def plot_plasma(self): P.tricontourf(self.rzt[:, 0], self.rzt[:, 1], self.tris, self.beta, 1001, zorder=0) cticks = P.linspace(0.0, 0.2, 5) P.colorbar(ticks=cticks, format='%.2f') P.jet()
def makeContourPlot(score, scores, average, HEIGHT, WIDTH, outputId, maskId, outputdir, barcodeId=-1, vmaxVal=100): pylab.bone() #majorFormatter = FormatStrFormatter('%.f %%') #ax = pylab.gca() #ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(majorFormatter) pylab.figure() ax = pylab.gca() ax.set_xlabel('<--- Width = '+str(WIDTH)+' wells --->') ax.set_ylabel('<--- Height = '+str(HEIGHT)+' wells --->') ax.set_yticks([0,HEIGHT/INCREMENT]) ax.set_xticks([0,WIDTH/INCREMENT]) ax.autoscale_view() pylab.jet() #pylab.contourf(scores, 40,origin="lower") if vmaxVal=='auto': vmaxVal = autoGetVmaxFromAverage(average) pylab.imshow(scores,vmin=0, vmax=vmaxVal, origin='lower') pylab.vmin = 0.0 pylab.vmax = 100.0 ticksVal = getTicksForMaxVal(vmaxVal) pylab.colorbar(format='%.0f %%',ticks=ticksVal) string_value1 = getFormatForVal(average) % average if(barcodeId!=-1): if(barcodeId==0): maskId = "No Barcode Match," else: maskId = "Barcode Id %d," % barcodeId pylab.title(maskId+' Loading Density (Avg ~ '+string_value1+'%)') pylab.axis('scaled') pylab.axis([0,WIDTH/INCREMENT-1,0,HEIGHT/INCREMENT-1]) pngFn = outputdir+'/'+outputId+'_density_contour.png' pylab.savefig(pngFn) print "Plot saved to", pngFn;
def makeContourPlot(scores, average, HEIGHT, WIDTH, outputId, maskId, plt_title, outputdir, barcodeId=-1, vmaxVal=100): pylab.bone() #majorFormatter = FormatStrFormatter('%.f %%') #ax = pylab.gca() #ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(majorFormatter) pylab.figure() ax = pylab.gca() ax.set_xlabel(str(WIDTH) + ' wells') ax.set_ylabel(str(HEIGHT) + ' wells') ax.autoscale_view() pylab.jet() pylab.imshow(scores,vmin=0, vmax=vmaxVal, origin='lower') pylab.vmin = 0.0 pylab.vmax = 100.0 ticksVal = getTicksForMaxVal(vmaxVal) pylab.colorbar(format='%.0f %%',ticks=ticksVal) print "'%s'" % average if(barcodeId!=-1): if(barcodeId==0): maskId = "No Barcode Match," else: maskId = "Barcode Id %d," % barcodeId if plt_title != '': maskId = '%s\n%s' % (plt_title,maskId) print "Checkpoint A" pylab.title('%s Loading Density (Avg ~ %0.f%%)' % (maskId, average)) pylab.axis('scaled') print "Checkpoint B" pngFn = outputdir+'/'+outputId+'_density_contour.png' print "Try save to", pngFn; pylab.savefig(pngFn, bbox_inches='tight') print "Plot saved to", pngFn;
def main(): """Show simple use cases for functionality provided by this module.""" from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d import Axes3D import pylab argv = sys.argv if len(argv) != 3: print >> sys.stderr, 'usage: python -m pim.sp.gauss size sigma' sys.exit(2) size = int(argv[1]) sigma = float(argv[2]) x, y = numpy.mgrid[-size // 2 + 1:size // 2 + 1, -size // 2 + 1:size // 2 + 1] fig = pylab.figure() fig.suptitle('Some 2-D Gauss Functions') ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1, projection='3d') ax.plot_surface(x, y, fspecial_gauss(size, sigma), rstride=1, cstride=1, linewidth=0, antialiased=False, cmap=pylab.jet()) ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2, projection='3d') ax.plot_surface(x, y, gaussian2(size, sigma), rstride=1, cstride=1, linewidth=0, antialiased=False, cmap=pylab.jet()) return 0
def plot(self): specs = pl.array( list(set([ l['spec'] for l in self.lines ])) ) specs.sort() self.specs = specs pl.figure() pl.hold('on') pl.grid('on') pl.jet() lines = [] lines_spec = list(pl.zeros(len(specs))) for i in range(0,len(self.lines)): ispc = pl.find( specs == self.lines[i]['spec'] ) self.colr = float(ispc)/len(specs) ) wl = self.lines[i]['wave'] ri = float(self.lines[i]['rel_int']) lines.append( pl.plot( [wl, wl], [0., ri if not isnan(ri) else 0.], '.-', color=self.colr )[0] ) lines_spec[ispc] = lines[-1] datacursor(lines,formatter='x={x:8.3f}\ny={y:8.3f}'.format) pl.rc('text',usetex=True) pl.xlabel('$\lambda ~ [\AA]$') pl.ylabel('relative intensity [arb]') pl.title('Spectrum for '+self.spec+' from NIST ASD') if len(specs) > 1: pl.legend( lines_spec,specs )
def filter3(url): im=image_read(url) pylab.imshow(im) dnaf = ndimage.gaussian_filter(im, 1) T = mahotas.thresholding.otsu(dnaf) labeled,nr_objects = ndimage.label(dnaf > T) pylab.imshow(labeled) pylab.jet() #"out_filter3.png")
def viz2D(self, filename, directory_="./", const_dir="z", logplot=False): """Visualize a slice.""" directory = fixdir(directory_) data = load_fortran_unformatted(directory + filename) if self.param is None: self.load_param(directory) x = numpy.linspace( self.param.dx / 2.0, self.param.dx * - self.param.dx / 2.0,, ) y = numpy.linspace( self.param.dy / 2.0, self.param.dy * - self.param.dy / 2.0,, ) z = numpy.linspace( / 2.0, * - / 2.0,, ) if const_dir == "x": n1 = n2 = x1 = y x2 = z x1label = "y" x2label = "z" elif const_dir == "y": n1 = n2 = x1 = x x2 = z x1label = "x" x2label = "z" else: n1 = n2 = x1 = x x2 = y x1label = "x" x2label = "y" data = data.reshape((n2, n1)) pylab.clf() if logplot: data = 20 * numpy.log10(numpy.abs(data).clip(1e-30, 1e30)) pylab.jet() else: pylab.contour(x1, x2, data, 64) pylab.colorbar() pylab.axis("image") pylab.xlabel(x1label + " /um") pylab.ylabel(x2label + " /um")
def plot(self): """generate the plot formatting""" if == None: print "Must load and parse data first" sys.exit() for k,v in for type, data in v.iteritems(): pylab.clf() height = int(self.height) width = int(self.width) pylab.figure() ax = pylab.gca() ax.set_xlabel('<--- Width = %s wells --->' % str(width)) ax.set_ylabel('<--- Height = %s wells --->' % str(height)) ax.set_yticks([0,height/10]) ax.set_xticks([0,width/10]) ax.set_yticklabels([0,height]) ax.set_xticklabels([0,width]) ax.autoscale_view() pylab.jet() #color = self.makeColorMap() #remove zeros for calculation of average flattened = [] for i in data: for j in i: flattened.append(j) flattened = filter(lambda x: x != 0.0, flattened) Aver=pylab.average(flattened) name = type.replace(" ", "_") fave = ("%.2f") % Aver pylab.title(k.strip().split(" ")[-1] + " Heat Map (Average = "+fave+"%)") ticks = None vmax = None if type == "Region DR": ticks = [0.0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0] vmax = 1.0 else: ticks = [0.0,0.4,0.8,1.2,1.6,2.0] vmax = 2.0 pylab.imshow(data, vmin=0, vmax=vmax, origin='lower') pylab.colorbar(format='%.2f %%',ticks=ticks) pylab.vmin = 0.0 pylab.vmax = 2.0 #pylab.colorbar() if self.savePath is None: save = "%s_heat_map_%s.png" % (name,k) else: save = path.join(self.savePath,"%s_heat_map_%s.png" % (name,k)) pylab.savefig(save) pylab.clf()
def makeRawDataPlot(scores, outputId, outputdir): # Writes a png file containing only the data, i.e. no axes, labels, gridlines, ticks, etc. pylab.jet() fig = pylab.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax1.xaxis.set_ticklabels([None]) ax1.yaxis.set_ticklabels([None]) ax1.xaxis.set_ticks([None]) ax1.yaxis.set_ticks([None]) ax1.imshow(scores,vmin=0, vmax=100, origin='lower') pylab.savefig(outputdir+'/'+outputId+'_density_raw.png', dpi=20, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) print "Plot saved to %s" % outputId+'_density_raw.png'
def graphScatter(X, Y, Names=['X', 'Y'], TestName='', Legend=[], Caption='', LogX=0, RunningAvg=0, Lines=None, Colors=[None]): if not graph: return Fig = pylab.figure() if len(X) == 6: Fmts = Formats else: Fmts = [ 'k>', 'go', 'b^', 'rs', 'y<', ] if Colors[0]: pylab.jet() else: Colors = [f[0] for f in Fmts] # LegendKey = [] if Legend: for fmt in Fmts: pylab.plot([0], [0], fmt) if Lines: for x1, y1, x2, y2 in Lines: pylab.plot([x1, x2], [y1, y2], '-') dot = 0.1 * min(max([max(y) for y in Y]), max([max(x) for x in X])) for (x, y, color, fmt) in zip(X, Y, Colors, Fmts): pylab.scatter(x, y, c=color, marker=fmt[1]) # pylab.plot(x, y, fmt) if RunningAvg: pylab.plot(runningAverage(x, 10), runningAverage(y, 10), '.y-') pylab.plot(runningAverage(x, 20), runningAverage(y, 20), '.g-') #LegendKey.append(pylab.plot(10, 10, Fmt[0])) Axes = pylab.gca() if LogX: for i in [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 26, 36, 51, 76, 101, 151, 201 ]: pylab.text(math.log(i), -1.2, str(i - 1)) adornGraph( Title='Scatter: ' + TestName, Filename='Scatter_' + TestName, Figure=Fig, XLabel=Names[0], YLabel=Names[1], Legend=Legend, )
def vector_flow(output_file, i_factor=1): # DPI resolution of the image to be saved dpi = 200 file_path_x = "example/vector_field_x_0.csv" file_path_y = "example/vector_field_y_0.csv" vector_field_x = np.loadtxt(file_path_x, delimiter=",") vector_field_y = np.loadtxt(file_path_y, delimiter=",") x_steps, y_steps = vector_field_x.shape # Interpolation factor. For 1 no interpolation occurs. if i_factor > 1: vector_field_x = scipy.ndimage.zoom(vector_field_x, i_factor) vector_field_y = scipy.ndimage.zoom(vector_field_y, i_factor) x_steps *= i_factor y_steps *= i_factor # Putting data in the expected format vectors = np.zeros((x_steps, y_steps, 2), dtype=np.float32) vectors[...,0] += vector_field_y vectors[...,1] += vector_field_x texture = np.random.rand(x_steps,y_steps).astype(np.float32) kernellen=20 kernel = np.sin(np.arange(kernellen)*np.pi/kernellen) kernel = kernel.astype(np.float32) image = lic_internal.line_integral_convolution(vectors, texture, kernel) mag = np.hypot(vector_field_x, vector_field_y) plt.jet() plt.figure() plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(texture, interpolation='nearest') plt.savefig(output_file+"-texture.png",dpi=dpi) plt.figure() fig = plt.quiver(vector_field_y, vector_field_x, mag) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(output_file+".png",dpi=dpi) plt.bone() fig = plt.imshow(image, interpolation='nearest') # plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(output_file+"-flow.png",dpi=dpi)
def showFit(c, x, y): mins = x.min(axis=0) maxs = x.max(axis=0) mx, my = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(mins[0], maxs[0]), np.linspace(mins[1], maxs[1])) z = c.decision_function(np.c_[mx.ravel(), my.ravel()]) pl.contour(mx, my, z.reshape(mx.shape), [-1, 0, 1]) # plot data pos = y == 1 neg = y == -1 pl.plot(x[pos,0], x[pos,1], 'r+') pl.plot(x[neg, 0], x[neg, 1], 'b.') pl.jet()
def showNeuronCorrelations(self): l = len(self.neuronDFFs) corrMat = np.zeros((l,l)) for i in range(l): for j in range(l): mx = np.mean(self.neuronDFFs[i]) my = np.mean(self.neuronDFFs[j]) cov = np.sum((self.neuronDFFs[i] - mx)*(self.neuronDFFs[j] - my)) corr = cov/(sqrt(np.sum((self.neuronDFFs[i] - mx)**2))*sqrt(np.sum((self.neuronDFFs[j] - my)**2))) corrMat[i,j] = corr plt.imshow(corrMat,interpolation='none') plt.jet() plt.colorbar()
def show_confusion_matrix(y_true, y_predicted, title=''): # compute confusion matrix cm = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_predicted) print cm # configure window pl.matshow(cm) pl.title(title) pl.colorbar() pl.ylabel('True label') pl.xlabel('Predicted label') pl.jet() # show confusion matrix plot
def viz2D(self, filename, directory_='./', const_dir='z', logplot=False): """Visualize a slice.""" directory = fixdir(directory_) data = load_fortran_unformatted(directory + filename) if self.param is None: self.load_param(directory) x = numpy.linspace(self.param.dx / 2., self.param.dx * - self.param.dx / 2., y = numpy.linspace(self.param.dy / 2., self.param.dy * - self.param.dy / 2., z = numpy.linspace( / 2., * - / 2., if const_dir == 'x': n1 = n2 = x1 = y x2 = z x1label = 'y' x2label = 'z' elif const_dir == 'y': n1 = n2 = x1 = x x2 = z x1label = 'x' x2label = 'z' else: n1 = n2 = x1 = x x2 = y x1label = 'x' x2label = 'y' data = data.reshape((n2, n1)) pylab.clf() if logplot: data = 20 * numpy.log10(numpy.abs(data).clip(1e-30, 1e30)) pylab.jet() else: pylab.contour(x1, x2, data, 64) pylab.colorbar() pylab.axis('image') pylab.xlabel(x1label + ' /um') pylab.ylabel(x2label + ' /um')
def makeFullBleed(scores, outputId, outputdir): # Writes a png file containing only the data, i.e. no axes, labels, gridlines, ticks, etc. pylab.jet() fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(5,5)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax1.xaxis.set_ticklabels([None]) ax1.yaxis.set_ticklabels([None]) ax1.xaxis.set_ticks([None]) ax1.yaxis.set_ticks([None]) ax1.set_frame_on(False) ax1.imshow(scores,vmin=0, vmax=100, origin='lower') for size in (20, 70, 200, 1000): fig_path = os.path.join(outputdir, '%s_density_%d.png' % (outputId, size)) fig.savefig(fig_path, figsize=(5,5), dpi=size/3.875, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) print("Full bleed plot saved to %s" % fig_path)
def counter(directory, sub_directory, pic_list, results_directory): blue_images = dict() red_images = dict() for pic in pic_list: try: current_image = str(directory) + '\\' + sub_directory + '\\' + str(pic) sky = mh.imread(current_image) except IOError: current_image = str(directory) + '/' + sub_directory + '/' + str(pic) sky = mh.imread(current_image) finally: t = mh.thresholding.otsu(sky.astype('uint8')) labeled, stars = mh.label(sky > t) if args.display: pylab.imshow(sky) pylab.imshow(labeled) pylab.jet() if pylab.imshow(sky) pylab.imshow(labeled) pylab.jet() pylab.savefig("{0}\\{1}_{2}.png".format(results_directory, str(sub_directory), str(pic)), format='png' ) color = color_is_red(current_image) if color is True: red_images[pic] = int(stars) elif color is False: blue_images[pic] = int(stars) else: pass pylab.close() return blue_images, red_images
def plotarr2(mat,title): #if arr.ndim != 2: # print('arr can only be 2d') # return plt.figure() plt.imshow(mat,origin='lower',cmap=plt.jet()) plt.title(title)
def viz2D(self, filename, directory_="./", const_dir="z", logplot=False): """Visualize a slice.""" directory = fixdir(directory_) data = load_fortran_unformatted(directory + filename) if self.param is None: self.load_param(directory) x = numpy.linspace(self.param.dx / 2.0, self.param.dx * - self.param.dx / 2.0, y = numpy.linspace(self.param.dy / 2.0, self.param.dy * - self.param.dy / 2.0, z = numpy.linspace( / 2.0, * - / 2.0, if const_dir == "x": n1 = n2 = x1 = y x2 = z x1label = "y" x2label = "z" elif const_dir == "y": n1 = n2 = x1 = x x2 = z x1label = "x" x2label = "z" else: n1 = n2 = x1 = x x2 = y x1label = "x" x2label = "y" data = data.reshape((n2, n1)) pylab.clf() if logplot: data = 20 * numpy.log10(numpy.abs(data).clip(1e-30, 1e30)) pylab.jet() else: pylab.contour(x1, x2, data, 64) pylab.colorbar() pylab.axis("image") pylab.xlabel(x1label + " /um") pylab.ylabel(x2label + " /um")
