예제 #1
def test_simulator_dynamics_symbolic():
    with pks.Chain() as chain:
        f1 = pks.Fixture()
        j1 = pks.Joint()
        m1 = pks.Mass()

        pks.Link(f1, j1, l=0.0)
        pks.Link(j1, m1, l=1.0)

    with pks.Simulator(chain, f1) as sim:
        dynamics = sim.dynamics(g=(0.0, 0.0, 9.81))

    theta = sim.symbols.var_theta[0]

    assert sim.symbols.var_ddtheta[0] in dynamics
    ddtheta = dynamics[sim.symbols.var_ddtheta[0]]

    assert sp.simplify(9.81 * sp.cos(theta) - ddtheta) == 0
예제 #2
def test_simulator_forward_kinematics_symbolic():
    l1, l2 = sp.symbols("l1 l2")

    with pks.Chain() as chain:
        f1 = pks.Fixture()
        j1 = pks.Joint()
        m1 = pks.Mass()
        m2 = pks.Mass()

        pks.Link(f1, j1, l=0.0)
        pks.Link(j1, m1, l=l1)
        pks.Link(m1, m2, l=l2)

    with pks.Simulator(chain, f1) as sim:
        trafos = sim.kinematics()

    theta = sim.symbols.theta[0]
    x, z = sim.symbols.x, sim.symbols.z

    assert sp.simplify(x + l1 * sp.cos(theta) - trafos[m1][0, 3]) == 0
    assert sp.simplify(z - l1 * sp.sin(theta) - trafos[m1][2, 3]) == 0
    assert sp.simplify(x + (l1 + l2) * sp.cos(theta) - trafos[m2][0, 3]) == 0
    assert sp.simplify(z - (l1 + l2) * sp.sin(theta) - trafos[m2][2, 3]) == 0
예제 #3
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sympy as sp
import pykinsim as pks

theta, l1, l2 = sp.symbols("theta l1 l2")

with pks.Chain() as chain:
    f1 = pks.Fixture()
    j1 = pks.Joint(axis="y", theta=theta)
    m1 = pks.Mass()
    m2 = pks.Mass()

    pks.Link(f1, j1, l=0.0)
    pks.Link(j1, m1, l=l1)
    pks.Link(m1, m2, l=l2)

with pks.Simulator(chain, f1) as sim:
    state = sim.symbolic_state()
    trafos = sim.kinematics(state)

print("m1.x(t) =", trafos[m1][0, 3])
print("m1.z(t) =", trafos[m1][2, 3])
print("m2.x(t) =", trafos[m2][0, 3])
print("m2.z(t) =", trafos[m2][2, 3])

예제 #4
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import pykinsim as pks

with pks.Chain() as chain:
    f1 = pks.Fixture(axes="yz")
    j1 = pks.Joint()
    m1 = pks.Mass()
    f2 = pks.Fixture(axes="xy")

    pks.Link(f1, j1, l=0.0)  # Place the joint directly at the fixture
    pks.Link(j1, m1)
    pks.Link(m1, f2)

with pks.Simulator(chain, root=f1) as sim:
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import math
import pykinsim as pks

with pks.Chain() as chain:
    m1 = pks.Mass(m=2.0)
    f1 = pks.Fixture(axes="yz") # Allow motion in the x-direction
    j1 = pks.Joint()
    m2 = pks.Mass()
    j2 = pks.Joint()
    m3 = pks.Mass()

    pks.Link(j1, f1, l=0.0)
    pks.Link(j1, m1, l=0.5, ry=math.pi)
    pks.Link(j1, m2, l=0.33)
    pks.Link(m2, j2, l=0.33)
    pks.Link(j2, m3, l=0.33)

with pks.Simulator(chain, root=f1) as sim:
예제 #6
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import pykinsim as pks

# Construct the kinematic chain
with pks.Chain() as chain:
    f1 = pks.Fixture()  # A fixture is an object that does not move
    j1 = pks.Joint(axis="y")  # A rotational joint along the y-axis
    m1 = pks.Mass(m=1.0)  # A mass of 1kg

    pks.Link(f1, j1, l=0.0)  # Place the joint directly at the fixture
    pks.Link(j1, m1, l=1.0)  # A link with length 1m

# Build the underlying simulator and run the simulation
with pks.Simulator(chain, root=f1) as sim:
    state = sim.initial_state()
    for i in range(3):
        # Advance the simulation for T=0.25s
        state = sim.run(0.25, state)

        # Draw the pendulum to a figure using matplotlib
        vis = sim.visualize(state, "matplotlib")
예제 #7
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import math
import pykinsim as pks

with pks.Chain() as chain:
    f1 = pks.Fixture(axes="xyz")
    j1 = pks.Joint(axis="x")
    j2 = pks.Joint(axis="y", theta=math.pi) # Fold the arm in on itself as an initial state
    m1 = pks.Mass(m=1.0)

    pks.Link(f1, j1, l=0.0, ry=-math.pi/2)
    pks.Link(j1, j2)
    pks.Link(j2, m1)

with pks.Simulator(chain, root=f1) as sim: