def drawMesh(axes, mesh, **kwargs): """ Draw a 2d mesh into a given axes. Set the limits of the axes tor the mesh extent. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import pygimli as pg >>> from pygimli.mplviewer import drawMesh >>> n = np.linspace(1,2,10) >>> mesh = pg.createGrid(x=n, y=n) >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() >>> drawMesh(ax, mesh) >>> """ pg.mplviewer.drawMeshBoundaries(axes, mesh, fitView=False) if kwargs.pop('fitView', True): axes.set_aspect('equal') axes.set_xlim(mesh.xmin(), mesh.xmax()) axes.set_ylim(mesh.ymin(), mesh.ymax()) updateAxes_(axes)
def drawStreamLines(axes, mesh, u, nx=25, ny=25, **kwargs): """ Draw streamlines for the gradients of field values u on a mesh. The matplotlib routine streamplot needs equidistant spacings so we interpolate first on a grid defined by nx and ny nodes. Additionally arguments are piped to streamplot. This works only for rectangular regions. drawStreamLine is more comfortable and more flexible. """ X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(mesh.xmin(), mesh.xmax(), nx), np.linspace(mesh.ymin(), mesh.ymax(), ny)) U = X.copy() V = X.copy() for i, row in enumerate(X): for j in range(len(row)): p = [X[i, j], Y[i, j]] gr = [0.0, 0.0] c = mesh.findCell(p) if c: gr = c.grad(p, u) U[i, j] = -gr[0] V[i, j] = -gr[1] gci = axes.streamplot(X, Y, U, V, **kwargs) updateAxes_(axes) return gci
def drawSensors(axes, sensors, diam=None, koords=None): """ Draw sensor positions as black dots with a given diameter. Parameters ---------- Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from pygimli.mplviewer import drawSensors >>> sensors = np.random.rand(5,2) >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() >>> drawSensors(ax, sensors, diam=0.02, koords=[0,1]) >>> ax.set_aspect('equal') """ if koords is None: koords = [0, 2] eCircles = [] if diam is None: eSpacing = sensors[0].distance(sensors[1]) diam = eSpacing / 8.0 for e in sensors: eCircles.append(mpl.patches.Circle((e[koords[0]], e[koords[1]]), diam)) p = mpl.collections.PatchCollection(eCircles, color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) axes.add_collection(p) updateAxes_(axes)
def drawMPLTri(axes, mesh, data=None, cMin=None, cMax=None, logScale=True, cmap=None, interpolate=False, omitLines=False, **kwargs): """ Only for triangle/quadrangle meshes currently """ x, y, triangles, z, zIdx = createTriangles(mesh, data) gci = None levels = kwargs.pop('levels', []) nLevs = kwargs.pop('nLevs', 8) if len(levels) == 0: levels = autolevel(data, nLevs) if interpolate and len(data) == mesh.cellCount(): z = pg.cellDataToPointData(mesh, data) if len(z) == len(triangles): shading = kwargs.pop('shading', 'flat') if shading == 'gouraud': z = pg.cellDataToPointData(mesh, data) gci = axes.tripcolor(x, y, triangles, z, levels, shading=shading, **kwargs) elif len(z) == mesh.nodeCount(): shading = kwargs.pop('shading', None) if shading is not None: gci = axes.tripcolor(x, y, triangles, z, levels, shading=shading, **kwargs) else: gci = axes.tricontourf(x, y, triangles, z, levels, **kwargs) if not omitLines: axes.tricontour(x, y, triangles, z, levels, colors=kwargs.pop('colors', ['0.5']), **kwargs) else: gci = None raise Exception("Data size does not fit mesh size: ", len(z), mesh.cellCount(), mesh.nodeCount()) if gci and cMin and cMax: gci.set_clim(cMin, cMax) if cmap is not None: if cmap == 'b2r': gci.set_cmap(cmapFromName('b2r')) else: gci.set_cmap(cmap) axes.set_aspect('equal') if kwargs.pop('fitView', True): axes.set_xlim(mesh.xmin(), mesh.xmax()) axes.set_ylim(mesh.ymin(), mesh.ymax()) updateAxes_(axes) return gci
