def serve_file(id, reduced=False): """Serve the content (binary data) of a file. :param str id: the ``id`` value of the file whose file data will be served. :param bool reduced: toggles serving of file data or reduced-size file data. """ file = Session.query(File).options(subqueryload(File.parent_file)).get(id) if getattr(file, 'parent_file', None): file = file.parent_file elif getattr(file, 'url', None): response.status_int = 400 return json.dumps({'error': u'The content of file %s is stored elsewhere at %s' % (id, file.url)}) if file: files_dir = h.get_OLD_directory_path('files', config=config) if reduced: filename = getattr(file, 'lossy_filename', None) if not filename: response.status_int = 404 return json.dumps({'error': u'There is no size-reduced copy of file %s' % id}) file_path = os.path.join(files_dir, 'reduced_files', filename) else: file_path = os.path.join(files_dir, file.filename) unrestricted_users = h.get_unrestricted_users() if h.user_is_authorized_to_access_model(session['user'], file, unrestricted_users): return forward(FileApp(file_path)) else: response.status_int = 403 return json.dumps(h.unauthorized_msg) else: response.status_int = 404 return json.dumps({'error': 'There is no file with id %s' % id})
def beta_qlt(self, id=None): c.beta = True setup, struct = self.__load_setup(id) if not setup: abort(404) quadrant = request.params.get('quadrant', None) if not quadrant or quadrant not in ('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H'): abort(404) plate_layout = struct.get('plate_layout', None) if not plate_layout: abort(404) # TODO this line of code sucks (this whole thing sucks) if plate_layout[2] in ('s', 'sh', 'sw'): qlt_file = "%s/%s" % (config['qlb.setup_template_store'], plate_layout[0]) else: qlt_file = "%s/%s" % (config['qlb.setup_template_store'], (plate_layout[0] % quadrant)) # figure out which plate layout to load response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/quantalife-template' h.set_download_response_header(request, response, "%s.qlt" % ("%s_%s" % (setup.prefix, quadrant))) response.headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache' response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache' return forward(FileApp(qlt_file, response.headerlist))
def preview(self, model_uniq, args): class_id = int(args.get('class', -1)) sample_id = int(args.get('sample', -1)) log.debug('Preview model %s, class_id %s, sample_id %s', model_uniq, class_id, sample_id) # if class_id < 0: # response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml' # return '<model />' # if sample_id < 0: # response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml' # return '<class />' # if asking for a sample from a specific class if class_id >= 0 and sample_id >= 0: # load thumbnail for requested class and sample_id model = self.get_model(model_uniq) path = os.path.join(model.path, 'class_{0:05d}'.format(class_id)) thumbnail = os.path.join(path, 'sample_{0:05d}.png'.format(sample_id)) if not os.path.exists(thumbnail): _mkdir(path) model.cache_sample_preview(class_id, sample_id, thumbnail) # if asking for a model's thumbnail elif class_id < 0 or sample_id < 0: model = self.get_model(model_uniq) thumbnail = '%s/thumbnail.svg' % model.path return forward( FileApp( thumbnail, content_type='image/png', #content_disposition=disposition, ).cache_control(max_age=60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 6)) # 6 weeks
def return_from_workdir(self, table, resource_list): """ Returns a hdf5 file from the workdir @param: table - workdir table object that allows access to the workdir table created by the feature service @param: resource_list - the resource lists object containing all the resources proccessed on during the request @yield: fileapp object with path set to the hdf5 file in the feature workdir """ # since the uncached table is already saved in the workdir the file is just # returned try: disposition = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % ( table.filename).encode('ascii') except UnicodeEncodeError: disposition = 'attachment; filename="%s"; filename*="%s"' % ( (table.filename).encode('utf8'), (table.filename).encode('utf8')) #waits table that is being constructed with Locks(table.path): pass return forward( FileApp(table.path, allowed_methods=('GET', 'POST'), content_type=self.content_type, content_disposition=disposition))
def servefile(self, id, file_id): """Return the corpus as a file in the format specified in the URL query string. :URL: ``PUT /corpora/id/servefile/file_id``. :param str id: the ``id`` value of the corpus. :param str file_id: the ``id`` value of the corpus file. :returns: the file data """ corpus = Session.query(Corpus).get(id) if corpus: try: corpus_file = filter(lambda cf: == int(file_id), corpus.files)[0] corpus_file_path = os.path.join(get_corpus_dir_path(corpus), '%s.gz' % corpus_file.filename) if authorized_to_access_corpus_file(session['user'], corpus_file): return forward(FileApp(corpus_file_path, content_type='application/x-gzip')) else: response.status_int = 403 return json.dumps(h.unauthorized_msg) except Exception: response.status_int = 400 return json.dumps({'error': 'Unable to serve corpus file %d of corpus %d' % ( file_id, id)}) else: response.status_int = 404 return json.dumps({'error': 'There is no corpus with id %s' % id})
