class Trainer(TrainerMeta): """Class for handling the training of the algorithms. Args: model (object): Model object debug (bool): Flag to check if its debugging tuning (bool): Flag to denoting tuning if True patience (int): Number of epochs to wait before early stopping the training on no improvement. No early stopping if it is a negative number (default: {-1}). Examples: >>> from pykg2vec.utils.trainer import Trainer >>> from pykg2vec.core.TransE import TransE >>> trainer = Trainer(TransE()) >>> trainer.build_model() >>> trainer.train_model() """ _logger = Logger().get_logger(__name__) def __init__(self, model): self.model = model self.config = model.config self.training_results = [] self.evaluator = None self.generator = None def build_model(self): """function to build the model""" if self.config.optimizer == 'sgd': self.optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=self.config.learning_rate) elif self.config.optimizer == 'rms': self.optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.RMSprop(learning_rate=self.config.learning_rate) elif self.config.optimizer == 'adam': self.optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=self.config.learning_rate) elif self.config.optimizer == 'adagrad': self.optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adagrad(learning_rate=self.config.learning_rate, initial_accumulator_value=0.0, epsilon=1e-08) elif self.config.optimizer == 'adadelta': self.optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adadelta(learning_rate=self.config.learning_rate) else: raise NotImplementedError("No support for %s optimizer" % self.config.optimizer) # For optimizer that has not supported gpu computation in TF2, place parameters in cpu. if self.config.optimizer in ['rms', 'adagrad', 'adadelta']: with tf.device('cpu:0'): self.model.def_parameters() else: self.model.def_parameters() self.config.summary() self.config.summary_hyperparameter(self.model.model_name) self.early_stopper = EarlyStopper(self.config.patience, Monitor.FILTERED_MEAN_RANK) ''' Training related functions:''' @tf.function def train_step_pairwise(self, pos_h, pos_r, pos_t, neg_h, neg_r, neg_t): with tf.GradientTape() as tape: pos_preds = self.model.forward(pos_h, pos_r, pos_t) neg_preds = self.model.forward(neg_h, neg_r, neg_t) if self.config.sampling == 'adversarial_negative_sampling': # RotatE: Adversarial Nnegative Sampling and alpha is the temperature. pos_preds = -pos_preds neg_preds = -neg_preds pos_preds = tf.math.log_sigmoid(pos_preds) neg_preds = tf.reshape(neg_preds, [-1, self.config.neg_rate]) softmax = tf.stop_gradient(tf.nn.softmax(neg_preds*self.config.alpha, axis=1)) neg_preds = tf.reduce_sum(softmax * (tf.math.log_sigmoid(-neg_preds)), axis=-1) loss = -tf.reduce_mean(neg_preds) - tf.reduce_mean(pos_preds) else: # others that use margin-based & pairwise loss function. (unif or bern) loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.maximum(pos_preds + self.config.margin - neg_preds, 0)) if hasattr(self.model, 'get_reg'): # now only NTN uses regularizer, # other pairwise based KGE methods use normalization to regularize parameters. loss += self.model.get_reg() gradients = tape.gradient(loss, self.model.trainable_variables) self.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, self.model.trainable_variables)) return loss @tf.function def train_step_projection(self, h, r, t, hr_t, tr_h): with tf.GradientTape() as tape: hr_t = tf.cast(tf.sparse.to_dense(tf.sparse.reorder(hr_t)), dtype=tf.float32) tr_h = tf.cast(tf.sparse.to_dense(tf.sparse.reorder(tr_h)), dtype=tf.float32) if self.model.model_name.lower() == "conve" or self.model.model_name.lower() == "tucker": if hasattr(self.config, 'label_smoothing'): hr_t = hr_t * (1.0 - self.config.label_smoothing) + 1.0 / self.config.kg_meta.tot_entity tr_h = tr_h * (1.0 - self.config.label_smoothing) + 1.0 / self.config.kg_meta.tot_entity pred_tails = self.model.forward(h, r, direction="tail") # (h, r) -> hr_t forward pred_heads = self.model.forward(t, r, direction="head") # (t, r) -> tr_h backward loss_tails = tf.reduce_mean(tf.keras.backend.binary_crossentropy(hr_t, pred_tails)) loss_heads = tf.reduce_mean(tf.keras.backend.binary_crossentropy(tr_h, pred_heads)) loss = loss_tails + loss_heads else: loss_tails = self.model.forward(h, r, hr_t, direction="tail") # (h, r) -> hr_t forward loss_heads = self.model.forward(t, r, tr_h, direction="head") # (t, r) -> tr_h backward loss = loss_tails + loss_heads if hasattr(self.model, 'get_reg'): # now only complex distmult uses regularizer in algorithms, loss += self.model.get_reg() gradients = tape.gradient(loss, self.model.trainable_variables) self.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, self.model.trainable_variables)) return loss @tf.function def train_step_pointwise(self, h, r, t, y): with tf.GradientTape() as tape: preds = self.model.forward(h, r, t) loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softplus(y*preds)) if hasattr(self.model, 'get_reg'): # for complex & complex-N3 & DistMult & CP & ANALOGY loss += self.model.get_reg(h, r, t) gradients = tape.gradient(loss, self.model.trainable_variables) self.