예제 #1
    def __init__(self, ccdId=0):
        StarlightCamUSB.__init__(self, ccdId)

        self.ccdHandle = self.dev
        self.ccdParams = self.ccdProperties

        if self.ccdParams['isInterlaced']:
            self.pixels1 = py.empty(self.ccdParams['height'] *
            self.pixels2 = py.empty(self.ccdParams['height'] *
            self.pixels = py.empty(
                (2 * self.ccdParams['height'], self.ccdParams['width']))
            self.pixels = py.empty(self.ccdParams['height'] *
        self.mustStartAcq = True
        self.exposureFinished = False
        self.firstExposureFinished = False
        self.noMoreWipes = False
        self.timeStart = 0.
        self.timeEnd = 0.
        self.curTime = 0.

        self.completionPercentage = 0
예제 #2
        def residuals(params,x,y,z):
            xo = params[0]
            xs = params[1]
            yo = params[2]
            ys = params[3]
            zo = params[4]
            zs = params[5]

            xc = empty(shape(x))
            for i in range(len(x)):
                xc[i] = (x[i] - xo) * xs

            yc = empty(shape(y))
            for i in range(len(y)):
                yc[i] = (y[i] - yo) * ys

            zc = empty(shape(z))
            for i in range(len(z)):
                zc[i] = (z[i] - zo) * zs

            res = []
            for i in range(len(xc)):
                norm = l2norm(array([xc[i],yc[i],zc[i]])) - 1.0

            return array(res)
예제 #3
        def residuals(params,x,y,z):
            xo = params[0]
            xs = params[1]
            yo = params[2]
            ys = params[3]
            zo = params[4]
            zs = params[5]
            xys = params[6]
            xzs = params[7]
            yzs = params[8]

            xc = empty(shape(x))
            yc = empty(shape(y))
            zc = empty(shape(z))
            for i in range(len(x)):
                _x = x[i] - xo
                _y = y[i] - yo
                _z = z[i] - zo

                xc[i] = _x * (xs + _y * xys + _z * xzs)
                yc[i] = _y * (ys + _z * yzs)
                zc[i] = _z * (zs)

            res = []
            for i in range(len(xc)):
                norm = l2norm(array([xc[i],yc[i],zc[i]])) - 1.0

            return array(res)
예제 #4
def plot_traces(traces, linecolor="k"):
    for t in traces:
        num_locations = len(t.locations)
        x = pylab.empty(num_locations)
        z = pylab.empty(num_locations)
        for i, loc in enumerate(t.locations):
            x[i], z[i] = loc
        pylab.plot(z, x, color=linecolor)
예제 #5
  def inject_wall(self, simulation, nwall, time, first_part, boundary):
    local_time = time-nwall*self.time_between_walls
    N = self.resolution
    vertices = empty((N**2,3))
    v = empty((N**2,3))
    for i in range(N):
      x = (float(i)-float(N-1)/2.)*self.dx
      for j in range(N):
	y = (float(j)-float(N-1)/2.)*self.dx
	vertices[i*N+j,:] = self.center + x*self.u + y*self.v + local_time*self.velocity*self.normal
	v[i*N+j,:] = self.normal*self.velocity
    h = self.dx*self.hfact
    specific_energy = self.temperature * self.specific_energy_to_temperature_ratio
    simulation.inject_or_update_particles(first_part, N**2, asfortranarray(vertices.T), v, ones(N**2)*h, ones(N**2)*specific_energy, boundary)
예제 #6
파일: icsd.py 프로젝트: Junji110/iCSD
 def filter_csd(self):
     '''Spatial filtering of the CSD estimate, using an N-point filter'''
     if not self.f_order > 0 and type(self.f_order) == type(3):
         raise Exception, 'Filter order must be int > 0!'
     if self.f_type == 'boxcar':
         num = ss.boxcar(self.f_order)
         denom = pl.array([num.sum()])
     elif self.f_type == 'hamming':
         num = ss.hamming(self.f_order)
         denom = pl.array([num.sum()])
     elif self.f_type == 'triangular':
         num = ss.triang(self.f_order)
         denom = pl.array([num.sum()])
     elif self.f_type == 'gaussian':
         num = ss.gaussian(self.f_order[0], self.f_order[1])
         denom = pl.array([num.sum()])
         raise Exception, '%s Wrong filter type!' % self.f_type
     num_string = '[ '
     for i in num:
         num_string = num_string + '%.3f ' % i
     num_string = num_string + ']'
     denom_string = '[ '
     for i in denom:
         denom_string = denom_string + '%.3f ' % i
     denom_string = denom_string + ']'
     print 'discrete filter coefficients: \nb = %s, \na = %s' % \
                                                  (num_string, denom_string) 
     self.csd_filtered = pl.empty(self.csd.shape)
     for i in xrange(self.csd.shape[1]):
         self.csd_filtered[:, i] = ss.filtfilt(num, denom, self.csd[:, i])
예제 #7
    def _make_log_freq_map(self):

            For the given ncoef (bands-per-octave) and nfft, calculate the center frequencies
            and bandwidths of linear and log-scaled frequency axes for a constant-Q transform.
        fp = self.feature_params
        bpo = float(self.nbpo)  # Bands per octave
        self._fftN = float(self.nfft)
        hi_edge = float(self.hi)
        lo_edge = float(self.lo)
        f_ratio = 2.0**(1.0 / bpo)  # Constant-Q bandwidth
        self._cqtN = float(P.floor(P.log(hi_edge / lo_edge) / P.log(f_ratio)))
        self._dctN = self._cqtN
        self._outN = float(self.nfft / 2 + 1)
        if self._cqtN < 1:
            print("warning: cqtN not positive definite")
        mxnorm = P.empty(int(self._cqtN))  # Normalization coefficients
        # P.array([i * self.sample_rate / float(self._fftN) for i in P.arange(self._outN)])
        fftfrqs = self._fftfrqs
        logfrqs = P.array([
            lo_edge * P.exp(P.log(2.0) * i / bpo) for i in P.arange(self._cqtN)
        logfbws = P.array([
            max(logfrqs[i] * (f_ratio - 1.0),
                self.sample_rate / float(self._fftN))
            for i in P.arange(int(self._cqtN))
        #self._fftfrqs = fftfrqs
        self._logfrqs = logfrqs
        self._logfbws = logfbws
def compile_directory(dir_name, size):
  """Return a matrix of all MINE measures from a directory.

