예제 #1
    def computeTravelTimes(self, slowness, allSensors=True):
        """Compute the travel times and fill data and time matrix
        for later use of response and Jacobian, respectively.
        For response only active sources are needed, for Jacobian we need all.
        # mesh = self.mesh()  # better but for now input mesh
        mesh = self.mesh_
        data = self.data_
        param_markers = np.unique(mesh.cellMarkers())
        param_count = len(param_markers)
        if len(slowness) == mesh.cellCount():
        elif len(slowness) == param_count:
            # map the regions in the mesh to slowness
            slow_map = pg.stdMapF_F()
            min_reg_num = min(param_markers)
            for i, si in enumerate(slowness):
                slow_map.insert(float(i+min_reg_num), si)

            raise ValueError("Wrong no of parameters. Mesh size: {}, no "
                             "of regions: {}, and number of slowness values:"
                             "{}".format(self.mesh().cellCount(), param_count,

        times = pg.RVector(self.nNodes, 0.)
        upTags = np.zeros(self.nNodes)
        downTags = np.zeros(mesh.nodeCount())
        for iSource in range(self.nSensors):
            # initial condition (reset vectors)
            times *= 0.0
            upTags *= 0
            downwind = set()
            source = self.data_.sensorPosition(iSource)
            cell = self.mesh_.findCell(source)
            # fill in nodes around source using local smoothness
            for i, n in enumerate(cell.nodes()):
                times[n.id()] = cell.attribute() * n.pos().distance(source)
                upTags[n.id()] = 1
            for i, n in enumerate(cell.nodes()):
                tmpNodes = pg.commonNodes(n.cellSet())
                for nn in tmpNodes:
                    if not upTags[nn.id()] and not downTags[nn.id()]:
                        downTags[nn.id()] = 1

            while len(downwind) > 0:  # start fast marching
                fastMarch(self.mesh_, downwind, times, upTags, downTags)

            self.dataMatrix[iSource] = pg.interpolate(mesh, times,
            self.timeMatrix[iSource] = pg.interpolate(mesh, times,

            sensor_idx = data("g")[data("s") == iSource]
예제 #2
    def computeTravelTimes(self, slowness, allSensors=True):
        """Compute the travel times and fill data and time matrix
        for later use of response and Jacobian, respectively.
        For response only active sources are needed, for Jacobian we need all.
        # mesh = self.mesh()  # better but for now input mesh
        mesh = self.mesh_
        data = self.data_
        param_markers = np.unique(mesh.cellMarkers())
        param_count = len(param_markers)
        if len(slowness) == mesh.cellCount():
        elif len(slowness) == param_count:
            # map the regions in the mesh to slowness
            slow_map = pg.stdMapF_F()
            min_reg_num = min(param_markers)
            for i, si in enumerate(slowness):
                slow_map.insert(float(i + min_reg_num), si)

            raise ValueError("Wrong no of parameters. Mesh size: {}, no "
                             "of regions: {}, and number of slowness values:"
                             "{}".format(self.mesh().cellCount(), param_count,

        times = pg.RVector(self.nNodes, 0.)
        upTags = np.zeros(self.nNodes)
        downTags = np.zeros(mesh.nodeCount())
        for iSource in range(self.nSensors):
            # initial condition (reset vectors)
            times *= 0.0
            upTags *= 0
            downwind = set()
            source = self.data_.sensorPosition(iSource)
            cell = self.mesh_.findCell(source)
            # fill in nodes around source using local smoothness
            for i, n in enumerate(cell.nodes()):
                times[n.id()] = cell.attribute() * n.pos().distance(source)
                upTags[n.id()] = 1
            for i, n in enumerate(cell.nodes()):
                tmpNodes = pg.commonNodes(n.cellSet())
                for nn in tmpNodes:
                    if not upTags[nn.id()] and not downTags[nn.id()]:
                        downTags[nn.id()] = 1

            while len(downwind) > 0:  # start fast marching
                fastMarch(self.mesh_, downwind, times, upTags, downTags)

            self.dataMatrix[iSource] = pg.interpolate(mesh, times,
            self.timeMatrix[iSource] = pg.interpolate(mesh, times,

            sensor_idx = data("g")[data("s") == iSource]
예제 #3
    # initialize source position and trvel time vector
    source = pg.RVector3(0., 0.)
    times = pg.RVector(mesh.nodeCount(), 0.)

