예제 #1
파일: figure.py 프로젝트: xdshivani/pygmt
    def show(self, dpi=300, width=500, method="static"):
        Display a preview of the figure.

        Inserts the preview in the Jupyter notebook output. You will need to
        have IPython installed for this to work. You should have it if you are
        using the notebook.

        If ``method='external'``, makes PDF preview instead and opens it in the
        default viewer for your operating system (falls back to the default web
        browser). Note that the external viewer does not block the current
        process, so this won't work in a script.

        dpi : int
            The image resolution (dots per inch).
        width : int
            Width of the figure shown in the notebook in pixels. Ignored if
        method : str
            How the figure will be displayed. Options are (1) ``'static'``: PNG
            preview (default); (2) ``'external'``: PDF preview in an external

        img : IPython.display.Image
            Only if ``method != 'external'``.
        # Module level variable to know which figures had their show method
        # called. Needed for the sphinx-gallery scraper.

        if method not in ["static", "external"]:
            raise GMTInvalidInput("Invalid show method '{}'.".format(method))
        if method == "external":
            pdf = self._preview(fmt="pdf",
            img = None
        elif method == "static":
            png = self._preview(fmt="png",
            if Image is None:
                raise GMTError(" ".join([
                    "Cannot find IPython.",
                    "Make sure you have it installed",
                    "or use 'method=\"external\"' to open in an external viewer.",
            img = Image(data=png, width=width)
        return img
예제 #2
    def show(self, dpi=300, width=500, method=None, waiting=0.5):
        Display a preview of the figure.

        Inserts the preview in the Jupyter notebook output if available,
        otherwise opens it in the default viewer for your operating system
        (falls back to the default web browser).

        :func:`pygmt.set_display` can select the default display method
        (**notebook**, **external**, or **none**).

        The ``method`` parameter can also override the default display method
        for the current figure. Parameters ``dpi`` and ``width`` can be used
        to control the resolution and dimension of the figure in the notebook.

        Note: The external viewer can be disabled by setting the
        PYGMT_USE_EXTERNAL_DISPLAY environment variable to **false**.
        This is useful when running unit tests and building the documentation
        in consoles without a Graphical User Interface.

        Note that the external viewer does not block the current process, thus
        it's necessary to suspend the execution of the current process for a
        short while after launching the external viewer, so that the preview
        image won't be deleted before the external viewer tries to open it. Set
        the ``waiting`` parameter to a larger number if your computer is slow.

        dpi : int
            The image resolution (dots per inch) in Jupyter notebooks.
        width : int
            The image width (in pixels) in Jupyter notebooks.
        method : str
            How the current figure will be displayed. Options are

            - **external**: PDF preview in an external program [default]
            - **notebook**: PNG preview [default in Jupyter notebooks]
            - **none**: Disable image preview
        waiting : float
            Suspend the execution of the current process for a given number of
            seconds after launching an external viewer.
            Only works if ``method="external"``.
        # Module level variable to know which figures had their show method
        # called. Needed for the sphinx-gallery scraper.

        # Set the display method
        if method is None:
            method = SHOW_CONFIG["method"]

        if method not in ["external", "notebook", "none"]:
            raise GMTInvalidInput(
                (f"Invalid display method '{method}', "
                 "should be either 'notebook', 'external', or 'none'."))

        if method in ["notebook", "none"]:
            if IPython is None:
                raise GMTError((
                    "Notebook display is selected, but IPython is not available. "
                    "Make sure you have IPython installed, "
                    "or run the script in a Jupyter notebook."))
            png = self._preview(fmt="png",
                IPython.display.Image(data=png, width=width))

        if method == "external":
            pdf = self._preview(fmt="pdf",
            launch_external_viewer(pdf, waiting=waiting)
예제 #3
def meca(
    self,  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    Plot focal mechanisms.

    Full option list at :gmt-docs:`supplements/seis/meca.html`

        Currently, labeling of beachballs with text strings is only supported
        via providing a file to `spec` as input.


    spec: dict, 1D array, 2D array, pd.DataFrame, or str
        Either a filename containing focal mechanism parameters as columns, a
        1- or 2-D array with the same, or a dictionary. If a filename or array,
        `convention` is required so we know how to interpret the
        columns/entries. If a dictionary, the following combinations of keys
        are supported; these determine the convention. Dictionary may contain
        values for a single focal mechanism or lists of values for many focal
        mechanisms. A Pandas DataFrame may optionally contain columns latitude,
        longitude, depth, plot_longitude, and/or plot_latitude instead of
        passing them to the meca method.