    dir_name: str of path with MINE.jar results files in RX_MINE_RESULTS format.
    size: int of number of total MINE.jar results over all files in directory.
    [numpy.array('f')] of MINE.jar results, measures column order, no row order.
  #  v['mic'], v['non'], v['mas'], v['mev'], v['mcn'], v['pcc'] = row
  # results vectors 'v' in column order of MINE.jar results
  M = [pylab.empty(size, 'f') for i in range(6)]
  i = 0
  for filename in os.listdir(dir_name):
    if not RX_MINE_RESULTS.match(filename):
    with fp as open(os.path.join(dir_name, filename), "r"):
      assert(fp.next() == HEADER) # skip header
      for line in fp:
        row = map(float, line.split(',')[2:])
        for j, x in enumerate(row):
          M[j][i] = x
        i += 1
  return M
예제 #9
    def draw_rand_pos(self):
        x = pl.empty(self.n)
        y = pl.empty(self.n)
        z = pl.empty(self.n)
        for i in xrange(self.n):
            x[i] = (pl.rand() - 0.5) * self.radius * 2
            y[i] = (pl.rand() - 0.5) * self.radius * 2
            while pl.sqrt(x[i]**2 + y[i]**2) >= self.radius:
                x[i] = (pl.rand() - 0.5) * self.radius * 2
                y[i] = (pl.rand() - 0.5) * self.radius * 2
        z = pl.rand(self.n) * (self.z_max - self.z_min) + self.z_min

        r = pl.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)

        soma_pos = {'xpos': x, 'ypos': y, 'zpos': z, 'r': r}
        return soma_pos
예제 #10
	def getVarData(fn,var):
		def getMembers(tfh):
			names = sorted(tfh.getnames())
			return [tfh.getmember(n) for n in names]

		def getPassCount(fl):
			fh = netcdf_file(fl)
			S = fh.variables['u'].shape
			return S[0]
		tfh = tarfile.open(fn)
		members = getMembers(tfh)
		Nf = len(members)
		Np = getPassCount(tfh.extractfile(members[0]))
		data = pl.empty( (Nf,Np) )
		for k in range(len(members)):
			fl = tfh.extractfile(members[k])
			fh = netcdf_file(fl)
			data[k,:] = fh.variables[var][:,0,0]
		return data
예제 #11
    def _make_log_freq_map(self):

            For the given ncoef (bands-per-octave) and nfft, calculate the center frequencies
            and bandwidths of linear and log-scaled frequency axes for a constant-Q transform.
        fp = self.feature_params
        bpo = float(self.nbpo) # Bands per octave
        self._fftN = float(self.nfft)
        hi_edge = float( self.hi )
        lo_edge = float( self.lo )
        f_ratio = 2.0**( 1.0 / bpo ) # Constant-Q bandwidth
        self._cqtN = float( P.floor(P.log(hi_edge/lo_edge)/P.log(f_ratio)) )
        self._dctN = self._cqtN
        self._outN = float(self.nfft/2+1)
        if self._cqtN<1: print "warning: cqtN not positive definite"
        mxnorm = P.empty(self._cqtN) # Normalization coefficients        
        fftfrqs = self._fftfrqs #P.array([i * self.sample_rate / float(self._fftN) for i in P.arange(self._outN)])
        logfrqs=P.array([lo_edge * P.exp(P.log(2.0)*i/bpo) for i in P.arange(self._cqtN)])
        logfbws=P.array([max(logfrqs[i] * (f_ratio - 1.0), self.sample_rate / float(self._fftN)) 
                         for i in P.arange(self._cqtN)])
        #self._fftfrqs = fftfrqs
        self._logfrqs = logfrqs
        self._logfbws = logfbws
예제 #12
 def X(r=r, m=m, f=f):
     hazard = r + m + f
     pr_not_exit = pl.exp(-hazard)
     X = pl.empty(len(hazard))
     X[-1] = 1 / hazard[-1]
     for i in reversed(range(len(X)-1)):
         X[i] = pr_not_exit[i] * (X[i+1] + 1) + 1 / hazard[i] * (1 - pr_not_exit[i]) - pr_not_exit[i]
     return X
예제 #13
파일: ism.py 프로젝트: peterhm/gbd
 def mu_age_X(r=rate["r"]["mu_age"], m=rate["m"]["mu_age"], f=rate["f"]["mu_age"]):
     hazard = r + m + f
     pr_not_exit = pl.exp(-hazard)
     X = pl.empty(len(hazard))
     X[-1] = 1 / hazard[-1]
     for i in reversed(range(len(X) - 1)):
         X[i] = pr_not_exit[i] * (X[i + 1] + 1) + 1 / hazard[i] * (1 - pr_not_exit[i]) - pr_not_exit[i]
     return X
예제 #14
 def X(r=r, m=m, f=f):
     hazard = r + m + f
     pr_not_exit = pl.exp(-hazard)
     X = pl.empty(len(hazard))
     X[-1] = 1 / hazard[-1]
     for i in reversed(range(len(X) - 1)):
         X[i] = pr_not_exit[i] * (X[i + 1] + 1) + 1 / hazard[i] * (1 - pr_not_exit[i]) - pr_not_exit[i]
     return X
예제 #15
 def testObjectWeightsAreUpdated(self):
     # don't understand this test don't think i need it
     # it is a bit random lol
     target = empty([NN.ni, NN.nh])
     for j in range(len(self.nn.ah)):
         self.hidAstroL.neur_in_ws[:, j] = 10**j
         target[:, j] = 10**j
     npt.assert_array_equal(self.in_to_hidden, self.hidAstroL.neur_in_ws)
     npt.assert_array_equal(self.in_to_hidden, target)
 def testObjectWeightsAreUpdated(self):
     # don't understand this test don't think i need it
     # it is a bit random lol
     target = empty([NN.ni, NN.nh])  
     for j in range(len(self.nn.ah)):
         self.hidAstroL.neur_in_ws[:,j] = 10 ** j
         target[:,j] = 10 ** j
     npt.assert_array_equal(self.in_to_hidden, self.hidAstroL.neur_in_ws)
     npt.assert_array_equal(self.in_to_hidden, target)
예제 #17
def plot_average_channels(ch):
    avfr = {}
    avdp = {}
    for ind, ch_ind in enumerate(ch):
        # print ind,ch_ind
        for k in sorted(ch[ch_ind].keys()):
            if k not in avfr and "bl" not in k:
                avfr[k] = pl.empty([96, 3])
                avdp[k] = pl.empty([96, 3])
            if "bl" not in k:
                avfr[k][ind, :] = ch[ch_ind][k]["fr_mu"] - ch[ch_ind]["bl_mu"]
                avdp[k][ind, :] = ch[ch_ind][k]["dprime"]
    pl.subplot(3, 1, 1)
    pl.hist(avfr["OSImage_5"][:, 0] - avfr["OSImage_45"][:, 0], bins=range(-30, 30, 5))
    pl.subplot(3, 1, 2)
    pl.hist(avfr["OSImage_5"][:, 1] - avfr["OSImage_45"][:, 1], bins=range(-30, 30, 5))
    pl.subplot(3, 1, 3)
    pl.hist(avfr["OSImage_5"][:, 2] - avfr["OSImage_45"][:, 2], bins=range(-30, 30, 5))
예제 #18
파일: gen_fs.py 프로젝트: Lucazanoni/WISDoM
def quantiles_ex(logodd_sample, logodd_data):

