def plot_morpho(self, figsize, save_path=None, alpha=1, color=None, volume=None, vol_color = (250, 250, 250, .05), azim=-90, elev=-90, dist=6, xlim3d=(-4500, 110000), ylim3d=(-4500, 110000), linewidth=1.5, connectors=False): # recommended volume for L1 dataset, 'PS_Neuropil_manual' neurons = pymaid.get_neurons(self.skids) if(color==None): color = self.color if(volume!=None): neuropil = pymaid.get_volume(volume) neuropil.color = vol_color fig, ax = navis.plot2d([neurons, neuropil], method='3d_complex', color=color, linewidth=linewidth, connectors=connectors, cn_size=2, alpha=alpha) if(volume==None): fig, ax = navis.plot2d([neurons], method='3d_complex', color=color, linewidth=linewidth, connectors=connectors, cn_size=2, alpha=alpha) ax.azim = azim ax.elev = elev ax.dist = dist ax.set_xlim3d(xlim3d) ax.set_ylim3d(ylim3d) if(save_path!=None): fig.savefig(f'{save_path}.png', format='png', dpi=300, transparent=True)
def setUp(self): self.rm = pymaid.CatmaidInstance(config_test.server_url, config_test.http_user, config_test.http_pw, config_test.token) = pymaid.get_neuron(config_test.test_skids, remote_instance=self.rm) self.vol = pymaid.get_volume(config_test.test_volume)
def plot_3view( data, axs, palette=None, connectors=False, connectors_only=False, label_by=None, alpha=1, s=1, row_title=None, **kws, ): volumes = [pymaid.get_volume(v) for v in volume_names] for i, view in enumerate(views): ax = axs[i] if label_by is None: pymaid.plot2d( data, color=palette, ax=ax, method="3d", connectors=connectors, connectors_only=connectors_only, **kws, ) else: uni_labels = np.unique(data[label_by]) for ul in uni_labels: temp_data = data[data[label_by] == ul] color = palette[ul] scatter_kws = dict(s=s, alpha=alpha, color=color) pymaid.plot2d( temp_data[["x", "y", "z"]], ax=ax, method="3d", connectors=connectors, connectors_only=connectors_only, scatter_kws=scatter_kws, **kws, ) set_view_params(ax, **view_dict[view]) plot_volumes(volumes, ax) if row_title is not None: ax = axs[0] ax.text2D( x=0, y=0.5, s=row_title, ha="right", va="center", color="grey", rotation=90, transform=ax.transAxes, )
def plot_celltype(path, pairids, n_rows, n_cols, celltypes, pairs_path, plot_pairs=True, connectors=False, cn_size=0.25, color=None, names=False, plot_padding=[0,0]): pairs = Promat.get_pairs(pairs_path) # pull specific cell type identities celltype_ct = [Celltype(f'{pairid}-ipsi-bi', Promat.get_paired_skids(pairid, pairs)) for pairid in pairids] celltype_ct = Celltype_Analyzer(celltype_ct) celltype_ct.set_known_types(celltypes) members = celltype_ct.memberships() # link identities to official celltype colors celltype_identities = [np.where(members.iloc[:, i]==1.0)[0][0] for i in range(0, len(members.columns))] if(plot_pairs): celltype_ct = [Celltype(celltypes[celltype_identities[i]].name.replace('s', ''), Promat.get_paired_skids(pairid, pairs), celltypes[celltype_identities[i]].color) if celltype_identities[i]<17 else Celltype(f'{pairid}', Promat.get_paired_skids(pairid, pairs), '#7F7F7F') for i, pairid in enumerate(pairids)] if(plot_pairs==False): celltype_ct = [Celltype(celltypes[celltype_identities[i]].name.replace('s', ''), pairid, celltypes[celltype_identities[i]].color) if celltype_identities[i]<17 else Celltype('Other', pairid, '#7F7F7F') for i, pairid in enumerate(pairids)] # plot neuron morphologies neuropil = pymaid.get_volume('PS_Neuropil_manual') neuropil.color = (250, 250, 250, .05) n_rows = n_rows n_cols = n_cols alpha = 1 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(n_cols*2, n_rows*2)) gs = plt.GridSpec(n_rows, n_cols, figure=fig, wspace=plot_padding[0], hspace=plot_padding[1]) axs = np.empty((n_rows, n_cols), dtype=object) for i, skids in enumerate([x.skids for x in celltype_ct]): if(color!=None): col = color else: col = celltype_ct[i].color neurons = pymaid.get_neurons(skids) inds = np.unravel_index(i, shape=(n_rows, n_cols)) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[inds], projection="3d") axs[inds] = ax navis.plot2d(x=[neurons, neuropil], connectors=connectors, cn_size=cn_size, color=col, alpha=alpha, ax=ax, method='3d_complex') ax.azim = -90 ax.elev = -90 ax.dist = 6 ax.set_xlim3d((-4500, 110000)) ax.set_ylim3d((-4500, 110000)) if(names): ax.text(x=(ax.get_xlim()[0] + ax.get_xlim()[1])/2 - ax.get_xlim()[1]*0.05, y=ax.get_ylim()[1]*4/5, z=0, s=celltype_ct[i].name, transform=ax.transData, color=col, alpha=1) fig.savefig(f'{path}.png', format='png', dpi=300, transparent=True)