def drawParameterConstraints(axes, mesh, cMat, cWeight=None): """ What is this? """ start, end = createParameterContraintsLines(mesh, cMat, cWeight) lines = [] colors = [] linewidths = [] for i in range(len(start)): lines.append(list(zip([start[i].x(), end[i].x()], [start[i].y(), end[i].y()]))) linewidth = 0.5 col = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) colors.append(col) linewidths.append(linewidth) linCol = mpl.collections.LineCollection(lines, antialiaseds=True) linCol.set_color(colors) linCol.set_linewidth(linewidths) axes.add_collection(linCol) updateAxes_(axes)
def createMeshPatches(axes, mesh, verbose=True, **kwargs): """ Utility function to create 2d mesh patches in a axes """ if not mesh: print("drawMeshBoundaries(axes, mesh): invalid mesh") return if mesh.nodeCount() < 2: print("drawMeshBoundaries(axes, mesh): to few nodes") return swatch = pg.Stopwatch(True) if kwargs.pop('fitView', True): axes.set_xlim(mesh.xmin(), mesh.xmax()) axes.set_ylim(mesh.ymin(), mesh.ymax()) polys = [] for cell in mesh.cells(): if (cell.shape().nodeCount() == 3): polys.append(list(zip( [cell.node(0).x(), cell.node(1).x(), cell.node(2).x()], [cell.node(0).y(), cell.node(1).y(), cell.node(2).y()]))) elif (cell.shape().nodeCount() == 4): polys.append(list(zip([cell.node(0).x(), cell.node(1).x(), cell.node(2).x(), cell.node(3).x()], [cell.node(0).y(), cell.node(1).y(), cell.node(2).y(), cell.node(3).y()]))) else: print(("unknown shape to patch: ", cell.shape(), cell.shape().nodeCount())) patches = mpl.collections.PolyCollection(polys, antialiaseds=False, lod=True, picker=True) # patches.set_edgecolor(None) patches.set_edgecolor('face') # patches.set_linewidth(1.001) axes.add_collection(patches) updateAxes_(axes) if verbose: print(("plotting time = ", swatch.duration(True))) return patches
def draw1DColumn(ax, x, val, thk, width=30, ztopo=0, cmin=1, cmax=1000, cmap=None, name=None, textoffset=0.0): """ Draw a 1D column (e.g., from a 1D inversion) on a given axes. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from pygimli.mplviewer import draw1DColumn >>> thk = [1,2,3,4] >>> val = thk >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() >>> draw1DColumn(ax, 0.5, val, thk, width=0.1, cmin=1, cmax=4, name="VES") <matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection object at ...> >>> ax.set_ylim(-np.sum(thk), 0) (-10, 0) """ z = -np.hstack((0., np.cumsum(thk), np.sum(thk) * 1.5)) + ztopo recs = [] for i in range(len(val)): recs.append(Rectangle((x - width / 2., z[i]), width, z[i + 1] - z[i])) pp = PatchCollection(recs) col = ax.add_collection(pp) pp.set_edgecolor(None) pp.set_linewidths(0.0) if cmap is not None: pp.set_cmap(cmap) pp.set_norm(LogNorm(cmin, cmax)) pp.set_array(np.array(val)) pp.set_clim(cmin, cmax) if name: ax.text(x+textoffset, ztopo, name, ha='center', va='bottom') updateAxes_(ax) return col
def drawMesh(axes, mesh, **kwargs): """ Draw a 2d mesh into a given axes. Set the limits of the axes tor the mesh extent. Parameters ---------- mesh : :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` The plotted mesh to browse through. ax : mpl axis instance, optional Axis instance where the mesh is plotted (default is current axis). fitView: bool [True] Adjust axes limits to mesh bounding box. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import pygimli as pg >>> from pygimli.mplviewer import drawMesh >>> n = np.linspace(1,2,10) >>> mesh = pg.createGrid(x=n, y=n) >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() >>> drawMesh(ax, mesh) >>> """ pg.mplviewer.drawMeshBoundaries(axes, mesh, **kwargs) if kwargs.pop('fitView', True): axes.set_xlim(mesh.xmin(), mesh.xmax()) axes.set_ylim(mesh.ymin(), mesh.ymax()) axes.set_aspect('equal') updateAxes_(axes)
