예제 #1
 def compute_primal_vrep(self):
     """Compute vertices of the primal tube."""
     delta = self.target_com - self.start_com
     n = normalize(delta)
     t = array([0., 0., 1.])
     t -= dot(t, n) * n
     t = normalize(t)
     b = cross(n, t)
     cross_section = [dx * t + dy * b for (dx, dy) in [
         (+self.radius, +self.radius),
         (+self.radius, -self.radius),
         (-self.radius, +self.radius),
         (-self.radius, -self.radius)]]
     tube_start = self.start_com - self.margin * n
     tube_end = self.target_com + self.margin * n
     vertices = (
         [tube_start + s for s in cross_section] +
         [tube_end + s for s in cross_section])
     self.full_vrep = vertices
     if self.start_stance.label.startswith('SS'):
         if all(abs(self.start_stance.com.p - self.target_com) < 1e-3):
             self.primal_vrep = [vertices]
         else:  # beginning of SS phase
             self.primal_vrep = [
                 [self.start_com],  # single-support
                 vertices]          # ensuing double-support
     else:  # start_stance is DS
         self.primal_vrep = [
             vertices,             # double-support
             [self.target_com]]    # final single-support
예제 #2
 def __init__(self, start_com, end_com, stance, radius, margin):
     n = normalize(end_com - start_com)
     t = array([0., 0., 1.])
     t -= dot(t, n) * n
     t = normalize(t)
     b = cross(n, t)
     cross_section = [
         dx * t + dy * b
         for (dx, dy) in [(+radius,
                           +radius), (+radius,
                                      -radius), (-radius,
                                                 +radius), (-radius,
     tube_start = start_com - margin * n
     tube_end = end_com + margin * n
     primal_vrep = [tube_start + s for s in cross_section] + \
         [tube_end + s for s in cross_section]
     primal_hrep = compute_polytope_hrep(primal_vrep)
     dual_vrep = stance.compute_pendular_accel_cone(
     dual_hrep = compute_polytope_hrep(dual_vrep)
     self.dual_hrep = dual_hrep
     self.dual_vrep = dual_vrep
     self.primal_hrep = primal_hrep
     self.primal_vrep = primal_vrep
 def compute_primal_vrep(self):
     """Compute vertices of the primal tube."""
     delta = self.target_com - self.start_com
     n = normalize(delta)
     t = array([0., 0., 1.])
     t -= dot(t, n) * n
     t = normalize(t)
     b = cross(n, t)
     cross_section = [dx * t + dy * b for (dx, dy) in [
         (+self.radius, +self.radius),
         (+self.radius, -self.radius),
         (-self.radius, +self.radius),
         (-self.radius, -self.radius)]]
     tube_start = self.start_com - self.margin * n
     tube_end = self.target_com + self.margin * n
     vertices = (
         [tube_start + s for s in cross_section] +
         [tube_end + s for s in cross_section])
     self.full_vrep = vertices
     if self.start_stance.label.startswith('SS'):
         if all(abs(self.start_stance.com.p - self.target_com) < 1e-3):
             self.primal_vrep = [vertices]
         else:  # beginning of SS phase
             self.primal_vrep = [
                 [self.start_com],  # single-support
                 vertices]          # ensuing double-support
     else:  # start_stance is DS
         self.primal_vrep = [
             vertices,             # double-support
             [self.target_com]]    # final single-support
예제 #4
파일: tube.py 프로젝트: snozawa/3d-mpc
 def compute_primal_vrep(self):
     """Compute vertices for both primal tubes."""
     delta = self.target_com - self.start_com
     n = normalize(delta)
     t = array([0., 0., 1.])
