def replace_cfs(nc, valid, islice, jslice): """Copy CFS data into the given year.""" tidx0 = (valid -, 1, 1)).days tidx1 = (, 12, 31) -, 1, 1) ).days cfsnc = ncopen(valid.strftime("/mesonet/data/iemre/")) tidx = iemre.daily_offset(valid + datetime.timedelta(days=1)) tslice = slice(tidx0 + 1, tidx1 + 1) # print("replace_cfs filling %s from %s" % (tslice, tidx)) # CFS is W m-2, we want MJ nc.variables["srad"][tslice, :, :] = ( cfsnc.variables["srad"][tidx:, jslice, islice] * 86400.0 / 1000000.0 ) highc = temperature( cfsnc.variables["high_tmpk"][tidx:, jslice, islice], "K" ).value("C") lowc = temperature( cfsnc.variables["low_tmpk"][tidx:, jslice, islice], "K" ).value("C") nc.variables["tmax"][tslice, :, :] = highc nc.variables["tmin"][tslice, :, :] = lowc nc.variables["gdd_f"][tslice, :, :] = gdd( temperature(highc, "C"), temperature(lowc, "C") ) nc.variables["prcp"][tslice, :, :] = cfsnc.variables["p01d"][ tidx:, jslice, islice ] cfsnc.close()
def main(): """Go Main Go""" os.chdir("baseline") for fn in glob.glob("*.met"): location = fn[:-4] output = open("%s.csv" % (location, ), "w") output.write("date,high[F],low[F],precip[inch],gdd[F]\n") for line in open(fn): line = line.strip() if (not line.startswith("2012") and not line.startswith("2015") and not line.startswith("2016")): continue tokens = line.split() valid = tokens[0]), 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(days=int(tokens[1]) - 1) high = temperature(float(tokens[3]), "C") low = temperature(float(tokens[4]), "C") gdd = met.gdd(high, low, 50, 86) precip = distance(float(tokens[5]), "MM") output.write(("%s,%.1f,%.1f,%.2f,%.1f\n") % ( valid.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), high.value("F"), low.value("F"), precip.value("IN"), gdd, )) output.close()
def load(dirname, location, sdate): """ Read a file please """ data = [] idx = [] mindoy = int(sdate.strftime("%j")) for line in open("%s/%s.met" % (dirname, location)): line = line.strip() if not line.startswith('19') and not line.startswith('20'): continue tokens = line.split() if int(tokens[1]) < mindoy: continue data.append(tokens) ts = ([0]), 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(days=int(tokens[1])-1)) idx.append(ts) if len(data[0]) < 10: cols = ['year', 'doy', 'radn', 'maxt', 'mint', 'rain'] else: cols = ['year', 'doy', 'radn', 'maxt', 'mint', 'rain', 'gdd', 'st4', 'st12', 'st24', 'st50', 'sm12', 'sm24', 'sm50'] df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=idx, columns=cols) for col in cols: df[col] = pd.to_numeric(df[col], errors='coerce') if len(data[0]) < 10: df['gdd'] = gdd(temperature(df['maxt'].values, 'C'), temperature(df['mint'].values, 'C')) df['gddcum'] = df.groupby(['year'])['gdd'].apply(lambda x: x.cumsum()) df['raincum'] = distance( df.groupby(['year'])['rain'].apply(lambda x: x.cumsum()), 'MM').value('IN') return df
def test_gdd_with_nans(): """Can we properly deal with nan's and not emit warnings?""" highs =[70, 80, np.nan, 90], mask=[False, False, True, False]) lows = highs - 10 r = meteorology.gdd(datatypes.temperature(highs, 'F'), datatypes.temperature(lows, 'F'), 50, 86) assert[2])
