예제 #1
 def _datum_setter(self, datum):
     '''(INTERNAL) Set the datum.
     d = datum or getattr(self._model[0], _datum_, datum)
     if d and d != self.datum:  # PYCHOK no cover
         _xinstanceof(Datum, datum=d)
         self._datum = d
예제 #2
def flatLocal_(phi2, phi1, lam21, datum=Datums.WGS84):
    '''Compute the I{angular} distance between two (ellipsoidal) points using
       the U{ellipsoidal Earth to plane projection<https://WikiPedia.org/
       aka U{Hubeny<https://www.OVG.AT/de/vgi/files/pdf/3781/>} formula.

       @arg phi2: End latitude (C{radians}).
       @arg phi1: Start latitude (C{radians}).
       @arg lam21: Longitudinal delta, M{end-start} (C{radians}).
       @kwarg datum: Ellipsoidal datum to use (L{Datum}).

       @return: Angular distance (C{radians}).

       @raise TypeError: Invalid B{C{datum}}.

       @note: The meridional and prime_vertical radii of curvature
              are taken and scaled I{at the mean latitude}.

       @see: Functions L{flatLocal}/L{hubeny}, L{cosineAndoyerLambert_},
             L{cosineForsytheAndoyerLambert_}, L{cosineLaw_},
             L{flatPolar_}, L{equirectangular_}, L{euclidean_},
             L{haversine_}, L{thomas_} and L{vincentys_} and U{local, flat
             earth approximation <https://www.EdWilliams.org/avform.htm#flat>}.
    _xinstanceof(Datum, datum=datum)
    m, n = datum.ellipsoid.roc2_((phi2 + phi1) * 0.5, scaled=True)
    return hypot(m * (phi2 - phi1), n * lam21)
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, easting, northing, band='', datum=None, falsed=True,
                                          convergence=None, scale=None):
        '''(INTERNAL) New L{UtmUpsBase}.
        E = self._Error
        if not E:
            notOverloaded(self, '_Error')

        self._easting  = Easting(easting,   Error=E)
        self._northing = Northing(northing, Error=E)

        if band:
            _xinstanceof(str, band=band)
            self._band = band

        if datum:
            _xinstanceof(Datum, datum=datum)
            if datum != self._datum:
                self._datum = datum

        if not falsed:
            self._falsed = False

        if convergence is not self._convergence:
            self._convergence = Scalar(convergence, name='convergence', Error=E)
        if scale is not self._scale:
            self._scale = Scalar(scale, name='scale', Error=E)
예제 #4
    def convertRefFrame(self, reframe2, reframe, epoch=None):
        '''Convert this cartesian point from one to an other reference frame.

           @arg reframe2: Reference frame to convert I{to} (L{RefFrame}).
           @arg reframe: Reference frame to convert I{from} (L{RefFrame}).
           @kwarg epoch: Optional epoch to observe for B{C{reframe}}, a
                         fractional calendar year (C{scalar}).

           @return: The converted point (C{Cartesian}) or this point if
                    conversion is C{nil}.

           @raise TRFError: No conversion available from B{C{reframe}}
                            to B{C{reframe2}}.

           @raise TypeError: B{C{reframe2}} or B{C{reframe}} not a
                             L{RefFrame} or B{C{epoch}} not C{scalar}.
        _xinstanceof(RefFrame, reframe2=reframe2, reframe=reframe)

        c, d = self, self.datum
        for t in _reframeTransforms(
                reframe2, reframe,
                reframe.epoch if epoch is None else _2epoch(epoch)):
            c = c._applyHelmert(t, False, datum=d)
        return c
예제 #5
    def latlon(self, latlonh):
        '''Set the lat- and longitude and optionally the height.

           @arg latlonh: New lat-, longitude and height (2- or
                        3-tuple of C{degrees} and C{meter}).

           @raise TypeError: Height of B{C{latlonh}} not C{scalar} or
                             B{C{latlonh}} not C{list} or C{tuple}.

           @raise ValueError: Invalid B{C{latlonh}} or M{len(latlonh)}.