def batch_plate_template_download(self, id=None): plate = self.__load_batch_plate(id) box2 = Session.query(Box2).get(self.form_result['box2_id']) if not plate or not box2: abort(404) code = plate.batch.plate_type.code if self.form_result['qc_plate']: plate.qc_plate = self.form_result['qc_plate'] Session.commit() # TODO FIXFIX or incorporate into model if plate.qc_plate: serial = 'QC' else: serial =' ')[-1] # only mfgco supported right now if code == 'mfgco': qlt_file = "%s/carryover.qlt" % config['qlb.setup_template_store'] elif code == 'fvtitr': qlt_file = "%s/fvbatch_QC.qlt" % config['qlb.setup_template_store'] else: abort(404) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/quantalife-template' h.set_download_response_header(request, response, "%s_%s.qlt" % (serial, response.headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache' response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache' return forward(FileApp(qlt_file, response.headerlist))
def servefile(self, id, file_id): """Return the corpus as a file in the format specified in the URL query string. :URL: ``PUT /corpora/id/servefile/file_id``. :param str id: the ``id`` value of the corpus. :param str file_id: the ``id`` value of the corpus file. :returns: the file data """ corpus = Session.query(Corpus).get(id) if corpus: try: corpus_file = filter(lambda cf: == int(file_id), corpus.files)[0] corpus_file_path = os.path.join(get_corpus_dir_path(corpus), '%s.gz' % corpus_file.filename) if authorized_to_access_corpus_file(session['user'], corpus_file): return forward( FileApp(corpus_file_path, content_type='application/x-gzip')) else: response.status_int = 403 return json.dumps(h.unauthorized_msg) except Exception: response.status_int = 400 return json.dumps({ 'error': 'Unable to serve corpus file %d of corpus %d' % (file_id, id) }) else: response.status_int = 404 return json.dumps({'error': 'There is no corpus with id %s' % id})
def serve_file(file, attachment=False): headers = [('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % file.filename.encode('utf-8'))] content_type, content_encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(file.filename.encode('utf-8')) kwargs = {'content_type': content_type} if content_type in ['image/png', 'image/jpeg'] and not attachment: headers = [('Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename="%s"' % file.filename.encode('utf-8'))] return forward(FileApp(file.filepath(), headers=headers, **kwargs))
def export_deprecated(self, id): """Export the parser as a self-contained archive including a Python interface and all required files. """ try: parser = Session.query(MorphologicalParser).get(id) directory = archive_dir = os.path.join(directory, 'archive') if os.path.exists(archive_dir): rmtree(archive_dir) os.mkdir(archive_dir) parser.copy_files(archive_dir) parser.phonology.copy_files(archive_dir) parser.morphology.copy_files(archive_dir) parser.language_model.copy_files(archive_dir) lib_path = os.path.join(config['here'], 'onlinelinguisticdatabase', 'lib') simplelm_path = os.path.join(lib_path, 'simplelm') parser_path = os.path.join(lib_path, '') parse_path = os.path.join(lib_path, '') new_parse_path = os.path.join(archive_dir, '') copytree(simplelm_path, os.path.join(archive_dir, 'simplelm')) copyfile(parser_path, os.path.join(archive_dir, '')) copyfile(parse_path, new_parse_path) os.chmod(new_parse_path, 0744) data = parser.export() data_path = os.path.join(archive_dir, 'data.pickle') cPickle.dump(data, open(data_path, 'wb')) zip_path = h.zipdir(archive_dir) return forward(FileApp(zip_path)) except Exception, e: log.warn(e) response.status_int = 400 return json.dumps({'error': 'An error occured while attempting to export ' 'morphological parser %s' % id})
def serve_arpa(self, id): """Serve the generated ARPA file of the morpheme language model. :URL: ``PUT /morphemelanguagemodels/serve_arpa/id`` :param str id: the ``id`` value of a morpheme language model. :returns: a stream of bytes -- the ARPA file of the LM. """ lm = Session.query(MorphemeLanguageModel).get(id) if lm: arpa_path = lm.get_file_path('arpa') if os.path.isfile(arpa_path): if authorized_to_access_arpa_file(session['user'], lm): return forward( FileApp(arpa_path, content_type='text/plain')) else: response.status_int = 403 return json.dumps(h.unauthorized_msg) else: response.status_int = 404 return json.dumps({ 'error': 'The ARPA file for morpheme language model %s has not been compiled yet.' % id }) else: response.status_int = 404 return json.dumps({ 'error': 'There is no morpheme language model with id %s' % id })
def serve_entry_point(self, node, default='Entry point was not found...', **kw): """Provide a general way to serve an entry point""" log.debug('Serving entry point: %s', node) if isinstance(node, str) is True: node = self.module_xml.xpath(node) text = default if len(node) > 0: # Found at least one xpath match node = node[0] log.debug('Node: %s', etree.tostring(node)) type = node.get('type', None) if type == 'file': path = self.filepath(node.get('value')) log.debug('Serving file: %s', path) if os.path.exists(path): return forward( FileApp(path).cache_control(max_age=60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 6)) else: text = node.get('value', None) if node.get('value', None) is None: # Using a <value><![CDATA]</value> text = (node[0].text) if text is None: abort(404) return text