def replace_obs_iem(df, location): """Replace dataframe data with obs for this location Tricky part, if the baseline already provides data for this year, we should use it! """ pgconn = get_dbconn("iem", user="******") cursor = pgconn.cursor() station = XREF[location]["station"] today = jan1 = today.replace(month=1, day=1) years = [ int(y) for y in np.arange(df.index.values.min().year, df.index.values.max().year + 1) ] table = "summary_%s" % (jan1.year, ) cursor.execute( """ select day, max_tmpf, min_tmpf, srad_mj, pday from """ + table + """ s JOIN stations t on (s.iemid = t.iemid) WHERE = %s and max_tmpf is not null and day < 'TODAY' ORDER by day ASC """, (station, ), ) rcols = ["maxt", "mint", "radn", "gdd", "rain"] replaced = [] for row in cursor: valid = row[0] # Does our df currently have data for this date? If so, we shall do # no more dont_replace = not np.isnan([valid, "mint"]) if not dont_replace: replaced.append(valid) _gdd = gdd(temperature(row[1], "F"), temperature(row[2], "F")) for year in years: if valid.month == 2 and == 29 and year % 4 != 0: continue if dont_replace: df.loc[valid.replace(year=year), rcols[3:]] = ( _gdd, distance(row[4], "in").value("mm"), ) continue df.loc[valid.replace(year=year), rcols] = ( temperature(row[1], "F").value("C"), temperature(row[2], "F").value("C"), row[3], _gdd, distance(row[4], "in").value("mm"), ) if replaced: " used IEM Access %s from %s->%s", station, replaced[0], replaced[-1], )
def test_gdd(): """Growing Degree Days""" r = meteorology.gdd(datatypes.temperature(86, 'F'), datatypes.temperature(50, 'F'), 50, 86) assert r == 18 r = meteorology.gdd(datatypes.temperature(51, 'F'), datatypes.temperature(49, 'F'), 50, 86) assert abs(r - 0.5) < 0.1 r = meteorology.gdd(datatypes.temperature(49, 'F'), datatypes.temperature(40, 'F'), 50, 86) assert r == 0 r = meteorology.gdd(datatypes.temperature([86, 86], 'F'), datatypes.temperature([50, 50], 'F'), 50, 86) assert r[0] == 18 assert r[1] == 18
def test_gdd(self): """Growing Degree Days""" r = meteorology.gdd(datatypes.temperature(86, 'F'), datatypes.temperature(50, 'F'), 50, 86) self.assertEquals(r, 18) r = meteorology.gdd(datatypes.temperature(51, 'F'), datatypes.temperature(49, 'F'), 50, 86) self.assertAlmostEquals(r, 0.5, 1) r = meteorology.gdd(datatypes.temperature(49, 'F'), datatypes.temperature(40, 'F'), 50, 86) self.assertEquals(r, 0) r = meteorology.gdd(datatypes.temperature([86, 86], 'F'), datatypes.temperature([50, 50], 'F'), 50, 86) self.assertEquals(r[0], 18) self.assertEquals(r[1], 18)
def load(dirname, location, sdate): """ Read a file please """ data = [] idx = [] for line in open("%s/%s.met" % (dirname, location)): line = line.strip() if not line.startswith("19") and not line.startswith("20"): continue tokens = line.split() data.append(tokens) ts =[0]), 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(days=int(tokens[1]) - 1) idx.append(ts) if len(data[0]) < 10: cols = ["year", "doy", "radn", "maxt", "mint", "rain"] else: cols = [ "year", "doy", "radn", "maxt", "mint", "rain", "gdd", "st4", "st12", "st24", "st50", "sm12", "sm24", "sm50", ] df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=idx, columns=cols) for col in cols: df[col] = pd.to_numeric(df[col], errors="coerce") if len(data[0]) < 10: df["gdd"] = gdd(temperature(df["maxt"].values, "C"), temperature(df["mint"].values, "C")) bins = [] today = for valid, _ in df.iterrows(): if valid >= today: bins.append(0) continue if sdate == "nov1" and valid.month >= 11: bins.append(valid.year + 1) continue if valid.month < today.month: bins.append(valid.year) continue if valid.month == today.month and < bins.append(valid.year) continue bins.append(0) df["bin"] = bins df["rain"] = distance(df["rain"].values, "MM").value("IN") df["avgt"] = temperature((df["maxt"] + df["mint"]) / 2.0, "C").value("F") return df