def drawSelectedMeshBoundaries(axes, boundaries, color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), linewidth=1.0): """Draw mesh boundaries into a given axes'.""" drawAA = True lines = [] if hasattr(boundaries, '__len__'): if len(boundaries) == 0: return for bound in boundaries: lines.append(list(zip([bound.node(0).x(), bound.node(1).x()], [bound.node(0).y(), bound.node(1).y()]))) lineCollection = mpl.collections.LineCollection(lines, antialiaseds=drawAA) lineCollection.set_color(color) lineCollection.set_linewidth(linewidth) axes.add_collection(lineCollection) updateAxes_(axes) return lineCollection
def drawSelectedMeshBoundariesShadow(axes, boundaries, first='x', second='y', color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)): """ What is this? """ polys = [] for cell in boundaries: polys.append(list(zip([getattr(cell.node(0), first)(), getattr(cell.node(1), first)(), getattr(cell.node(2), first)()], [getattr(cell.node(0), second)(), getattr(cell.node(1), second)(), getattr(cell.node(2), second)()]))) collection = mpl.collections.PolyCollection(polys, antialiaseds=True) collection.set_color(color) collection.set_edgecolor(color) collection.set_linewidth(0.2) axes.add_collection(collection) updateAxes_(axes) return collection
def patchMatrix(A, xmap=None, ymap=None, ax=None, cMin=None, cMax=None, logScale=None, label=None, dx=1, **kwargs): """ plot previously generated (generateVecMatrix) matrix Parameters ---------- A : numpy.array2d matrix to show xmap : dict {i:num} dict (must match A.shape[0]) ymap : iterable vector for x axis (must match A.shape[0]) ax : mpl.axis axis to plot, if not given a new figure is created cMin/cMax : float minimum/maximum color values logScale : bool logarithmic colour scale [min(A)>0] label : string colorbar label """ mat = == 0.0, A, False) if cMin is None: cMin = np.min(mat) if cMax is None: cMax = np.max(mat) if logScale is None: logScale = (cMin > 0.0) if logScale: norm = LogNorm(vmin=cMin, vmax=cMax) else: norm = Normalize(vmin=cMin, vmax=cMax) if 'ax' is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() iy, ix = np.nonzero(A) # != 0) recs = [] vals = [] for i in range(len(ix)): recs.append(Rectangle((ix[i]-dx/2, iy[i]-0.5), dx, 1)) vals.append(A[iy[i], ix[i]]) pp = PatchCollection(recs) col = ax.add_collection(pp) pp.set_edgecolor(None) pp.set_linewidths(0.0) if 'cmap' in kwargs: pp.set_cmap(kwargs.pop('cmap')) pp.set_norm(norm) pp.set_array(np.array(vals)) pp.set_clim(cMin, cMax) xval = [k for k in xmap.keys()] ax.set_xlim(min(xval)-dx/2, max(xval)+dx/2) ax.set_ylim(len(ymap)+0.5, -0.5) updateAxes_(ax) cbar = None if kwargs.pop('colorBar', True): cbar = pg.mplviewer.createColorbar(col, cMin=cMin, cMax=cMax, nLevs=5, label=label) return ax, cbar
def patchValMap(vals, xvec=None, yvec=None, ax=None, cMin=None, cMax=None, logScale=None, label=None, dx=1, dy=None, **kwargs): """ plot previously generated (generateVecMatrix) y map (category) Parameters ---------- A : iterable to show xvec : dict {i:num} dict (must match A.shape[0]) ymap : iterable vector for x axis (must match A.shape[0]) ax : mpl.axis axis to plot, if not given a new figure is created cMin/cMax : float minimum/maximum color values logScale : bool logarithmic colour scale [min(A)>0] label : string colorbar label """ if cMin is None: cMin = np.min(vals) if cMax is None: cMax = np.max(vals) if logScale is None: logScale = (cMin > 0.0) if logScale: norm = LogNorm(vmin=cMin, vmax=cMax) else: norm = Normalize(vmin=cMin, vmax=cMax) if 'ax' is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() recs = [] if dy is None: # map y values to unique ymap = {xy: ii for ii, xy in enumerate(np.unique(yvec))} for i in range(len(vals)): recs.append(Rectangle((xvec[i]-dx/2, ymap[yvec[i]]-0.5), dx, 1)) else: for i in range(len(vals)): recs.append(Rectangle((xvec[i]-dx/2, yvec[i]-dy/2), dx, dy)) pp = PatchCollection(recs) col = ax.add_collection(pp) pp.set_edgecolor(None) pp.set_linewidths(0.0) if 'cmap' in kwargs: pp.set_cmap(kwargs.pop('cmap')) pp.set_norm(norm) pp.set_array(np.array(vals)) pp.set_clim(cMin, cMax) ax.set_xlim(min(xvec)-dx/2, max(xvec)+dx/2) ax.set_ylim(len(ymap)-0.5, -0.5) updateAxes_(ax) cbar = None if kwargs.pop('colorBar', True): cbar = pg.mplviewer.createColorbar(col, cMin=cMin, cMax=cMax, nLevs=5, label=label) return ax, cbar, ymap
def drawPLC(axes, mesh, fillRegion=True, boundaryMarker=False, **kwargs): """ Draw 2D PLC into the given axes. Parameters ---------- fillRegion: bool [True] Fill the regions with default colormap. boundaryMarker: bool [False] show boundary marker **kwargs Examples -------- """ eCircles = [] cols = [] if fillRegion and mesh.boundaryCount() > 0: tmpMesh = pg.meshtools.createMesh(mesh, quality=20) if tmpMesh.cellCount() == 0: pass else: drawModel(axes=axes, mesh=tmpMesh, data=tmpMesh.cellMarkers(), nLevs=len(pg.unique(pg.sort(tmpMesh.cellMarkers()))), levels=pg.utils.unique(tmpMesh.cellMarkers()), tri=True, alpha=0.5, linewidth=0.0, edgecolors='k', snap=False) for n in mesh.nodes(): col = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) if n.marker() == pg.MARKER_NODE_SENSOR: col = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0) # eCircles.append(mpl.patches.Circle((n.pos()[0], n.pos()[1]))) ms = kwargs.pop('markersize', 5) axes.plot(n.pos()[0], n.pos()[1], 'bo', markersize=ms, color='black') # eCircles.append(mpl.patches.Circle((n.pos()[0], n.pos()[1]), 0.1)) cols.append(col) if boundaryMarker: for b in mesh.boundaries(): axes.text([0],[1], str(b.marker()), color='red', verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center') # 'white' p = mpl.collections.PatchCollection(eCircles, color=cols) axes.add_collection(p) for reg in mesh.regionMarker(): axes.text(reg[0], reg[1], str(reg.marker()) + ": " + str(reg.area()), color='black', verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='left' ) # 'white' for hole in mesh.holeMarker(): axes.text(hole[0], hole[1], 'H', color='black') updateAxes_(axes)
def drawModel(axes, mesh, data=None, cMin=None, cMax=None, logScale=True, cmap=None, alpha=1, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, verbose=False, **kwargs): """ Draw a 2d mesh and color the cell by the data. Implement this with tripcolor ..........!!!!!!!! Parameters ---------- Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import pygimli as pg >>> from pygimli.mplviewer import drawModel >>> n = np.linspace(0, -2, 11) >>> mesh = pg.createGrid(x=n, y=n) >>> mx = pg.x(mesh.cellCenter()) >>> my = pg.y(mesh.cellCenter()) >>> data = np.cos(1.5 * mx) * np.sin(1.5 * my) >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() >>> drawModel(ax, mesh, data) <matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection object at ...> """ if mesh.nodeCount() == 0: raise "drawModel: The mesh is empty." useTri = kwargs.pop('tri', False) if useTri: gci = drawMPLTri(axes, mesh, data, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) else: gci = pg.mplviewer.createMeshPatches(axes, mesh, alpha=alpha, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) if cmap is not None: if cmap == 'b2r': gci.set_cmap(cmapFromName('b2r')) else: gci.set_cmap(cmap) axes.set_aspect('equal') gci.set_antialiased(True) gci.set_linewidth(None) if data is None: data = pg.RVector(mesh.cellCount()) if len(data) != mesh.cellCount(): print(data, mesh) print("INFO: drawModel have wrong data length .. " " indexing data from cellMarker()") viewdata = data(mesh.cellMarker()) else: viewdata = data if min(data) <= 0: logScale = False pg.mplviewer.setMappableData(gci, viewdata, cMin=cMin, cMax=cMax, logScale=logScale) if xlabel is not None: axes.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: axes.set_ylabel(ylabel) updateAxes_(axes) return gci
