def setup_scene(self): """Creates the scene to be rendered. Creates our camera, scene graph, """ # don't call 'SimpleApplication's setup_scene CoreApplication.setup_scene(self) # setup our GL state # enable z buffer glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) # enable back face culling glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE) glCullFace(GL_BACK) # load our texture # use the PIL decoder as the pyglet one is broken # and loads most images as greyscale path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../data/md2/sydney.bmp') image = self.texture = Texture2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D) self.texture.bind() self.texture.set_min_mag_filter(min=GL_LINEAR, mag=GL_LINEAR) # load the image from PIL # MD2 textures are inverted pygly.pil_texture.set_pil_image(self.texture, image, flip=False) self.texture.unbind() # create a grid of cubes self.grid_root = SceneNode('grid_root') self.scene_node.add_child(self.grid_root) # store a list of renderables path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../data/md2/sydney.md2') self.mesh_node = RenderCallbackNode('mesh', None, self.render_node) # rotate the mesh to face the camera self.mesh_node.transform.object.rotate_y(math.pi) self.mesh_node.mesh = MD2_Mesh(path) self.mesh_node.mesh.load() # attach to our scene graph self.grid_root.add_child(self.mesh_node) # scale the node #self.mesh_node.transform.scale = 0.2 # store current animation self.animation_number = 0 self.set_animation(self.animation_number)
def setup_scene(self): """Creates the scene to be rendered. Creates our camera, scene graph, """ # don't call 'SimpleApplication's setup_scene CoreApplication.setup_scene(self) # setup our GL state # enable z buffer glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) # enable back face culling glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE) glCullFace(GL_BACK) # create a grid of cubes self.grid_root = SceneNode('grid_root') self.scene_node.add_child(self.grid_root) # store a list of renderables path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../data/obj/capsule.obj') self.mesh_node = RenderCallbackNode('mesh', None, self.render_node) # rotate the mesh to face the camera self.mesh_node.transform.object.rotate_y(math.pi) self.mesh_node.mesh = OBJ_Mesh(path) self.mesh_node.mesh.load() # attach to our scene graph self.grid_root.add_child(self.mesh_node) # scale the node self.mesh_node.transform.scale = 1.0 # create a list of groups to render # by default, render all groups # this may be in-efficient if data is contained in # multiple groups self.groups =
def setup_scene(self): """Creates the scene to be rendered. Creates our camera, scene graph, """ # don't call 'SimpleApplication's setup_scene CoreApplication.setup_scene(self) # setup our GL state # enable z buffer glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) # enable back face culling glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE) glCullFace(GL_BACK) # load our texture # use the PIL decoder as the pyglet one is broken # and loads most images as greyscale path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../data/md2/sydney.bmp") image = self.texture = Texture2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D) self.texture.bind() self.texture.set_min_mag_filter(min=GL_LINEAR, mag=GL_LINEAR) # load the image from PIL # MD2 textures are inverted pygly.pil_texture.set_pil_image(self.texture, image, flip=False) self.texture.unbind() # create a grid of cubes self.grid_root = SceneNode("grid_root") self.scene_node.add_child(self.grid_root) # store a list of renderables path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../data/md2/sydney.md2") self.mesh_node = RenderCallbackNode("mesh", None, self.render_node) # rotate the mesh to face the camera self.mesh_node.transform.object.rotate_y(math.pi) self.mesh_node.mesh = MD2_Mesh(path) self.mesh_node.mesh.load() # attach to our scene graph self.grid_root.add_child(self.mesh_node) # scale the node # self.mesh_node.transform.scale = 0.2 # store current animation self.animation_number = 0 self.set_animation(self.animation_number)
