예제 #1
 def get_input_key(self):
     ky = []
     while not qTo.empty():
         message = qTo.get()
         # print 'eyelink: '
         # print message
         if message == 'button':
                 pylink.KeyInput(32, 0)
             )  #button translated to space keypress (for drift correct)
         # if message=='quit':
         # 	# print 'received message to exit'
         # 	exitSafely()
         # el
         elif message[0] == 'keycode':
             keysym = message[1]
             keycode = keysym.sym
             if keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F1: keycode = pylink.F1_KEY
             elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F2: keycode = pylink.F2_KEY
             elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F3: keycode = pylink.F3_KEY
             elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F4: keycode = pylink.F4_KEY
             elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F5: keycode = pylink.F5_KEY
             elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F6: keycode = pylink.F6_KEY
             elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F7: keycode = pylink.F7_KEY
             elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F8: keycode = pylink.F8_KEY
             elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F9: keycode = pylink.F9_KEY
             elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_F10: keycode = pylink.F10_KEY
             elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_PAGEUP: keycode = pylink.PAGE_UP
             elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_PAGEDOWN:
                 keycode = pylink.PAGE_DOWN
             elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_UP:
                 keycode = pylink.CURS_UP
             elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_DOWN:
                 keycode = pylink.CURS_DOWN
             elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_LEFT:
                 keycode = pylink.CURS_LEFT
             elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_RIGHT:
                 keycode = pylink.CURS_RIGHT
             elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_BACKSPACE:
                 keycode = ord('\b')
             elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_RETURN:
                 keycode = pylink.ENTER_KEY
             elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_ESCAPE:
                 keycode = pylink.ESC_KEY
             elif keycode == sdl2.SDLK_TAB:
                 keycode = ord('\t')
             elif keycode == pylink.JUNK_KEY:
                 keycode = 0
             ky.append(pylink.KeyInput(keycode, keysym.mod))
     return ky
    def get_input_key(self):
        ''' handle key input and send it over to the tracker'''
        ky = []
        for ev in pygame.event.get():
            if ev.type != KEYDOWN:
                keycode = ev.key
                if keycode == K_F1:  keycode = pylink.F1_KEY
                elif keycode == K_F2:  keycode = pylink.F2_KEY
                elif keycode == K_F3:  keycode = pylink.F3_KEY
                elif keycode == K_F4:  keycode = pylink.F4_KEY
                elif keycode == K_F5:  keycode = pylink.F5_KEY
                elif keycode == K_F6:  keycode = pylink.F6_KEY
                elif keycode == K_F7:  keycode = pylink.F7_KEY
                elif keycode == K_F8:  keycode = pylink.F8_KEY
                elif keycode == K_F9:  keycode = pylink.F9_KEY
                elif keycode == K_F10: keycode = pylink.F10_KEY

                elif keycode == K_PAGEUP: keycode = pylink.PAGE_UP
                elif keycode == K_PAGEDOWN:  keycode = pylink.PAGE_DOWN
                elif keycode == K_UP:   keycode = pylink.CURS_UP
                elif keycode == K_DOWN:  keycode = pylink.CURS_DOWN
                elif keycode == K_LEFT:  keycode = pylink.CURS_LEFT
                elif keycode == K_RIGHT: keycode = pylink.CURS_RIGHT

                elif keycode == K_BACKSPACE:    keycode = ord('\b')
                elif keycode == K_RETURN:  keycode = pylink.ENTER_KEY
                elif keycode == K_ESCAPE:  keycode = pylink.ESC_KEY
                elif keycode == K_TAB:   keycode = ord('\t')
                elif(keycode == pylink.JUNK_KEY): keycode = 0
                ky.append(pylink.KeyInput(keycode, ev.mod))
        return ky
 def translate_key_message(self,event):
     key = 0
     mod = 0
     if len(event) >0 :
         key = event[0]           
     return key
예제 #4
	def get_input_key(self):
		v = pygame.event.get()
		for key in v:
			if key.type != KEYDOWN:
			keycode = key.key
			if keycode == K_F1:  keycode = pylink.F1_KEY
			elif keycode ==  K_F2:  keycode = pylink.F2_KEY
			elif keycode ==   K_F3:  keycode = pylink.F3_KEY
			elif keycode ==   K_F4:  keycode = pylink.F4_KEY
			elif keycode ==   K_F5:  keycode = pylink.F5_KEY
			elif keycode ==   K_F6:  keycode = pylink.F6_KEY
			elif keycode ==   K_F7:  keycode = pylink.F7_KEY
			elif keycode ==   K_F8:  keycode = pylink.F8_KEY
			elif keycode ==   K_F9:  keycode = pylink.F9_KEY
			elif keycode ==   K_F10: keycode = pylink.F10_KEY