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, self.model.trainable_variables)) return loss def train_model(self, monitor=Monitor.FILTERED_MEAN_RANK): """Function to train the model.""" self.generator = Generator(self.model) self.evaluator = Evaluator(self.model) if self.config.loadFromData: self.load_model() for cur_epoch_idx in range(self.config.epochs):"Epoch[%d/%d]" % (cur_epoch_idx, self.config.epochs)) self.train_model_epoch(cur_epoch_idx) if cur_epoch_idx % self.config.test_step == 0: metrics = self.evaluator.mini_test(cur_epoch_idx) if self.early_stopper.should_stop(metrics): ### Early Stop Mechanism ### start to check if the metric is still improving after each mini-test. ### Example, if test_step == 5, the trainer will check metrics every 5 epoch. break self.evaluator.full_test(cur_epoch_idx) self.evaluator.metric_calculator.save_test_summary(self.model.model_name) self.generator.stop() self.save_training_result() if self.config.save_model: self.save_model() if self.config.disp_result: self.display() if self.config.disp_summary: self.config.summary() self.config.summary_hyperparameter(self.model.model_name) self.export_embeddings() return cur_epoch_idx # the runned epoches. def tune_model(self): """Function to tune the model.""" current_loss = float("inf") self.generator = Generator(self.model) self.evaluator = Evaluator(self.model, tuning=True) for cur_epoch_idx in range(self.config.epochs): current_loss = self.train_model_epoch(cur_epoch_idx, tuning=True) self.evaluator.full_test(cur_epoch_idx) self.generator.stop() return current_loss def train_model_epoch(self, epoch_idx, tuning=False): """Function to train the model for one epoch.""" acc_loss = 0 num_batch = self.model.config.kg_meta.tot_train_triples // self.config.batch_size if not self.config.debug else 10 metrics_names = ['acc_loss', 'loss'] progress_bar = tf.keras.utils.Progbar(num_batch, stateful_metrics=metrics_names) self.generator.start_one_epoch(num_batch) for batch_idx in range(num_batch): data = list(next(self.generator)) if self.model.training_strategy == TrainingStrategy.PROJECTION_BASED: h = tf.convert_to_tensor(data[0], dtype=tf.int32) r = tf.convert_to_tensor(data[1], dtype=tf.int32) t = tf.convert_to_tensor(data[2], dtype=tf.int32) hr_t = data[3] rt_h = data[4] loss = self.train_step_projection(h, r, t, hr_t, rt_h) elif self.model.training_strategy == TrainingStrategy.POINTWISE_BASED: h = tf.convert_to_tensor(data[0], dtype=tf.int32) r = tf.convert_to_tensor(data[1], dtype=tf.int32) t = tf.convert_to_tensor(data[2], dtype=tf.int32) y = tf.convert_to_tensor(data[3], dtype=tf.float32) loss = self.train_step_pointwise(h, r, t, y) else: ph = tf.convert_to_tensor(data[0], dtype=tf.int32) pr = tf.convert_to_tensor(data[1], dtype=tf.int32) pt = tf.convert_to_tensor(data[2], dtype=tf.int32) nh = tf.convert_to_tensor(data[3], dtype=tf.int32) nr = tf.convert_to_tensor(data[4], dtype=tf.int32) nt = tf.convert_to_tensor(data[5], dtype=tf.int32) loss = self.train_step_pairwise(ph, pr, pt, nh, nr, nt) acc_loss += loss if not tuning: progress_bar.add(1, values=[('acc_loss', acc_loss), ('loss', loss)]) self.training_results.append([epoch_idx, acc_loss.numpy()]) return acc_loss.numpy() def enter_interactive_mode(self): self.build_model() self.load_model() self.evaluator = Evaluator(self.model)"""The training/loading of the model has finished! Now enter interactive mode :) ----- Example 1: trainer.infer_tails(1,10,topk=5)""") self.infer_tails(1,10,topk=5)"""----- Example 2: trainer.infer_heads(10,20,topk=5)""") self.infer_heads(10,20,topk=5)"""----- Example 3: trainer.infer_rels(1,20,topk=5)""") self.infer_rels(1,20,topk=5) def exit_interactive_mode(self):"Thank you for trying out inference interactive script :)") def infer_tails(self,h,r,topk=5): tails = self.evaluator.test_tail_rank(h,r,topk).numpy() logs = [] logs.append("") logs.append("(head, relation)->({},{}) :: Inferred tails->({})".format(h,r,",".join([str(i) for i in tails]))) logs.append("") idx2ent = self.model.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('idx2entity') idx2rel = self.model.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('idx2relation') logs.append("head: %s" % idx2ent[h]) logs.append("relation: %s" % idx2rel[r]) for idx, tail in enumerate(tails): logs.append("%dth predicted tail: %s" % (idx, idx2ent[tail]))"\n".join(logs)) return {tail: idx2ent[tail] for tail in tails} def infer_heads(self,r,t,topk=5): heads = self.evaluator.test_head_rank(r,t,topk).numpy() logs = [] logs.append("") logs.append("(relation,tail)->({},{}) :: Inferred heads->({})".format(t,r,",".join([str(i) for i in heads]))) logs.append("") idx2ent = self.model.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('idx2entity') idx2rel = self.model.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('idx2relation') logs.append("tail: %s" % idx2ent[t]) logs.append("relation: %s" % idx2rel[r]) for idx, head in enumerate(heads): logs.append("%dth predicted head: %s" % (idx, idx2ent[head]))"\n".join(logs)) return {head: idx2ent[head] for head in heads} def infer_rels(self, h, t, topk=5): if self.model.model_name.lower() in ["proje_pointwise", "conve", "tucker"]:"%s model doesn't support relation inference in nature.") return rels = self.evaluator.test_rel_rank(h,t,topk).numpy() logs = [] logs.append("") logs.append("(head,tail)->({},{}) :: Inferred rels->({})".format(h, t, ",".join([str(i) for i in rels]))) logs.append("") idx2ent = self.model.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('idx2entity') idx2rel = self.model.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('idx2relation') logs.append("head: %s" % idx2ent[h]) logs.append("tail: %s" % idx2ent[t]) for idx, rel in enumerate(rels): logs.append("%dth predicted rel: %s" % (idx, idx2rel[rel]))"\n".join(logs)) return {rel: idx2rel[rel] for rel in rels} ''' Procedural functions:''' def save_model(self): """Function to save the model.""" saved_path = self.config.path_tmp / self.model.model_name saved_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.model.save_weights(str(saved_path / 'model.vec')) def load_model(self): """Function to load the model.""" saved_path = self.config.path_tmp / self.model.model_name if saved_path.exists(): self.model.load_weights(str(saved_path / 'model.vec')) def display(self): """Function to display embedding.""" options = {"ent_only_plot": True, "rel_only_plot": not self.config.plot_entity_only, "ent_and_rel_plot": not self.config.plot_entity_only} if self.config.plot_embedding: viz = Visualization(model=self.model, vis_opts = options) viz.plot_embedding(resultpath=self.config.figures, algos=self.model.model_name, show_label=False) if self.config.plot_training_result: viz = Visualization(model=self.model) viz.plot_train_result() if self.config.plot_testing_result: viz = Visualization(model=self.model) viz.plot_test_result() def export_embeddings(self): """ Export embeddings in tsv and pandas pickled format. With tsvs (both label, vector files), you can: 1) Use those pretained embeddings for your applications. 2) Visualize the embeddings in this website to gain insights. ( Pandas dataframes can be read with pd.read_pickle('desired_file.pickle') """ save_path = self.config.path_embeddings / self.model.model_name save_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) idx2ent = self.model.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('idx2entity') idx2rel = self.model.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('idx2relation') series_ent = pd.Series(idx2ent) series_rel = pd.Series(idx2rel) series_ent.to_pickle(save_path / "ent_labels.pickle") series_rel.to_pickle(save_path / "rel_labels.pickle") with open(str(save_path / "ent_labels.tsv"), 'w') as l_export_file: for label in idx2ent.values(): l_export_file.write(label + "\n") with open(str(save_path / "rel_labels.tsv"), 'w') as l_export_file: for label in idx2rel.values(): l_export_file.write(label + "\n") for parameter in self.model.parameter_list: all_ids = list(range(0, int(parameter.shape[0]))) stored_name =':')[0] # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if len(parameter.shape) == 2: all_embs = parameter.numpy() with open(str(save_path / ("%s.tsv" % stored_name)), 'w') as v_export_file: for idx in all_ids: v_export_file.write("\t".join([str(x) for x in all_embs[idx]]) + "\n") df = pd.DataFrame(all_embs) df.to_pickle(save_path / ("%s.pickle" % stored_name)) def save_training_result(self): """Function that saves training result""" files = os.listdir(str(self.model.config.path_result)) l = len([f for f in files if self.model.model_name in f if 'Training' in f]) df = pd.DataFrame(self.training_results, columns=['Epochs', 'Loss']) with open(str(self.model.config.path_result / (self.model.model_name + '_Training_results_' + str(l) + '.csv')), 'w') as fh: df.to_csv(fh)
class Trainer: """ Class for handling the training of the algorithms. Args: model (object): KGE model object Examples: >>> from pykg2vec.utils.trainer import Trainer >>> from pykg2vec.models.pairwise import TransE >>> trainer = Trainer(TransE()) >>> trainer.build_model() >>> trainer.train_model() """ TRAINED_MODEL_FILE_NAME = "" TRAINED_MODEL_CONFIG_NAME = "config.npy" _logger = Logger().get_logger(__name__) def __init__(self, model, config): self.model = model self.config = config self.best_metric = None self.monitor = None self.training_results = [] self.evaluator = None self.generator = None self.optimizer = None self.early_stopper = None def build_model(self, monitor=Monitor.FILTERED_MEAN_RANK): """function to build the model""" if self.config.load_from_data is not None: self.load_model(self.config.load_from_data) self.evaluator = Evaluator(self.model, self.config) if