        - ``"aki"`` — *strike, dip, rake, magnitude*
        - ``"gcmt"`` — *strike1, dip1, rake1, strike2, dip2, rake2, mantissa,
        - ``"mt"`` — *mrr, mtt, mff, mrt, mrf, mtf, exponent*
        - ``"partial"`` — *strike1, dip1, strike2, fault_type, magnitude*
        - ``"principal_axis"`` — *t_exponent, t_azimuth, t_plunge, n_exponent,
          n_azimuth, n_plunge, p_exponent, p_azimuth, p_plunge, exponent*

    scale: str
        Adjusts the scaling of the radius of the beachball, which is
        proportional to the magnitude. Scale defines the size for magnitude = 5
        (i.e. scalar seismic moment M0 = 4.0E23 dynes-cm)
    longitude: int, float, list, or 1d numpy array
        Longitude(s) of event location. Ignored if `spec` is not a dictionary.
        List must be the length of the number of events. Ignored if `spec` is a
        DataFrame and contains a 'longitude' column.
    latitude: int, float, list, or 1d numpy array
        Latitude(s) of event location. Ignored if `spec` is not a dictionary.
        List must be the length of the number of events. Ignored if `spec` is a
        DataFrame and contains a 'latitude' column.
    depth: int, float, list, or 1d numpy array
        Depth(s) of event location in kilometers. Ignored if `spec` is not a
        dictionary. List must be the length of the number of events. Ignored if
        `spec` is a DataFrame and contains a 'depth' column.
    convention: str
        ``"aki"`` (Aki & Richards), ``"gcmt"`` (global CMT), ``"mt"`` (seismic
        moment tensor), ``"partial"`` (partial focal mechanism), or
        ``"principal_axis"`` (principal axis). Ignored if `spec` is a
        dictionary or dataframe.
    component: str
        The component of the seismic moment tensor to plot. ``"full"`` (the
        full seismic moment tensor), ``"dc"`` (the closest double couple with
        zero trace and zero determinant), ``"deviatoric"`` (zero trace)
    plot_longitude: int, float, list, or 1d numpy array
        Longitude(s) at which to place beachball, only used if `spec` is a
        dictionary. List must be the length of the number of events. Ignored if
        `spec` is a DataFrame and contains a 'plot_longitude' column.
    plot_latitude: int, float, list, or 1d numpy array
        Latitude(s) at which to place beachball, only used if `spec` is a
        dictionary. List must be the length of the number of events. Ignored if
        `spec` is a DataFrame and contains a 'plot_latitude' column.
    offset: bool or str
        Offsets beachballs to the longitude, latitude specified in the last two
        columns of the input file or array, or by `plot_longitude` and
        `plot_latitude` if provided. A small circle is plotted at the initial
        location and a line connects the beachball to the circle. Specify pen
        and optionally append ``+ssize`` to change the line style and/or size
        of the circle.
    no_clip : bool
        Does NOT skip symbols that fall outside frame boundary specified by
        *region* [Default is False, i.e. plot symbols inside map frame only].

    # pylint warnings that need to be fixed
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks
    # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
    # pylint: disable=too-many-statements

    def set_pointer(data_pointers, spec):
        Set optional parameter pointers based on DataFrame or dict, if those
        parameters are present in the DataFrame or dict.
        for param in list(data_pointers.keys()):
            if param in spec:
                # set pointer based on param name
                data_pointers[param] = spec[param]

    def update_pointers(data_pointers):
        Updates variables based on the location of data, as the following data
        can be passed as parameters or it can be contained in `spec`.
        # update all pointers
        longitude = data_pointers["longitude"]
        latitude = data_pointers["latitude"]
        depth = data_pointers["depth"]
        plot_longitude = data_pointers["plot_longitude"]
        plot_latitude = data_pointers["plot_latitude"]
        return (longitude, latitude, depth, plot_longitude, plot_latitude)

    # Check the spec and parse the data according to the specified
    # convention
    if isinstance(spec, (dict, pd.DataFrame)):
        # dicts and DataFrames are handed similarly but not identically
        if (longitude is None or latitude is None
                or depth is None) and not isinstance(spec,
                                                     (dict, pd.DataFrame)):
            raise GMTError("Location not fully specified.")

        param_conventions = {
            "AKI": ["strike", "dip", "rake", "magnitude"],
            ["strike1", "dip1", "dip2", "rake2", "mantissa", "exponent"],
            "MT": ["mrr", "mtt", "mff", "mrt", "mrf", "mtf", "exponent"],
            ["strike1", "dip1", "strike2", "fault_type", "magnitude"],
            "PRINCIPAL_AXIS": [

        # to keep track of where optional parameters exist
        data_pointers = {
            "longitude": longitude,
            "latitude": latitude,
            "depth": depth,
            "plot_longitude": plot_longitude,
            "plot_latitude": plot_latitude,

        # make a DataFrame copy to check convention if it contains
        # other parameters
        if isinstance(spec, (dict, pd.DataFrame)):
            # check if a copy is necessary
            copy = False
            drop_list = []
            for pointer in data_pointers:
                if pointer in spec:
                    copy = True
            if copy:
                spec_conv = spec.copy()
                # delete optional parameters from copy for convention check
                for item in drop_list:
                    del spec_conv[item]
                spec_conv = spec

        # set convention and focal parameters based on spec convention
        convention_assigned = False
        for conv in param_conventions:
            if set(spec_conv.keys()) == set(param_conventions[conv]):
                convention = conv.lower()
                foc_params = param_conventions[conv]
                convention_assigned = True
        if not convention_assigned:
            raise GMTError("Parameters in spec dictionary do not match known "

