def test_gmt_compat_6_is_applied(capsys): """ Ensure that users with old gmt.conf files won't get pygmt-session [ERROR]: GMT_COMPATIBILITY: Expects values from 6 to 6; reset to 6. """ end() # Kill the global session try: # Generate a gmt.conf file in the current directory # with GMT_COMPATIBILITY = 5 with Session() as lib: lib.call_module("gmtset", "GMT_COMPATIBILITY 5") begin() with Session() as lib: lib.call_module("basemap", "-R10/70/-3/8 -JX4i/3i -Ba") out, err = capsys.readouterr() # capture stdout and stderr assert out == "" assert err != ("pygmt-session [ERROR]: GMT_COMPATIBILITY:" " Expects values from 6 to 6; reset to 6.\n") assert err == "" # double check that there are no other errors finally: end() # Clean up the global "gmt.conf" in the current directory assert os.path.exists("gmt.conf") os.remove("gmt.conf") assert os.path.exists("pygmt-session.pdf") os.remove("pygmt-session.pdf") # Make sure no global "gmt.conf" in the current directory assert not os.path.exists("gmt.conf") begin() # Restart the global session
def test_begin_end(): """ Run a command inside a begin-end modern mode block. First, end the global session. When finished, restart it. """ end() # Kill the global session begin() with Session() as lib: lib.call_module("basemap", "-R10/70/-3/8 -JX4i/3i -Ba") end() begin() # Restart the global session assert os.path.exists("pygmt-session.pdf") os.remove("pygmt-session.pdf")