예제 #1
    n = 10
    p = 2
    N = 15
    print(f'Example 1: {N} points on Gr({p}, {m}) embedded in Gr({p}, {n})\n') 
    sig = 0.1
    gr_low = Grassmann(m, p, N)
    gr = Grassmann(n, p, N)
    gr_map = Grassmann(n, m)

    X_low = gr_low.rand() # N x m x p
    A = gr_map.rand() # n x m
    #B = np.random.normal(0, 0.1, (n, p)) # n x p
    B = np.zeros((n,p))
    AAT = np.matmul(A, A.T) 
    IAATB = np.matmul(np.eye(n) - AAT, B)
    X = np.array([np.linalg.qr(np.matmul(A, X_low[i]) + IAATB)[0] for i in range(N)]) # N x n x p
    X = gr.exp(X, sig * gr.randvec(X)) # perturb the emdedded X
    scores = PNG(X, log = True)
    print('PCA of the scores\n')
    n_c = 5
    pca = PCA(n_components = n_c)
    print(f'The ratios of expressed variance first {n_c} PCs.')
    print(f'The cumulative ratios of expressed variance first {n_c} PCs.')