    # initialize sets and tags
    upwind, downwind = set(), set()
    upTags, downTags = np.zeros(mesh.nodeCount()), np.zeros(mesh.nodeCount())

    # define initial condition
    cell = mesh.findCell(source)

    for i, n in enumerate(cell.nodes()):
        times[n.id()] = cell.attribute() * n.pos().distance(source)
        upTags[n.id()] = 1
    for i, n in enumerate(cell.nodes()):
        tmpNodes = pg.commonNodes(n.cellSet())
        for nn in tmpNodes:
            if not upTags[nn.id()] and not downTags[nn.id()]:
                downTags[nn.id()] = 1

    # start fast marching
    tic = time.time()
    while len(downwind) > 0:
        fastMarch(mesh, downwind, times, upTags, downTags)

    print(time.time() - tic, "s")

    # compare with analytical solution along the x axis
    x = np.arange(0., 100., 0.5)
    t = pg.interpolate(mesh, times, pg.asvector(x), x * 0., x * 0.)
예제 #4
def fastMarch( mesh, downwind, times, upTags, downTags ):

    def findSlowness( edge ):
        if edge.leftCell() is None:
            slowness = edge.rightCell().attribute()
        elif edge.rightCell() is None:
            slowness = edge.leftCell().attribute()
            slowness = min( edge.leftCell().attribute(), edge.rightCell().attribute() )
        return slowness
    # def findSlowness( ... )

    upCandidate = []

    for node in downwind:
        neighNodes = pg.commonNodes( node.cellSet() )

        upNodes = []
        for n in neighNodes:
            if upTags[ n.id() ]:
                upNodes.append( n )

        if len( upNodes ) == 1:
            # this is the dijkstra case
            edge = pg.findBoundary( upNodes[0], node )
            tt = times[ upNodes[0].id() ] + findSlowness( edge ) * edge.shape().domainSize()

            heapq.heappush( upCandidate, (tt, node) )
            cells = node.cellSet()
            for c in cells:
                for i in range( c.nodeCount() ):
                    edge = pg.findBoundary( c.node( i ), c.node( (i + 1 )%3 ) )

                    a = edge.node( 0 )
                    b = edge.node( 1 )
                    ta = times[ a.id() ]
                    tb = times[ b.id() ]

                    if upTags[ a.id() ] and upTags[ b.id() ]:
                        line = pg.Line( a.pos(), b.pos() )
                        t = min( 1., max( 0., line.nearest( node.pos() ) ) )

                        ea = pg.findBoundary( a, node )
                        eb = pg.findBoundary( b, node )

                        if t == 0:
                            slowness = findSlowness( ea )
                        elif t == 1:
                            slowness = findSlowness( eb )
                            slowness = c.attribute()

                        ttimeA = ( ta               + slowness * a.pos().distance( node.pos() ) )
                        ttimeQ = ( ta + t*(tb-ta) ) + slowness * line( t ).distance( node.pos() )
                        ttimeB = ( tb               + slowness * b.pos().distance( node.pos() ) )

                        heapq.heappush( upCandidate, (min(ttimeA,ttimeQ,ttimeB), node ) )

