예제 #1
파일: test_util.py 프로젝트: yyqyu/pyIEM
def test_find_ij():
    """Can we find_ij()."""
    xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(np.arange(10), np.arange(10))
    i, j = util.find_ij(xgrid, ygrid, 4, 4)
    assert i == 4
    assert j == 4
예제 #2
def workflow(valid):
    """Our workflow"""
    if valid.month == 1 and valid.day == 1:
        print("prism_adjust_stage4, sorry Jan 1 processing is a TODO!")
    # read prism
    tidx = daily_offset(valid)
    nc = ncopen("/mesonet/data/prism/%s_daily.nc" % (valid.year, ), 'r')
    ppt = nc.variables['ppt'][tidx, :, :]
    # missing as zero
    ppt = np.where(ppt.mask, 0, ppt)
    lons = nc.variables['lon'][:]
    lats = nc.variables['lat'][:]
    (lons, lats) = np.meshgrid(lons, lats)
    i, j = prismutil.find_ij(DEBUGLON, DEBUGLAT)
    LOG.debug("prism debug point ppt: %.3f", ppt[j, i])

    # Interpolate this onto the stage4 grid
    nc = ncopen(("/mesonet/data/stage4/%s_stage4_hourly.nc"
                 ) % (valid.year, ), 'a', timeout=300)
    p01m = nc.variables['p01m']
    p01m_status = nc.variables['p01m_status']
    s4lons = nc.variables['lon'][:]
    s4lats = nc.variables['lat'][:]
    i, j = find_ij(s4lons, s4lats, DEBUGLON, DEBUGLAT)
    # Values are in the hourly arrears, so start at -23 and thru current hour
    sts_tidx = hourly_offset(valid - datetime.timedelta(hours=23))
    ets_tidx = hourly_offset(valid + datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
    s4total = np.sum(p01m[sts_tidx:ets_tidx, :, :], axis=0)
        "stage4 s4total: %.3f lon: %.2f (%.2f) lat: %.2f (%.2f)",
        s4total[i, j], s4lons[i, j], DEBUGLON, s4lats[i, j], DEBUGLAT
    # make sure the s4total does not have zeros
    s4total = np.where(s4total < 0.001, 0.001, s4total)

    nn = NearestNDInterpolator((lons.flatten(), lats.flatten()), ppt.flat)
    prism_on_s4grid = nn(s4lons, s4lats)
        "shape of prism_on_s4grid: %s s4lons: %s ll: %.2f s4lats: %s ll: %.2f",
        np.shape(prism_on_s4grid), np.shape(s4lons), s4lons[0, 0],
        np.shape(s4lats), s4lats[0, 0]
    multiplier = prism_on_s4grid / s4total
        "prism avg: %.3f stageIV avg: %.3f prismons4grid avg: %.3f mul: %.3f",
        np.mean(ppt), np.mean(s4total), np.mean(prism_on_s4grid),
        "Boone IA0807 prism: %.3f stageIV: %.4f prismons4grid: %.3f mul: %.3f",
        ppt[431, 746], s4total[i, j], prism_on_s4grid[i, j],
        multiplier[i, j]

    # Do the work now, we should not have to worry about the scale factor
    for tidx in range(sts_tidx, ets_tidx):
        oldval = p01m[tidx, :, :]
        # we threshold the s4total to at least 0.001, so we divide by 24 here
        # and denote that if the multiplier is zero, then we net zero
        newval = np.where(oldval < 0.001, 0.00004, oldval) * multiplier
        nc.variables['p01m'][tidx, :, :] = newval
            "adjust tidx: %s oldval: %.3f newval: %.3f",
            tidx, oldval[i, j], newval[i, j]
        # make sure have data
        if np.ma.max(newval) > 0:
            p01m_status[tidx] = 2
            print(("prism_adjust_stage4 NOOP for time %s[idx:%s]"
                   ) % ((datetime.datetime(valid.year, 1, 1, 0) +
                         ).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H"), tidx))