def servecompiled(self, id): """Serve the compiled foma script of the morphophonology FST of the morphological parser. :URL: ``PUT /morphologicalparsers/servecompiled/id`` :param str id: the ``id`` value of a morphological parser. :returns: a stream of bytes -- the compiled morphological parser script. """ parser = Session.query(MorphologicalParser).get(id) if parser: if h.foma_installed(): binary_path = parser.get_file_path('binary') if os.path.isfile(binary_path): return forward(FileApp(binary_path)) else: response.status_int = 400 return json.dumps({ 'error': 'The morphophonology foma script of ' 'MorphologicalParser %d has not been compiled yet.' % }) else: response.status_int = 400 return json.dumps( {'error': 'Foma and flookup are not installed.'}) else: response.status_int = 404 return json.dumps( {'error': 'There is no morphological parser with id %s' % id})
def serve(self, id, download=False, **kwargs): """Serve a :class:`` binary. :param id: File ID :type id: ``int`` :param bool download: If true, serve with an Content-Disposition that makes the file download to the users computer instead of playing in the browser. :raises webob.exc.HTTPNotFound: If no file exists with this ID. :raises webob.exc.HTTPNotAcceptable: If an Accept header field is present, and if the mimetype of the requested file doesn't match, then a 406 (not acceptable) response is returned. """ file = fetch_row(MediaFile, id=id) file_path = helpers.file_path(file).encode('utf-8') file_type = file.mimetype.encode('utf-8') file_name = file.display_name.encode('utf-8') if not os.path.exists(file_path): log.warn('No such file or directory: %r', file_path) raise HTTPNotFound() # Ensure the request accepts files with this container accept = request.environ.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', '*/*') if not mimeparse.best_match([file_type], accept): raise HTTPNotAcceptable() # 406 method = config.get('file_serve_method', None) headers = [] # Serving files with this header breaks playback on iPhone if download: headers.append(('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % file_name)) if method == 'apache_xsendfile': # Requires mod_xsendfile for Apache 2.x # XXX: Don't send Content-Length or Etag headers, # Apache handles them for you. response.headers['X-Sendfile'] = file_path response.body = '' response.headers.update(headers) elif method == 'nginx_redirect': for header in ['pragma', 'cache-control', "content-type"]: if header in response.headers: del response.headers[header] response.headers['X-Accel-Redirect'] = file_path response.headers.update(headers) else: app = FileApp(file_path, headers, content_type=file_type) return forward(app) response.headers['Content-Type'] = file_type for header, value in headers: response.headers[header] = value return None
def xmlrpc(self, *args, **kw): try: self.authenticate() except Exception as e: raise e return forward(RootXMLRPCController())
def retrieve(self, path): """retrieve action is referenced by the <a>, <img>, <audio>, <video>, <embed>, etc. tags. """ path = os.path.join(config['app_conf']['permanent_store'], path) app = FileApp(path) return forward(app)
def retrieve_temp(self, path): """retrieve_temp action is referenced by the <a> button rendered in /derived/file/export.html. """ path = os.path.join(config['app_conf']['temporary_store'], path) app = FileApp(path) return forward(app)
def as_text(cls, slug, username, key): filepath = join(cls.datapath, slug, username, '%s.txt' % key) headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/plain'), ('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=%s' % key) ] try: text = forward(FileApp(filepath, headers)) except OSError: abort(404, 'Game does not exist: %s' % slug) else: return text
def as_text(cls, slug, username, key): filepath = join(cls.datapath, slug, username, '%s.txt' % key) headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/plain'), ('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=%s' % key)] try: text = forward(FileApp(filepath, headers)) except OSError: abort(404, 'Game does not exist: %s' % slug) else: return text
def public(self, *path, **kw): """Deliver static content for the Module""" log.debug("in Static path=%s kw=%s", path, kw) static_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'public', *path) if os.path.exists(static_path): return forward( FileApp(static_path).cache_control(max_age=60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 6)) raise abort(404)
def download_file(self, id=None): self.__setup_box2_code_context(id) thefile = self.__file_id_query(, self.form_result['file_id']) if not thefile: abort(404) h.set_download_response_header(request, response, response.content_type = thefile.mime_type file_path = self.__upload_file_path(c.box2, thefile.path) response.headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache' response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache' return forward(FileApp(file_path, response.headerlist))