           @see: Function L{parse3llh} to parse a B{C{latlonh}} string
                 into a 3-tuple (lat, lon, h).
        _xinstanceof(list, tuple, latlonh=latlonh)

        if len(latlonh) == 3:
            h = Height(latlonh[2], name=Fmt.SQUARE(latlonh=2))
        elif len(latlonh) != 2:
            raise _ValueError(latlonh=latlonh)
            h = self._height

        lat = Lat(latlonh[0])  # parseDMS2(latlonh[0], latlonh[1])
        lon = Lon(latlonh[1])
        self._update(lat != self._lat or
                     lon != self._lon or h != self._height)
        self._lat, self._lon, self._height = lat, lon, h
예제 #6
def flatLocal_(phi2, phi1, lam21, datum=Datums.WGS84):
    '''Compute the distance between two (ellipsoidal) points using
       the U{ellipsoidal Earth to plane projection

       @arg phi2: End latitude (C{radians}).
       @arg phi1: Start latitude (C{radians}).
       @arg lam21: Longitudinal delta, M{end-start} (C{radians}).
       @kwarg datum: Optional, (ellipsoidal) datum to use (L{Datum}).

       @return: Distance (C{meter}, same units as the B{C{datum}}'s
                ellipsoid axes).

       @raise TypeError: Invalid B{C{datum}}.

       @note: The meridional and prime_vertical radii of curvature
              are taken and scaled at the mean latitude.

       @see: Functions L{flatLocal}, L{cosineLaw_}, L{flatPolar_},
             L{equirectangular_}, L{euclidean_}, L{haversine_} and
             L{vincentys_} and U{local, flat earth approximation
    _xinstanceof(Datum, datum=datum)
    m, n = datum.ellipsoid.roc2_((phi2 + phi1) * 0.5, scaled=True)
    return hypot(m * (phi2 - phi1), n * lam21)
예제 #7
    def destinationNed(self, delta):
        '''Calculate the destination point using the supplied NED delta
           from this point.

           @arg delta: Delta from this to the other point in the local
                       tangent plane (LTP) of this point (L{Ned}).

           @return: Destination point (L{Cartesian}).

           @raise TypeError: If B{C{delta}} is not L{Ned}.


           >>> a = LatLon(49.66618, 3.45063)
           >>> delta = toNed(116807.681, 222.493, -0.5245)  # [N:-86126, E:-78900, D:1069]
           >>> b = a.destinationNed(delta)  # 48.88667°N, 002.37472°E

           @JSname: I{destinationPoint}.
        _xinstanceof(Ned, delta=delta)

        n, e, d = self._rotation3()
        # convert NED delta to standard coordinate frame of n-vector
        dn = delta.ned
        # rotate dn to get delta in cartesian (ECEF) coordinate
        # reference frame using the rotation matrix column vectors
        dc = Cartesian(fdot(dn, n.x, e.x, d.x),
                       fdot(dn, n.y, e.y, d.y),
                       fdot(dn, n.z, e.z, d.z))

        # apply (cartesian) delta to this Cartesian to
        # obtain destination point as cartesian
        v = self.toCartesian().plus(dc)  # the plus() gives a plain vector

        return v.toLatLon(datum=self.datum, LatLon=self.classof)  # Cartesian(v.x, v.y, v.z).toLatLon(...)
예제 #8
    def __init__(self,
        '''(INTERNAL) New L{UtmUpsBase}.
        E = self._Error
        if not E:
            notOverloaded(self, '_Error')

        self._easting = Easting(easting, Error=E)
        self._northing = Northing(northing, Error=E)

        if band:
            _xinstanceof(str, band=band)
            self._band = band

        if datum not in (None, self._datum):
            self._datum = _ellipsoidal_datum(datum)  # XXX name=band

        if not falsed:
            self._falsed = False

        if convergence is not self._convergence:
            self._convergence = Scalar(convergence,
        if scale is not self._scale:
            self._scale = Scalar(scale, name=_scale_, Error=E)
예제 #9
    def convertDatum(self, datum2, datum=None):
        '''Convert this cartesian from one datum to an other.

           @arg datum2: Datum to convert I{to} (L{Datum}).
           @kwarg datum: Datum to convert I{from} (L{Datum}).

           @return: The converted point (C{Cartesian}).

           @raise TypeError: B{C{datum2}} or B{C{datum}}
        _xinstanceof(Datum, datum2=datum2)

        if datum not in (None, self.datum):
            c = self.convertDatum(datum)
            c = self

        i, d = False, c.datum
        if d == datum2:
            return c.copy() if c is self else c

        elif d == Datums.WGS84:
            d = datum2  # convert from WGS84 to datum2

        elif datum2 == Datums.WGS84:
            i = True  # convert to WGS84 by inverse transform

        else:  # neither datum2 nor c.datum is WGS84, invert to WGS84 first
            c = c._applyHelmert(d.transform, True, datum=Datums.WGS84)
            d = datum2

        return c._applyHelmert(d.transform, i, datum=datum2)
예제 #10
    def latlon2(self, datum=None):
        '''Convert this WM coordinate to a lat- and longitude.

