예제 #1
    def test_it(self):
        actuation_type = 'robin'
        bound_cond_type = 'robin'
        param = [2., 1.5, -3., -1., -.5]
        adjoint_param = ef.get_adjoint_rad_evp_param(param)
        a2, a1, a0, alpha, beta = param

        l = 1.
        spatial_disc = 10
        dz = sim.Domain(bounds=(0, l), num=spatial_disc)

        T = 1.
        temporal_disc = 1e2
        dt = sim.Domain(bounds=(0, T), num=temporal_disc)
        n = 10

        eig_freq, eig_val = ef.compute_rad_robin_eigenfrequencies(param, l, n)

        init_eig_funcs = np.array([ef.SecondOrderRobinEigenfunction(om, param, dz.bounds) for om in eig_freq])
        init_adjoint_eig_funcs = np.array([ef.SecondOrderRobinEigenfunction(om, adjoint_param, dz.bounds)
                                           for om in eig_freq])

        # normalize eigenfunctions and adjoint eigenfunctions
        adjoint_and_eig_funcs = [cr.normalize_function(init_eig_funcs[i], init_adjoint_eig_funcs[i]) for i in range(n)]
        eig_funcs = np.array([f_tuple[0] for f_tuple in adjoint_and_eig_funcs])
        adjoint_eig_funcs = np.array([f_tuple[1] for f_tuple in adjoint_and_eig_funcs])

        # register eigenfunctions
        register_base("eig_funcs", eig_funcs, overwrite=True)
        register_base("adjoint_eig_funcs", adjoint_eig_funcs, overwrite=True)

        # derive initial field variable x(z,0) and weights
        start_state = cr.Function(lambda z: 0., domain=(0, l))
        initial_weights = cr.project_on_base(start_state, adjoint_eig_funcs)

        # init trajectory
        u = tr.RadTrajectory(l, T, param, bound_cond_type, actuation_type)

        # determine (A,B) with weak-formulation (pyinduct)
        rad_pde = ut.get_parabolic_robin_weak_form("eig_funcs", "adjoint_eig_funcs", u, param, dz.bounds)
        cf = sim.parse_weak_formulation(rad_pde)
        ss_weak = cf.convert_to_state_space()

        # determine (A,B) with modal-transfomation
        A = np.diag(np.real_if_close(eig_val))
        B = a2*np.array([adjoint_eig_funcs[i](l) for i in xrange(len(eig_freq))])
        ss_modal = sim.StateSpace("eig_funcs", A, B)

        # check if ss_modal.(A,B) is close to ss_weak.(A,B)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sort(np.linalg.eigvals(ss_weak.A)), np.sort(np.linalg.eigvals(ss_modal.A)),
                                    rtol=1e-05, atol=0.))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.array([i[0] for i in ss_weak.B]), ss_modal.B))

        # display results
        if show_plots:
            t, q = sim.simulate_state_space(ss_modal, u, initial_weights, dt)
            eval_d = ut.evaluate_approximation("eig_funcs", q, t, dz, spat_order=1)
            win1 = vis.PgAnimatedPlot([eval_d], title="Test")
            win2 = vis.PgSurfacePlot(eval_d[0])
예제 #2
    def test_modal(self):
        self.act_funcs = "eig_funcs"
        a2, a1, a0, alpha, beta = self.param
        controller = ut.get_parabolic_robin_backstepping_controller(state=self.x_i_at_l,

        # determine (A,B) with modal-transfomation
        A = np.diag(np.real(self.eig_val))
        B = a2 * np.array([self.adjoint_eig_funcs[i](self.l) for i in xrange(self.n)])
        ss_modal = sim.StateSpace(self.act_funcs, A, B)

        # simulate
        self.t, self.q = sim.simulate_state_space(ss_modal, controller, np.zeros((len(self.adjoint_eig_funcs))),

        eval_d = ut.evaluate_approximation(self.act_funcs, self.q, self.t, self.dz)
        x_0t = eval_d.output_data[:, 0]
        yc, tc = tr.gevrey_tanh(self.T, 1)
        x_0t_desired = np.interp(self.t, tc, yc[0, :])
        self.assertLess(np.average((x_0t - x_0t_desired) ** 2), 1e-2)

        # display results
        if show_plots:
            win1 = vis.PgAnimatedPlot([eval_d], title="Test")
            win2 = vis.PgSurfacePlot(eval_d)
예제 #3
    def test_fem(self):
        self.act_funcs = "fem_funcs"
        controller = ut.get_parabolic_robin_backstepping_controller(state=self.x_fem_i_at_l,

        # determine (A,B) with modal-transfomation
        rad_pde = ut.get_parabolic_robin_weak_form(self.act_funcs, self.act_funcs, controller, self.param,
        cf = sim.parse_weak_formulation(rad_pde)
        ss_weak = cf.convert_to_state_space()

        # simulate
        self.t, self.q = sim.simulate_state_space(ss_weak, cf.input_function, np.zeros((len(self.fem_funcs))),

        eval_d = ut.evaluate_approximation(self.act_funcs, self.q, self.t, self.dz)
        x_0t = eval_d.output_data[:, 0]
        yc, tc = tr.gevrey_tanh(self.T, 1)
        x_0t_desired = np.interp(self.t, tc, yc[0, :])
        self.assertLess(np.average((x_0t - x_0t_desired) ** 2), 1e-3)

        # display results
        if show_plots:
            win1 = vis.PgAnimatedPlot([eval_d], title="Test")
            win2 = vis.PgSurfacePlot(eval_d)
예제 #4
    def test_it(self):
        actuation_type = 'dirichlet'
        bound_cond_type = 'dirichlet'
        param = [1., -2., -1., None, None]
        adjoint_param = ef.get_adjoint_rad_evp_param(param)
        a2, a1, a0, _, _ = param

        l = 1.
        spatial_disc = 10
        dz = sim.Domain(bounds=(0, l), num=spatial_disc)