    res = plt.empty((len(logodd_data[:, 0]), len(logodd_data[0, :])))

    for i in range(len(logodd_data[0, :])):
        v = logodd_sample[:, i]
        q = np.searchsorted(v, logodd_data[:, i])
        res[:, i] = q / len(logodd_sample[0, :])
    return (res)
예제 #19
 def mu_age_X(r=rate['r']['mu_age'],
     hazard = r + m + f
     pr_not_exit = pl.exp(-hazard)
     X = pl.empty(len(hazard))
     X[-1] = 1 / hazard[-1]
     for i in reversed(range(len(X) - 1)):
         X[i] = pr_not_exit[i] * (X[i + 1] + 1) + 1 / hazard[i] * (
             1 - pr_not_exit[i]) - pr_not_exit[i]
     return X
예제 #20
def plotConvergence(var,Data):
	Ns = Data[var][:,0,0].size
	for pass_k in range(1,Np):
		fig = pl.figure(tight_layout={'h_pad':0,'rect':(0,0,1,0.95)},figsize=(5,4))
		ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,1)
		ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,2)
		for shear_k in range(Nd):
			I = Data[var][:,shear_k,pass_k]
			i = pl.linspace(1,Ns+1,Ns)
			m = pl.empty(Ns)
			d = pl.empty(Ns)
			m[-1] = I.mean()
			d[-1] = I.std()
			for k in range(2,Ns-1):
				m[k] = I[:k].mean()-m[-1]
				d[k] = I[:k].std()-d[-1]
			m[-1] = 0.0
			d[-1] = 0.0
			m /= abs(m[2:]).max()
			d /= abs(d[2:]).max()
		ax2.set_xlabel('Monte Carlo Iterations $k$ [#]')
		fig.suptitle('Normalized %s'%titles[var])
		ax1.set_ylabel('Mean [-]')
		ax2.set_ylabel('Deviation [-]')
예제 #21
파일: map.py 프로젝트: TomPeerdeman/AEC2013
    def __init__(self, X, c):
        self.n, self.N = X.shape
        self.X = X
        self.mu = empty((3, self.n))
        self.cov = empty((3, self.n, self.n))
        self.P = empty(3)
        cond = zeros(self.N)
        for i in range(0, 3):
            cond = cond + 1.0
            indices = where(c == cond)
            # Xa bevat alle elementen uit X waar de klasse gelijk van is aan i + 1.0
            Xa = [X[:, b] for b in indices]
            # Bovenstaande pakt de xjes in een extra array, dit willen we niet
            Xa = Xa[0]
            Na = shape(Xa)[1]

            self.mu[i] = mean(Xa, axis=1)
            # Tile smeert mu uit zodat we mu kunnen aftrekken van de X matrix
            self.cov[i] = cov(Xa - tile(self.mu[i].T, Na).reshape(self.n, Na))

            # De kans op deze klasse
            self.P[i] = (Na * 1.0) / self.N
예제 #22
파일: icsd.py 프로젝트: Junji110/iCSD
 def __init__(self, lfp, coord_electrode=pl.linspace(-700E-6, 700E-6, 15),
              diam=500E-6, cond=0.3, cond_top=0.3,
              f_type='gaussian', f_order=(3, 1)):
     '''Initialize delta-iCSD method'''
     self.lfp = lfp
     self.coord_electrode = pl.array(coord_electrode)
     self.diam = diam
     self.cond = cond
     self.cond_top = cond_top
     self.f_type = f_type
     self.f_order = f_order
     #initialize F- and iCSD-matrices
     self.f_matrix = pl.empty((self.coord_electrode.size, \
     self.csd = pl.empty(lfp.shape)
예제 #23
 def _make_dct(self):
         Construct the discrete cosine transform coefficients for the 
         current size of constant-Q transform
     DCT_OFFSET = self.lcoef
     nm = 1 / P.sqrt( self._cqtN / 2.0 )
     self.DCT = P.empty((self._dctN, self._cqtN))
     for i in P.arange(self._dctN):
       for j in P.arange(self._cqtN):
         self.DCT[ i, j ] = nm * P.cos( i * (2 * j + 1) * (P.pi / 2.0) / self._cqtN  )
     for j in P.arange(self._cqtN):
         self.DCT[ 0, j ] *= P.sqrt(2.0) / 2.0
예제 #24
 def _make_dct(self):
         Construct the discrete cosine transform coefficients for the 
         current size of constant-Q transform
     DCT_OFFSET = self.lcoef
     nm = 1 / P.sqrt( self._cqtN / 2.0 )
     self.DCT = P.empty((self._dctN, self._cqtN))
     for i in P.arange(self._dctN):
       for j in P.arange(self._cqtN):
         self.DCT[ i, j ] = nm * P.cos( i * (2 * j + 1) * (P.pi / 2.0) / self._cqtN  )
     for j in P.arange(self._cqtN):
         self.DCT[ 0, j ] *= P.sqrt(2.0) / 2.0
예제 #25
    def _make_dct(self):

            Construct the discrete cosine transform coefficients for the 
            current size of constant-Q transform
        DCT_OFFSET = self.feature_params['lcoef']
        nm = 1 / pylab.sqrt( self._cqtN / 2.0 )
        self.DCT = pylab.empty((self._dctN, self._cqtN))
        for i in pylab.arange(self._dctN):
          for j in pylab.arange(self._cqtN):
            self.DCT[ i, j ] = nm * pylab.cos( i * (2 * j + 1) * (pylab.pi / 2.0) / float(self._cqtN)  )
        for j in pylab.arange(self._cqtN):
            self.DCT[ 0, j ] *= pylab.sqrt(2.0) / 2.0
예제 #26
파일: wav.py 프로젝트: antiface/dsp-2
def saw_pad(NN, L=80000, fullness=9, sep=0, env=(3000, 10000, .6, 15000)):
    '''Generate a sawtooth "supersaw" synth pad.'''
    I = pl.arange(L, dtype=float)
    SAW = pl.empty(L, dtype=float)
    r = pl.zeros(L + sep * (len(NN)-1))
    ENV = ADSR(env, L)
    for i in range(fullness):
        detune = ((float(i) / fullness) - 0.5) * .04
        for ni,n in enumerate(NN):
            SAW = I * (midi.freq(n + detune) / sr)
            SAW += pl.rand()
            SAW %= 1.0
            SAW -= 0.5
            SAW *= ENV
            r[ni * sep:ni * sep + L] += SAW
    return r
예제 #27
def getData(base):
	def getVarData(fn,var):
		def getMembers(tfh):
			names = sorted(tfh.getnames())
			return [tfh.getmember(n) for n in names]

