예제 #1
    def _getParser(self):
        op = super(F17_Iscsi, self)._getParser()
        for action in op._actions:
            # mark the fact that --iface is available since F17
            # while RHEL6 is based on F12
            if '--iface' in action.option_strings:
                action.help = action.help.replace(versionToLongString(RHEL6),

        return op
예제 #2
    def _getParser(self):
        op = super(self.__class__, self)._getParser()
        for action in op._actions:
            # mark the fact that --iface is available since F17
            # while RHEL6 is based on F12
            if '--iface' in action.option_strings:
                action.help = action.help.replace(

        return op
예제 #3
    def add_argument(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if "introduced" in kwargs:
            warnings.warn("The option 'introduced' will be removed in a future release. "
                          "Use 'version' instead.", PendingDeprecationWarning)

        if "removed" in kwargs:
            warnings.warn("The option 'removed' will be removed in a future release. "
                          "Use 'remove_argument' instead.", PendingDeprecationWarning)

        introduced = kwargs.pop("introduced", None)
        deprecated = kwargs.pop("deprecated", False)

        if deprecated:
            version = versionToLongString(deprecated)
            # fail fast if version is missing
            version = versionToLongString(introduced or kwargs.pop("version"))

        candidate = None
        for action in self._actions:
            for arg in args:
                if arg in action.option_strings:
                    candidate = action

        if candidate:
            if deprecated:
                _help = candidate.help or ""
                _help += "\n\n    .. deprecated:: %s" % version
                kwargs["help"] = _help
                # this is a modified argument, which is already present
                _help = candidate.help or ""
                _help += "\n\n    .. versionchanged:: %s\n\n%s" % (version, kwargs.pop("help"))
                kwargs["help"] = _help
            # this is a new argument which is added for the first time
            _help = kwargs.pop("help")
            _help += "\n\n    .. versionadded:: %s" % version
            # there are some argumets which are deprecated on first declaration
            if deprecated:
                _help += "\n\n    .. deprecated:: %s" % version
            kwargs["help"] = _help

        notest = kwargs.pop("notest", False)
        removed = kwargs.pop("removed", None)

        action = ArgumentParser.add_argument(self, *args, **kwargs)
        action.deprecated = deprecated
        action.introduced = introduced
        action.notest = notest
        action.removed = removed
        return action
예제 #4
    def _getParser(self):
        op = FC5_Raid._getParser(self)
        for action in op._actions:
            if "--level" in action.option_strings:
                action.help += dedent("""

                .. versionchanged:: %s

                The "RAID10" level was added.""" % versionToLongString(RHEL5))

                        Specify that this RAID device should be encrypted.
                        Specify the passphrase to use when encrypting this RAID
                        device. Without the above --encrypted option, this
                        option does nothing. If no passphrase is specified, the
                        default system-wide one is used, or the installer will
                        stop and prompt if there is no default.""")
        return op
예제 #5
    def _getParser(self):
        "Only necessary for the type change documentation"
        op = F29_AutoPart._getParser(self)
        for action in op._actions:
            if "--type" in action.option_strings:
                action.help += """

                    .. versionchanged:: %s

                    Partitioning scheme 'btrfs' was removed.""" % versionToLongString(RHEL8)
            if "--fstype" in action.option_strings:
                action.help += """

                    .. versionchanged:: %s

                    Partitioning scheme 'btrfs' was removed.""" % versionToLongString(RHEL8)
        return op
예제 #6
    def _getParser(self):
        op = FC3_Keyboard._getParser(self)
        op.description += dedent("""

        .. versionchanged:: %s

        See the documentation of ``--vckeymap`` option and the tip at the end
        of this section for a guide how to get values accepted by this command.

        Either ``--vckeymap`` or ``--xlayouts`` must be used.

        Alternatively, use the older format, ``arg``, which is still supported.
        ``arg`` can be an X layout or VConsole keymap name.