def copy_iemre(nc, fromyear, ncdate0, ncdate1, islice, jslice): """Copy IEMRE data from a given year to **inclusive** dates.""" rencfn = iemre.get_daily_ncname(fromyear) if not os.path.isfile(rencfn): print("reanalysis fn %s missing" % (rencfn,)) return renc = ncopen(rencfn) tidx0 = (ncdate0 -, 1, 1)).days tidx1 = (ncdate1 -, 1, 1)).days tslice = slice(tidx0, tidx1 + 1) # time steps to fill tsteps = (tidx1 - tidx0) + 1 # figure out the slice if ncdate0.strftime("%m%d") == "0101": retslice = slice(0, tsteps) else: retslice = slice(0 - tsteps, None) # print("copy_iemre from %s filling %s steps nc: %s iemre: %s" % ( # fromyear, tsteps, tslice, retslice # )) highc = temperature( renc.variables["high_tmpk"][retslice, jslice, islice], "K" ).value("C") lowc = temperature( renc.variables["low_tmpk"][retslice, jslice, islice], "K" ).value("C") nc.variables["tmax"][tslice, :, :] = highc nc.variables["tmin"][tslice, :, :] = lowc nc.variables["gdd_f"][tslice, :, :] = gdd( temperature(highc, "C"), temperature(lowc, "C") ) nc.variables["prcp"][tslice, :, :] = renc.variables["p01d"][ retslice, jslice, islice ] for rt, nt in zip( list( range( retslice.start, 0 if retslice.stop is None else retslice.stop ) ), list(range(tslice.start, tslice.stop)), ): # IEMRE power_swdn is MJ, test to see if data exists srad = renc.variables["power_swdn"][rt, jslice, islice] if srad.mask.any(): # IEMRE rsds uses W m-2, we want MJ srad = ( renc.variables["rsds"][rt, jslice, islice] * 86400.0 / 1000000.0 ) nc.variables["srad"][nt, :, :] = srad renc.close()
def replace_obs(df, location): """Replace dataframe data with obs for this location Tricky part, if the baseline already provides data for this year, we should use it! """ pgconn = get_dbconn('isuag', user='******') cursor = pgconn.cursor() isusm = XREF[location]['isusm'] today = jan1 = today.replace(month=1, day=1) years = [ int(y) for y in np.arange(df.index.values.min().year, df.index.values.max().year + 1) ] cursor.execute( """ select valid, tair_c_max_qc, tair_c_min_qc, slrmj_tot_qc, vwc_12_avg_qc, vwc_24_avg_qc, vwc_50_avg_qc, tsoil_c_avg_qc, t12_c_avg_qc, t24_c_avg_qc, t50_c_avg_qc, rain_mm_tot_qc from sm_daily WHERE station = %s and valid >= %s and tair_c_max_qc is not null and tair_c_min_qc is not null ORDER by valid """, (isusm, jan1)) rcols = [ 'maxt', 'mint', 'radn', 'gdd', 'sm12', 'sm24', 'sm50', 'st4', 'st12', 'st24', 'st50', 'rain' ] replaced = [] for row in cursor: valid = row[0] # Does our df currently have data for this date? If so, we shall do # no more dont_replace = not np.isnan([valid, 'mint']) if not dont_replace: replaced.append(valid) _gdd = gdd(temperature(row[1], 'C'), temperature(row[2], 'C')) for year in years: if valid.month == 2 and == 29 and year % 4 != 0: continue if dont_replace: df.loc[valid.replace(year=year), rcols[3:-1]] = (_gdd, row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8], row[9], row[10]) continue df.loc[valid.replace(year=year), rcols] = (row[1], row[2], row[3], _gdd, row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8], row[9], row[10], row[11]) if replaced: print((" replaced with obs from %s for %s->%s") % (isusm, replaced[0], replaced[-1]))