def get(self, id): """ To get the PDF created previously. """ name = gettempdir() + sep + self.TEMP_FILE_PREFIX + id + self.TEMP_FILE_SUFFIX headers = { 'Content-Length' : getsize(name), 'Content-Type' : 'application/pdf', 'Content-Disposition' : 'attachment; filename='+id+'.pdf', 'Pragma' : 'public', 'Expires' : '0', 'Cache-Control' : 'private' } return forward(FileApp(name, **headers))
def export(self, id): """Export the parser as a self-contained .zip archive including a Python interface and all required files. This allows a user to use the parser locally (assuming they have foma and MITLM installed) via the following procedure: $ unzip $ cd archive $ ./ chiens chats tombait """ try: parser = Session.query(MorphologicalParser).get(id) directory = lib_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(h.__file__)) # config.pickle is a dict used to construct the parser (see lib/ config_ = parser.export() config_path = os.path.join(directory, 'config.pickle') cPickle.dump(config_, open(config_path, 'wb')) # cache.pickle is a dict encoding the cached parses of this parser cache_dict = parser.cache.export() cache_path = os.path.join(directory, 'cache.pickle') cPickle.dump(cache_dict, open(cache_path, 'wb')) # create the .zip archive, including the files of the parser, the simplelm package, # the module and the executable. zip_path = os.path.join(directory, '') zip_file = h.ZipFile(zip_path, 'w') #zip_file.write_directory( for file_name in os.listdir(directory): if (os.path.splitext(file_name)[1] not in ('.log', '.sh', '.zip') and file_name != 'morpheme_language_model.pickle'): zip_file.write_file(os.path.join(directory, file_name)) zip_file.write_directory(os.path.join(lib_path, 'simplelm'), keep_dir=True) zip_file.write_file(os.path.join(lib_path, '')) zip_file.write_file(os.path.join(lib_path, '')) zip_file.close() return forward(FileApp(zip_path)) except Exception, e: log.warn(e) response.status_int = 400 return json.dumps({ 'error': 'An error occured while attempting to export ' 'morphological parser %s: %s' % (id, e) })
def validation_download(self): plate_template = Session.query(PlateTemplate).get(self.form_result['plate_template_id']) plate_type = Session.query(PlateType).filter_by(code=self.form_result['plate_type_code']).first() plate_template.plate_type_id = Session.commit() response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/quantalife-template' h.set_download_response_header(request, response, "%s.qlt" % plate_template.prefix) response.headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache' # yeah, this is somewhat dangerous... template_path = "%s/%s" % (config['qlb.setup_template_store'], os.path.basename(self.form_result['template_name'])) return forward(FileApp(template_path, response.headerlist))
def get(self, id): """ To get the PDF created previously. """ name = gettempdir( ) + sep + self.TEMP_FILE_PREFIX + id + self.TEMP_FILE_SUFFIX headers = { 'Content-Length': getsize(name), 'Content-Type': 'application/pdf', 'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename=' + id + '.pdf', 'Pragma': 'public', 'Expires': '0', 'Cache-Control': 'private' } return forward(FileApp(name, **headers))
def download(self, id=None, *args, **kwargs): if id is None: abort(404) qlbwell = Session.query(QLBWell).get(id) if not qlbwell: abort(404) if not qlbwell.file: abort(404) storage = QLStorageSource(config) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/quantalife-raw' h.set_download_response_header(request, response, qlbwell.file.basename) return forward(FileApp(storage.qlbwell_path(qlbwell), response.headerlist))
def export(self, id): """Export the parser as a self-contained .zip archive including a Python interface and all required files. This allows a user to use the parser locally (assuming they have foma and MITLM installed) via the following procedure: $ unzip $ cd archive $ ./ chiens chats tombait """ try: parser = Session.query(MorphologicalParser).get(id) directory = lib_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(h.__file__)) # config.pickle is a dict used to construct the parser (see lib/ config_ = parser.export() config_path = os.path.join(directory, 'config.pickle') cPickle.dump(config_, open(config_path, 'wb')) # cache.pickle is a dict encoding the cached parses of this parser cache_dict = parser.cache.export() cache_path = os.path.join(directory, 'cache.pickle') cPickle.dump(cache_dict, open(cache_path, 'wb')) # create the .zip archive, including the files of the parser, the simplelm package, # the module and the executable. zip_path = os.path.join(directory, '') zip_file = h.ZipFile(zip_path, 'w') #zip_file.write_directory( for file_name in os.listdir(directory): if (os.path.splitext(file_name)[1] not in ('.log', '.sh', '.zip') and file_name != 'morpheme_language_model.pickle'): zip_file.write_file(os.path.join(directory, file_name)) zip_file.write_directory(os.path.join(lib_path, 'simplelm'), keep_dir=True) zip_file.write_file(os.path.join(lib_path, '')) zip_file.write_file(os.path.join(lib_path, '')) zip_file.close() return forward(FileApp(zip_path)) except Exception, e: log.warn(e) response.status_int = 400 return json.dumps({'error': 'An error occured while attempting to export ' 'morphological parser %s: %s' % (id, e)})