def setup_scene( self ): """Creates the scene to be rendered. Creates our camera, scene graph, """ # don't call 'SimpleApplication's setup_scene CoreApplication.setup_scene( self ) # setup our GL state # enable z buffer glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST ) # enable back face culling glEnable( GL_CULL_FACE ) glCullFace( GL_BACK ) # create a grid of cubes self.grid_root = SceneNode( 'grid_root' ) self.scene_node.add_child( self.grid_root ) # store a list of renderables path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( __file__ ), '../data/obj/capsule.obj' ) self.mesh_node = RenderCallbackNode( 'mesh', None, self.render_node ) # rotate the mesh to face the camera self.mesh_node.transform.object.rotate_y( math.pi ) self.mesh_node.mesh = OBJ_Mesh( path ) self.mesh_node.mesh.load() # attach to our scene graph self.grid_root.add_child( self.mesh_node ) # scale the node self.mesh_node.transform.scale = 1.0 # create a list of groups to render # by default, render all groups # this may be in-efficient if data is contained in # multiple groups self.groups =
def setup_scene(self): # create an fps display self.fps_display = pyglet.clock.ClockDisplay() # create a list of renderables self.renderables = [] # create a scene self.scene_node = SceneNode('root') self.grid_node = SceneNode('grid') self.scene_node.add_child(self.grid_node) self.grid_render_node = RenderCallbackNode('mesh', grid.initialise_grid, grid.render_grid) self.grid_node.add_child(self.grid_render_node) # add to our list of renderables self.renderables.append(self.grid_render_node) # move the grid backward so we can see it # and move it down so we start above it self.grid_node.transform.inertial.translate([0.0, 0.0, -80.0]) # create a camera and a view matrix self.view_matrix = ProjectionViewMatrix(self.viewport.aspect_ratio, fov=45.0, near_clip=1.0, far_clip=200.0) # create a camera = CameraNode('camera', self.view_matrix) self.scene_node.add_child( # move the camera up so it starts above the grid[0.0, 20.0, 0.0]) # assign a camera controller # we'll use the 6 degrees of freedom # camera for this one self.camera_controller = SixDOF_Controller(
def setup_scene(self): # create an fps display self.fps_display = pyglet.clock.ClockDisplay() # store a list of our renderables self.renderables = [] # create a scene self.scene_node = SceneNode('root') self.mesh_node = SceneNode('obj') self.scene_node.add_child(self.mesh_node) # create a mesh object and render node self.mesh = OBJ_Mesh('examples/data/obj/cessna.obj') self.mesh_render_node = RenderCallbackNode('mesh', self.initialise_mesh, self.render_mesh) self.mesh_node.add_child(self.mesh_render_node) # add to our list of renderables self.renderables.append(self.mesh_render_node) # create a camera and a view matrix self.view_matrix = ProjectionViewMatrix(self.viewport.aspect_ratio, fov=45.0, near_clip=1.0, far_clip=200.0) # create a camera = CameraNode('camera', self.view_matrix) self.scene_node.add_child( # move the camera so we can see the model[0.0, 20.0, 30.0]) # rotate the camera so it is pointing down / 4.0)
def setup_scene( self ): """Creates the scene to be rendered. Creates our camera, scene graph, """ # don't call 'SimpleApplication's setup_scene CoreApplication.setup_scene( self ) # setup our GL state # enable z buffer glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST ) # enable back face culling #glEnable( GL_CULL_FACE ) glDisable( GL_CULL_FACE ) #glCullFace( GL_BACK ) # create a grid of cubes self.grid_root = SceneNode( 'grid_root' ) self.scene_node.add_child( self.grid_root ) self.mesh_node = RenderCallbackNode( 'mesh', None, self.render_node ) # rotate the mesh to face the camera self.mesh_node.transform.object.rotate_x( -math.pi * 0.5 ) # store a list of renderables mesh_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( __file__ ), '../data/md5/boblampclean.md5mesh' #'../data/md5/md5/cyberdemon/cyberdemon.md5mesh' ) anim_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( __file__ ), '../data/md5/boblampclean.md5anim' #'../data/md5/md5/cyberdemon/idle.md5anim' ) # load our md5 data self.md5mesh = MD5_Mesh() self.md5mesh.load( mesh_path ) self.md5anim = MD5_Anim() self.md5anim.load( anim_path ) # load the gl mesh self.mesh_node.mesh = Mesh( self.md5mesh ) # load our bindpose self.mesh_node.baseframe = BaseFrameSkeleton( self.md5mesh ) # load some test skeletons self.mesh_node.anim = Animation( self.md5anim ) # set to base frame self.mesh_node.mesh.set_skeleton( self.mesh_node.baseframe ) # load a skeleton renderer self.mesh_node.skeleton = SkeletonRenderer() #self.mesh_node.skeleton.set_skeleton( self.mesh_node.baseframe ) self.mesh_node.skeleton.set_skeleton( self.mesh_node.anim.skeleton( 0 ) ) # create a list of frames self.frames = [ skeleton for skeleton in self.mesh_node.anim ] #self.frames = [] self.frames.append( self.mesh_node.baseframe ) self.frame = 0 self.time_accumulator = 0.0 self.time_per_frame = 1.0 / self.mesh_node.anim.frame_rate # attach to our scene graph self.grid_root.add_child( self.mesh_node ) # scale the node self.mesh_node.transform.scale = 0.5