    #for c in upCandidate:
        #print c[1].id(), c[0]
    candidate = heapq.heappop( upCandidate )
    #print candidate
    newUpNode = candidate[1]
    times[ newUpNode.id() ] = candidate[0]
    upTags[ newUpNode.id() ] = 1
    #print newUpNode
    downwind.remove( newUpNode )

    newDownNodes = pg.commonNodes( newUpNode.cellSet() )
    for nn in newDownNodes:
        if not upTags[ nn.id() ] and not downTags[ nn.id() ]:
            downwind.add( nn )
            downTags[ nn.id() ] = 1
예제 #5
def fastMarch(mesh, downwind, times, upT, downT):
    """Do one front marching."""
    upCandidate = []

    for node in downwind:
        neighNodes = pg.commonNodes(node.cellSet())

        upNodes = []
        for n in neighNodes:
            if upT[n.id()]:

        if len(upNodes) == 1:  # the Dijkstra case
            edge = pg.findBoundary(upNodes[0], node)

            if edge is None:
                raise StandardError("no edge found")

            tt = times[upNodes[0].id()] + \
                findSlowness(edge) * edge.shape().domainSize()
            # use node id additionally in case of equal travel times
            heapq.heappush(upCandidate, (tt, node.id(), node))
            cells = node.cellSet()
            for c in cells:
                for i in range(c.nodeCount()):
                    edge = pg.findBoundary(c.node(i),
                                           c.node((i + 1) % c.nodeCount()))

                    a = edge.node(0)
                    b = edge.node(1)
                    ta = times[a.id()]
                    tb = times[b.id()]

                    if upT[a.id()] and upT[b.id()]:
                        line = pg.Line(a.pos(), b.pos())
                        t = min(1., max(0., line.nearest(node.pos())))

                        ea = pg.findBoundary(a, node)
                        eb = pg.findBoundary(b, node)

                        #if ea is None or eb is None:
                        #print(a, b, node)

                        if t == 0:
                            slowness = findSlowness(ea)
                        elif t == 1:
                            slowness = findSlowness(eb)
                            slowness = c.attribute()

                        ttimeA = (ta + slowness * a.pos().distance(node.pos()))
                        ttimeQ = (ta + t * (tb - ta)) + \
                            slowness * line(t).distance(node.pos())
                        ttimeB = (tb + slowness * b.pos().distance(node.pos()))
                        tmin = min(ttimeA, ttimeQ, ttimeB)
                        heapq.heappush(upCandidate, (tmin, node.id(), node))

    candidate = heapq.heappop(upCandidate)
    newUpNode = candidate[2]  # original
    times[newUpNode.id()] = candidate[0]
    upT[newUpNode.id()] = 1
    newDownNodes = pg.commonNodes(newUpNode.cellSet())
    #    newUpNodeId = candidate[1]  # original
    #    times[newUpNodeId] = candidate[0]
    #    upT[newUpNodeId] = 1
    #    downwind.remove(newUpNodeId)
    #    newDownNodes = pg.commonNodes(mesh.node(newUpNodeId).cellSet())
    for nn in newDownNodes:
        if not upT[nn.id()] and not downT[nn.id()]:
            downT[nn.id()] = 1
예제 #6
    def computeTravelTimes(self, slowness, calcOthers=False):
        """Compute the travel times and fill data and time matrix
        for later use of response and Jacobian, respectively.
        For response only active sources are needed, for Jacobian all.
        mesh = self.mesh()
        nNodes = mesh.nodeCount()
        midPoints = self.mesh().cellCenters()
        param_markers = np.unique(mesh.cellMarkers())
        param_count = len(param_markers)
        data = self.data()
        if len(slowness) == mesh.cellCount():
            # self.mapModel(slowness)
        elif len(slowness) == param_count:
            # map the regions in the mesh to slowness
            slow_map = pg.stdMapF_F()
            min_reg_num = min(param_markers)
            for i, si in enumerate(slowness):
                slow_map.insert(float(i + min_reg_num), si)

            raise ValueError("Wrong no of parameters. Mesh size: {}, no "
                             "of regions: {}, and number of slowness values:"
                             "{}".format(mesh.cellCount(), param_count,

        times = pg.RVector(nNodes, 0.)
        upTags = np.zeros(nNodes)
        downTags = np.zeros(nNodes)
        sourceIndices = np.unique(data("s"))
        if calcOthers:
            ns = len(sourceIndices)
            geophoneIndices = np.setxor1d(np.arange(data.sensorCount()),
            sourceIndices = geophoneIndices
            #            geophoneIndices = np.unique(data("g"))
            if self.debug:
                print("{:d}-{:d}={:d}".format(data.sensorCount(), ns,