			elif keycode ==   K_PAGEUP: keycode = pylink.PAGE_UP
			elif keycode ==   K_PAGEDOWN:  keycode = pylink.PAGE_DOWN
			elif keycode ==   K_UP:    keycode = pylink.CURS_UP
			elif keycode ==   K_DOWN:  keycode = pylink.CURS_DOWN
			elif keycode ==   K_LEFT:  keycode = pylink.CURS_LEFT
			elif keycode ==   K_RIGHT: keycode = pylink.CURS_RIGHT

			elif keycode ==   K_BACKSPACE:    keycode = ord('\b')
			elif keycode ==   K_RETURN:  keycode = pylink.ENTER_KEY
			elif keycode ==   K_ESCAPE:  keycode = pylink.ESC_KEY
			elif keycode ==   K_TAB:     keycode = ord('\t')
  			elif(keycode==pylink.JUNK_KEY): keycode= 0
		return ky
    def _handleEvent(self, event):
        event_type_index = DeviceEvent.EVENT_TYPE_ID_INDEX
        if event[event_type_index] == EventConstants.KEYBOARD_RELEASE:
            from psychopy.iohub.devices.keyboard import KeyboardInputEvent
            key_index = KeyboardInputEvent.CLASS_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES.index('key')
            modifiers_index = KeyboardInputEvent.CLASS_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES.index(
            char = event[key_index]
            #mods = event[modifiers_index]

            if char:
                char = char.lower()

            pylink_key = None
            if char == "escape":
                pylink_key = pylink.ESC_KEY
                self.state = None
            elif char == "return":
                pylink_key = pylink.ENTER_KEY
                self.state = None
            elif char == " ":
                pylink_key = ord(char)
            elif char == "c":
                pylink_key = ord(char)
                self.state = "calibration"
            elif char == "v":
                pylink_key = ord(char)
                self.state = "validation"
            elif char == "a":
                pylink_key = ord(char)
            elif char == "pageup":
                pylink_key = pylink.PAGE_UP
            elif char == "pagedown":
                pylink_key = pylink.PAGE_DOWN
            elif char == "-":
                pylink_key = ord(char)
            elif char == "=":
                pylink_key = ord(char)
            elif char == "up":
                pylink_key = pylink.CURS_UP
            elif char == "down":
                pylink_key = pylink.CURS_DOWN
            elif char == "left":
                pylink_key = pylink.CURS_LEFT
            elif char == "right":
                pylink_key = pylink.CURS_RIGHT
            self.keys.append(pylink.KeyInput(pylink_key, 0))

        elif event[event_type_index] == EventConstants.MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESS:
            self.mouse_button_state = 1

        elif event[event_type_index] == EventConstants.MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASE:
            self.mouse_button_state = 0

        elif event[event_type_index] == EventConstants.MOUSE_MOVE:
            self.mouse_pos = self._ioMouse.getPosition()
예제 #6
    def get_input_key(self):
        ky = []
        v = event.getKeys()

        for key in v:
            pylink_key = None
            if len(key) == 1:
                pylink_key = ord(key)
            elif key == "escape":
                pylink_key = pylink.ESC_KEY
            elif key == "return":
                pylink_key = pylink.ENTER_KEY
            elif key == "pageup":
                pylink_key = pylink.PAGE_UP
            elif key == "pagedown":
                pylink_key = pylink.PAGE_DOWN
            elif key == "up":
                pylink_key = pylink.CURS_UP
            elif key == "down":
                pylink_key = pylink.CURS_DOWN
            elif key == "left":
                pylink_key = pylink.CURS_LEFT
            elif key == "right":
                pylink_key = pylink.CURS_RIGHT
                print('Error! :{} is not a used key.'.format(key))

            ky.append(pylink.KeyInput(pylink_key, 0))

