielectric assembly
e_w = er_w + 1j * ei_w  #water
e_s = er_s + 1j * ei_s  #silver
e_p = er_p + 1j * ei_p  #protein

#Building E field for single sphere dictionary
E_field_single = [list(eps) for eps in zip(e_w, e_s)]

field_dict_single = read_fields(

tic_single = time.time()
elec_field = -1
wave_single, Cext_single = Cext_wave_scan(
    elec_field, wavelength, E_field_single, field_dict_single,
toc_single = time.time()

              list(zip(wave_single, Cext_single)),
              fmt='%.1f %.8f',
              header='lambda [Ang], Cext, d=infty')

#Building E field for dictionary (protein)
E_field = [list(eps) for eps in zip(e_w, e_s, e_p)]
예제 #6
def main(argv=sys.argv):
    '''Creates lspr response data for the following cases:
    BSA_sensorR8_2pz_d=0.5_00, BSA_sensorR8_2pz_d=1_00, BSA_sensorR8_2pz_d=2_00 
    and for the case of no protein BSA_sensorR8_d=infty. 

    Arguments passed (read docs of read_inputs)
    infiles: str, absolute path where the input files are located. 

    For example: if input_problem_folders was downloaded in the directory 
    home/Downloads, then the path will be:


    argv = sys.argv
    args = read_inputs(argv[1:])

    in_files_path = args.infiles

    #Importing dielectrics data

    l_w, er_w, ei_w = numpy.loadtxt(
        '../dielectrics_data/wave_ang_water_diel_3820-3870.txt', unpack=True)
    l_s, er_s, ei_s = numpy.loadtxt(
        '../dielectrics_data/wave_ang_silver_diel_3820-3870.txt', unpack=True)
    l_p, er_p, ei_p = numpy.loadtxt(
        '../dielectrics_data/wave_ang_prot_diel_3820-3870.txt', unpack=True)

    #Check the wavelength ranges are all equal
        all(l_w == l_s) & all(l_s == l_p)
        wavelength = l_w
        raise ValueError(
            'The wavelength ranges are not equal, check data generation')

    #Complex dielectric assembly
    e_w = er_w + 1j * ei_w  #water
    e_s = er_s + 1j * ei_s  #silver
    e_p = er_p + 1j * ei_p  #protein

    #Building E field for single sphere dictionary
    E_field_single = [list(eps) for eps in zip(e_w, e_s)]

    field_dict_single = read_fields(in_files_path +

    tic_single = time.time()
    elec_field = -0.0037
    wave_single, Cext_single = Cext_wave_scan(
        elec_field, wavelength, E_field_single, field_dict_single,
        in_files_path + 'BSA_sensorR8_d=infty/')
    toc_single = time.time()

        list(zip(wave_single, Cext_single)),
        fmt='%.1f %.8f',
        header='lambda [Ang],Cext_' + 'BSA_sensorR8_d=infty')

    #Building E field for dictionary (one protein) uncomment the following line
    #E_field = [list(eps) for eps in zip(e_w, e_s, e_p)

    #If only one protein comment the following 4 lines of code

    #Building E field for dictionary for case of 2 proteins
    e_list = [list(eps) for eps in zip(e_w, e_s, e_p)]

    E_field = []
    for lst in e_list:
        E_field.append(lst +
                       [lst[-1]] * 1)  #works for 2 proteins, if n proteins
        # needed replace lst+[lst[-1]]*1 by

    distance_path_folders = [
        'BSA_sensorR8_2pz_d=0.5_00', 'BSA_sensorR8_2pz_d=1_00',

    tic_d = time.time()
    elec_field = -0.0037

    for path in distance_path_folders:

        folder_path = in_files_path + path
        full_path = os.path.abspath(folder_path) + '/'
        os.environ['PYGBE_PROBLEM_FOLDER'] = full_path

        field_dict = read_fields(folder_path + '/sphere_bsa.config')
        wave, Cext = Cext_wave_scan(elec_field, wavelength, E_field,
                                    field_dict, in_files_path + path)

