예제 #1
 def output_runtime_to_log(title, lines, logfile):
     if logfile is None:
     fname = FileClass.get_core_name_without_suffix(title)
     time_dict = {
         'name': fname,
         'readt': 0,
         'writet': 0,
         'computet': 0,
         'totalt': 0
     for line in lines:
         # print(line)
         line = line.lower()
         time_value = line.split(os.linesep)[0].split(':')[-1]
         if not MathClass.isnumerical(time_value):
         time_value = float(time_value)
         if line.find('read') >= 0 and line.find('time') >= 0:
             time_dict['readt'] += time_value
         elif line.find('compute') >= 0 and line.find('time') >= 0:
             time_dict['computet'] += time_value
         elif line.find('write') >= 0 and line.find('time') >= 0:
             time_dict['writet'] += time_value
         elif line.find('total') >= 0 and line.find('time') >= 0:
             time_dict['totalt'] += time_value
     TauDEM.write_time_log(logfile, time_dict)
예제 #2
파일: hydro.py 프로젝트: lreis2415/PyGeoC
 def output_hillslope(method_id):
     """Output hillslope according different stream cell value method."""
     for (tmp_row, tmp_col) in stream_coors:
         tmp_hillslp_ids = Hillslopes.cal_hs_codes(max_id, stream_data[tmp_row][tmp_col])
         if 0 < method_id < 3:
             hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = tmp_hillslp_ids[method_id]
             # is head stream cell?
             if (tmp_row, tmp_col) in headstream_coors:
                 hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = tmp_hillslp_ids[0]
         elif method_id == 3:
             hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = DEFAULT_NODATA
         elif method_id == 4:
             hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = 0
     # Output to raster file
     hillslope_out_new = hillslope_out
     dirpath = os.path.dirname(hillslope_out_new) + os.path.sep
     corename = FileClass.get_core_name_without_suffix(hillslope_out_new)
     if method_id == 1:
         hillslope_out_new = dirpath + corename + '_right.tif'
     elif method_id == 2:
         hillslope_out_new = dirpath + corename + '_left.tif'
     elif method_id == 3:
         hillslope_out_new = dirpath + corename + '_nodata.tif'
     elif method_id == 4:
         hillslope_out_new = dirpath + corename + '_zero.tif'
     RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(hillslope_out_new, nrows, ncols,
                                      geotrans, srs, DEFAULT_NODATA, datatype)
예제 #3
 def output_hillslope(method_id):
     """Output hillslope according different stream cell value method."""
     for (tmp_row, tmp_col) in stream_coors:
         tmp_hillslp_ids = DelineateHillslope.cal_hs_codes(max_id,
         if 0 < method_id < 3:
             hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = tmp_hillslp_ids[method_id]
             # is head stream cell?
             if (tmp_row, tmp_col) in headstream_coors:
                 hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = tmp_hillslp_ids[0]
         elif method_id == 3:
             hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = DEFAULT_NODATA
     # Output to raster file
     hillslope_out_new = hillslope_out
     dirpath = os.path.dirname(hillslope_out_new) + os.path.sep
     corename = FileClass.get_core_name_without_suffix(hillslope_out_new)
     if method_id == 1:
         hillslope_out_new = dirpath + corename + '_right.tif'
     elif method_id == 2:
         hillslope_out_new = dirpath + corename + '_left.tif'
     elif method_id == 3:
         hillslope_out_new = dirpath + corename + '_nodata.tif'
     RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(hillslope_out_new, nrows, ncols,
                                      geotrans, srs, DEFAULT_NODATA, datatype)
예제 #4
파일: vector.py 프로젝트: giserh/PyGeoC
 def raster2shp(rasterfile,
     """Convert raster to ESRI shapefile"""
     # this allows GDAL to throw Python Exceptions
     src_ds = gdal.Open(rasterfile)
     if src_ds is None:
         print('Unable to open %s' % rasterfile)
         srcband = src_ds.GetRasterBand(band_num)
     except RuntimeError as e:
         # for example, try GetRasterBand(10)
         print('Band ( %i ) not found, %s' % (band_num, e))
     if mask == 'default':
         maskband = srcband.GetMaskBand()
     elif mask is None or mask.upper() == 'NONE':
         maskband = None
         mask_ds = gdal.Open(mask)
         maskband = mask_ds.GetRasterBand(1)
     #  create output datasource
     if layername is None:
         layername = FileClass.get_core_name_without_suffix(rasterfile)
     drv = ogr_GetDriverByName(str('ESRI Shapefile'))
     dst_ds = drv.CreateDataSource(vectorshp)
     srs = None
     if src_ds.GetProjection() != '':
         srs = osr_SpatialReference()
     dst_layer = dst_ds.CreateLayer(str(layername), srs=srs)
     if fieldname is None:
         fieldname = layername.upper()
     fd = ogr_FieldDefn(str(fieldname), OFTInteger)
     dst_field = 0
     result = gdal.Polygonize(srcband,
                              dst_field, ['8CONNECTED=8'],
     return result
예제 #5
파일: vector.py 프로젝트: crazyzlj/PyGeoC
 def raster2shp(rasterfile, vectorshp, layername=None, fieldname=None,
                band_num=1, mask='default'):
     """Convert raster to ESRI shapefile"""
     # this allows GDAL to throw Python Exceptions
     src_ds = gdal.Open(rasterfile)
     if src_ds is None:
         print('Unable to open %s' % rasterfile)
         srcband = src_ds.GetRasterBand(band_num)
     except RuntimeError as e:
         # for example, try GetRasterBand(10)
         print('Band ( %i ) not found, %s' % (band_num, e))
     if mask == 'default':
         maskband = srcband.GetMaskBand()
     elif mask is None or mask.upper() == 'NONE':
         maskband = None
         mask_ds = gdal.Open(mask)
         maskband = mask_ds.GetRasterBand(1)
     #  create output datasource
     if layername is None:
         layername = FileClass.get_core_name_without_suffix(rasterfile)
     drv = ogr_GetDriverByName(str('ESRI Shapefile'))
     dst_ds = drv.CreateDataSource(vectorshp)
     srs = None
     if src_ds.GetProjection() != '':
         srs = osr_SpatialReference()
     dst_layer = dst_ds.CreateLayer(str(layername), srs=srs)
     if fieldname is None:
         fieldname = layername.upper()
     fd = ogr_FieldDefn(str(fieldname), OFTInteger)
     dst_field = 0
     result = gdal.Polygonize(srcband, maskband, dst_layer, dst_field,
                              ['8CONNECTED=8'], callback=None)
     return result
예제 #6
파일: TauDEM.py 프로젝트: crazyzlj/PyGeoC
 def output_runtime_to_log(title, lines, logfile):
     if logfile is None:
     fname = FileClass.get_core_name_without_suffix(title)
     time_dict = {'name': fname, 'readt': 0, 'writet': 0, 'computet': 0, 'totalt': 0}
     for line in lines:
         # print(line)
         line = line.lower()
         time_value = line.split(os.linesep)[0].split(':')[-1]
         if not MathClass.isnumerical(time_value):
         time_value = float(time_value)
         if line.find('read') >= 0 and line.find('time') >= 0:
             time_dict['readt'] += time_value
         elif line.find('compute') >= 0 and line.find('time') >= 0:
             time_dict['computet'] += time_value
         elif line.find('write') >= 0 and line.find('time') >= 0:
             time_dict['writet'] += time_value
         elif line.find('total') >= 0 and line.find('time') >= 0:
             time_dict['totalt'] += time_value
     TauDEM.write_time_log(logfile, time_dict)
예제 #7
파일: hydro.py 프로젝트: lreis2415/PyGeoC
    def downstream_method_whitebox(stream_raster, flow_dir_raster, hillslope_out, d8alg="taudem",
        """Algorithm modified from Whitebox GAT v3.4.0.
           source code: https://github.com/jblindsay/whitebox-geospatial-analysis-tools/blob/