        return ky
예제 #7
    def _handleEvent(self, event):
        event_type_index = DeviceEvent.EVENT_TYPE_ID_INDEX
        if event[event_type_index] == EventConstants.KEYBOARD_RELEASE:
            from .....keyboard import KeyboardInputEvent
            key_index = KeyboardInputEvent.CLASS_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES.index('key')
            char = event[key_index]
            if isinstance(char, bytes):
                char = str(event[key_index], 'utf-8')

            if char:
                char = char.lower()

            pylink_key = None
            if char == 'escape':
                pylink_key = pylink.ESC_KEY
                self.state = None
            elif char == 'return':
                pylink_key = pylink.ENTER_KEY
                self.state = None
            elif char == ' ':
                pylink_key = ord(char)
            elif char == 'c':
                pylink_key = ord(char)
                self.state = 'calibration'
            elif char == 'v':
                pylink_key = ord(char)
                self.state = 'validation'
            elif char == 'a':
                pylink_key = ord(char)
            elif char == 'pageup':
                pylink_key = pylink.PAGE_UP
            elif char == 'pagedown':
                pylink_key = pylink.PAGE_DOWN
            elif char == '-':
                pylink_key = ord(char)
            elif char == '=':
                pylink_key = ord(char)
            elif char == 'up':
                pylink_key = pylink.CURS_UP
            elif char == 'down':
                pylink_key = pylink.CURS_DOWN
            elif char == 'left':
                pylink_key = pylink.CURS_LEFT
            elif char == 'right':
                pylink_key = pylink.CURS_RIGHT
            self.keys.append(pylink.KeyInput(pylink_key, 0))

        elif event[event_type_index] == EventConstants.MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESS:
            self.mouse_button_state = 1

        elif event[event_type_index] == EventConstants.MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASE:
            self.mouse_button_state = 0

        elif event[event_type_index] == EventConstants.MOUSE_MOVE:
            self.mouse_pos = self._ioMouse.getPosition()
    def get_input_key(self):
        """ this function will be constantly pools, update the stimuli here is you need
        dynamic calibration target """

        if not self.display_open:
            return None

        ky = []
        for keycode in event.getKeys(modifiers=False):
            k = pylink.JUNK_KEY
            if keycode == 'f1': k = pylink.F1_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f2': k = pylink.F2_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f3': k = pylink.F3_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f4': k = pylink.F4_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f5': k = pylink.F5_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f6': k = pylink.F6_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f7': k = pylink.F7_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f8': k = pylink.F8_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f9': k = pylink.F9_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f10': k = pylink.F10_KEY
            elif keycode == 'pageup': k = pylink.PAGE_UP
            elif keycode == 'pagedown': k = pylink.PAGE_DOWN
            elif keycode == 'up': k = pylink.CURS_UP
            elif keycode == 'down': k = pylink.CURS_DOWN
            elif keycode == 'left': k = pylink.CURS_LEFT
            elif keycode == 'right': k = pylink.CURS_RIGHT
            elif keycode == 'backspace': k = ord('\b')
            elif keycode == 'return': k = pylink.ENTER_KEY
            elif keycode == 'space': k = ord(' ')
            elif keycode == 'escape':
                k = 'q'
                self.esc_pressed = True
            elif keycode == 'q':
                k = pylink.ESC_KEY
                self.state = None
            elif keycode == "c":
                k = ord("c")
                self.state = "calibration"
            elif keycode == "v":
                k = ord("v")
                self.state = "validation"
            elif keycode == "a":
                k = ord("a")
            elif keycode == "i":
                self.extra_info = not self.extra_info
                k = 0
            elif keycode == 'tab':
                k = ord('\t')
            elif keycode in string.ascii_letters:
                k = ord(keycode)
            elif k == pylink.JUNK_KEY:
                key = 0

            # if modifier['alt']==True: mod = 256
            # else: mod = 0

            ky.append(pylink.KeyInput(k, 0))
        return ky
예제 #9
 def get_input_key(self):
     ky = []
     for key in pygame.event.get([KEYDOWN]):
             tkey = self.translate_key_message(key)
             ky.append(pylink.KeyInput(tkey, key.mod))
         except Exception, err:
             print err
예제 #10
	def get_input_key(self):

		Gets an input key.