        T = 1.
        temporal_disc = 1e2
        dt = sim.Domain(bounds=(0, T), num=temporal_disc)

        omega = np.array([(i+1)*np.pi/l for i in xrange(spatial_disc)])
        eig_values = a0 - a2*omega**2 - a1**2/4./a2
        norm_fak = np.ones(omega.shape)*np.sqrt(2)
        eig_funcs = np.array([ef.SecondOrderDirichletEigenfunction(omega[i], param, dz.bounds, norm_fak[i])
                              for i in range(spatial_disc)])
        register_base("eig_funcs", eig_funcs, overwrite=True)
        adjoint_eig_funcs = np.array([ef.SecondOrderDirichletEigenfunction(omega[i],
                                                                           norm_fak[i]) for i in range(spatial_disc)])
        register_base("adjoint_eig_funcs", adjoint_eig_funcs, overwrite=True)

        # derive initial field variable x(z,0) and weights
        start_state = cr.Function(lambda z: 0., domain=(0, l))
        initial_weights = cr.project_on_base(start_state, adjoint_eig_funcs)

        # init trajectory
        u = tr.RadTrajectory(l, T, param, bound_cond_type, actuation_type)

        # determine (A,B) with weak-formulation (pyinduct)

        # derive sate-space system
        rad_pde = ut.get_parabolic_dirichlet_weak_form("eig_funcs", "adjoint_eig_funcs", u, param, dz.bounds)
        cf = sim.parse_weak_formulation(rad_pde)
        ss_weak = cf.convert_to_state_space()

        # determine (A,B) with modal-transfomation
        A = np.diag(eig_values)
        B = -a2*np.array([adjoint_eig_funcs[i].derive()(l) for i in xrange(spatial_disc)])
        ss_modal = sim.StateSpace("eig_funcs", A, B)

        # TODO: resolve the big tolerance (rtol=3e-01) between ss_modal.A and ss_weak.A
        # check if ss_modal.(A,B) is close to ss_weak.(A,B)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.sort(np.linalg.eigvals(ss_weak.A)), np.sort(np.linalg.eigvals(ss_modal.A)),
                                    rtol=3e-1, atol=0.))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.array([i[0] for i in ss_weak.B]), ss_modal.B))

        # display results
        if show_plots:
            t, q = sim.simulate_state_space(ss_modal, u, initial_weights, dt)
            eval_d = ut.evaluate_approximation("eig_funcs", q, t, dz, spat_order=1)
            win2 = vis.PgSurfacePlot(eval_d)
예제 #5
    def test_fem(self):
        use best documented fem case to test all steps in simulation process

        # enter string with mass equations
        nodes, ini_funcs = pyinduct.shapefunctions.cure_interval(pyinduct.shapefunctions.LagrangeSecondOrder,
                                                                 self.dz.bounds, node_count=10)
        register_base("init_funcs", ini_funcs, overwrite=True)
        int1 = ph.IntegralTerm(
            ph.Product(ph.TemporalDerivedFieldVariable("init_funcs", 2),
                       ph.TestFunction("init_funcs")), self.dz.bounds, scale=self.params.sigma*self.params.tau**2)
        s1 = ph.ScalarTerm(
            ph.Product(ph.TemporalDerivedFieldVariable("init_funcs", 2, location=0),
                       ph.TestFunction("init_funcs", location=0)), scale=self.params.m)
        int2 = ph.IntegralTerm(
            ph.Product(ph.SpatialDerivedFieldVariable("init_funcs", 1),
                       ph.TestFunction("init_funcs", order=1)), self.dz.bounds, scale=self.params.sigma)
        s2 = ph.ScalarTerm(
            ph.Product(ph.Input(self.u), ph.TestFunction("init_funcs", location=1)), -self.params.sigma)

        # derive sate-space system
        string_pde = sim.WeakFormulation([int1, s1, int2, s2], name="fem_test")
        self.cf = sim.parse_weak_formulation(string_pde)
        ss = self.cf.convert_to_state_space()

        # generate initial conditions for weights
        q0 = np.array([cr.project_on_base(self.ic[idx], ini_funcs) for idx in range(2)]).flatten()

        # simulate
        t, q = sim.simulate_state_space(ss, self.cf.input_function, q0, self.dt)

        # calculate result data
        eval_data = []
        for der_idx in range(2):
                ut.evaluate_approximation("init_funcs", q[:, der_idx * ini_funcs.size:(der_idx + 1) * ini_funcs.size],
                                          t, self.dz))
            eval_data[-1].name = "{0}{1}".format(self.cf.name, "_"+"".join(["d" for x in range(der_idx)])
                                                               + "t" if der_idx > 0 else "")

        # display results
        if show_plots:
            win = vis.PgAnimatedPlot(eval_data[:2], title="fem approx and derivative")
            win2 = vis.PgSurfacePlot(eval_data[0])

        # test for correct transition
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(eval_data[0].output_data[-1, 0], self.y_end, atol=1e-3))

        # TODO dump in pyinduct/tests/ressources
        file_path = os.sep.join(["resources", "test_data.res"])
        if not os.path.isdir("resources"):
        with open(file_path, "w") as f:
예제 #6
# determine (A,B) with modal transformation
rad_pde = ut.get_parabolic_robin_weak_form("fem_funcs", "fem_funcs", controller, param, spatial_domain.bounds, b)
cf = sim.parse_weak_formulation(rad_pde)
ss_weak = cf.convert_to_state_space()

# simulate (t: time vector, q: weights matrix)
t, q = sim.simulate_state_space(ss_weak, cf.input_function, init_profile * np.ones((len(fem_funcs))), temporal_domain)

# compute modal weights (for the intermediate system: evald_modal_xi)
mat = cr.calculate_base_transformation_matrix(fem_funcs, eig_funcs)
q_i = np.zeros((q.shape[0], len(eig_funcs_i)))
for i in range(q.shape[0]):
    q_i[i, :] = np.dot(q[i, :], np.transpose(mat))

