예제 #1
    def __init__(self, dataPtr, lambda1=1e-2, rank=10):
        """Initialize parameters

            dataPtr (DataPtr): An object of which contains X, Z side features and target matrix Y.
            lambda1 (uint): Regularizer.
            rank (uint): rank of the U, B, V parametrization.

        self.dataset = dataPtr
        self.X = self.dataset.get_entity("row")
        self.Z = self.dataset.get_entity("col")
        self.rank = rank
        self.shape = (self.X.shape[0], self.Z.shape[0])
        self.lambda1 = lambda1
        self.nSamples = self.Y.data.shape[0]

        self.W = None
        self.optima_reached = False
        self.manifold = Product([
            Stiefel(self.X.shape[1], self.rank),
            Stiefel(self.Z.shape[1], self.rank),
예제 #2
def test_inferer_infer(dataPtr):
    test_data = dataPtr

    rowFeatureDim = test_data.get_entity("row").shape[1]
    colFeatureDim = test_data.get_entity("col").shape[1]
    rank = 2
    W = [
        Stiefel(rowFeatureDim, rank).rand(),
        Stiefel(colFeatureDim, rank).rand(),

    Inferer(method="dot").infer(test_data, W)

    inference = Inferer(method="dot",
                        transformation="mean").infer(test_data, W)
    nOccurences = collections.Counter(inference.ravel())
    assert nOccurences[0] + nOccurences[1] == inference.size

    k = 2
    inference = Inferer(method="dot", k=k,
                        transformation="topk").infer(test_data, W)
    nOccurences = collections.Counter(inference.ravel())
    assert nOccurences[0] + nOccurences[1] == inference.size
    assert np.max(np.count_nonzero(inference == 1, axis=0)) <= k
예제 #3
    def setUp(self):
        self.m = m = 10
        self.n = n = 3
        self.k = k = 3
        self.manifold = Stiefel(m, n, k=k)
        self.manifold_polar = Stiefel(m, n, k=k, retraction="polar")

예제 #4
    def setUp(self):
        self.m = m = 20
        self.n = n = 2
        self.k = k = 1
        self.manifold = Stiefel(m, n, k=k)
        self.manifold_polar = Stiefel(m, n, k=k, retraction="polar")
        self.projection = lambda x, u: u - x @ (x.T @ u + u.T @ x) / 2

예제 #5
    def __init__(self, m, n, k):
        self._m = m
        self._n = n
        self._k = k

        self._name = ("Manifold of {m}-by-{n} matrices with rank {k} and "
                      "embedded geometry".format(m=m, n=n, k=k))

        self._stiefel_m = Stiefel(m, k)
        self._stiefel_n = Stiefel(n, k)
예제 #6
def run(quiet=True):
    dimension = 3
    num_samples = 200
    num_components = 2
    samples = np.random.randn(num_samples, dimension) @ np.diag([3, 2, 1])
    samples -= samples.mean(axis=0)
    samples_ = torch.from_numpy(samples)

    def cost(w):
        projector = torch.matmul(w, torch.transpose(w, 1, 0))
        return torch.norm(samples_ - torch.matmul(samples_, projector)) ** 2

    manifold = Stiefel(dimension, num_components)
    problem = pymanopt.Problem(manifold, cost, egrad=None, ehess=None)
    if quiet:
        problem.verbosity = 0

    solver = TrustRegions()
    # from pymanopt.solvers import ConjugateGradient
    # solver = ConjugateGradient()
    estimated_span_matrix = solver.solve(problem)

    if quiet:

    estimated_projector = estimated_span_matrix @ estimated_span_matrix.T

    eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eig(samples.T @ samples)
    indices = np.argsort(eigenvalues)[::-1][:num_components]
    span_matrix = eigenvectors[:, indices]
    projector = span_matrix @ span_matrix.T

    print("Frobenius norm error between estimated and closed-form projection "
          "matrix:", np.linalg.norm(projector - estimated_projector))
예제 #7
파일: pca.py 프로젝트: agoel00/MBAweb
def run(backend=SUPPORTED_BACKENDS[0], quiet=True):
    dimension = 3
    num_samples = 200
    num_components = 2
    samples = np.random.randn(num_samples, dimension) @ np.diag([3, 2, 1])
    samples -= samples.mean(axis=0)

    cost, egrad, ehess = create_cost_egrad_ehess(backend, samples,
    manifold = Stiefel(dimension, num_components)
    problem = pymanopt.Problem(manifold, cost, egrad=egrad, ehess=ehess)
    if quiet:
        problem.verbosity = 0

    solver = TrustRegions()
    # from pymanopt.solvers import ConjugateGradient
    # solver = ConjugateGradient()
    estimated_span_matrix = solver.solve(problem)

    if quiet:

    estimated_projector = estimated_span_matrix @ estimated_span_matrix.T

    eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eig(samples.T @ samples)
    indices = np.argsort(eigenvalues)[::-1][:num_components]
    span_matrix = eigenvectors[:, indices]
    projector = span_matrix @ span_matrix.T

