def plotter(fdict): """ Go """ ctx = get_autoplot_context(fdict, get_description()) # Covert datetime to UTC ctx['sdate'] = ctx['sdate'].replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) ctx['edate'] = ctx['edate'].replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) state = ctx['state'] phenomena = ctx['phenomena'] significance = ctx['significance'] station = ctx['station'][:4] t = ctx['t'] ilabel = (ctx['ilabel'] == 'yes') geo = ctx['geo'] nt = NetworkTable("WFO") if geo == 'ugc': do_ugc(ctx) elif geo == 'polygon': do_polygon(ctx) subtitle = "based on IEM Archives %s" % (ctx.get('subtitle', ''), ) if t == 'cwa': subtitle = "Plotted for %s (%s), %s" % (nt.sts[station]['name'], station, subtitle) else: subtitle = "Plotted for %s, %s" % (state_names[state], subtitle) m = MapPlot(sector=('state' if t == 'state' else 'cwa'), state=state, cwa=(station if len(station) == 3 else station[1:]), axisbg='white', title=('%s %s (%s.%s)') % (ctx['title'], vtec.get_ps_string( phenomena, significance), phenomena, significance), subtitle=subtitle, nocaption=True, titlefontsize=16) if geo == 'ugc': cmap = plt.get_cmap('Paired') cmap.set_under('white') cmap.set_over('white') m.fill_ugcs(ctx['data'], ctx['bins'], cmap=cmap, ilabel=ilabel) else: cmap = plt.get_cmap('gist_ncar') cmap.set_under('white') cmap.set_over('black') res = m.pcolormesh(ctx['lons'], ctx['lats'], ctx['data'], ctx['bins'], cmap=cmap, units='count') # Cut down on SVG et al size res.set_rasterized(True) if ctx['drawc'] == 'yes': m.drawcounties() return m.fig, ctx['df']
def main(): """Go Main Go.""" years = 12.0 # 2008 - 2019 pgconn = get_dbconn("idep") postgis = get_dbconn("postgis") # Get the initial geometries df = read_postgis( """ SELECT ugc, name, geom from ugcs WHERE end_ts is null and substr(ugc, 1, 3) = 'IAC' """, postgis, index_col="ugc", crs="EPSG:4326", ) scenario = 0 df2 = read_sql( """WITH data as ( SELECT r.huc_12, sum(avg_loss) * 4.163 / %s as detach, sum(avg_delivery) * 4.163 / %s as delivery, sum(avg_runoff) / 25.4 / %s as runoff from results_by_huc12 r , huc12 h WHERE r.huc_12 = h.huc_12 and h.states ~* 'IA' and r.scenario = %s and h.scenario = 0 and r.valid < '2020-01-01' and r.valid > '2008-01-01' GROUP by r.huc_12) SELECT ugc, avg(detach) as detach, avg(delivery) as delivery, avg(runoff) as runoff from data d JOIN huc12 h on (d.huc_12 = h.huc_12) WHERE h.scenario = 0 GROUP by ugc ORDER by delivery desc """, pgconn, params=(years, years, years, scenario), index_col="ugc", ) newcols = { "detach": "det%s" % (0, ), "delivery": "del%s" % (0, ), "runoff": "run%s" % (0, ), } for key, val in newcols.items(): df[val] = df2[key] df = df.sort_values("del0", ascending=False) print(df.head(10)) mp = MapPlot(title="2008-2019 DEP Top 10 Erosive Counties", logo="dep", caption="") df2 = df.head(10) mp.fill_ugcs(df2["del0"].to_dict()) mp.postprocess(filename="test.png")
def plotter(fdict): """ Go """ ctx = get_autoplot_context(fdict, get_description()) # Covert datetime to UTC ctx["sdate"] = ctx["sdate"].replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) ctx["edate"] = ctx["edate"].replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) state = ctx["state"] phenomena = ctx["phenomena"] significance = ctx["significance"] station = ctx["station"][:4] t = ctx["t"] ilabel = ctx["ilabel"] == "yes" geo = ctx["geo"] if geo == "ugc": do_ugc(ctx) elif geo == "polygon": do_polygon(ctx) subtitle = "based on IEM Archives %s" % (ctx.get("subtitle", ""), ) if t == "cwa": subtitle = "Plotted for %s (%s), %s" % ( ctx["_nt"].sts[station]["name"], station, subtitle, ) else: subtitle = "Plotted for %s, %s" % (state_names[state], subtitle) m = MapPlot( sector=("state" if t == "state" else "cwa"), state=state, cwa=(station if len(station) == 3 else station[1:]), axisbg="white", title=("%s %s (%s.