class MD5_Application( SimpleApplication ): def setup( self ): super( MD5_Application, self ).setup() self.setup_keyboard() print 'Press any key to move to the next animation' def setup_keyboard( self ): self.window.push_handlers( on_key_release = self.on_key_release ) def on_key_release( self, *args ): self.increment_animation() def setup_viewports( self ): super( MD5_Application, self ).setup_viewports() self.colours[ 0 ] = (0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0) def setup_cameras( self ): super( MD5_Application, self ).setup_cameras() # move the camera self.cameras[ 0 ].transform.inertial.translate( #[ 0.0, 70.0, 100.0 ] [ 0.0,-3.0, 10.0 ] ) # tilt the camera downward self.cameras[ 0 ].transform.object.rotate_x( math.pi / 8.0 ) def setup_scene( self ): """Creates the scene to be rendered. Creates our camera, scene graph, """ # don't call 'SimpleApplication's setup_scene CoreApplication.setup_scene( self ) # setup our GL state # enable z buffer glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST ) # enable back face culling #glEnable( GL_CULL_FACE ) glDisable( GL_CULL_FACE ) #glCullFace( GL_BACK ) # create a grid of cubes self.grid_root = SceneNode( 'grid_root' ) self.scene_node.add_child( self.grid_root ) self.mesh_node = RenderCallbackNode( 'mesh', None, self.render_node ) # rotate the mesh to face the camera self.mesh_node.transform.object.rotate_x( -math.pi * 0.5 ) # store a list of renderables mesh_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( __file__ ), '../data/md5/boblampclean.md5mesh' #'../data/md5/md5/cyberdemon/cyberdemon.md5mesh' ) anim_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( __file__ ), '../data/md5/boblampclean.md5anim' #'../data/md5/md5/cyberdemon/idle.md5anim' ) # load our md5 data self.md5mesh = MD5_Mesh() self.md5mesh.load( mesh_path ) self.md5anim = MD5_Anim() self.md5anim.load( anim_path ) # load the gl mesh self.mesh_node.mesh = Mesh( self.md5mesh ) # load our bindpose self.mesh_node.baseframe = BaseFrameSkeleton( self.md5mesh ) # load some test skeletons self.mesh_node.anim = Animation( self.md5anim ) # set to base frame self.mesh_node.mesh.set_skeleton( self.mesh_node.baseframe ) # load a skeleton renderer self.mesh_node.skeleton = SkeletonRenderer() #self.mesh_node.skeleton.set_skeleton( self.mesh_node.baseframe ) self.mesh_node.skeleton.set_skeleton( self.mesh_node.anim.skeleton( 0 ) ) # create a list of frames self.frames = [ skeleton for skeleton in self.mesh_node.anim ] #self.frames = [] self.frames.append( self.mesh_node.baseframe ) self.frame = 0 self.time_accumulator = 0.0 self.time_per_frame = 1.0 / self.mesh_node.anim.frame_rate # attach to our scene graph self.grid_root.add_child( self.mesh_node ) # scale the node self.mesh_node.transform.scale = 0.5 def step( self, dt ): """Updates our scene and triggers the on_draw event. This is scheduled in our __init__ method and called periodically by pyglet's event callbacks. We need to manually call 'on_draw' as we patched it our of pyglets event loop when we patched it out with pygly.monkey_patch. Because we called 'on_draw', we also need to perform the buffer flip at the end. """ # setup the scene # rotate the scene nodes about their vertical axis self.grid_root.transform.object.rotate_y( dt * 0.2 ) # this will trigger the draw event and buffer flip CoreApplication.step( self, dt ) if self.time_accumulator == 0.0: self.mesh_node.mesh.set_skeleton( self.frames[ self.frame ] ) self.mesh_node.skeleton.set_skeleton( self.frames[ self.frame ] ) self.time_accumulator += dt if self.time_accumulator > self.time_per_frame: self.time_accumulator = 0.0 self.frame += 1 self.frame %= len( self.frames ) def render_scene( self, camera ): """Renders each renderable in the scene using the current projection and model view matrix. The original GL state will be restored upon leaving this function. """ projection = camera.view_matrix.matrix model_view = camera.model_view # update the model view world_matrix = self.mesh_node.world_transform.matrix current_mv = matrix44.multiply( world_matrix, model_view ) # render a cube self.mesh_node.render( projection = projection, model_view = current_mv ) def render_node( self, node, **kwargs ): node.mesh.render( **kwargs ) node.skeleton.render( **kwargs )
