def calcSeismics(meshIn, vP): """Do seismic computations.""" meshSeis = meshIn.createH2() meshSeis = mt.appendTriangleBoundary(meshSeis, xbound=25, ybound=22.0, marker=1, quality=32.0, area=0.3, smooth=True, markerBoundary=1, isSubSurface=False, verbose=False) print(meshSeis) meshSeis = meshSeis.createH2() meshSeis = meshSeis.createH2() # meshSeis = meshSeis.createP2() meshSeis.smooth(1, 1, 1, 4) vP = pg.interpolate(meshIn, vP, meshSeis.cellCenters()) mesh = meshSeis vP = pg.solver.fillEmptyToCellArray(mesh, vP) print(mesh) # ax, cbar =, data=vP) #, axes=ax) geophPointsX = np.arange(-19, 19.1, 1) geophPoints = np.vstack((geophPointsX, np.zeros(len(geophPointsX)))).T sourcePos = geophPoints[4] c = mesh.findCell(sourcePos) h1 = pg.findBoundary(c.boundaryNodes(0)).size() h2 = pg.findBoundary(c.boundaryNodes(1)).size() h3 = pg.findBoundary(c.boundaryNodes(2)).size() print([h1, h2, h3]) h = pg.math.median([h1, h2, h3]) # h = pg.math.median(mesh.boundarySizes()) f0scale = 0.25 cfl = 0.5 dt = cfl * h / max(vP) print("Courant-Friedrich-Lewy number:", cfl) tmax = 40. / min(vP) times = np.arange(0.0, tmax, dt) solutionName = createCacheName('seis', mesh, times) + "cfl-" + str(cfl) try: # u = pg.load(solutionName + '.bmat') uI = pg.load(solutionName + 'I.bmat') except Exception as e: print(e) f0 = f0scale * 1. / dt print("h:", round(h, 2), "dt:", round(dt, 5), "1/dt:", round(1 / dt, 1), "f0", round(f0, 2), "Wavelength: ", round(max(vP) / f0, 2), " m") uSource = ricker(times, f0, t0=1. / f0) plt.figure() plt.plot(times, uSource, '-*') plt.pause(0.01) u = solvePressureWave(mesh, vP, times, sourcePos=sourcePos, uSource=uSource, verbose=10) uI = pg.Matrix() print("interpolate node to cell data ... ") pg.interpolate(mesh, u, mesh.cellCenters(), uI) print("... done") + 'I') # nodes = [mesh.findNearestNode(p) for p in geophPoints] # fig = plt.figure() # axs = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) # drawSeismogramm(axs, mesh, u, nodes, dt, i=None) # dpi = 92 scale = 1 fig = plt.figure(facecolor='white', figsize=(scale * 800 / dpi, scale * 490 / dpi), dpi=dpi) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) gci = pg.viewer.mpl.drawModel(ax, mesh, data=uI[0], cMin=-1, cMax=1, cmap='bwr') pg.viewer.mpl.drawMeshBoundaries(ax, meshIn, hideMesh=1) ax.set_xlim((-20, 20)) ax.set_ylim((-15, 0)) ax.set_ylabel('Depth [m]') ax.set_xlabel('$x$ [m]') ticks = ax.yaxis.get_majorticklocs() tickLabels = [] for t in ticks: tickLabels.append(str(int(abs(t)))) ax.set_yticklabels(tickLabels) plt.tight_layout() # ax, cbar =, data=vP) # pg.showNow() # ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) def animate(i): i = i * 5 if i > len(uI) - 1: return print("Frame:", i, "/", len(uI)) ui = uI[i] ui = ui / max(pg.abs(ui)) ui = pg.logDropTol(ui, 1e-2) cMax = max(pg.abs(ui)) pg.viewer.mpl.setMappableData(gci, ui, cMin=-cMax, cMax=cMax, logScale=False) # plt.pause(0.001) anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=int(len(uI) / 5), interval=0.001, repeat=0) # , blit=True) out = 'seis' + str(f0scale) + "cfl-" + str(cfl) + ".mp4", writer=None, fps=20, dpi=dpi, codec=None, bitrate=24 * 1024, extra_args=None, metadata=None, extra_anim=None, savefig_kwargs=None) try: print("create frames ... ") os.system('mkdir -p anim-' + out) os.system('ffmpeg -i ' + out + '.mp4 anim-' + out + '/movie%d.jpg') except: pass
def calcSeismics(meshIn, vP): meshSeis = meshIn.createH2() #meshSeis = meshIn meshSeis = appendTriangleBoundary(meshSeis, xbound=25, ybound=22.0, marker=1, quality=32.0, area=0.3, smooth=True, markerBoundary=1, isSubSurface=False, verbose=False) print(meshSeis) meshSeis = meshSeis.createH2() meshSeis = meshSeis.createH2() #meshSeis = meshSeis.createH2() #meshSeis = meshSeis.createP2() meshSeis.smooth(1, 1, 1, 4) vP = pg.interpolate(meshIn, vP, meshSeis.cellCenters()) mesh = meshSeis vP = pg.solver.fillEmptyToCellArray(mesh, vP) print(mesh) #ax, cbar =, data=vP), axes=ax) geophPointsX = np.arange(-19, 19.1, 1) geophPoints = np.vstack((geophPointsX, np.zeros(len(geophPointsX)))).T sourcePos=geophPoints[4] c = mesh.findCell(sourcePos) h1 = pg.findBoundary(c.boundaryNodes(0)).size() h2 = pg.findBoundary(c.boundaryNodes(1)).size() h3 = pg.findBoundary(c.boundaryNodes(2)).size() print([h1, h2, h3]) h = pg.median([h1, h2, h3]) #h = pg.median(mesh.boundarySizes()) f0scale = 0.25 cfl = 0.5 dt = cfl * h /max(vP) print("Courant-Friedrich-Lewy-Zahl:", cfl) tmax = 40./min(vP) times = np.arange(0.0, tmax, dt) solutionName = createCacheName('seis', mesh, times) + "cfl-" + str(cfl) try: U = None #u = pg.load(solutionName + '.bmat') uI = pg.load(solutionName + 'I.bmat') except Exception as e: print(e) f0 = f0scale * 1./dt print("h:", round(h,2), "dt:", round(dt,5), "1/dt:", round(1/dt,1), "f0", round(f0,2), "Wavelength: ", round(max(vP)/f0, 2), " m") uSource = ricker(times, f0, t0=1./f0) plt.figure() plt.plot(times, uSource, '-*') plt.pause(0.01) u = solvePressureWave(mesh, vP, times, sourcePos=sourcePos, uSource=uSource, verbose=10) uI = pg.RMatrix() print("interpolate node to cell data ... ") pg.interpolate(mesh, u, mesh.cellCenters(), uI) print("... done")'I') #nodes = [mesh.findNearestNode(p) for p in geophPoints] #fig = plt.figure() #axs = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) #drawSeismogramm(axs, mesh, u, nodes, dt, i=None) dpi=92 scale=1 fig = plt.figure(facecolor='white', figsize=(scale*800/dpi, scale*490/dpi), dpi=dpi) ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) gci = pg.mplviewer.drawModel(ax, mesh, data=uI[0], cMin=-1, cMax=1, cmap='bwr') pg.mplviewer.drawMeshBoundaries(ax, meshIn, hideMesh=1) ax.set_xlim((-20, 20)) ax.set_ylim((-15, 0)) ax.set_ylabel('Depth [m]') ax.set_xlabel('$x$ [m]') ticks = ax.yaxis.get_majorticklocs() tickLabels = [] for t in ticks: tickLabels.append(str(int(abs(t)))) ax.set_yticklabels(tickLabels) plt.tight_layout() #ax, cbar =, data=vP) #pg.showNow() #ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) def animate(i): i=i*5 if i >len(uI)-1: return print("Frame:", i, "/", len(uI)) ui = uI[i] ui = ui / max(pg.abs(ui)) ui = pg.logDropTol(ui, 1e-2) cMax = max(pg.abs(ui)) pg.mplviewer.setMappableData(gci, ui, cMin=-cMax, cMax=cMax, logScale=False ) #plt.pause(0.001) anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=int(len(uI)/5), interval=0.001, repeat=0)#, blit=True) out = 'seis' + str(f0scale) + "cfl-" + str(cfl) + ".mp4", writer=None, fps=20, dpi=dpi, codec=None, bitrate=24*1024, extra_args=None, metadata=None, extra_anim=None, savefig_kwargs=None) try: print("create frames ... ") os.system('mkdir -p anim-' + out) os.system('ffmpeg -i ' + out + '.mp4 anim-' + out + '/movie%d.jpg') except: pass
z = 2. f0 = 1000.0 # A low wavelength of 50 Hz velocities = pg.RVector(mesh.cellCount(), v1) for c in mesh.cells(): velocities[] = v1 if[1] < -z: velocities[] = v2 dt = h * 0.5/max(velocities) times = np.arange(0.0, tmax, dt) print(mesh, "h:", h, "dt:", dt, "n_t", len(times)) uSource = ricker(f0, times, t0=1./f0) solutionName = 'uGridBig-'+ str(dt) + '-' + str(h) nx = len(x) ny = len(y) dt = times[1] - times[0] try: print("load:", solutionName) u = pg.load(solutionName + '.bmat') except Exception as e: print(e) u = solvePressureWave(mesh, velocities, times, sourcePos=(0.0, 0.0), uSource=uSource, verbose=10) + '.bmat')
z = 2. f0 = 1000.0 # A low wavelength of 50 Hz velocities = pg.Vector(mesh.cellCount(), v1) for c in mesh.cells(): velocities[] = v1 if[1] < -z: velocities[] = v2 dt = h * 0.5 / max(velocities) times = np.arange(0.0, tmax, dt) print(mesh, "h:", h, "dt:", dt, "n_t", len(times)) uSource = ricker(f0, times, t0=1. / f0) solutionName = 'uGridBig-' + str(dt) + '-' + str(h) nx = len(x) ny = len(y) dt = times[1] - times[0] try: print("load:", solutionName) u = pg.load(solutionName + '.bmat') except Exception as e: print(e) u = solvePressureWave(mesh, velocities, times,
t1 = swatch.duration(True) if verbose and (n % verbose == 0): print(str(n) + "/" + str(len(times)), times[n], dt, t1, min(u[n]), max(u[n])) plt.figure() plt.plot(timeIter1, label="Ass:1") plt.plot(timeIter2, label="Sol:1") plt.plot(timeIter3, label="Ass:2") plt.plot(timeIter4, label="Sol:2") plt.legend() plt.figure() return u if __name__ == "__main__": from pygimli.physics.seismics import ricker, wiggle import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np t = np.arange(0, 0.02, 1.0 / 5000) r = ricker(t, 100.0, 1.0 / 100) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) wiggle(ax, r, t, xoffset=0, posColor="red", negColor="blue", alpha=0.2) wiggle(ax, r, t, xoffset=1) wiggle(ax, r, t, xoffset=2, posColor="black", negColor="white", alpha=1.0)