		A list containing a single pylink key identifier.

		# Don't try to collect key presses when the display is no longer
		# available. This is necessary, because pylink polls key presses during
		# file transfer, which generally occurs after the display has been
		# closed.
		if not self.display_open:
			return None
			key, time = self.kb.get_key(keylist=None, timeout='default')
			self.esc_pressed = True
			key = 'q'
		if key == None:
			return None
		# Escape functions as a 'q' with the additional esc_pressed flag
		if key == 'escape':
			key = 'q'
			self.esc_pressed = True
		# Process regular keys
		if key == "return":
			keycode = pylink.ENTER_KEY
			self.state = None
		elif key == "space":
			keycode = ord(" ")
		elif key == "q":
			keycode = pylink.ESC_KEY
			self.state = None
		elif key == "c":
			keycode = ord("c")
			self.state = "calibration"
		elif key == "v":
			keycode = ord("v")
			self.state = "validation"
		elif key == "a":
			keycode = ord("a")
		elif key == "i":
			self.extra_info = not self.extra_info
			keycode = 0
		elif key == "up":
			keycode = pylink.CURS_UP
		elif key == "down":
			keycode = pylink.CURS_DOWN
		elif key == "left":
			keycode = pylink.CURS_LEFT
		elif key == "right":
			keycode = pylink.CURS_RIGHT
			keycode = 0
		# Convert key to PyLink keycode and return
		return [pylink.KeyInput(keycode, 0)] # 0 = pygame.KMOD_NONE
예제 #11
    def translate_key_message(self, event):
        key = 0
        mod = 0
        #ioHub.print2err('translate_key_message:' ,event)
        if len(event) > 0:
            key = event[0]

            self.keys.append(pylink.KeyInput(key, mod))

        return key
예제 #12
    def translate_key_message(self, event):
        key = 0
        mod = 0
        if len(event) > 0:
            if event[0] == pyglet.window.key.F1:
                key = pylink.F1_KEY
            elif event[0] == pyglet.window.key.F2:
                key = pylink.F2_KEY
            elif event[0] == pyglet.window.key.F3:
                key = pylink.F3_KEY
            elif event[0] == pyglet.window.key.F4:
                key = pylink.F4_KEY
            elif event[0] == pyglet.window.key.F5:
                key = pylink.F5_KEY
            elif event[0] == pyglet.window.key.F6:
                key = pylink.F6_KEY
            elif event[0] == pyglet.window.key.F7:
                key = pylink.F7_KEY
            elif event[0] == pyglet.window.key.F8:
                key = pylink.F8_KEY
            elif event[0] == pyglet.window.key.F9:
                key = pylink.F9_KEY
            elif event[0] == pyglet.window.key.F10:
                key = pylink.F10_KEY
            elif event[0] == pyglet.window.key.PAGEUP:
                key = pylink.PAGE_UP
            elif event[0] == pyglet.window.key.PAGEDOWN:
                key = pylink.PAGE_DOWN
            elif event[0] == pyglet.window.key.UP:
                key = pylink.CURS_UP
            elif event[0] == pyglet.window.key.DOWN:
                key = pylink.CURS_DOWN
            elif event[0] == pyglet.window.key.LEFT:
                key = pylink.CURS_LEFT
            elif event[0] == pyglet.window.key.RIGHT:
                key = pylink.CURS_RIGHT
            elif event[0] == pyglet.window.key.BACKSPACE:
                key = '\b'
            elif event[0] == pyglet.window.key.RETURN:
                key = pylink.ENTER_KEY
            elif event[
                    0] == pyglet.window.key.TAB:  #use TAB instead of ESCAPE, since piglet automatically exits as soon as esc is pressed.
                key = pylink.ESC_KEY
            #elif event[0] == pyglet.window.key.TAB:
            #	key = '\t'
                key = event[0]

        if len(event) > 0:
            self.keys.append(pylink.KeyInput(key, mod))

        return key
    def get_input_key(self):
        ''' this function will be constantly pools, update the stimuli here is you need
        dynamic calibration target '''