class MD2_Application(SimpleApplication): def setup(self): super(MD2_Application, self).setup() self.setup_keyboard() print "Press any key to move to the next animation" def setup_keyboard(self): self.window.push_handlers(on_key_release=self.on_key_release) def on_key_release(self, *args): self.increment_animation() def setup_viewports(self): super(MD2_Application, self).setup_viewports() self.colours[0] = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) def setup_camera(self): super(MD2_Application, self).setup_camera() # move the camera self.cameras[0].transform.inertial.translate([0.0, -3.0, 0.0]) # tilt the camera downward self.cameras[0].transform.object.rotate_x(math.pi / 8.0) def setup_scene(self): """Creates the scene to be rendered. Creates our camera, scene graph, """ # don't call 'SimpleApplication's setup_scene CoreApplication.setup_scene(self) # setup our GL state # enable z buffer glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) # enable back face culling glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE) glCullFace(GL_BACK) # load our texture # use the PIL decoder as the pyglet one is broken # and loads most images as greyscale path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../data/md2/sydney.bmp") image = self.texture = Texture2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D) self.texture.bind() self.texture.set_min_mag_filter(min=GL_LINEAR, mag=GL_LINEAR) # load the image from PIL # MD2 textures are inverted pygly.pil_texture.set_pil_image(self.texture, image, flip=False) self.texture.unbind() # create a grid of cubes self.grid_root = SceneNode("grid_root") self.scene_node.add_child(self.grid_root) # store a list of renderables path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../data/md2/sydney.md2") self.mesh_node = RenderCallbackNode("mesh", None, self.render_node) # rotate the mesh to face the camera self.mesh_node.transform.object.rotate_y(math.pi) self.mesh_node.mesh = MD2_Mesh(path) self.mesh_node.mesh.load() # attach to our scene graph self.grid_root.add_child(self.mesh_node) # scale the node # self.mesh_node.transform.scale = 0.2 # store current animation self.animation_number = 0 self.set_animation(self.animation_number) def increment_animation(self): self.animation_number += 1 if self.animation_number >= len(self.mesh_node.mesh.animations): self.animation_number = 0 self.set_animation(self.animation_number) def set_animation(self, number): self.animation_number = number self.animation = pymesh.md2.MD2.animations.keys()[number] start, end = self.mesh_node.mesh.animation_start_end_frame(self.animation) num_frames = self.mesh_node.mesh.num_frames if start >= num_frames or end >= num_frames: print 'Animation "%s" not present' % self.animation return self.set_animation(0) self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_1 = start self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_2 = start + 1 # some animations have only 1 frame if self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_2 > end: self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_2 = end print "Animation:", self.animation def step(self, dt): """Updates our scene and triggers the on_draw event. This is scheduled in our __init__ method and called periodically by pyglet's event callbacks. We need to manually call 'on_draw' as we patched it our of pyglets event loop when we patched it out with pygly.monkey_patch. Because we called 'on_draw', we also need to perform the buffer flip at the end. """ # setup the scene # rotate the scene nodes about their vertical axis self.grid_root.transform.object.rotate_y(dt * 0.2) # update our frame rates frame_rate = self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_rate # increment