        "Frobenius norm error between estimated and closed-form projection "
        "matrix:", np.linalg.norm(projector - estimated_projector))
예제 #8
파일: madmm.py 프로젝트: ZawilaP/Magisterka
    def fit(self):
        v_matrix_shape = (self.w_matrix.shape[0], self.w_matrix.shape[1])
        w_matrix = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.w_matrix, dtype=tf.float64)
        z_matrix = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.z_matrix, dtype=tf.float64)
        x_matrix = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.x_matrix, dtype=tf.float64)
        lambda_matrix = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.lambda_matrix,
        x = tf.Variable(
            initial_value=tf.ones(v_matrix_shape, dtype=tf.dtypes.float64))

        cost = tf.norm(x_matrix - tf.linalg.matmul(
            tf.linalg.matmul(x, lambda_matrix), tf.transpose(x))
                       ) + self.rho / 2 * tf.norm(x - w_matrix + z_matrix)

        manifold = Stiefel(v_matrix_shape[0], v_matrix_shape[1])
        problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost, arg=x)
        solver = SteepestDescent(logverbosity=self.verbosity)
        if self.verbosity > 2:
            v_optimal, _ = solver.solve(problem)
            v_optimal = solver.solve(problem)

        if self.verbosity > 2:
            print("==> WSubproblem ==> Showing v_optimal:")

        return v_optimal
예제 #9
    def fit(self):
        f = self.f
        X = self.X
        tol = self.tol
        d = self.d
        n = self.n

        current_best_residual = np.inf
        for r in range(self.restarts):
            print('restart %d' % r)
            M0 = np.linalg.qr(np.random.randn(self.d, self.n))[0]
            my_params = [Parameter(order=self.order, distribution='uniform', lower=-5, upper=5) for _ in range(n)]
            my_basis = Basis('total-order')
            my_poly_init = Poly(parameters=my_params, basis=my_basis, method='least-squares',
                                sampling_args={'mesh': 'user-defined',
                                               'sample-points': X @ M0,
                                               'sample-outputs': f})
            c0 = my_poly_init.coefficients.copy()

            residual = self.cost(f, X, M0, c0)

            cauchy_length = self.cauchy_length
            residual_history = []
            iter_ind = 0
            M = M0.copy()
            c = c0.copy()
            while residual > tol:
                if self.verbosity == 2:
                # Minimize over M
                func_M = lambda M_var: self.cost(f, X, M_var, c)
                grad_M = lambda M_var: self.dcostdM(f, X, M_var, c)

                manifold = Stiefel(d, n)
                solver = ConjugateGradient(maxiter=self.max_M_iters)

                problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=func_M, egrad=grad_M, verbosity=0)

                M = solver.solve(problem, x=M)

                # Minimize over c
                func_c = lambda c_var: self.cost(f, X, M, c_var)
                grad_c = lambda c_var: self.dcostdc(f, X, M, c_var)

                res = minimize(func_c, x0=c, method='CG', jac=grad_c)
                c = res.x
                residual = self.cost(f, X, M, c)
                if iter_ind < cauchy_length:
                    iter_ind += 1
                elif np.abs(np.mean(residual_history[-cauchy_length:]) - residual)/residual < self.cauchy_tol:

            if self.verbosity > 0:
                print('final residual on training data: %f' % self.cost(f, X, M, c))
            if residual < current_best_residual:
                self.M = M
                self.c = c
                current_best_residual = residual
def optimize_AB(Cor11, Cor21, n, V11, V21, D11, D21, k):

    global D2
    global V1
    global V2
    global Cor1
    global Cor2
    global k_