           @kwarg datum: Optional ellipsoidal datum (C{Datum}).

           @return: A L{LatLon2Tuple}C{(lat, lon)}.

           @raise TypeError: Non-ellipsoidal B{C{datum}}.

           @see: Method C{toLatLon}.
        r = self.radius
        x = self._x / r
        y = 2 * atan(exp(self._y / r)) - PI_2
        if datum is not None:
            _xinstanceof(Datum, datum=datum)
            E = datum.ellipsoid
            if not E.isEllipsoidal:
                raise _IsnotError(_ellipsoidal_, datum=datum)
            # <https://Earth-Info.NGA.mil/GandG/wgs84/web_mercator/
            #        %28U%29%20NGA_SIG_0011_1.0.0_WEBMERC.pdf>
            y = y / r
            if E.e:
                y -= E.e * atanh(E.e * tanh(y))  # == E.es_atanh(tanh(y))
            y *= E.a
            x *= E.a / r

        r = LatLon2Tuple(Lat(degrees90(y)), Lon(degrees180(x)))
        return self._xnamed(r)
예제 #11
    def toLatLon(self, datum=None, LatLon=None, **LatLon_kwds):
        '''Convert this cartesian to a geodetic (lat-/longitude) point.

           @kwarg datum: Optional datum (L{Datum}) or C{None}.
           @kwarg LatLon: Optional class to return the geodetic point
                          (C{LatLon}) or C{None}.
           @kwarg LatLon_kwds: Optional, additional B{C{LatLon}}
                               keyword arguments, ignored if

           @return: The geodetic point (B{C{LatLon}}) or if B{C{LatLon}}
                    is C{None}, an L{Ecef9Tuple}C{(x, y, z, lat, lon,
                    height, C, M, datum)} with C{C} and C{M} if available.

           @raise TypeError: Invalid B{C{datum}} or B{C{LatLon_kwds}}.
        if datum in (None, self.datum):
            r = self.toEcef()
            _xinstanceof(Datum, datum=datum)
            c = self.convertDatum(datum)
            r = c.Ecef(c.datum).reverse(c, M=True)

        if LatLon is not None:  # class or .classof
            r = LatLon(r.lat, r.lon,
                       **_xkwds(LatLon_kwds, datum=r.datum, height=r.height))
        _datum_datum(r.datum, datum or self.datum)
        return self._xnamed(r)
예제 #12
    def __init__(self, x, y=None, z=None, h=0, ll=None, datum=None, name=NN):
        '''New n-vector normal to the earth's surface.

           @arg x: An C{Nvector}, L{Vector3Tuple}, L{Vector4Tuple} or
                     the C{X} coordinate (C{scalar}).
           @arg y: The C{Y} coordinate (C{scalar}) if B{C{x}} C{scalar}.
           @arg z: The C{Z} coordinate (C{scalar}) if B{C{x}} C{scalar}.
           @kwarg h: Optional height above surface (C{meter}).
           @kwarg ll: Optional, original latlon (C{LatLon}).
           @kwarg datum: Optional, I{pass-thru} datum (L{Datum}).
           @kwarg name: Optional name (C{str}).

           @raise TypeError: Non-scalar B{C{x}}, B{C{y}} or B{C{z}}
                             coordinate or B{C{x}} not an C{Nvector},
                             L{Vector3Tuple} or L{Vector4Tuple} or
                             invalid B{C{datum}}.


           >>> from pygeodesy.sphericalNvector import Nvector
           >>> v = Nvector(0.5, 0.5, 0.7071, 1)
           >>> v.toLatLon()  # 45.0°N, 045.0°E, +1.00m
        x, y, z, h, d, n = _xyzhdn6(x, y, z, h, datum, ll)
        Vector3d.__init__(self, x, y, z, ll=ll, name=name or n)
        if h:
            self.h = h
        if d not in (None, self._datum):
            _xinstanceof(Datum, datum=d)
            self._datum = d  # pass-thru
예제 #13
def nearestOn3(point, points, closed=False, radius=R_M, height=None):
    '''Locate the point on a polygon (with great circle arcs
       joining consecutive points) closest to an other point.

       If the given point is within the extent of any great circle
       arc, the closest point is on that arc.  Otherwise, the
       closest is the nearest of the arc's end points.