def load(dirname, location, sdate): """ Read a file please """ data = [] idx = [] mindoy = int(sdate.strftime("%j")) fn = "%s/%s.met" % (dirname, location) if not os.path.isfile(fn): raise NoDataFound("Data file was not found.") for line in open(fn): line = line.strip() if not line.startswith("19") and not line.startswith("20"): continue tokens = line.split() if int(tokens[1]) < mindoy: continue data.append(tokens) ts =[0]), 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta( days=int(tokens[1]) - 1 ) idx.append(ts) if len(data[0]) < 10: cols = ["year", "doy", "radn", "maxt", "mint", "rain"] else: cols = [ "year", "doy", "radn", "maxt", "mint", "rain", "gdd", "st4", "st12", "st24", "st50", "sm12", "sm24", "sm50", ] df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=idx, columns=cols) for col in cols: df[col] = pd.to_numeric(df[col], errors="coerce") if len(data[0]) < 10: df["gdd"] = gdd( temperature(df["maxt"].values, "C"), temperature(df["mint"].values, "C"), ) df["gddcum"] = df.groupby(["year"])["gdd"].apply(lambda x: x.cumsum()) df["raincum"] = distance( df.groupby(["year"])["rain"].apply(lambda x: x.cumsum()), "MM" ).value("IN") return df
def load(dirname, location, sdate): """ Read a file please """ data = [] idx = [] fn = "%s/%s.met" % (dirname, location) if not os.path.isfile(fn): raise NoDataFound("File was not found.") for line in open(fn): line = line.strip() if not line.startswith('19') and not line.startswith('20'): continue tokens = line.split() if float(tokens[5]) > 90: continue data.append(tokens) ts = ([0]), 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(days=int(tokens[1]) - 1)) idx.append(ts) if len(data[0]) < 10: cols = ['year', 'doy', 'radn', 'maxt', 'mint', 'rain'] else: cols = [ 'year', 'doy', 'radn', 'maxt', 'mint', 'rain', 'gdd', 'st4', 'st12', 'st24', 'st50', 'sm12', 'sm24', 'sm50' ] df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=idx, columns=cols) for col in cols: df[col] = pd.to_numeric(df[col], errors='coerce') if len(data[0]) < 10: df['gdd'] = gdd(temperature(df['maxt'].values, 'C'), temperature(df['mint'].values, 'C')) bins = [] today = for valid, _ in df.iterrows(): if valid >= today: bins.append(0) continue if sdate == 'nov1' and valid.month >= 11: bins.append(valid.year + 1) continue if valid.month < today.month: bins.append(valid.year) continue if valid.month == today.month and < bins.append(valid.year) continue bins.append(0) df['bin'] = bins df['rain'] = distance(df['rain'].values, 'MM').value('IN') df['avgt'] = temperature((df['maxt'] + df['mint']) / 2.0, 'C').value('F') return df
def replace_obs_iem(df, location): """Replace dataframe data with obs for this location Tricky part, if the baseline already provides data for this year, we should use it! """ pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='iem', host='iemdb', user='******') cursor = pgconn.cursor() station = XREF[location]['station'] today = jan1 = today.replace(month=1, day=1) years = [int(y) for y in np.arange(df.index.values.min().year, df.index.values.max().year + 1)] table = "summary_%s" % (jan1.year,) cursor.execute(""" select day, max_tmpf, min_tmpf, srad_mj, pday from """ + table + """ s JOIN stations t on (s.iemid = t.iemid) WHERE = %s and max_tmpf is not null and day < 'TODAY' ORDER by day ASC """, (station,)) rcols = ['maxt', 'mint', 'radn', 'gdd', 'rain'] replaced = [] for row in cursor: valid = row[0] # Does our df currently have data for this date? If so, we shall do # no more dont_replace = not np.isnan([valid, 'mint']) if not dont_replace: replaced.append(valid) _gdd = gdd(temperature(row[1], 'F'), temperature(row[2], 'F')) for year in years: if valid.month == 2 and == 29 and year % 4 != 0: continue if dont_replace: df.loc[valid.replace(year=year), rcols[3:-1]] = (_gdd, distance(row[4], 'in').value('mm')) continue df.loc[valid.replace(year=year), rcols] = ( temperature(row[1], 'F').value('C'), temperature(row[2], 'F').value('C'), row[3], _gdd, distance(row[4], 'in').value('mm')) if len(replaced) > 0: print((" used IEM Access %s from %s->%s" ) % (station, replaced[0], replaced[-1]))