            stream_raster: Stream cell value greater than 0 is identified by stream
                              The input stream are recommended sequenced as 1, 2, 3...
            flow_dir_raster: D8 flow direction in TauDEM code
            hillslope_out: With the sequenced stream IDs, the output hillslope will be numbered:
                                  - Header hillslope: MaxStreamID + (current_id - 1) * 3 + 1
                                  - Right hillslope: MaxStreamID + (current_id - 1) * 3 + 2
                                  - Left hillslope: MaxStreamID + (current_id - 1) * 3 + 3
            d8alg: Currently, "TauDEM", "ArcGIS", and "Whitebox" are supported.
            stream_value_method:  stream value assigned method, depend on this parameter,
                              the output hillslope will be appended as follows:
               -1 - all the four files will be output.
                0 - keep stream link code, which has the default file name
                1 - Set to the value of right hillslope and head hillslope, <name>_right.tif
                2 - Set to the value of left hillslope and head hillslope, <name>_left.tif
                3 - Set stream cell to NoData, <name>_nodata.tif
                4 (Default) - Set stream cell to 0, <name>_zero.tif
        print('Delineating hillslopes (header, left, and right hillslopes)...')
        streamr = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(stream_raster)
        stream_data = streamr.data
        stream_nodata = streamr.noDataValue
        geotrans = streamr.geotrans
        srs = streamr.srs
        nrows = streamr.nRows
        ncols = streamr.nCols
        datatype = streamr.dataType