# evaluate approximation of xi
evald_modal_xi = ut.evaluate_approximation("eig_funcs_i", q_i, t, spatial_domain, name="x_i(z,t) modal simulation")
evald_modal_T0_xid = ut.evaluate_approximation("sh_eig_funcs_id", q_i, t, spatial_domain,
                                               name="T0*x_i(z,t) modal simulation")
evald_shifted_x = ut.evaluate_approximation("sh_fem_funcs_i", q, t, spatial_domain,
                                            name="T0*e^(-a1/a2/2*z)*x_(z,t) fem simulation")
evald_appr_xi = vis.EvalData(evald_modal_xi.input_data,
                             evald_shifted_x.output_data + evald_modal_xi.output_data - evald_modal_T0_xid.output_data,
                             name="x_i(t) approximated")

# evaluate approximation of x
evald_fem_x = ut.evaluate_approximation("fem_funcs", q, t, spatial_domain, name="x(z,t) simulation")

# pyqtgraph visualisations
win1 = vis.PgAnimatedPlot([evald_fem_x, evald_modal_xi, evald_appr_xi, evald_xd, evald_xi_desired],
                          dt=T / len(temporal_domain) * 4)
win2 = vis.PgSurfacePlot([evald_xd], title=evald_xd.name, grid_height=1)
예제 #7
    def test_it(self):
        param = [2., -1.5, -3., 2., .5]
        a2, a1, a0, alpha, beta = param

        l = 1.
        spatial_disc = 10
        dz = sim.Domain(bounds=(0, l), num=spatial_disc)

        T = 1.
        temporal_disc = 2e2
        dt = sim.Domain(bounds=(0, T), num=temporal_disc)

        # create test functions
        nodes_1, ini_funcs_1 = pyinduct.shapefunctions.cure_interval(pyinduct.shapefunctions.LagrangeFirstOrder,
        register_base("init_funcs_1", ini_funcs_1, overwrite=True)
        nodes_2, ini_funcs_2 = pyinduct.shapefunctions.cure_interval(pyinduct.shapefunctions.LagrangeSecondOrder,
        register_base("init_funcs_2", ini_funcs_2, overwrite=True)

        def test_dd():
            # trajectory
            bound_cond_type = 'dirichlet'
            actuation_type = 'dirichlet'
            u = tr.RadTrajectory(l, T, param, bound_cond_type, actuation_type)

            # derive state-space system
            rad_pde = ut.get_parabolic_dirichlet_weak_form("init_funcs_2", "init_funcs_2", u, param, dz.bounds)
            cf = sim.parse_weak_formulation(rad_pde)
            ss = cf.convert_to_state_space()

            # simulate system
            t, q = sim.simulate_state_space(ss, cf.input_function, np.zeros(ini_funcs_2.shape), dt)

            return t, q

        def test_rd():
            # trajectory
            bound_cond_type = 'robin'
            actuation_type = 'dirichlet'
            u = tr.RadTrajectory(l, T, param, bound_cond_type, actuation_type)

            # integral terms
            int1 = ph.IntegralTerm(ph.Product(ph.TemporalDerivedFieldVariable("init_funcs_2", order=1),
                                              ph.TestFunction("init_funcs_2", order=0)), dz.bounds)
            int2 = ph.IntegralTerm(ph.Product(ph.SpatialDerivedFieldVariable("init_funcs_2", order=0),
                                              ph.TestFunction("init_funcs_2", order=2)), dz.bounds, -a2)
            int3 = ph.IntegralTerm(ph.Product(ph.SpatialDerivedFieldVariable("init_funcs_2", order=1),
                                              ph.TestFunction("init_funcs_2", order=0)), dz.bounds, -a1)
            int4 = ph.IntegralTerm(ph.Product(ph.SpatialDerivedFieldVariable("init_funcs_2", order=0),
                                              ph.TestFunction("init_funcs_2", order=0)), dz.bounds, -a0)
            # scalar terms from int 2
            s1 = ph.ScalarTerm(ph.Product(ph.SpatialDerivedFieldVariable("init_funcs_2", order=1, location=l),
                                          ph.TestFunction("init_funcs_2", order=0, location=l)), -a2)
            s2 = ph.ScalarTerm(ph.Product(ph.SpatialDerivedFieldVariable("init_funcs_2", order=0, location=0),
                                          ph.TestFunction("init_funcs_2", order=0, location=0)), a2*alpha)
            s3 = ph.ScalarTerm(ph.Product(ph.SpatialDerivedFieldVariable("init_funcs_2", order=0, location=0),
                                          ph.TestFunction("init_funcs_2", order=1, location=0)), -a2)
            s4 = ph.ScalarTerm(ph.Product(ph.Input(u),
                                          ph.TestFunction("init_funcs_2", order=1, location=l)), a2)

            # derive state-space system
            rad_pde = sim.WeakFormulation([int1, int2, int3, int4, s1, s2, s3, s4])
            cf = sim.parse_weak_formulation(rad_pde)
            ss = cf.convert_to_state_space()