        Missing values will be automatically converted from the given one(s).
        """ % versionToLongString(F18))

                        Specify VConsole keymap that should be used. is a keymap
                        name which is the same as the filename under
                        ``/usr/lib/kbd/keymaps/`` without the ``.map.gz`` extension.
                        Specify a list of X layouts that should be used
                        (comma-separated list without spaces). Accepts the same
                        values as ``setxkbmap(1)``, but uses either the layout format
                        (such as cz) or the 'layout (variant)' format (such as
                        'cz (qwerty)'). For example::

                        ``keyboard --xlayouts=cz,'cz (qwerty)'`""")
                        Specify a list of layout switching options that should
                        be used (comma-separated list without spaces). Accepts
                        the same values as ``setxkbmap(1)`` for layout switching.
                        For example::

                        ``keyboard --xlayouts=cz,'cz (qwerty)' --switch=grp:alt_shift_toggle``
        op.epilog = dedent("""
        *If you know only the description of the layout (e.g. Czech (qwerty)),
        you can use http://vpodzime.fedorapeople.org/layouts_list.py to list
        all available layouts and find the one you want to use. The string in
        square brackets is the valid layout specification as Anaconda accepts
        it. The same goes for switching options and
        return op
예제 #7
    def _getParser(self):
        "Only necessary for the type change documentation"
        op = F29_AutoPart._getParser(self)
        for action in op._actions:
            if "--type" in action.option_strings:
                action.help += """

                    .. versionchanged:: %s

                    Partitioning scheme 'btrfs' was removed.""" % versionToLongString(
            if "--fstype" in action.option_strings:
                action.help += """

                    .. versionchanged:: %s

                    Partitioning scheme 'btrfs' was removed.""" % versionToLongString(
        return op
예제 #8
    def _getParser(self):
        op = FC6_Network._getParser(self)
        for action in op._actions:
            if "--bootproto" in action.option_strings:
                action.help += dedent("""

                        .. versionchanged:: %s

                        The 'query' value was added.""" % versionToLongString(RHEL5))
        return op
예제 #9
    def _getParser(self):
        op = F12_Raid._getParser(self)
        for action in op._actions:
            if "--level" in action.option_strings:
                action.help += dedent("""

                .. versionchanged:: %s

                The "RAID4" level was added.""" % versionToLongString(F13))
        return op
예제 #10
    def _getParser(self):
        "Only necessary for the type change documentation"
        op = F29_LogVol._getParser(self)
        for action in op._actions:
            if "--fstype" in action.option_strings:
                action.help += """

                    .. versionchanged:: %s

                    Btrfs support was removed.""" % versionToLongString(RHEL8)
        return op
예제 #11
    def _getParser(self):
        op = F12_Raid._getParser(self)
        for action in op._actions:
            if "--level" in action.option_strings:
                action.help += dedent("""

                .. versionchanged:: %s

                The "RAID4" level was added.""" % versionToLongString(F13))
        return op
예제 #12
    def _getParser(self):
        "Only necessary for the type change documentation"
        op = F18_AutoPart._getParser(self)
        for action in op._actions:
            if "--type" in action.option_strings:
                action.help += """

                    .. versionchanged:: %s

                    Partitioning scheme 'thinp' was added.""" % versionToLongString(F20)
        return op
예제 #13
    def _getParser(self):
        op = F11_Upgrade._getParser(self)
        op.description += dedent("""

                        .. deprecated:: %s

                        Starting with F18, upgrades are no longer supported in
                        anaconda and should be done with FedUp, the Fedora update
                        tool. Starting with F21, the DNF system-upgrade plugin is
                        recommended instead.  Therefore, the upgrade command
                        essentially does nothing.""" % versionToLongString(F20))
        return op
예제 #14
    def _getParser(self):
        op = F11_Upgrade._getParser(self)
        op.description += dedent("""

