예제 #1
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: ajhager/copycat
 def _get_symbol_and_modifiers(ev):
     # The unicode char help processing virtual keycodes (see issue 405)
     wchar = c_wchar()
     carbon.GetEventParameter(ev, kEventParamKeyUnicodes,
         typeUnicodeText, c_void_p(), sizeof(wchar), c_void_p(), byref(wchar))
         wchar = str((wchar.value)).upper()
     except UnicodeEncodeError:
         # (this fix for issue 405 caused a bug itself (see comments 6-7);
         #  this try/except fixes it)
         wchar = None
     # If the unicode char is within charmap keys (ascii value), then we use
     # the corresponding symbol.
     if wchar in charmap.keys():
         symbol = charmap[wchar]
         sym = c_uint32()
         carbon.GetEventParameter(ev, kEventParamKeyCode,
                                  typeUInt32, c_void_p(), sizeof(sym), c_void_p(), byref(sym))
         symbol = keymap.get(sym.value, None)
         if symbol is None:
             symbol = key.user_key(sym.value)
     modifiers = c_uint32()
     carbon.GetEventParameter(ev, kEventParamKeyModifiers,
         typeUInt32, c_void_p(), sizeof(modifiers), c_void_p(),
     return (symbol, CarbonWindow._map_modifiers(modifiers.value))
예제 #2
 def _get_symbol_and_modifiers(ev):
     # The unicode char help processing virtual keycodes (see issue 405)
     wchar = c_wchar()
     carbon.GetEventParameter(ev, kEventParamKeyUnicodes,
         typeUnicodeText, c_void_p(), sizeof(wchar), c_void_p(), byref(wchar))
         wchar = str((wchar.value)).upper()
     except UnicodeEncodeError:
         # (this fix for issue 405 caused a bug itself (see comments 6-7);
         #  this try/except fixes it)
         wchar = None
     # If the unicode char is within charmap keys (ascii value), then we use
     # the corresponding symbol.
     if wchar in charmap.keys():
         symbol = charmap[wchar]
         sym = c_uint32()
         carbon.GetEventParameter(ev, kEventParamKeyCode,
                                  typeUInt32, c_void_p(), sizeof(sym), c_void_p(), byref(sym))
         symbol = keymap.get(sym.value, None)
         if symbol is None:
             symbol = key.user_key(sym.value)
     modifiers = c_uint32()
     carbon.GetEventParameter(ev, kEventParamKeyModifiers,
         typeUInt32, c_void_p(), sizeof(modifiers), c_void_p(),
     return (symbol, CarbonWindow._map_modifiers(modifiers.value))
def getSymbol(nsevent):
    symbol = keymap.get(nsevent.keyCode(), None)
    if symbol is not None:
        return symbol

    chars = cocoapy.cfstring_to_string(nsevent.charactersIgnoringModifiers())
    if chars:
        return charmap.get(chars[0].upper(), None)

    return None
    def pygletFlagsChanged_(self, nsevent):
        # Handles on_key_press and on_key_release events for modifier keys.
        # Note that capslock is handled differently than other keys; it acts
        # as a toggle, so on_key_release is only sent when it's turned off.

        # TODO: Move these constants somewhere else.
        # Undocumented left/right modifier masks found by experimentation:
        NSLeftShiftKeyMask = 1 << 1
        NSRightShiftKeyMask = 1 << 2
        NSLeftControlKeyMask = 1 << 0
        NSRightControlKeyMask = 1 << 13
        NSLeftAlternateKeyMask = 1 << 5
        NSRightAlternateKeyMask = 1 << 6
        NSLeftCommandKeyMask = 1 << 3
        NSRightCommandKeyMask = 1 << 4

        maskForKey = {
            key.LSHIFT: NSLeftShiftKeyMask,
            key.RSHIFT: NSRightShiftKeyMask,
            key.LCTRL: NSLeftControlKeyMask,
            key.RCTRL: NSRightControlKeyMask,
            key.LOPTION: NSLeftAlternateKeyMask,
            key.ROPTION: NSRightAlternateKeyMask,
            key.LCOMMAND: NSLeftCommandKeyMask,
            key.RCOMMAND: NSRightCommandKeyMask,
            key.CAPSLOCK: cocoapy.NSAlphaShiftKeyMask,
            key.FUNCTION: cocoapy.NSFunctionKeyMask

        symbol = keymap.get(nsevent.keyCode(), None)

        # Ignore this event if symbol is not a modifier key.  We must check this
        # because e.g., we receive a flagsChanged message when using CMD-tab to
        # switch applications, with symbol == "a" when command key is released.
        if symbol is None or symbol not in maskForKey:

        modifiers = getModifiers(nsevent)
        modifierFlags = nsevent.modifierFlags()

        if symbol and modifierFlags & maskForKey[symbol]:
            self._window.dispatch_event('on_key_press', symbol, modifiers)
            self._window.dispatch_event('on_key_release', symbol, modifiers)