TARGET_NUM = OUTPUT_NEURON_NUM NON_TARGET_NUM = OUTPUT_NEURON_NUM * (NUM_CLASSES - 1) SPIKE_RATE_DIV = PRESENT_TIMESTEPS / 1000 # Values for initialisation of parameters in different models if_init = {"V": 0.0} poisson_init = {"rate": 1.0} # g_init = np.random.choice(2, (NUM_INPUT, NUM_CLASSES * OUTPUT_NEURON_NUM)) fusi_init = { "X": init_var("Uniform", { "min": FUSI_PARAMS["Xmin"], "max": FUSI_PARAMS["Xmax"] }), "last_tpre": 0.0, "g": 0.0 } fusi_post_init = {"C": 2.0} TEACHER_STRENGTH = 1.0 TEACHER_UNSTIM_STRENGTH = 0.0 INH_V = 50 INPUT_UNSTIM = 2 INPUT_STIM = 50
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pygenn import genn_wrapper, genn_model model = genn_model.GeNNModel("float", "tutorial2_pygenn") model.dT = 1.0 izk_params = {"a": 0.02, "b": 0.2, "c": -65.0, "d": 8.0} izk_init = {"V": -65.0, "U": genn_model.init_var("Uniform", {"min": 0.0, "max": 20.0})} stim_params = {"amp": 4.0} exc_syn_init = {"g": 0.05} inh_syn_init = {"g": -0.25} fixed_prob = {"prob": 0.1} exc = model.add_neuron_population("Exc", 8000, "Izhikevich", izk_params, izk_init) inh = model.add_neuron_population("Inh", 2000, "Izhikevich", izk_params, izk_init) model.add_current_source("ExcStim", "DC", "Exc", stim_params, {}) model.add_current_source("InhStim", "DC", "Inh", stim_params, {}) model.add_synapse_population("Exc_Exc", "SPARSE_GLOBALG", genn_wrapper.NO_DELAY, exc, exc, "StaticPulse", {}, exc_syn_init, {}, {}, "DeltaCurr", {}, {}, genn_model.init_connectivity("FixedProbabilityNoAutapse", fixed_prob)) model.add_synapse_population("Exc_Inh", "SPARSE_GLOBALG", genn_wrapper.NO_DELAY,
"Vreset": v_reset_e, "Vthres": v_thres_e, "RefracPeriod": refrac_period_e, "tauTheta": tau_theta_e } lif_i_params = { "Tau": tau_i, "Erest": e_rest_i, "Vreset": v_reset_i, "Vthres": v_thres_i, "RefracPeriod": refrac_period_i } lif_e_init = { "V": genn_model.init_var("Uniform", { "min": v_reset_e, "max": v_thres_e }), "RefracTime": 0.0, "SpikeNumber": 0, "theta": 0.0 } lif_i_init = { "V": genn_model.init_var("Uniform", { "min": v_reset_i, "max": v_thres_i }), "RefracTime": 0.0, "SpikeNumber": 0 } stdp_init = {
"Vthresh": -50.0, "tauRefrac": 5.0, "tauRise": TAU_RISE_MS, "tauDecay": TAU_DECAY_MS, "tauAvgErr": TAU_AVG_ERR_MS} output_init_vars = {"V": -60.0, "refracTime": 0.0, "errRise": 0.0, "errTilda": 0.0, "errDecay": 0.0, "avgSqrErr": 0.0, "startSpike": target_neuron_start_times, "endSpike": target_neuron_end_times} # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Synapse initialisation # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- superspike_params = {"tauRise": TAU_RISE_MS, "tauDecay": TAU_DECAY_MS, "beta": 1000.0} superspike_pre_init_vars = {"z": 0.0, "zTilda": 0.0} superspike_post_init_vars = {"sigmaPrime": 0.0} input_hidden_weight_dist_params = {"mean": 0.0, "sd": W0 / np.sqrt(float(NUM_INPUT)), "min": W_MIN, "max": W_MAX} input_hidden_init_vars = {"w": genn_model.init_var("NormalClipped", input_hidden_weight_dist_params), "e": 0.0, "lambda": 0.0, "m": 0.0} hidden_output_weight_dist_params = {"mean": 0.0, "sd": W0 / np.sqrt(float(NUM_HIDDEN)), "min": W_MIN, "max": W_MAX} hidden_output_init_vars = {"w": genn_model.init_var("NormalClipped", hidden_output_weight_dist_params), "e": 0.0, "lambda": 0.0, "m": 0.0} # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Custom update initialisation # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- r_max_prop_params = {"updateTime": UPDATE_TIME_MS, "tauRMS": TAU_RMS_MS, "epsilon": EPSILON, "wMin": W_MIN, "wMax": W_MAX} # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Model description