    D2 = D21
    V1 = V11
    V2 = V21
    Cor1 = Cor11
    Cor2 = Cor21
    k_ = k

    manifold = Stiefel(k, k)
    x0 = init_x0(Cor1, Cor2, n, V1, V2, D1, D2, k)
    # x0=np.load('zwischenspeicher/B.npy')
    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost)

    # (3) Instantiate a Pymanopt solver

    #solver = pymanopt.solvers.conjugate_gradient.ConjugateGradient(maxtime=10000, maxiter=10000)
    solver = pymanopt.solvers.trust_regions.TrustRegions(
    )  # maxtime=float('inf'))

    # let Pymanopt do the rest
    B = solver.solve(problem, x=x0)
    # print(B)
    # print(np.reshape(res.x[0:k*k_],(k_,k))[email protected](res.x[0:k*k_],(k_,k)))

    return B
def CGmanopt(X, objective_function, A, **kwargs):
    Minimizes the objective function subject to the constraint that X.T * X = I_k using the
    conjugate gradient method

        X: Initial 2D array of shape (n, k) such that X.T * X = I_k
        objective_function: Objective function F(X, A) to minimize.
        A: Additional parameters for the objective function F(X, A)

    Keyword Args:

        Xopt: Value of X that minimizes the objective subject to the constraint.

    manifold = Stiefel(X.shape[0], X.shape[1])

    def cost(X):
        c, _ = objective_function(X, A)
        return c

    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost, verbosity=0)
    solver = ConjugateGradient(logverbosity=0)
    Xopt = solver.solve(problem)
    return Xopt, None
예제 #12
 def setUp(self):
     self.m = m = 20
     self.n = n = 2
     self.k = k = 1
     self.man = Stiefel(m, n, k=k)
     self.proj = lambda x, u: u - npa.dot(x, npa.dot(x.T, u) +
                                          npa.dot(u.T, x)) / 2
예제 #13
def rand_basis_with1(n, k):
    """Return a random o.n. basis containing the ones vector"""
    one = anp.ones((n, 1))
    stief = Stiefel(n, k-1) #Gives us a basis with 
    Z = stief.rand()
    Y = sla.orth(anp.hstack((one, Z)))
    return Y
예제 #14
    def __init__(self, Xs, Xt, A, lbda, rank, device=-1):
        self.Xs = Xs
        self.Xt = Xt
        self.A = A
        self.rank = rank
        self.lbda = lbda
        assert isinstance(self.Xs, torch.Tensor)
        assert isinstance(self.Xt, torch.Tensor)
        assert isinstance(self.A, torch.Tensor)
        self.device = device

        d1 = self.Xs.size(1)
        d2 = self.Xt.size(1)

        assert (d1 == rank == d2), f"Found dimensions {d1}, {rank}, {d2}"
        d = d1
        self.manifold = Product(
            [Stiefel(d, d), PositiveDefinite(d),
             Stiefel(d, d)])
예제 #15
 def __init__(self, Xs, Xt, device=-1):
     self.Xs = Xs
     self.Xt = Xt
     assert isinstance(self.Xs, torch.Tensor)
     assert isinstance(self.Xt, torch.Tensor)
     d1 = self.Xs.size(1)
     d2 = self.Xt.size(1)
     self.device = device
     assert d1 == d2, f"Error. Found different dims {d1}, {d2}"
     self.manifold = Product([Stiefel(d1, d2)])
예제 #16
파일: stsc_manopt.py 프로젝트: soniaai/stsc
def get_rotation_matrix(X, C):
    def cost(R):
        Z = npy.dot(X, R)
        M = npy.max(Z, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        return npy.sum((Z / M)**2)

    manifold = Stiefel(C, C)
    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost, verbosity=0)
    solver = SteepestDescent(logverbosity=0)
    opt = solver.solve(problem=problem, x=npy.eye(C))
    return cost(opt), opt
예제 #17
def estimateR_weighted(S, W, D, R0):
    estimates the update of the rotation matrix for the second part of the iterations
    :param S : shape
    :param W : heatmap
    :param D : weight of the heatmap
    :param R0 : rotation matrix
    :return: R the new rotation matrix

    A = np.transpose(S)
    B = np.transpose(W)
    X0 = R0[0:2, :]
    store_E = Store()

    [m, n] = A.shape
    p = B.shape[1]

    At = np.zeros([n, m])
    At = np.transpose(A)