        flowd8r = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(flow_dir_raster)
        flowd8_data = flowd8r.data
        flowd8_nodata = flowd8r.noDataValue
        if flowd8r.nRows != nrows or flowd8r.nCols != ncols:
            raise ValueError("The input extent of D8 flow direction is not "
                             "consistent with stream data!")

        # definition of utility functions

        def inflow_stream_number(vrow, vcol, flowmodel="taudem"):
            Count the inflow stream cell number and coordinates of all inflow cells

                vrow: row number
                vcol: col number
                flowmodel: D8 flow direction algorithm.

                neighb_stream_cell_num: inflow cells number that is stream
                cell_coors: inflow cell coordinates, the size() is equal or greater
                            than neighb_stream_cell_num
            neighb_stream_cell_num = 0
            cell_coors = list()
            for c in list(range(8)):
                newrow = vrow + FlowModelConst.ccw_drow[c]
                newcol = vcol + FlowModelConst.ccw_dcol[c]
                if newrow < 0 or newrow >= nrows or newcol < 0 or newcol >= ncols:
                if flowd8_data[newrow][newcol] == \
                    cell_coors.append((newrow, newcol))
                    if stream_data[newrow][newcol] > 0 \
                            and stream_data[newrow][newcol] != stream_nodata:
                        neighb_stream_cell_num += 1
            return neighb_stream_cell_num, cell_coors

        def assign_sequenced_stream_ids(c_id, vrow, vcol, flowmodel="taudem"):
            """set sequenced stream IDs"""
            in_strm_num, in_coors = inflow_stream_number(vrow, vcol, flowmodel)
            if in_strm_num == 0:
                # it's a headwater location so start a downstream flowpath
                c_id += 1
                tmp_row = vrow
                tmp_col = vcol
                sequenced_stream_d[tmp_row][tmp_col] = c_id
                searched_flag = True
                while searched_flag:
                    # find the downslope neighbour
                    tmpflowd8 = flowd8_data[tmp_row][tmp_col]
                    if tmpflowd8 < 0 or tmpflowd8 == flowd8_nodata:
                        if stream_data[tmp_row][tmp_col] > 0 \
                                and stream_data[tmp_row][tmp_col] != stream_nodata:
                            # it is a valid stream cell and probably just has no downslope
                            # neighbour (e.g. at the edge of the grid)
                            sequenced_stream_d[tmp_row][tmp_col] = c_id
                    tmp_row, tmp_col = D8Util.downstream_index(tmpflowd8, tmp_row,
                                                               tmp_col, flowmodel)
                    if tmp_row < 0 or tmp_row >= nrows or tmp_col < 0 or tmp_col >= ncols:
                    if stream_data[tmp_row][tmp_col] <= 0:
                        searched_flag = False  # it is not a stream cell
                        if sequenced_stream_d[tmp_row][tmp_col] > 0:
                            # run into a larger stream, end the downstream search
                        # is it a confluence (conjunction node)
                        in_strm_num, in_coors = inflow_stream_number(tmp_row, tmp_col, flowmodel)
                        if in_strm_num >= 2:
                            c_id += 1
                        sequenced_stream_d[tmp_row][tmp_col] = c_id
            return c_id