     t -= dot(t, n) * n
     t = normalize(t)
     b = cross(n, t)
     cross_section = [dx * t + dy * b for (dx, dy) in [
         (+self.radius, +self.radius),
         (+self.radius, -self.radius),
         (-self.radius, +self.radius),
         (-self.radius, -self.radius)]]
     tube_start = self.start_com - self.margin * n
     tube_end = self.target_com + self.margin * n
     if self.start_stance.is_single_support:
         sep = self.start_stance.sep
     else:  # self.start_stance.is_double_support
         sep = self.next_stance.sep
     vertices0, vertices1 = [], []
     for s in cross_section:
         start_vertex = tube_start + s
         end_vertex = tube_end + s
         # NB: the order in the intersection matters, see function doc
         mid_vertex = intersect_line_cylinder(end_vertex, start_vertex, sep)
         if mid_vertex is None:
             # assuming that start_vertex is in the SEP, no intersection
             # means that both COM are inside the polygon
             vertices = (
                 [tube_start + s for s in cross_section] +
                 [tube_end + s for s in cross_section])
             if self.start_stance.is_single_support:
                 # we are at the end of an SS phase
                 self.primal_vrep = [vertices]
             else:  # self.start_stance.is_double_support
                 # we are in DS but polytope is included in the next SS-SEP
                 self.primal_vrep = [vertices, vertices]
         if self.start_stance.is_single_support:
             mid_vertex = start_vertex + 0.95 * (mid_vertex - start_vertex)
         else:  # self.start_stance.is_double_support
             mid_vertex = end_vertex + 0.95 * (mid_vertex - end_vertex)
     self.primal_vrep = [vertices0, vertices1]
예제 #5
 def interpolate_path(self):
     target_p = self.fsm.next_stance.com
     target_pd = self.fsm.next_stance.comd
     p0 = self.body.p
     p1 = target_p
     if norm(p1 - p0) < 1e-3:
         return None, None
     v1 = target_pd
     if norm(self.body.pd) > 1e-4:
         v0 = self.body.pd
         path = interpolate_houba_topp(p0, p1, v0, v1, hack=True)
         sd_beg = norm(v0) / norm(path.Evald(0.))
     else:  # choose initial direction
         delta = normalize(p1 - p0)
         ref = normalize(self.fsm.cur_stance.comd)
         v0 = 0.7 * delta + 0.3 * ref
         path = interpolate_houba_topp(p0, p1, v0, v1, hack=True)
         sd_beg = 0.
     return path, sd_beg
예제 #6
def reset_state(scenario):
    contact_pos, contact_rpy, z_crit_des, zd = scenario
    pendulum.com.set_pos([0, 0, pendulum.z_target])
    robot.ik.solve(max_it=100, impr_stop=1e-4)
    e_z = array([0., 0., 1.])
    e_x = pendulum.target - pendulum.com.p
    e_x = normalize(e_x - dot(e_x, e_z) * e_z)
    z_diff = (pendulum.com.z - contact.z) - z_crit_des
    x = -dot(e_x, (contact.p - pendulum.com.p))
    xd = -x / (2 * z_diff) * (-zd + sqrt(zd**2 + 2 * 9.81 * z_diff))
    vel = xd * e_x + zd * e_z
    if '--gui' in sys.argv:
        global vel_handle
        vel_handle = draw_line(pendulum.com.p, pendulum.com.p + 0.5 * vel)
예제 #7
 def update_state(self):
     Compute the stationary frame and current pendulum state in that frame.
     com = self.pendulum.com
     contact = self.pendulum.contact
     delta = com.p - contact.p
     e_z = array([0., 0., 1.])
     e_x = -normalize(delta - dot(delta, e_z) * e_z)
     e_y = cross(e_z, e_x)
     R = vstack([e_x, e_y, e_z])  # from world to local frame
     p, pd = dot(R, delta), dot(R, com.pd)  # in local frame
     T = transform_from_R_p(R.T, contact.p)  # local to world frame
     self.T = T
     self.e_x = e_x
     self.e_y = e_y
     self.e_z = e_z
예제 #8
    mass = 38.  # [kg]
    z_target = 0.8  # [m]
    init_pos = array([0., 0., z_target])
    vel = (0.7, 0.1, 0.2)
    draw_parabola = True
    if "--comanoid" in sys.argv:
            import comanoid
            vel = comanoid.setup(sim, robot, contact)
            draw_parabola = False
        except ImportError:
            warn("comanoid module not available, switching to default")
    delta = init_pos - contact.p
    e_z = array([0., 0., 1.])
    e_x = -normalize(delta - dot(delta, e_z) * e_z)
    e_y = cross(e_z, e_x)
    init_vel = vel[0] * e_x + vel[1] * e_y + vel[2] * e_z
    pendulum = InvertedPendulum(mass, init_pos, init_vel, contact, z_target)
    pendulum.draw_parabola = draw_parabola
    stance = Stance(com=pendulum.com, right_foot=contact)

    g = -sim.gravity[2]
    lambda_min = 0.1 * g
    lambda_max = 2.0 * g
    stabilizer = Stabilizer3D(
        pendulum, lambda_min, lambda_max, nb_steps=10, cop_gain=2.)

    drawer = SolutionDrawer(stabilizer)