def plot_gdd(ts): """Generate our plot.""" nc = ncopen(ts.strftime("/mesonet/data/ndfd/")) # compute our daily GDDs gddtot = np.zeros(np.shape(nc.variables["lon"][:])) for i in range(7): gddtot += gdd( temperature(nc.variables["high_tmpk"][i, :, :], "K"), temperature(nc.variables["low_tmpk"][i, :, :], "K"), ) cnc = ncopen("/mesonet/data/ndfd/") offset = daily_offset(ts) avggdd = np.sum(cnc.variables["gdd50"][offset:offset + 7], 0) data = gddtot - np.where(avggdd < 1, 1, avggdd) subtitle = ("Based on National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD) " "00 UTC Forecast made %s") % (ts.strftime("%-d %b %Y"), ) mp = MapPlot( title="NWS NDFD 7 Day (%s through %s) GDD50 Departure from Avg" % ( ts.strftime("%-d %b"), (ts + datetime.timedelta(days=6)).strftime("%-d %b"), ), subtitle=subtitle, sector="iailin", ) mp.pcolormesh( nc.variables["lon"][:], nc.variables["lat"][:], data, np.arange(-80, 81, 20), cmap=plt.get_cmap("RdBu_r"), units=r"$^\circ$F", spacing="proportional", ) mp.drawcounties() pqstr = ( "data c %s summary/cb_ndfd_7day_gdd.png summary/cb_ndfd_7day_gdd.png " "png") % (ts.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M"), ) mp.postprocess(pqstr=pqstr) mp.close() nc.close()
def copy_iemre(nc, ncdate0, ncdate1, islice, jslice): """Copy IEMRE data from a given year to **inclusive** dates.""" rencfn = iemre.get_daily_ncname(ncdate0.year) if not os.path.isfile(rencfn):"reanalysis fn %s missing", rencfn) return with ncopen(rencfn) as renc: # Compute offsets for yieldfx file tidx0 = (ncdate0 -, 1, 1)).days tidx1 = (ncdate1 -, 1, 1)).days yfx_slice = slice(tidx0, tidx1 + 1) # Compute offsets for the reanalysis file tidx0 = (ncdate0 -, 1, 1)).days tidx1 = (ncdate1 -, 1, 1)).days re_slice = slice(tidx0, tidx1 + 1) # LOG.debug("filling nc: %s iemre: %s", yfx_slice, re_slice) highc = temperature( renc.variables["high_tmpk"][re_slice, jslice, islice], "K").value("C") lowc = temperature( renc.variables["low_tmpk"][re_slice, jslice, islice], "K").value("C") nc.variables["tmax"][yfx_slice, :, :] = highc nc.variables["tmin"][yfx_slice, :, :] = lowc nc.variables["gdd_f"][yfx_slice, :, :] = gdd(temperature(highc, "C"), temperature(lowc, "C")) nc.variables["prcp"][yfx_slice, :, :] = renc.variables["p01d"][ re_slice, jslice, islice] # Special care needed for solar radiation filling for rt, nt in zip( list(range(re_slice.start, re_slice.stop)), list(range(yfx_slice.start, yfx_slice.stop)), ): # IEMRE power_swdn is MJ, test to see if data exists srad = renc.variables["power_swdn"][rt, jslice, islice] if srad.mask.any(): # IEMRE rsds uses W m-2, we want MJ srad = (renc.variables["rsds"][rt, jslice, islice] * 86400.0 / 1000000.0) nc.variables["srad"][nt, :, :] = srad
def compute_gdd(df): """Compute GDDs Please""" df['gdd'] = gdd(temperature(df['maxt'].values, 'C'), temperature(df['mint'].values, 'C'))