        def assign_hillslope_code_of_neighbors(vrow, vcol, flowmodel="taudem"):
            """set hillslope code for neighbors of current stream cell."""
            stream_coors.append((vrow, vcol))
            in_strm_num, in_coors = inflow_stream_number(vrow, vcol, flowmodel)
            strm_id = stream_data[vrow][vcol]
            # print('Assign hillslope code for stream cell, r: %d, c: %d, ID: %d' % (vrow, vcol,
            #                                                                        int(strm_id)))
            # set hillslope IDs
            hillslp_ids = Hillslopes.cal_hs_codes(max_id, strm_id)
            cur_d8_value = flowd8_data[vrow][vcol]
            if in_strm_num == 0:  # it is a one-order stream head
                headstream_coors.append((vrow, vcol))
                for (in_nostrm_row, in_nostrm_col) in in_coors:
                    hillslope_mtx[in_nostrm_row][in_nostrm_col] = hillslp_ids[0]
            else:  # search the 3*3 neighbors by clockwise and counterclockwise separately
                if cur_d8_value <= 0 or cur_d8_value == flowd8_nodata:
                dirv = int(cur_d8_value)  # direction code
                d_idx = FlowModelConst.d8_dirs.get(flowmodel).index(dirv)  # direction index
                # look to the right side, i.e. clockwise
                d_idx_r = d_idx
                while True and len(in_coors) > 0:
                    d_idx_r -= 1
                    if d_idx_r > 7:
                        d_idx_r = 0
                    if d_idx_r < 0:
                        d_idx_r = 7
                    tmp_row = vrow + FlowModelConst.ccw_drow[d_idx_r]
                    tmp_col = vcol + FlowModelConst.ccw_dcol[d_idx_r]
                    if (tmp_row, tmp_col) not in in_coors:  # not inflow to this cell
                    tmpstream = stream_data[tmp_row][tmp_col]
                    in_coors.remove((tmp_row, tmp_col))
                    if tmpstream <= 0 or tmpstream == stream_nodata:
                        hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = hillslp_ids[1]  # right hillslope
                    else:  # encounter another in flow stream

                # look to the left side, i.e. counterclockwise
                d_idx_l = d_idx
                while True and len(in_coors) > 0:
                    d_idx_l += 1
                    if d_idx_l > 7:
                        d_idx_l = 0
                    if d_idx_l < 0:
                        d_idx_l = 7
                    tmp_row = vrow + FlowModelConst.ccw_drow[d_idx_l]
                    tmp_col = vcol + FlowModelConst.ccw_dcol[d_idx_l]
                    if (tmp_row, tmp_col) not in in_coors:  # not inflow to this cell
                    tmpstream = stream_data[tmp_row][tmp_col]
                    in_coors.remove((tmp_row, tmp_col))
                    if tmpstream <= 0 or tmpstream == stream_nodata:
                        hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = hillslp_ids[2]  # left hillslope
                    else:  # encounter another in flow stream
                # if any inflow cells existed?
                if len(in_coors) > 0:
                    for (tmp_row, tmp_col) in in_coors:
                        tmpstream = stream_data[tmp_row][tmp_col]
                        if tmpstream <= 0 or tmpstream == stream_nodata:
                            hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = hillslp_ids[0]
                            # add the current cell as head stream
                            headstream_coors.append((vrow, vcol))

        def output_hillslope(method_id):
            """Output hillslope according different stream cell value method."""
            for (tmp_row, tmp_col) in stream_coors:
                tmp_hillslp_ids = Hillslopes.cal_hs_codes(max_id, stream_data[tmp_row][tmp_col])
                if 0 < method_id < 3:
                    hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = tmp_hillslp_ids[method_id]
                    # is head stream cell?
                    if (tmp_row, tmp_col) in headstream_coors:
                        hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = tmp_hillslp_ids[0]
                elif method_id == 3:
                    hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = DEFAULT_NODATA
                elif method_id == 4:
                    hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = 0
            # Output to raster file
            hillslope_out_new = hillslope_out
            dirpath = os.path.dirname(hillslope_out_new) + os.path.sep
            corename = FileClass.get_core_name_without_suffix(hillslope_out_new)
            if method_id == 1:
                hillslope_out_new = dirpath + corename + '_right.tif'
            elif method_id == 2:
                hillslope_out_new = dirpath + corename + '_left.tif'
            elif method_id == 3:
                hillslope_out_new = dirpath + corename + '_nodata.tif'
            elif method_id == 4:
                hillslope_out_new = dirpath + corename + '_zero.tif'
            RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(hillslope_out_new, nrows, ncols,
                                             geotrans, srs, DEFAULT_NODATA, datatype)