        # this function is constantly checked by the API, so we could update the gabor here
        if self.animatedTarget:
            if self.calTarget is 'rotatingCheckerboard':
                self.calibTar.angularPhase += 0.03
                self.calibTar.radialPhase -= 0.03

        ky = []
        for keycode, modifier in event.getKeys(modifiers=True):
            k = pylink.JUNK_KEY
            if keycode == 'f1': k = pylink.F1_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f2': k = pylink.F2_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f3': k = pylink.F3_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f4': k = pylink.F4_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f5': k = pylink.F5_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f6': k = pylink.F6_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f7': k = pylink.F7_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f8': k = pylink.F8_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f9': k = pylink.F9_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f10': k = pylink.F10_KEY
            elif keycode == 'pageup': k = pylink.PAGE_UP
            elif keycode == 'pagedown': k = pylink.PAGE_DOWN
            elif keycode == 'up': k = pylink.CURS_UP
            elif keycode == 'down': k = pylink.CURS_DOWN
            elif keycode == 'left': k = pylink.CURS_LEFT
            elif keycode == 'right': k = pylink.CURS_RIGHT
            elif keycode == 'backspace': k = ord('\b')
            elif keycode == 'return': k = pylink.ENTER_KEY
            elif keycode == 'space': k = ord(' ')
            elif keycode == 'escape': k = pylink.ESC_KEY
            elif keycode == 'tab': k = ord('\t')
            elif keycode in string.ascii_letters: k = ord(keycode)
            elif k == pylink.JUNK_KEY: k = 0

            # plus/equal & minux signs for CR adjustment
            if keycode in ['num_add', 'equal']: k = ord('+')
            if keycode in ['num_subtract', 'minus']: k = ord('-')

            if modifier['alt'] == True: mod = 256
            else: mod = 0

            ky.append(pylink.KeyInput(k, mod))
        return ky
    def get_input_key(self):
        '''This function is repeatedly pooled to check
        keyboard events'''

        ky = []
        for keycode, modifier in event.getKeys(modifiers=True):
            k = pylink.JUNK_KEY
            if keycode == 'f1': k = pylink.F1_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f2': k = pylink.F2_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f3': k = pylink.F3_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f4': k = pylink.F4_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f5': k = pylink.F5_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f6': k = pylink.F6_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f7': k = pylink.F7_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f8': k = pylink.F8_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f9': k = pylink.F9_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f10': k = pylink.F10_KEY
            elif keycode == 'pageup': k = pylink.PAGE_UP
            elif keycode == 'pagedown': k = pylink.PAGE_DOWN
            elif keycode == 'up': k = pylink.CURS_UP
            elif keycode == 'down': k = pylink.CURS_DOWN
            elif keycode == 'left': k = pylink.CURS_LEFT
            elif keycode == 'right': k = pylink.CURS_RIGHT
            elif keycode == 'backspace': k = ord('\b')
            elif keycode == 'return': k = pylink.ENTER_KEY
            elif keycode == 'space': k = ord(' ')
            elif keycode == 'escape': k = 27
            elif keycode == 'tab': k = ord('\t')
            elif keycode in string.ascii_letters:
                k = ord(keycode)
            elif k == pylink.JUNK_KEY:
                k = 0

            # plus & minus signs for CR adjustment
            if keycode in ['num_add', 'equal']:
                k = ord('+')
            if keycode in ['num_subtract', 'minus']:
                k = ord('-')

            # handles key modifier
            if modifier['alt'] is True: mod = 256
            elif modifier['ctrl'] is True: mod = 64
            elif modifier['shift'] is True: mod = 1
                mod = 0

            ky.append(pylink.KeyInput(k, mod))

        return ky
예제 #15
    def get_input_key(self):
        keys = []

        for keycode, modifiers in psychopy.event.getKeys(modifiers=True):
            if keycode in self.keys:
                key = self.keys[keycode]
            elif keycode in string.ascii_letters:
                key = ord(keycode)
                key = pylink.JUNK_KEY

            mod = 256 if modifiers['alt'] else 0

            keys.append(pylink.KeyInput(key, mod))