create_dpf_class(lambda pars, dt: exp(-pars[-1] / pars[2]))()) ]) SUPERSPIKE_PARAMS = { "t_rise": t_rise, "t_decay": t_decay, "tau_rms": tau_rms, "wmax": wmax, "wmin": wmin, "epsilon": epsilon, "update_t": update_time_ms } superspike_init = { "w": init_var("Uniform", { "min": -0.001, "max": 0.001 }), "e": 0.0, "lambda": 0.0, "upsilon": 0.0, "m": 0.0, "r0": r0 } """ Feedback weights model for out2hid connections """ feedback_wts_model = create_custom_weight_update_class( "feedback", var_name_types=[("g", "scalar")], synapse_dynamics_code="$(addToInSyn, $(g) * $(err_tilda_pre));") feedback_wts_init = {"g": init_var("Uniform", {"min": -0.001, "max": 0.001})}
var_name_types=[("magnitude", "scalar")], injection_code="$(injectCurrent, $(magnitude));") # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build model # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create GeNN model model = GeNNModel("float", "tutorial_1") model.dT = TIMESTEP # Initial values for initialisation if_init = {"V": 0.0, "SpikeCount": 0} stdp_init = { "g": init_var("Uniform", { "min": STDP_PARAMS["gmin"], "max": STDP_PARAMS["gmax"] }) } neurons_count = [784, 128, NUM_CLASSES] neuron_layers = [] # Create neuron layers for i in range(len(neurons_count)): neuron_layers.append( model.add_neuron_population("neuron%u" % (i), neurons_count[i], if_model, IF_PARAMS, if_init)) weights_0_1 = np.load("weights_0_1.npy") synapses = []
"Vrest": -74.0, "Vreset": -60.0, "Vthresh": -54.0, "Ioffset": 0.0, "TauRefrac": 1.0 } lif_init = {"V": -60.0, "RefracTime": 0.0} poisson_params = {"rate": 15.0} poisson_init = {"timeStepToSpike": 0.0} post_syn_params = {"tau": 5.0} stdp_init = {"g": genn_model.init_var("Uniform", {"min": 0.0, "max": G_MAX})} stdp_params = { "tauPlus": 20.0, "tauMinus": 20.0, "aPlus": A_PLUS, "aMinus": A_MINUS, "wMin": 0.0, "wMax": G_MAX } stdp_pre_init = {"preTrace": 0.0} stdp_post_init = {"postTrace": 0.0} # Create neuron populations additive_pop = model.add_neuron_population("additive", 1, "LIF", lif_params, lif_init) multiplicative_pop = model.add_neuron_population("multiplicative", 1, "LIF",
def compile(self, mlg_model, name): conv_kh, conv_kw = self.conv_size conv_sh, conv_sw = self.conv_strides conv_ih, conv_iw, conv_ic = self.source().shape conv_oh, conv_ow, conv_oc = if self.conv_padding == PadMode.VALID: conv_padh = 0 conv_padw = 0 elif self.conv_padding == PadMode.SAME: conv_padh = _get_conv_same_padding(conv_ih, conv_kh, conv_sh) conv_padw = _get_conv_same_padding(conv_iw, conv_kw, conv_sw) wu_model = signed_static_pulse if self.source( ).neurons.signed_spikes else 'StaticPulse' if (self.connectivity_type == ConnectivityType.TOEPLITZ and conv_sh == 1 and conv_sw == 1): conn_init = init_toeplitz_connectivity( 'Conv2D', { 'conv_kh': conv_kh, 'conv_kw': conv_kw, 'conv_ih': conv_ih, 'conv_iw': conv_iw, 'conv_ic': conv_ic, 'conv_oh': conv_oh, 'conv_ow': conv_ow, 'conv_oc': conv_oc }) conn = 'TOEPLITZ_KERNELG' wu_var = {'g': self.weights.flatten()} wu_var_egp = {} else: conn_init = init_connectivity( 'Conv2D', { 'conv_kh': conv_kh, 'conv_kw': conv_kw, 'conv_sh': conv_sh, 'conv_sw': conv_sw, 'conv_padh': conv_padh, 'conv_padw': conv_padw, 'conv_ih': conv_ih, 'conv_iw': conv_iw, 'conv_ic': conv_ic, 'conv_oh': conv_oh, 'conv_ow': conv_ow, 'conv_oc': conv_oc }) if self.connectivity_type == ConnectivityType.SPARSE: conn = 'SPARSE_INDIVIDUALG' wu_var = {'g': init_var('Kernel', {})} wu_var_egp = {'g': {'kernel': self.weights.flatten()}} else: if self.connectivity_type == ConnectivityType.TOEPLITZ: print( "WARNING: falling back to procedural connectivity " "for Conv2D connectivity with unsupported parameters") conn = 'PROCEDURAL_KERNELG' wu_var = {'g': self.weights.flatten()} wu_var_egp = {} super(Conv2DSynapses, self).compile(mlg_model, name, conn, wu_model, {}, wu_var, {}, {}, 'DeltaCurr', {}, {}, conn_init, wu_var_egp)