        # 1. assign a unique id to each link in the stream network if needed
        assign_stream_id = False
        tmp = numpy.where((stream_data > 0) & (stream_data != stream_nodata),
                          stream_data, numpy.nan)
        max_id = int(numpy.nanmax(tmp))  # i.e., stream link number
        min_id = int(numpy.nanmin(tmp))
        for i in range(min_id, max_id + 1):
            if i not in tmp:
                assign_stream_id = True
        if max_id == min_id:
            assign_stream_id = True
        current_id = 0
        if assign_stream_id:
            # calculate and output sequenced stream raster
            sequenced_stream_d = numpy.ones((nrows, ncols)) * DEFAULT_NODATA
            for row in range(nrows):
                for col in range(ncols):
                    # if the cell is not a stream, or has been assigned an ID
                    if stream_data[row][col] <= 0 or stream_data[row][col] == stream_nodata \
                            or sequenced_stream_d[row][col] > 0:
                    current_id = assign_sequenced_stream_ids(current_id, row, col, d8alg)
            stream_data = numpy.copy(sequenced_stream_d)
            stream_nodata = DEFAULT_NODATA
            stream_core = FileClass.get_core_name_without_suffix(stream_raster)
            stream_seq_file = os.path.dirname(stream_raster) + os.path.sep + \
                              stream_core + '_seq.tif'
            RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(stream_seq_file, nrows, ncols, sequenced_stream_d,
                                             geotrans, srs, DEFAULT_NODATA, datatype)
            max_id = current_id
        # 2. assign hillslope code according to the 3*3 neighbors of stream cells
        hillslope_mtx = numpy.copy(stream_data)
        hillslope_mtx[stream_data == stream_nodata] = DEFAULT_NODATA
        headstream_coors = list()  # head stream cells
        stream_coors = list()  # all stream cells, include head stream cells.
        for row in list(range(nrows)):
            for col in list(range(ncols)):
                # if not a stream cell, or hillslope code has been assigned
                if stream_data[row][col] <= 0 or stream_data[row][col] == stream_nodata \
                        or hillslope_mtx[row][col] < 0:
                assign_hillslope_code_of_neighbors(row, col, d8alg)

        # 3. From each cell, search downstream for not assigned hillslope
        for row in list(range(nrows)):
            for col in list(range(ncols)):
                if hillslope_mtx[row][col] > 0 or flowd8_data[row][col] == flowd8_nodata:
                flag = False
                tmprow = row
                tmpcol = col
                tmpcoors = [(row, col)]
                hillslp_id = DEFAULT_NODATA
                while not flag:
                    # find it's downslope neighbour
                    curflowdir = flowd8_data[tmprow][tmpcol]
                    if curflowdir <= 0 or curflowdir == flowd8_nodata:
                    curflowdir = int(curflowdir)
                    tmprow, tmpcol = D8Util.downstream_index(curflowdir, tmprow, tmpcol, d8alg)
                    if tmprow < 0 or tmprow >= nrows or tmpcol < 0 or tmpcol >= ncols:
                    # if the new cell already has a hillslope value, use that
                    if hillslope_mtx[tmprow][tmpcol] > 0:
                        hillslp_id = hillslope_mtx[tmprow][tmpcol]
                        flag = True
                    if not flag:
                        tmpcoors.append((tmprow, tmpcol))
                # set the source cells
                for (crow, ccol) in tmpcoors:
                    hillslope_mtx[crow][ccol] = hillslp_id