self.config.optimizer == "adam": self.optimizer = optim.Adam( self.model.parameters(), lr=self.config.learning_rate, ) elif self.config.optimizer == "sgd": self.optimizer = optim.SGD( self.model.parameters(), lr=self.config.learning_rate, ) elif self.config.optimizer == "adagrad": self.optimizer = optim.Adagrad( self.model.parameters(), lr=self.config.learning_rate, ) elif self.config.optimizer == "rms": self.optimizer = optim.RMSprop( self.model.parameters(), lr=self.config.learning_rate, ) elif self.config.optimizer == "riemannian": param_names = [ name for name, param in self.model.named_parameters() ] self.optimizer = RiemannianOptimizer(self.model.parameters(), lr=self.config.learning_rate, param_names=param_names) else: raise NotImplementedError("No support for %s optimizer" % self.config.optimizer) self.config.summary() self.early_stopper = EarlyStopper(self.config.patience, monitor) # Training related functions: def train_step_pairwise(self, pos_h, pos_r, pos_t, neg_h, neg_r, neg_t): pos_preds = self.model(pos_h, pos_r, pos_t) neg_preds = self.model(neg_h, neg_r, neg_t) if self.model.model_name.lower() == "rotate": loss = self.model.loss(pos_preds, neg_preds, self.config.neg_rate, self.config.alpha) else: loss = self.model.loss(pos_preds, neg_preds, self.config.margin) loss += self.model.get_reg(None, None, None) return loss def train_step_projection(self, h, r, t, hr_t, tr_h): if self.model.model_name.lower() in [ "conve", "tucker", "interacte", "hyper", "acre" ]: pred_tails = self.model(h, r, direction="tail") # (h, r) -> hr_t forward pred_heads = self.model( t, r, direction="head") # (t, r) -> tr_h backward if hasattr(self.config, 'label_smoothing'): loss = self.model.loss(pred_heads, pred_tails, tr_h, hr_t, self.config.label_smoothing, self.config.tot_entity) else: loss = self.model.loss(pred_heads, pred_tails, tr_h, hr_t, None, None) else: pred_tails = self.model(h, r, hr_t, direction="tail") # (h, r) -> hr_t forward pred_heads = self.model( t, r, tr_h, direction="head") # (t, r) -> tr_h backward loss = self.model.loss(pred_heads, pred_tails) loss += self.model.get_reg(h, r, t) return loss def train_step_pointwise(self, h, r, t, target): preds = self.model(h, r, t) loss = self.model.loss(preds, target.type(preds.type())) loss += self.model.get_reg(h, r, t) return loss def train_model(self): # for key, value in self.config.__dict__.items(): # print(key," ",value) #print(self.config.__dict__[""]) # pdb.set_trace() """Function to train the model.""" self.generator = Generator(self.model, self.config) self.monitor = Monitor.FILTERED_MEAN_RANK for cur_epoch_idx in range(self.config.epochs):"Epoch[%d/%d]" % (cur_epoch_idx, self.config.epochs)) self.train_model_epoch(cur_epoch_idx) if cur_epoch_idx % self.config.test_step == 0: self.model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): metrics = self.evaluator.mini_test(cur_epoch_idx) if self.early_stopper.should_stop(metrics): ### Early Stop Mechanism ### start to check if the metric is still improving after each mini-test. ### Example, if test_step == 5, the trainer will check metrics every 5 epoch. break # store the best model weights. if self.config.save_model: if self.best_metric is None: self.best_metric = metrics self.save_model() else: if self.monitor == Monitor.MEAN_RANK or self.monitor == Monitor.FILTERED_MEAN_RANK: is_better = self.best_metric[ self.monitor.value] > metrics[ self.monitor.value] else: is_better = self.best_metric[ self.monitor.value] < metrics[ self.monitor.value] if is_better: self.save_model() self.best_metric = metrics self.model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): self.evaluator.full_test(cur_epoch_idx) self.evaluator.metric_calculator.save_test_summary( self.model.model_name) self.generator.stop() self.save_training_result() # if self.config.save_model: # self.save_model() if self.config.disp_result: self.display() self.export_embeddings() return cur_epoch_idx # the runned epoches. def tune_model(self): """Function to tune the model.""" current_loss = float("inf") self.generator = Generator(self.model, self.config) self.evaluator = Evaluator(self.model, self.config, tuning=True) for cur_epoch_idx in range(self.config.epochs): current_loss = self.train_model_epoch(cur_epoch_idx, tuning=True) self.model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): self.evaluator.full_test(cur_epoch_idx) self.generator.stop() return current_loss def train_model_epoch(self, epoch_idx, tuning=False): """Function to train the model for one epoch.""" acc_loss = 0 num_batch = self.config.tot_train_triples // self.config.batch_size if not self.config.debug else 10 self.generator.start_one_epoch(num_batch) progress_bar = tqdm(range(num_batch)) for _ in progress_bar: data = list(next(self.generator)) self.model.train() self.optimizer.zero_grad() if self.model.training_strategy == TrainingStrategy.PROJECTION_BASED: h = torch.LongTensor(data[0]).to(self.config.device) r = torch.LongTensor(data[1]).to(self.config.device) t = torch.LongTensor(data[2]).to(self.config.device) hr_t = data[3].to(self.config.device) tr_h = data[4].to(self.config.device) loss = self.train_step_projection(h, r, t, hr_t, tr_h) elif self.model.training_strategy == TrainingStrategy.POINTWISE_BASED: h = torch.LongTensor(data[0]).to(self.config.device) r = torch.LongTensor(data[1]).to(self.config.device) t = torch.LongTensor(data[2]).to(self.config.device) y = torch.LongTensor(data[3]).to(self.config.device) loss = self.train_step_pointwise(h, r, t, y) elif self.model.training_strategy == TrainingStrategy.PAIRWISE_BASED: pos_h = torch.LongTensor(data[0]).to(self.config.device) pos_r = torch.LongTensor(data[1]).to(self.config.device) pos_t = torch.LongTensor(data[2]).to(self.config.device) neg_h = torch.LongTensor(data[3]).to(self.config.device) neg_r = torch.LongTensor(data[4]).to(self.config.device) neg_t = torch.LongTensor(data[5]).to(self.config.device) loss = self.train_step_pairwise(pos_h, pos_r, pos_t, neg_h, neg_r, neg_t) else: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown training strategy: %s" % self.model.training_strategy) loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() acc_loss += loss.item() if not tuning: progress_bar.set_description('acc_loss: %f, cur_loss: %f' % (acc_loss, loss)) self.training_results.append([epoch_idx, acc_loss]) return acc_loss def enter_interactive_mode(self): self.build_model() self.load_model()"""The training/loading of the model has finished! Now enter interactive mode :) ----- Example 1: trainer.infer_tails(1,10,topk=5)""" ) self.infer_tails(1, 10, topk=5)"""----- Example 2: trainer.infer_heads(10,20,topk=5)""" ) self.infer_heads(10, 20, topk=5)"""----- Example 3: trainer.infer_rels(1,20,topk=5)""" ) self.infer_rels(1, 20, topk=5) def exit_interactive_mode(self): "Thank you for trying out inference interactive script :)") def infer_tails(self, h, r, topk=5): tails = self.evaluator.test_tail_rank(h, r, topk).detach().cpu().numpy() idx2ent = self.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('idx2entity') idx2rel = self.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('idx2relation') logs = [ "", "(head, relation)->({},{}) :: Inferred tails->({})".format( h, r, ",".join([str(i) for i in tails])), "", "head: %s" % idx2ent[h], "relation: %s" % idx2rel[r], ] for idx, tail in enumerate(tails): logs.append("%dth predicted tail: %s" % (idx, idx2ent[tail]))"\n".join(logs)) return {tail: idx2ent[tail] for tail in tails} def infer_heads(self, r, t, topk=5): heads = self.evaluator.test_head_rank(r, t, topk).detach().cpu().numpy() idx2ent = self.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('idx2entity') idx2rel = self.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('idx2relation') logs = [ "", "(relation,tail)->({},{}) :: Inferred heads->({})".format( t, r, ",".join([str(i) for i in heads])), "", "tail: %s" % idx2ent[t], "relation: %s" % idx2rel[r], ] for idx, head in enumerate(heads): logs.append("%dth predicted head: %s" % (idx, idx2ent[head]))"\n".join(logs)) return {head: idx2ent[head] for head in heads} def infer_rels(self, h, t, topk=5): if self.model.model_name.lower() in [ "proje_pointwise", "conve", "tucker" ]: "%s model doesn't support relation inference in nature.") return {} rels = self.evaluator.test_rel_rank(h, t, topk).detach().cpu().numpy() idx2ent = self.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('idx2entity') idx2rel = self.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('idx2relation') logs = [ "", "(head,tail)->({},{}) :: Inferred rels->({})".format( h, t, ",".join([str(i) for i in rels])), "", "head: %s" % idx2ent[h], "tail: %s" % idx2ent[t], ] for idx, rel in enumerate(rels): logs.append("%dth predicted rel: %s" % (idx, idx2rel[rel]))"\n".join(logs)) return {rel: idx2rel[rel] for rel in rels} # ''' Procedural functions:''' def save_model(self): """Function to save the model.""" saved_path = self.config.path_tmp / self.model.model_name saved_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True), str(saved_path / self.TRAINED_MODEL_FILE_NAME)) # Save hyper-parameters into a yaml file with the model save_path_config = saved_path / self.TRAINED_MODEL_CONFIG_NAME, self.config) def load_model(self, model_path=None): """Function to load the model.""" if model_path is None: model_path_file = self.config.path_tmp / self.model.model_name / self.TRAINED_MODEL_FILE_NAME model_path_config = self.config.path_tmp / self.model.model_name / self.TRAINED_MODEL_CONFIG_NAME else: model_path = Path(model_path) model_path_file = model_path / self.TRAINED_MODEL_FILE_NAME model_path_config = model_path / self.TRAINED_MODEL_CONFIG_NAME if model_path_file.exists() and model_path_config.exists(): config_temp = np.load(model_path_config, allow_pickle=True).item() config_temp.__dict__['load_from_data'] = self.config.