fixed_prob = {"prob": PROBABILITY_CONNECTION} lif_params = { "C": 1.0, "TauM": 20.0, "Vrest": -49.0, "Vreset": RESET_VOLTAGE, "Vthresh": THRESHOHOLD_VOLTAGE, "Ioffset": 0.0, "TauRefrac": 5.0 } lif_init = { "V": genn_model.init_var("Uniform", { "min": RESET_VOLTAGE, "max": THRESHOHOLD_VOLTAGE }), "RefracTime": 0.0 } excitatory_synapse_init = {"g": EXCITATORY_WEIGHT} inhibitory_synapse_init = {"g": INHIBITORY_WEIGHT} excitatory_post_syn_params = {"tau": 5.0} inhibitory_post_syn_params = {"tau": 10.0} excitatory_pop = model.add_neuron_population("E", NUM_EXCITATORY, "LIF", lif_params, lif_init) inhibitory_pop = model.add_neuron_population("I", NUM_INHIBITORY, "LIF", lif_params, lif_init)
num_examples = training_images.shape[0] layer_sizes = [784, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1000] single_example_time = 5 train_timesteps = num_examples * single_example_time max_input = 0.95 # Neuron group parameters hidden_params = {"Tau": 0.95} output_params = {"Tau": 0.95, "NeuronsPerLabel": 100} # Neuron group initial values output_hidden_init = {"V": 0.0, "U": 0.0, "PhiF": 0.0, "PsiH": 0.0} # Weight update forward_params = {"nu": 1E-03} forward_init = {"g": genn_model.init_var("Uniform", {"min": -0.05, "max": 0.05})} backward_init = {"g": genn_model.init_var("Uniform", {"min": -0.1, "max": 0.1})} # ******************************************************************************** # Model Instances # ******************************************************************************** model = genn_model.GeNNModel("float","mnist") model.dT = dt model.timing_enabled = True # Add input layer (layer 0) layers = [model.add_neuron_population("input_layer", layer_sizes[0], input_model, {}, {})] # Add hidden layers for i, size in enumerate(layer_sizes[1:-1]):
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Network creation # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- model = genn_model.GeNNModel("float", "potjans_microcircuit") model.dT = DT_MS model._model.set_merge_postsynaptic_models(True) model._model.set_default_narrow_sparse_ind_enabled(True) model.timing_enabled = MEASURE_TIMING model.default_var_location = genn_wrapper.VarLocation_DEVICE model.default_sparse_connectivity_location = genn_wrapper.VarLocation_DEVICE lif_init = { "V": genn_model.init_var("Normal", { "mean": -58.0, "sd": 5.0 }), "RefracTime": 0.0 } poisson_init = {"current": 0.0} exp_curr_params = {"tau": 0.5} quantile = 0.9999 normal_quantile_cdf = norm.ppf(quantile) max_delay = { pop: MEAN_DELAY[pop] + (DELAY_SD[pop] * normal_quantile_cdf) for pop in POPULATION_NAMES } print("Max excitatory delay:%fms , max inhibitory delay:%fms" % (max_delay["E"], max_delay["I"]))
def convert(self, tf_model, scaled_tf_weights=None): supported_layers = (tf.keras.layers.Dense, tf.keras.layers.Flatten, tf.keras.layers.Conv2D, tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling2D, tf.keras.layers.Dropout) # Check model compatibility if not isinstance(tf_model, tf.keras.models.Sequential): raise NotImplementedError( 'Implementation for type {} models not found'.format( type(tf_model))) for layer in tf_model.layers[:-1]: if not isinstance(layer, supported_layers): raise NotImplementedError( '{} layers are not supported'.format(layer)) elif isinstance(layer, tf.keras.layers.Dense): if layer.activation != tf.keras.activations.relu: print(layer.activation) raise NotImplementedError( 'Only ReLU activation function is supported') if layer.use_bias == True: raise NotImplementedError( 'TensorFlow model should be trained without bias tensors' ) # create custom classes if_model = genn_model.create_custom_neuron_class( "if_model", param_names=["Vres", "Vthr", "Cm"], var_name_types=[("Vmem", "scalar"), ("SpikeNumber", "unsigned