def replace_obs(df, location): """Replace dataframe data with obs for this location Tricky part, if the baseline already provides data for this year, we should use it! """ pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='isuag', host='iemdb', user='******') cursor = pgconn.cursor() isusm = XREF[location]['isusm'] today = jan1 = today.replace(month=1, day=1) years = [int(y) for y in np.arange(df.index.values.min().year, df.index.values.max().year + 1)] cursor.execute(""" select valid, tair_c_max_qc, tair_c_min_qc, slrmj_tot_qc, vwc_12_avg_qc, vwc_24_avg_qc, vwc_50_avg_qc, tsoil_c_avg_qc, t12_c_avg_qc, t24_c_avg_qc, t50_c_avg_qc, rain_mm_tot_qc from sm_daily WHERE station = %s and valid >= %s ORDER by valid """, (isusm, jan1)) rcols = ['maxt', 'mint', 'radn', 'gdd', 'sm12', 'sm24', 'sm50', 'st4', 'st12', 'st24', 'st50', 'rain'] replaced = [] for row in cursor: valid = row[0] # Does our df currently have data for this date? If so, we shall do # no more dont_replace = not np.isnan([valid, 'mint']) if not dont_replace: replaced.append(valid) _gdd = gdd(temperature(row[1], 'C'), temperature(row[2], 'C')) for year in years: if valid.month == 2 and == 29 and year % 4 != 0: continue if dont_replace: df.loc[valid.replace(year=year), rcols[3:-1]] = (_gdd, row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8], row[9], row[10]) continue df.loc[valid.replace(year=year), rcols] = (row[1], row[2], row[3], _gdd, row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8], row[9], row[10], row[11] ) if len(replaced) > 0: print("yieldfx_workflow supplemented %s from %s to %s" % (location, replaced[0], replaced[-1] )) # We no longer want to use rain from climodat... return # Go get precip from Climodat coop = XREF[location]['climodat'] pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='coop', host='iemdb', user='******') cursor = pgconn.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT day, precip from alldata_ia where year = %s and station = %s and day < %s """, (jan1.year, coop, today)) for row in cursor: valid = row[0] pcpn = distance(row[1], 'IN').value('MM') for year in years: if valid.month == 2 and == 29 and year % 4 != 0: continue[valid.replace(year=year), 'rain'] = pcpn
"""Dump baseline file as CSV, with GDD computed""" from pyiem.datatypes import temperature, distance import pyiem.meteorology as met import glob import os import datetime os.chdir('baseline') for fn in glob.glob("*.met"): location = fn[:-4] o = open("%s.csv" % (location,), 'w') o.write("date,high[F],low[F],precip[inch],gdd[F]\n") for line in open(fn): line = line.strip() if not line.startswith('2012') and not line.startswith('2015'): continue tokens = line.split() valid = ([0]), 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(days=int(tokens[1])-1)) high = temperature(float(tokens[3]), 'C') low = temperature(float(tokens[4]), 'C') gdd = met.gdd(high, low, 50, 86) precip = distance(float(tokens[5]), 'MM') o.write(("%s,%.1f,%.1f,%.2f,%.1f\n" ) % (valid.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), high.value("F"), low.value("F"), precip.value("IN"), gdd)) o.close()
def compute_gdd(df): """Compute GDDs Please""" df['gdd'] = gdd(temperature(df['maxt'], 'C'), temperature(df['mint'], 'C'))