		def getPassCount(fl):
			fh = netcdf_file(fl)
			S = fh.variables['u'].shape
			return S[0]
		tfh = tarfile.open(fn)
		members = getMembers(tfh)
		Nf = len(members)
		Np = getPassCount(tfh.extractfile(members[0]))
		data = pl.empty( (Nf,Np) )
		for k in range(len(members)):
			fl = tfh.extractfile(members[k])
			fh = netcdf_file(fl)
			data[k,:] = fh.variables[var][:,0,0]
		return data
	# Find MC sample count
	fn = '%s/s-%3.1f-data.tar.gz'%(base,shears[0])
	data = getVarData(fn,'u')
	Ns = data.shape[0]
	# Create empty dictionary
	Data = {}
	# Pre-allocate arrays for storage
	for var in varNames:
		Data[var] = pl.empty( (Ns,Nd,Np) )
	# Fill arrays
	for shear_k in range(Nd):
		fn = '%s/s-%3.1f-data.tar.gz'%(base,shears[shear_k])
		for vn in varNames:
			data = getVarData(fn,vn)
			Data[vn][:,shear_k,:] = data[:,:]
	return Data
예제 #28
파일: wav.py 프로젝트: antiface/dsp-2
def beep(freq_phase_amp, L):
    '''Additive synthesis of sinewaves.

    freq_phase_amp -- a numpy array with a row for each sinewave, and
    frequency, phase and amplitude in each column.
    L -- length in samples.
    res = pl.zeros(L)
    ii = pl.arange(L)
    tmp = pl.empty(L)
    for f, p, a in freq_phase_amp:
        pl.multiply(ii, f * tau / sr, tmp)
        pl.add(tmp, p, tmp)
        pl.sin(tmp, tmp)
        pl.multiply(tmp, a, tmp)
        pl.add(res, tmp, res)

    return res
예제 #29
def build_rep_trace(noise=1., seed_val=2931):

    height = 1.
    tau_1 = 10.
    tau_2 = 5.
    start = 30.
    offset = 50.

    repetitions = 100

    result = p.empty(repetitions * len(times))
    for i in xrange(repetitions):
        v = noisy_psp(height, tau_1, tau_2, start, offset, times, noise)
        result[i * len(times):
               (i + 1) * len(times)] = v

    return result
예제 #30
def TwoTri(m1, m2):
    if m1.ndim == 1:
        L = len(m1) * 2
        N = int(sqrt(L)) + 1
        N = len(m1)

    nruter = empty((N, N)) * NaN
    indS = triSup(nruter, ind=True)
    indI = triInf(nruter, ind=True)
    if m1.ndim == 1:
        v1, v2 = m1, m2
        v1, v2 = m1.take(indS), m2.take(indS)

    nruter[unravel_index(indS, nruter.shape)] = v1
    nruter[unravel_index(indI, nruter.shape)] = v2
    return nruter
예제 #31
def segment(data, dt, interval):
    `reshape with one floating point index`

    reshape the given, one-dimensional array `data` with the given
    `interval`. `interval` can be a floating number; the result of the
    reshape is aligned to the nearest possible integer value of the
    segment_len = int(p.ceil(interval / dt))
    n_segments = len(data) // segment_len

    result = p.empty((n_segments, segment_len))

    # "fuzzy reshape"
    for i in range(n_segments):
        offset = int(p.around(i * interval / dt))
        result[i, :] = data[offset:offset + segment_len]

    return result
예제 #32
파일: icsd.py 프로젝트: Junji110/iCSD
 def calc_csd(self):
     '''Calculate the iCSD using the spline iCSD method'''
     #e_mat0, e_mat1, e_mat2, e_mat3 = self.calc_e_matrices()
     e_mat = self.calc_e_matrices()
     [el_len, n_tsteps] = self.lfp.shape
     # padding the lfp with zeros on top/bottom
     cs_lfp = pl.matrix(pl.zeros((el_len+2, n_tsteps)))
     cs_lfp[1:-1, :] = self.lfp
     # CSD coefficients
     csd_coeff = self.f_matrix**-1 * cs_lfp
     # The cubic spline polynomial coefficients
     a_mat0 = e_mat[0] * csd_coeff
     a_mat1 = e_mat[1] * csd_coeff
     a_mat2 = e_mat[2] * csd_coeff
     a_mat3 = e_mat[3] * csd_coeff
     # Extend electrode coordinates in both end by mean interdistance
     coord_ext = pl.zeros(el_len + 2)
     coord_ext[0] = 0
     coord_ext[1:-1] = self.coord_electrode
     coord_ext[-1] = self.coord_electrode[-1] + \
     # create high res spatial grid
     out_zs = pl.linspace(coord_ext[0], coord_ext[-1], self.num_steps)
     self.csd = pl.empty((self.num_steps, self.lfp.shape[1]))
     # Calculate iCSD estimate on grid from polynomial coefficients. 
     i = 0
     for j in xrange(self.num_steps):
         if out_zs[j] > coord_ext[i+1]:
             i += 1
         self.csd[j, :] = a_mat0[i, :] + a_mat1[i, :] * \
                         (out_zs[j] - coord_ext[i]) +\
             a_mat2[i, :] * (out_zs[j] - coord_ext[i])**2 + \
             a_mat3[i, :] * (out_zs[j] - coord_ext[i])**3
 def testPerformAstrocyteActions(self):
     self.hidAstroL.neur_in_ws[:] = ones(24).reshape(NN.ni, NN.nh)
     """Assuming we are at the fourth iter of minor iters and that astro 
     parameters are reset after each input pattern, neur counters can only 
     be in [4, -4, 2, -2, 0]"""
     self.hidAstroL.neur_counters[:] = array([4, -4, 2, -2, 0, 0])
     self.hidAstroL.remaining_active_durs[:] = array([3, -3, 2, -2, 0, 0])
     self.hidAstroL.astro_statuses[:] = array([1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 0])
     target_weights = empty([NN.ni, NN.nh])
     target_weights[:,0] = 1.25
     target_weights[:,1] = .5
     target_weights[:,2] = 1.25
     target_weights[:,3] = .5
     target_weights[:,4] = 1.
     target_weights[:,5] = 1.
     npt.assert_array_equal(self.in_to_hidden, target_weights)
     target_activations = array([1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 0])
     npt.assert_array_equal(target_activations, self.hidAstroL.astro_statuses)
     target_remaining_active_durs = array([2, -2, 1, -1, 0, 0])
예제 #34
  def __init__(self, var_list, store_values=True, store_diagonal=False):
    """Initialize matrix.