%s)") % ( ctx["title"], vtec.get_ps_string(phenomena, significance), phenomena, significance, ), subtitle=subtitle, nocaption=True, titlefontsize=16, ) cmap = plt.get_cmap(ctx["cmap"]) cmap.set_under("white") cmap.set_over("white") if geo == "ugc": m.fill_ugcs(ctx["data"], ctx["bins"], cmap=cmap, ilabel=ilabel) else: res = m.pcolormesh( ctx["lons"], ctx["lats"], ctx["data"], ctx["bins"], cmap=cmap, units="count", ) # Cut down on SVG et al size res.set_rasterized(True) if ctx["drawc"] == "yes": m.drawcounties() return m.fig, ctx["df"]
def plotter(fdict): """ Go """ pgconn = get_dbconn("postgis") ctx = get_autoplot_context(fdict, get_description()) utcvalid = ctx.get("valid") wfo = ctx["wfo"] tzname = ctx["_nt"].sts[wfo]["tzname"] p1 = ctx["phenomenav"][:2] s1 = ctx["significancev"][:1] etn = int(ctx["etn"]) year = int(ctx["year"]) table = "warnings_%s" % (year, ) df = read_postgis( """ SELECT w.ugc, simple_geom,, issue at time zone 'UTC' as issue, expire at time zone 'UTC' as expire, init_expire at time zone 'UTC' as init_expire, 1 as val, status from """ + table + """ w JOIN ugcs u on (w.gid = u.gid) WHERE w.wfo = %s and eventid = %s and significance = %s and phenomena = %s ORDER by issue ASC """, pgconn, params=(wfo[-3:], etn, s1, p1), index_col="ugc", geom_col="simple_geom", ) if df.empty: raise NoDataFound("VTEC Event was not found, sorry.") table = "sbw_%s" % (year, ) sbwdf = read_postgis( """ SELECT status, geom, polygon_begin at time zone 'UTC' as polygon_begin, polygon_end at time zone 'UTC' as polygon_end from """ + table + """ WHERE wfo = %s and eventid = %s and significance = %s and phenomena = %s ORDER by polygon_begin ASC """, pgconn, params=(wfo[-3:], etn, s1, p1), geom_col="geom", ) if utcvalid is None: utcvalid = df["issue"].max() else: # hack for an assumption below utcvalid = pd.Timestamp(utcvalid.replace(tzinfo=None)) def m(valid): """Convert to our local timestamp.""" return (valid.tz_localize(pytz.UTC).astimezone( pytz.timezone(tzname)).strftime(TFORMAT)) df["color"] = vtec.NWS_COLORS.get("%s.%s" % (p1, s1), "#FF0000") if not sbwdf.empty: df["color"] = "tan" bounds = df["simple_geom"].total_bounds buffer = 0.4 mp = MapPlot( subtitle="Map Valid: %s, Event: %s to %s" % (m(utcvalid), m(df["issue"].min()), m(df["expire"].max())), title="%s %s %s %s (%s.%s) #%s" % ( year, wfo, vtec.VTEC_PHENOMENA.get(p1, p1), vtec.VTEC_SIGNIFICANCE.get(s1, s1), p1, s1, etn, ), sector="custom", west=bounds[0] - buffer, south=bounds[1] - buffer, east=bounds[2] + buffer, north=bounds[3] + buffer, nocaption=True, ) mp.sector = "cwa" mp.cwa = wfo[-3:] # CAN statements come here with time == expire :/ df2 = df[(df["issue"] <= utcvalid) & (df["expire"] > utcvalid)] if df2.empty: 0.5, 0.5, "Event No Longer Active", zorder=1000,, fontsize=24, ha="center", ) else: mp.fill_ugcs( df2["val"].to_dict(), color=df2["color"].to_dict(), nocbar=True, labels=df2["name"].to_dict(), missingval="", ilabel=(len(df2.index) <= 10), labelbuffer=5, ) if not sbwdf.empty: color = vtec.NWS_COLORS.get("%s.%s" % (p1, s1), "#FF0000") poly = sbwdf.iloc[0]["geom"] df2 = sbwdf[(sbwdf["polygon_begin"] <= utcvalid) & (sbwdf["polygon_end"] > utcvalid)] if not df2.empty: # draw new [poly], ccrs.PlateCarree(), facecolor="None", edgecolor="k", zorder=Z_OVERLAY2 - 1, ) poly = df2.iloc[0]["geom"] [poly], ccrs.PlateCarree(), facecolor=color, alpha=0.5, edgecolor="k", zorder=Z_OVERLAY2, ) if len(df.index) > 10: mp.drawcities() return mp.fig, df.drop("simple_geom", axis=1)