        # 4. reassign stream cell's value according to stream_value_method, and output
        if stream_value_method < 0:  # output
예제 #8
    def downstream_method_whitebox(stream_raster, flow_dir_raster, hillslope_out, d8alg="taudem",
        """Algorithm modified from Whitebox GAT v3.4.0.
           source code: https://github.com/jblindsay/whitebox-geospatial-analysis-tools/
            stream_raster: Stream cell value greater than 0 is identified by stream
                              The input stream are recommended sequenced as 1, 2, 3...
            flow_dir_raster: D8 flow direction in TauDEM code
            hillslope_out: With the sequenced stream IDs, the output hillslope will be numbered:
                                  - Header hillslope: MaxStreamID + (current_id - 1) * 3 + 1
                                  - Right hillslope: MaxStreamID + (current_id - 1) * 3 + 2
                                  - Left hillslope: MaxStreamID + (current_id - 1) * 3 + 3
            d8alg: Currently, "TauDEM", "ArcGIS", and "Whitebox" are supported.
            stream_value_method:  stream value assigned method, depend on this parameter,
                              the output hillslope will be appended as follows:
               -1 - all the four files will be output.
                0 - keep stream link code, which has the default file name
                1 - Set to the value of right hillslope and head hillslope, <name>_r.tif
                2 - Set to the value of left hillslope and head hillslope, <name>_l.tif
                3 - Set stream cell to NoData, <name>_n.tif
        print('Delineating hillslopes (header, left, and right hillslope)...')
        streamr = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(stream_raster)
        stream_data = streamr.data
        stream_nodata = streamr.noDataValue
        geotrans = streamr.geotrans
        srs = streamr.srs
        nrows = streamr.nRows
        ncols = streamr.nCols
        datatype = streamr.dataType

        flowd8r = RasterUtilClass.read_raster(flow_dir_raster)
        flowd8_data = flowd8r.data
        flowd8_nodata = flowd8r.noDataValue
        if flowd8r.nRows != nrows or flowd8r.nCols != ncols:
            raise ValueError("The input extent of D8 flow direction is not "
                             "consistent with stream data!")

        # definition of utility functions

        def inflow_stream_number(vrow, vcol, flowmodel="taudem"):
            Count the inflow stream cell number and coordinates of all inflow cells
                vrow: row number
                vcol: col number
                flowmodel: D8 flow direction algorithm.
                neighb_stream_cell_num: inflow cells number that is stream
                cell_coors: inflow cell coordinates, the size() is equal or greater
                            than neighb_stream_cell_num
            neighb_stream_cell_num = 0
            cell_coors = []
            for c in range(8):
                newrow = vrow + FlowModelConst.ccw_drow[c]
                newcol = vcol + FlowModelConst.ccw_dcol[c]
                if newrow < 0 or newrow >= nrows or newcol < 0 or newcol >= ncols:
                if flowd8_data[newrow][newcol] == FlowModelConst.d8_inflows.get(flowmodel)[c]:
                    cell_coors.append((newrow, newcol))
                    if stream_data[newrow][newcol] > 0 \
                            and stream_data[newrow][newcol] != stream_nodata:
                        neighb_stream_cell_num += 1
            return neighb_stream_cell_num, cell_coors

        def assign_sequenced_stream_ids(c_id, vrow, vcol, flowmodel="taudem"):
            """set sequenced stream IDs"""
            in_strm_num, in_coors = inflow_stream_number(vrow, vcol, flowmodel)
            if in_strm_num == 0:
                # it's a headwater location so start a downstream flowpath
                c_id += 1
                tmp_row = vrow
                tmp_col = vcol
                sequenced_stream_d[tmp_row][tmp_col] = c_id
                searched_flag = True
                while searched_flag:
                    # find the downslope neighbour
                    tmpflowd8 = flowd8_data[tmp_row][tmp_col]
                    if tmpflowd8 < 0 or tmpflowd8 == flowd8_nodata:
                        if stream_data[tmp_row][tmp_col] > 0 \
                                and stream_data[tmp_row][tmp_col] != stream_nodata:
                            # it is a valid stream cell and probably just has no downslope
                            # neighbour (e.g. at the edge of the grid)
                            sequenced_stream_d[tmp_row][tmp_col] = c_id
                    tmp_row, tmp_col = D8Util.downstream_index(tmpflowd8, tmp_row,
                                                               tmp_col, flowmodel)
                    if tmp_row < 0 or tmp_row >= nrows or tmp_col < 0 or tmp_col >= ncols:
                    if stream_data[tmp_row][tmp_col] <= 0:
                        searched_flag = False  # it is not a stream cell
                        if sequenced_stream_d[tmp_row][tmp_col] > 0:
                            # run into a larger stream, end the downstream search
                        # is it a confluence (conjunction node)
                        in_strm_num, in_coors = inflow_stream_number(tmp_row, tmp_col, flowmodel)
                        if in_strm_num >= 2:
                            c_id += 1
                        sequenced_stream_d[tmp_row][tmp_col] = c_id
            return c_id

