예제 #1
  def update_submodules(cls):
    """Does a git pull and then update the submodules to the latest version
    AND finally ensure the submodule is on master
    @warning if you run this from a module run that does a os.chdir, this
       os.chdir will NOT persist here
    if ExecUtils.RunCmd('git pull')[0]:
      raise Error(TermColor.ColorStr(
        'unable to git pull as part of submodule update', 'RED'))

    if ExecUtils.RunCmd('git submodule init && git submodule update')[0]:
      raise Error(TermColor.ColorStr(
        'git submodule update failed!', 'RED'))
예제 #2
 def commit_push(cls, files, msg):
   """Commits to the current branch AND pushes to remote
     files (list) - list of files to commit
     msg (string) - the commit message
   ret = ExecUtils.RunCmd('git commit %s -m "%s"' % (' '.join(files), msg))[0]
   if not ret == 0:
     raise Error(TermColor.ColorStr(
       'error committing these files: %s' % ' '.join(files), 'RED'))
   ret = ExecUtils.RunCmd('git pull && git push')[0]
   if not ret == 0:
     raise Error(TermColor.ColorStr(
       'Please manually resolve any conflicts preventing git push of ' + \
       'the commit to remote', 'RED'))
예제 #3
 def get_current_branch(cls):
   """Returns the name of the current branch"""
   cmd = 'git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD'
   r = ExecUtils.RunCmd(cmd)
   if r[0]:
     raise Error(TermColor.ColorStr('error executing cmd %s' % cmd, 'RED'))
   return r[1].strip()
예제 #4
  def MakeRules(cls, rules, makefile):
    """Makes all the rules in the give list.

      rules: list: List of rules by type_base to make.
      makefile: string: The *main* makefile name.

      (list, list): Returns a tuple of list in the form
          (successful_rules, failed_rules) specifying rules for which the make
           rules were successfully generated and for which it failed.
    if not rules:
      TermColor.Warning('No rules to build.')
      return ([], rules)

    args = zip(itertools.repeat(cls), itertools.repeat('_WorkHorse'),
                          rules, itertools.repeat(makefile))
    rule_res = ExecUtils.ExecuteParallel(args, Flags.ARGS.pool_size)
    successful_rules = []; failed_rules = []
    for (res, rule) in rule_res:
      if res == 1:
        successful_rules += [rule]
      elif res == -1:
        failed_rules += [rule]

    return (successful_rules, failed_rules)
예제 #5
  def WorkHorse(cls, rules):
    """Runs the workhorse for the command.

      rules: list: List of rules to be handled.

      (list, list): Returns a tuple of list in the form
          (successful_rules, failed_rules) specifying rules that succeeded and
          ones that failed.
    (successful_build, failed_build) = Builder.WorkHorse(rules)

    # All our binaries assume they will be run from the source root.

    pipe_output = len(successful_build) > 1
    args = zip(itertools.repeat(cls), itertools.repeat('_RunSingeRule'),
                          successful_build, itertools.repeat(pipe_output))
    rule_res = ExecUtils.ExecuteParallel(args, Flags.ARGS.pool_size)
    successful_run = []; failed_run = []
    for (res, rule) in rule_res:
      if res == 1:
        successful_run += [rule]
      elif res == -1:
        failed_run += [rule]

    return (successful_run, failed_build + failed_run)
예제 #6
    def WorkHorse(cls, rules):
        """Runs the workhorse for the command.

      rules: list: List of rules to be handled.

      (list, list): Returns a tuple of list in the form
          (successful_rules, failed_rules) specifying rules that succeeded and
          ones that failed.
         failed_expand) = Rules.GetExpandedRules(rules,

        args = zip(itertools.repeat(cls), itertools.repeat('_RunSingeRule'),
        rule_res = ExecUtils.ExecuteParallel(args, Flags.ARGS.pool_size)
        successful_deps = []
        failed_deps = []
        for (res, rule) in rule_res:
            if res == 1:
                successful_deps += [rule]
            elif res == -1:
                failed_deps += [rule]

        return (successful_deps, failed_expand + failed_deps)
예제 #7
  def WorkHorse(cls, tasks):
    """Runs the workhorse for the command.

      tasks: OrderedDict {int, set(string)}: Dict from priority to set of tasks to execute at the
          priority. Note: the dict is ordered by priority.