                        .. deprecated:: %s

                        Starting with F18, upgrades are no longer supported in
                        anaconda and should be done with FedUp, the Fedora update
                        tool. Starting with F21, the DNF system-upgrade plugin is
                        recommended instead.  Therefore, the upgrade command
                        essentially does nothing.""" % versionToLongString(F20))
        return op
예제 #15
    def _getParser(self):
        op = F14_Repo._getParser(self)
        for action in op._actions:
            for option in ['--baseurl', '--mirrorlist']:
                if option in action.option_strings:
                    action.help += dedent("""

                    .. versionchanged:: %s

                    ``--mirrorlist`` and ``--baseurl`` are not required anymore!
                    """ % versionToLongString(F15))
        return op
예제 #16
    def _getParser(self):
        op = F9_Network._getParser(self)
        for action in op._actions:
            if "--bootproto" in action.option_strings:
                action.help += dedent("""

                        .. versionchanged:: %s

                        The 'ibft' value was added.""" % versionToLongString(RHEL6))
        op.add_argument("--activate", action="store_true", version=RHEL6,
                        default=None, help="""
                        Activate this device in the installation environment.

                        If the device has already been activated (for example,
                        an interface you configured with boot options so that
                        the system could retrieve the Kickstart file) the
                        device is reactivated to use the configuration
                        specified in the Kickstart file.""")
        op.add_argument("--nodefroute", action="store_true", version=RHEL6,
                        default=False, help="""
                        Prevents the interface being set as the default route.
                        Use this option when you activate additional devices
                        with the ``--activate=`` option, for example, a NIC on
                        a separate subnet for an iSCSI target.""")
        op.add_argument("--vlanid", version=RHEL6, help="""
                        Id (802.1q tag) of vlan device to be created using parent
                        device specified by ``--device`` option. For example::

                            ``network --device=eth0 --vlanid=171``

                        will create vlan device ``eth0.171``.""")
        op.add_argument("--bondslaves", version=RHEL6, help="""
                        Bonded device with name specified by ``--device`` option
                        will be created using slaves specified in this option.

                           ``network --device bond0 --bootproto static --ip= --netmask= --gateway= --nameserver= --bondslaves=eth0,eth1 --bondopts=mode=active-backup,primary=eth0 --activate``

        op.add_argument("--bondopts", version=RHEL6, help="""
                        A comma-separated list of optional parameters for bonded
                        interface specified by ``--bondslaves`` and ``--device``
                        options. Example::


                        If an option itself contains comma as separator use
                        semicolon to separate the options. Example::

        return op
예제 #17
    def _getParser(self):
        op = super(F28_Authconfig, self)._getParser()
        op.description += dedent("""

            .. versionchanged:: %s

            The authconfig program is deprecated. This command will use the
            authconfig compatibility tool, but you should use the authselect
            command instead.

        """ % versionToLongString(F28))
        return op
예제 #18
    def remove_argument(self, arg, **kwargs):
        candidate = None

        for action in self._actions:
            if arg in action.option_strings:
                candidate = action

        if candidate:
            if not candidate.help:
                candidate.help = ""
            candidate.help += "\n\n    .. versionremoved:: %s" % versionToLongString(kwargs.pop("version"))
예제 #19
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create a new KSOptionParser instance.  Each KickstartCommand
           subclass should create one instance of KSOptionParser, providing
           at least the lineno attribute.  version is not required.

           Instance attributes:

           version -- The version when the kickstart command was introduced.

        # Overridden to allow for the version kwargs, to skip help option generation,
        # and to resolve conflicts instead of override earlier options.
        int_version = kwargs.pop("version")  # fail fast if no version is specified
        version = versionToLongString(int_version)

        # always document the version
        if "addVersion" in kwargs:
            warnings.warn("The option 'addVersion' will be removed in a future release.",

        addVersion = kwargs.pop('addVersion', True)

        # remove leading spaced from description and epilog.
        # fail fast if we forgot to add description
        kwargs['description'] = textwrap.dedent(kwargs.pop("description"))
        if addVersion:
            kwargs['description'] = "\n.. versionadded:: %s\n%s" % (version,
        kwargs['epilog'] = textwrap.dedent(kwargs.pop("epilog", ""))