def draw_workspace_graph(obs_map, goal, connect_8=False, road_rules=True): """Draws the individual policies and cost-to-go field for an environment obs_map - description of environment. Matrix with 0 indicating free cell, 1 indicating an obstacle goal - [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...] joint goal configuration """ graph = workspace_graph.Workspace_Graph(obs_map, goal, connect_8=connect_8, road_rules=road_rules) cost_map = [[graph.get_cost((i, j)) for j in range(len(obs_map[0]))] for i in range(len(obs_map))] temp = [] for i in cost_map: temp.extend(filter(lambda x: x < workspace_graph.MAX_COST, i)) max_val = max(temp) * 1.05 for i in cost_map: for j in xrange(len(i)): i[j] = min(i[j], max_val) pylab.matshow(matrix(cost_map).T) pylab.hold(True) X = [[0 for i in range(len(obs_map[0]))] for j in range(len(obs_map))] Y = [[0 for i in range(len(obs_map[0]))] for j in range(len(obs_map))] for i in range(len(obs_map)): for j in range(len(obs_map[0])): if cost_map[i][j] < max_val: pos = graph.get_step((i, j)) if pos is None: continue X[j][i] = (pos[1] - j) Y[j][i] = (pos[0] - i) pylab.quiver(Y, X) sizex = len(obs_map) sizey = len(obs_map[0]) pylab.xlim([-.5, sizex - .5]) pylab.ylim([-.5, sizey - .5]) pylab.xticks([]) pylab.yticks([]) pylab.jet() pylab.hold(False)
def main(): """Show simple use cases for functionality provided by this module.""" from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d import Axes3D import pylab argv = sys.argv if len(argv) != 3: print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: python -m pim.sp.gauss size sigma' sys.exit(2) size = int(argv[1]) sigma = float(argv[2]) x, y = numpy.mgrid[-size//2 + 1:size//2 + 1, -size//2 + 1:size//2 + 1] fig = pylab.figure() fig.suptitle('Some 2-D Gauss Functions') ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1, projection='3d') ax.plot_surface(x, y, fspecial_gauss(size, sigma), rstride=1, cstride=1, linewidth=0, antialiased=False, cmap=pylab.jet()) ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2, projection='3d') ax.plot_surface(x, y, gaussian2(size, sigma), rstride=1, cstride=1, linewidth=0, antialiased=False, cmap=pylab.jet()) return 0
def _plot(self): ## pylab.clf() ## ## Added garbage collection since matplotlib objects seem to hang ## ## around and accumulate. ## import gc ## gc.collect() mesh = self.vars[0].getMesh() shape = mesh.getShape() X, Y = mesh.getCellCenters() Z = self.vars[0].getValue() X, Y, Z = [v.reshape(shape, order="FORTRAN") for v in (X, Y, Z)] zmin, zmax = self._autoscale(vars=self.vars, datamin=self._getLimit(('datamin', 'zmin')), datamax=self._getLimit(('datamax', 'zmax'))) numberOfContours = 10 smallNumber = 1e-7 diff = zmax - zmin if diff < smallNumber: V = numerix.arange(numberOfContours + 1) * smallNumber / numberOfContours + zmin else: V = numerix.arange(numberOfContours + 1) * diff / numberOfContours + zmin import pylab pylab.jet() pylab.contourf(X, Y, Z, V) pylab.xlim(xmin=self._getLimit('xmin'), xmax=self._getLimit('xmax')) pylab.ylim(ymin=self._getLimit('ymin'), ymax=self._getLimit('ymax'))
def main(): arps_mo = ARPSModelObsFile("/caps1/tsupinie/3km-fixed-radar/KCYSan014400", (2, 12)) python_mo = cPickle.load(open("3km-fixed-radar/eomean.pkl014400", 'r')) grid = goshen_3km_grid()#bounds=(slice(242, 327), slice(199, 284))) radar_x, radar_y = grid(arps_mo._radar_lon, arps_mo._radar_lat) print radar_x, arps_mo._radar_x print radar_y, arps_mo._radar_y xs, ys = grid.getXY() bounds = grid.getBounds() Re = 6371000. range = np.hypot(xs - radar_x, ys - radar_y) slant_range = Re * np.tan(range / Re) range_mask = (range < arps_mo._range_max) & (range > arps_mo._range_min) height_error = arps_mo._height[0][bounds] - coneHeight(range, arps_mo._elev_angles[0] + 0.06, 1867.) height_error_masked = np.where(range < arps_mo._range_max - 12000, height_error, np.nan) print np.nanmin(height_error_masked), np.nanmax(height_error_masked) pylab.figure(figsize=(12,6)) pylab.subplot(121) pylab.pcolormesh(xs, ys, arps_mo['Z'][0][bounds], vmin=10, vmax=80, cmap=pylab.jet()) # pylab.pcolormesh(xs, ys, height_error_masked, vmin=-200, vmax=200,'RdBu')) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title("ARPS") grid.drawPolitical() pylab.subplot(122) pylab.pcolormesh(xs, ys, python_mo['Z'][0, 0][bounds], vmin=10, vmax=80,'jet')) pylab.title("Python") grid.drawPolitical() pylab.savefig("model_obs_comparison.png") pylab.close() cPickle.dump(arps_mo._height, open("beam_height.pkl", 'w'), -1) return
# construct individual nodes reservoir = ReservoirNode_lyapunov(input_size, 100, lyapunov_skip=100) readout = Oger.nodes.RidgeRegressionNode() # build network with MDP framework flow = mdp.Flow([reservoir, readout]) # Nested dictionary gridsearch_parameters = {reservoir:{'input_scaling': mdp.numx.arange(0.1, 2.2, .7), 'spectral_radius':mdp.numx.arange(0.1, 2.2, .7)}} # Instantiate an optimizer opt = Oger.evaluation.Optimizer(gridsearch_parameters, Oger.utils.nrmse) # Do the grid search opt.grid_search(data, flow, cross_validate_function=Oger.evaluation.train_test_only, training_fraction=.9) # Plot the maximal LLE for each parameter setting lle_max = mdp.numx.zeros(opt.paramspace_dimensions) for i in range(opt.paramspace_dimensions[0]): for j in range(opt.paramspace_dimensions[1]): lle_max[i, j] = mdp.numx.amax(mdp.numx.mean(mdp.numx.array(opt.probe_data[i, j][reservoir]), 0)) pylab.figure() pylab.imshow(mdp.numx.flipud(lle_max), cmap=pylab.jet(), interpolation='nearest', aspect="auto", extent=opt.get_extent(opt.parameters)) pylab.ylabel('Spectral Radius') pylab.xlabel('Input scaling') pylab.suptitle('Max LLE') pylab.colorbar()
} # Instantiate an optimizer opt = Oger.evaluation.Optimizer(gridsearch_parameters, Oger.utils.nrmse) # Do the grid search opt.grid_search(data, flow, cross_validate_function=Oger.evaluation.train_test_only, training_fraction=.9) # Plot the maximal LLE for each parameter setting lle_max = mdp.numx.zeros(opt.paramspace_dimensions) for i in range(opt.paramspace_dimensions[0]): for j in range(opt.paramspace_dimensions[1]): lle_max[i, j] = mdp.numx.amax( mdp.numx.mean(mdp.numx.array(opt.probe_data[i, j][reservoir]), 0)) pylab.figure() pylab.imshow(mdp.numx.flipud(lle_max), cmap=pylab.jet(), interpolation='nearest', aspect="auto", extent=opt.get_extent(opt.parameters)) pylab.ylabel('Spectral Radius') pylab.xlabel('Input scaling') pylab.suptitle('Max LLE') pylab.colorbar()
def main(path, marked_path=None): # images multiscale imgs_mscale = try_pickle_load(path) n_scales = len(imgs_mscale) imgs_s0 = imgs_mscale[0] # scale 1 image_shape = (imgs_s0.shape[2], imgs_s0.shape[3]) images_to_show = min(IMAGES_TO_SHOW, len(imgs_s0)) print "Images shape", imgs_s0.shape print "Number of images to show", images_to_show print "Number of scales", n_scales print "Requested image shape will be", image_shape n_rows = (1 + n_scales) * 2 perturbed_imgs = [ np.empty((images_to_show, imgs.shape[1], imgs.shape[2], imgs.shape[3])) for imgs in imgs_mscale ] perturbed_marks = None if marked_path is not None: marked_imgs = try_pickle_load(marked_path) perturbed_marks = np.empty( (images_to_show, marked_imgs.shape[1], marked_imgs.shape[2])) for i in xrange(images_to_show): imgs_to_perturb = [img[i] for img in imgs_mscale] # if we loaded markings, add marked image to list of imgs to perturb if perturbed_marks is not None: imgs_to_perturb.append(marked_imgs[i]) ret_list = perturb_image(imgs_to_perturb, image_shape) for n_scale in range(n_scales): perturbed_imgs[n_scale][i] = ret_list[n_scale] if perturbed_marks is not None: perturbed_marks[i] = ret_list[n_scales] for i, imgs in enumerate(imgs_mscale): for j in xrange(images_to_show): pylab.subplot(n_rows, images_to_show, i * images_to_show + j + 1) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(imgs[j, CHANNEL, :, :]) pylab.gray() # set colormap for ind, imgs in enumerate(perturbed_imgs): i = n_scales + ind for j in xrange(images_to_show): pylab.subplot(n_rows, images_to_show, i * images_to_show + j + 1) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(imgs[j, CHANNEL, :, :]) pylab.gray() if perturbed_marks is not None: for j in xrange(images_to_show): pylab.subplot(n_rows, images_to_show, (2 * n_scales + 0) * images_to_show + j + 1) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(marked_imgs[j, :, :]) pylab.jet() pylab.subplot(n_rows, images_to_show, (2 * n_scales + 1) * images_to_show + j + 1) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(perturbed_marks[j, :, :]) pylab.jet()
def schlieren_entry(): """ console script to apply schlieren routine to xyp files """ usage = """ %prog [options] initial.xyp final.xyp for 'xz' images %prog [options] timeseries.xyp for 'tz' images""" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version = "%prog (igwtools " + __version__ + ")") parser.add_option("-d", action = "store_true", dest = "display", help = "displays images for debugging purposes") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action = "store_true", dest = "verbose", help = "be verbose and output settings used") parser.add_option("-T", "--mintol", dest="mintol", type="float", default = 10, help = "Minimum intensity difference between pixels for computation [default: %default]") parser.add_option("--fast", action="store_true", default=False, help = "use experimental 'fast' getdelz calculation") parser.add_option("-t", "--dt", type="float", help = "Time difference between frames") parser.add_option("-n", "--ndt", type="int", default = 2, help = "Take time difference between how many pixels [default : %default]") parser.add_option("-s", "--sigma", dest="sigma", type="float", default=0.3, help = "Distance over which to fill in uncomputed points [default: %default]") parser.add_option("-M", "--mode", default="dn2t", help = "Schlieren mode (dz, dzt, dn2, dn2t) [default: %default]") parser.add_option("-o", "--outputfile", help = "Name of output file (output saved only if supplied)") parser.add_option("-f", "--force", action="store_true", help = "Force overwriting of anyexisting view") parser.add_option("--nofill", action = "store_true", help = "do not fill-in values that were not computed by interpolation by Gaussian average") parser.add_option("--nosmooth", action = "store_true", help = "do not smooth with uniform average filter") parser.add_option("--Ls", type="float", default = 24.0, help = "Distance from back of tank to screen [default: %default]") parser.add_option("--Lt", type="float", default = 17.5, help = "Width of tank [default: %default]") parser.add_option("--Lp", type="float", default = 1.0, help = "Width of tank walls [default: %default]") parser.add_option("--Lc", type="float", default = 330.0, help = "Distance from fron of tank to camera [default: %default]") # look up defaults from environment default_database = os.getenv("IGWDB") default_experiment = os.getenv("IGWEXPT") #OptionGroup here parser.add_option("-D", "--database", default= default_database, help = "Database name [default: %default]") parser.add_option("-e", "--experiment", default=default_experiment, help = "Experiment name [default: %default]") parser.add_option("-L", "--load", help = "load input from view") parser.add_option("-S", "--save", help = "save results as view") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # Infer whether input is xz or tz images based on number of arguments if len(args) == 1: # timeseries.xyp options.imagetype = "tz" elif len(args) == 2: # initial.xyp final.xyp options.imagetype = "xz" elif options.load != None: # load experiment if options.experiment[0] != '/': options.experiment = '/' + options.experiment h5file = tables.openFile(options.database, mode="r") valid_expt = h5file.__contains__(options.experiment) h5file.close() if valid_expt: expt = tools.Experiment(options.database, options.experiment) else: print(options.experiment, "not found in", options.database) return field = expt.load_view(options.load) if field is None: print("View", options.load, "not found!") field = schlieren_field(field, options=options) if != None: if options.verbose: print("saving view...") expt.save_view(field,, force=options.force) else: print("use --save option to store result!") expt.close() return else: parser.error("incorrect number of arguments") if options.mode not in ['dz', 'dzt', 'dn2', 'dn2t', 'qualitative']: parser.error("invalid schlieren mode: %s" % options.mode) import xplot # read in data from xyp files if options.verbose: print('reading in XYP files...') if options.imagetype == "xz": reference_image = xplot.readXYplot(args[0], orientation='xz') image = xplot.readXYplot(args[1], orientation='xz') options.dxt = image.dx else: # tz image = xplot.readXYplot(args[0], orientation='tz') options.dxt = image.dt print(image.shape) options.xmin = image.xmin options.xmax = image.xmax options.zmin = image.zmn options.zmax = image.zmax options.tmin = image.tmin options.tmax = image.tmax if ((options.mode == 'dzt') or (options.mode == 'dn2t')): if options.imagetype == 'x': if options.dt == None: parser.error("mode %s and 'xz' images requires --dt option" % \ options.mode) else: options.dt = options.ndt * image.dt if options.imagetype == "xz": output = schlieren(reference_image = reference_image, image = image, options = options) else: output = schlieren(image=image, options=options) # save output if(options.outputfile != None): if options.verbose: print ('saving results in xyp file') if options.display: # show results vmax = 2.5*numpy.std(output) if options.verbose: print('plotting result') print(' vmin = %.3f' % -vmax, 'vmax = %.3f' % vmax) pylab.figure() output.plot(interpolation = 'bicubic', vmin=-vmax, vmax=vmax) pylab.colorbar() pylab.jet() pylab.title(options.mode)