#        if self.debug:  # resize not working
#            self.solution().resize(self.mesh().nodeCount(), self.nSensors)
#            print(self.solution().rows(), self.solution().cols())
        for iSource in np.array(sourceIndices, dtype=int):
            if self.debug:
            # initial condition (reset vectors)
            times *= 0.0
            upTags *= 0
            downTags *= 0
            downwind = set()
            source = data.sensorPosition(int(iSource))
            cell = mesh.findCell(source)
            # fill in nodes around source using local smoothness
            for i, n in enumerate(cell.nodes()):
                times[n.id()] = cell.attribute() * n.pos().distance(source)
                upTags[n.id()] = 1
            for i, n in enumerate(cell.nodes()):
                tmpNodes = pg.commonNodes(n.cellSet())
                for nn in tmpNodes:
                    if not upTags[nn.id()] and not downTags[nn.id()]:
                        downTags[nn.id()] = 1

            while len(downwind) > 0:  # start fast marching
                fastMarch(mesh, downwind, times, upTags, downTags)

            self.dataMatrix[iSource] = pg.interpolate(
                mesh, times, destPos=data.sensorPositions())
            self.timeMatrix[iSource] = pg.interpolate(mesh,

            if self.debug:
                print(self.solution().rows(), self.solution().cols())
                print(len(times), self.mesh())
                self.solution()[int(iSource)] = times
                self.solution().setCol(int(iSource), times)
예제 #7
    def response(self, slowness):
        Response function. Returns the result of the forward calculation.
        Uses the shot- and sensor positions specified in the data container.

        mesh = self.mesh()
        param_markers = np.unique(mesh.cellMarker())
        param_count = len(param_markers)
        if len(slowness) == mesh.cellCount():
        elif len(slowness) == param_count:
            # map the regions in the mesh to slowness
            slow_map = pg.stdMapF_F()
            min_reg_num = min(param_markers)
            for i, si in enumerate(slowness):
                slow_map.insert(float(i+min_reg_num), si)

            raise ValueError("Wrong no of parameters. Mesh size: {}, no "
                             "of regions: {}, and number of slowness values:"
                             "{}".format(self.mesh().cellCount(), param_count,

        data = self.data()
        n_data = data.size()
        t_fmm = np.zeros(n_data)
        idx = 0
        for source_idx in [0]:  # np.unique(data("s")):
            # initialize source position and trvel time vector
            n_sensors = np.sum(data("s") == source_idx)
            # maybe not always same number of sensors
            source = data.sensorPosition(int(source_idx))
            times = pg.RVector(mesh.nodeCount(), 0.)

            # initialize sets and tags
#            upwind, downwind = set(), set()
            downwind = set()
            upTags = np.zeros(mesh.nodeCount())
            downTags = np.zeros(mesh.nodeCount())

            # define initial condition
            cell = mesh.findCell(source)

            for i, n in enumerate(cell.nodes()):
                times[n.id()] = cell.attribute() * n.pos().distance(source)
                upTags[n.id()] = 1
            for i, n in enumerate(cell.nodes()):
                tmpNodes = pg.commonNodes(n.cellSet())
                for nn in tmpNodes:
                    if not upTags[nn.id()] and not downTags[nn.id()]:
                        downTags[nn.id()] = 1