        # fail fast if we forgot to add prog
        kwargs['prog'] = kwargs.pop("prog")

        # remove leading spaced from description and epilog.
        # fail fast if we forgot to add description
        kwargs['description'] = textwrap.dedent(kwargs.pop("description"))
        kwargs['epilog'] = textwrap.dedent(kwargs.pop("epilog", ""))

        # fail fast if we forgot to add prog
        kwargs['prog'] = kwargs.pop("prog")

        ArgumentParser.__init__(self, add_help=False, conflict_handler="resolve",
                                formatter_class=KSHelpFormatter, *args, **kwargs)
        # NOTE: On Python 2.7 ArgumentParser has a deprecated version parameter
        # which always defaults to self.version = None which breaks deprecation
        # warnings in pykickstart. That's why we always set this value after
        # ArgumentParser.__init__ has been executed
        self.version = int_version
        self.lineno = None
예제 #20
    def _getParser(self):
        op = FC3_Keyboard._getParser(self)
        op.description += dedent("""

        .. versionchanged:: %s

        See the documentation of ``--vckeymap`` option and the tip at the end
        of this section for a guide how to get values accepted by this command.

        Either ``--vckeymap`` or ``--xlayouts`` must be used.

        Alternatively, use the older format, ``arg``, which is still supported.
        ``arg`` can be an X layout or VConsole keymap name.

        Missing values will be automatically converted from the given one(s).
        """ % versionToLongString(F18))

        op.add_argument("--vckeymap", dest="vc_keymap", default="", help="""
                        Specify VConsole keymap that should be used. is a keymap
                        name which is the same as the filename under
                        ``/usr/lib/kbd/keymaps/`` without the ``.map.gz`` extension.
                        """, version=F18)
        op.add_argument("--xlayouts", dest="x_layouts", type=commaSplit,
                        version=F18, help="""
                        Specify a list of X layouts that should be used
                        (comma-separated list without spaces). Accepts the same
                        values as ``setxkbmap(1)``, but uses either the layout format
                        (such as cz) or the 'layout (variant)' format (such as
                        'cz (qwerty)'). For example::

                        ``keyboard --xlayouts=cz,'cz (qwerty)'`""")
        op.add_argument("--switch", dest="switch_options", type=commaSplit,
                        version=F18, help="""
                        Specify a list of layout switching options that should
                        be used (comma-separated list without spaces). Accepts
                        the same values as ``setxkbmap(1)`` for layout switching.
                        For example::

                        ``keyboard --xlayouts=cz,'cz (qwerty)' --switch=grp:alt_shift_toggle``
        op.epilog = dedent("""
        *If you know only the description of the layout (e.g. Czech (qwerty)),
        you can use http://vpodzime.fedorapeople.org/layouts_list.py to list
        all available layouts and find the one you want to use. The string in
        square brackets is the valid layout specification as Anaconda accepts
        it. The same goes for switching options and
        return op
예제 #21
    def _getParser(self):
        op = FC6_Reboot._getParser(self)
        op.prog += "|halt"
        op.description += dedent("""


        At the end of installation, display a message and wait for the user to
        press a key before rebooting. This is the default action.

        .. versionchanged:: %s

        The 'halt' command was added!

        """ % versionToLongString(F18))
        return op
예제 #22
    def _getParser(self):
        op = FC6_Reboot._getParser(self)
        op.prog += "|halt"
        op.description += dedent("""


        At the end of installation, display a message and wait for the user to
        press a key before rebooting. This is the default action.

        .. versionchanged:: %s

        The 'halt' command was added!