__dict__[ 'load_from_data'] self.config = config_temp _, model_def = Importer().import_model_config( self.config.model_name.lower()) self.model = model_def(**self.config.__dict__) self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(str(model_path_file))) self.model.eval() else: raise ValueError("Cannot load model from %s" % model_path_file) def display(self): """Function to display embedding.""" options = { "ent_only_plot": True, "rel_only_plot": not self.config.plot_entity_only, "ent_and_rel_plot": not self.config.plot_entity_only } if self.config.plot_embedding: viz = Visualization(self.model, self.config, vis_opts=options) viz.plot_embedding(resultpath=self.config.path_figures, algos=self.model.model_name, show_label=False) if self.config.plot_training_result: viz = Visualization(self.model, self.config) viz.plot_train_result() if self.config.plot_testing_result: viz = Visualization(self.model, self.config) viz.plot_test_result() def export_embeddings(self): """ Export embeddings in tsv and pandas pickled format. With tsvs (both label, vector files), you can: 1) Use those pretained embeddings for your applications. 2) Visualize the embeddings in this website to gain insights. ( Pandas dataframes can be read with pd.read_pickle('desired_file.pickle') """ save_path = self.config.path_embeddings / self.model.model_name save_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) idx2ent = self.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('idx2entity') idx2rel = self.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('idx2relation') with open(str(save_path / "ent_labels.tsv"), 'w') as l_export_file: for label in idx2ent.values(): l_export_file.write(label + "\n") with open(str(save_path / "rel_labels.tsv"), 'w') as l_export_file: for label in idx2rel.values(): l_export_file.write(label + "\n") for named_embedding in self.model.parameter_list: all_ids = list(range(0, int(named_embedding.weight.shape[0]))) stored_name = if len(named_embedding.weight.shape) == 2: all_embs = named_embedding.weight.detach().detach().cpu( ).numpy() with open(str(save_path / ("%s.tsv" % stored_name)), 'w') as v_export_file: for idx in all_ids: v_export_file.write( "\t".join([str(x) for x in all_embs[idx]]) + "\n") def save_training_result(self): """Function that saves training result""" files = os.listdir(str(self.config.path_result)) l = len([ f for f in files if self.model.model_name in f if 'Training' in f ]) df = pd.DataFrame(self.training_results, columns=['Epochs', 'Loss']) with open( str(self.config.path_result / (self.model.model_name + '_Training_results_' + str(l) + '.csv')), 'w') as fh: df.to_csv(fh)
class Trainer: """ Class for handling the training of the algorithms. Args: model (object): KGE model object Examples: >>> from pykg2vec.utils.trainer import Trainer >>> from pykg2vec.models.TransE import TransE >>> trainer = Trainer(TransE()) >>> trainer.build_model() >>> trainer.train_model() """ _logger = Logger().get_logger(__name__) def __init__(self, model, config): self.model = model self.config = config self.training_results = [] self.evaluator = None self.generator = None def build_model(self): """function to build the model""" if self.config.optimizer == "adam": self.optimizer = optim.Adam( self.model.parameters(), lr=self.config.learning_rate, ) elif self.config.optimizer == "sgd": self.optimizer = optim.SGD( self.model.parameters(), lr=self.config.learning_rate, ) elif self.config.optimizer == "adagrad": self.optimizer = optim.Adagrad( self.model.parameters(), lr=self.config.learning_rate, ) elif self.config.optimizer == "rms": self.optimizer = optim.RMSprop( self.model.parameters(), lr=self.config.learning_rate, ) else: raise NotImplementedError("No support for %s optimizer" % self.config.optimizer) self.config.summary() self.early_stopper = EarlyStopper(self.config.patience, Monitor.FILTERED_MEAN_RANK) ''' Training related functions:''' def train_step_pairwise(self, pos_h, pos_r, pos_t, neg_h, neg_r, neg_t): pos_preds = self.model(pos_h, pos_r, pos_t) neg_preds = self.model(neg_h, neg_r, neg_t) if self.config.sampling == 'adversarial_negative_sampling': # RotatE: Adversarial Negative Sampling and alpha is the temperature. pos_preds = -pos_preds neg_preds = -neg_preds pos_preds = F.logsigmoid(pos_preds) neg_preds = neg_preds.view((-1, self.config.neg_rate)) softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1)(neg_preds * self.config.alpha).detach() neg_preds = torch.sum(softmax * (F.logsigmoid(-neg_preds)), dim=-1) loss = -neg_preds.mean() - pos_preds.mean() else: # others that use margin-based & pairwise loss function. (uniform or bern) loss = pos_preds + self.config.margin - neg_preds loss = torch.max(loss, torch.zeros_like(loss)).sum() if hasattr(self.model, 'get_reg'): # now only NTN uses regularizer, # other pairwise based KGE methods use normalization to regularize parameters. loss += self.model.get_reg() return loss def train_step_projection(self, h, r, t, hr_t, tr_h): if