        numpy.savetxt('../Cext_variation_with_distance_two_bsa_z_results/' +
                      path + '_3820-3870ang.txt',
                      list(zip(wave, Cext)),
                      fmt='%.1f %.8f',
                      header='lambda [Ang], Cext_' + path)
    toc_d = time.time()

    with open(
            'w') as f:
        print('single sphere run time: {}'.format((toc_single - tic_single)),
        print('sphere-bsa run time: {}'.format((toc_d - tic_d)), file=f)
        print('total run time: {}'.format((toc_single - tic_single) +
                                          (toc_d - tic_d)),
예제 #7
lambda_75, ns_75, ks_75, nw_75, kw_75 = numpy.loadtxt('../../data/lambda_n_k_silver-7.5.txt',
                                                       unpack = True)

#Import gold case
lambda_76, ng_76, kg_76, nw_76, kw_76 = numpy.loadtxt('../../data/lambda_n_k_gold-7.6.txt',
                                                       unpack = True)

#Creating dielectric list for silver
diel_wat_75, diel_sil_75, diel_list_75 = create_diel_list(nw_75, kw_75, ns_75, ks_75)

#Creating dielectric list for gold
diel_wat_76, diel_gold_76, diel_list_76 = create_diel_list(nw_76, kw_76, ng_76, kg_76)

#Creating dictionary field. We will modify the 'E' key in the for loop.
field_dict_Ag = read_fields('../../../pygbe_dev/pygbe/examples/lspr_silver/sphereAg_complex.config')
field_dict_Au = read_fields('../../../pygbe_dev/pygbe/examples/lspr_gold/sphereAu_complex.config')

#Calculate Cext(lambda) for silver
tic_s = time.time()
wave_s, Cext_silver = Cext_wave_scan(lambda_75, diel_list_75, field_dict_Ag,
toc_s = time.time()

#Calculate Cext(lambda) for gold
tic_g = time.time()
wave_g, Cext_gold = Cext_wave_scan(lambda_76, diel_list_76, field_dict_Au,
toc_g = time.time()

#Calculate Cext_analytical(lambda) for silver and gold, radius of sphere=10 nm
예제 #8
    all(l_w == l_s) & all(l_s == l_p)
    wavelength = l_w
    raise ValueError(
        'The wavelength ranges are not equal, check data generation')

#Complex dielectric assembly
e_w = er_w + 1j * ei_w  #water
e_s = er_s + 1j * ei_s  #silver
e_p = er_p + 1j * ei_p  #protein

#Building E field for single sphere dictionary
E_field_single = [list(eps) for eps in zip(e_w, e_s)]

field_dict_single = read_fields(

tic_single = time.time()

wave_single, Cext_single = Cext_wave_scan(
    wavelength, E_field_single, field_dict_single,
toc_single = time.time()

              list(zip(wave_single, Cext_single)),
              fmt='%.3f %.8f',
              header='lambda [nm], Cext, d=infty')

#Building E field for dictionary (protein)
e_list = [list(eps) for eps in zip(e_w, e_s, e_p)]
    list(zip(lambda_wsg, n_w, k_w, n_s, k_s, n_g, k_g)),
    fmt='%.8f %.8e %.8e %.8e %.8e %.8e %.8e',
    'lambda [nm], refrac_real_water, refrac_imag_water, refrac_real_silver, refrac_imag_silver, refrac_real_gold, refrac_imag_gold'

#Creating dielectric list for silver
diel_wat_s, diel_sil, diel_list_silv = create_diel_list(n_w, k_w, n_s, k_s)

#Creating dielectric list for gold
diel_wat_g, diel_gold, diel_list_gold = create_diel_list(n_w, k_w, n_g, k_g)

#Creating dictionary field. We will modify the 'E' key in the for loop.
field_dict = read_fields(

#Calculate Cext(lambda) for silver
tic_s = time.time()
wave_s, Cext_silver = Cext_wave_scan(lambda_wsg, diel_list_silv, field_dict,
toc_s = time.time()

#Calculate Cext(lambda) for gold
tic_g = time.time()
wave_g, Cext_gold = Cext_wave_scan(lambda_wsg, diel_list_gold, field_dict,
toc_g = time.time()

#Calculate Cext_analytical(lambda) for silver and gold, radius of sphere=10 nm
r = 10.