def update_hosts_file(name, ip): files.line( {'Add hosts to /etc/hosts'}, '/etc/hosts', r' {} '.format(name), replace='{} {} {}'.format(ip, name, name), )
def update_hosts_file(name, ip): name = name.replace('@vagrant/', '') files.line( {'Add hosts to /etc/hosts'}, '/etc/hosts', r' {} '.format(name), replace='{} {} {}'.format(ip, name, name), )
yum.packages( {'Install chrony for Network Time Protocol (NTP)'}, ['chrony'], ) major = host.fact.linux_distribution['major'] yum.rpm( {'Install Puppet Repo'}, '{}.noarch.rpm'.format( major), ) files.line( {'Ensure SELINUX is disabled'}, '/etc/sysconfig/selinux', r'SELINUX=.*', replace='SELINUX=disabled', ) # TODO: should reboot after SELINUX is disabled (how to check/easy way to reboot) # TODO: how to determine when reboot is complete # TODO: run sestatus if host in masters: install = yum.packages( {'Install puppet server'}, ['puppetserver'], ) config = files.template(
{'Ensure the directory `{}` exists'.format(dir)}, dir, ) init.systemd( {'Restart and enable dnsmasq'}, 'dnsmasq', running=True, restarted=True, enabled=True, ) files.line( {'Ensure /netboot/nfs is in /etc/exports'}, '/etc/exports', r'/netboot/nfs .*', replace='/netboot/nfs *(ro,sync,no_wdelay,insecure_locks,' 'no_root_squash,insecure,no_subtree_check)', ) {'Make share available'}, 'exportfs -a', ) if not host.fact.file('/netboot/tftp/pxelinux.0'): {'Copy pxelinux.0 '}, 'cp -v /usr/lib/PXELINUX/pxelinux.0 /netboot/tftp/', )
# Manage remote rpm files yum.rpm(( '' '{{ host.fact.linux_distribution.major }}.noarch.rpm' ), sudo=True) # yum package manager yum.packages( ['git', 'python-pip'], sudo=True, ) # Edit lines in files files.line( '/etc/sysconfig/selinux', '^SELINUX=.*', replace='SELINUX=disabled', sudo=True, ) # Ensure the state of git repositories git.repo( '[email protected]:Fizzadar/pyinfra',, branch='develop', ssh_keyscan=True, run_once=True, sudo=True, # Carry SSH agent details w/sudo preserve_sudo_env=True, )
) # prepare to do some maintenance maintenance_line = 'SYSTEM IS DOWN FOR MAINTENANCE' # files.line( # {'Add the down-for-maintenance line in /etc/motd'}, # '/etc/motd', # maintenance_line, # ) # do some maintenance... # Then, after the maintenance is done, remove the maintenance line files.line( {'Remove the down-for-maintenance line in /etc/motd'}, '/etc/motd', maintenance_line, replace='', present=False, ) files.replace( {'Change part of a line in a file'}, '/etc/motd', 'verboten', 'forbidden', ) # Sync local files/tempdir to remote /tmp/tempdir files.sync( {'Sync a local directory with remote'}, 'files/tempdir',
def install_keystone_service(state, host): create_database(state, host, 'keystone') keystone_install = apt.packages( state, host, {'Install keystone'}, ['keystone'], ) files.template( state, host, {'Generate keystone config'}, get_template_path('keystone.conf.j2'), '/etc/keystone/keystone.conf', ) state, host, {'Sync the keystone database'}, 'keystone-manage db_sync', ) # Bootstrap keystone: only do this if newly installed if keystone_install.changed: state, host, ''' keystone-manage fernet_setup --keystone-user keystone --keystone-group keystone keystone-manage credential_setup --keystone-user keystone --keystone-group keystone keystone-manage bootstrap \ --bootstrap-password {{ }} \ --bootstrap-admin-url http://{{ }}:35357/v3/ \ --bootstrap-internal-url http://{{ }}:35357/v3/ \ --bootstrap-public-url http://{{ }}:5000/v3/ \ --bootstrap-region-id RegionOne ''') update_apache_config = files.line( state, host, {'Set ServerName in apache2 config'}, '/etc/apache2/apache2.conf', 'ServerName.*', replace='ServerName {{ }}', ) init.service( state, host, {'Restart apache2'}, 'apache2', restarted=update_apache_config.changed, ) if keystone_install.changed: state, host, {'Create initial projects/users/roles'}, ( 'openstack project create --domain default service', 'openstack project create --domain default user', 'openstack user create --domain default --password hamble user-1', 'openstack role create user', 'openstack role add --project user --user user-1 user', ), env=make_admin_env(host), )
from pyinfra.modules import files SUDO = True # Run: pyinfra @docker/ubuntu line = 'QUOTAUSER=""' results = files.line( {'Example with double quotes (")'}, '/etc/adduser.conf', '^{}$'.format(line), replace=line, ) print(results.changed)
files.template( {'Create index.html'}, 'templates/index.html.j2', '/web/index.html', ) {'Create link /web/index.htm that points to /web/index.html'}, '/web/index.htm', '/web/index.html', ) # Note: Allowing sudo to python is not a very secure. files.line( {'Ensure myweb can run /usr/bin/python3 without password'}, '/etc/sudoers', r'myweb .*', replace='myweb ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/python3', ) {'Check that sudoers file is ok'}, 'visudo -c', ) init.systemd( {'Restart and enable myweb'}, 'myweb', running=True, restarted=True, enabled=True, daemon_reload=True,