      var_list: [str] of variable names in matrix
      store_values: bool if to store values of pairs, else store only booleans
      store_diagonal: bool if to store variables paired with themselves
    self.n = len(var_list)
    self.store_diagonal = store_diagonal
    self.n_max_pairs = (self.n) * (self.n+1) / 2
    if not store_diagonal:
      self.n_max_pairs -= self.n
    # Existence matrix, all set to zero.
    self.V = pylab.zeros(self.n_max_pairs, dtype=pylab.int8)
    self.store_values = store_values
    # Order of all variables for indexing
    self.vars = dict([(name, order) for order, name in enumerate(var_list)])
    self.n_set = 0
    if store_values:
      # Value matrix
      self.M = pylab.empty(q)
예제 #35
def plot_energyspec(di='.', i=0, nf=1):
    e = pl.empty(nf + 1)
    x, y, z, u = lod_vfield(di, i)
    e[0] = pl.sqrt(
        pl.norm(u['X'])**2 + pl.norm(u['Y'])**2 + pl.norm(u['Z'])**2)
    for m in range(nf):
        x, y, z, uc = lod_vfield(di, i=2 * m + 1 + i)
        x, y, z, us = lod_vfield(di, i=2 * m + 2 + i)
        norc = 0
        nors = 0
        for f in ['X', 'Y', 'Z']:
            norc += pl.norm(uc[f])**2
            nors += pl.norm(us[f])**2
        e[m + 1] = pl.sqrt(norc + nors)
    pl.xlabel(r'mode: $k$')
    pl.ylabel(r'$e=|| \mathbf{\hat{u}}_k||$',
    pl.gca().yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.075, 1.02)
예제 #36
 def testPerformAstrocyteActions(self):
     self.hidAstroL.neur_in_ws[:] = ones(24).reshape(NN.ni, NN.nh)
     """Assuming we are at the fourth iter of minor iters and that astro 
     parameters are reset after each input pattern, neur counters can only 
     be in [4, -4, 2, -2, 0]"""
     self.hidAstroL.neur_counters[:] = array([4, -4, 2, -2, 0, 0])
     self.hidAstroL.remaining_active_durs[:] = array([3, -3, 2, -2, 0, 0])
     self.hidAstroL.astro_statuses[:] = array([1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 0])
     target_weights = empty([NN.ni, NN.nh])
     target_weights[:, 0] = 1.25
     target_weights[:, 1] = .5
     target_weights[:, 2] = 1.25
     target_weights[:, 3] = .5
     target_weights[:, 4] = 1.
     target_weights[:, 5] = 1.
     npt.assert_array_equal(self.in_to_hidden, target_weights)
     target_activations = array([1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 0])
     target_remaining_active_durs = array([2, -2, 1, -1, 0, 0])
예제 #37
파일: icsd.py 프로젝트: Junji110/iCSD
 def __init__(self, lfp, coord_electrode=pl.linspace(-700E-6, 700E-6, 15),
              cond=0.3, vaknin_el=True, f_type='gaussian', f_order=(3, 1)):
     self.lfp = lfp
     self.coord_electrode = pl.array(coord_electrode)
     self.cond = cond
     self.f_type = f_type
     self.f_order = f_order
     if vaknin_el:
         self.lfp = pl.empty((lfp.shape[0]+2, lfp.shape[1]))
         self.lfp[0, ] = lfp[0, ]
         self.lfp[1:-1, ] = lfp
         self.lfp[-1, ] = lfp[-1, ]
         self.f_inv_matrix = pl.zeros((lfp.shape[0]+2, lfp.shape[0]+2))
         self.lfp = lfp
         self.f_inv_matrix = pl.zeros((lfp.shape[0], lfp.shape[0]))
예제 #38
import pylab as p

from input_explorer import inputExplorer
from proc_profile import ProcProfile

prof_folder = path.join(getcwd(), "..", "PROC")
ne = p.loadtxt('ne.dat')
info = p.loadtxt('prof_info.dat')
shot_number = 28061
shot_number = 28749

prof_list = listdir(prof_folder)
position = p.empty(shape=((len(prof_list) - 2), len(ne)))
times = p.empty(len(prof_list) - 2)
print len(times)

i = 0
for r_file in prof_list:
    name = r_file.strip('.dat')
    if name not in ('prof_info', 'ne'):
        position[i] = p.loadtxt(r_file) * 1e2
        times[i] = name
        i += 1

fig, ax = p.subplots(1)

예제 #39
파일: fcc.py 프로젝트: lilinleave/sim-tools
import pylab as pl

def create_FCC_configuration(FCCspacing, nCellsPerSide, periodic, coords, MiddleAtomId)
    FCCshifts = pl.array([[0.,0.,0.],[0.5*FCCspacing,0.5*FCCspacing,0.],\
    MiddleAtomID = 0
    a = 0
    coords[a:a+3,:] = latVec + FCCshifts
    latVec = pl.empty(nCellsPerSide,pl.double)

nCellsPerside = [4,2,1]
N = 4*nCellsPerSide[0]*nCellsPerSide[1]*nCellsPerSide[2]+\
예제 #40
#     'y' : pl.array([0,0,-pl.cos(pl.pi/6),pl.cos(pl.pi/6)])*25.,
#     'z' : pl.array([-50.,0,0,0]),
#     'sigma' : 0.1,
#     'N' : pl.array([   [0,0,-1],[-1*pl.cos(pl.pi/9),0,-1*pl.sin(pl.pi/9)],
#                     [pl.sin(pl.pi/6)*pl.cos(pl.pi/9),
#                         -pl.cos(pl.pi/9)*pl.cos(pl.pi/9),-1*pl.sin(pl.pi/9)],
#                     [-pl.sin(pl.pi/6)*pl.cos(pl.pi/9),
#                         -pl.cos(pl.pi/9)*pl.cos(pl.pi/9),1*pl.sin(pl.pi/9)]]),
#     'r' : 7.,
#     'n' : 100,
#     'r_z': pl.array([[-1E199,-50.00001,-50,75,1E99],[0,0,7,48,48]]),
#     'seedvalue' : None,
# }

ch = 32
N = pl.empty((ch, 3))
for i in xrange(N.shape[0]): N[i,] = [1, 0, 0] #normal unit vec. to contacts
electrodeParams = {             #parameters for electrode class
    'sigma' : 0.1,              #Extracellular potential
    'x' : pl.zeros(ch),         #Coordinates of electrode contacts
    'y' : pl.zeros(ch),
    'z' : pl.linspace(-500,1000,ch),
    'n' : 20,
    'r' : 15,
    #'r_z' : pl.array([[-1E199,-500.00001,-500.00001,75,1E99],[0,0,7,48,48]]),
    'N' : N,

synparams_AMPA = {         #Excitatory synapse parameters
    'e' : 0,           #reversal potential
    'syntype' : 'Exp2Syn',   #conductance based exponential synapse
# Excitatory neurons Inhibitory neurons