self.model.model_name.lower( ) == "conve" or self.model.model_name.lower() == "tucker": if hasattr(self.config, 'label_smoothing'): hr_t = hr_t * (1.0 - self.config.label_smoothing ) + 1.0 / self.config.tot_entity tr_h = tr_h * (1.0 - self.config.label_smoothing ) + 1.0 / self.config.tot_entity pred_tails = self.model(h, r, direction="tail") # (h, r) -> hr_t forward pred_heads = self.model( t, r, direction="head") # (t, r) -> tr_h backward loss_tails = torch.mean(F.binary_cross_entropy(pred_tails, hr_t)) loss_heads = torch.mean(F.binary_cross_entropy(pred_heads, tr_h)) loss = loss_tails + loss_heads else: loss_tails = self.model(h, r, hr_t, direction="tail") # (h, r) -> hr_t forward loss_heads = self.model( t, r, tr_h, direction="head") # (t, r) -> tr_h backward loss = loss_tails + loss_heads if hasattr(self.model, 'get_reg'): # now only complex distmult uses regularizer in algorithms, loss += self.model.get_reg() return loss def train_step_pointwise(self, h, r, t, y): preds = self.model(h, r, t) loss = F.softplus(y * preds).mean() if hasattr(self.model, 'get_reg' ): # for complex & complex-N3 & DistMult & CP & ANALOGY loss += self.model.get_reg(h, r, t) return loss def train_model(self, monitor=Monitor.FILTERED_MEAN_RANK): """Function to train the model.""" self.generator = Generator(self.model, self.config) self.evaluator = Evaluator(self.model, self.config) if self.config.load_from_data: self.load_model() for cur_epoch_idx in range(self.config.epochs):"Epoch[%d/%d]" % (cur_epoch_idx, self.config.epochs)) self.train_model_epoch(cur_epoch_idx) if cur_epoch_idx % self.config.test_step == 0: self.model.eval() metrics = self.evaluator.mini_test(cur_epoch_idx) if self.early_stopper.should_stop(metrics): ### Early Stop Mechanism ### start to check if the metric is still improving after each mini-test. ### Example, if test_step == 5, the trainer will check metrics every 5 epoch. break self.evaluator.full_test(cur_epoch_idx) self.evaluator.metric_calculator.save_test_summary( self.model.model_name) self.generator.stop() self.save_training_result() if self.config.save_model: self.save_model() if self.config.disp_result: self.display() self.export_embeddings() return cur_epoch_idx # the runned epoches. def tune_model(self): """Function to tune the model.""" current_loss = float("inf") self.generator = Generator(self.model, self.config) self.evaluator = Evaluator(self.model, self.config, tuning=True) for cur_epoch_idx in range(self.config.epochs): current_loss = self.train_model_epoch(cur_epoch_idx, tuning=True) self.evaluator.full_test(cur_epoch_idx) self.generator.stop() return current_loss def train_model_epoch(self, epoch_idx, tuning=False): """Function to train the model for one epoch.""" acc_loss = 0 num_batch = self.config.tot_train_triples // self.config.batch_size if not self.config.debug else 10 self.generator.start_one_epoch(num_batch) progress_bar = tqdm(range(num_batch)) for _ in progress_bar: data = list(next(self.generator)) self.model.train() self.optimizer.zero_grad() if self.model.training_strategy == TrainingStrategy.PROJECTION_BASED: h = torch.LongTensor(data[0]).to(self.config.device) r = torch.LongTensor(data[1]).to(self.config.device) t = torch.LongTensor(data[2]).to(self.config.device) hr_t = data[3].to(self.config.device) tr_h = data[4].to(self.config.device) loss = self.train_step_projection(h, r, t, hr_t, tr_h) elif self.model.training_strategy == TrainingStrategy.POINTWISE_BASED: h = torch.LongTensor(data[0]).to(self.config.device) r = torch.LongTensor(data[1]).to(self.config.device) t = torch.LongTensor(data[2]).to(self.config.device) y = torch.LongTensor(data[3]).to(self.config.device) loss = self.train_step_pointwise(h, r, t, y) elif self.model.training_strategy == TrainingStrategy.PAIRWISE_BASED: pos_h = torch.LongTensor(data[0]).to(self.config.device) pos_r = torch.LongTensor(data[1]).to(self.config.device) pos_t = torch.LongTensor(data[2]).to(self.config.device) neg_h = torch.LongTensor(data[3]).to(self.config.device) neg_r = torch.LongTensor(data[4]).to(self.config.device) neg_t = torch.LongTensor(data[5]).to(self.config.device) loss = self.train_step_pairwise(pos_h, pos_r, pos_t, neg_h, neg_r, neg_t) else: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown training strategy: %s" % self.model.training_strategy) loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() acc_loss += loss.item() if not tuning: progress_bar.set_description('acc_loss: %f, cur_loss: %f' % (acc_loss, loss)) self.training_results.append([epoch_idx, acc_loss]) return acc_loss def enter_interactive_mode(self): self.build_model() self.load_model() self.evaluator = Evaluator(self.model, self.config)"""The training/loading of the model has finished! Now enter interactive mode :) ----- Example 1: trainer.infer_tails(1,10,topk=5)""" ) self.infer_tails(1, 10, topk=5)"""----- Example 2: trainer.infer_heads(10,20,topk=5)""" ) self.infer_heads(10, 20, topk=5)"""----- Example 3: trainer.infer_rels(1,20,topk=5)""" ) self.infer_rels(1, 20, topk=5) def exit_interactive_mode(self): "Thank you for trying out inference interactive script :)") def infer_tails(self, h, r, topk=5): tails = self.evaluator.test_tail_rank(h, r, topk).cpu().numpy() logs = [""] logs.append("(head, relation)->({},{}) :: Inferred tails->({})".format( h, r, ",".join([str(i) for i in tails]))) logs.append("") idx2ent = self.