            # simulate system
            t, q = sim.simulate_state_space(ss, cf.input_function, np.zeros(ini_funcs_2.shape), dt)

            return t, q

        def test_dr():
            # trajectory
            bound_cond_type = 'dirichlet'
            actuation_type = 'robin'
            u = tr.RadTrajectory(l, T, param, bound_cond_type, actuation_type)
            # integral terms
            int1 = ph.IntegralTerm(ph.Product(ph.TemporalDerivedFieldVariable("init_funcs_1", order=1),
                                              ph.TestFunction("init_funcs_1", order=0)), dz.bounds)
            int2 = ph.IntegralTerm(ph.Product(ph.SpatialDerivedFieldVariable("init_funcs_1", order=1),
                                              ph.TestFunction("init_funcs_1", order=1)), dz.bounds, a2)
            int3 = ph.IntegralTerm(ph.Product(ph.SpatialDerivedFieldVariable("init_funcs_1", order=0),
                                              ph.TestFunction("init_funcs_1", order=1)), dz.bounds, a1)
            int4 = ph.IntegralTerm(ph.Product(ph.SpatialDerivedFieldVariable("init_funcs_1", order=0),
                                              ph.TestFunction("init_funcs_1", order=0)), dz.bounds, -a0)
            # scalar terms from int 2
            s1 = ph.ScalarTerm(ph.Product(ph.SpatialDerivedFieldVariable("init_funcs_1", order=0, location=l),
                                          ph.TestFunction("init_funcs_1", order=0, location=l)), -a1)
            s2 = ph.ScalarTerm(ph.Product(ph.SpatialDerivedFieldVariable("init_funcs_1", order=0, location=l),
                                          ph.TestFunction("init_funcs_1", order=0, location=l)), a2*beta)
            s3 = ph.ScalarTerm(ph.Product(ph.SpatialDerivedFieldVariable("init_funcs_1", order=1, location=0),
                                          ph.TestFunction("init_funcs_1", order=0, location=0)), a2)
            s4 = ph.ScalarTerm(ph.Product(ph.Input(u),
                                          ph.TestFunction("init_funcs_1", order=0, location=l)), -a2)
            # derive state-space system
            rad_pde = sim.WeakFormulation([int1, int2, int3, int4, s1, s2, s3, s4])
            cf = sim.parse_weak_formulation(rad_pde)
            ss = cf.convert_to_state_space()

            # simulate system
            t, q = sim.simulate_state_space(ss, cf.input_function, np.zeros(ini_funcs_1.shape), dt)

            # check if (x'(0,t_end) - 1.) < 0.1
            self.assertLess(np.abs(ini_funcs_1[0].derive(1)(sys.float_info.min) * (q[-1, 0] - q[-1, 1])) - 1, 0.1)
            return t, q

        def test_rr():
            # trajectory
            bound_cond_type = 'robin'
            actuation_type = 'robin'
            u = tr.RadTrajectory(l, T, param, bound_cond_type, actuation_type)
            # derive state-space system
            rad_pde = ut.get_parabolic_robin_weak_form("init_funcs_1", "init_funcs_1", u, param, dz.bounds)
            cf = sim.parse_weak_formulation(rad_pde)
            ss = cf.convert_to_state_space()

            # simulate system
            t, q = sim.simulate_state_space(ss, cf.input_function, np.zeros(ini_funcs_1.shape), dt)

            # check if (x(0,t_end) - 1.) < 0.1
            self.assertLess(np.abs(ini_funcs_1[0].derive(0)(0) * q[-1, 0]) - 1, 0.1)
            return t, q

        t, q = test_dr()
        _, _ = test_rr()
        # TODO: fit LagrangeSecondOrder to test_dd and test_rd
        # t, q = test_dd()
        # t, q = test_rd()

        # display results
        if show_plots:
            eval_d = ut.evaluate_approximation("init_funcs_1", q, t, dz, spat_order=1)
            win1 = vis.PgAnimatedPlot([eval_d], title="Test")
            win2 = vis.PgSurfacePlot(eval_d)
예제 #8
# input with feedback
control_law = sim.SimulationInputSum([traj, controller])

# determine (A,B) with modal-transfomation
A = np.diag(eig_values)
B = -a2 * np.array([eig_funcs[i].derive()(l) for i in xrange(n)])
ss = sim.StateSpace("eig_funcs", A, B)

# evaluate desired output data
z_d = np.linspace(0, l, len(spatial_domain))
y_d, t_d = tr.gevrey_tanh(T, 80)
C = tr.coefficient_recursion(np.zeros(y_d.shape), y_d, param)
x_l = tr.power_series(z_d, t_d, C)
evald_traj = vis.EvalData([t_d, z_d], x_l, name="x(z,t) desired")

# simulate
t, q = sim.simulate_state_space(ss, control_law, initial_weights, temporal_domain)

# pyqtgraph visualization
evald_x = ut.evaluate_approximation("eig_funcs", q, t, spatial_domain,
                                    name="x(z,t) with x(z,0)=" + str(init_profile))
win1 = vis.PgAnimatedPlot([evald_x, evald_traj], title="animation", dt=T / len(temporal_domain) * 4)
win2 = vis.PgSurfacePlot([evald_x], title=evald_x.name, grid_height=1)
win3 = vis.PgSurfacePlot([evald_traj], title=evald_traj.name, grid_height=1)

# visualization
vis.MplSlicePlot([evald_x, evald_traj], time_point=1, legend_label=["$x(z,1)$", "$x_d(z,1)$"], legend_location=2)
예제 #9
파일: test_utils.py 프로젝트: rihe/pyinduct
 def test_eval_helper(self):
     eval_data = ut.evaluate_approximation("approx_funcs", self.weights, self.dates, self.spat_int, .1)
     if show_plots:
         p = vt.PgAnimatedPlot(eval_data)
         del p
예제 #10
    def test_fem(self):

        # system/simulation parameters
        actuation_type = 'robin'
        bound_cond_type = 'robin'

        self.l = 1.
        spatial_disc = 30
        self.dz = sim.Domain(bounds=(0, self.l), num=spatial_disc)

        self.T = 1.
        temporal_disc = 1e2
        self.dt = sim.Domain(bounds=(0, self.T), num=temporal_disc)
        self.n = 12

        # original system parameters
        a2 = 1.5
        a1 = 2.5
        a0 = 28
        alpha = -2
        beta = -3
        self.param = [a2, a1, a0, alpha, beta]
        adjoint_param = ef.get_adjoint_rad_evp_param(self.param)

        # target system parameters (controller parameters)
        a1_t = -5
        a0_t = -25
        alpha_t = 3
        beta_t = 2
        self.param_t = [a2, a1_t, a0_t, alpha_t, beta_t]