      (list, list): Returns a tuple of list in the form
          (successful_tasks, failed_tasks) specifying tasks that succeeded and
          ones that failed.
    all_tasks = []
    dirs_to_import = {}
    dir_to_task_map = {}
    for set_tasks in tasks.values():
      for task in set_tasks:
        all_tasks += [task]
        out_dir = PipelineUtils.GetOutDirForTask(task)
        publish_dir = PipelineUtils.GetPublishCurrentDirForTask(task)
        if not out_dir or not publish_dir: continue
        dirs_to_import[publish_dir] = out_dir
        dir_to_task_map[publish_dir] = (dir_to_task_map.get(publish_dir, []) + [publish_dir])

    # Check if there are any directories to publish.
    if not dirs_to_import:
      TermColor.Error('Did not find any dirs to import. Do not forget to specify publish root '
                      'using --publish_root')
      return ([], all_tasks)

    # Create all the target dirs to import to.
    for dir in dirs_to_import.values():

    # Run all the copy tasks.
    successful_dirs = []; failed_dirs = []
    args = zip(itertools.repeat(cls), itertools.repeat('_RunSingeTask'),
                          list(dirs_to_import), list(dirs_to_import.values()))
    dir_res = ExecUtils.ExecuteParallel(args, Flags.ARGS.pool_size)
    if not dir_res:
      TermColor.Error('Could not process: %s' % all_tasks)
      return ([], all_tasks)

    for (res, dir) in dir_res:
      if res == Importer.EXITCODE['SUCCESS']:
        successful_dirs += [dir]
      elif res == Importer.EXITCODE['FAILURE']:
        failed_dirs += [dir]
        TermColor.Fatal('Invalid return %d code for %s' % (res, dir))

    # Get the reverse mapping from dirs to tasks.
    successful_tasks = []; failed_tasks = []
    for i in successful_dirs:
      successful_tasks += dir_to_task_map.get(i, [])

    for i in failed_dirs:
      failed_tasks += dir_to_task_map.get(i, [])

    return (successful_tasks, failed_tasks)
예제 #8
 def checkout_branch(cls, branch):
   """Checks out the specified branch with the latest code
     branch (string) - the branch name
   # fetches the latest code
   ret = ExecUtils.RunCmd('git fetch origin')[0]
   if not ret == 0:
     raise Error(TermColor.ColorStr('error during git fetch origin!', 'RED'))
   #  'git checkout -b %s --track origin/%s 2>/dev/null' % \
   #  (branch, branch),
   #  shell=True)
   ret = ExecUtils.RunCmd('git checkout -B %s --track origin/%s' % (
     branch, branch))[0]
   if not ret == 0:
     raise Error(TermColor.ColorStr(
       'error checking out branch %s' % branch, 'RED'))
예제 #9
 def apply_hotfix(cls, branch, commit_hash=""):
   """applies a hotfix to a specific branch
     branch (string) - the branch to apply the hotfix
     hash (string) - the commit hash to use
     EmptyHotfixError - raised when the hotfix is empty
     Error - critical error such as conflict stopped with
       hotfix from being applied
   print("moving to branch %s" % TermColor.ColorStr(branch, 'GREEN'))
   # get onto the appropriate branch
   # try to cherry-pick
   print(TermColor.ColorStr("Applying hotfix to branch: %s" % branch,
   ret = ExecUtils.RunCmd('git cherry-pick %s' % commit_hash)[0]
   if not ret == 0:
     r = ExecUtils.RunCmd('git diff --name-only')
     if r[0]:
       raise Error(TermColor.ColorStr('error doing a git diff', 'RED'))
     files = r[1]
     if not files:
       raise EmptyHotfixError('hotfix is empty. likely already applied')
     # not an error if empty
     raise Error(TermColor.ColorStr(
       ('Hotfix apply failed at step cherry pick on branch %s.\n'
        'You NEED to fix this NOW! Go to %s and fix the issue! '
        'Impacted files: %s') % (
       cls.get_current_branch(), os.getcwd(), files), 'RED'))
   # push cherry-pick to remote
   ret = ExecUtils.RunCmd('git push origin %s' % branch)[0]
   if not ret == 0:
     raise Error(TermColor.ColorStr(
       'Please manually resolve your merge conflicts,' + \
       'then commit, and finally run hotfix selecting the ' + \
       'branches that have not yet received the commit', 'RED'))
   print(TermColor.ColorStr('Applied hotfix to %s' % branch, 'GREEN'))
   print(TermColor.ColorStr('On branch %s' % branch, 'GREEN'))
예제 #10
    def Clean(cls):
        """Runs the cleaner.