        def assign_hillslope_code_of_neighbors(vrow, vcol, flowmodel="taudem"):
            """set hillslope code for neighbors of current stream cell."""
            stream_coors.append((vrow, vcol))
            in_strm_num, in_coors = inflow_stream_number(vrow, vcol, flowmodel)
            strm_id = stream_data[vrow][vcol]
            # print('Assign hillslope code for stream cell, r: %d, c: %d, ID: %d' % (vrow, vcol,
            #                                                                        int(strm_id)))
            # set hillslope IDs
            hillslp_ids = DelineateHillslope.cal_hs_codes(max_id, strm_id)
            cur_d8_value = flowd8_data[vrow][vcol]
            if in_strm_num == 0:  # it is a one-order stream head
                headstream_coors.append((vrow, vcol))
                for (in_nostrm_row, in_nostrm_col) in in_coors:
                    hillslope_mtx[in_nostrm_row][in_nostrm_col] = hillslp_ids[0]
            else:  # search the 3*3 neighbors by clockwise and counterclockwise separately
                if cur_d8_value <= 0 or cur_d8_value == flowd8_nodata:
                dirv = int(cur_d8_value)  # direction code
                d_idx = FlowModelConst.d8_dirs.get(flowmodel).index(dirv)  # direction index
                # look to the right side, i.e. clockwise
                d_idx_r = d_idx
                while True and len(in_coors) > 0:
                    d_idx_r -= 1
                    if d_idx_r > 7:
                        d_idx_r = 0
                    if d_idx_r < 0:
                        d_idx_r = 7
                    tmp_row = vrow + FlowModelConst.ccw_drow[d_idx_r]
                    tmp_col = vcol + FlowModelConst.ccw_dcol[d_idx_r]
                    if (tmp_row, tmp_col) not in in_coors:  # not inflow to this cell
                    tmpstream = stream_data[tmp_row][tmp_col]
                    in_coors.remove((tmp_row, tmp_col))
                    if tmpstream <= 0 or tmpstream == stream_nodata:
                        hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = hillslp_ids[1]  # right hillslope
                    else:  # encounter another in flow stream

                # look to the left side, i.e. counterclockwise
                d_idx_l = d_idx
                while True and len(in_coors) > 0:
                    d_idx_l += 1
                    if d_idx_l > 7:
                        d_idx_l = 0
                    if d_idx_l < 0:
                        d_idx_l = 7
                    tmp_row = vrow + FlowModelConst.ccw_drow[d_idx_l]
                    tmp_col = vcol + FlowModelConst.ccw_dcol[d_idx_l]
                    if (tmp_row, tmp_col) not in in_coors:  # not inflow to this cell
                    tmpstream = stream_data[tmp_row][tmp_col]
                    in_coors.remove((tmp_row, tmp_col))
                    if tmpstream <= 0 or tmpstream == stream_nodata:
                        hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = hillslp_ids[2]  # left hillslope
                    else:  # encounter another in flow stream
                # if any inflow cells existed?
                if len(in_coors) > 0:
                    for (tmp_row, tmp_col) in in_coors:
                        tmpstream = stream_data[tmp_row][tmp_col]
                        if tmpstream <= 0 or tmpstream == stream_nodata:
                            hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = hillslp_ids[0]
                            # add the current cell as head stream
                            headstream_coors.append((vrow, vcol))