def get_one(self, ident, **kw): "Fetch a blob based on uniq ID""get_one(%s) %s", ident, kw) try: if not is_uniq_code(ident): abort(404, "Must be resource unique code") resource = data_service.resource_load(uniq=ident) if resource is None: abort(403, "resource does not exist or permission denied") filename, _ = split_subpath(resource.get('name', str(ident))) blb = self.localpath(ident) if blb.files and len(blb.files) > 1: return export_service.export(files=[resource.get('uri')], filename=filename) localpath = os.path.normpath(blb.path) if 'localpath' in kw: tg.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml' resource = etree.Element('resource', name=filename, value=localpath) return etree.tostring(resource) disposition = '' if 'noattach' in kw else 'attachment; ' try: disposition = '%sfilename="%s"' % (disposition, filename.encode('ascii')) except UnicodeEncodeError: disposition = '%sfilename="%s"; filename*="%s"' % ( disposition, filename.encode('utf8'), filename.encode('utf8')) content_type = self.guess_mime(filename) return forward( BQFileApp( localpath, content_type=content_type, content_disposition=disposition, ).cache_control(max_age=60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 6)) # 6 weeks except IllegalOperation: abort(404, "Error occurent fetching blob")
def crossdomain_xml(self, **kwargs): """Serve the crossdomain XML file manually if static_files is disabled. If someone forgets to add this Alias we might as well serve this file for them and save everyone the trouble. This only works when MediaCore is served out of the root of a domain and if Cooliris is enabled. """ global crossdomain_app if not request.settings['appearance_enable_cooliris']: # Ensure the cache is cleared if cooliris is suddenly disabled if crossdomain_app: crossdomain_app = None raise HTTPNotFound() if not crossdomain_app: relpath = 'mediacore/public/crossdomain.xml' abspath = os.path.join(config['here'], relpath) crossdomain_app = FileApp(abspath) return forward(crossdomain_app)
def crossdomain_xml(self, **kwargs): """Serve the crossdomain XML file manually if static_files is disabled. If someone forgets to add this Alias we might as well serve this file for them and save everyone the trouble. This only works when MediaCore is served out of the root of a domain and if Cooliris is enabled. """ global crossdomain_app if not request.settings['appearance_enable_cooliris']: # Ensure the cache is cleared if cooliris is suddenly disabled if crossdomain_app: crossdomain_app = None raise HTTPNotFound().exception if not crossdomain_app: relpath = 'mediacore/public/crossdomain.xml' abspath = os.path.join(config['here'], relpath) crossdomain_app = FileApp(abspath) return forward(crossdomain_app)
def proxyDownload(self, id=None, tar=False): if proxyDl==True: # get path to file with ID id from database item = DBSession.query(s.share).filter( == id).one() host = item.getHost() service = item.getService() filename = str( item.getShowPath().split("/")[-1] ) if service.username and service.username != "anonymous": # uri = "smb://*****:*****@hostip/path/to/file" uri = u"smb://%s:%s@%s%s" % ( service.username, service.password, host.ip, item.getShowPath() ) else: # uri = "smb://hostip/path/to/file" uri = u"smb://%s%s" % ( host.ip, item.getShowPath() ) #imports moved to the top f = smbfileapp.FileApp(uri) return forward(f) else: #proxyDl not enabled return "<p><strong>proxyDownloader is (currently) not available on this system!</strong><br /><em>Sorry.</em></p>\n"
def servecompiled(self, id): """Serve the compiled foma script of the phonology. :URL: ``PUT /phonologies/servecompiled/id`` :param str id: the ``id`` value of a phonology. :returns: a stream of bytes -- the compiled phonology script. """ phonology = Session.query(Phonology).get(id) if phonology: if h.foma_installed(): compiled_path = phonology.get_file_path('binary') if os.path.isfile(compiled_path): return forward(FileApp(compiled_path)) else: response.status_int = 400 return json.dumps({'error': 'Phonology %d has not been compiled yet.' %}) else: response.status_int = 400 return json.dumps({'error': 'Foma and flookup are not installed.'}) else: response.status_int = 404 return json.dumps({'error': 'There is no phonology with id %s' % id})
def export_deprecated(self, id): """Export the parser as a self-contained archive including a Python interface and all required files. """ try: parser = Session.query(MorphologicalParser).get(id) directory = archive_dir = os.path.join(directory, 'archive') if os.path.exists(archive_dir): rmtree(archive_dir) os.mkdir(archive_dir) parser.copy_files(archive_dir) parser.phonology.copy_files(archive_dir) parser.morphology.copy_files(archive_dir) parser.language_model.copy_files(archive_dir) lib_path = os.path.join(config['here'], 'onlinelinguisticdatabase', 'lib') simplelm_path = os.path.join(lib_path, 'simplelm') parser_path = os.path.join(lib_path, '') parse_path = os.path.join(lib_path, '') new_parse_path = os.path.join(archive_dir, '') copytree(simplelm_path, os.path.join(archive_dir, 'simplelm')) copyfile(parser_path, os.path.join(archive_dir, '')) copyfile(parse_path, new_parse_path) os.chmod(new_parse_path, 0744) data = parser.export() data_path = os.path.join(archive_dir, 'data.pickle') cPickle.dump(data, open(data_path, 'wb')) zip_path = h.zipdir(archive_dir) return forward(FileApp(zip_path)) except Exception, e: log.warn(e) response.status_int = 400 return json.dumps({ 'error': 'An error occured while attempting to export ' 'morphological parser %s' % id })