        # create a dict type pointer for easier to read code
        if isinstance(spec, dict):
            dict_type_pointer = list(spec.values())[0]
        elif isinstance(spec, pd.DataFrame):
            # use df.values as pointer for DataFrame behavior
            dict_type_pointer = spec.values

        # assemble the 1D array for the case of floats and ints as values
        if isinstance(dict_type_pointer, (int, float)):
            # update pointers
            set_pointer(data_pointers, spec)
            # look for optional parameters in the right place
            ) = update_pointers(data_pointers)

            # Construct the array (order matters)
            spec = [longitude, latitude, depth
                    ] + [spec[key] for key in foc_params]

            # Add in plotting options, if given, otherwise add 0s
            for arg in plot_longitude, plot_latitude:
                if arg is None:
                    if "C" not in kwargs:
                        kwargs["C"] = True

        # or assemble the 2D array for the case of lists as values
        elif isinstance(dict_type_pointer, list):
            # update pointers
            set_pointer(data_pointers, spec)
            # look for optional parameters in the right place
            ) = update_pointers(data_pointers)

            # before constructing the 2D array lets check that each key
            # of the dict has the same quantity of values to avoid bugs
            list_length = len(list(spec.values())[0])
            for value in list(spec.values()):
                if len(value) != list_length:
                    raise GMTError("Unequal number of focal mechanism "
                                   "parameters supplied in 'spec'.")
                # lets also check the inputs for longitude, latitude,
                # and depth if it is a list or array
                if (isinstance(longitude, (list, np.ndarray))
                        or isinstance(latitude, (list, np.ndarray))
                        or isinstance(depth, (list, np.ndarray))):
                    if (len(longitude) != len(latitude)) or (len(longitude) !=
                        raise GMTError("Unequal number of focal mechanism "
                                       "locations supplied.")

            # values are ok, so build the 2D array
            spec_array = []
            for index in range(list_length):
                # Construct the array one row at a time (note that order
                # matters here, hence the list comprehension!)
                row = [longitude[index], latitude[index], depth[index]
                       ] + [spec[key][index] for key in foc_params]

                # Add in plotting options, if given, otherwise add 0s as
                # required by GMT
                for arg in plot_longitude, plot_latitude:
                    if arg is None:
                        if "C" not in kwargs:
                            kwargs["C"] = True
            spec = spec_array

        # or assemble the array for the case of pd.DataFrames
        elif isinstance(dict_type_pointer, np.ndarray):
            # update pointers
            set_pointer(data_pointers, spec)
            # look for optional parameters in the right place
            ) = update_pointers(data_pointers)

            # lets also check the inputs for longitude, latitude, and depth
            # just in case the user entered different length lists
            if (isinstance(longitude, (list, np.ndarray))
                    or isinstance(latitude, (list, np.ndarray))
                    or isinstance(depth, (list, np.ndarray))):
                if (len(longitude) != len(latitude)) or (len(longitude) !=
                    raise GMTError(
                        "Unequal number of focal mechanism locations supplied."

            # values are ok, so build the 2D array in the correct order
            spec_array = []
            for index in range(len(spec)):
                # Construct the array one row at a time (note that order
                # matters here, hence the list comprehension!)
                row = [longitude[index], latitude[index], depth[index]
                       ] + [spec[key][index] for key in foc_params]

                # Add in plotting options, if given, otherwise add 0s as
                # required by GMT
                for arg in plot_longitude, plot_latitude:
                    if arg is None:
                        if "C" not in kwargs:
                            kwargs["C"] = True
            spec = spec_array

            raise GMTError(
                "Parameter 'spec' contains values of an unsupported type.")

    # Add condition and scale to kwargs
    if convention == "aki":
        data_format = "a"
    elif convention == "gcmt":
        data_format = "c"
    elif convention == "mt":
        # Check which component of mechanism the user wants plotted
        if component == "deviatoric":
            data_format = "z"
        elif component == "dc":
            data_format = "d"
        else:  # component == 'full'
            data_format = "m"
    elif convention == "partial":
        data_format = "p"
    elif convention == "principal_axis":
        # Check which component of mechanism the user wants plotted
        if component == "deviatoric":
            data_format = "t"
        elif component == "dc":
            data_format = "y"
        else:  # component == 'full'
            data_format = "x"
    # Support old-school GMT format options
    elif convention in ["a", "c", "m", "d", "z", "p", "x", "y", "t"]:
        data_format = convention
        raise GMTError("Convention not recognized.")

    # Assemble -S flag
    kwargs["S"] = data_format + scale

    kind = data_kind(spec)
    with Session() as lib:
        if kind == "matrix":
            file_context = lib.virtualfile_from_matrix(np.atleast_2d(spec))
        elif kind == "file":
            file_context = dummy_context(spec)
            raise GMTInvalidInput("Unrecognized data type: {}".format(
        with file_context as fname:
            arg_str = " ".join([fname, build_arg_string(kwargs)])
            lib.call_module("meca", arg_str)