def load(dirname, location, sdate): """ Read a file please """ data = [] idx = [] fn = "%s/%s.met" % (dirname, location) if not os.path.isfile(fn): raise NoDataFound("File was not found.") for line in open(fn): line = line.strip() if not line.startswith("19") and not line.startswith("20"): continue tokens = line.split() if float(tokens[5]) > 90: continue data.append(tokens) ts =[0]), 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(days=int(tokens[1]) - 1) idx.append(ts) if len(data[0]) < 10: cols = ["year", "doy", "radn", "maxt", "mint", "rain"] else: cols = [ "year", "doy", "radn", "maxt", "mint", "rain", "gdd", "st4", "st12", "st24", "st50", "sm12", "sm24", "sm50", ] df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=idx, columns=cols) for col in cols: df[col] = pd.to_numeric(df[col], errors="coerce") if len(data[0]) < 10: df["gdd"] = gdd( temperature(df["maxt"].values, "C"), temperature(df["mint"].values, "C"), ) bins = [] today = for valid, _ in df.iterrows(): if valid >= today: bins.append(0) continue if sdate == "nov1" and valid.month >= 11: bins.append(valid.year + 1) continue if valid.month < today.month: bins.append(valid.year) continue if valid.month == today.month and < bins.append(valid.year) continue bins.append(0) df["bin"] = bins df["rain"] = distance(df["rain"].values, "MM").value("IN") df["avgt"] = temperature((df["maxt"] + df["mint"]) / 2.0, "C").value("F") return df
def compute_gdd(df): """Compute GDDs Please""" df["gdd"] = gdd( temperature(df["maxt"].values, "C"), temperature(df["mint"].values, "C"), )
def replace_obs(df, location): """Replace dataframe data with obs for this location Tricky part, if the baseline already provides data for this year, we should use it! """ pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='isuag', host='iemdb', user='******') cursor = pgconn.cursor() isusm = XREF[location]['isusm'] today = jan1 = today.replace(month=1, day=1) years = [ int(y) for y in np.arange(df.index.values.min().year, df.index.values.max().year + 1) ] cursor.execute( """ select valid, tair_c_max_qc, tair_c_min_qc, slrmj_tot_qc, vwc_12_avg_qc, vwc_24_avg_qc, vwc_50_avg_qc, tsoil_c_avg_qc, t12_c_avg_qc, t24_c_avg_qc, t50_c_avg_qc, rain_mm_tot_qc from sm_daily WHERE station = %s and valid >= %s ORDER by valid """, (isusm, jan1)) rcols = [ 'maxt', 'mint', 'radn', 'gdd', 'sm12', 'sm24', 'sm50', 'st4', 'st12', 'st24', 'st50', 'rain' ] replaced = [] for row in cursor: valid = row[0] # Does our df currently have data for this date? If so, we shall do # no more dont_replace = not np.isnan([valid, 'mint']) if not dont_replace: replaced.append(valid) _gdd = gdd(temperature(row[1], 'C'), temperature(row[2], 'C')) for year in years: if valid.month == 2 and == 29 and year % 4 != 0: continue if dont_replace: df.loc[valid.replace(year=year), rcols[3:-1]] = (_gdd, row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8], row[9], row[10]) continue df.loc[valid.replace(year=year), rcols] = (row[1], row[2], row[3], _gdd, row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8], row[9], row[10], row[11]) if len(replaced) > 0: print("yieldfx_workflow supplemented %s from %s to %s" % (location, replaced[0], replaced[-1])) # We no longer want to use rain from climodat... return # Go get precip from Climodat coop = XREF[location]['climodat'] pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='coop', host='iemdb', user='******') cursor = pgconn.cursor() cursor.execute( """ SELECT day, precip from alldata_ia where year = %s and station = %s and day < %s """, (jan1.year, coop, today)) for row in cursor: valid = row[0] pcpn = distance(row[1], 'IN').value('MM') for year in years: if valid.month == 2 and == 29 and year % 4 != 0: continue[valid.replace(year=year), 'rain'] = pcpn