        return keys
예제 #16
 def get_input_key(self):
     keys = []
     for event in pump(True):
         if event.type == sdl2.SDL_KEYDOWN:
             keysym = event.key.keysym
             if not self.el._quitting:
                 # don't process quit requests while already quitting
                 key = self.pylink_keycodes[keysym.sym]
             except KeyError:
                 key = keysym.sym
             # don't allow escape to control tracker unless calibrating
             if key == pylink.ESC_KEY and not self.el.in_setup:
                 key = pylink.JUNK_KEY
             keys.append(pylink.KeyInput(key, keysym.mod))
     return keys
    def get_input_key(self):
        ky = []
        v = event.getKeys()  # returns list of keypresses
        for keycode in v:
            # function keys
            if keycode == 'f1': keycode = pylink.F1_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f2': keycode = pylink.F2_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f3': keycode = pylink.F3_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f4': keycode = pylink.F4_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f5': keycode = pylink.F5_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f6': keycode = pylink.F6_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f7': keycode = pylink.F7_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f8': keycode = pylink.F8_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f9': keycode = pylink.F9_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f10':
                keycode = pylink.F10_KEY
                # arrow keys
            elif keycode == 'pageup':
                keycode = pylink.PAGE_UP
            elif keycode == 'pagedown':
                keycode = pylink.PAGE_DOWN
            elif keycode == 'up':
                keycode = pylink.CURS_UP
            elif keycode == 'down':
                keycode = pylink.CURS_DOWN
            elif keycode == 'left':
                keycode = pylink.CURS_LEFT
            elif keycode == 'right':
                keycode = pylink.CURS_RIGHT
                # escape keys
            elif keycode == 'backspace':
                keycode = ord('\b')
            elif keycode == 'return':
                keycode = pylink.ENTER_KEY
            elif keycode == 'escape':
                keycode = pylink.ESC_KEY
            elif keycode == 'tab':
                keycode = ord('\t')
            elif (keycode == pylink.JUNK_KEY):
                keycode = 0

            # add to buffer to send to eyelink
            ky.append(pylink.KeyInput(keycode, 0))  # 0 used to be key.mod
        return ky
예제 #18
    def get_input_key(self):
        ''' this function will be constantly pools, update the stimuli here is you need
        dynamic calibration target '''
        for keycode, modifier in event.getKeys(modifiers=True):
            k= pylink.JUNK_KEY
            if keycode   == 'f1': k = pylink.F1_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f2': k = pylink.F2_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f3': k = pylink.F3_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f4': k = pylink.F4_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f5': k = pylink.F5_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f6': k = pylink.F6_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f7': k = pylink.F7_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f8': k = pylink.F8_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f9': k = pylink.F9_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f10': k = pylink.F10_KEY
            elif keycode == 'pageup': k = pylink.PAGE_UP
            elif keycode == 'pagedown': k = pylink.PAGE_DOWN
            elif keycode == 'up': k = pylink.CURS_UP
            elif keycode == 'down': k = pylink.CURS_DOWN
            elif keycode == 'left': k = pylink.CURS_LEFT
            elif keycode == 'right': k = pylink.CURS_RIGHT
            elif keycode == 'backspace': k = ord('\b')
            elif keycode == 'return': k = pylink.ENTER_KEY
            elif keycode == 'space': k = ord(' ')
            elif keycode == 'escape': k = pylink.ESC_KEY
            elif keycode == 'tab': k = ord('\t')
            elif keycode in string.ascii_letters: k = ord(keycode)
            elif k== pylink.JUNK_KEY: k = 0

            # plus/equal & minux signs for CR adjustment
            if keycode in ['num_add', 'equal']: k = ord('+')
            if keycode in ['num_subtract', 'minus']: k = ord('-')

            if modifier['alt']==True: mod = 256
            else: mod = 0
            ky.append(pylink.KeyInput(k, mod))
        return ky
예제 #19
    def get_input_key(self):
        ky = []
        v = event.getKeys()

        for key in v:
            pylink_key = None
            if len(key) == 1:
                pylink_key = ord(key)
            elif key == "escape":
                pylink_key = pylink.ESC_KEY
            elif key == "return":
                self.correct_fixation = True
                pylink_key = pylink.ENTER_KEY
            elif key == "pageup":
                pylink_key = pylink.PAGE_UP
            elif key == "pagedown":
                pylink_key = pylink.PAGE_DOWN
            elif key == "up":
                pylink_key = pylink.CURS_UP
            elif key == "down":
                pylink_key = pylink.CURS_DOWN
            elif key == "left":
                pylink_key = pylink.CURS_LEFT
            elif key == "right":
                pylink_key = pylink.CURS_RIGHT
                print('Error! :{} is not a used key.'.format(key))

            ky.append(pylink.KeyInput(pylink_key, 0))
        #update the phase here as this function is polled regularly
        if self.animate:
            if self.use_gabor:
                self.targetout.phase += 0.05  #update the grating phase
        return ky
예제 #20
    def get_input_key(self):
        Check the event buffer for special key presses