        # actuation_type by b which is close to b_desired on a k times subdivided spatial domain
        b_desired = self.l / 2
        k = 51  # = k1 + k2
        k1, k2, self.b = ut.split_domain(k, b_desired, self.l, mode='coprime')[0:3]
        M = np.linalg.inv(ut.get_inn_domain_transformation_matrix(k1, k2, mode="2n"))

        # original intermediate ("_i") and traget intermediate ("_ti") system parameters
        _, _, a0_i, self.alpha_i, self.beta_i = ef.transform2intermediate(self.param)
        self.param_i = a2, 0, a0_i, self.alpha_i, self.beta_i
        _, _, a0_ti, self.alpha_ti, self.beta_ti = ef.transform2intermediate(self.param_t)
        self.param_ti = a2, 0, a0_ti, self.alpha_ti, self.beta_ti

        # create (not normalized) eigenfunctions
        eig_freq, self.eig_val = ef.compute_rad_robin_eigenfrequencies(self.param, self.l, self.n)
        init_eig_funcs = np.array([ef.SecondOrderRobinEigenfunction(om, self.param, self.dz.bounds) for om in eig_freq])
        init_adjoint_eig_funcs = np.array(
            [ef.SecondOrderRobinEigenfunction(om, adjoint_param, self.dz.bounds) for om in eig_freq])

        # normalize eigenfunctions and adjoint eigenfunctions
        adjoint_and_eig_funcs = [cr.normalize_function(init_eig_funcs[i], init_adjoint_eig_funcs[i]) for i in
        eig_funcs = np.array([f_tuple[0] for f_tuple in adjoint_and_eig_funcs])
        self.adjoint_eig_funcs = np.array([f_tuple[1] for f_tuple in adjoint_and_eig_funcs])

        # eigenfunctions of the in-domain intermediate (_id) and the intermediate (_i) system
        eig_freq_i, eig_val_i = ef.compute_rad_robin_eigenfrequencies(self.param_i, self.l, self.n)
        self.assertTrue(all(np.isclose(eig_val_i, self.eig_val)))
        eig_funcs_id = np.array([ef.SecondOrderRobinEigenfunction(eig_freq_i[i],
                                 for i in range(self.n)])
        eig_funcs_i = np.array([ef.SecondOrderRobinEigenfunction(eig_freq_i[i],
                                                                 eig_funcs[i](0) * eig_funcs_id[i](self.l) /
                                for i in range(self.n)])

        # eigenfunctions from target system ("_ti")
        eig_freq_ti = np.sqrt((a0_ti - self.eig_val) / a2)
        eig_funcs_ti = np.array([ef.SecondOrderRobinEigenfunction(eig_freq_ti[i],
                                 for i in range(self.n)])

        # create testfunctions
        nodes, self.fem_funcs = pyinduct.shapefunctions.cure_interval(pyinduct.shapefunctions.LagrangeFirstOrder,

        # register eigenfunctions
        # register_functions("eig_funcs", eig_funcs, overwrite=True)
        register_base("adjoint_eig_funcs", self.adjoint_eig_funcs, overwrite=True)
        register_base("eig_funcs", eig_funcs, overwrite=True)
        register_base("eig_funcs_i", eig_funcs_i, overwrite=True)
        register_base("eig_funcs_ti", eig_funcs_ti, overwrite=True)
        register_base("fem_funcs", self.fem_funcs, overwrite=True)

        # init trajectory
        self.traj = tr.RadTrajectory(self.l, self.T, self.param_ti, bound_cond_type, actuation_type)

        # original () and target (_t) field variable
        fem_field_variable = ph.FieldVariable("fem_funcs", location=self.l)
        field_variable_i = ph.FieldVariable("eig_funcs_i", weight_label="eig_funcs", location=self.l)
        d_field_variable_i = ph.SpatialDerivedFieldVariable("eig_funcs_i", 1, weight_label="eig_funcs", location=self.l)
        field_variable_ti = ph.FieldVariable("eig_funcs_ti", weight_label="eig_funcs", location=self.l)
        d_field_variable_ti = ph.SpatialDerivedFieldVariable("eig_funcs_ti", 1, weight_label="eig_funcs",

        # intermediate (_i) and target intermediate (_ti) field variable (list of scalar terms = sum of scalar terms)
        self.x_fem_i_at_l = [ph.ScalarTerm(fem_field_variable)]
        self.x_i_at_l = [ph.ScalarTerm(field_variable_i)]
        self.xd_i_at_l = [ph.ScalarTerm(d_field_variable_i)]
        self.x_ti_at_l = [ph.ScalarTerm(field_variable_ti)]
        self.xd_ti_at_l = [ph.ScalarTerm(d_field_variable_ti)]

        # shift transformation
        shifted_fem_funcs_i = np.array(
            [ef.FiniteTransformFunction(func, M, self.b, self.l, scale_func=lambda z: np.exp(a1 / 2 / a2 * z))
             for func in self.fem_funcs])
        shifted_eig_funcs_id = np.array([ef.FiniteTransformFunction(func, M, self.b, self.l) for func in eig_funcs_id])
        register_base("sh_fem_funcs_i", shifted_fem_funcs_i, overwrite=True)
        register_base("sh_eig_funcs_id", shifted_eig_funcs_id, overwrite=True)
        sh_fem_field_variable_i = ph.FieldVariable("sh_fem_funcs_i", weight_label="fem_funcs", location=self.l)
        sh_field_variable_id = ph.FieldVariable("sh_eig_funcs_id", weight_label="eig_funcs", location=self.l)
        self.sh_x_fem_i_at_l = [ph.ScalarTerm(sh_fem_field_variable_i),
                                ph.ScalarTerm(sh_field_variable_id, -1)]