            # start fast marching
            while len(downwind) > 0:
                fastMarch(mesh, downwind, times, upTags, downTags)
            self.timefields[source_idx] = np.array(times)

            sensor_idx = data("g")[data("s") == source_idx]

            t_fmm[idx:idx+n_sensors] = np.array(
                 for i in sensor_idx])
            idx += n_sensors

        return t_fmm
예제 #8
def fastMarch(mesh, downwind, times, upT, downT):
    upCandidate = []
#    print('.', end='')

    for node in downwind:
        neighNodes = pg.commonNodes(node.cellSet())

        upNodes = []
        for n in neighNodes:
            if upT[n.id()]:

        if len(upNodes) == 1:  # the Dijkstra case
            edge = pg.findBoundary(upNodes[0], node)
            tt = times[upNodes[0].id()] + \
                findSlowness(edge) * edge.shape().domainSize()

            heapq.heappush(upCandidate, (tt, node))
            cells = node.cellSet()
            for c in cells:
                for i in range(c.nodeCount()):
                    edge = pg.findBoundary(c.node(i), c.node((i + 1) % 3))

                    a = edge.node(0)
                    b = edge.node(1)
                    ta = times[a.id()]
                    tb = times[b.id()]

                    if upT[a.id()] and upT[b.id()]:
                        line = pg.Line(a.pos(), b.pos())
                        t = min(1., max(0., line.nearest(node.pos())))

                        ea = pg.findBoundary(a, node)
                        eb = pg.findBoundary(b, node)

                        if t == 0:
                            slowness = findSlowness(ea)
                        elif t == 1:
                            slowness = findSlowness(eb)
                            slowness = c.attribute()

                        ttimeA = (ta + slowness * a.pos().distance(node.pos()))
                        ttimeQ = (ta + t * (tb - ta)) + \
                            slowness * line(t).distance(node.pos())
                        ttimeB = (tb + slowness * b.pos().distance(node.pos()))

                                       (min(ttimeA, ttimeQ, ttimeB), node))

    # for c in upCandidate:
        # print c[1].id(), c[0]
    candidate = heapq.heappop(upCandidate)
    # print candidate
    newUpNode = candidate[1]
    times[newUpNode.id()] = candidate[0]
    upT[newUpNode.id()] = 1
    # print newUpNode

    newDownNodes = pg.commonNodes(newUpNode.cellSet())
    for nn in newDownNodes:
        if not upT[nn.id()] and not downT[nn.id()]:
            downT[nn.id()] = 1
예제 #9
def test():
    mesh = pg.Mesh('mesh/test2d')


    source = pg.RVector3(-80, 0.)
    times = pg.RVector(mesh.nodeCount(), 0.)

    for c in mesh.cells():
        if c.marker() == 1:
        elif c.marker() == 2:
        # c.setAttribute(abs(1./c.center()[1]))

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.subplot(1, 1, 1)

    anaTimes = pg.RVector(mesh.nodeCount(), 0.0)

    for n in mesh.nodes():
        anaTimes[n.id()] = source.distance(n.pos())

    # d = pg.DataContainer()
    # dijk = pg.TravelTimeDijkstraModelling(mesh, d)

    # upwind = set()
    downwind = set()
    upTags = np.zeros(mesh.nodeCount())
    downTags = np.zeros(mesh.nodeCount())

    # define initial condition
    cell = mesh.findCell(source)

    for n in cell.nodes():
        times[n.id()] = cell.attribute() * n.pos().distance(source)
        upTags[n.id()] = 1

    for n in cell.nodes():
        tmpNodes = pg.commonNodes(n.cellSet())
        for nn in tmpNodes:
            if not upTags[nn.id()] and not downTags[nn.id()]:
                downTags[nn.id()] = 1

    # start fast marching
    tic = time.time()
    while len(downwind) > 0:
        # model = pg.RVector(mesh.cellCount(), 0.0)

        # for c in upwind: model.setVal(2, c.id())
        # for c in downwind: model.setVal(1, c.id())
        # drawMesh(a, mesh)