def clickScat(array2d, array3d, xScat=None, xerror3d=None, yerror3d=None, array3d2=None, xerror3d2=None, yerror3d2=None, fn=None, xMap=None, yMap=None, modelError=False, ylimScat=None): """ figureHandles=clickScat(array2d, array3d, xScat=None, xerror3d=None, yerror3d=None, array3d2=None, xerror3d2=None, yerror3d2=None, fn=None, xMap=None, yMap=None): xScat: x-axis variables for Scatter Plot. Has to be the same length as last dimension of array3d.shape[2] xerror3d: errorbars for x-axis. two sided. fn:'annual' """ import insar dateaxis = False if xScat is None: xScat = np.r_[0:array3d.shape[2]] elif isinstance(xScat[0], xScat = P.matplotlib.dates.date2num(xScat) dateaxis = True def onclick(event): P.figure(fh.number) P.clf() #ax = P.gca() #inv = ax.transData.inverted() #A=inv.transform((event.x, event.y)) #A[1][1])*array2d.shape[1])) #A[0][0])*array2d.shape[0])) try: y = np.round(event.xdata) except: return x = np.round(event.ydata) #ARRAY MAPPING IS first axis y(rows) and second axis is cols (x) if all(np.isnan(array3d[x, y, :])): #if there are no points to plot (all nan) then return return #Plot second scatter data. if array3d2 is not None: if isinstance(array3d2, list): if yerror3d is None: w = np.ones(array3d[x, y, :].shape) else: w = basic.rescale(1. / yerror3d[x, y, :], [1, 2]) markers = ['*', '+', 's', 'd', 'x', 'v', '<', '>', '^'] m = 0 for arr in array3d2: print("%d, %d, %d" % (x, y, m)) P.scatter(xScat, arr[x, y, :], marker=markers[m]) idx = ~(np.isnan(arr[x, y, :]) | np.isnan(array3d[x, y, :])) #c=insar.crosscorrelate(basic.nonan(w[idx]*arr[x, y,idx]),basic.nonan(w[idx]*array3d[x, y,idx])) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress( basic.nonan(w[idx] * arr[x, y, idx]), basic.nonan(w[idx] * array3d[x, y, idx])) P.annotate(str("r2[%s]: %0.2f" % (markers[m], r_value)), (0, 0.9 - m * 0.05), xycoords='axes fraction') m = m + 1 else: if xerror3d2 is None: xerr = None else: xerr = xerror3d2[x, y, :] if yerror3d2 is None: yerr = None else: yerr = yerror3d2[x, y, :] P.errorbar(xScat, array3d2[x, y, :], xerr=xerr, yerr=yerr, marker='*', fmt='o') #Plot function result as scatter data. p = None if fn is not None: if fn == 'linear_amplitude_annual': dataMask = ~np.isnan(array3d[x, y, :]) p0 = np.array([1, 0, 0, basic.nonan(array3d[x, y, :]).mean()]) fitfun = lambda p: (p[0] + p[1] * xScat[dataMask] / 365. ) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * xScat[dataMask] / 365. + p[2]) + p[3] xScat2 = np.linspace(xScat.min(), xScat.max()) fitfun2 = lambda p: (p[0] + p[1] * xScat2 / 365.) * np.cos( 2 * np.pi * xScat2 / 365. + p[2]) + p[3] #errfun=lambda p: sum(abs(basic.nonan(array3d[x, y,:])-fitfun(p))); if yerror3d is None: w = np.ones(array3d[x, y, :].shape) else: w = basic.rescale(1. / yerror3d[x, y, :], [1, 2]) errfun = lambda p: basic.nonan(w * array3d[x, y, :]) - w[ dataMask] * fitfun(p) #p=scipy.optimize.fmin_powell(errfun, p0) p = scipy.optimize.leastsq(errfun, p0) p = p[0] P.scatter(xScat[dataMask], fitfun(p), marker='^') sortedxy = np.squeeze(np.dstack([xScat2, fitfun2(p)])) sortedxy = sortedxy[sortedxy[:, 0].argsort(), :] P.plot(sortedxy[:, 0], sortedxy[:, 1]) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress( basic.nonan(w * array3d[x, y, :]), w[dataMask] * fitfun(p)) P.annotate( str("a0:%0.2f\na1:%0.2f\npha:%0.2f\nbias:%0.2f\nr2:%0.2f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], r_value**2.)), (0.8, 0.8), xycoords='axes fraction') elif fn == 'quadratic_amplitude_annual': dataMask = ~np.isnan(array3d[x, y, :]) p0 = np.array( [1, 0, 0, 0, basic.nonan(array3d[x, y, :]).mean()]) fitfun = lambda p: (p[0] + p[1] * xScat[dataMask] / 365. + p[ 2] * (xScat[dataMask] / 365.)**2.) * np.cos( 2 * np.pi * xScat[dataMask] / 365. + p[3]) + p[4] xScat2 = np.linspace(xScat.min(), xScat.max()) fitfun2 = lambda p: (p[0] + p[1] * xScat2 / 365. + p[2] * ( xScat2 / 365.)**2.) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * xScat2 / 365. + p[ 3]) + p[4] #errfun=lambda p: sum(abs(basic.nonan(array3d[x, y,:])-fitfun(p))); if yerror3d is None: w = np.ones(array3d[x, y, :].shape) else: w = basic.rescale(1. / yerror3d[x, y, :], [1, 2]) errfun = lambda p: basic.nonan(w * array3d[x, y, :]) - w[ dataMask] * fitfun(p) #p=scipy.optimize.fmin_powell(errfun, p0) p = scipy.optimize.leastsq(errfun, p0) p = p[0] P.scatter(xScat[dataMask], fitfun(p), marker='^') sortedxy = np.squeeze(np.dstack([xScat2, fitfun2(p)])) sortedxy = sortedxy[sortedxy[:, 0].argsort(), :] P.plot(sortedxy[:, 0], sortedxy[:, 1]) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress( basic.nonan(w * array3d[x, y, :]), w[dataMask] * fitfun(p)) P.annotate(str( "a0:%0.2f\na1:%0.2f\na2:%0.2f\npha:%0.2f\nbias:%0.2f\nr2:%0.2f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], r_value**2.)), (0.8, 0.8), xycoords='axes fraction') elif fn == 'annual': dataMask = ~np.isnan(array3d[x, y, :]) p0 = np.array([1, 1, basic.nonan(array3d[x, y, :]).mean()]) fitfun = lambda p: p[0] * np.cos(2 * np.pi * xScat[dataMask] / 365. + p[1]) + p[2] xScat2 = np.linspace(xScat.min(), xScat.max()) fitfun2 = lambda p: p[0] * np.cos(2 * np.pi * xScat2 / 365. + p[1]) + p[2] #errfun=lambda p: sum(abs(basic.nonan(array3d[x, y,:])-fitfun(p))); if yerror3d is None: w = np.ones(array3d[x, y, :].shape) else: w = basic.rescale(1. / yerror3d[x, y, :], [1, 2]) errfun = lambda p: basic.nonan(w * array3d[x, y, :]) - w[ dataMask] * fitfun(p) #p=scipy.optimize.fmin_powell(errfun, p0) p = scipy.optimize.leastsq(errfun, p0) p = p[0] P.scatter(xScat[dataMask], fitfun(p), marker='^') sortedxy = np.squeeze(np.dstack([xScat2, fitfun2(p)])) sortedxy = sortedxy[sortedxy[:, 0].argsort(), :] P.plot(sortedxy[:, 0], sortedxy[:, 1]) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress( basic.nonan(w * array3d[x, y, :]), w[dataMask] * fitfun(p)) P.annotate(str("amp:%0.2f\npha:%0.2f\nbias:%0.2f\nr2:%0.2f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2], r_value**2.)), (0.8, 0.8), xycoords='axes fraction') else: p = None P.scatter(xScat, fn(xScat), marker='^') #convert axis to date... if dateaxis: try: P.figure(fh.number).axes[0].xaxis_date(tz=None) P.figure(fh.number).autofmt_xdate() except: pass #change x y to xMap, yMap if yMap is not None: xM = ya * x + yb else: xM = x if xMap is not None: yM = xa * (y) + xb else: yM = y #x and y are flipped in the try/except block above. So Flip again. #if p is not None: # P.title("x,y,[]: " + str(yM) + ", " + str(xM) + ', ' + str(p) ) #else: P.title("x,y,z,z.std: " + str(yM) + ", " + str(xM) + ', ' + str(array2d[x, y]) + ', ' + str(np.std(basic.nonan(array3d[x, y, :])))) # rotate and align the tick labels so they look better #P.figure(fh.number).autofmt_xdate() # use a more precise date string for the x axis locations in the # toolbar #P.gca().fmt_xdata = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d') if xerror3d is None: xerr = None else: xerr = xerror3d[x, y, :] if yerror3d is None: yerr = None else: yerr = yerror3d[x, y, :] if modelError: yerr = yerror3d[x, y, :] yerr[dataMask] = errfun(p) P.errorbar(xScat, array3d[x, y, :], xerr=xerr, yerr=yerr, fmt='ro') if ylimScat is not None: P.ylim(ylimScat) ################################## ## END OF PLOTTING ################################## s = array2d[~np.isnan(array2d)].std() m = array2d[~np.isnan(array2d)].mean() fig = P.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.matshow(array2d, vmin=m - s, vmax=m + s) #fig=P.figure();ax=fig.add_subplot(111);ax.matshow(basic.wrapToInt(array2d, s), vmin=-s, vmax=s); if xMap is not None: ticks = ax.get_xticks() (xa, xb) = np.polyfit(np.r_[0:len(xMap)], xMap, 1) ax.set_xticklabels(np.around(xa * ticks + xb, 4)) if yMap is not None: ticks = ax.get_yticks() (ya, yb) = np.polyfit(np.r_[len(yMap):0:-1], yMap, 1) ax.set_yticklabels(np.around(ya * ticks + yb, 4)) #P.colorbar(); cax, kw = P.matplotlib.colorbar.make_axes(ax, orientation='vertical') P.matplotlib.colorbar.ColorbarBase(cax, cmap=P.jet(), norm=P.normalize(vmin=m - s, vmax=m + s), orientation='vertical') fh = P.figure() #should be accessible in child function? fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick) return (fig, fh)
import numpy as np import pylab import sys from skimage import io from skimage import color from scipy import ndimage from matplotlib import pyplot import project_helpers as ph from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn import svm from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier ############# # This tutorial walks through various functions used for the project # and some of the concepts covered in lecture. ############## # Flag that indicates whether to show images. VIEW = False # Set the path to the data files. data_path = "crchistophenotypes_2016_04_28/CRCHistoPhenotypes_2016_04_28/" ############# #Basic image I/O ############## #Load the ground truth labels #Detections are stored as [x,y] and labels are positive for detected nuclei centres img, detections, labels = ph.load_data_set(data_path,"img7") pylab.imshow(img) if(VIEW):
import numpy as np import pylab import sys from skimage import io from skimage import color from scipy import ndimage from matplotlib import pyplot import project_helpers as ph from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn import svm from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier ############# # This tutorial walks through various functions used for the project # and some of the concepts covered in lecture. ############## # Flag that indicates whether to show images. # When True you will need to close each window after you've looked at the output to continue VIEW = False # Set the path to the data files. data_path = "crchistophenotypes_2016_04_28/CRCHistoPhenotypes_2016_04_28/" ############# #Basic image I/O ############## #Load the ground truth labels #Detections are stored as [x,y] and labels are positive for detected nuclei centres
def disp(self,sampler,interp_type_during_visualization): level=sampler.level theta=sampler.theta_current # interval=self.interval # interval_dense=self.interval_dense markersize = 5 fontsize=30 cpa_space =[level] plt.subplot(231) sampler.plot_ll() plt.title('ll',fontsize=fontsize) sampler.plot_wlp() sampler.plot_wlp_plus_ll() if sampler.lp_func: plt.legend(['ll','wlp','ll+wlp']) plt.subplot(232) sampler.plot_ar() plt.title('accept ratio',fontsize=fontsize) # print theta cpa_space.theta2As(theta=theta) tw.update_pat_from_Avees(level=level) tw.calc_v(level=level) tw.v_dense.gpu2cpu() src = self.src # dst = self.dst transformed = self.transformed # src_dense=self.src_dense # transformed_dense=self.transformed_dense # tw.calc_T(src_dense, transformed_dense, mysign=1, level=level, # # transformed_dense.gpu2cpu() tw.calc_T_inv(src, transformed, level=level, int_quality=+1) transformed.gpu2cpu() if interp_type_during_visualization=='gpu_linear': my_dtype = np.float64 else: my_dtype = np.float32 # For opencv img_src = self.signal.src.cpu.reshape(tw.nRows,tw.nCols) img_src = CpuGpuArray(img_src.astype(my_dtype)) img_wrapped = CpuGpuArray.zeros_like(img_src) img_dst = self.signal.dst.cpu.reshape(tw.nRows,tw.nCols) img_dst = CpuGpuArray(img_dst) if interp_type_during_visualization=='gpu_linear': tw.remap_fwd(transformed,img_src,img_wrapped) else: tw.remap_fwd_opencv(transformed,img_src,img_wrapped,interp_type_during_visualization) img_wrapped.gpu2cpu() plt.subplot(233) plt.imshow(img_src.cpu,interpolation="None") plt.gray() cpa_space.plot_cells('r') tw.config_plt(axis_on_or_off='on') plt.title(r'$I_{\mathrm{src}}$') plt.subplot(234) plt.imshow(img_wrapped.cpu,interpolation="None") plt.gray() # cpa_space.plot_cells('w') tw.config_plt(axis_on_or_off='on') plt.title(r'$I_{\mathrm{src}}\circ T^{\theta}$') plt.subplot(235) plt.imshow(img_dst.cpu,interpolation="None") plt.gray() plt.title(r'$I_{\mathrm{dst}}$') # cpa_space.plot_cells('w') tw.config_plt(axis_on_or_off='on') plt.subplot(2,6,11) pylab.jet() tw.config_plt(axis_on_or_off='on') plt.title(r'$v_x$') plt.subplot(2,6,12) pylab.jet() tw.config_plt(axis_on_or_off='on') plt.title(r'$v_y$')
def schlieren_entry(): """ console script to apply schlieren routine to xyp files """ usage = """ %prog [options] initial.xyp final.xyp for 'xz' images %prog [options] timeseries.xyp for 'tz' images""" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version = "%prog (igwtools " + __version__ + ")") parser.add_option("-d", action = "store_true", dest = "display", help = "displays images for debugging purposes") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action = "store_true", dest = "verbose", help = "be verbose and output settings used") parser.add_option("-T", "--mintol", dest="mintol", type="float", default = 10, help = "Minimum intensity difference between pixels for computation [default: %default]") parser.add_option("--fast", action="store_true", default=False, help = "use experimental 'fast' getdelz calculation") parser.add_option("-t", "--dt", type="float", help = "Time difference between frames") parser.add_option("-n", "--ndt", type="int", default = 2, help = "Take time difference between how many pixels [default : %default]") parser.add_option("-s", "--sigma", dest="sigma", type="float", default=0.3, help = "Distance over which to fill in uncomputed points [default: %default]") parser.add_option("-M", "--mode", default="dn2t", help = "Schlieren mode (dz, dzt, dn2, dn2t) [default: %default]") parser.add_option("-o", "--outputfile", help = "Name of output file (output saved only if supplied)") parser.add_option("-f", "--force", action="store_true", help = "Force overwriting of anyexisting view") parser.add_option("--nofill", action = "store_true", help = "do not fill-in values that were not computed by interpolation by Gaussian average") parser.add_option("--nosmooth", action = "store_true", help = "do not smooth with uniform average filter") parser.add_option("--Ls", type="float", default = 24.0, help = "Distance from back of tank to screen [default: %default]") parser.add_option("--Lt", type="float", default = 17.5, help = "Width of tank [default: %default]") parser.add_option("--Lp", type="float", default = 1.0, help = "Width of tank walls [default: %default]") parser.add_option("--Lc", type="float", default = 330.0, help = "Distance from fron of tank to camera [default: %default]") # look up defaults from environment default_database = os.getenv("IGWDB") default_experiment = os.getenv("IGWEXPT") #OptionGroup here parser.add_option("-D", "--database", default= default_database, help = "Database name [default: %default]") parser.add_option("-e", "--experiment", default=default_experiment, help = "Experiment name [default: %default]") parser.add_option("-L", "--load", help = "load input from view") parser.add_option("-S", "--save", help = "save results as view") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # Infer whether input is xz or tz images based on number of arguments if len(args) == 1: # timeseries.xyp options.imagetype = "tz" elif len(args) == 2: # initial.xyp final.xyp options.imagetype = "xz" elif options.load != None: # load experiment if options.experiment[0] != '/': options.experiment = '/' + options.experiment h5file = tables.openFile(options.database, mode="r") valid_expt = h5file.