       @arg point: The other, reference point (L{LatLon}).
       @arg points: The polygon points (L{LatLon}[]).
       @kwarg closed: Optionally, close the polygon (C{bool}).
       @kwarg radius: Mean earth radius (C{meter}).
       @kwarg height: Optional height, overriding the mean height
                      for a point within the arc (C{meter}).

       @return: A L{NearestOn3Tuple}C{(closest, distance, angle)} of
                the C{closest} point (L{LatLon}) on the polygon, the
                C{distance} and the C{angle} between the C{closest}
                and the given B{C{point}}.  The C{distance} is in
                C{meter}, same units as B{C{radius}}, the C{angle}
                is in compass C{degrees360}.

       @raise PointsError: Insufficient number of B{C{points}}.

       @raise TypeError: Some B{C{points}} or B{C{point}} not C{LatLon}.
    _xinstanceof(LatLon, point=point)

    return point.nearestOn3(points, closed=closed, radius=radius, height=height)
예제 #14
 def _datum_setter(self, datum, knots):
     '''(INTERNAL) Set the datum.
     d = datum or getattr(knots[0], _datum_, datum)
     if d and d != self.datum:
         _xinstanceof(Datum, datum=d)
         self._datum = d
예제 #15
    def __init__(self, e, n, h=0, conic=Conics.WRF_Lb, name=''):
        '''New L{Lcc} Lamber conformal conic position.

           @arg e: Easting (C{meter}).
           @arg n: Northing (C{meter}).
           @kwarg h: Optional height (C{meter}).
           @kwarg conic: Optional, the conic projection (L{Conic}).
           @kwarg name: Optional name (C{str}).

           @return: The Lambert location (L{Lcc}).

           @raise LCCError: Invalid B{C{h}} or invalid or
                            negative B{C{e}} or B{C{n}}.

           @raise TypeError: If B{C{conic}} is not L{Conic}.


           >>> lb = Lcc(448251, 5411932.0001)
        _xinstanceof(Conic, conic=conic)
        self._conic = conic
        self._easting = Easting(e, falsed=conic.E0 > 0, Error=LCCError)
        self._northing = Northing(n, falsed=conic.N0 > 0, Error=LCCError)
        if h:
            self._height = Height(h, name='h', Error=LCCError)
        if name:
            self.name = name
예제 #16
    def toUtmUps(self, pole=''):
        '''Convert this C{LatLon} point to a UTM or UPS coordinate.

           @kwarg pole: Optional top/center of UPS (stereographic)
                        projection (C{str}, 'N[orth]' or 'S[outh]').

           @return: The UTM or UPS coordinate (L{Utm} or L{Ups}).

           @raise TypeError: Result in L{Utm} or L{Ups}.

           @see: Function L{toUtmUps}.
        if self._utm:
            u = self._utm
        elif self._ups and (self._ups.pole == pole or not pole):
            u = self._ups
            from pygeodesy.utmups import toUtmUps8, Utm, Ups  # PYCHOK recursive import
            u = toUtmUps8(self, datum=self.datum, Utm=Utm, Ups=Ups, pole=pole)
            if isinstance(u, Utm):
                self._utm = u
            elif isinstance(u, Ups):
                self._ups = u
                _xinstanceof(Utm, Ups, toUtmUps8=u)
        return u
예제 #17
    def __init__(self,
        '''New Lambert conformal conic projection.

           @arg latlon0: Origin with (ellipsoidal) datum (C{LatLon}).
           @arg par1: First standard parallel (C{degrees90}).
           @kwarg par2: Optional, second standard parallel (C{degrees90}).
           @kwarg E0: Optional, false easting (C{meter}).
           @kwarg N0: Optional, false northing (C{meter}).
           @kwarg k0: Optional scale factor (C{scalar}).
           @kwarg opt3: Optional meridian (C{degrees180}).
           @kwarg name: Optional name of the conic (C{str}).
           @kwarg auth: Optional authentication authority (C{str}).

           @return: A Lambert projection (L{Conic}).

           @raise TypeError: Non-ellipsoidal B{C{latlon0}}.

           @raise ValueError: Invalid B{C{par1}}, B{C{par2}},
                              B{C{E0}}, B{C{N0}}, B{C{k0}}
                              or B{C{opt3}}.