import pylab as pl

Ne = 800
Ni = 200
re = pl.rand(Ne)
ri = pl.rand(Ni)
a = pl.hstack([0.02*pl.ones(Ne), 0.02+0.08*ri])
b = pl.hstack([0.2*pl.ones(Ne), 0.25-0.05*ri])
c = pl.hstack([-65+15*re**2, -65*pl.ones(Ni)])
d = pl.hstack([8-6*re**2, 2*pl.ones(Ni)])
S = pl.hstack([0.5*pl.rand(Ne+Ni,Ne), -pl.rand(Ne+Ni,Ni)])

v = -65*pl.ones(Ne+Ni) # Initial values of v
u = b*v # Initial values of u
firings = pl.empty((2,0)) # spike timings
for t in range(1000): # simulation of 1000 ms
    I = pl.hstack([5*pl.randn(Ne), 2*pl.randn(Ni)]) # thalamic input
    fired = pl.find( v>= 30) # indices of spikes
    if len(fired):
        firings = pl.hstack([firings, pl.array([t+0*fired,fired])])
        v[fired] = c[fired]
        u[fired] = u[fired]+d[fired]
        I = I+S[:,fired].sum(axis=1)
    v = v+0.5*(0.04*v**2+5*v+140-u+I) # step 0.5 ms
    v = v+0.5*(0.04*v**2+5*v+140-u+I) # for numerical
    u = u+a*(b*v-u) # stability

예제 #42
    'rec_vmem': True,
    'rec_isyn': True,
    'rec_vmemsyn': True,
simparams2 = {'rec_istim': True}
pop_params = {
    'n': pop_params_n,
    'radius': pop_geom[0],
    'tstart': 0,
    'tstop': simtime,
    'z_min': pop_geom[1],
    'z_max': pop_geom[2],

#LFP from bottom to top from zero-500 mum x-offset
N = pl.empty((96, 3))
for i in range(N.shape[0]):
    N[i, ] = [0, 1, 0]
x = pl.linspace(0, 500, 6)
z = pl.linspace(-700, 800, 16)
X, Z = pl.meshgrid(x, z)
electrodeparams = {
    'x': X.T.reshape(-1),
    'y': pl.zeros(96),
    'z': Z.T.reshape(-1),
    'sigma': 0.3,
    'color': 'g',
    'marker': 'o',
    'N': N,
    'r': electrode_r,
    'n': 100,
예제 #43
    def processData(self):

        print self.magSampleList

        self.mags = array(self.magSampleList)

        xs = self.mags[:,0]
        ys = self.mags[:,1]
        zs = self.mags[:,2]

        cxs, x_offset, x_scale = self.applyCalibration(xs)
        cys, y_offset, y_scale = self.applyCalibration(ys)
        czs, z_offset, z_scale = self.applyCalibration(zs)

        def residuals(params,x,y,z):
            xo = params[0]
            xs = params[1]
            yo = params[2]
            ys = params[3]
            zo = params[4]
            zs = params[5]

            xc = empty(shape(x))
            for i in range(len(x)):
                xc[i] = (x[i] - xo) * xs

            yc = empty(shape(y))
            for i in range(len(y)):
                yc[i] = (y[i] - yo) * ys

            zc = empty(shape(z))
            for i in range(len(z)):
                zc[i] = (z[i] - zo) * zs

            res = []
            for i in range(len(xc)):
                norm = l2norm(array([xc[i],yc[i],zc[i]])) - 1.0

            return array(res)

        p0 = [x_offset, x_scale, y_offset, y_scale, z_offset, z_scale]
        ls =  leastsq(residuals, p0, args=(xs,ys,zs))

        x_offset = ls[0][0]
        x_scale = ls[0][1]
        y_offset = ls[0][2]
        y_scale = ls[0][3]
        z_offset = ls[0][4]
        z_scale = ls[0][5]

        cxs = self.applyCalibration(xs, calibration=(x_offset,x_scale))[0]
        cys = self.applyCalibration(ys, calibration=(y_offset,y_scale))[0]
        czs = self.applyCalibration(zs, calibration=(z_offset,z_scale))[0]

        calibratedMag = empty((len(cxs),3))
        calibratedMag[:,0] = cxs
        calibratedMag[:,1] = cys
        calibratedMag[:,2] = czs

        magnitudes = amap(lambda v: l2norm(v), calibratedMag)

        self.calibratedMag = calibratedMag

        mlab.points3d(cxs,cys,czs, scale_mode='none', scale_factor=0.02)
        #mlab.points3d(array([-1.0,1.0]),array([0.0,0.0]),array([0.0,0.0]), scale_mode='none', scale_factor=0.02)
        sphere = mlab.points3d(0,0,0, opacity=0.5, resolution=100, color=(1.0,0.0,0.0), scale_mode='none', scale_factor=2.0)
        sphere.actor.property.backface_culling = True

        # write calibration to a file

        f = open(self.filename,mode='w')

        for l in self.magSampleList:


        resError = []
        for i in range(len(cxs)):
        print len(resError)
        print mean(resError)
예제 #44
gen = iter(stream)

# circular buffer holds 100 elements for the y-axis
cbuf = bufs.circbuf(shape=stream.shape)

# set up plotting stuff
ax = p.subplot(111)
canvas = ax.figure.canvas
ax.set_ylim(-100, 100)

# create the initial line
x = p.arange(0, 100)
plots = { }
for i in range(stream.shape[0]):
    plots[i], = p.plot(x, p.empty(100), animated=True)

# save the clean slate background -- everything but the animated line
# is drawn and saved in the pixel buffer background
background = None

def update_line(*args):
    global gen, cbuf, background, plots

    inp = gen.next()
    if inp is False:
        print >> sys.stderr, "reached EOF or error in input"

예제 #45
cosSum = np.nansum(np.real(data_ecog_fft_norm), axis=0);
PPC = (np.square(cosSum)+np.square(sinSum) - dof)/(dof*(dof-1));

thetaPPC = PPC[:,2]
alphaPPC = np.mean(PPC[:,4:9],axis=1)
betaPPC = np.mean(PPC[:,9:16],axis=1)
gammalowPPC = np.mean(PPC[:,16:20],axis=1)
gammahighPPC = np.mean(PPC[:,20:],axis=1)

times = spike_times_shaftA
data = data_probe_hp
ploted_points = 64
f_sample = f_sampling
bad_spikes = pl.empty(0)
fig = pl.figure(0)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w", ec="0.5", alpha=0.9)
def on_pick(event):
    event.artist.set_visible(not event.artist.get_visible())
fig.canvas.callbacks.connect('pick_event', on_pick)
lines = ax.plot(pl.arange(-ploted_points/f_sample, ploted_points/f_sample, 1/f_sample), pl.transpose(data[:, times[0]-ploted_points:times[0]+ploted_points]), picker=True)
trial_text = pl.figtext(0.85, 0.85, "Spike: "+str(0), ha="right", va="top", size=20, bbox=bbox_props)
if pl.size(pl.ginput(n=200, mouse_add=1, mouse_stop=3, mouse_pop=2))>0:
        bad_spikes = pl.append(bad_spikes, 0)
for i in pl.arange(pl.size(times)-50, pl.size(times), 5):
    new_data = pl.transpose(data[:, times[i]-ploted_points:times[i]+ploted_points])
cosSum = np.nansum(np.real(data_ecog_fft_norm), axis=0);
PPC = (np.square(cosSum)+np.square(sinSum) - dof)/(dof*(dof-1));