__contains__(options.experiment) h5file.close() if valid_expt: expt = tools.Experiment(options.database, options.experiment) else: print options.experiment, "not found in", options.database return field = expt.load_view(options.load) if field is None: print "View", options.load, "not found!" field = schlieren_field(field, options=options) if != None: if options.verbose: print "saving view..." expt.save_view(field,, force=options.force) else: print "use --save option to store result!" expt.close() return else: parser.error("incorrect number of arguments") if options.mode not in ['dz', 'dzt', 'dn2', 'dn2t', 'qualitative']: parser.error("invalid schlieren mode: %s" % options.mode) import xplot # read in data from xyp files if options.verbose: print 'reading in XYP files...' if options.imagetype == "xz": reference_image = xplot.readXYplot(args[0], orientation='xz') image = xplot.readXYplot(args[1], orientation='xz') options.dxt = image.dx else: # tz image = xplot.readXYplot(args[0], orientation='tz') options.dxt = image.dt print image.shape options.xmin = image.xmin options.xmax = image.xmax options.zmin = image.zmn options.zmax = image.zmax options.tmin = image.tmin options.tmax = image.tmax if ((options.mode == 'dzt') or (options.mode == 'dn2t')): if options.imagetype == 'x': if options.dt == None: parser.error("mode %s and 'xz' images requires --dt option" % \ options.mode) else: options.dt = options.ndt * image.dt if options.imagetype == "xz": output = schlieren(reference_image = reference_image, image = image, options = options) else: output = schlieren(image=image, options=options) # save output if(options.outputfile != None): if options.verbose: print ('saving results in xyp file') if options.display: # show results vmax = 2.5*numpy.std(output) if options.verbose: print 'plotting result' print ' vmin = %.3f' % -vmax, 'vmax = %.3f' % vmax pylab.figure() output.plot(interpolation = 'bicubic', vmin=-vmax, vmax=vmax) pylab.colorbar() pylab.jet() pylab.title(options.mode)
SW = np.random.permutation(X.shape[1]) X = X[:, SW] # permute pixels #D = np.array([np.concatenate((pixel, pixel[i%2:-i%2 or None], pixel[(i+1)%2:(i+1)%2 or None])) for i,pixel in enumerate(X.T)]) D = X.T for metric in [ 'abs_correlation', 'braycurtis', 'canberra', 'correlation', 'cosine', 'minkowski', 'seuclidean' ]: for n_neighbors in [4, 5, 6]: pl.figure() results = isomap(D, n_neighbors, metric=metric) x, y = results.real[:, 0], results.real[:, 1] pl.scatter(x, y, c=np.arange(X.shape[1])[SW], cmap=pl.jet()) pl.title("%s n_neighbors %d" % (metric, n_neighbors)) #pl.savefig("%s.n_neighbors.%d.png" % (metric, n_neighbors)) exit() print "Saving restored frames..." name = "movie" if not os.path.exists(name): os.mkdir(name) for i in range(len(X)): pl.figure(figsize=(2, 2)) pl.hexbin(x, y, gridsize=50, C=X[i], cmap=pl.gray()) pl.savefig("%s/frame.%04d.png" % (name, i)) pl.close() print ".",
T = mahotas.thresholding.otsu(dna) pylab.imshow(dna > T) # Results in numpy array of bools -> b/w image # Smooth image using gaussian filter dnaf = ndimage.gaussian_filter(dna, 8) # -- Image and stdev of image T = mahotas.thresholding.otsu(dnaf) pylab.imshow(dnaf > T) # Deal with merged/touching nuclei labeled,nr_objects = ndimage.label(dnaf > T) print nr_objects # prints 18 pylab.imshow(labeled) pylab.jet() # resets to jet from gray-scale ############ STEP TWO -- Segmenting Image/Finding seeds # Smooth image->find regional maxima->use maxima as seeds for watershed # First try: dnaf = ndimage.gaussian_filter(dna, 8) rmax = pymorph.regmax(dnaf) pylab.imshow(pymorph.overlay(dna, rmax)) # Overlay returns a color image with gray level component in first argument, second arg is red # Second try - Increase sigma: dnaf = ndimage.gaussian_filter(dna, 16) rmax = pymorph.regmax(dnaf) pylab.imshow(pymorph.overlay(dna, rmax))
i += 1 ltrs_uly.sort() if '-v' in sys.argv: print voca_ham print voca_uly if '--norm' in sys.argv: voca_ham = voca_ham / voca_ham.max() voca_uly = voca_uly / voca_uly.max() import pylab fig_cnt += 1 pylab.figure(fig_cnt) pylab.jet() pylab.imshow(voca_ham, interpolation='none') pylab.yticks(numpy.arange(len(ltrs_ham)), ltrs_ham) pylab.xlabel(r'Radix Tree Depth') pylab.ylabel(r'Root letter of Radix Tree') pylab.title(r'Radix Tree Breadth of HAMLET') pylab.colorbar() pylab.savefig('./plots/radix_tree_hamlet.jpg') pylab.savefig('./plots/radix_tree_hamlet.pdf') fig_cnt += 1 pylab.figure(fig_cnt) pylab.jet() pylab.imshow(voca_uly, interpolation='none') pylab.yticks(numpy.arange(len(ltrs_uly)), ltrs_uly) pylab.xlabel(r'Radix Tree Depth')
def update(testdir=None, seed=2): ''' Update positioner to fiber number mapping from DocDB Options: testdir: if not None, write files here instead of $DESIMODEL/data/footprint/fiberpos* seed: integer random number seed for randomization within a cartridge Writes testdir/fiberpos* or $DESIMODEL/data/focalplane/fiberpos* ''' from desiutil.log import get_logger log = get_logger() #- Download input files from DocDB cassette_file =, 2, 'cassette_order.txt') xls_fp_layout =, 11, 'DESI-0530-v11 (Focal Plane Layout).xlsx') platescale_file =, 15, 'Echo22Platescale.txt') #- Pick filenames in output directory if testdir is None: outdir = os.path.join(datadir(), 'focalplane') else: outdir = testdir if not os.path.isdir(outdir): raise ValueError("Missing directory {}".format(testdir)) #- copy platescale file outpsfile = os.path.join(outdir, 'platescale.txt') shutil.copy(platescale_file, outpsfile)'Wrote {}'.format(outpsfile)) #- Random but reproducible np.random.seed(seed) #- DESI-0530 file name (fn) and sheet name (sn) shortcuts fn = xls_fp_layout sn = 'PositionerAndFiducialLocations' #- Sanity check that columns are still in the same place rowmin, rowmax = 48, 590 headers = docdb.xls_read_row(fn, sn, rowmin-1, 'B', 'S') assert headers[0] == 'device_location_id' assert headers[1] == 'device_type' assert headers[2] == 'X' assert headers[3] == 'Y' assert headers[4] == 'Z' assert headers[8] == 'cassetteID' assert headers[15] == 'Q' assert headers[17] == 'S' #- Read Excel table with device locations posloc = Table() posloc['DEVICE'] = docdb.xls_read_col(fn, sn, 'B', rowmin, rowmax, dtype=int) posloc['DEVICE_TYPE'] = docdb.xls_read_col(fn, sn, 'C', rowmin, rowmax, dtype=str) posloc['X'] = docdb.xls_read_col(fn, sn, 'D', rowmin, rowmax, dtype=float) posloc['Y'] = docdb.xls_read_col(fn, sn, 'E', rowmin, rowmax, dtype=float) posloc['Z'] = docdb.xls_read_col(fn, sn, 'F', rowmin, rowmax, dtype=float) posloc['Q'] = docdb.xls_read_col(fn, sn, 'Q', rowmin, rowmax, dtype=float) posloc['S'] = docdb.xls_read_col(fn, sn, 'S', rowmin, rowmax, dtype=float) #- Cassette N/A -> -1, and parse string -> float -> int c = docdb.xls_read_col(fn, sn, 'J', rowmin, rowmax) not_spectro_fiber = (c == 'N/A') c[not_spectro_fiber] = '-1' posloc['CASSETTE'] = np.array(c, dtype=float).astype(int) #- Sanity check on values ndevice = len(posloc) assert ndevice == 543 #- 543 holes have been drilled assert len(np.unique(posloc['DEVICE'])) == len(posloc['DEVICE']) assert set(posloc['DEVICE_TYPE']) == set(['POS', 'FIF', 'GIF', 'NON', 'OPT', 'ETC']) assert 0 < np.min(posloc['X']) and np.max(posloc['X']) < 410 assert 0 <= np.min(posloc['Q']) and np.max(posloc['Q']) < 36.0 assert 0 <= np.min(posloc['S']) and np.max(posloc['S']) < 412.3 assert np.all(posloc['S']**2 > posloc['X']**2 + posloc['Y']**2 + posloc['Z']**2) assert np.min(posloc['CASSETTE']) == -1 assert np.max(posloc['CASSETTE']) == 11 assert set(posloc['DEVICE_TYPE'][posloc['CASSETTE']==11]) == set(['ETC', 'OPT']) assert set(posloc['DEVICE_TYPE'][posloc['CASSETTE']==-1]) == set(['FIF', 'GIF', 'NON']) assert 0 not in posloc['CASSETTE'] #- Read mapping of cassettes on focal plane to fibers on slithead colnames = ['fibermin', 'fibermax', 'sp0', 'sp1', 'sp2', 'sp3', 'sp4', 'sp5', 'sp6', 'sp7', 'sp8', 'sp9'] cassettes =, format='ascii', names=colnames) #- Randomize fibers within a cassette petals = list() for p in range(10): fiberpos = posloc.copy(copy_data=True) fiberpos['FIBER'] = -1 fiberpos['PETAL'] = p fiberpos['SLIT'] = p fiberpos['SPECTRO'] = p iipos = (fiberpos['DEVICE_TYPE'] == 'POS') ### fiberpos['device'] += p*len(fiberpos) for c in range(1,11): ii = (cassettes['sp'+str(p)] == c) assert np.count_nonzero(ii) == 1 fibermin = p*500 + cassettes['fibermin'][ii][0] fibermax = p*500 + cassettes['fibermax'][ii][0] jj = iipos & (fiberpos['CASSETTE'] == c) assert np.count_nonzero(jj) == 50 fiber = list(range(fibermin, fibermax+1)) np.random.shuffle(fiber) fiberpos['FIBER'][jj] = fiber #- Additional columns fiberpos['SLITBLOCK'] = (fiberpos['FIBER'] % 500) // 25 fiberpos['BLOCKFIBER'] = (fiberpos['FIBER'] % 500) % 25 fiberpos['LOCATION'] = p*1000 + fiberpos['DEVICE'] #- Petal 0 is at the "bottom"; See DESI-0530 phi = np.radians((7*36 + 36*p)%360) x = np.cos(phi)*fiberpos['X'] - np.sin(phi)*fiberpos['Y'] y = np.sin(phi)*fiberpos['X'] + np.cos(phi)*fiberpos['Y'] fiberpos['X'] = x fiberpos['Y'] = y petals.append(fiberpos) fiberpos = vstack(petals) fiberpos.sort('FIBER') POS = (fiberpos['DEVICE_TYPE'] == 'POS') #- devices that don't go to spectrographs don't have slitblock, blockfiber fiberpos['SLITBLOCK'][~POS] = -1 fiberpos['BLOCKFIBER'][~POS] = -1 #- More sanity checks before writing output fp = fiberpos[POS] assert len(fp) == 5000 assert len(np.unique(fp['FIBER'])) == 5000 assert min(fp['FIBER']) == 0 assert max(fp['FIBER']) == 4999 assert len(set(fp['SPECTRO'])) == 10 assert min(fp['SPECTRO']) == 0 assert max(fp['SPECTRO']) == 9 assert len(np.unique(fiberpos['DEVICE'])) == ndevice assert len(np.unique(fiberpos['LOCATION'])) == len(fiberpos) #- Drop some columns we don't need fiberpos.remove_column('CASSETTE') #- Update i8 -> i4 for integer columns for colname in ['FIBER', 'DEVICE', 'SPECTRO', 'PETAL', 'SLIT']: fiberpos.replace_column(colname, fiberpos[colname].astype('i4')) #- Reorder columns assert set(fiberpos.colnames) == set('DEVICE DEVICE_TYPE X Y Z Q S FIBER PETAL SLIT SPECTRO SLITBLOCK BLOCKFIBER LOCATION'.split()) colnames = 'PETAL DEVICE DEVICE_TYPE LOCATION FIBER X Y Z Q S SPECTRO SLIT SLITBLOCK BLOCKFIBER'.split() fiberpos = fiberpos[colnames] assert fiberpos.colnames == colnames #- Set units and descriptions; see DESI-2724 fiberpos['X'].unit = 'mm' fiberpos['Y'].unit = 'mm' fiberpos['Z'].unit = 'mm' fiberpos['Q'].unit = 'deg' fiberpos['S'].unit = 'mm' fiberpos['X'].description = 'focal surface location [mm]' fiberpos['Y'].description = 'focal surface location [mm]' fiberpos['Z'].description = 'focal surface location [mm]' fiberpos['Q'].description = 'azimuthal angle on focal surface [deg]' fiberpos['S'].description = 'radial distance along focal surface [mm]' fiberpos['FIBER'].description = 'fiber number [0-4999]' fiberpos['DEVICE'].description = 'focal plane device_loc number [0-542]' fiberpos['SPECTRO'].description = 'spectrograph number [0-9]' fiberpos['PETAL'].description = 'focal plane petal_loc number [0-9]' fiberpos['SLIT'].description = 'spectrograph slit number [0-9]' fiberpos['SLITBLOCK'].description = 'id of the slitblock on the slit [0-19]' fiberpos['BLOCKFIBER'].description = 'id of the fiber on the slitblock [0-24]' fiberpos['LOCATION'].description = 'global location id across entire focal plane [0-9543]; has gaps in sequence' fiberpos.meta['comments'] = [ "Coordinates at zenith: +x = East = +RA; +y = South = -dec", "PETAL and DEVICE refer to locations, not hardware serial numbers", "Differences from DESI-2724 naming:", ' - Drops "_ID" from column names', ' - Drops "_LOC" from "DEVICE_LOC" and "PETAL_LOC"', " - SLITBLOCK as int [0-19] instead of string [B0-B19]", " - BLOCKFIBER as int [0-24] instead of string [F0-F24]", "Convenience columns:", " - FIBER = PETAL*500 + SLITBLOCK*25 + BLOCKFIBER", " - LOCATION = PETAL*1000 + DEVICE", ] ecsvout = os.path.join(outdir, 'fiberpos.ecsv') textout = os.path.join(outdir, 'fiberpos.txt') fitsout = os.path.join(outdir, 'fiberpos.fits') pngout = os.path.join(outdir, 'fiberpos.png') #- Write old text format with just fiber, device, spectro, x, y, z write_text_fiberpos(textout, fiberpos[POS])'Wrote {}'.format(textout)) #- Write all columns but only for positioners with fibers fiberpos[POS].write(ecsvout, format='ascii.ecsv')'Wrote {}'.format(ecsvout)) fiberpos[POS].write(fitsout, format='fits', overwrite=True)'Wrote {}'.format(fitsout)) #- Write all columns and all rows, including #- fiducials (device_type='FIF') and sky monitor (device_type='ETC') fiberpos.sort('LOCATION') fitsallout = fitsout.replace('.fits', '-all.fits') ecsvallout = textout.replace('.txt', '-all.ecsv') fiberpos.write(fitsallout, format='fits', overwrite=True) fiberpos.write(ecsvallout, format='ascii.ecsv')'Wrote {}'.format(fitsallout))'Wrote {}'.format(ecsvallout)) #- Visualize mapping POS = (fiberpos['DEVICE_TYPE'] == 'POS') FIF = (fiberpos['DEVICE_TYPE'] == 'FIF') ETC = (fiberpos['DEVICE_TYPE'] == 'ETC') import pylab as P P.jet() #- With apologies to viridis P.figure(figsize=(7,7)) P.scatter(fiberpos['X'][POS], fiberpos['Y'][POS], c=fiberpos['FIBER'][POS]%500, edgecolor='none', s=20) # P.scatter(fiberpos['x'][FIF], fiberpos['y'][FIF], s=5, color='k') # P.plot(fiberpos['x'][ETC], fiberpos['y'][ETC], 'kx', ms=3) P.grid(alpha=0.2, color='k') P.xlim(-420,420) P.ylim(-420,420) P.xlabel('x [mm]') P.ylabel('y [mm]') P.title('Focal plane color coded by fiber location on slithead') P.savefig(pngout, dpi=80)'Wrote {}'.format(pngout))