        # a.plot(source[0], source[1], 'x')

        # for c in mesh.cells():
        # a.text(c.center()[0],c.center()[1], str(c.id()))

        # for n in mesh.nodes():
        # if upTags[n.id()]:
        # a.plot(n.pos()[0], n.pos()[1], 'o', color='black')

        # mindist = 9e99
        # for n in downwind:
        # a.plot(n.pos()[0], n.pos()[1], 'o', color='white')

        # if n.pos().distance(source) < mindist:
        # mindist = n.pos().distance(source)
        # nextPredict = n

        # print "next predicted ", n.id(), mindist
        # a.plot(nextPredict.pos()[0], nextPredict.pos()[1],
        # 'o', color='green')

        # drawField(a, mesh, times)
        # drawField(a, mesh, anaTimes, colors = 'white')
        # a.figure.canvas.draw()

        # a.figure.show()
        # raw_input('Press Enter...')
        # a.clear()

        fastMarch(mesh, downwind, times, upTags, downTags)

    print(time.time() - tic, "s")

    drawMesh(ax, mesh)
    drawField(ax, mesh, times, filled=True)
예제 #10
mesh.mapCellAttributes(slomap)  # map values to attributes using map

# We initialize the source position and the travel time vector
# initialize sets and tags and define the initial condition.
source = pg.RVector3(0., 0.)  # does not have to be a node!
times = pg.RVector(mesh.nodeCount(), 0.)
upwind, downwind = set(), set()
upTags, downTags = np.zeros(mesh.nodeCount()), np.zeros(mesh.nodeCount())
cell = mesh.findCell(source)
for i, n in enumerate(cell.nodes()):
    times[n.id()] = cell.attribute() * n.pos().distance(source)
    upTags[n.id()] = 1
for i, n in enumerate(cell.nodes()):
    tmpNodes = pg.commonNodes(n.cellSet())
    for nn in tmpNodes:
        if not upTags[nn.id()] and not downTags[nn.id()]:
            downTags[nn.id()] = 1

# Then we start marching until all fields are filled.
tic = time.time()
while len(downwind) > 0:
    fastMarch(mesh, downwind, times, upTags, downTags)

print(time.time() - tic, "s")

# First, we plot the traveltime field and streamlines
예제 #11
def fastMarch(mesh, downwind, times, upT, downT):
    """Do one front marching."""
    upCandidate = []

    for node in downwind:
        neighNodes = pg.commonNodes(node.cellSet())

        upNodes = []
        for n in neighNodes:
            if upT[n.id()]:

        if len(upNodes) == 1:  # the Dijkstra case
            edge = pg.findBoundary(upNodes[0], node)

            if edge is None:
                raise StandardError("no edge found")

            tt = times[upNodes[0].id()] + \
                findSlowness(edge) * edge.shape().domainSize()
            # use node id additionally in case of equal travel times
            heapq.heappush(upCandidate, (tt, node.id(), node))
            cells = node.cellSet()
            for c in cells:
                for i in range(c.nodeCount()):
                    edge = pg.findBoundary(c.node(i), c.node((i + 1) % c.nodeCount()))

                    a = edge.node(0)
                    b = edge.node(1)
                    ta = times[a.id()]
                    tb = times[b.id()]

                    if upT[a.id()] and upT[b.id()]:
                        line = pg.Line(a.pos(), b.pos())
                        t = min(1., max(0., line.nearest(node.pos())))

                        ea = pg.findBoundary(a, node)
                        eb = pg.findBoundary(b, node)

                        #if ea is None or eb is None:
                            #print(a, b, node)

                        if t == 0:
                            slowness = findSlowness(ea)
                        elif t == 1:
                            slowness = findSlowness(eb)
                            slowness = c.attribute()