thetaPPC = PPC[:,2]
alphaPPC = np.mean(PPC[:,4:9],axis=1)
betaPPC = np.mean(PPC[:,9:16],axis=1)
gammalowPPC = np.mean(PPC[:,16:20],axis=1)
gammahighPPC = np.mean(PPC[:,20:],axis=1)

times = spike_times_shaftA
data = data_probe_hp
ploted_points = 64
f_sample = f_sampling
bad_spikes = pl.empty(0)
fig = pl.figure(0)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w", ec="0.5", alpha=0.9)
def on_pick(event):
    event.artist.set_visible(not event.artist.get_visible())
fig.canvas.callbacks.connect('pick_event', on_pick)
lines = ax.plot(pl.arange(-ploted_points/f_sample, ploted_points/f_sample, 1/f_sample), pl.transpose(data[:, times[0]-ploted_points:times[0]+ploted_points]), picker=True)
trial_text = pl.figtext(0.85, 0.85, "Spike: "+str(0), ha="right", va="top", size=20, bbox=bbox_props)
if pl.size(pl.ginput(n=200, mouse_add=1, mouse_stop=3, mouse_pop=2))>0:
        bad_spikes = pl.append(bad_spikes, 0)
for i in pl.arange(pl.size(times)-50, pl.size(times), 5):
    new_data = pl.transpose(data[:, times[i]-ploted_points:times[i]+ploted_points])
def analyze_vector(in_iter, size, title, out_dir="", x_axis_name="Measure", out=sys.stdout, err=sys.stderr, display_title=True):
  """Load vector, compute statistics, output to buffer.

    in_iter: [*float] of vector entries in order
    size: int of expected vector size
    name: str name of plot
    out_dir: str of path where to save plot
    out: [*str] of output buffer for results
    err: [*str] of output buffer for status messages
  err.write("Loading vector %s...\n" % title)
  v = pylab.empty(size, dtype=float)
  for i, x in enumerate(in_iter):
    v[i] = x
  assert(len(v) == size)

  # Compute statistics on distribution.
  err.write("Computing statistics...\n")
  now = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S")
  out.write("#Statistics for %s. Created %s\n" % (title, now))
  stats = {
    'mean': pylab.mean(v),
    'size': size,
    'std': pylab.std(v),
    'v_min': min(v),
    'v_max': max(v),
  # Manual binning: if |v_max-v_min| <= 10, bin in 0.01 increments. 
  # Else, SKIP [NOT YET::: divide range into 100 increments]
  do_bins = (abs(stats['v_min'] - stats['v_max']) <= 10)
  if do_bins:
    # Bin in 0.01 increments. 
    bins = {}
    for i in range(size):
      x = round(v[i], 2)
      bins[x] = bins.get(x, 0) + 1
  # Output results.
  for name, value in stats.items():
    out.write("%s: %.4f\n" % (name, value))
  if do_bins:
    for bin_value in sorted(bins.keys()):
      out.write("%.2f: %d\n" % (bin_value, bins[bin_value]))

  n_bins = 98
  # Generate and save histograms
  err.write("Plotting histograms...\n")
  pylab.hist(v, bins=n_bins, log=False)
  if display_title:
  pylab.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, ("%s.hist.png" % title)))
  pylab.hist(v, bins=n_bins, log=True)
  if display_title:
    pylab.title(title + " -- Log scale")
  pylab.ylabel("Pairs (log)")
  pylab.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, ("%s.histlog.png" % title)))
예제 #48
    def exposure(self, exposureTime, ilAcq=False, ilCorrDoubleExpo=False):
        Main CCD exposure function. It is meant to be used in a thread and
        called repeatedly, changing state when:
            - acquisition must start (first call only),
            - is undergoing, 
            - has finished (last call only).
        exposureTime is the exposure time (integration time for one image) in 
        ilAcq is a flag for basic interlaced acquisition.
            If True, the camera will read the odd rows first and then the even 
            rows. On short integration times, this will result in huge 
            distortion of the image since the read time becomes non 
        ilCorrDoubleExpo is a flag for double integration interlaced 
            If True, the camera will first perform a full integration reading 
            the odd rows, then clear the CCD and perform another full 
            integration and read the even rows. This cancels the distortion
            due to different reading times for odd and even rows, but is much
        PLEASE NOTE: ilAcq must be True in order to activate ilCorrDoubleExpo
        assert (exposureTime >= 0)

        # exposure finished before the last call of this function.
        self.exposureFinished = False

        if not self.ccdParams['isInterlaced']:
            ilAcq = False

        if not ilAcq:  # ilAcq must be True to allow double exposure
            ilCorrDoubleExpo = False

        # if exposureTime is smaller than 1 second, the function will block
        # execution for the time of the integration (up to 2 s in double expo
        # mode).
        if exposureTime < 1:
            if self.mustStartAcq:
                if ilCorrDoubleExpo:  # double exposure, one reading for each
                    self.data1 = self.readCcd(delay=exposureTime,
                                              oddRows=True)  # read odd rows
                    self.data2 = self.readCcd(delay=exposureTime,
                                              oddRows=False)  # read even rows
                elif ilAcq:  # single exposure, two readings
                    self.data1 = self.readCcd(delay=exposureTime,
                                              oddRows=True)  # read odd rows
                    self.data2 = self.readCcd(bothRows=False,
                                              oddRows=False)  # read even rows
                else:  # single exposure, single read (not interlaced mode)
                    self.data = self.readCcd(delay=exposureTime)

                self.exposureFinished = True
                self.mustStartAcq = True
                self.completionPercentage = 100
        # integration times longer than 1 second need software timing.
        # The function will not block execution and will update the
        # self.exposureFinished flag when finished
            if ilCorrDoubleExpo:  # double exposure, one reading for each
                if not self.exposureFinished and not self.firstExposureFinished:
                    if self.exposureFinished:
                        self.firstExposureFinished = True
                        self.exposureFinished = False
                        self.data1 = self.dataBuffer
                elif not self.exposureFinished:
                    if self.exposureFinished:
                        self.data2 = self.dataBuffer

            elif ilAcq:  # single exposure, two readings
                if not self.exposureFinished:
                    if self.exposureFinished:
                        self.data1 = self.dataBuffer  # read odd rows
                        self.data2 = self.readCcd(
                            bothRows=False, oddRows=False)  # read even rows

            else:  # single exposure, single read (not interlaced mode)
                if not self.exposureFinished:
                    if self.exposureFinished:
                        self.data = self.dataBuffer

        if self.exposureFinished:
            if not ilAcq:
                self.pixels = bytesToPx(self.data).reshape(
                    self.ccdParams['height'], self.ccdParams['width'])

                self.pixels1 = bytesToPx(self.data1).reshape(
                    self.ccdParams['height'], self.ccdParams['width'])
                self.pixels2 = bytesToPx(self.data2).reshape(
                    self.ccdParams['height'], self.ccdParams['width'])
                self.pixels = py.empty(
                    (2 * self.ccdParams['height'], self.ccdParams['width']),