def serve_arpa(self, id): """Serve the generated ARPA file of the morpheme language model. :URL: ``PUT /morphologies/serve_arpa/id`` :param str id: the ``id`` value of a morpheme language model. :returns: a stream of bytes -- the ARPA file of the LM. """ lm = Session.query(MorphemeLanguageModel).get(id) if lm: arpa_path = lm.get_file_path('arpa') if os.path.isfile(arpa_path): if authorized_to_access_arpa_file(session['user'], lm): return forward(FileApp(arpa_path, content_type='text/plain')) else: response.status_int = 403 return json.dumps(h.unauthorized_msg) else: response.status_int = 404 return json.dumps({'error': 'The ARPA file for morpheme language model %s has not been compiled yet.' % id}) else: response.status_int = 404 return json.dumps({'error': 'There is no morpheme language model with id %s' % id})
def servecompiled(self, id): """Serve the compiled foma script of the morphophonology FST of the morphological parser. :URL: ``PUT /morphologicalparsers/servecompiled/id`` :param str id: the ``id`` value of a morphological parser. :returns: a stream of bytes -- the compiled morphological parser script. """ parser = Session.query(MorphologicalParser).get(id) if parser: if h.foma_installed(): binary_path = parser.get_file_path('binary') if os.path.isfile(binary_path): return forward(FileApp(binary_path)) else: response.status_int = 400 return json.dumps({'error': 'The morphophonology foma script of ' 'MorphologicalParser %d has not been compiled yet.' %}) else: response.status_int = 400 return json.dumps({'error': 'Foma and flookup are not installed.'}) else: response.status_int = 404 return json.dumps({'error': 'There is no morphological parser with id %s' % id})
def serve(self, id, download=False, **kwargs): """Serve a :class:`` binary. :param id: File ID :type id: ``int`` :param bool download: If true, serve with an Content-Disposition that makes the file download to the users computer instead of playing in the browser. :raises webob.exc.HTTPNotFound: If no file exists with this ID. :raises webob.exc.HTTPNotAcceptable: If an Accept header field is present, and if the mimetype of the requested file doesn't match, then a 406 (not acceptable) response is returned. """ file = fetch_row(MediaFile, id=id) request.perm.assert_permission(u'view', file_type = file.mimetype.encode('utf-8') file_name = file.display_name.encode('utf-8') file_path = helpers.file_path(file) if file_path is None: log.warn('No path exists for requested media file: %r', file) raise HTTPNotFound() file_path = file_path.encode('utf-8') if not os.path.exists(file_path): log.warn('No such file or directory: %r', file_path) raise HTTPNotFound() # Ensure the request accepts files with this container accept = request.environ.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', '*/*') if not mimeparse.best_match([file_type], accept): raise HTTPNotAcceptable() # 406 method = config.get('file_serve_method', None) headers = [] # Serving files with this header breaks playback on iPhone if download: headers.append(('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % file_name)) if method == 'apache_xsendfile': # Requires mod_xsendfile for Apache 2.x # XXX: Don't send Content-Length or Etag headers, # Apache handles them for you. response.headers['X-Sendfile'] = file_path response.body = '' elif method == 'nginx_redirect': # Requires NGINX server configuration: # NGINX must have a location block configured that matches # the /__mediadrop_serve__ path below (the value configured by # setting "nginx_serve_path" option in the configuration). It # should also be configured as an "internal" location to prevent # people from surfing directly to it. # For more information see: serve_path = config.get('nginx_serve_path', '__mediadrop_serve__') if not serve_path.startswith('/'): serve_path = '/' + serve_path redirect_filename = '%s/%s' % (serve_path, os.path.basename(file_path)) response.headers['X-Accel-Redirect'] = redirect_filename else: app = FileApp(file_path, headers, content_type=file_type) return forward(app) response.headers['Content-Type'] = file_type for header, value in headers: response.headers[header] = value return None
def xmlrpc(self): return forward(HAXMLRPCController())
def classify(self, model_uniq, args): image_uniq = args.get('classify') log.debug('Classify: %s on model %s', image_uniq, model_uniq) # ensure model is loaded model = self.get_model(model_uniq) #log.debug('Model: %s', str(model)) args['_workdir'] = self.path_images args['_filename'] = '.'