        """ % versionToLongString(F18))
        return op
예제 #23
    def _getParser(self):
        op = F9_Network._getParser(self)
        for action in op._actions:
            if "--bootproto" in action.option_strings:
                action.help += dedent("""

                        .. versionchanged:: %s

                        The 'ibft' value was added.""" % \
        op.add_argument("--activate", action="store_true", version=RHEL6,
                        default=False, help="""
                        As noted above, using this option ensures any matching
                        devices beyond the first will also be activated.""")
        op.add_argument("--nodefroute", action="store_true", version=RHEL6,
                        default=False, help="""
                        Prevents grabbing of the default route by the device.
                        It can be useful when activating additional devices in
                        installer using ``--activate`` option.""")
        op.add_argument("--vlanid", version=RHEL6, help="""
                        Id (802.1q tag) of vlan device to be created using parent
                        device specified by ``--device`` option. For example::

                            ``network --device=eth0 --vlanid=171``

                        will create vlan device ``eth0.171``.""")
        op.add_argument("--bondslaves", version=RHEL6, help="""
                        Bonded device with name specified by ``--device`` option
                        will be created using slaves specified in this option.

        op.add_argument("--bondopts", version=RHEL6, help="""
                        A comma-separated list of optional parameters for bonded
                        interface specified by ``--bondslaves`` and ``--device``
                        options. Example::


                        If an option itself contains comma as separator use
                        semicolon to separate the options.""")
        return op
예제 #24
    def _getParser(self):
        op = F21_Repo._getParser(self)
        op.add_argument("--metalink", version=F27, help="""
                        The URL pointing at a metalink for the repository. The
                        variables that may be used in yum repo config files are
                        not supported here. You may use only one of the
                        ``--baseurl``, ``--mirrorlist``, or ``--metalink``
                        options. Variable substitution is done for $releasever
                        and $basearch in the url.""")
        for action in op._actions:
            for option in ['--baseurl', '--mirrorlist']:
                if option in action.option_strings:
                    action.help += dedent("""

                    .. versionchanged:: %s

                    ``Another mutually exclusive option --metalink`` was added.
                    """ % versionToLongString(F27))
        return op
예제 #25
    def _getParser(self):
        op = F9_Network._getParser(self)
        for action in op._actions:
            if "--bootproto" in action.option_strings:
                action.help += dedent("""

                        .. versionchanged:: %s

                        The 'ibft' value was added.""" % versionToLongString(F16))
        op.add_argument("--activate", action="store_true", version=F16,
                        default=None, help="""
                        As noted above, using this option ensures any matching
                        devices beyond the first will also be activated.""")
        op.add_argument("--nodefroute", action="store_true", version=F16,
                        default=False, help="""
                        Prevents grabbing of the default route by the device.
                        It can be useful when activating additional devices in
                        installer using ``--activate`` option.""")
        op.add_argument("--wpakey", default="", version=F16, help="""
                        The WPA encryption key for wireless networks.""")
        return op
예제 #26
    def _getParser(self):
        op = KSOptionParser(prog="updates",
            Specify the location of an updates.img for use in installation.
        url_action = op.add_argument("url",
            If present, the URL for an updates image.

            If not present, anaconda will attempt to load from a floppy disk.
        url_action.help += dedent("""

            .. versionchanged:: %s

            The URL for an updates image is required. Anaconda no longer supports
            updates on a floppy disk.
            """ % versionToLongString(F34))
        return op
예제 #27
    def _getParser(self):
        op = FC5_Raid._getParser(self)
        for action in op._actions:
            if "--level" in action.option_strings:
                action.help += dedent("""

                .. versionchanged:: %s

                The "RAID10" level was added.""" % versionToLongString(RHEL5))

        op.add_argument("--encrypted", action="store_true",
                        default=False, version=RHEL5, help="""
                        Specify that this RAID device should be encrypted.
        op.add_argument("--passphrase", version=RHEL5, help="""
                        Specify the passphrase to use when encrypting this RAID
                        device. Without the above --encrypted option, this
                        option does nothing. If no passphrase is specified, the
                        default system-wide one is used, or the installer will
                        stop and prompt if there is no default.""")
        return op
예제 #28
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create a new KSOptionParser instance.  Each KickstartCommand
           subclass should create one instance of KSOptionParser, providing
           at least the lineno attribute.  version is not required.