                    0::2] = self.pixels1  # physical odd rows (image even rows)
                    1::2] = self.pixels2  # physical even rows (image odd rows)

                self.firstExposureFinished = False
예제 #49
def sim():
    global V, Vlin, tao_e, Rar, Rmr
    Rar = pl.arange(Ras[0], Ras[1], Ras[2])
    Rmr = pl.arange(Rms[0], Rms[1], Rms[2])

    ns.mech.setcurrent(Ie * Ies, ns.dt)

    li = len(Rmr)
    lj = len(Rar)
    tao_e = pl.empty((li, lj))
    tao_l = pl.empty((li, lj))
    tao_n = pl.empty((li, lj))

    for i in range(li):
        for j in range(lj):

            #Special conditions
            if Rar[j] < 10.:

            if Rmr[i] > 5000.:
                ns.h.tstop = 50.
                ns.h.tstop = 20.

            print Rmr[i], Rar[j]

            #Obtain voltage, steady state voltage, normalize and
            #get logarithmic values
            t = ns.t
            Vinf = sec.nrnV0[-1]
            V = 1 - pl.array(sec.nrnV0)[:-1] / Vinf
            Vlin = pl.log(V)
            print Vinf

            #Estimate the time constant finding the
            #point at witch the voltage reaches the
            #value 1/e
            nz, = pl.nonzero(V > (1 / pl.e))
            #The time where V ~ 1/e is the point
            #right after the last nz
            tao_e[i, j] = t[nz[-1] + 1] - tstart
            print 'tao_e', tao_e[i, j]

            #Define least squares data interval and
            #make the pulse starting time to be zero
            i0 = int(t0 / ns.dt)
            i1 = int(t1 / ns.dt)
            t01 = t[:i1 - i0]
            V01 = V[i0:i1]
            Vlin01 = Vlin[i0:i1]

            #Linear least squares
            A = pl.c_[t01, pl.ones_like(t01)]
            m, c = pl.lstsq(A, Vlin01.copy())[0]
            tao_l[i, j] = -1. / m - tstart
            print 'tao_l', tao_l[i, j], '(', m, c, pl.exp(c), ')'

            #Parametric function: v is the parameter vector and
            #x the independent varible
            fp = lambda p, t: p[0] * pl.exp(p[1] * t)
            #fp = lambda p, t: p[0]*pl.exp(p[1]*t) + p[2]*pl.exp(p[3]*t)
            #fp = lambda p, t: pl.exp(p[0]*t)

            #Error function
            e = lambda p, t, V: (fp(p, t) - V)

            #Initial parameter guess
            p0 = [1., -5.]
            #p0 = [1., -5., 1., -1.]
            #p0 = [-5.]

            p, success = leastsq(e, p0, args=(t01, V01), maxfev=10000)

            tao_n[i, j] = -1. / p[1] - tstart
            print 'tao_n', tao_n[i, j], '(', p, success, ')'
예제 #50
파일: NF.py 프로젝트: mikedewar/BrainIDE
    def gen_ssmodel(self):

		generates full neural model

		K: matrix
			matrix of connectivity kernel evaluated over the spatial domain of the kernel

		Sigma_e: matrix
			field disturbance covariance matrix
		Sigma_e_c: matrix
			cholesky decomposiotion of field disturbance covariance matrix
		Sigma_varepsilon_c: matrix
			cholesky decomposiotion of observation noise covariance matrix
		C: matrix
			matrix of sensors evaluated at each spatial location, it's not the same as C in the IDE model	

        print "generating full neural model"

        K = pb.empty((len(self.field_space), len(self.field_space)))
        for i in range(len(self.field_space)):
            for j in range(len(self.field_space)):
                K[i, j] = self.kernel(pb.matrix([[self.field_space[i]], [self.field_space[j]]]))

        self.K = pb.matrix(K)

        # calculate field disturbance covariance matrix and its Cholesky decomposition
        gamma_space = pb.empty((self.field_space.size ** 2, 2), dtype=float)
        l = 0
        for i in self.field_space:
            for j in self.field_space:
                gamma_space[l] = [i, j]
                l += 1
        N1, D1 = gamma_space.shape
        diff = gamma_space.reshape(N1, 1, D1) - gamma_space.reshape(1, N1, D1)
        Sigma_e_temp = self.gamma_weight * np.exp(-np.sum(np.square(diff), -1) * (1.0 / self.gamma.width))
        self.Sigma_e = pb.matrix(Sigma_e_temp)

        if hasattr(self, "Sigma_e_c"):
            self.Sigma_e_c = pb.matrix(sp.linalg.cholesky(self.Sigma_e)).T

            # calculate Cholesky decomposition of observation noise covariance matrix
        Sigma_varepsilon_c = pb.matrix(sp.linalg.cholesky(self.Sigma_varepsilon)).T
        self.Sigma_varepsilon_c = Sigma_varepsilon_c

        # Calculate sensors at each spatial locations, it's not the same as C in the IDE model
        t0 = time.time()
        sensor_space = pb.empty((self.observation_locs_mm.size ** 2, 2), dtype=float)
        l = 0
        for i in self.observation_locs_mm:
            for j in self.observation_locs_mm:
                sensor_space[l] = [i, j]
                l += 1
        N2, D2 = sensor_space.shape
        diff = sensor_space.reshape(N2, 1, D2) - gamma_space.reshape(1, N1, D1)
        C = np.exp(-np.sum(np.square(diff), -1) * (1.0 / self.sensor_kernel.width))
        self.C = pb.matrix(C)
예제 #51
####print " numpy version ",numpy.__version__

# create an array of floating point

start = 0.0
stop = 128.0
step = 1.0
x = pylab.arange(start, stop, step, 'float')
# square it
y = x * x
lenx = len(x)
print len(x), len(y)
print x[lenx - 1], y[lenx - 1]

# create an empty "ndarray"
xy = pylab.empty((lenx, 2))  #, typecode='f')
# fill the array with x and y
xy[:, 0] = x
xy[:, 1] = y

# clear the figure
#create first of 2 sub plots
pylab.ylabel('X * X')
pylab.plot(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1])

# create second of 2 sub plots