        # discontinuous operator (Kx)(t) = int_kernel_zz(l)*x(l,t)
        self.int_kernel_zz = lambda z: self.alpha_ti - self.alpha_i + (a0_i - a0_ti) / 2 / a2 * z

        a2, a1, _, _, _ = self.param
        controller = ut.get_parabolic_robin_backstepping_controller(state=self.sh_x_fem_i_at_l,
                                                                    scale=np.exp(-a1 / 2 / a2 * self.b))

        # determine (A,B) with modal-transfomation
        rad_pde = ut.get_parabolic_robin_weak_form("fem_funcs", "fem_funcs", controller, self.param, self.dz.bounds,
        cf = sim.parse_weak_formulation(rad_pde)
        ss_weak = cf.convert_to_state_space()

        # simulate
        t, q = sim.simulate_state_space(ss_weak, cf.input_function, np.zeros((len(self.fem_funcs))), self.dt)

        # weights of the intermediate system
        mat = cr.calculate_base_transformation_matrix(self.fem_funcs, eig_funcs)
        q_i = np.zeros((q.shape[0], len(eig_funcs_i)))
        for i in range(q.shape[0]):
            q_i[i, :] = np.dot(q[i, :], np.transpose(mat))

        eval_i = ut.evaluate_approximation("eig_funcs_i", q_i, t, self.dz)
        x_0t = eval_i.output_data[:, 0]
        yc, tc = tr.gevrey_tanh(self.T, 1)
        x_0t_desired = np.interp(t, tc, yc[0, :])
        self.assertLess(np.average((x_0t - x_0t_desired) ** 2), 1e-2)

        # display results
        if show_plots:
            eval_d = ut.evaluate_approximation("fem_funcs", q, t, self.dz)
            win1 = vis.PgSurfacePlot(eval_i)
            win2 = vis.PgSurfacePlot(eval_d)
예제 #11
    def test_it(self):
        # system/simulation parameters
        actuation_type = 'robin'
        bound_cond_type = 'robin'

        self.l = 1.
        spatial_disc = 10
        self.dz = sim.Domain(bounds=(0, self.l), num=spatial_disc)

        self.T = 1.
        temporal_disc = 1e2
        self.dt = sim.Domain(bounds=(0, self.T), num=temporal_disc)

        self.n = 10

        # original system parameters
        a2 = 1.5
        a1_z = cr.Function(lambda z: 1, derivative_handles=[lambda z: 0])
        a0_z = lambda z: 3
        alpha = -2
        beta = -3
        self.param = [a2, a1_z, a0_z, alpha, beta]

        # target system parameters (controller parameters)
        a1_t = -5
        a0_t = -25
        alpha_t = 3
        beta_t = 2
        self.param_t = [a2, a1_t, a0_t, alpha_t, beta_t]
        adjoint_param_t = ef.get_adjoint_rad_evp_param(self.param_t)

        # original intermediate ("_i") and traget intermediate ("_ti") system parameters
        _, _, a0_i, alpha_i, beta_i = ef.transform2intermediate(self.param, d_end=self.l)
        self.param_i = a2, 0, a0_i, alpha_i, beta_i
        _, _, a0_ti, alpha_ti, beta_ti = ef.transform2intermediate(self.param_t)
        self.param_ti = a2, 0, a0_ti, alpha_ti, beta_ti

        # create (not normalized) target (_t) eigenfunctions
        eig_freq_t, self.eig_val_t = ef.compute_rad_robin_eigenfrequencies(self.param_t, self.l, self.n)
        init_eig_funcs_t = np.array([ef.SecondOrderRobinEigenfunction(om, self.param_t, self.dz.bounds)
                                     for om in eig_freq_t])
        init_adjoint_eig_funcs_t = np.array([ef.SecondOrderRobinEigenfunction(om, adjoint_param_t, self.dz.bounds)
                                             for om in eig_freq_t])

        # normalize eigenfunctions and adjoint eigenfunctions
        adjoint_and_eig_funcs_t = [cr.normalize_function(init_eig_funcs_t[i], init_adjoint_eig_funcs_t[i])
                                   for i in range(self.n)]
        eig_funcs_t = np.array([f_tuple[0] for f_tuple in adjoint_and_eig_funcs_t])
        self.adjoint_eig_funcs_t = np.array([f_tuple[1] for f_tuple in adjoint_and_eig_funcs_t])

        # # transformed original eigenfunctions
        self.eig_funcs = np.array([ef.TransformedSecondOrderEigenfunction(self.eig_val_t[i],
                                                                          [eig_funcs_t[i](0), alpha * eig_funcs_t[i](0),
                                                                           0, 0],
                                                                          [a2, a1_z, a0_z],
                                                                          np.linspace(0, self.l, 1e4))
                                   for i in range(self.n)])

        # create testfunctions
        nodes, self.fem_funcs = pyinduct.shapefunctions.cure_interval(pyinduct.shapefunctions.LagrangeFirstOrder,

        # register functions
        register_base("eig_funcs_t", eig_funcs_t, overwrite=True)
        register_base("adjoint_eig_funcs_t", self.adjoint_eig_funcs_t, overwrite=True)
        register_base("eig_funcs", self.eig_funcs, overwrite=True)
        register_base("fem_funcs", self.fem_funcs, overwrite=True)

        # init trajectory
        self.traj = tr.RadTrajectory(self.l, self.T, self.param_ti, bound_cond_type, actuation_type)

        # original () and target (_t) field variable
        fem_field_variable = ph.FieldVariable("fem_funcs", location=self.l)
        field_variable_t = ph.FieldVariable("eig_funcs_t", weight_label="eig_funcs", location=self.l)
        d_field_variable_t = ph.SpatialDerivedFieldVariable("eig_funcs_t", 1, weight_label="eig_funcs", location=self.l)
        field_variable = ph.FieldVariable("eig_funcs", location=self.l)
        d_field_variable = ph.SpatialDerivedFieldVariable("eig_funcs", 1, location=self.l)
        # intermediate (_i) and target intermediate (_ti) transformations by z=l