our frame self.mesh_node.mesh.interpolation += dt * frame_rate # calculate the current and next frame # and the blending fraction fraction, whole = math.modf(self.mesh_node.mesh.interpolation) whole = int(whole) # check if we're moving to the next keyframe if whole > 0: # ensure fraction remains < 1.0 self.mesh_node.mesh.interpolation = fraction # increment our frames self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_1 += whole self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_2 += whole # get the animation's start and end frame start, end = self.mesh_node.mesh.animation_start_end_frame(self.animation) num_frames = self.mesh_node.mesh.num_frames if start >= num_frames: start = num_frames end = num_frames print "Animation has insufficient frames" elif end >= num_frames: end = num_frames print "Animation has insufficient frames" # ensure we don't go outside the animation animation_size = (end - start) + 1 if self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_1 > end: self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_1 -= animation_size if self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_2 > end: self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_2 -= animation_size # this will trigger the draw event and buffer flip CoreApplication.step(self, dt) def render_scene(self, camera): """Renders each renderable in the scene using the current projection and model view matrix. The original GL state will be restored upon leaving this function. """ projection = camera.view_matrix.matrix model_view = camera.model_view # bind our diffuse texture glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0) self.texture.bind() # update the model view world_matrix = self.mesh_node.world_transform.matrix current_mv = matrix44.multiply(world_matrix, model_view) # render a cube self.mesh_node.render(projection=projection, model_view=current_mv) glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0) self.texture.unbind() def render_node(self, node, **kwargs): node.mesh.render(**kwargs)
class MD2_Application(SimpleApplication): def setup(self): super(MD2_Application, self).setup() self.setup_keyboard() print 'Press any key to move to the next animation' def setup_keyboard(self): self.window.push_handlers(on_key_release=self.on_key_release) def on_key_release(self, *args): self.increment_animation() def setup_viewports(self): super(MD2_Application, self).setup_viewports() self.colours[0] = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) def setup_camera(self): super(MD2_Application, self).setup_camera() # move the camera self.cameras[0].transform.inertial.translate([0.0, -3.0, 0.0]) # tilt the camera downward self.cameras[0].transform.object.rotate_x(math.pi / 8.0) def setup_scene(self): """Creates the scene to be rendered. Creates our camera, scene graph, """ # don't call 'SimpleApplication's setup_scene CoreApplication.setup_scene(self) # setup our GL state # enable z buffer glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) # enable back face culling glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE) glCullFace(GL_BACK) # load our texture # use the PIL decoder as the pyglet one is broken # and loads most images as greyscale path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../data/md2/sydney.bmp') image = self.texture = Texture2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D) self.texture.bind() self.texture.set_min_mag_filter(min=GL_LINEAR, mag=GL_LINEAR) # load the image from PIL # MD2 textures are inverted pygly.pil_texture.set_pil_image(self.texture, image, flip=False) self.texture.unbind() # create a grid of cubes self.grid_root = SceneNode('grid_root') self.scene_node.add_child(self.grid_root) # store a list of renderables path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../data/md2/sydney.md2') self.mesh_node = RenderCallbackNode('mesh', None, self.render_node) # rotate the mesh to face the camera self.mesh_node.transform.object.rotate_y(math.pi) self.mesh_node.mesh = MD2_Mesh(path) self.mesh_node.mesh.load() # attach to our scene graph self.grid_root.add_child(self.mesh_node) # scale the node #self.mesh_node.transform.scale = 0.2 # store current animation self.animation_number = 0 self.set_animation(self.animation_number) def increment_animation(self): self.animation_number += 1 if self.animation_number >= len(self.mesh_node.mesh.animations): self.animation_number = 0 self.set_animation(self.animation_number) def set_animation(self, number): self.animation_number = number self.animation = pymesh.md2.MD2.animations.keys()[number] start, end = self.mesh_node.mesh.animation_start_end_frame( self.animation) num_frames = self.mesh_node.mesh.num_frames if start >= num_frames or end >= num_frames: print 'Animation "%s" not present' % self.animation return self.set_animation(0) self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_1 = start self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_2 = start + 1 # some animations have only 1 frame if self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_2 > end: self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_2 = end print 'Animation:', self.animation def step(self, dt): """Updates our scene and triggers the on_draw event. This is scheduled in our __init__ method and called periodically by pyglet's event callbacks. We need to manually call 'on_draw' as we patched it our of pyglets event loop when we patched it out with pygly.monkey_patch. Because we called 'on_draw', we also need to perform the buffer flip at the end. """ # setup the scene # rotate the scene nodes about their vertical axis self.grid_root.transform.object.rotate_y(dt * 0.2) # update our frame rates frame_rate = self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_rate # increment our frame self.mesh_node.mesh.interpolation += dt * frame_rate # calculate the current and next frame # and the blending fraction fraction, whole = math.modf(self.mesh_node.mesh.interpolation) whole = int(whole) # check if we're moving to the next keyframe if whole > 0: # ensure fraction remains < 1.0 self.mesh_node.mesh.interpolation = fraction # increment our frames self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_1 += whole self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_2 += whole # get the animation's start and end frame start, end = self.mesh_node.mesh.animation_start_end_frame( self.animation) num_frames = self.mesh_node.mesh.num_frames if start >= num_frames: start = num_frames end = num_frames print 'Animation has insufficient frames' elif end >= num_frames: end = num_frames print 'Animation has insufficient frames' # ensure we don't go outside the animation animation_size = (end - start) + 1 if self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_1 > end: self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_1 -= animation_size if self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_2 > end: self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_2 -= animation_size # this will trigger the draw event and buffer flip CoreApplication.step(self, dt) def render_scene(self, camera): """Renders each renderable in the scene using the current projection and model view matrix. The original GL state will be restored upon leaving this function. """ projection = camera.view_matrix.matrix model_view = camera.model_view # bind our diffuse texture glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0) self.texture.bind() # update the model view world_matrix = self.mesh_node.world_transform.matrix current_mv = matrix44.multiply(world_matrix, model_view) # render a cube self.mesh_node.render(projection=projection, model_view=current_mv) glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0) self.texture.unbind() def render_node(self, node, **kwargs): node.mesh.render(**kwargs)
def setup_scene( self ): """Creates the scene to be rendered. Creates our camera, scene graph, """ # don't call 'SimpleApplication's setup_scene CoreApplication.setup_scene( self ) # setup our GL state # enable z buffer glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST ) # enable back face culling glEnable( GL_CULL_FACE ) glCullFace( GL_BACK ) # load our texture # use the PIL decoder as the pyglet one is broken # and loads most images as greyscale path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( __file__ ), '../../data/md2/sydney.bmp' ) image = path ) self.texture = Texture2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D ) self.texture.bind() self.texture.set_min_mag_filter( min = GL_LINEAR, mag = GL_LINEAR ) # load the image from PIL # MD2 textures are inverted