def save_analyzed_image(self, filename, guard_rails=True, mlc_peaks=True, overlay=True, leaf_error_subplot=False, interactive=False, **kwargs): """Save the analyzed figure to a file. See :meth:`~pylinac.picketfence.PicketFence.plot_analyzed_image()` for further parameter info. interactive : bool If False (default), saves the figure as a .png image. If True, saves an html file, which can be opened in a browser, etc. .. note:: mpld3 must be installed to use this feature. """ self.plot_analyzed_image(guard_rails, mlc_peaks, overlay, leaf_error_subplot=leaf_error_subplot, interactive=interactive, show=False) if interactive: mpld3 = import_mpld3() mpld3.save_html(plt.gcf(), filename) else: plt.savefig(filename, **kwargs) if isinstance(filename, str): print("Picket fence image saved to: {}".format( osp.abspath(filename)))
def save_analyzed_subimage(self, filename, subimage='dmlc', interactive=False, **kwargs): """Save a subplot to file. Parameters ---------- filename : str, file-object Where to save the file to. subimage : str Which subplot to save. interactive : bool Only applicable for the profile subplot. If False, saves as a .png image, else saves as an interactive HTML file. kwargs Passed to matplotlib. """ self.plot_analyzed_subimage(subimage, show=False) if interactive and (subimage == PROFILE): mpld3 = import_mpld3() mpld3.save_html(plt.gcf(), filename) else: plt.savefig(filename, **kwargs) if isinstance(filename, str): print("VMAT subimage figure saved to {}".format( osp.abspath(filename)))
def _add_leaf_error_subplot(self, ax, fig, interactive): """Add a bar subplot showing the leaf error.""" tol_line_height = [self.settings.tolerance, self.settings.tolerance] tol_line_width = [0, max(self.image.shape)] # make the new axis divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) if self.settings.orientation == orientations['UD']: axtop = divider.append_axes('right', 2, pad=1, sharey=ax) else: axtop = divider.append_axes('bottom', 2, pad=1, sharex=ax) # get leaf positions, errors, standard deviation, and leaf numbers pos, vals, err, leaf_nums = self.pickets.error_hist() # plot the leaf errors as a bar plot if self.settings.orientation == orientations['UD']: axtop.barh(pos, vals, xerr=err, height=self.pickets[0].sample_width * 2, alpha=0.4, align='center') # plot the tolerance line(s) # TODO: replace .plot() calls with .axhline when mpld3 fixes funtionality axtop.plot(tol_line_height, tol_line_width, 'r-', linewidth=3) if self.settings.action_tolerance is not None: axtop.plot(tol_line_height, tol_line_width, 'y-', linewidth=3) # reset xlims to comfortably include the max error or tolerance value axtop.set_xlim([0, max(max(vals), self.settings.tolerance) + 0.1]) else:, vals, yerr=err, width=self.pickets[0].sample_width * 2, alpha=0.4, align='center') axtop.plot(tol_line_width, tol_line_height, 'r-', linewidth=3) if self.settings.action_tolerance is not None: axtop.plot(tol_line_width, tol_line_height, 'y-', linewidth=3) axtop.set_ylim([0, max(max(vals), self.settings.tolerance) + 0.1]) # add formatting to axis axtop.grid('on') axtop.set_title("Average Error (mm)") # add tooltips if interactive if interactive: labels = [[ 'Leaf pair {}/{}, Avg Error: {:3.3f}mm, Stdev: {:3.3f}mm'. format(leaf_num[0], leaf_num[1], err, std) ] for leaf_num, err, std in zip(leaf_nums, vals, err)] mpld3 = import_mpld3() for num, patch in enumerate(axtop.axes.patches): ttip = mpld3.plugins.PointLabelTooltip(patch, labels[num], location='top left') mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, ttip)
def plot_analyzed_image(self, guard_rails=True, mlc_peaks=True, overlay=True, leaf_error_subplot=True, interactive=False, show=True): """Plot the analyzed image. Parameters ---------- guard_rails : bool Do/don't plot the picket "guard rails" around the ideal picket mlc_peaks : bool Do/don't plot the MLC positions. overlay : bool Do/don't plot the alpha overlay of the leaf status. leaf_error_subplot : bool .. versionadded:: 1.0 If True, plots a linked leaf error subplot adjacent to the PF image plotting the average and standard deviation of leaf error. interactive : bool .. versionadded:: 1.0 .. note:: mpld3 must be installed to use this feature. If False (default), plots a matplotlib figure. If True, plots a MPLD3 local server image, which adds some tooltips. """ # plot the image fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=self.settings.figure_size) ax.imshow(self.image.array, # generate a leaf error subplot if desired if leaf_error_subplot: self._add_leaf_error_subplot(ax, fig, interactive) # plot guard rails and mlc peaks as desired for p_num, picket in enumerate(self.pickets): if guard_rails: picket.add_guards_to_axes(ax.axes) if mlc_peaks: for idx, mlc_meas in enumerate(picket.mlc_meas): mlc_meas.add_to_axes(ax.axes, width=1.5) # plot the overlay if desired. if overlay: o = Overlay(self.image, self.settings, self.pickets) o.add_to_axes(ax) # tighten up the plot view ax.set_xlim([0, self.image.shape[1]]) ax.set_ylim([0, self.image.shape[0]]) ax.axis('off') if show: if interactive: mpld3 = import_mpld3() else:
def _add_leaf_error_subplot(self, ax, fig, interactive): """Add a bar subplot showing the leaf error.""" tol_line_height = [self.settings.tolerance, self.settings.tolerance] tol_line_width = [0, max(self.image.shape)] # make the new axis divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) if self.settings.orientation == orientations['UD']: axtop = divider.append_axes('right', 2, pad=1, sharey=ax) else: axtop = divider.append_axes('bottom', 2, pad=1, sharex=ax) # get leaf positions, errors, standard deviation, and leaf numbers pos, vals, err, leaf_nums = self.pickets.error_hist() # plot the leaf errors as a bar plot if self.settings.orientation == orientations['UD']: axtop.barh(pos, vals, xerr=err, height=self.pickets[0].sample_width * 2, alpha=0.4, align='center') # plot the tolerance line(s) # TODO: replace .plot() calls with .axhline when mpld3 fixes funtionality axtop.plot(tol_line_height, tol_line_width, 'r-', linewidth=3) if self.settings.action_tolerance is not None: axtop.plot(tol_line_height, tol_line_width, 'y-', linewidth=3) # reset xlims to comfortably include the max error or tolerance value axtop.set_xlim([0, max(max(vals), self.settings.tolerance) + 0.1]) else:, vals, yerr=err, width=self.pickets[0].sample_width * 2, alpha=0.4, align='center') axtop.plot(tol_line_width, tol_line_height, 'r-', linewidth=3) if self.settings.action_tolerance is not None: axtop.plot(tol_line_width, tol_line_height, 'y-', linewidth=3) axtop.set_ylim([0, max(max(vals), self.settings.tolerance) + 0.1]) # add formatting to axis axtop.grid('on') axtop.set_title("Average Error (mm)") # add tooltips if interactive if interactive: labels = [['Leaf pair {}/{}, Avg Error: {:3.3f}mm, Stdev: {:3.3f}mm'.format(leaf_num[0], leaf_num[1], err, std)] for leaf_num, err, std in zip(leaf_nums, vals, err)] mpld3 = import_mpld3() for num, patch in enumerate(axtop.axes.patches): ttip = mpld3.plugins.PointLabelTooltip(patch, labels[num], location='top left') mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, ttip)
def save_analyzed_image(self, filename, guard_rails=True, mlc_peaks=True, overlay=True, leaf_error_subplot=False, interactive=False, **kwargs): """Save the analyzed figure to a file. See :meth:`~pylinac.picketfence.PicketFence.plot_analyzed_image()` for further parameter info. interactive : bool If False (default), saves the figure as a .png image. If True, saves an html file, which can be opened in a browser, etc. .. note:: mpld3 must be installed to use this feature. """ self.plot_analyzed_image(guard_rails, mlc_peaks, overlay, leaf_error_subplot=leaf_error_subplot, interactive=interactive, show=False) if interactive: mpld3 = import_mpld3() mpld3.save_html(plt.gcf(), filename) else: plt.savefig(filename, **kwargs) if isinstance(filename, str): print("Picket fence image saved to: {}".format(osp.abspath(filename)))
def save_analyzed_subimage(self, filename, subimage='dmlc', interactive=False, **kwargs): """Save a subplot to file. Parameters ---------- filename : str, file-object Where to save the file to. subimage : str Which subplot to save. interactive : bool Only applicable for the profile subplot. If False, saves as a .png image, else saves as an interactive HTML file. kwargs Passed to matplotlib. """ self.plot_analyzed_subimage(subimage, show=False) if interactive and (subimage == PROFILE): mpld3 = import_mpld3() mpld3.save_html(plt.gcf(), filename) else: plt.savefig(filename, **kwargs) if isinstance(filename, str): print("VMAT subimage figure saved to {}".format(osp.abspath(filename)))