           >>> from pygeodesy import Conic, Datums, ellipsoidalNvector
           >>> ll0 = ellipsoidalNvector.LatLon(23, -96, datum=Datums.NAD27)
           >>> Snyder = Conic(ll0, 33, 45, E0=0, N0=0, name='Snyder')
        if latlon0 is not None:
            _xinstanceof(_LLEB, latlon0=latlon0)
            self._phi0, self._lam0 = latlon0.philam

            self._par1 = Phi_(par1, name='par1')
            self._par2 = self._par1 if par2 is None else Phi_(par2,

            if k0 != 1:
                self._k0 = Scalar_(k0, name='k0')
            if E0:
                self._E0 = Northing(E0, name='E0', falsed=True)
            if N0:
                self._N0 = Easting(N0, name='N0', falsed=True)
            if opt3:
                self._opt3 = Lam_(opt3, name='opt3')

            self._register(Conics, name)
        elif name:
            self._name = name
        if auth:
            self._auth = auth
예제 #18
 def _toLatLon(self, lat, lon, LatLon, LatLon_kwds):
     '''(INTERNAL) Check B{C{LatLon}} and return an instance.
     kwds = _xkwds(LatLon_kwds, datum=self.datum)
     r = LatLon(lat, lon, **kwds)  # handle .classof
     B = _LLEB if self.datum.isEllipsoidal else _LLB
     _xinstanceof(B, LatLon=r)
     return r
예제 #19
def _ellipsoidal_datum(a_f, name=NN):
    '''(INTERNAL) Create a L{Datum} from an L{Ellipsoid} or L{Ellipsoid2} or C{a_f2Tuple}.
    if isinstance(a_f, Datum):
        return a_f
    E, n = _En2(a_f, name)
    if not E:
        _xinstanceof(Datum, Ellipsoid, Ellipsoid2, a_f2Tuple, datum=a_f)
    return Datum(E, transform=Transforms.Identity, name=n)
예제 #20
def thomas_(phi2, phi1, lam21, datum=Datums.WGS84):
    '''Compute the I{angular} distance between two (ellipsoidal) points using

       @arg phi2: End latitude (C{radians}).
       @arg phi1: Start latitude (C{radians}).
       @arg lam21: Longitudinal delta, M{end-start} (C{radians}).
       @kwarg datum: Ellipsoidal datum to use (L{Datum}).

       @return: Angular distance (C{radians}).

       @raise TypeError: Invalid B{C{datum}}.

       @see: Functions L{thomas}, L{cosineAndoyerLambert_},
             L{cosineForsytheAndoyerLambert_}, L{cosineLaw_},
             L{equirectangular_}, L{euclidean_}, L{flatLocal_}/L{hubeny_},
             L{flatPolar_}, L{haversine_} and L{vincentys_} and U{Geodesy-PHP
    _xinstanceof(Datum, datum=datum)

    s2, c2, s1, c1, _, c21 = sincos2(phi2, phi1, lam21)
    E = datum.ellipsoid
    if E.f and abs(c1) > EPS and abs(c2) > EPS:
        r1 = atan(E.b_a * s1 / c1)
        r2 = atan(E.b_a * s2 / c2)

        j = (r2 + r1) / 2.0
        k = (r2 - r1) / 2.0
        sj, cj, sk, ck, sl_2, _ = sincos2(j, k, lam21 / 2.0)

        h = fsum_(sk**2, (ck * sl_2)**2, -(sj * sl_2)**2)
        if EPS < abs(h) < EPS1:
            u = 1 / (1 - h)
            d = 2 * atan(sqrt(h * u))  # == acos(1 - 2 * h)
            sd, cd = sincos2(d)
            if abs(sd) > EPS:
                u = 2 * (sj * ck)**2 * u
                v = 2 * (sk * cj)**2 / h
                x = u + v
                y = u - v

                t = d / sd
                s = 4 * t**2
                e = 2 * cd
                a = s * e
                b = 2 * d
                c = t - (a - e) / 2.0

                s = fsum_(a * x, c * x**2, -b * y, -e * y**2,
                          s * x * y) * E.f / 16.0
                s = fsum_(t * x, -y, -s) * E.f / 4.0
                return d - s * sd
    # fall back to cosineLaw_
    return acos(s1 * s2 + c1 * c2 * c21)
예제 #21
    def latlon0(self, latlon0):
        '''Set the center lat- and longitude (L{LatLon2Tuple}, ellipsoidal C{LatLon} or L{LatLon4Tuple}).