pygly.pil_texture.set_pil_image( self.texture, image, flip = False ) self.texture.unbind() # create a grid of cubes self.grid_root = SceneNode( 'grid_root' ) self.scene_node.add_child( self.grid_root ) # create a number of cubes # the grid will extend from -5 to +5 x,z = numpy.mgrid[ -5:5:11j, -5:5:11j ] x = x.flatten() z = z.flatten() positions = numpy.vstack( (x, numpy.zeros( x.shape ), z ) ) positions = positions.T # set the distance between the models positions *= 4.5 # store a list of renderables self.renderables = [] path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( __file__ ), '../../data/md2/sydney.md2' ) for position in positions: node = RenderCallbackNode( 'node-%s' % position, None, self.render_node ) node.mesh = MD2_Mesh( path ) node.mesh.load() # attach to our scene graph self.grid_root.add_child( node ) self.renderables.append( node ) # move and scale the node node.transform.inertial.translation = position node.transform.scale = 0.2 # create a range of animation times # 0.0 <= x < num_frames self.frames = numpy.linspace( 0.0, float(self.renderables[ 0 ].mesh.num_frames), len(positions), endpoint = False ) # create an array that will store our frame rates self.frame_rate = numpy.zeros( len(self.renderables), dtype = numpy.float ) self.animation = ''
def setup_scene(self): """Creates the scene to be rendered. Creates our camera, scene graph, """ # don't call 'SimpleApplication's setup_scene CoreApplication.setup_scene(self) # setup our GL state # enable z buffer glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) # enable back face culling glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE) glCullFace(GL_BACK) # load our texture # use the PIL decoder as the pyglet one is broken # and loads most images as greyscale path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../data/md2/sydney.bmp') image = self.texture = Texture2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D) self.texture.bind() self.texture.set_min_mag_filter(min=GL_LINEAR, mag=GL_LINEAR) # load the image from PIL # MD2 textures are inverted pygly.pil_texture.set_pil_image(self.texture, image, flip=False) self.texture.unbind() # create a grid of cubes self.grid_root = SceneNode('grid_root') self.scene_node.add_child(self.grid_root) # create a number of cubes # the grid will extend from -5 to +5 x, z = numpy.mgrid[-5:5:11j, -5:5:11j] x = x.flatten() z = z.flatten() positions = numpy.vstack((x, numpy.zeros(x.shape), z)) positions = positions.T # set the distance between the models positions *= 4.5 # store a list of renderables self.renderables = [] path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../data/md2/sydney.md2') for position in positions: node = RenderCallbackNode('node-%s' % position, None, self.render_node) node.mesh = MD2_Mesh(path) node.mesh.load() # attach to our scene graph self.grid_root.add_child(node) self.renderables.append(node) # move and scale the node node.transform.inertial.translation = position node.transform.scale = 0.2 # create a range of animation times # 0.0 <= x < num_frames self.frames = numpy.linspace(0.0, float( self.renderables[0].mesh.num_frames), len(positions), endpoint=False) # create an array that will store our frame rates self.frame_rate = numpy.zeros(len(self.renderables), dtype=numpy.float) self.animation = ''
class OBJ_Application(SimpleApplication): def setup_viewports(self): super(OBJ_Application, self).setup_viewports() self.colours[0] = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0) def setup_camera(self): super(OBJ_Application, self).setup_camera() # move the camera self.cameras[0].transform.inertial.translate([0.0, -3.0, -5.0]) # tilt the camera downward self.cameras[0].transform.object.rotate_x(math.pi / 8.0) def setup_scene(self): """Creates the scene to be rendered. Creates our camera, scene graph, """ # don't call 'SimpleApplication's setup_scene CoreApplication.setup_scene(self) # setup our GL state # enable z buffer glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) # enable back face culling glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE) glCullFace(GL_BACK) # create a grid of cubes self.grid_root = SceneNode('grid_root') self.scene_node.add_child(self.grid_root) # store a list of renderables path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../data/obj/capsule.obj') self.mesh_node = RenderCallbackNode('mesh', None, self.render_node) # rotate the mesh to face the camera self.mesh_node.transform.object.rotate_y(math.pi) self.mesh_node.mesh = OBJ_Mesh(path) self.mesh_node.mesh.load() # attach to our scene graph self.grid_root.add_child(self.mesh_node) # scale the node self.mesh_node.transform.scale = 1.0 # create a list of groups to render # by default, render all groups # this may be in-efficient if data is contained in # multiple groups self.groups = def step(self, dt): """Updates our scene and triggers the on_draw event. This is scheduled in our __init__ method and called periodically by pyglet's event callbacks. We need to manually call 'on_draw' as we patched it our of pyglets event loop when we patched it out with pygly.monkey_patch. Because we called 'on_draw', we also need to perform the buffer flip at the end. """ # setup the scene # rotate the scene nodes about their vertical axis self.grid_root.transform.object.rotate_y(dt * 0.2) # this will trigger the draw event and buffer flip CoreApplication.step(self, dt) def render_scene(self, camera): """Renders each renderable in the scene using the current projection and model view matrix. The original GL state will be restored upon leaving this function. """ projection = camera.view_matrix.matrix model_view = camera.model_view # update the model view world_matrix = self.mesh_node.world_transform.matrix current_mv = matrix44.multiply(world_matrix, model_view) # render a cube self.mesh_node.render(projection=projection, model_view=current_mv, groups=self.groups) def render_node(self, node, **kwargs): node.mesh.render(**kwargs)
class OBJ_Application( SimpleApplication ): def setup_viewports( self ): super( OBJ_Application, self ).setup_viewports() self.colours[ 0 ] = (0.1,0.1,0.1,1.0) def setup_camera( self ): super( OBJ_Application, self ).setup_camera() # move the camera self.cameras[ 0 ].transform.inertial.translate( [ 0.0,-3.0,-5.0 ] ) # tilt the camera downward self.cameras[ 0 ].transform.object.rotate_x( math.pi / 8.0 ) def setup_scene( self ): """Creates the scene to be rendered. Creates our camera, scene graph, """ # don't call 'SimpleApplication's setup_scene CoreApplication.setup_scene( self ) # setup our GL state # enable z buffer glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST ) # enable back face culling glEnable( GL_CULL_FACE ) glCullFace( GL_BACK ) # create a grid of cubes self.grid_root = SceneNode( 'grid_root' ) self.scene_node.add_child( self.grid_root ) # store a list of renderables path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( __file__ ), '../data/obj/capsule.obj' ) self.mesh_node = RenderCallbackNode( 'mesh', None, self.render_node ) # rotate the mesh to face the camera self.mesh_node.transform.object.rotate_y( math.pi ) self.mesh_node.mesh = OBJ_Mesh( path ) self.mesh_node.mesh.load() # attach to our scene graph self.grid_root.add_child( self.mesh_node ) # scale the node self.mesh_node.transform.scale = 1.0 # create a list of groups to render # by default, render all groups # this may be in-efficient if data is contained in # multiple groups self.groups = def step( self, dt ): """Updates our scene and triggers the on_draw event. This is scheduled in our __init__ method and called periodically by pyglet's event callbacks. We need to manually call 'on_draw' as we patched it our of pyglets event loop when we patched it out with pygly.monkey_patch. Because we called 'on_draw', we also need to perform the buffer flip at the end. """ # setup the scene # rotate the scene nodes about their vertical axis self.grid_root.transform.object.rotate_y( dt * 0.2 ) # this will trigger the draw event and buffer flip CoreApplication.step( self, dt ) def render_scene( self, camera ): """Renders each renderable in the scene using the current projection and model view matrix. The original GL state will be restored upon leaving this function. """ projection = camera.view_matrix.matrix model_view = camera.model_view # update the model view world_matrix = self.mesh_node.world_transform.matrix current_mv = matrix44.multiply( world_matrix, model_view ) # render a cube self.mesh_node.render( projection = projection, model_view = current_mv, groups = self.groups ) def render_node( self, node, **kwargs ): node.mesh.render( **kwargs )