.join([ '%s_%s' % (k, v) for k, v in args.iteritems() if not k.startswith('_') ]) # get image image = XImage(image_uniq) log.debug('Image info: %s', # classify method = args.get('method', 'points').lower() if method not in self.classifiers.plugins: raise ConnoisseurException( responses.BAD_REQUEST, 'Requested method "%s" not supported' % method) log.debug('Classifying using: %s', method) # format body if needed and augment args if '_http_body' in args: fmt_mime = args.get('_http_content_type', [None])[0] or format_as_mime_type.get('xml') import_mime = '%s;%s' % (fmt_mime, method) if import_mime in self.importers_by_mime: token = self.importers_by_mime[import_mime].format( data=args['_http_body'], args=args) # run classifier c = self.classifiers.plugins[method] token = c.classify(image, model, args) # format output fmt_mime = format_as_mime_type.get(args.get('format')) or args.get( '_http_accept', [None])[0] or format_as_mime_type.get('xml') export_mime = '%s;%s' % (token.mime, fmt_mime) log.debug('Export mime: %s', export_mime) if export_mime in self.exporters_by_mime: token = self.exporters_by_mime[export_mime].format(token, args=args) # return output disposition = None if token.filename is not None: try: disposition = 'filename="%s"' % ( token.filename.encode('ascii')) except UnicodeEncodeError: disposition = 'filename="%s"; filename*="%s"' % ( token.filename.encode('utf8'), token.filename.encode('utf8')) if token.isFile() is True: return forward( FileApp(, content_type=token.mime, content_disposition=disposition, ).cache_control(max_age=60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 6)) # 6 weeks else: response.headers['Content-Type'] = token.mime response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = disposition return
def xmlrpc(self): return forward(ApplianceXMLRPCController())
try: fname.encode('ascii') disposition = '%sfilename="%s"' % (disposition, fname) except UnicodeEncodeError: # dima: encode the filename in utf-8 disposition = '%sfilename="%s"; filename*="%s"' % ( disposition, fname.encode('utf8'), fname.encode('utf8')) #disposition = '%sfilename="%s"; filename*="%s"'%(disposition, fname.encode('ascii', errors='ignore'), fname.encode('utf8')) # fix for the cherrypy error 10055 "No buffer space available" on windows # by streaming the contents of the files as opposite to sendall the whole thing"FINISHED (%s): %s",, url) ("%s: returning %s with mime %s"%(ident,, token.contentType )) return forward( FileApp(, content_type=token.contentType, content_disposition=disposition, ).cache_control(max_age=60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 6)) # 6 weeks"FINISHED with ERROR (%s): %s",, url) tg.response.status_int = 404 return "File not found" def initialize(uri): """ Initialize the top level server for this microapp""" # Add you checks and database initialize log.debug("initialize " + uri) service = ImageServiceController(uri) #directory.register_service ('image_service', service)
def xmlrpc(self): return forward(StorageXMLRPCController())
def serve(self, id, download=False, **kwargs): """Serve a :class:`` binary. :param id: File ID :type id: ``int`` :param bool download: If true, serve with an Content-Disposition that makes the file download to the users computer instead of playing in the browser. :raises webob.exc.HTTPNotFound: If no file exists with this ID. :raises webob.exc.HTTPNotAcceptable: If an Accept header field is present, and if the mimetype of the requested file doesn't match, then a 406 (not acceptable) response is returned. """ file = fetch_row(MediaFile, id=id) file_type = file.mimetype.encode('utf-8') file_name = file.display_name.encode('utf-8') file_path = helpers.file_path(file) if file_path is None: log.warn('No path exists for requested media file: %r', file) raise HTTPNotFound().exception file_path = file_path.encode('utf-8') if not os.path.exists(file_path): log.warn('No such file or directory: %r', file_path) raise HTTPNotFound().exception # Ensure the request accepts files with this container accept = request.environ.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', '*/*') if not mimeparse.best_match([file_type], accept): raise HTTPNotAcceptable().exception # 406 method = config.get('file_serve_method', None) headers = [] # Serving files with this header breaks playback on iPhone if download: headers.append(('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % file_name)) if method == 'apache_xsendfile': # Requires mod_xsendfile for Apache 2.x # XXX: Don't send Content-Length or Etag headers, # Apache handles them for you. response.headers['X-Sendfile'] = file_path response.body = '' elif method == 'nginx_redirect': raise NotImplementedError, 'This is only a placeholder' response.headers['X-Accel-Redirect'] = '../relative/path' else: app = FileApp(file_path, headers, content_type=file_type) return forward(app) response.headers['Content-Type'] = file_type for header, value in headers: response.headers[header] = value return None
def _serve_file(self, path): """Call Paste's FileApp (a WSGI application) to serve the file at the specified path """ request.environ["PATH_INFO"] = "/%s" % path return forward(PkgResourcesParser("pylons", "pylons"))
def _serve_file(self, path): """Call Paste's FileApp (a WSGI application) to serve the file at the specified path """ request.environ['PATH_INFO'] = '/%s' % path return forward(PkgResourcesParser('pylons', 'pylons'))
def _serve_file(self, path): """Call Paste's FileApp (a WSGI application) to serve the file at the specified path """ return forward(paste.fileapp.FileApp(path))
def xmlrpc(self): return forward(BackupXMLRPCController())