        # the next line is a highly questionable trick to use two event loops in spite of the GIL.
        QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance().processEvents()  # use eyelink event loop for Qt events

        retval = []
        while True:
                key = self.keyList.popleft()
                if 0x20 <= key < 0x80:
                    k = key  # ascii non-special keys
                elif QtCore.Qt.Key_F1 <= key <= QtCore.Qt.Key_F10:
                    k = pylink.F1_KEY + 0x100 * (key - QtCore.Qt.Key_F1 - 1)  # function keys
                elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter or key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Return:
                    k = pylink.ENTER_KEY  # main enter or numpad enter
                elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Left:
                    k = pylink.CURS_LEFT
                elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Up:
                    k = pylink.CURS_UP
                elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Right:
                    k = pylink.CURS_RIGHT
                elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Down:
                    k = pylink.CURS_DOWN
                elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_PageUp:
                    k = pylink.PAGE_UP
                elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_PageDown:
                    k = pylink.PAGE_DOWN
                elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape:
                    k = pylink.ESC_KEY
                    k = pylink.JUNK_KEY
                print("get input: {} -> {}".format(key, k))
            except IndexError:
                return retval
예제 #21
 def on_key_press(symbol, modifiers):
     key_trans_dict = _get_key_trans_dict()
     key = key_trans_dict.get(str(symbol), symbol)
     self.keys += [pylink.KeyInput(key, modifiers)]
예제 #22
# Copyright (C) 2011 Jason Locklin
예제 #23
    def get_input_key(self):
        ''' this function will be constantly pools, update the stimuli here is you need
        dynamic calibration target '''

        # this function is constantly checked by the API, so we could update the gabor here
        if self.animatedTarget:
            if self.calTarget is 'spiral':
                self.calibTar.phases -= 0.02

        ky = []
        for keycode, modifier in event.getKeys(modifiers=True):
            k = pylink.JUNK_KEY
            if keycode == 'f1': k = pylink.F1_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f2': k = pylink.F2_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f3': k = pylink.F3_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f4': k = pylink.F4_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f5': k = pylink.F5_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f6': k = pylink.F6_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f7': k = pylink.F7_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f8': k = pylink.F8_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f9': k = pylink.F9_KEY
            elif keycode == 'f10': k = pylink.F10_KEY
            elif keycode == 'pageup': k = pylink.PAGE_UP
            elif keycode == 'pagedown': k = pylink.PAGE_DOWN
            elif keycode == 'up': k = pylink.CURS_UP
            elif keycode == 'down': k = pylink.CURS_DOWN
            elif keycode == 'left': k = pylink.CURS_LEFT
            elif keycode == 'right': k = pylink.CURS_RIGHT
            elif keycode == 'backspace': k = ord('\b')
            elif keycode == 'return':
                k = pylink.ENTER_KEY
                # probe the tracker to see if it's "simulating gaze with mouse"
                # if so, show a warning instead of a blank screen to experimenter
                # do so, only when the tracker is in Camera Setup screen
                if self.tracker.getCurrentMode() is pylink.IN_SETUP_MODE:
                    if self.tracker.readReply() is '1':
                        self.msgMouseSim.autoDraw = True
                        self.camImgRect.autoDraw = True
                        self.calibInst.autoDraw = True
            elif keycode == 'space':
                k = ord(' ')
            elif keycode == 'escape':
                k = pylink.ESC_KEY
            elif keycode == 'tab':
                k = ord('\t')
            elif keycode in string.ascii_letters:
                k = ord(keycode)
            elif k == pylink.JUNK_KEY:
                k = 0

            # plus/equal & minux signs for CR adjustment
            if keycode in ['num_add', 'equal']: k = ord('+')
            if keycode in ['num_subtract', 'minus']: k = ord('-')

            if modifier['alt'] == True: mod = 256
            else: mod = 0

            ky.append(pylink.KeyInput(k, mod))
        return ky