def main(args): nevents = args.nevents sconfig_pythia = get_pythia_config(args) if args.generate: pythia = create_and_init_pythia(sconfig_pythia) if not pythia: return all_jets = [] for iEvent in tqdm(range(nevents), 'event'): if not continue print("[i] done generating") if args.write: pythia = create_and_init_pythia(sconfig_pythia) if not pythia: return pyhepmcwriter = mp.Pythia8HepMCWrapper(args.write) all_jets = [] for iEvent in tqdm(range(nevents), 'event'): if not continue pyhepmcwriter.fillEvent(pythia) print("[i] done writing to {}".format(args.write)) if import pyhepmc_ng input = pyhepmc_ng.ReaderAsciiHepMC2( if input.failed(): print("[error] unable to read from {}".format( return # print the banner first fj.ClusterSequence.print_banner() print() jet_R0 = 0.4 jet_def = fj.JetDefinition(fj.antikt_algorithm, jet_R0) jet_selector = fj.SelectorPtMin(100.0) & fj.SelectorPtMax( 200.0) & fj.SelectorAbsEtaMax(1) event = pyhepmc_ng.GenEvent() pbar = tqdm(range(nevents)) while not input.failed(): e = input.read_event(event) if input.failed(): break fjparts = [] for i, p in enumerate(event.particles): if p.status == 1: psj = fj.PseudoJet(p.momentum.px,, p.momentum.pz, p.momentum.e) psj.set_user_index(i) fjparts.append(psj) jets = jet_selector(jet_def(fjparts)) pbar.update()
def main_jets(args): outfname = '{}_output.root'.format('.dat', '') print("output file: {}".format(outfname)) foutput = r.TFile(outfname, "recreate") lbins = logbins(1., 100, 10) hjetpt = r.TH1F('hjetpt', 'hjetpt', 10, lbins) input = pyhepmc_ng.ReaderAsciiHepMC2( if input.failed(): print ("[error] unable to read from {}".format( return # print the banner first fj.ClusterSequence.print_banner() print() jet_R0 = 0.4 jet_def = fj.JetDefinition(fj.antikt_algorithm, jet_R0) jet_selector = fj.SelectorPtMin(0.0) & fj.SelectorPtMax(200.0) & fj.SelectorAbsEtaMax(3) all_jets = [] event = pyhepmc_ng.GenEvent() pbar = tqdm(range(args.nevents)) while not input.failed(): e = input.read_event(event) if input.failed(): break fjparts = [] for i,p in enumerate(event.particles): if p.status == 1 and not p.end_vertex: psj = fj.PseudoJet(p.momentum.px,, p.momentum.pz, p.momentum.e) psj.set_user_index(i) fjparts.append(psj) jets = jet_selector(jet_def(fjparts)) all_jets.append([ [, j.eta()] for j in jets]) pbar.update() for j in jets: hjetpt.Fill(j.perp()) if pbar.n >= args.nevents: break foutput.Write() foutput.Close() joblib.dump(all_jets, outfname.replace(".root", ".joblib"))
def main(): nevents = 1000 sconfig_pythia = [ "Beams:eCM = 8000.", "HardQCD:all = on", "PhaseSpace:pTHatMin = 100.", "PDF:pset = LHAPDF6:EPPS16nlo_CT14nlo_Pb208/0" ] # "LHAPDF6:member = 901300"] # "PDF:pSet = EPPS16nlo_CT14nlo_Pb208"] if 'gen' in sys.argv: pythia = create_and_init_pythia(sconfig_pythia) if not pythia: return all_jets = [] for iEvent in tqdm(range(nevents), 'event'): if not continue print("[i] done generating") if 'write' in sys.argv: pythia = create_and_init_pythia(sconfig_pythia) if not pythia: return pyhepmcwriter = mp.Pythia8HepMCWrapper("test_pythia8_hepmc.dat") all_jets = [] for iEvent in tqdm(range(nevents), 'event'): if not continue pyhepmcwriter.fillEvent(pythia) print("[i] done writing to test_pythia8_hepmc.dat") if 'read' in sys.argv: import pyhepmc_ng input = pyhepmc_ng.ReaderAsciiHepMC2("test_pythia8_hepmc.dat") if input.failed(): print("[error] unable to read from test_pythia8_hepmc.dat") return event = pyhepmc_ng.GenEvent() pbar = tqdm(range(nevents)) while not input.failed(): p = input.read_event(event) if input.failed(): # print ("[i] reading done.") break pbar.update()
def main(self): if self.hepmc == 3: input_hepmc = pyhepmc_ng.ReaderAscii(self.input) if self.hepmc == 2: input_hepmc = pyhepmc_ng.ReaderAsciiHepMC2(self.input) if input_hepmc.failed(): print("[error] unable to read from {}".format(self.input)) sys.exit(1) event_hepmc = pyhepmc_ng.GenEvent() while not input_hepmc.failed(): ev = input_hepmc.read_event(event_hepmc) if input_hepmc.failed(): break self.fill_event(event_hepmc) self.increment_event() if self.nev > 0 and self.ev_id > self.nev: break self.finish()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='pythia8 in python', prog=os.path.basename(__file__)) parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', help='input file', default='low', type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument('--hepmc', help='what format 2 or 3', default=2, type=int) parser.add_argument('--nev', help='number of events', default=10, type=int) args = parser.parse_args() ### # now lets read the HEPMC file and do some jet finding if args.hepmc == 3: input_hepmc = pyhepmc_ng.ReaderAscii(args.input) if args.hepmc == 2: input_hepmc = pyhepmc_ng.ReaderAsciiHepMC2(args.input) if input_hepmc.failed(): print("[error] unable to read from {}".format(args.input)) sys.exit(1) # jet finder # print the banner first fj.ClusterSequence.print_banner() print() jet_R0 = 0.4 jet_def = fj.JetDefinition(fj.antikt_algorithm, jet_R0) jet_selector = fj.SelectorPtMin(10.0) & fj.SelectorPtMax( 500.0) & fj.SelectorAbsEtaMax(3) all_jets = [] event_hepmc = pyhepmc_ng.GenEvent() pbar = tqdm.tqdm(range(args.nev)) while not input_hepmc.failed(): ev = input_hepmc.read_event(event_hepmc) if input_hepmc.failed(): break jets_hepmc = find_jets_hepmc(jet_def, jet_selector, event_hepmc) all_jets.extend(jets_hepmc) pbar.update() if pbar.n >= args.nev: break jet_def_lund = fj.JetDefinition(fj.cambridge_algorithm, 1.0) lund_gen = fjcontrib.LundGenerator(jet_def_lund) print('[i] making lund diagram for all jets...') lunds = [lund_gen.result(j) for j in all_jets] print('[i] listing lund plane points... Delta, kt - for {} selected jets'. format(len(all_jets))) for l in lunds: if len(l) < 1: continue print('- jet pT={0:5.2f} eta={1:5.2f}'.format(l[0].pair().perp(), l[0].pair().eta())) print(' Deltas={}'.format([s.Delta() for s in l])) print(' kts={}'.format([s.kt() for s in l])) print() print('[i] reclustering and using soft drop...') jet_def_rc = fj.JetDefinition(fj.cambridge_algorithm, 0.1) print('[i] Reclustering:', jet_def_rc) all_jets_sd = [] rc = fjcontrib.Recluster(jet_def_rc, True) sd = fjcontrib.SoftDrop(0, 0.1, 1.0) for i, j in enumerate(all_jets): j_rc = rc.result(j) print() print('- [{0:3d}] orig pT={1:10.3f} reclustered pT={2:10.3f}'.format( i, j.perp(), j_rc.perp())) j_sd = sd.result(j) print(' |-> after soft drop pT={0:10.3f} delta={1:10.3f}'.format( j_sd.perp(), j_sd.perp() - j.perp())) all_jets_sd.append(j_sd) sd_info = fjcontrib.get_SD_jet_info(j_sd) print( " |-> SD jet params z={0:10.3f} dR={1:10.3f} mu={2:10.3f}".format( sd_info.z, sd_info.dR, fout = ROOT.TFile('hepmc_jetreco.root', 'recreate') lbins = logbins(1., 500, 50) hJetPt04 = ROOT.TH1D("hJetPt04", "hJetPt04", 50, lbins) hJetPt04sd = ROOT.TH1D("hJetPt04sd", "hJetPt04sd", 50, lbins) [hJetPt04.Fill(j.perp()) for j in all_jets] [hJetPt04sd.Fill(j.perp()) for j in all_jets_sd] hLund = ROOT.TH2D("hLund", "hLund", 60, 0, 6, 100, -4, 5) lunds = [lund_gen.result(j) for j in all_jets if j.perp() > 100] j100 = [j for j in all_jets if j.perp() > 100] print('{} jets above 100 GeV/c'.format(len(j100))) for l in lunds: for s in l: hLund.Fill(math.log(1. / s.Delta()), math.log(s.kt())) fout.Write()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='hepmc to ALICE Ntuple format', prog=os.path.basename(__file__)) parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', help='input file', default='', type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='output root file', default='', type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument('--as-data', help='write as data - tree naming convention', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('--hepmc', help='what format 2 or 3', default=2, type=int) parser.add_argument('--nev', help='number of events', default=-1, type=int) args = parser.parse_args() if args.hepmc == 3: input_hepmc = pyhepmc_ng.ReaderAscii(args.input) if args.hepmc == 2: input_hepmc = pyhepmc_ng.ReaderAsciiHepMC2(args.input) if input_hepmc.failed(): print("[error] unable to read from {}".format(args.input)) sys.exit(1) outf = ROOT.TFile(args.output, 'recreate') tdf = ROOT.TDirectoryFile('PWGHF_TreeCreator', 'PWGHF_TreeCreator') if args.as_data: t_p = ROOT.TNtuple( 'tree_Particle', 'tree_Particle', 'run_number:ev_id:ParticlePt:ParticleEta:ParticlePhi:ParticlePID') else: t_p = ROOT.TNtuple( 'tree_Particle_gen', 'tree_Particle_gen', 'run_number:ev_id:ParticlePt:ParticleEta:ParticlePhi:ParticlePID') t_e = ROOT.TNtuple('tree_event_char', 'tree_event_char', 'run_number:ev_id:z_vtx_reco:is_ev_rej') # run number will be a double - file size in MB run_number = os.path.getsize(args.input) / 1.e6 ev_id = 0 # unfortunately pyhepmc_ng does not provide the table # pdt = pyhepmc_ng.ParticleDataTable() # use ROOT instead pdg = ROOT.TDatabasePDG() event_hepmc = pyhepmc_ng.GenEvent() if args.nev > 0: pbar = tqdm.tqdm(range(args.nev)) else: pbar = tqdm.tqdm() while not input_hepmc.failed(): ev = input_hepmc.read_event(event_hepmc) if input_hepmc.failed(): break fill_event(run_number, ev_id, event_hepmc, t_e, t_p, pdg) ev_id = ev_id + 1 pbar.update() if args.nev > 0 and ev_id > args.nev: break outf.Write() outf.Close()