int")], sim_code=""" $(Vmem) += $(Isyn)*(DT / $(Cm)); """, reset_code=""" $(Vmem) = $(Vres); $(SpikeNumber) += 1; """, threshold_condition_code="$(Vmem) >= $(Vthr)") cs_model = genn_model.create_custom_current_source_class( "cs_model", var_name_types=[("magnitude", "scalar")], injection_code=""" $(injectCurrent, $(magnitude)); """) # Params and init dense_if_params = { "Vres": self.Vres, "Vthr": self.Vthr, "Cm": self.dCm } sparse_if_params = { "Vres": self.Vres, "Vthr": self.Vthr, "Cm": self.sCm } if_init = { "Vmem": genn_model.init_var("Uniform", { "min": self.Vres, "max": self.Vthr }), "SpikeNumber": 0 } cs_init = {"magnitude": 10.0} # Fetch augmented weight matrices gw_inds, gw_vals, n_units = self.create_weight_matrices( tf_model, scaled_tf_weights) # Define model and populations self.g_model = genn_model.GeNNModel("float", "g_model") self.neuron_pops = [] self.syn_pops = [] for i, (inds, vals, n) in enumerate(zip(gw_inds, gw_vals, n_units), start=1): if i == 1: # Presynaptic neuron self.neuron_pops.append( self.g_model.add_neuron_population("if" + str(i - 1), n_units[i - 1], if_model, sparse_if_params, if_init)) if inds is None: # Postsynaptic neuron self.neuron_pops.append( self.g_model.add_neuron_population("if" + str(i), n_units[i], if_model, dense_if_params, if_init)) # Synapse self.syn_pops.append( self.g_model.add_synapse_population( "syn" + str(i - 1) + str(i), "DENSE_INDIVIDUALG", genn_wrapper.NO_DELAY, self.neuron_pops[-2], self.neuron_pops[-1], "StaticPulse", {}, {'g': vals}, {}, {}, "DeltaCurr", {}, {})) else: self.neuron_pops.append( self.g_model.add_neuron_population("if" + str(i), n_units[i], if_model, sparse_if_params, if_init)) self.syn_pops.append( self.g_model.add_synapse_population( "syn" + str(i - 1) + str(i), "SPARSE_INDIVIDUALG", genn_wrapper.NO_DELAY, self.neuron_pops[-2], self.neuron_pops[-1], "StaticPulse", {}, {'g': vals}, {}, {}, "DeltaCurr", {}, {})) self.syn_pops[-1].set_sparse_connections(inds[0], inds[1]) self.current_source = self.g_model.add_current_source( "cs", cs_model, "if0", {}, cs_init) self.g_model.dT = self.timestep self.g_model.load() return self.g_model, self.neuron_pops, self.current_source
const scalar dt = $(t) - $(sT_post); $(postTrace) = $(postTrace) * exp(-dt / $(tauMinus)) + 1.0; """, is_pre_spike_time_required=True, is_post_spike_time_required=True) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build model # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create GeNN model model = GeNNModel("float", "tutorial_1") model.dT = TIMESTEP post_syn_params = {"tau": 5.0} stdp_init = {"g": init_var("Uniform", {"min": 0.0, "max": G_MAX})} stdp_params = { "tauPlus": 5.0, "tauMinus": 20.0, "aPlus": A_PLUS, "aMinus": A_MINUS, "wMin": 0.0, "wMax": G_MAX } stdp_pre_init = {"preTrace": 0.0} stdp_post_init = {"postTrace": 0.0} # Load weights weights = [] while True: filename = "weights_%u_%u.npy" % (len(weights), len(weights) + 1)
# Neuron group initial values lif_e_init = { "V": v_rest_e - 40.0, "RefracTime": 0.0, "SpikeNumber": 0, "theta": 10.0 } lif_i_init = {"V": v_rest_i - 40.0, "RefracTime": 0.0} poisson_init = {"timeStepToSpike": 0.0, "frequency": 0.0} post_syn_e_params = {"tau": 1.0, "E": 0.0} post_syn_i_params = {"tau": 2.0, "E": -100.0} stdp_init = {"g": genn_model.init_var("Uniform", {"min": 0.003, "max": 0.3})} stdp_params = { "tauMinus": 20.0, "gMax": 1.0, "Xtar": 0.4, "mu": 0.2, "eta": 0.0001 } stdp_pre_init = {"Xpre": 0.0} static_e_init = {"g": 17.0} static_i_init = { "g": genn_model.init_var(lateral_inhibition, {"weight": -10.0}) } # ********************************************************************************