def test_connectivity_filter(self): dist, prox = pymaid.cut_neuron( self.n, pymaid.find_main_branchpoint(self.n)) vol = pymaid.get_volume(config_test.test_volume) # Connectivity table by neuron self.assertIsInstance(pymaid.filter_connectivity(self.cn_table, prox), pd.DataFrame) # Adjacency matrix by neuron self.assertIsInstance(pymaid.filter_connectivity(self.adj, prox), pd.DataFrame) # Connectivity table by volume self.assertIsInstance(pymaid.filter_connectivity(self.cn_table, vol), pd.DataFrame) # Adjacency matrix by volume self.assertIsInstance(pymaid.filter_connectivity(self.adj, vol), pd.DataFrame)
def test_get_volume(self): self.assertIsInstance(pymaid.get_volume( config_test.test_volume, remote_instance=self.rm), pymaid.Volume)
pns_ms = neurogenesis.init_from_skid_list(fafb_c, pn_skids) import pickle path = local_path + "data/pn_bouton_clusters/" with open(path + "pns_ms.pkl", 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(pns_ms, f, -1) nl = [pymaid.get_neuron([str(i) for i in j]) for j in [pn_skids[:40], pn_skids[40:80], pn_skids[80:]]] pns_pm = nl[0] + nl[1] + nl [2] with open(path + "pns_pm.pkl", 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(pns_pm, f, -1) ca = pymaid.get_volume('MB_CA_R') with open(path + "ca.pkl", 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(ca, f, -1) df = pd.read_excel(local_path + 'data/180613-pn_subtypes.xlsx') # for loading the pickle pymaid neuronlist data path = local_path + "data/pn_bouton_clusters/" with open(path + "pns_pm.pkl", 'rb') as f: pns_pm = pickle.load(f) with open(path + "pns_ms.pkl", 'rb') as f: pns_ms = pickle.load(f)
axs = np.empty((n_row, n_col), dtype="O") connection_types = ["axon", "dendrite", "unsplittable"] pal = sns.color_palette("deep", 5) colors = [pal[3], pal[0], pal[4]] # red, blue, purple connection_colors = dict(zip(connection_types, colors)) views = ["front", "side", "top"] view_params = [ dict(azim=-90, elev=0, dist=5), dict(azim=0, elev=0, dist=5), dict(azim=-90, elev=90, dist=5), ] view_dict = dict(zip(views, view_params)) volumes = [pymaid.get_volume(v) for v in volume_names] def set_view_params(ax, azim=-90, elev=0, dist=5): ax.azim = azim ax.elev = elev ax.dist = dist set_axes_equal(ax) def plot_volumes(ax): pymaid.plot2d(volumes, ax=ax, method="3d") for c in ax.collections: if isinstance(c, Poly3DCollection): c.set_alpha(0.03) def add_subplot(row, col, projection=None): ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[row, col], projection=projection)
def get_volume_pruned_neurons_by_skid(skids, volume_id, mode='fele', resample=0, only_keep_largest_fragment=False, verbose=False, remote_instance=None): """ mode : 'fele' - Keep all parts of the neuron between its primary neurite's First Entry to and Last Exit from the volume. So if a segment of the primary neurite leaves and then re-enters the volume, that segment is not removed. 'strict' - All nodes outside the volume are pruned. resample : If set to a positive value, the neuron will be resampled before pruning to have treenodes placed every `resample` nanometers. If left at 0, resampling is not performed. In both cases, if a branch point is encountered before the first entry or last exit, that branch point is used as the prune point. """ if remote_instance is None: remote_instance = source_project #if exit_volume_id is None: # exit_volume_id = entry_volume_id neurons = pymaid.get_neuron(skids, remote_instance=source_project) if volume_id not in volumes: try: print(f'Pulling volume {volume_id} from project' f' {remote_instance.project_id}.') volumes[volume_id] = pymaid.get_volume( volume_id, remote_instance=remote_instance) except: print(f"Couldn't find volume {volume_id} in project_id" f" {remote_instance.project_id}! Exiting.") raise else: print(f'Loading volume {volume_id} from cache.') volume = volumes[volume_id] if type(neurons) is pymaid.core.CatmaidNeuron: neurons = pymaid.core.CatmaidNeuronList(neurons) if resample > 0: #TODO find the last node on the primary neurite and store its position neurons.resample( resample) # This throws out radius info except for root #TODO find the new node closest to the stored node and set all nodes #between that node and root to have radius 500 for neuron in neurons: if 'pruned by vol' in neuron.neuron_name: raise Exception( 'Volume pruning was requested for ' f' "{neuron.neuron_name}". You probably didn\'t mean to do' ' this since it was already pruned. Exiting.') continue print(f'Pruning neuron {neuron.neuron_name}') if mode == 'fele': """ First, find the most distal primary neurite node. Then, walk backward until either finding a node within the volume or a branch point. Prune distal to one distal to that point (so it only gets the primary neurite and not the offshoot). Then, start from the primary neurite node that's a child of the soma node, and walk forward (how?) until finding a node within the volume or a branch point. Prune proximal to that. """ nodes = neuron.nodes.set_index('node_id') # Find end of the primary neurite nodes['has_fat_child'] = False for tid in nodes.index: if[tid, 'radius'] == PRIMARY_NEURITE_RADIUS: parent =[tid, 'parent_id'][parent, 'has_fat_child'] = True is_prim_neurite_end = (~nodes['has_fat_child']) & ( nodes['radius'] == PRIMARY_NEURITE_RADIUS) prim_neurite_end = nodes.index[is_prim_neurite_end] if len(prim_neurite_end) is 0: raise ValueError(f"{neuron.neuron_name} doesn't look like a" " motor neuron. Exiting.") elif len(prim_neurite_end) is not 1: raise ValueError('Multiple primary neurite ends for' f' {neuron.neuron_name}: {prim_neurite_end}.' '\nExiting.') nodes['is_in_vol'] = navis.in_volume(nodes, volume) # Walk backwards until at a point inside the volume, or at a branch # point current_node = prim_neurite_end[0] parent_node =[current_node, 'parent_id'] while ([parent_node, 'type'] != 'branch' and not[parent_node, 'is_in_vol']): current_node = parent_node if verbose: print(f'Walk back to {current_node}') parent_node =[parent_node, 'parent_id'] if verbose: print(f'Pruning distal to {current_node}') neuron.prune_distal_to(current_node, inplace=True) # Start at the first primary neurite node downstream of root current_node = nodes.index[ (nodes.parent_id == neuron.root[0]) #& (nodes.radius == PRIMARY_NEURITE_RADIUS)][0] & (nodes.radius > 0)][0] #Walking downstream is a bit slow, but probably acceptable while (not[current_node, 'is_in_vol'] and[current_node, 'type'] == 'slab'): current_node = nodes.index[nodes.parent_id == current_node][0] if verbose: print(f'Walk forward to {current_node}') if not[current_node, 'is_in_vol']: input('WARNING: Hit a branch before hitting the volume for' f' neuron {neuron.neuron_name}. This is unusual.' ' Press enter to acknowledge.') if verbose: print(f'Pruning proximal to {current_node}') neuron.prune_proximal_to(current_node, inplace=True) elif mode == 'strict': neuron.prune_by_volume(volume) #This does in-place pruning if neuron.n_skeletons > 1: if only_keep_largest_fragment: print('Neuron has multiple disconnected fragments after' ' pruning. Will only keep the largest fragment.') frags = morpho.break_fragments(neuron) neuron.nodes = frags[frags.n_nodes == max( frags.n_nodes)][0].nodes #print(neuron) #else, the neuron will get healed and print a message about being #healed during upload_neuron, so nothing needs to be done here. if mode == 'fele': neuron.annotations.append( f'pruned (first entry, last exit) by vol {volume_id}') elif mode == 'strict': neuron.annotations.append(f'pruned (strict) by vol {volume_id}') neuron.neuron_name = neuron.neuron_name + f' - pruned by vol {volume_id}' if verbose: print('\n') return neurons