        #  x_i  = x   * transform_i_at_l
        self.transform_i_at_l = np.exp(integrate.quad(lambda z: a1_z(z) / 2 / a2, 0, self.l)[0])

        # x  = x_i   * inv_transform_i_at_l
        self.inv_transform_i_at_l = np.exp(-integrate.quad(lambda z: a1_z(z) / 2 / a2, 0, self.l)[0])

        # x_ti = x_t * transform_ti_at_l
        self.transform_ti_at_l = np.exp(a1_t / 2 / a2 * self.l)

        # intermediate (_i) and target intermediate (_ti) field variable (list of scalar terms = sum of scalar terms)
        self.x_fem_i_at_l = [ph.ScalarTerm(fem_field_variable, self.transform_i_at_l)]
        self.x_i_at_l = [ph.ScalarTerm(field_variable, self.transform_i_at_l)]
        self.xd_i_at_l = [ph.ScalarTerm(d_field_variable, self.transform_i_at_l),
                          ph.ScalarTerm(field_variable, self.transform_i_at_l * a1_z(self.l) / 2 / a2)]
        self.x_ti_at_l = [ph.ScalarTerm(field_variable_t, self.transform_ti_at_l)]
        self.xd_ti_at_l = [ph.ScalarTerm(d_field_variable_t, self.transform_ti_at_l),
                           ph.ScalarTerm(field_variable_t, self.transform_ti_at_l * a1_t / 2 / a2)]

        # discontinuous operator (Kx)(t) = int_kernel_zz(l)*x(l,t)
        self.int_kernel_zz = alpha_ti - alpha_i + integrate.quad(lambda z: (a0_i(z) - a0_ti) / 2 / a2, 0, self.l)[0]

        controller = ut.get_parabolic_robin_backstepping_controller(state=self.x_fem_i_at_l,

        rad_pde = ut.get_parabolic_robin_weak_form("fem_funcs", "fem_funcs", controller, self.param, self.dz.bounds)
        cf = sim.parse_weak_formulation(rad_pde)
        ss_weak = cf.convert_to_state_space()

        # simulate
        t, q = sim.simulate_state_space(ss_weak, cf.input_function, np.zeros((len(self.fem_funcs))), self.dt)
        eval_d = ut.evaluate_approximation("fem_funcs", q, t, self.dz)
        x_0t = eval_d.output_data[:, 0]
        yc, tc = tr.gevrey_tanh(self.T, 1)
        x_0t_desired = np.interp(t, tc, yc[0, :])
        self.assertLess(np.average((x_0t - x_0t_desired) ** 2), 1e-4)

        # display results
        if show_plots:
            win1 = vis.PgAnimatedPlot([eval_d], title="Test")
            win2 = vis.PgSurfacePlot(eval_d)
예제 #12
    def test_it(self):
        # original system parameters
        a2 = 1.5;
        a1 = 2.5;
        a0 = 28;
        alpha = -2;
        beta = -3
        param = [a2, a1, a0, alpha, beta]
        adjoint_param = ef.get_adjoint_rad_evp_param(param)

        # target system parameters (controller parameters)
        a1_t = -5;
        a0_t = -25;
        alpha_t = 3;
        beta_t = 2
        # a1_t = a1; a0_t = a0; alpha_t = alpha; beta_t = beta
        param_t = [a2, a1_t, a0_t, alpha_t, beta_t]

        # original intermediate ("_i") and traget intermediate ("_ti") system parameters
        _, _, a0_i, alpha_i, beta_i = ef.transform2intermediate(param)
        _, _, a0_ti, alpha_ti, beta_ti = ef.transform2intermediate(param_t)

        # system/simulation parameters
        actuation_type = 'robin'
        bound_cond_type = 'robin'
        self.l = 1.
        spatial_disc = 10
        dz = sim.Domain(bounds=(0, self.l), num=spatial_disc)

        T = 1.
        temporal_disc = 1e2
        dt = sim.Domain(bounds=(0, T), num=temporal_disc)
        n = 10

        # create (not normalized) eigenfunctions
        eig_freq, eig_val = ef.compute_rad_robin_eigenfrequencies(param, self.l, n)
        init_eig_funcs = np.array([ef.SecondOrderRobinEigenfunction(om, param, dz.bounds) for om in eig_freq])
        init_adjoint_eig_funcs = np.array([ef.SecondOrderRobinEigenfunction(om, adjoint_param, dz.bounds)
                                           for om in eig_freq])

        # normalize eigenfunctions and adjoint eigenfunctions
        adjoint_and_eig_funcs = [cr.normalize_function(init_eig_funcs[i], init_adjoint_eig_funcs[i]) for i in range(n)]
        eig_funcs = np.array([f_tuple[0] for f_tuple in adjoint_and_eig_funcs])
        adjoint_eig_funcs = np.array([f_tuple[1] for f_tuple in adjoint_and_eig_funcs])

        # eigenfunctions from target system ("_t")
        eig_freq_t = np.sqrt(-a1_t ** 2 / 4 / a2 ** 2 + (a0_t - eig_val) / a2)
        eig_funcs_t = np.array([ef.SecondOrderRobinEigenfunction(eig_freq_t[i],
                                                                 param_t, dz.bounds).scale(eig_funcs[i](0))
                                for i in range(n)])

        # register eigenfunctions
        register_base("eig_funcs", eig_funcs, overwrite=True)
        register_base("adjoint_eig_funcs", adjoint_eig_funcs, overwrite=True)
        register_base("eig_funcs_t", eig_funcs_t, overwrite=True)

        # derive initial field variable x(z,0) and weights
        start_state = cr.Function(lambda z: 0., domain=(0, self.l))
        initial_weights = cr.project_on_base(start_state, adjoint_eig_funcs)