      int: Exit status. 0 means no error.
        gen_makefile = GenMakefile(Flags.ARGS.debug)

        clean = 'clean'
        if Flags.ARGS.obj:
            clean = 'cleano'
        elif Flags.ARGS.all:
            clean = 'cleanall'

        (status, out) = ExecUtils.RunCmd(
            'make -f %s %s' % (gen_makefile.GetMakeFileName(), clean))

        return status
예제 #11
  def _MakeSingeRule(cls, rule, makefile, deps_file):
    """Builds a Single Rule.
      rule: string: The rule to build.
      makefile: string: The *main* makefile name.

      (int): Returns the result status.
          The status is '1' for success, '0' for 'ignore', '-1' for fail.
    # Get dependencies list for the rule. Run this with the original main file.
    (status, out) = ExecUtils.RunCmd('make -f %s %s' %
                                     (makefile, cls.GetDepsRuleName(rule)))
    if status:
      TermColor.Error('Could not make dependency for rule %s' %
      return -1

    return super(CCRules, cls)._MakeSingeRule(rule, makefile, deps_file)
예제 #12
  def _RunSingeTask(cls, task):
    """Runs a Single Task.

      task: string: The task to run.

      (EXITCODE, string): Returns a tuple of the result status and the task.
    TermColor.Info('Executing %s' % PipelineUtils.TaskDisplayName(task))
    task_vars = cls.__GetEnvVarsForTask(task)
    TermColor.VInfo(4, 'VARS: \n%s' % task_vars)

    task_cmd = task
    pipe_output = True
    log_file = PipelineUtils.GetLogFileForTask(task)
    if log_file:
       task_cmd += ' > ' + PipelineUtils.GetLogFileForTask(task) + ' 2>&1'
       pipe_output = False

    timeout = cls.__GetTimeOutForTask(task)
    start = time.time()
    (status, out) = ExecUtils.RunCmd(task_cmd, timeout, pipe_output, task_vars)
    time_taken = time.time() - start
    TermColor.Info('Executed  %s. Took %.2fs' % (PipelineUtils.TaskDisplayName(task), time_taken))
    if status:
      TermColor.Failure('Failed Task: %s' % PipelineUtils.TaskDisplayName(task))
      if task_vars.get('PIPELINE_TASK_ABORT_FAIL', None):
        status_code = Runner.EXITCODE['ABORT_FAIL']
      elif task_vars.get('PIPELINE_TASK_ALLOW_FAIL', None):
        status_code = Runner.EXITCODE['ALLOW_FAIL']
        status_code = Runner.EXITCODE['FAILURE']
      status_code = Runner.EXITCODE['SUCCESS']

    cls._SendMailForTask(task, status_code, time_taken, log_file, out)

    # Everything done. Mark the task as successful.
    return (status_code, task)
예제 #13
  def _MakeSingeRule(cls, rule, makefile, deps_file):
    """Builds a Single Rule.
      rule: string: The rule to build.
      makefile: string: The *main* makefile name.

      (int): Returns the result status.
          The status is '1' for success, '0' for 'ignore', '-1' for fail.
    # Build the rule.

    if Flags.ARGS.pool_size:
      parallel_processes = Flags.ARGS.pool_size
      parallel_processes = max(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), 1)
    (status, out) = ExecUtils.RunCmd('make -r -j%d -f %s %s' % (parallel_processes,
                                                                deps_file, rule))
    if status:
      TermColor.Failure('Failed Rule: %s' % Utils.RuleDisplayName(rule))
      return -1

    TermColor.VInfo(1, '%s Output: \n%s' % (Utils.RuleDisplayName(rule), out))
    return 1
예제 #14
  def _RunSingeRule(cls, rule, pipe_output):
    """Runs a Single Rule.

      rule: string: The rule to run.
      pipe_output: bool: Whether to pipe_output or dump it to STDOUT.