           @raise CSSError: Invalid B{C{latlon0}} or ellipsoidal mismatch
                            of B{C{latlon0}} and this projection.
        _xinstanceof(_LLEB, LatLon4Tuple, LatLon2Tuple, latlon0=latlon0)
        if hasattr(latlon0, _datum_):
        self.reset(latlon0.lat, latlon0.lon)
예제 #22
파일: etm.py 프로젝트: itzmejawad/PyGeodesy
    def exactTM(self, exactTM):
        '''Set the ETM projection (L{ExactTransverseMercator}).
        _xinstanceof(ExactTransverseMercator, exactTM=exactTM)

        E = self.datum.ellipsoid
        if exactTM._E != E or exactTM.majoradius != E.a \
                           or exactTM.flattening != E.f:
            raise ETMError(repr(exactTM), txt=_incompatible(repr(E)))
        self._exactTM = exactTM
        self._scale0  = exactTM.k0
예제 #23
def _CassiniSoldner(cs0):
    '''(INTERNAL) Get/set default projection.
    if cs0 is None:
        global _CassiniSoldner0
        if _CassiniSoldner0 is None:
            _CassiniSoldner0 = CassiniSoldner(0, 0, name='Default')
        cs0 = _CassiniSoldner0
        _xinstanceof(CassiniSoldner, cs0=cs0)
    return cs0
예제 #24
    def latlon0(self, latlon0):
        '''Set the center lat- and longitude (C{LatLon}, L{LatLon2Tuple} or L{LatLon4Tuple}).

           @raise AzimuthalError: Invalid B{C{lat0}} or B{C{lon0}} or ellipsoidal mismatch
                                  of B{C{latlon0}} and this projection.
        B = _LLEB if self.datum.isEllipsoidal else _LLB
        _xinstanceof(B, LatLon2Tuple, LatLon4Tuple, latlon0=latlon0)
        if hasattr(latlon0, _datum_):
            _datum_datum(self.datum, latlon0.datum, Error=AzimuthalError)
        self.reset(latlon0.lat, latlon0.lon)
예제 #25
def _ellipsoid(ellipsoid, name=NN):  # in .trf
    '''(INTERNAL) Create an L{Ellipsoid} or L{Ellipsoid2} from L{datum} or C{a_f2Tuple}.
    E, _ = _En2(ellipsoid, name)
    if not E:
    return E
예제 #26
    def reframe(self, reframe):
        '''Set or clear this point's reference frame.

           @arg reframe: Reference frame (L{RefFrame}) or C{None}.

           @raise TypeError: The B{C{reframe}} is not a L{RefFrame}.
        if reframe is not None:
            _xinstanceof(RefFrame, reframe=reframe)
            self._reframe = reframe
        elif self.reframe is not None:
            self._reframe = None
예제 #27
    def to4Tuple(self, datum):
        '''Extend this L{LatLon3Tuple} to a L{LatLon4Tuple}.

           @arg datum: The datum to add (C{Datum}).

           @return: A L{LatLon4Tuple}C{(lat, lon, height, datum)}.

           @raise TypeError: If B{C{datum}} not a C{Datum}.
        from pygeodesy.datum import Datum
        _xinstanceof(Datum, datum=datum)
        return self._xtend(LatLon4Tuple, datum)
예제 #28
    def to4Tuple(self, datum):
        '''Extend this L{PhiLam3Tuple} to a L{PhiLam4Tuple}.

           @arg datum: The datum to add (C{Datum}).

           @return: A L{PhiLam4Tuple}C{(phi, lam, height, datum)}.

           @raise TypeError: If B{C{datum}} not a C{Datum}.
        from pygeodesy.datums import Datum
        _xinstanceof(Datum, datum=datum)
        return self._xtend(PhiLam4Tuple, datum)
예제 #29
    def datum(self, datum):
        '''Set this point's datum I{without conversion}.

           @arg datum: New datum (L{Datum}).

           @raise TypeError: If B{C{datum}} is not a L{Datum}
                             or not spherical.
        _xinstanceof(Datum, datum=datum)
        if not datum.isSpherical:
            raise _IsnotError(_spherical_, datum=datum)
        self._update(datum != self._datum)
        self._datum = datum
예제 #30
def _to4lldn(latlon, lon, datum, name):
    '''(INTERNAL) Return 4-tuple (C{lat, lon, datum, name}).
        # if lon is not None:
        #     raise AttributeError
        lat, lon = map1(float, latlon.lat, latlon.lon)
        _xinstanceof(_LLEB, LatLonDatum5Tuple, latlon=latlon)
        d = datum or latlon.datum
    except AttributeError:
        lat, lon = parseDMS2(latlon, lon)
        d = datum or Datums.WGS84
    return lat, lon, d, (name or nameof(latlon))