def drawStreams(axes, mesh, data, startStream=3, **kwargs): """ Draw streamlines based on an unstructured mesh. Every cell contains only one streamline and every new stream line starts in the center of a cell. Stream density can by chosen by parameter a leading to a new mesh with equidistant maximum cell size a. Parameters ---------- Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import pygimli as pg >>> from pygimli.mplviewer import drawStreams >>> n = np.linspace(1,2,10) >>> mesh = pg.createGrid(x=n, y=n) >>> nx = pg.x(mesh.positions()) >>> ny = pg.y(mesh.positions()) >>> data = np.cos(1.5 * nx) * np.sin(1.5 * ny) >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() >>> drawStreams(ax, mesh, data) >>> ax.set_aspect('equal') """ viewMesh = None dataMesh = None if 'coarseMesh' in kwargs: viewMesh = kwargs['coarseMesh'] dataMesh = mesh dataMesh.createNeighbourInfos() del(kwargs['coarseMesh']) else: viewMesh = mesh viewMesh.createNeighbourInfos() for c in viewMesh.cells(): c.setValid(True) if startStream == 1: # start a stream from each boundary cell for y in np.linspace(viewMesh.ymin(), viewMesh.ymax(), 100): c = viewMesh.findCell( [(viewMesh.xmax() - viewMesh.xmax()) / 2.0, y]) if c is not None: if c.valid(): drawStreamLine_(axes, viewMesh, c, data, dataMesh, **kwargs) elif startStream == 2: # start a stream from each boundary cell for x in np.linspace(viewMesh.xmin(), viewMesh.xmax(), 100): c = viewMesh.findCell( [x, (viewMesh.ymax() - viewMesh.ymax()) / 2.0]) if c is not None: if c.valid(): drawStreamLine_(axes, viewMesh, c, data, dataMesh, **kwargs) elif startStream == 3: # start a stream from each boundary cell for b in viewMesh.findBoundaryByMarker(1, 99): c = b.leftCell() if c is None: c = b.rightCell() if c.valid(): drawStreamLine_(axes, viewMesh, c, data, dataMesh, **kwargs) # start a stream from each unused cell for c in viewMesh.cells(): if c.valid(): drawStreamLine_(axes, viewMesh, c, data, dataMesh, **kwargs) for c in viewMesh.cells(): c.setValid(True) updateAxes_(axes)
def drawMeshBoundaries(axes, mesh, hideMesh=False, **kwargs): """ Draw mesh on axes with boundary conditions colorized. Parameters ---------- hideMesh: bool [False] Show only the boundary of the mesh and omit inner edges that separate the cells. **kwargs: fitView : bool [True] Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import pygimli as pg >>> from pygimli.mplviewer import drawMeshBoundaries >>> n = np.linspace(0,-2,11) >>> mesh = pg.createGrid(x=n, y=n) >>> for bound in mesh.boundaries(): ... if not bound.rightCell(): ... bound.setMarker(pg.MARKER_BOUND_MIXED) ... if == 0: ... bound.setMarker(pg.MARKER_BOUND_HOMOGEN_NEUMANN) >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() >>> drawMeshBoundaries(ax, mesh) """ if not mesh: raise Exception("drawMeshBoundaries(axes, mesh): invalid mesh") if not mesh.dimension() == 2: raise Exception("No 2d mesh: dim = ", mesh.dimension()) if mesh.nodeCount() < 2: raise Exception("drawMeshBoundaries(axes, mesh): to few nodes", mesh.nodeCount()) if kwargs.pop('fitView', True): axes.set_xlim(mesh.xmin() - 0.05, mesh.xmax() + 0.05) axes.set_ylim(mesh.ymin() - 0.05, mesh.ymax() + 0.05) # drawAA = True # swatch = pg.Stopwatch(True) mesh.createNeighbourInfos() if not hideMesh: drawSelectedMeshBoundaries(axes, mesh.findBoundaryByMarker(0), color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), linewidth=0.3) drawSelectedMeshBoundaries(axes, mesh.findBoundaryByMarker( pg.MARKER_BOUND_HOMOGEN_NEUMANN), color=(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0), linewidth=1.0) drawSelectedMeshBoundaries(axes, mesh.findBoundaryByMarker( pg.MARKER_BOUND_MIXED), color=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), linewidth=1.0) b0 = [b for b in mesh.boundaries() if b.marker() > 0] drawSelectedMeshBoundaries(axes, b0, color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), linewidth=1.5) b4 = [b for b in mesh.boundaries() if b.marker() < -4] drawSelectedMeshBoundaries(axes, b4, color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), linewidth=1.5) if mesh.cellCount() == 0: drawPLC(axes, mesh, **kwargs) updateAxes_(axes)
def drawMeshBoundaries(axes, mesh, hideMesh=False, **kwargs): """ Draw mesh on axes with boundary conditions colorized. Parameters ---------- **kwargs: fitView : bool [True] Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import pygimli as pg >>> from pygimli.mplviewer import drawMeshBoundaries >>> n = np.linspace(0,-2,11) >>> mesh = pg.createGrid(x=n, y=n) >>> for bound in mesh.boundaries(): ... if not bound.rightCell(): ... bound.setMarker(pg.MARKER_BOUND_MIXED) ... if == 0: ... bound.setMarker(pg.MARKER_BOUND_HOMOGEN_NEUMANN) >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() >>> drawMeshBoundaries(ax, mesh) """ if not mesh: raise Exception("drawMeshBoundaries(axes, mesh): invalid mesh") if not mesh.dimension() == 2: raise Exception("No 2d mesh: dim = ", mesh.dimension()) if mesh.nodeCount() < 2: raise Exception("drawMeshBoundaries(axes, mesh): to few nodes", mesh.nodeCount()) if kwargs.pop('fitView', True): axes.set_xlim(mesh.xmin() - 0.05, mesh.xmax() + 0.05) axes.set_ylim(mesh.ymin() - 0.05, mesh.ymax() + 0.05) # drawAA = True # swatch = pg.Stopwatch(True) mesh.createNeighbourInfos() if not hideMesh: drawSelectedMeshBoundaries(axes, mesh.findBoundaryByMarker(0), color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), linewidth=0.3) drawSelectedMeshBoundaries(axes, mesh.findBoundaryByMarker( pg.MARKER_BOUND_HOMOGEN_NEUMANN), color=(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0), linewidth=1.0) drawSelectedMeshBoundaries(axes, mesh.findBoundaryByMarker( pg.MARKER_BOUND_MIXED), color=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), linewidth=1.0) b0 = [b for b in mesh.boundaries() if b.marker() > 0] drawSelectedMeshBoundaries(axes, b0, color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), linewidth=1.5) b4 = [b for b in mesh.boundaries() if b.marker() < -4] drawSelectedMeshBoundaries(axes, b4, color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), linewidth=1.5) if mesh.cellCount() == 0: eCircles = [] cols = [] for n in mesh.nodes(): col = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) if n.marker() == pg.MARKER_NODE_SENSOR: col = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0) #eCircles.append(mpl.patches.Circle((n.pos()[0], n.pos()[1]))) axes.plot(n.pos()[0], n.pos()[1], 'bo', markersize=5, color='black') #eCircles.append(mpl.patches.Circle((n.pos()[0], n.pos()[1]), 0.1)) cols.append(col) p = mpl.collections.PatchCollection(eCircles, color=cols) axes.add_collection(p) for reg in mesh.regionMarker(): axes.text(reg[0], reg[1], str(reg.marker()) + ": " + str(reg.area()), color='black') # 'white' for hole in mesh.holeMarker(): axes.text(hole[0], hole[1], 'H', color='black') updateAxes_(axes)