      (int, string): Returns a tuple of the result status and the rule.
          The status is '1' for success, '0' for 'ignore', '-1' for fail.
    TermColor.Info('Running %s' % Utils.RuleDisplayName(rule))
    start = time.time()
    bin_file = FileUtils.GetBinPathForFile(rule)
    (status, out) = ExecUtils.RunCmd('%s %s' % (bin_file, Flags.ARGS.args),
                                     Flags.ARGS.timeout, pipe_output)
    if status:
      TermColor.Failure('Failed Rule: %s' % Utils.RuleDisplayName(rule))
      return (-1, rule)

    TermColor.Info('Ran %s. Took %.2fs' %
                   (Utils.RuleDisplayName(rule), (time.time() - start)))
    # Everything done. Mark the rule as successful.
    return (1, rule)
예제 #15
  def WorkHorse(cls, tasks):
    """Runs the workhorse for the command.

      tasks: OrderedDict {int, set(string)}: Dict from priority to set of tasks to execute at the
          priority. Note: the dict is ordered by priority.

      (list, list): Returns a tuple of list in the form
          (successful_tasks, failed_tasks) specifying tasks that succeeded and
          ones that failed.
    # All our binaries assume they will be run from the source root.
    start = time.time()


    successful_run = []; failed_run = []
    aborted_task = None

    # NOTE(stephen): Storing task dir status and task out dir status separately since
    # pipelines do not always have an out dir defined.
    dirs_status = {}
    out_dirs_status = {}
    for set_tasks in tasks.values():
      if aborted_task:
        failed_run += set_tasks

      tasks_to_run = []
      for task in set_tasks:
        task_options = cls.__GetTaskOptions(task)
        # Check if this task requires all previous tasks in the same directory to be
        # successful.
        if task_options[Runner.TASK_OPTIONS['REQUIRE_DIR_SUCCESS']]:
          task_dir = PipelineUtils.TaskDirName(task)
          cur_dir_status = dirs_status.get(task_dir)
          # If any previous tasks have been run in this directory, check to ensure all
          # of them were successful.
          if cur_dir_status and cur_dir_status != Runner.EXITCODE['SUCCESS']:
            failed_run += [task]
            task_display_name = PipelineUtils.TaskDisplayName(task)
            TermColor.Info('Skipped   %s' % task_display_name)
              'Skipped Task: %s due to earlier failures in task dir' % task_display_name


      # It is possible for all steps at this priority level to be skipped due to the
      # task options selected.
      if set_tasks and not tasks_to_run:

      # Run all the tasks at the same priority in parallel.
      args = zip(itertools.repeat(cls), itertools.repeat('_RunSingeTask'),
      task_res = ExecUtils.ExecuteParallel(args, Flags.ARGS.pool_size)
      # task_res = []
      # for task in tasks_to_run: task_res += [cls._RunSingeTask(task)]
      if not task_res:
        TermColor.Error('Could not process: %s' % tasks_to_run)
        failed_run += tasks_to_run
      for (res, task) in task_res:
        if res == Runner.EXITCODE['SUCCESS']:
          successful_run += [task]
        elif res == Runner.EXITCODE['FAILURE']:
          failed_run += [task]
        elif res == Runner.EXITCODE['ALLOW_FAIL']:
          failed_run += [task]
        elif res == Runner.EXITCODE['ABORT_FAIL']:
          failed_run += [task]
          aborted_task = task
          TermColor.Fatal('Invalid return %d code for %s' % (res, task))

        # Update the current status of all tasks in the same directory.
        task_dir = PipelineUtils.TaskDirName(task)
        dirs_status[task_dir] = max(
          dirs_status.get(task_dir, Runner.EXITCODE['_LOWEST']), res,

        # Update the out dir status.
        out_dir = PipelineUtils.GetOutDirForTask(task)
        if out_dir:
          out_dirs_status[out_dir] = max(
            out_dirs_status.get(out_dir, Runner.EXITCODE['_LOWEST']), res,

    # Write the status files to the dirs.

    # Send the final status mail.
    time_taken = time.time() - start
    cls._SendFinalStatusMail(successful_run, failed_run, aborted_task, time_taken)

    if aborted_task:
      TermColor.Failure('Aborted by task: %s' % aborted_task)

    return (successful_run, failed_run)