def show(self, id, format='html'): 'GET /scenarios/id: Show a specific item' # If the output format is not supported, if format not in ['html', 'zip', 'geojson', 'json']: return 'Unsupported output format: ' + format try: id = int(id) except ValueError: return redirect(url('scenarios')) # Load personID = h.getPersonID() c.scenario = Session.query(model.Scenario).filter( # If user does not have access to the scenario, if not c.scenario: c.status = model.statusFailed if format == 'html': return render('/scenarios/show.mako') elif format == 'zip': return '' elif format == 'geojson': return geojson.dumps(geojson.FeatureCollection([])) elif format == 'json': return cjson.encode({}) # If the scenario has an error, if c.scenario.status == model.statusFailed: c.traceback = c.scenario.output['traceback'] c.status = model.statusFailed if format == 'html': return render('/scenarios/show.mako') elif format == 'zip': return forward(FileApp(c.scenario.getFolder() + '.zip')) elif format == 'geojson': return geojson.dumps(geojson.FeatureCollection([])) elif format == 'json': return c.scenario.exportJSON() # If the scenario has not been processed, if c.scenario.isQueued(): c.status = model.statusPending if format == 'html': return render('/scenarios/show.mako') elif format == 'zip': return forward(FileApp(c.scenario.getFolder() + '.zip')) elif format == 'geojson': return geojson.dumps(geojson.FeatureCollection([])) elif format == 'json': return c.scenario.exportJSON() # Prepare c.status = model.statusDone c.scenarioInput = c.scenario.input c.scenarioOutput = c.scenario.output transform_point = geometry_store.get_transform_point(geometry_store.proj4LL, geometry_store.proj4SM) # If the user wants HTML, if format == 'html': # Render scenario c.metricModel = metric.getModel(c.scenarioInput['metric model name']) scenarioStatistics = c.scenarioOutput['statistics'] nodeStatistics = scenarioStatistics['node'] # Prepare map centerX, centerY = transform_point(nodeStatistics['mean longitude'], nodeStatistics['mean latitude']) box1X, box1Y = transform_point(nodeStatistics['minimum longitude'], nodeStatistics['maximum latitude']) box2X, box2Y = transform_point(nodeStatistics['maximum longitude'], nodeStatistics['minimum latitude']) # Render map datasetStore = c.scenario.getDataset() c.mapFeatures = datasetStore.exportGeoJSON(transform_point) c.mapCenter = '%s, %s' % (centerX, centerY) c.mapBox = '%s, %s, %s, %s' % (box1X, box1Y, box2X, box2Y) # Render nodes c.nodes = list(datasetStore.cycleNodes()) c.populationQuartiles = scenarioStatistics['metric']['population quartiles'] # Render scenarios c.scenarios = Session.query(model.Scenario).filter(model.getScopeFilter(personID)).filter(model.Scenario.status==model.statusDone).filter(! # Return return render('/scenarios/show.mako') elif format == 'zip': return forward(FileApp(c.scenario.getFolder() + '.zip')) elif format == 'geojson': return c.scenario.getDataset().exportGeoJSON(transform_point) elif format == 'json': return c.scenario.exportJSON(request.params.get('nodeID'))
def xmlrpc(self): return forward(DashboardXMLRPCController())
def serve(self, id, download=False, **kwargs): """Serve a :class:`` binary. :param id: File ID :type id: ``int`` :param bool download: If true, serve with an Content-Disposition that makes the file download to the users computer instead of playing in the browser. :raises webob.exc.HTTPNotFound: If no file exists with this ID. :raises webob.exc.HTTPNotAcceptable: If an Accept header field is present, and if the mimetype of the requested file doesn't match, then a 406 (not acceptable) response is returned. """ file = fetch_row(MediaFile, id=id) request.perm.assert_permission(u'view', file_type = file.mimetype.encode('utf-8') file_name = file.display_name.encode('utf-8') file_path = helpers.file_path(file) if file_path is None: log.warn('No path exists for requested media file: %r', file) raise HTTPNotFound() file_path = file_path.encode('utf-8') if not os.path.exists(file_path): log.warn('No such file or directory: %r', file_path) raise HTTPNotFound() # Ensure the request accepts files with this container accept = request.environ.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', '*/*') if not mimeparse.best_match([file_type], accept): raise HTTPNotAcceptable() # 406 method = config.get('file_serve_method', None) headers = [] # Serving files with this header breaks playback on iPhone if download: headers.append(('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % file_name)) if method == 'apache_xsendfile': # Requires mod_xsendfile for Apache 2.x # XXX: Don't send Content-Length or Etag headers, # Apache handles them for you. response.headers['X-Sendfile'] = file_path response.body = '' elif method == 'nginx_redirect': # Requires NGINX server configuration: # NGINX must have a location block configured that matches # the __mediacore_serve__ path below. It should also be # configured as an "internal" location to prevent people from # surfing directly to it. # For more information see: redirect_filename = '/__mediacore_serve__/%s' % os.path.basename( file_path) response.headers['X-Accel-Redirect'] = redirect_filename else: app = FileApp(file_path, headers, content_type=file_type) return forward(app) response.headers['Content-Type'] = file_type for header, value in headers: response.headers[header] = value return None