        # controller initialization
        x_at_l = ph.FieldVariable("eig_funcs", location=self.l)
        xd_at_l = ph.SpatialDerivedFieldVariable("eig_funcs", 1, location=self.l)
        x_t_at_l = ph.FieldVariable("eig_funcs_t", weight_label="eig_funcs", location=self.l)
        xd_t_at_l = ph.SpatialDerivedFieldVariable("eig_funcs_t", 1, weight_label="eig_funcs", location=self.l)
        combined_transform = lambda z: np.exp((a1_t - a1) / 2 / a2 * z)
        int_kernel_zz = lambda z: alpha_ti - alpha_i + (a0_i - a0_ti) / 2 / a2 * z
        controller = ct.Controller(
            ct.ControlLaw([ph.ScalarTerm(x_at_l, (beta_i - beta_ti - int_kernel_zz(self.l))),
                           ph.ScalarTerm(x_t_at_l, -beta_ti * combined_transform(self.l)),
                           ph.ScalarTerm(x_at_l, beta_ti),
                           ph.ScalarTerm(xd_t_at_l, -combined_transform(self.l)),
                           ph.ScalarTerm(x_t_at_l, -a1_t / 2 / a2 * combined_transform(self.l)),
                           ph.ScalarTerm(xd_at_l, 1),
                           ph.ScalarTerm(x_at_l, a1 / 2 / a2 + int_kernel_zz(self.l))

        # init trajectory
        traj = tr.RadTrajectory(self.l, T, param_t, bound_cond_type, actuation_type)
        traj.scale = combined_transform(self.l)

        # input with feedback
        control_law = sim.SimulationInputSum([traj, controller])
        # control_law = sim.SimulationInputSum([traj])

        # determine (A,B) with modal-transformation
        A = np.diag(np.real(eig_val))
        B = a2 * np.array([adjoint_eig_funcs[i](self.l) for i in xrange(len(eig_freq))])
        ss_modal = sim.StateSpace("eig_funcs", A, B)

        # simulate
        t, q = sim.simulate_state_space(ss_modal, control_law, initial_weights, dt)

        eval_d = ut.evaluate_approximation("eig_funcs", q, t, dz)
        x_0t = eval_d.output_data[:, 0]
        yc, tc = tr.gevrey_tanh(T, 1)
        x_0t_desired = np.interp(t, tc, yc[0, :])
        self.assertLess(np.average((x_0t - x_0t_desired) ** 2), 1e-4)

        # display results
        if show_plots:
            win1 = vis.PgAnimatedPlot([eval_d], title="Test")
            win2 = vis.PgSurfacePlot(eval_d)
예제 #13
    def test_it(self):
        # original system parameters
        a2 = 1
        a1 = 0  # attention: only a2 = 1., a1 =0 supported in this test case
        a0 = 0
        param = [a2, a1, a0, None, None]

        # target system parameters (controller parameters)
        a1_t = 0
        a0_t = 0  # attention: only a2 = 1., a1 =0 and a0 =0 supported in this test case
        param_t = [a2, a1_t, a0_t, None, None]

        # system/simulation parameters
        actuation_type = 'dirichlet'
        bound_cond_type = 'dirichlet'

        l = 1.
        spatial_disc = 10
        dz = sim.Domain(bounds=(0, l), num=spatial_disc)

        T = 1.
        temporal_disc = 1e2
        dt = sim.Domain(bounds=(0, T), num=temporal_disc)

        n = 10

        # eigenvalues /-functions original system
        eig_freq = np.array([(i + 1) * np.pi / l for i in xrange(n)])
        eig_values = a0 - a2 * eig_freq ** 2 - a1 ** 2 / 4. / a2
        norm_fac = np.ones(eig_freq.shape) * np.sqrt(2)
        eig_funcs = np.asarray([ef.SecondOrderDirichletEigenfunction(eig_freq[i], param, dz.bounds, norm_fac[i])
                                for i in range(n)])
        register_base("eig_funcs", eig_funcs, overwrite=True)

        # eigenfunctions target system
        eig_freq_t = np.sqrt(-eig_values.astype(complex))
        norm_fac_t = norm_fac * eig_freq / eig_freq_t
        eig_funcs_t = np.asarray([ef.SecondOrderDirichletEigenfunction(eig_freq_t[i], param_t, dz.bounds, norm_fac_t[i])
                                  for i in range(n)])
        register_base("eig_funcs_t", eig_funcs_t, overwrite=True)

        # derive initial field variable x(z,0) and weights
        start_state = cr.Function(lambda z: 0., domain=(0, l))
        initial_weights = cr.project_on_base(start_state, eig_funcs)

        # init trajectory / input of target system
        traj = tr.RadTrajectory(l, T, param_t, bound_cond_type, actuation_type)

        # init controller
        x_at_1 = ph.FieldVariable("eig_funcs", location=1)
        xt_at_1 = ph.FieldVariable("eig_funcs_t", weight_label="eig_funcs", location=1)
        controller = ct.Controller(ct.ControlLaw([ph.ScalarTerm(x_at_1, 1), ph.ScalarTerm(xt_at_1, -1)]))

        # input with feedback
        control_law = sim.SimulationInputSum([traj, controller])

        # determine (A,B) with modal-transfomation
        A = np.diag(eig_values)
        B = -a2 * np.array([eig_funcs[i].derive()(l) for i in xrange(n)])
        ss = sim.StateSpace("eig_funcs", A, B)

        # simulate
        t, q = sim.simulate_state_space(ss, control_law, initial_weights, dt)

        eval_d = ut.evaluate_approximation("eig_funcs", q, t, dz)
        x_0t = eval_d.output_data[:, 0]
        yc, tc = tr.gevrey_tanh(T, 1)
        x_0t_desired = np.interp(t, tc, yc[0, :])
        self.assertLess(np.average((x_0t - x_0t_desired) ** 2), 0.5)

        # display results
        if show_plots:
            eval_d = ut.evaluate_approximation("eig_funcs", q, t, dz)
            win2 = vis.PgSurfacePlot(eval_d)