           Instance attributes:

           version -- The version of the kickstart syntax we are checking
        # Overridden to allow for the version kwargs, to skip help option generation,
        # and to resolve conflicts instead of override earlier options.
        version = kwargs.pop("version") # fail fast if no version specified
        self.version = version
        version = versionToLongString(version)

        # remove leading spaced from description and epilog.
        # fail fast if we forgot to add description
        kwargs['description'] = textwrap.dedent(kwargs.pop("description"))
        kwargs['description'] = "\n.. versionadded:: %s\n%s" % (version,
        kwargs['epilog'] = textwrap.dedent(kwargs.pop("epilog", ""))

        # fail fast if we forgot to add prog
        kwargs['prog'] = kwargs.pop("prog")

        # remove leading spaced from description and epilog.
        # fail fast if we forgot to add description
        kwargs['description'] = textwrap.dedent(kwargs.pop("description"))
        kwargs['epilog'] = textwrap.dedent(kwargs.pop("epilog", ""))

        # fail fast if we forgot to add prog
        kwargs['prog'] = kwargs.pop("prog")

        ArgumentParser.__init__(self, add_help=False, conflict_handler="resolve",
                                formatter_class=KSHelpFormatter, *args, **kwargs)
        self.lineno = None
예제 #29
 def _getParser(self):
     op = FC3_LangSupport._getParser(self)
     op.description += "\n\n.. deprecated:: %s" % versionToLongString(FC5)
     return op
예제 #30
 def _getParser(self):
     op = KSOptionParser(prog="lilocheck", description="", version=FC3)
     op.description += "\n\n.. deprecated:: %s" % versionToLongString(FC4)
     return op
예제 #31
 def _getParser(self):
     op = F23_BTRFS._getParser(self)
     op.description += "\n\n.. deprecated:: %s" % versionToLongString(RHEL8)
     return op
예제 #32
 def _getParser(self):
     op = FC3_Interactive._getParser(self)
     op.description += "\n\n.. versiondeprecated:: %s" % \
     return op
예제 #33
 def _getParser(self):
     op = F20_Install._getParser(self)
     op.description += "\n\n.. deprecated:: %s" % versionToLongString(F29)
     return op
예제 #34
 def _getParser(self):
     op = F8_Device._getParser(self)
     op.description += "\n\n.. deprecated:: %s" % versionToLongString(F24)
     return op
예제 #35
 def _getParser(self):
     op = FC6_MultiPath._getParser(self)
     op.description += "\n\n.. deprecated:: %s" % versionToLongString(F24)
     return op
예제 #36
 def _getParser(self):
     op = FC6_Monitor._getParser(self)
     op.description += "\n\n.. deprecated:: %s" % versionToLongString(F10)
     return op
예제 #37
 def _getParser(self):
     op = super(FC3_Lilo, self)._getParser()
     op.prog = "lilo"
     op.description += "\n\n.. deprecated:: %s" % versionToLongString(FC4)
     return op
예제 #38
 def _getParser(self):
     op = RHEL3_Mouse._getParser(self)
     op.description += "\n\n.. deprecated:: %s" % versionToLongString(FC3)
     return op
예제 #39
 def _getParser(self):
     op = F23_BTRFS._getParser(self)
     op.description += "\n\n.. deprecated:: %s" % versionToLongString(RHEL8)
     return op
예제 #40
 def _getParser(self):
     op = RHEL3_Mouse._getParser(self)
     op.description += "\n\n.. deprecated: %s" % versionToLongString(FC3)
     return op
예제 #41
 def _getParser(self):
     op = F29_Install._getParser(self)
     op.description += "\n\n.. versionremoved:: %s" % versionToLongString(
     return op
예제 #42
 def _getParser(self):
     op = F20_Install._getParser(self)
     op.description += "\n\n.. deprecated:: %s" % versionToLongString(F29)
     return op