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('idx2entity') idx2rel = self.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('idx2relation') logs.append("head: %s" % idx2ent[h]) logs.append("relation: %s" % idx2rel[r]) for idx, tail in enumerate(tails): logs.append("%dth predicted tail: %s" % (idx, idx2ent[tail]))"\n".join(logs)) return {tail: idx2ent[tail] for tail in tails} def infer_heads(self, r, t, topk=5): heads = self.evaluator.test_head_rank(r, t, topk).cpu().numpy() logs = [""] logs.append("(relation,tail)->({},{}) :: Inferred heads->({})".format( t, r, ",".join([str(i) for i in heads]))) logs.append("") idx2ent = self.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('idx2entity') idx2rel = self.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('idx2relation') logs.append("tail: %s" % idx2ent[t]) logs.append("relation: %s" % idx2rel[r]) for idx, head in enumerate(heads): logs.append("%dth predicted head: %s" % (idx, idx2ent[head]))"\n".join(logs)) return {head: idx2ent[head] for head in heads} def infer_rels(self, h, t, topk=5): if self.model.model_name.lower() in [ "proje_pointwise", "conve", "tucker" ]: "%s model doesn't support relation inference in nature.") return rels = self.evaluator.test_rel_rank(h, t, topk).cpu().numpy() logs = [""] logs.append("(head,tail)->({},{}) :: Inferred rels->({})".format( h, t, ",".join([str(i) for i in rels]))) logs.append("") idx2ent = self.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('idx2entity') idx2rel = self.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('idx2relation') logs.append("head: %s" % idx2ent[h]) logs.append("tail: %s" % idx2ent[t]) for idx, rel in enumerate(rels): logs.append("%dth predicted rel: %s" % (idx, idx2rel[rel]))"\n".join(logs)) return {rel: idx2rel[rel] for rel in rels} # ''' Procedural functions:''' def save_model(self): """Function to save the model.""" saved_path = self.config.path_tmp / self.model.model_name saved_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True), str(saved_path / '')) def load_model(self): """Function to load the model.""" saved_path = self.config.path_tmp / self.model.model_name if saved_path.exists(): self.model.load_state_dict( torch.load(str(saved_path / ''))) self.model.eval() def display(self): """Function to display embedding.""" options = { "ent_only_plot": True, "rel_only_plot": not self.config.plot_entity_only, "ent_and_rel_plot": not self.config.plot_entity_only } if self.config.plot_embedding: viz = Visualization(self.model, self.config, vis_opts=options) viz.plot_embedding(resultpath=self.config.path_figures, algos=self.model.model_name, show_label=False) if self.config.plot_training_result: viz = Visualization(self.model, self.config) viz.plot_train_result() if self.config.plot_testing_result: viz = Visualization(self.model, self.config) viz.plot_test_result() def export_embeddings(self): """ Export embeddings in tsv and pandas pickled format. With tsvs (both label, vector files), you can: 1) Use those pretained embeddings for your applications. 2) Visualize the embeddings in this website to gain insights. ( Pandas dataframes can be read with pd.read_pickle('desired_file.pickle') """ save_path = self.config.path_embeddings / self.model.model_name save_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) idx2ent = self.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('idx2entity') idx2rel = self.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data('idx2relation') with open(str(save_path / "ent_labels.tsv"), 'w') as l_export_file: for label in idx2ent.values(): l_export_file.write(label + "\n") with open(str(save_path / "rel_labels.tsv"), 'w') as l_export_file: for label in idx2rel.values(): l_export_file.write(label + "\n") for named_embedding in self.model.parameter_list: all_ids = list(range(0, int(named_embedding.weight.shape[0]))) stored_name = if len(named_embedding.shape) == 2: all_embs = named_embedding.weight.detach().cpu().numpy() with open(str(save_path / ("%s.tsv" % stored_name)), 'w') as v_export_file: for idx in all_ids: v_export_file.write( "\t".join([str(x) for x in all_embs[idx]]) + "\n") def save_training_result(self): """Function that saves training result""" files = os.listdir(str(self.config.path_result)) l = len([ f for f in files if self.model.model_name in f if 'Training' in f ]) df = pd.DataFrame(self.training_results, columns=['Epochs', 'Loss']) with open( str(self.config.path_result / (self.model.model_name + '_Training_results_' + str(l) + '.csv')), 'w') as fh: df.to_csv(fh)