                        ttimeA = (ta + slowness * a.pos().distance(node.pos()))
                        ttimeQ = (ta + t * (tb - ta)) + \
                            slowness * line(t).distance(node.pos())
                        ttimeB = (tb + slowness * b.pos().distance(node.pos()))
                        tmin = min(ttimeA, ttimeQ, ttimeB)
                        heapq.heappush(upCandidate, (tmin, node.id(), node))

    candidate = heapq.heappop(upCandidate)
    newUpNode = candidate[2]  # original
    times[newUpNode.id()] = candidate[0]
    upT[newUpNode.id()] = 1
    newDownNodes = pg.commonNodes(newUpNode.cellSet())
#    newUpNodeId = candidate[1]  # original
#    times[newUpNodeId] = candidate[0]
#    upT[newUpNodeId] = 1
#    downwind.remove(newUpNodeId)
#    newDownNodes = pg.commonNodes(mesh.node(newUpNodeId).cellSet())
    for nn in newDownNodes:
        if not upT[nn.id()] and not downT[nn.id()]:
            downT[nn.id()] = 1
예제 #12
    def computeTravelTimes(self, slowness, calcOthers=False):
        """Compute the travel times and fill data and time matrix
        for later use of response and Jacobian, respectively.
        For response only active sources are needed, for Jacobian all.
        mesh = self.mesh()
        nNodes = mesh.nodeCount()
        midPoints = self.mesh().cellCenters()
        param_markers = np.unique(mesh.cellMarkers())
        param_count = len(param_markers)
        data = self.data()
        if len(slowness) == mesh.cellCount():
            # self.mapModel(slowness)
        elif len(slowness) == param_count:
            # map the regions in the mesh to slowness
            slow_map = pg.stdMapF_F()
            min_reg_num = min(param_markers)
            for i, si in enumerate(slowness):
                slow_map.insert(float(i+min_reg_num), si)

            raise ValueError("Wrong no of parameters. Mesh size: {}, no "
                             "of regions: {}, and number of slowness values:"
                             "{}".format(mesh.cellCount(), param_count,

        times = pg.RVector(nNodes, 0.)
        upTags = np.zeros(nNodes)
        downTags = np.zeros(nNodes)
        sourceIndices = np.unique(data("s"))
        if calcOthers:
            ns = len(sourceIndices)
            geophoneIndices = np.setxor1d(np.arange(data.sensorCount()),
            sourceIndices = geophoneIndices
#            geophoneIndices = np.unique(data("g"))
            if self.debug:
                    data.sensorCount(), ns, len(sourceIndices)))
#        if self.debug:  # resize not working
#            self.solution().resize(self.mesh().nodeCount(), self.nSensors)
#            print(self.solution().rows(), self.solution().cols())
        for iSource in np.array(sourceIndices, dtype=int):
            if self.debug:
            # initial condition (reset vectors)
            times *= 0.0
            upTags *= 0
            downTags *= 0
            downwind = set()
            source = data.sensorPosition(int(iSource))
            cell = mesh.findCell(source)
            # fill in nodes around source using local smoothness
            for i, n in enumerate(cell.nodes()):
                times[n.id()] = cell.attribute() * n.pos().distance(source)
                upTags[n.id()] = 1
            for i, n in enumerate(cell.nodes()):
                tmpNodes = pg.commonNodes(n.cellSet())
                for nn in tmpNodes:
                    if not upTags[nn.id()] and not downTags[nn.id()]:
                        downTags[nn.id()] = 1

            while len(downwind) > 0:  # start fast marching
                fastMarch(mesh, downwind, times, upTags, downTags)

            self.dataMatrix[iSource] = pg.interpolate(
                mesh, times, destPos=data.sensorPositions())
            self.timeMatrix[iSource] = pg.interpolate(
                mesh, times, destPos=midPoints)

            if self.debug:
                print(self.solution().rows(), self.solution().cols())
                print(len(times), self.mesh())
                self.solution()[int(iSource)] = times
                self.solution().setCol(int(iSource), times)