def plot_results(self, node_param_list=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=None, log_x=False, axes=None, title=None, plot_variance=True): ''' Plot the results of the optimization. Works for 1D and 2D linear sweeps, yielding a 2D resp. 3D plot of the parameter(s) vs. the error. Arguments: - node_param_list: a list of (node, param_string) tuples. Before plotting, the mean will be taken over all these node.param_string combinations, which is useful to plot/reduce multi-dimensional parameter sweeps. - vmin/vmax: can be used to truncate the errors between lower and upper bounds before plotting. - cmap: passed as a matplotlib colormap when plotting 2D images. - log_x: boolean to indicate if a 1D plot should use a log scale for the x-axis. - axes: optional Axes object to use for plotting - title: optional title for the plot - plot_variance: should variance be plotted in case of taking the mean over certain parameters. Default True. ''' try: import pylab except ImportError: print "It looks like matplotlib isn't installed. Plotting is impossible." return if axes is None: axes = pylab.axes() errors_to_plot, var_errors, parameters = self.mean_and_var( node_param_list) if vmin != None: errors_to_plot[errors_to_plot < vmin] = vmin if vmax != None: errors_to_plot[errors_to_plot > vmax] = vmax # If we have ranged over only one parameter if len(parameters) == 1: # Get the index of the remaining parameter to plot using the correct # parameter ranges param_index = self.parameters.index(parameters[0]) if var_errors is not None and plot_variance: pylab.errorbar(self.parameter_ranges[param_index], errors_to_plot, var_errors, axes=axes) else: if log_x: pylab.semilogx(self.parameter_ranges[param_index], errors_to_plot, axes=axes) else: pylab.plot(self.parameter_ranges[param_index], errors_to_plot, axes=axes) pylab.xlabel(str(parameters[0][0]) + '.' + parameters[0][1]) pylab.ylabel(self.loss_function.__name__) if title is not None: pylab.title(title) elif len(parameters) == 2: # Get the extreme values of the parameter values p1 = self.parameters.index(parameters[0]) p2 = self.parameters.index(parameters[1]) xm = mdp.numx.amin(self.parameter_ranges[p1]) ym = mdp.numx.amin(self.parameter_ranges[p2]) xM = mdp.numx.amax(self.parameter_ranges[p1]) yM = mdp.numx.amax(self.parameter_ranges[p2]) # For optimization algorithms which have non-uniform sampling of the parameter space, we interpolate here # This has no effect on the plot for optimizations using gridsearch xi = mdp.numx.linspace(xm, xM, len(self.parameter_ranges[p1])) yi = mdp.numx.linspace(ym, yM, len(self.parameter_ranges[p2])) (x, y) = mdp.numx.meshgrid(self.parameter_ranges[p1], self.parameter_ranges[p2]) # Create an interpolation grid zi = mdp.numx.fliplr( pylab.griddata(x.flatten(), y.flatten(), errors_to_plot.flatten('F'), xi, yi)).T pylab.imshow(zi, cmap=pylab.jet(), interpolation='nearest', extent=self.get_extent(parameters), aspect="auto", axes=axes) pylab.xlabel(str(parameters[1][0]) + '.' + parameters[1][1]) pylab.ylabel(str(parameters[0][0]) + '.' + parameters[0][1]) if title is not None: pylab.suptitle(title) pylab.colorbar() if var_errors is not None and plot_variance: pylab.figure() pylab.imshow(mdp.numx.flipud(var_errors), cmap=cmap, interpolation='nearest', extent=self.get_extent(parameters), aspect="auto", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) pylab.xlabel(str(parameters[1][0]) + '.' + parameters[1][1]) pylab.ylabel(str(parameters[0][0]) + '.' + parameters[0][1]) pylab.suptitle('variance') pylab.colorbar() else: raise Exception("Too many parameter dimensions to plot: " + str(errors_to_plot.ndim))
pylab.imshow(dna > T) # apply a gaussian filter that smoothen the image dnaf = mh.gaussian_filter(dna, 8) dnat = dnaf > T pylab.gray() nuclei1 = dnat pylab.imshow(dnat) #labelling thereshold image labeled, nr_objects = mh.label(dnat) print nr_objects # output number of objects pylab.imshow(labeled) pylab.jet() # makes image colourful dnaf = mh.gaussian_filter(dnaf, 8) rmax = mh.regmax(dnaf) pylab.imshow(mh.overlay( dna, rmax)) # print dna and rmax (with second channel in red) # seeds only show when image is zoomed in dnaf = mh.gaussian_filter(dnaf, 16) # apply different filter to yield better result rmax = mh.regmax(dnaf) pylab.imshow(mh.overlay(dna, rmax)) seeds, nr_nuclei = mh.label(rmax) # nuclei count
# component = sta_small_visual_lin[:,:,b] #STA[:,:,b] # pl.figure() # im = pl.pcolormesh( component,vmin = 0,vmax = 255, cmap=cm.jet ) # #pl.contour(component) # pl.colorbar(im) # ax = pl.axes() # ax.set_yticklabels([]) # ax.set_xticklabels([]) # #ax.annotate(str(a+1), (.1, 1.2), bbox=dict(boxstyle="round, pad=0.3", fc="w"), size=52 ) # pl.savefig(finalfolder_lin+"/Small_STA-"+str(neurontag)+"-"+str(b)+"-g_.png",format='png', bbox_inches='tight') # del component print 'Saving mean image in lineal scale...' pl.figure() im = pl.pcolormesh(MEANSTA_lin,vmin = 0,vmax = 255, cmap=cm.jet) pl.jet() pl.colorbar(im) ax = pl.axes() ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) #ax.annotate(str(a+1), (.1, 1.2), bbox=dict(boxstyle="round, pad=0.3", fc="w"), size=52 ) pl.savefig(finalfolder_lin+"/MEANSTA-g_"+str(neurontag)+".png",format='png', bbox_inches='tight') # del ax print 'CELL ' + timestampName + ' FINISHED!!!' print '-----------------------END---------------------------' del STA_desp del STA del stavisual_lin del spikeframe_matrix
def main(infile): img = mahotas.imread(infile) infile = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(infile))[0] blue_component = img[:,:,B] pylab.gray() k = 3 f = ndimage.gaussian_filter(blue_component, 12) if DEBUG: print 'Procesando imagen %s usando canal azul' % (infile) mahotas.imsave('00%s-input.jpg' % infile, f) clustered = segment_kmeans(f, k) clustered[clustered == k-1] = 0 mask = ndimage.binary_fill_holes(clustered) if DEBUG: print 'Segmentacion inicial k-means con k=%d' % k mahotas.imsave('01kmeans1%s.jpg' % infile, mask) masked = f * mask if DEBUG: mahotas.imsave('02masked%s.jpg' % infile, masked) k = 4 clustered2 = segment_kmeans(masked, k) if DEBUG: print 'Resegmentacion k-means con k=%d' % k mahotas.imsave('03kmeans2%s.jpg' % infile, clustered2) clustered2[(clustered2 != k-2)] = 0 clustered2[(clustered2 == k-2)] = 1 if DEBUG: mahotas.imsave('04kmeans2binary%s.jpg' % infile, clustered2) clustered2 = ndimage.binary_fill_holes(clustered2) labeled, _ = mahotas.label(mask) if DEBUG: print 'Etiquetando imagen segmentacion inicial k-means' mahotas.imsave('05kmeans2noholes%s.jpg' % infile, clustered2) mahotas.imsave('06kmeans2labeled%s.jpg' % infile, labeled) while True: min_max = raw_input('label1 min,max? ') try: min_max = min_max.strip().split(',') min_ = int(min_max[0]) max_ = int(min_max[1]) except: break labeled1 = remove_by_size(labeled, min_, max_) mahotas.imsave('07labeled1f%d,%d%s.jpg' % (min_, max_, infile), labeled1) labeled, _ = mahotas.label(clustered2) labeled2 = remove_by_size(labeled, 1600, 23000) if DEBUG: print 'Etiquetando imagen re-segmentacion k-means' mahotas.imsave('08labeled2f%s.jpg' % infile, labeled) mahotas.imsave('09labeled2f%s.jpg' % infile, labeled2) combined = labeled1 + labeled2 labeled_to_binary(combined) if DEBUG: mahotas.imsave('10combined%s.jpg' % infile, combined) combined = ndimage.binary_fill_holes(combined) if DEBUG: mahotas.imsave('11combined_noholes%s.jpg' % infile, combined) borders = mahotas.labeled.borders(mahotas.label(combined)[0]) cells = f * combined cells[cells == 0] = 255 if DEBUG: mahotas.imsave('12maskedcellsw%s.jpg' % infile, cells) rmin = mahotas.regmin(cells) seeds, nr_nuclei = mahotas.label(rmin) if DEBUG: mahotas.imsave( '13gscale-final%s.jpg' % infile, pymorph.overlay(blue_component, rmin, borders) ) img2 = np.copy(img) img2[borders] = [0,0,0] img2[rmin] = [5,250,42] mahotas.imsave('14%s-outputcells.jpg' % (infile), img2) #watershed gradient = ndimage.morphology.morphological_gradient(combined, size=(3,3)) gradient = gradient.astype(np.uint8) if DEBUG: print 'Watershed' mahotas.imsave('15%s-gradient.jpg' % infile, gradient) wshed, lines = mahotas.cwatershed(gradient, seeds, return_lines=True) pylab.jet() if DEBUG: mahotas.imsave('16wshed.jpg', wshed) ncells = len(np.unique(wshed)) - 1 print '%d cells.' % ncells borders = mahotas.labeled.borders(wshed) img[borders] = [0,0,0] img[rmin] = [5,250,42] mahotas.imsave('17%s-output-%dcells.jpg' % (infile, ncells), img)
def calculaSTA(args): start, finish = args if finish > endUnit: finish = endUnit for kunit in range(start,finish): timestampName = per_row[kunit] if characterization[kunit] > 0: print 'Analysing Unit ',timestampName #, ' loop :', c ,' unit n ', c + startUnit #-------------------------------------------------------- # get spike time stamps from file #-------------------------------------------------------- neurontag = timestampName # tag or number of cell rastercelulatxtfile = timefolder + timestampName +'.txt' timestamps = npy.loadtxt(rastercelulatxtfile) # text file containing time spikes in datapoints neuronresultfolder_lin = str(neurontag)+'_lineal' try: os.mkdir( outputFolder+neuronresultfolder_lin ) # create the folder except OSError: pass finalfolder_lin = outputFolder+neuronresultfolder_lin #print 'size time stamps vector: ', len(timestamps) #, 'x',len(timestamps[0]) #-------------------------------------------------------- # get time spikes depending of the stimulus start (frame do not start in time=0) #-------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------- # Conversion of spike times from seconds to POINTS: #-------------------------------------------------------- vector_spikes = timestamps[:]*samplingRate # without first id zero column (1 COLUMMN) #vector_spikes = timestamps[:] # without first id zero column (1 COLUMMN) stimei = [] # initialize time spike index depending of image time spikeframe_matrix = npy.zeros( (len(vector_spikes), 4) ) # [spike time, frame id, ini time frame, end time frame] #-------------------------------------------------------- # convert stimes (SPIKE TIMES) to frame indexes (image index): #-------------------------------------------------------- primer_frame = 0 frame_ant = 0 #print 'Get the spike triggered stimuli indices: \n' contator = 0 contator2 = 0 totalcont = len(vector_spikes) * len(range(primer_frame, lenSyncFile)) for punto_spike in vector_spikes: # WTF is this? condicion = 1 for i in range(primer_frame, lenSyncFile): if (vector_inicio_frame[i] < punto_spike) & (punto_spike <= vector_fin_frame[i]): # if the spike time is into a frame time points (start and ends) spikeframe_matrix[contator,0] = punto_spike spikeframe_matrix[contator,1] = vector_fin_frame[i] spikeframe_matrix[contator,2] = inicio_fin_frame[i,0] spikeframe_matrix[contator,3] = inicio_fin_frame[i,1] stimei.append(i) frame_ant = i break contator += 1 # WTF is this? Comentario idiota sys.stdout.write("\r%d%%" %contator2) sys.stdout.flush() contator2 = contator * 100 // ( 1.0 * len(vector_spikes) ) primer_frame = frame_ant #print '\n' # WTF? limite3 = len(stimei) print "Nro de frames: ", limite3 #print 'length frames times vector', lenSyncFile #print "length time stamps vector: ", len(timestamps) #print "length spike triggered stimuli time i vector: ", len(stimei) #-------------------------------------------------------- # STA Algorithm #-------------------------------------------------------- #------------------- ALGORITHM TYPE 1---------------------- if(tipoalgoritmo == 1): sta_1() #------------------- ALGORITHM TYPE 2---------------------- if(tipoalgoritmo == 2): # sequentially algorithm sta_2() dosmall = 0 #------------------- ALGORITHM TYPE 3---------------------- if(tipoalgoritmo == 3): # LOAD CHUNKS OF FRAMES AND CALCULATES THE STA SEQUENTIALLY sta_3() #=============================================================================== #------------------- ALGORITHM TYPE 4---------------------- if(tipoalgoritmo == 4): # LOAD entire matrix stimuli AND CALCULATES THE STA SEQUENTIALLY STA , stavisual_lin , MEANSTA_lin, STA_desp, acumula = sta_4(stimei) #---------------------------------------------------- # save spike time stamp and frame index #---------------------------------------------------- spikeframe_matrix_array = npy.array(spikeframe_matrix) spikeframe_filename = "spikeframe_matrix"+str(neurontag) #print "Save spike frame matrix as mat file: ",spikeframe_filename'/'+spikeframe_filename+'.mat',mdict={'spikeframe_matrix':spikeframe_matrix_array},oned_as='column') #---------------------------------------------------- # save true STA matrix (NON SCALED for visual plot) #---------------------------------------------------- STA_array = npy.array(STA) cadena_texto = "sta_array_"+str(neurontag) #print "Saving NON rescaled STA as mat file: ",cadena_texto'/'+cadena_texto+'.mat',mdict={'STA_array':STA_array},oned_as='column') #---------------------------------------------------- # save visual STA matrix ( RE SCALED for visual plot) #---------------------------------------------------- stavisual_lin_array = npy.array(stavisual_lin) cadena_texto = "stavisual_lin_array_"+str(neurontag) #print "Saving visual STA (lineal) as mat file: ",cadena_texto'/'+cadena_texto+'.mat',mdict={'STAarray_lin':stavisual_lin_array},oned_as='column') #print 'Saving images in lineal scale...' plt.clf() fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(12,10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(3,6,1) component = stavisual_lin[:,:,0] ax.pcolormesh( component,vmin = 0,vmax = 255, cmap=cm.jet ) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_aspect(1) kcontador = 2 #casep, cambio de 17 a framesNumber-1 para prevenir "out of bounds" al procesar menos de 18+2 frames for ksubplot in range(framesNumber-1): ax = fig.add_subplot(3,6,kcontador) component = stavisual_lin[:,:,kcontador-1] ax.pcolormesh( component,vmin = 0,vmax = 255, cmap=cm.jet ) ax.set_aspect(1) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) kcontador+=1 plt.savefig(finalfolder_lin+"/STA-"+str(neurontag)+"_.png",format='png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.savefig(outputFolder+"STA-"+str(neurontag)+"_.png",format='png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf() plt.close() #------------------------------------------------------ #print 'Saving mean image in lineal scale...' pl.figure() im = pl.pcolormesh(MEANSTA_lin,vmin = 0,vmax = 255, cmap=cm.jet) pl.jet() pl.colorbar(im) ax = pl.axes() ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) pl.savefig(finalfolder_lin+"/MEANSTA-g_"+str(neurontag)+".png",format='png', bbox_inches='tight') pl.close() print 'CELL ' + timestampName + ' FINISHED!!!' del STA_desp del STA del stavisual_lin del spikeframe_matrix del acumula