        def output_hillslope(method_id):
            """Output hillslope according different stream cell value method."""
            for (tmp_row, tmp_col) in stream_coors:
                tmp_hillslp_ids = DelineateHillslope.cal_hs_codes(max_id,
                if 0 < method_id < 3:
                    hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = tmp_hillslp_ids[method_id]
                    # is head stream cell?
                    if (tmp_row, tmp_col) in headstream_coors:
                        hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = tmp_hillslp_ids[0]
                elif method_id == 3:
                    hillslope_mtx[tmp_row][tmp_col] = DEFAULT_NODATA
            # Output to raster file
            hillslope_out_new = hillslope_out
            dirpath = os.path.dirname(hillslope_out_new) + os.path.sep
            corename = FileClass.get_core_name_without_suffix(hillslope_out_new)
            if method_id == 1:
                hillslope_out_new = dirpath + corename + '_right.tif'
            elif method_id == 2:
                hillslope_out_new = dirpath + corename + '_left.tif'
            elif method_id == 3:
                hillslope_out_new = dirpath + corename + '_nodata.tif'
            RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(hillslope_out_new, nrows, ncols,
                                             geotrans, srs, DEFAULT_NODATA, datatype)

        # 1. assign a unique id to each link in the stream network if needed
        assign_stream_id = False
        tmp = numpy.where((stream_data > 0) & (stream_data != stream_nodata),
                          stream_data, numpy.nan)
        max_id = int(numpy.nanmax(tmp))  # i.e., stream link number
        min_id = int(numpy.nanmin(tmp))
        for i in range(min_id, max_id + 1):
            if i not in tmp:
                assign_stream_id = True
        if max_id == min_id:
            assign_stream_id = True
        current_id = 0
        if assign_stream_id:
            # calculate and output sequenced stream raster
            sequenced_stream_d = numpy.ones((nrows, ncols)) * DEFAULT_NODATA
            for row in range(nrows):
                for col in range(ncols):
                    # if the cell is not a stream, or has been assigned an ID
                    if stream_data[row][col] <= 0 or stream_data[row][col] == stream_nodata \
                            or sequenced_stream_d[row][col] > 0:
                    current_id = assign_sequenced_stream_ids(current_id, row, col, d8alg)
            stream_data = numpy.copy(sequenced_stream_d)
            stream_nodata = DEFAULT_NODATA
            stream_core = FileClass.get_core_name_without_suffix(stream_raster)
            stream_seq_file = os.path.dirname(stream_raster) + os.path.sep + stream_core + '_seq.tif'
            RasterUtilClass.write_gtiff_file(stream_seq_file, nrows, ncols, sequenced_stream_d,
                                             geotrans, srs, DEFAULT_NODATA, datatype)
            max_id = current_id
        # 2. assign hillslope code according to the 3*3 neighbors of stream cells
        hillslope_mtx = numpy.copy(stream_data)
        hillslope_mtx[stream_data == stream_nodata] = DEFAULT_NODATA
        headstream_coors = []  # head stream cells
        stream_coors = []  # all stream cells, include head stream cells.
        for row in range(nrows):
            for col in range(ncols):
                # if not a stream cell, or hillslope code has been assigned
                if stream_data[row][col] <= 0 or stream_data[row][col] == stream_nodata \
                        or hillslope_mtx[row][col] < 0:
                assign_hillslope_code_of_neighbors(row, col, d8alg)

        # 3. From each cell, search downstream for not assigned hillslope
        for row in range(nrows):
            for col in range(ncols):
                if hillslope_mtx[row][col] > 0 or flowd8_data[row][col] == flowd8_nodata:
                flag = False
                tmprow = row
                tmpcol = col
                tmpcoors = [(row, col)]
                hillslp_id = DEFAULT_NODATA
                while not flag:
                    # find it's downslope neighbour
                    curflowdir = flowd8_data[tmprow][tmpcol]
                    if curflowdir <= 0 or curflowdir == flowd8_nodata:
                    curflowdir = int(curflowdir)
                    tmprow, tmpcol = D8Util.downstream_index(curflowdir, tmprow, tmpcol, d8alg)
                    if tmprow < 0 or tmprow >= nrows or tmpcol < 0 or tmpcol >= ncols:
                    # if the new cell already has a hillslope value, use that
                    if hillslope_mtx[tmprow][tmpcol] > 0:
                        hillslp_id = hillslope_mtx[tmprow][tmpcol]
                        flag = True
                    if not flag:
                        tmpcoors.append((tmprow, tmpcol))
                # set the source cells
                for (crow, ccol) in tmpcoors:
                    hillslope_mtx[crow][ccol] = hillslp_id

        # 4. reassign stream cell's value according to stream_value_method, and output
        if stream_value_method < 0:  # output