#print img_bin,stats.mode(img_bin,axis=None) #print img_bin,np.max(img_bin) # binary again #img_bin = filters.maximum_filter(img_bin,7) #img_bin = filter.threshold_adaptive(img_bin,7) #img_bin[img_bin>0]=255 Image.fromarray(uint8(img_bin)).save('feature_points.png') figure(); gray(); # don't use colors # show the two pics on 1*2 frame #subplot(1,3,1) imshow(img_gray) #subplot(1,3,2) figure(); gray(); # don't use colors imshow(img_bin) figure(); gray(); # don't use colors imshow(img_bin_words) #subplot(1,3,3) #imshow(labeled_array) #ob = labeled_array[obj_list[100]] figure(); gray(); # don't use colors imshow(labeled_array) # starts the figure GUI and raises the figure windows jet() show()
def clickScat(array2d, array3d, xScat=None, xerror3d=None, yerror3d=None, array3d2=None, xerror3d2=None, yerror3d2=None, fn=None, xMap=None, yMap=None, modelError=False, ylimScat=None): """ figureHandles=clickScat(array2d, array3d, xScat=None, xerror3d=None, yerror3d=None, array3d2=None, xerror3d2=None, yerror3d2=None, fn=None, xMap=None, yMap=None): xScat: x-axis variables for Scatter Plot. Has to be the same length as last dimension of array3d.shape[2] xerror3d: errorbars for x-axis. two sided. fn:'annual' """ import insar dateaxis=False; if xScat is None: xScat=np.r_[0:array3d.shape[2]]; elif isinstance(xScat[0], xScat=P.matplotlib.dates.date2num(xScat); dateaxis=True; def onclick(event): P.figure(fh.number); P.clf(); #ax = P.gca() #inv = ax.transData.inverted() #A=inv.transform((event.x, event.y)) #A[1][1])*array2d.shape[1])) #A[0][0])*array2d.shape[0])) try: y=np.round(event.xdata); except: return x=np.round(event.ydata); #ARRAY MAPPING IS first axis y(rows) and second axis is cols (x) if all(np.isnan(array3d[x, y,:])): #if there are no points to plot (all nan) then return return #Plot second scatter data. if array3d2 is not None: if isinstance(array3d2, list): if yerror3d is None: w=np.ones(array3d[x, y,:].shape); else: w=basic.rescale(1./yerror3d[x,y,:], [1,2]) markers=['*','+','s','d','x','v','<','>','^'] m=0; for arr in array3d2: print ("%d, %d, %d" % (x,y,m)) P.scatter(xScat, arr[x, y,:], marker=markers[m]); idx=~( np.isnan(arr[x, y,:]) | np.isnan(array3d[x, y,:])) #c=insar.crosscorrelate(basic.nonan(w[idx]*arr[x, y,idx]),basic.nonan(w[idx]*array3d[x, y,idx])) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress(basic.nonan(w[idx]*arr[x, y,idx]), basic.nonan(w[idx]*array3d[x, y,idx])) P.annotate(str("r2[%s]: %0.2f" % (markers[m],r_value)), (0,0.9-m*0.05), xycoords='axes fraction') m=m+1; else: if xerror3d2 is None: xerr=None; else: xerr=xerror3d2[x,y,:] if yerror3d2 is None: yerr=None; else: yerr=yerror3d2[x, y,:] P.errorbar(xScat,array3d2[x, y,:], xerr=xerr, yerr=yerr, marker='*', fmt='o'); #Plot function result as scatter data. p=None if fn is not None: if fn=='linear_amplitude_annual': dataMask=~np.isnan(array3d[x, y,:]) p0=np.array([1,0,0,basic.nonan(array3d[x, y,:]).mean() ]) fitfun=lambda p: (p[0]+p[1]*xScat[dataMask]/365. )* np.cos(2*np.pi*xScat[dataMask]/365.+p[2]) + p[3] xScat2=np.linspace(xScat.min(),xScat.max()) fitfun2=lambda p: (p[0]+p[1]*xScat2/365.) * np.cos(2*np.pi*xScat2/365.+p[2]) + p[3] #errfun=lambda p: sum(abs(basic.nonan(array3d[x, y,:])-fitfun(p))); if yerror3d is None: w=np.ones(array3d[x, y,:].shape); else: w=basic.rescale(1./yerror3d[x,y,:], [1,2]) errfun=lambda p: basic.nonan(w*array3d[x, y,:])-w[dataMask]*fitfun(p); #p=scipy.optimize.fmin_powell(errfun, p0) p=scipy.optimize.leastsq(errfun, p0); p=p[0]; P.scatter(xScat[dataMask], fitfun(p), marker='^'); sortedxy= np.squeeze(np.dstack([xScat2, fitfun2(p)])); sortedxy=sortedxy[sortedxy[:,0].argsort(),:] P.plot(sortedxy[:,0], sortedxy[:,1]); slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress(basic.nonan(w*array3d[x, y,:]),w[dataMask]*fitfun(p)) P.annotate(str("a0:%0.2f\na1:%0.2f\npha:%0.2f\nbias:%0.2f\nr2:%0.2f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], r_value**2.)), (0.8,0.8), xycoords='axes fraction') elif fn=='quadratic_amplitude_annual': dataMask=~np.isnan(array3d[x, y,:]) p0=np.array([1,0,0,0,basic.nonan(array3d[x, y,:]).mean() ]) fitfun=lambda p: (p[0]+p[1]*xScat[dataMask]/365.+p[2]*(xScat[dataMask]/365.)**2. )* np.cos(2*np.pi*xScat[dataMask]/365.+p[3]) + p[4] xScat2=np.linspace(xScat.min(),xScat.max()) fitfun2=lambda p: (p[0]+p[1]*xScat2/365.+p[2]*(xScat2/365.)**2.) * np.cos(2*np.pi*xScat2/365.+p[3]) + p[4] #errfun=lambda p: sum(abs(basic.nonan(array3d[x, y,:])-fitfun(p))); if yerror3d is None: w=np.ones(array3d[x, y,:].shape); else: w=basic.rescale(1./yerror3d[x,y,:], [1,2]) errfun=lambda p: basic.nonan(w*array3d[x, y,:])-w[dataMask]*fitfun(p); #p=scipy.optimize.fmin_powell(errfun, p0) p=scipy.optimize.leastsq(errfun, p0); p=p[0]; P.scatter(xScat[dataMask], fitfun(p), marker='^'); sortedxy= np.squeeze(np.dstack([xScat2, fitfun2(p)])); sortedxy=sortedxy[sortedxy[:,0].argsort(),:] P.plot(sortedxy[:,0], sortedxy[:,1]); slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress(basic.nonan(w*array3d[x, y,:]),w[dataMask]*fitfun(p)) P.annotate(str("a0:%0.2f\na1:%0.2f\na2:%0.2f\npha:%0.2f\nbias:%0.2f\nr2:%0.2f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], r_value**2.)), (0.8,0.8), xycoords='axes fraction') elif fn=='annual': dataMask=~np.isnan(array3d[x, y,:]) p0=np.array([1,1,basic.nonan(array3d[x, y,:]).mean() ]) fitfun=lambda p: p[0]* np.cos(2*np.pi*xScat[dataMask]/365.+p[1]) + p[2] xScat2=np.linspace(xScat.min(),xScat.max()) fitfun2=lambda p: p[0]* np.cos(2*np.pi*xScat2/365.+p[1]) + p[2] #errfun=lambda p: sum(abs(basic.nonan(array3d[x, y,:])-fitfun(p))); if yerror3d is None: w=np.ones(array3d[x, y,:].shape); else: w=basic.rescale(1./yerror3d[x,y,:], [1,2]) errfun=lambda p: basic.nonan(w*array3d[x, y,:])-w[dataMask]*fitfun(p); #p=scipy.optimize.fmin_powell(errfun, p0) p=scipy.optimize.leastsq(errfun, p0); p=p[0]; P.scatter(xScat[dataMask], fitfun(p), marker='^'); sortedxy= np.squeeze(np.dstack([xScat2, fitfun2(p)])); sortedxy=sortedxy[sortedxy[:,0].argsort(),:] P.plot(sortedxy[:,0], sortedxy[:,1]); slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress(basic.nonan(w*array3d[x, y,:]),w[dataMask]*fitfun(p)) P.annotate(str("amp:%0.2f\npha:%0.2f\nbias:%0.2f\nr2:%0.2f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2], r_value**2.)), (0.8,0.8), xycoords='axes fraction') else: p=None P.scatter(xScat, fn(xScat), marker='^'); #convert axis to date... if dateaxis: try: P.figure(fh.number).axes[0].xaxis_date(tz=None) P.figure(fh.number).autofmt_xdate() except: pass #change x y to xMap, yMap if yMap is not None: xM=ya*x+yb; else: xM=x; if xMap is not None: yM=xa*(y)+xb; else: yM=y; #x and y are flipped in the try/except block above. So Flip again. #if p is not None: # P.title("x,y,[]: " + str(yM) + ", " + str(xM) + ', ' + str(p) ) #else: P.title("x,y,z,z.std: " + str(yM) + ", " + str(xM) + ', ' + str(array2d[x,y]) +', ' + str(np.std(basic.nonan(array3d[x, y,:]))) ) # rotate and align the tick labels so they look better #P.figure(fh.number).autofmt_xdate() # use a more precise date string for the x axis locations in the # toolbar #P.gca().fmt_xdata = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d') if xerror3d is None: xerr=None; else: xerr=xerror3d[x,y,:] if yerror3d is None: yerr=None; else: yerr=yerror3d[x, y,:] if modelError: yerr=yerror3d[x, y,:] yerr[dataMask]=errfun(p) P.errorbar(xScat,array3d[x, y,:], xerr=xerr, yerr=yerr, fmt='ro'); if ylimScat is not None: P.ylim(ylimScat); ################################## ## END OF PLOTTING ################################## s=array2d[~np.isnan(array2d)].std(); m=array2d[~np.isnan(array2d)].mean(); fig=P.figure();ax=fig.add_subplot(111);ax.matshow(array2d, vmin=m-s, vmax=m+s); #fig=P.figure();ax=fig.add_subplot(111);ax.matshow(basic.wrapToInt(array2d, s), vmin=-s, vmax=s); if xMap is not None: ticks=ax.get_xticks(); (xa,xb)=np.polyfit(np.r_[0:len(xMap)],xMap,1) ax.set_xticklabels(np.around(xa*ticks+xb,4)); if yMap is not None: ticks=ax.get_yticks(); (ya,yb)=np.polyfit(np.r_[len(yMap):0:-1],yMap,1) ax.set_yticklabels(np.around(ya*ticks+yb,4)); #P.colorbar(); cax,kw=P.matplotlib.colorbar.make_axes(ax,orientation='vertical') P.matplotlib.colorbar.ColorbarBase(cax, cmap=P.jet(), norm=P.normalize(vmin=m-s,vmax=m+s), orientation='vertical') fh=P.figure(); #should be accessible in child function? fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick); return (fig,fh)
data = np.loadtxt('velocities.txt') # some constants n = 1000 a = 0 b = int(100) h = (b - a) / n def f(t): # find our appropriate y values for our x's t = int(t) return data[t, 1] bum = (f(a) + f(b)) / 2 glum = 0 for k in range(1, n - 1): glum += f(a + k * h) integral = (glum + bum) * h print("integral =", integral) for i in range(0, 100): py.plot(data[i, 0], data[i, 1], 'ko') py.jet() py.colorbar
#--------------------------------------- # Matrix of Frequencies #--------------------------------------- npos = len(target_abego) posfreq = np.zeros((npos, 20)) #print seq_pos for pos in range(npos): for j, aa in enumerate(aa_list): posfreq[pos, j] = seq_pos[pos][aa] import matplotlib.colors as colors dim1, dim2 = posfreq.shape #print posfreq plt.figure() plt.pcolor(posfreq, cmap=plt.jet()) plt.xticks(np.arange(0.5, dim2 + 0.5, 1)) plt.yticks(np.arange(0.5, dim1 + 0.5, 1)) plt.gca().set_xticklabels(aa_list) ylabel = [] for i in range(dim1): ylabel.append('%i.%s' % (i, target_abego[i])) plt.gca().set_yticklabels(ylabel) plt.colorbar()
for i in range(row): for k in range(col): # distances to point charges # r1 coords are (4.5, 5.0) # r2 coords are (5.5, 5.0) r1 = sqrt((4.5 - i)**2 + (5.0 - k)**2) r2 = sqrt((5.5 - i)**2 + (5.0 - k)**2) field[i, k] = (q1 * k / r1) + (q2 * k / r2) part = input(str("Enter which part (a, b, or c): ")) if part in ['a']: clf() imshow(field, origin='lower') jet() colorbar() show() if part in ['b']: h = 1e-3 pdiff_x = zeros((row, col)) pdiff_y = zeros((row, col)) for i in range(2, 9): # derivative of all values in left column two data points to one data point pdiff_x[:, i] = ((field[:, i - 2] - field[:, i + 2]) / 12 + (field[:, i + 1] - field[:, i - 1]) / 3) / h # central difference derivative
def sta_each( getimagenames,openimagesandwrite,calculatemeanrf,tipoalgoritmo,timestampName ,stafolder ,imageruta ,imagefolder ,imagefiltro ,timefolder ,samplingRate ,numberframes ,numberframespost , synchronyfile ,sizex ,sizey, dolog): #============================================= # GET INPUTS: initial options #============================================= # # LOAD DE IMAGE NAME LIST WITH THE STIMULUS ENSEMBLE # getimagenames = int(sys.argv[1]) #0 # # DO TESTS FOR READ AND WRITE IMAGES # openimagesandwrite = int(sys.argv[2]) #0 # # LOAD ALL THE IMAGES FROM THE STIMULOS ENSEMBLE AND CALCULATE THE MEAN STIMULUS # calculatemeanrf = int(sys.argv[3]) #0 # # defines how to do the STA process: # # 1 for load all spike triggered stimuli, 2 for sequentially load # tipoalgoritmo = int(sys.argv[4]) #2 # # DEFINE THE NAME OF THE TXT FILE WITH TIME STAMPS FOR LOAD: # timestampName = (sys.argv[5]) #C1a # ============================================= # SET OTHERS OPTIONS # ============================================= # FOLDER NAME TO SAVE EACH FOLDER RESULTS # stafolder = 'STA_datos0005' # # FOLDER NAME TO LOAD STIMULUS ENSEMBLE: IMAGE STIMULUS FOLDER # imageruta = 'D:/' # imagefolder = 'checkImages' # imagefiltro = '*.png' # # SPIKE TIME STAMPS FOLDER FOR LOAD SPIKE TRAINS # timefolder = 'TS_datos0005/' # # SET THE ADQUISITION SAMPLING RATE OF THE RECORDS # samplingRate = 20000 # Hz # # SET THE NUMBER OF FRAMES BEFORE AND AFTER A SPIKE TO ANALIZE: # # number of frames previous to each spike for STA windows # numberframes = 13 # # number of frames posterior to each spike for STA windows # numberframespost = 5 # # SET THE NAME OF THE STIMULUS SYNCHRONY ANALYSIS FILE # # IT CONTAINS THE INITIAL AND FINAL TIME STAMPS OF EACH FRAME # synchronyfile = 'inicio_fin_frame_datos0005.txt' inicio_fin_frame = np.loadtxt(synchronyfile) # # SET THE SIZE OF EACH FRAME IN PIXELS # sizex = 380 #500 #750 # sizey = 380 #500 #700 # # set if do logarithm analysis for plot: # dolog = 0 print '---------------------BEGIN---------------------------' #-------------------------------------------------------- # creates STA result folder # if folder "STA" don't exist, create the folder #-------------------------------------------------------- try: os.mkdir( stafolder ) except OSError: pass #============================================================ # Get the image names (optional) # This stage is performed the first time of analysis only. # For each different stimuli ensemble files, this list has # been created the first time of analysis once. #============================================================ #getimagenames = 0 if(getimagenames == 1): #-------------------------------------------------------- # get image file names from folder #-------------------------------------------------------- #imageruta = '../../VIRTUALWIN/cinv_datos_05-06-2013/' #imageruta = '../cinv_datos23-4-2013/' #imageruta = '/media/Datos/STA_RVM/Datos 13-11-2013/' #Se aplica el mismo estimulo de la semana anterior #imageruta = 'D:\Users\ALIEN3\Desktop/' # imageruta = 'D:/' # #imagefolder = 'random blanco y negro, cuadrados de 40x40 pixeles' # imagefolder = 'checkImages' # imagefiltro = '*.png' globstring = imageruta + imagefolder +'/'+ imagefiltro imagefilenames = glob.glob(globstring) # get file names from folder imagefilenames.sort() print "\t length imagefilenames: ", len(imagefilenames) print "\t last imagefilenames : ",imagefilenames[len(imagefilenames)-1] #-------------------------------------------------------- # save image name list to matlab file #-------------------------------------------------------- ifn = np.array(imagefilenames) cadena_texto = "image_filenames" print "\t Saving image names as mat file: ",cadena_texto'/'+cadena_texto+'.mat',mdict={'ifn':ifn},oned_as='column') #-------------------------------------------------------- # save image name list to txt file #-------------------------------------------------------- try: print "\t Saving image names as mat txt: ",cadena_texto configFile = open(stafolder+'/'+cadena_texto+'.txt', 'w') for parameter in ifn: configFile.write( ''+str(parameter)+' \n' ) configFile.close except OSError: pass #-------------------------------------------------------- # load image file names list: # (the file should exist before) #-------------------------------------------------------- cadena_texto = "image_filenames" #print "\t Loading image names from mat file: ",cadena_texto contenedor ='/'+cadena_texto+'.mat') ifn2 = contenedor['ifn'] del contenedor # print "\t length imagefilenames: ", len(ifn2 ) # print "\t last imagefilenames : ",ifn2 [len(ifn2 )-1] # print "\n" #============================================================ # Load images and write each image as a vector: # This stage is only a test for load and save images from # original stimuli images. # The important issue is to load correctly images for the # use of all information of each frame, using grey scale or # RGB or others channels. #============================================================ #openimagesandwrite = 0 if(openimagesandwrite == 1): stimuli =[] # initialize stimuli matrix to keep images as vectors contador = 0 # to get a defined number of images (abac) limite = 5 # define the number of images to load using the image file name list imagefilenames = ifn2 for line in imagefilenames: print '\t Loading stimuli: '+ line # show inline image name #-------------------------------------------------------- # load as gray scale image: #-------------------------------------------------------- imagen = scim.imread(line, flatten = True) # read one image as gray scale tamanox = len(imagen) tamanoy = len(imagen[0]) tamanomin = np.min([tamanox,tamanoy]) print '\t size imagen : ', tamanox, 'x',tamanoy imagenvector = np.zeros( ( 1,tamanomin*tamanomin ) ) # initialize vector for keep image k = 0 for i in range(tamanomin): # over image x,y coordinates, for keep image matrix as row vector for j in range(tamanomin): imagenvector[0,k] = imagen[i,j] # keep one image pixel as one vector element k = k+1 # for next element stimuli.append( imagenvector ) # add image row vector and a group in a big matrix [MxN] saveplot = 1 if saveplot: pl.figure() im = pl.imshow(imagen,interpolation = 'none') pl.gray() #pl.clim(mini,maxi) pl.contour(imagen) pl.colorbar(im) ax = pl.axes() ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) #ax.annotate(str(a+1), (.1, 1.2), bbox=dict(boxstyle="round, pad=0.3", fc="w"), size=52 ) pl.savefig(stafolder+"/gray_frame-"+str(contador)+"-g.png",format='png', bbox_inches='tight') contador = contador + 1 # counting images of the ensemble if contador==limite: break #============================================================ # Calculate the mean frame image for the entire stimuli # ensemble. This calculation can be performed in one big load # or sequentially. #============================================================ #calculatemeanrf = 0 if(calculatemeanrf==1): #--------------------------------------------------- # get all images and calculate the mean frame image #--------------------------------------------------- limite2 = len(ifn)-1 #100000 contador = 0 #tamanomin = 700 imagenvector = np.zeros( ( 1 ,tamanomin*tamanomin ) ) vectoracumula = imagenvector #tamanox = 700 #tamanoy = 750 imagenacumula = np.zeros( ( tamanox , tamanoy ) ) for line in imagefilenames: print 'load id: ', contador #,' Loading stimuli: '+line # show inline image name #-------------------------------------------------------- # load as gray scale image: #-------------------------------------------------------- imagen = scim.imread(line, flatten=True) # read one image as grayscale imagenacumula = imagenacumula + imagen #stimuli.append( imagenvector ) # add image row vector and add to bigmatrix [MxN] contador = contador + 1 # counting images of the ensemble if contador==limite2: break meanimage = imagenacumula // (limite2*1.0) meanimagearray = np.array(meanimage) cadena_texto = "mean_image" print "\t Saving mean image as mat file: ",cadena_texto'/'+cadena_texto+'.mat',mdict ={'meanimagearray':meanimagearray},oned_as='column') #-------------------------------------------------------- # save mean frame as image: #-------------------------------------------------------- pl.figure() #im = pl.imshow(component,interpolation='bicubic') im = pl.imshow(meanimage,interpolation = 'none') pl.gray() #pl.clim(mini,maxi) pl.contour(meanimage) pl.colorbar(im) ax = pl.axes() ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) #ax.annotate(str(a+1), (.1, 1.2), bbox=dict(boxstyle="round, pad=0.3", fc="w"), size=52 ) pl.savefig(stafolder+"/mean_gray_frame-g.png",format='png', bbox_inches='tight') #============================================================ # DO STA #============================================================ #-------------------------------------------------------- # get spike time stamps from file #-------------------------------------------------------- #timefolder = 'ss_dMCD_fs20_nb1218_f2_CINV-25-06-2013-RANDOM-1/' # timefolder = 'TS_datos0001/' # nb = 1218 # number of blocks # e = 15 # 10 #9 #8 # number of electrode # nc = 0 # 2 #0 # number of cluster #timestampName = 'M10a' #neurontag = 'e_'+timestampName # tag or number of cell neurontag = timestampName # tag or number of cell rastercelulatxtfile = timefolder + timestampName +'.txt' #rastercelulatxtfile = timestampName timestamps = np.loadtxt(rastercelulatxtfile) # text file containing time spikes in datapoints #limite3 = 820 #37928 #218 #800 # limit number of spikes to analize # neuronresultfolder_lin = 'cell_'+str(neurontag)+'_lineal' # neuronresultfolder_log = 'cell_'+str(neurontag)+'_log' neuronresultfolder_lin = str(neurontag)+'_lineal' neuronresultfolder_log = str(neurontag)+'_log' # CREATE SUBFOLDERS try: os.mkdir( stafolder+'/'+neuronresultfolder_lin ) # create the folder except OSError: pass if dolog ==1: try: os.mkdir( stafolder+'/'+neuronresultfolder_log ) # create the folder except OSError: pass finalfolder_lin = stafolder+'/'+neuronresultfolder_lin finalfolder_log = stafolder+'/'+neuronresultfolder_log #rastercelulatxtfile = timefolder+'isi_spktimes_nb'+str(nb)+'_e'+str(e)+'_nc'+str(nc)+'.txt' #rastercelulatxtfile = timefolder+'isi_spktimes_nb90_e17_nc0.txt' #rastercelulatxtfile = timefolder+'F1a.txt' #timestamps = np.loadtxt(rastercelulatxtfile) # text file containing time spikes in datapoints print 'size time stamps vector: ', len(timestamps) #, 'x',len(timestamps[0]) #-------------------------------------------------------- # set useful parameters #-------------------------------------------------------- # samplingRate = 20000 #20000 Hz # #frameinicio = 31199 #31855-671+2 #1.00385e6 # points, inicio de la presentacion de frames # #frameinicioms = 5.01925e4 # ms # #frameduracion = 334*2 #671 #668 #350 # points = (1.00455-1.0042)*10^6 # #frameduracionms = 17.5 # ms # numberframes = 13 # number of frames previous to each spike for STA windows # numberframespost = 5 # number of frames posterior to each spike for STA windows # inicio_fin_frame = np.loadtxt('inicio_fin_frame_datos0001.txt') #print (inicio_fin_frame) #-------------------------------------------------------- # get time spikes depending of the stimulus start (frame do not start in time=0) #-------------------------------------------------------- #timestamps2 = timestamps[timestamps[:,1]>frameinicio*2,1] #print 'size timestamps2: ', len(timestamps2) #stimes = (timestamps[:,1]-timeoffset)**(samplingRate/(1000*1.0)) # time spikes (second column of data) as vector #-------------------------------------------------------- # Conversion from microseconds to seconds #-------------------------------------------------------- #timestamps2 = timestamps[:,1]/1000000 #print timestamps2[100,1] #-------------------------------------------------------- # Conversion of spike times from seconds to POINTS: #-------------------------------------------------------- #vector_spikes = timestamps[:,1]*samplingRate vector_spikes = timestamps[:]*samplingRate # without first id zero column (1 COLUMMN) #vector_spikes = timestamps[:,1] #print vector_spikes #punto_spike = timestamps[:,1] #print inicio_fin_frame[:,0] vector_fin_frame = inicio_fin_frame[:,1] vector_inicio_frame = inicio_fin_frame[:,0] # initialize time spike index depending of image time stimei = [] spikeframe_matrix = np.zeros( (len(vector_spikes), 4) ) # [spike time, frame id, ini time frame, end time frame] #-------------------------------------------------------- # convert stimes (SPIKE TIMES) to frame indexes (image index): #-------------------------------------------------------- primer_frame = 0 frame_ant = 0 print 'first spike pos: ',vector_spikes[0],' last spike pos: ',vector_spikes[-1] print 'first frame begin at: ',inicio_fin_frame[0,0],' last frame ends at: ',inicio_fin_frame[-1,1] #print 'final: ',len(vector_spikes),' x ',len(vector_fin_frame),' = ',len(vector_spikes) * len(vector_fin_frame) print 'Get the spike triggered stimuli indices: \n' contator = 0 contator2 = 0 totalcont = len(vector_spikes) * len(range(primer_frame, len(vector_fin_frame))) for punto_spike in vector_spikes: for i in range(primer_frame, len(vector_fin_frame)): if (vector_inicio_frame[i] < punto_spike) & (punto_spike <= vector_fin_frame[i]): # if the spike time is into a frame time points (start and ends) #print '\npunto de inicio de frame:\t',inicio_fin_frame[i,0] #print 'punto de spike:\t\t\t',punto_spike #print 'punto de final de frame:\t',inicio_fin_frame[i,1] spikeframe_matrix[contator,0] = punto_spike spikeframe_matrix[contator,1] = vector_fin_frame[i] spikeframe_matrix[contator,2] = inicio_fin_frame[i,0] spikeframe_matrix[contator,3] = inicio_fin_frame[i,1] #print '\r punto_spike: ',punto_spike, ' i: ',i stimei.append(i) frame_ant = i #contator2 = contator * 100 // (1.0 * len(vector_spikes) * len(vector_fin_frame) ) #time.sleep(1) #sys.stdout.write("\r%d%%" %contator2, "%d%%" %contator) # or print >> sys.stdout, "\r%d%%" %i, sys.stdout.write("\r%d%%" %contator2) sys.stdout.flush() contator = contator + 1 # #contator2 = contator * 100 // (1.0 * len(vector_spikes) * len(vector_fin_frame) )/47*100 contator2 = contator * 100 // ( 1.0 * len(vector_spikes) ) primer_frame = frame_ant #print primer_frame print '\n' limite3 = len(stimei) print 'length frames times vector', len(vector_fin_frame) print "length time stamps vector: ", len(timestamps) print "length spike triggered stimuli time i vector: ", len(stimei) #puntos = 10 #print " timestamps: ", (timestamps[0:puntos,1]) #print " stimei: ", (stimei[0:puntos]) #-------------------------------------------------------- # load mean frame from mat file: #-------------------------------------------------------- cadena_texto = "mean_image" #print "\t Loading mean frame from mat file: ",cadena_texto contenedor ='/'+cadena_texto+'.mat') meanimagearray = contenedor['meanimagearray'] del contenedor #-------------------------------------------------------- # STA Algorithm #-------------------------------------------------------- #tipoalgoritmo = 2 #------------------- ALGORITHM TYPE 1---------------------- # LOAD ALL THE FRAMES ACCORDING TO THE TIME STAMPS OF THE CELL # NOT FUNCTIONAL ANYMORE if(tipoalgoritmo == 1): limite3 = len(stimei) kframe = 0 spk = np.zeros((500,500,numberframes,limite3)) for kiter in range(limite3): kframe = stimei[kiter] for b in range(numberframes): print ' kiter: ',kiter, ' kframe: ',kframe, ' b: ',b line = ifn2[kframe-(numberframes-1)+ b ] imagen = scim.imread(line, flatten=True) spk[:,:,b,kiter] = imagen - meanimagearray N = len(stimei) STA = ( np.add.reduce(spk,axis=3) / (1.0 * N) ) #sta = sum(spk, axis=1 (over column) ) / (1*Number_Spikes) MEANSTA = ( np.add.reduce(STA,axis=2) / (1.0 * numberframes) ) #------------------- ALGORITHM TYPE 2---------------------- # LOAD EACH FRAME AND CALCULATES THE STA SEQUENTIALLY if(tipoalgoritmo == 2): # sequentially algorithm kframe = 0 # sizex = 380 #500 #750 # sizey = 380 #500 #700 acumula = np.zeros((sizex,sizey,numberframes+numberframespost)) #timeProcessIni = time.time() print 'Get the spike triggered stimuli: \n ' for kiter in range(limite3): timeProcessIni = time.time() kframe = stimei[kiter] for b in range(numberframes+numberframespost): #print 'b ',b line = ifn2[kframe-(numberframes-1)+ b] imagen = scim.imread( line, flatten=True ) #spk[:,:,b,kiter] = imagen acumula[:,:,b] = acumula[:,:,b] + (imagen - meanimagearray) if kiter > len(stimei): break timeProcessFin = time.time() tiempoDiferencia = timeProcessFin - timeProcessIni #print '\r kiter: ',kiter, ' kframe: ',kframe, ' ',"%.2f" % ((kiter+1)*100.0/limite3, ), ' % ' , (limite3 -(kiter+0)) * tiempoDiferencia/60, 'min' #sys.stdout.write("\r%d%%" %contator2) #sys.stdout.write("\r%d%% %d%%" %((kiter+1)*100.0/limite3) %(limite3 -(kiter+0)) * tiempoDiferencia/60) sys.stdout.write("\r%d%%" %((kiter+1)*100.0/limite3, ) ) #sys.stdout.write("\r%d%%" %((limite3 -(kiter+0)) * tiempoDiferencia/60 ) ) sys.stdout.flush() N = limite3 # len(stimei) STA = acumula // N print ' \n ' minimosta = np.min(np.min(np.min(STA))) maximosta = np.max(np.max(np.max(STA))) #print '\nmin sta ', minimosta, ' max sta ', maximosta if minimosta < 0: STA_desp = STA + np.abs(minimosta) # lineal shift if minimosta >= 0: STA_desp = STA - np.abs(minimosta) # lineal shift minimosta_desp = np.min(np.min(np.min(STA_desp))) maximosta_desp = np.max(np.max(np.max(STA_desp))) #print 'min sta with bias', minimosta_desp #print 'max sta with bias', maximosta_desp if dolog ==1: STA_log = log10(STA_desp + 1) # logarithmic normalization minimosta_log = np.min(np.min(np.min(STA_log))) maximosta_log = np.max(np.max(np.max(STA_log))) print 'min sta log ', minimosta_log print 'max sta log ', maximosta_log stavisual_lin = STA_desp*255 # it is visualized with lineal scale stavisual_lin = stavisual_lin // (maximosta_desp *1.0) # it is normalized with lineal scale #print 'min sta visual lineal', np.min(np.min(np.min(stavisual_lin))) #print 'max sta visual lineal', np.min(np.max(np.max(stavisual_lin))) if dolog ==1: stavisual_log = STA_log*255 # it is visualized with logarithmic scale stavisual_log = stavisual_log // (maximosta_log *1.0) # it is normalized with logarithmic scale print 'min sta visual log', np.min(np.min(np.min(stavisual_log))) print 'max sta visual log', np.min(np.max(np.max(stavisual_log))) # FINAL NORMALIZATION FOR THE MEAN STA MEANSTA_lin = ( np.add.reduce(stavisual_lin,axis=2) / (1.0 * (numberframes+numberframespost) ) ) if dolog ==1: MEANSTA_log = ( np.add.reduce(stavisual_log,axis=2) / (1.0 * (numberframes+numberframespost) ) ) #============================================================ #============================================================ print '\nsize STA: ',len(STA),'x',len(STA[0]),'x',len(STA[0][0]) #---------------------------------------------------- # save results #---------------------------------------------------- spikeframe_matrix_array = np.array(spikeframe_matrix) spikeframe_filename = "spikeframe_matrix"+str(neurontag) print "\t spikeframe_matrix as mat file: ",spikeframe_filename'/'+spikeframe_filename+'.mat',mdict={'spikeframe_matrix':spikeframe_matrix_array},oned_as='column') stavisual_lin_array = np.array(stavisual_lin) cadena_texto = "stavisual_lin_array_"+str(neurontag) print "\t Saving visual STA (lineal) as mat file: ",cadena_texto'/'+cadena_texto+'.mat',mdict={'STAarray_lin':stavisual_lin_array},oned_as='column') if dolog ==1: stavisual_log_array = np.array(stavisual_log) cadena_texto = "stavisual_log_array_"+str(neurontag) print "\t Saving visual STA (logarithmic) as mat file: ",cadena_texto'/'+cadena_texto+'.mat',mdict={'STAarray_log':stavisual_log_array},oned_as='column') # MEANSTAarray_lin = np.array(MEANSTA_lin) # cadena_texto = "MEANSTA_lin"+str(neurontag) # print "\t Saving STA as mat file: ",cadena_texto #'/'+cadena_texto+'.mat',mdict={'MEANSTAarray_lin':MEANSTAarray_lin},oned_as='column') # MEANSTAarray_log = np.array(MEANSTA_log) # cadena_texto = "MEANSTA_log"+str(neurontag) # print "\t Saving STA as mat file: ",cadena_texto #'/'+cadena_texto+'.mat',mdict={'MEANSTAarray_log':MEANSTAarray_log},oned_as='column') print '\nSaving images in lineal scale...' for b in range(numberframes+numberframespost): #print 'Image ', b sys.stdout.write("\r Image %d" %(b ) ) sys.stdout.flush() component = stavisual_lin[:,:,b] #STA[:,:,b] pl.figure() #im = pl.imshow(component,interpolation = 'none') #im = pl.pcolor( component,vmin = 0,vmax = 255, cmap=cm.jet ) im = pl.pcolormesh( component,vmin = 0,vmax = 255, cmap=cm.jet ) #pl.contour(component) pl.colorbar(im) ax = pl.axes() ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) #ax.annotate(str(a+1), (.1, 1.2), bbox=dict(boxstyle="round, pad=0.3", fc="w"), size=52 ) pl.savefig(finalfolder_lin+"/STA-"+str(neurontag)+"-"+str(b)+"-g_.png",format='png', bbox_inches='tight') #pl.savefig(stafolder+"/STA-"+str(neurontag)+"-"+str(b)+"-g_.jpg",format='jpg', bbox_inches='tight') #del pl del component if dolog ==1: print '\nSaving images in logarithmic scale...' for b in range(numberframes+numberframespost): #print 'Image ', b sys.stdout.write("\r Image %d" %(b ) ) sys.stdout.flush() component = stavisual_log[:,:,b] #STA[:,:,b] pl.figure() #im = pl.imshow(component,interpolation = 'none') #im = pl.pcolor(component,vmin = 0,vmax = 255, cmap=cm.jet) im = pl.pcolormesh( component,vmin = 0,vmax = 255, cmap=cm.jet ) #pl.contour(component) pl.colorbar(im) ax = pl.axes() ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) ####ax.annotate(str(a+1), (.1, 1.2), bbox=dict(boxstyle="round, pad=0.3", fc="w"), size=52 ) pl.savefig(finalfolder_log+"/STA-"+str(neurontag)+"-"+str(b)+"-g_.png",format='png', bbox_inches='tight') #pl.savefig(stafolder+"/STA-"+str(neurontag)+"-"+str(b)+"-g_.jpg",format='jpg', bbox_inches='tight')''' #del pl del component #for b in range(numberframes+numberframespost): # print 'Image ', b # component = stavisual_lin[:,:,b] # #im = pl.pcolor(component,vmin = 0,vmax = 255, cmap=cm.jet) # misc.imsave(finalfolder_lin+"/STA-"+str(neurontag)+"-"+str(b)+"-g_.png", component) # #plt.imshow(component) # # myImC ="/STA-"+str(neurontag)+"-"+str(b)+"-g_.png") # out = ImageChops.invert(myImC) #"/(inv)_STA-"+str(neurontag)+"-"+str(b)+"-g_.png") print '\nSaving mean image in lineal scale...' pl.figure() #im = pl.imshow(MEANSTA,interpolation = 'none') im = pl.pcolormesh(MEANSTA_lin,vmin = 0,vmax = 255, cmap=cm.jet) #pl.gray() pl.jet() #pl.contour(MEANSTA) pl.colorbar(im) ax = pl.axes() ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) #ax.annotate(str(a+1), (.1, 1.2), bbox=dict(boxstyle="round, pad=0.3", fc="w"), size=52 ) pl.savefig(finalfolder_lin+"/MEANSTA-g_"+str(neurontag)+".png",format='png', bbox_inches='tight') if dolog ==1: print 'Saving mean image in logarithmic scale...' pl.figure() #im = pl.imshow(MEANSTA,interpolation = 'none') im = pl.pcolormesh(MEANSTA_log,vmin = 0,vmax = 255, cmap=cm.jet) #pl.gray() pl.jet() #pl.contour(MEANSTA) pl.colorbar(im) ax = pl.axes() ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) #ax.annotate(str(a+1), (.1, 1.2), bbox=dict(boxstyle="round, pad=0.3", fc="w"), size=52 ) pl.savefig(finalfolder_log+"/MEANSTA-g_"+str(neurontag)+".png",format='png', bbox_inches='tight') # '''minim = np.min(np.min(MEANSTA)) # if minim < 0: # MEANSTA2 = MEANSTA + np.abs(minim) #lineal shift # if minim > 0: # MEANSTA2 = MEANSTA - np.abs(minim) #lineal shift # else: # MEANSTA2 = MEANSTA # minim2 = np.min(np.min(MEANSTA2)) # maxim = np.max(np.max(MEANSTA2)) # print 'minimo ', minim2 # print 'maximo ', maxim # meanvisual = MEANSTA2*255 # meanvisual = meanvisual // (maxim*1.0) # #print meanvisual # minim3 = np.min(np.min(meanvisual)) # maxim3 = np.max(np.max(meanvisual)) # print 'minimo visual', minim3 # print 'maximo visual', maxim3 # pl.figure() # #im = pl.imshow(meanvisual,interpolation = 'none') # im = pl.pcolor(meanvisual,vmin = 0,vmax = 255, cmap=cm.jet) # #pl.gray() # pl.jet() # #pl.contour(meanvisual) # pl.colorbar(im) # ax = pl.axes() # ax.set_yticklabels([]) # ax.set_xticklabels([]) # #ax.annotate(str(a+1), (.1, 1.2), bbox=dict(boxstyle="round, pad=0.3", fc="w"), size=52 ) # pl.savefig(finalfolder+"/MEANSTA2-g_"+str(neurontag)+".png",format='png', bbox_inches='tight')''' print 'CELL ' + timestampName + ' FINISHED!!!' print '-----------------------END---------------------------' del STA_desp del STA del stavisual_lin del spikeframe_matrix del imagen del acumula
# levels=levels, colors='gray') P.plot(r_floops, z_floops, 'ro') #P.plot(-r_floops, z_floops, 'ro') if 'tris' not in dir(): rzt, tris, pt = t3dinp('hitpops.05.t3d') #do_conf = False do_conf = True if do_conf: P.tricontourf(rzt[:, 0], rzt[:, 1], tris, beta, 1001, zorder=0) cticks = P.linspace(0.0, 0.2, 5) P.colorbar(ticks=cticks, format='%.2f') P.jet() #no_text = True no_text = False # whether to annotate in MA or MW show_MA = True if not no_text: # annotate coil powers for ii in xrange(n_b_coils): if i_floops[ii] >= 0: signum = '+' else: signum = '-' if show_MA: tdata = 1e-6 * i_floops[ii]
def main(path, marked_path=None): # images multiscale imgs_mscale = try_pickle_load(path) n_scales = len(imgs_mscale) imgs_s0 = imgs_mscale[0] # scale 1 image_shape = (imgs_s0.shape[2], imgs_s0.shape[3]) images_to_show = min(IMAGES_TO_SHOW, len(imgs_s0)) print "Images shape", imgs_s0.shape print "Number of images to show", images_to_show print "Number of scales", n_scales print "Requested image shape will be", image_shape n_rows = (1 + n_scales) * 2 perturbed_imgs = [np.empty((images_to_show, imgs.shape[1], imgs.shape[2], imgs.shape[3])) for imgs in imgs_mscale] perturbed_marks = None if marked_path is not None: marked_imgs = try_pickle_load(marked_path) perturbed_marks = np.empty((images_to_show, marked_imgs.shape[1], marked_imgs.shape[2])) for i in xrange(images_to_show): imgs_to_perturb = [img[i] for img in imgs_mscale] # if we loaded markings, add marked image to list of imgs to perturb if perturbed_marks is not None: imgs_to_perturb.append(marked_imgs[i]) ret_list = perturb_image(imgs_to_perturb, image_shape) for n_scale in range(n_scales): perturbed_imgs[n_scale][i] = ret_list[n_scale] if perturbed_marks is not None: perturbed_marks[i] = ret_list[n_scales] for i, imgs in enumerate(imgs_mscale): for j in xrange(images_to_show): pylab.subplot(n_rows, images_to_show, i * images_to_show + j + 1) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(imgs[j, CHANNEL, :, :]) pylab.gray() # set colormap for ind, imgs in enumerate(perturbed_imgs): i = n_scales + ind for j in xrange(images_to_show): pylab.subplot(n_rows, images_to_show, i * images_to_show + j + 1) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(imgs[j, CHANNEL, :, :]) pylab.gray() if perturbed_marks is not None: for j in xrange(images_to_show): pylab.subplot(n_rows, images_to_show, (2*n_scales+0) * images_to_show + j + 1) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(marked_imgs[j, :, :]) pylab.jet() pylab.subplot(n_rows, images_to_show, (2*n_scales+1) * images_to_show + j + 1) pylab.axis('off') pylab.imshow(perturbed_marks[j, :, :]) pylab.jet()
#! populations recorded. vmn = [-80, -80, -80, -80] vmx = [-50, -50, -50, -50] nest.Simulate(Params['sim_interval']) #! loop over simulation intervals for t in pylab.arange(Params['sim_interval'], Params['simtime'], Params['sim_interval']): # do the simulation nest.Simulate(Params['sim_interval']) # clear figure and choose colormap pylab.clf() pylab.jet() # now plot data from each recorder in turn, assume four recorders for name, r in recorders.iteritems(): rec = r[0] sp = r[1] pylab.subplot(2, 2, sp) d = nest.GetStatus(rec)[0]['events']['V_m'] if len(d) != Params['N']**2: # cortical layer with two neurons in each location, take average d = 0.5 * (d[::2] + d[1::2]) # clear data from multimeter nest.SetStatus(rec, {'n_events': 0}) pylab.imshow(pylab.reshape(d, (Params['N'], Params['N'])),
def main(): # Load and show original images pylab.gray() # set gray scale mode print print "0. Reading and formatting images..." images = {f: loadAndFormat(f) for f in IMAGE_FILES} for f in IMAGE_FILES: mShow(images[f]) ########################### # -----> Thresholding print print "1. Thresholding images..." thresholdedImages = {f: getThresholdedImage(images[f]) for f in IMAGE_FILES} for name in IMAGE_FILES: mShow(thresholdedImages[name]) ########################### # -----> Count objects # 1st attempt: label the thresholded image from task 1 print print "2. Object counting" pylab.jet() # back to color mode print "\t1st approach: Label thresholded images" for name in IMAGE_FILES: labeled, nrRegions = ndimage.label(thresholdedImages[name]) print "\t" + name + ": " + str(nrRegions) mShow(labeled) # 2nd attempt: Changing threshold level print print "\t2nd approach: Tuned thresholds" # For 'objects.png' some objects are very small (e.g.: screw) or # have many shades (e.g.: spoon) which makes them disappear or appear # fragmented after thresholding. # The advantage of this image is that the background is very dark, # so we can try using a lower threshold to make all shapes more definite objImage = images['objects.png'] T = mahotas.thresholding.otsu(objImage) thresholdedImage = objImage > T * 0.7 # Looks better, but... labeled, nrRegions = ndimage.label(thresholdedImage) print '\tobjects.png' + ": " + str(nrRegions) # it returns 18! # 3rd attempt: Smoothing before thresholding print print "\t3rd approach: Smoothing + Tuned threshold" # Let's apply some Gaussian smoothing AND a lower threshold smoothImage = ndimage.gaussian_filter(objImage, 3) T = mahotas.thresholding.otsu(smoothImage) thresholdedImage = smoothImage > T * 0.7 labeled, nrRegions = ndimage.label(thresholdedImage) print '\tobjects.png' + ": " + str(nrRegions) # it worked! Let's save the labeled images for later # (we will use them for center calculation) labeledImages = {} labeledImages['objects.png'] = (labeled, nrRegions) mShow(labeled) # Let's see if this approach works on the other images for name in ['circles.png', 'peppers.png']: img = images[name] smoothImage = ndimage.gaussian_filter(img, 3) T = mahotas.thresholding.otsu(smoothImage) thresholdedImage = smoothImage > T * 0.7 labeled, nrRegions = ndimage.label(thresholdedImage) print '\t' + name + ": " + str(nrRegions) # Again no luck with the circles! # (We will take a closer look at the peppers later) # 4th attempt: # 'circles.png': The problem is that some circles appear "glued together". # Let's try another technique: # - smoothing the picture with a Gaussian filter # - then searching for local maxima and counting regions # (smoothing avoids having many scatter maxima and a higher level # must be used than in the previous attempt) # - use watershed with the maxima as seeds over the thresholded image # to complete the labelling of circles print print "\t4th approach: Smoothing + Local maxima + Watershed" smoothImage = ndimage.gaussian_filter(images['circles.png'], 10) localmaxImage = pymorph.regmax(smoothImage) # A distance transform must be applied before doing the watershed dist = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(thresholdedImages['circles.png']) dist = dist.max() - dist dist -= dist.min() dist = dist / float(dist.ptp()) * 255 dist = dist.astype(np.uint8) seeds, nrRegions = ndimage.label(localmaxImage) labeled = pymorph.cwatershed(dist, seeds) print "\t" + 'circles.png' + ": " + str(nrRegions) # worked right only for 'circles.png' ! labeledImages['circles.png'] = (labeled, nrRegions) mShow(labeled) print print "\t5th approach: Smoothing + Multi-threshold +" +\ " Morphology labeling + Size filtering" # 5th approach (only peppers left!) imagePeppers = images['peppers.png'] # Problems with peppers are: # - very different colours, they cause thresholding to work poorly # - each pepper has some brighter parts which are detected as local maxima # We propose to address those issues as follows: # - gaussian filter to smooth regions of light or shadow within each pepper smoothImage = ndimage.gaussian_filter(imagePeppers, 2) # - instead of thresholding to create a binary image, # create multiple thresholds to separate the most frequent colors. # In this case, 3 thresholds will be enough mthrImagePeppers = multiThreshold(smoothImage, 3) # - ndimage.label didn't give good results, we try another # labelling algorithm from skimage import morphology labeled = morphology.label(mthrImagePeppers) nrRegions = np.max(labeled) + 1 print "\t\tTotal number of regions" print "\t\t\t" + 'peppers.png' + ": " + str(nrRegions) # - after counting regions, filter to keep only the sufficiently big ones filtered, nrRegions = filterRegions(labeled, 0.05) print "\t\tBig enough regions" print "\t\t\t" + 'peppers.png' + ": " + str(nrRegions) labeledImages['peppers.png'] = (filtered, nrRegions) mShow(filtered) ########################### # -----> Find center points print print "3. Centers for objects" for img in IMAGE_FILES: labeledImage, nr_objects = labeledImages[img] CenterOfMass = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass labels = range(1, nr_objects + 1) centers = CenterOfMass(labeledImage, labeledImage, labels) centers = [(int(round(x)), int(round(y))) for (x, y) in centers] print '\t' + img + ": " + str(centers)