    # we use the optimization on a Stiefel manifold because R is constrained to be othogonal
    manifold = Stiefel(n, p, 1)

    def cost(X):
        cost function of the manifold, the cost is trace(E'*D*E)/2 with E = A*X - B or store_E
        :param X : vector
        :return f : the cost

        if store_E.stored is None:
            store_E.stored = np.dot(A, np.transpose(X)) - B

        E = store_E.stored
        f = np.trace(np.dot(np.transpose(E), np.dot(D, E))) / 2

        return f


    # setup the problem structure with manifold M and cost
    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost, verbosity=0)

    # setup the trust region algorithm to solve the problem
    TR = TrustRegions(maxiter=10)

    # solve the problem
    X = TR.solve(problem, X0)

    #print('X : ',X)
    return np.transpose(X)  # return R = X'
    def optimize_on_manifold(self, options, optmeth):
        if optmeth not in ['bo13', 'wen12', 'ManOpt']:
            print("Chosen optimization method", optmeth,
                  "has not been implemented, using 'ManOpt' ")
            optmeth = 'ManOpt'

        if optmeth == 'ManOpt':
            # This is hardcoding it to the two-dimensional case..
            manifold_one = Stiefel(
            manifold_two = Stiefel(
            manifold = Product((manifold_one, manifold_two))
            optimization_variable = tf.Variable(tf.placeholder(tf.float32))
            problem = Problem(manifold=manifold,
            solver = ConjugateGradient(problem, optimization_variable, options)

            return solver
    def estimate_orth_subspaces(self, DataStruct):
        main optimization function

        # Grassman point?
        if LA.norm(np.dot(self.Q.T, self.Q) - np.eye(self.Q.shape[-1]),
                   ord='fro') > 1e-4:

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #

        # eGrad = grad(cost)
        # eHess = hessian(cost)

        # Perform optimization
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #

        d, r = np.shape(self.Q)  # problem size

        manif = Stiefel(d, r)  # initialize manifold

        # instantiate problem
        problem = Problem(manifold=manif, cost=self._cost, verbosity=2)

        # initialize solver
        solver = TrustRegions(mingradnorm=1e-8,

        # solve
        Xopt, optlog = solver.solve(problem)

        opt_subspaces = self._objfn(Xopt)

        # Align the axes within a subspace by variance high to low
        for j in range(self.numSubspaces):
            Aj = DataStruct.A[j]
            Qj = opt_subspaces[2].Q[j]
            # data projected onto subspace
            Aj_proj = np.dot((Aj - np.mean(Aj, 0)), Qj)
            if np.size(np.cov(Aj_proj.T)) < 2:
                V = 1
                V = LA.svd(np.cov(Aj_proj.T))[0]
            Qj = np.dot(Qj, V)
            opt_subspaces[2].Q[j] = Qj  # ranked top to low variance

        return opt_subspaces[2]
예제 #20
    def test_vararg_cost_on_product(self):
        shape = (3, 3)
        manifold = Product([Stiefel(*shape)] * 2)

        def cost(*args):
            X, Y = args
            return tf.reduce_sum(X) + tf.reduce_sum(Y)

        problem = pymanopt.Problem(manifold, cost)
        optimizer = TrustRegions(max_iterations=1)
        Xopt, Yopt = optimizer.run(problem).point
        self.assertEqual(Xopt.shape, (3, 3))
        self.assertEqual(Yopt.shape, (3, 3))
def ManoptOptimization(A, m):
    n = A.shape[0]
    T = A.shape[2]
    manifold = Stiefel(n, m, k=1)

    mycost = lambda x: cost(A, x)
    myegrad = lambda x: egrad(A, x)
    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=mycost, egrad=myegrad)

    solver = TrustRegions()
    print('# Start optimization using solver: trustregion')
    Xopt = solver.solve(problem)

    return Xopt
예제 #22
def optimizer_R_v1(W, D, S, R0):
    :param W: heatmap constant
    :param D: weight of the keypoints
    :param S: shape of the object
    :param R0: initial R

    :return : the optimal R with fixed T and s
    the cost is ||(W-(RS))*sqrt(D)|| but in fact is the scale factor is already taken into account in S and T is taken into account in W

    # this store object is needed because the manifold optimizer do not works if it is not implemented like that
    store = Store()

    # -------------------------------------COST FUNCTION-------------------------------------
    def cost(R):
        :param R: rotation matrix variable
        :return : ||(W-(RS))*D^1/2||^2 = tr((W-(RS))*D*(W-(RS))')

        if store.stored is None:
            store.stored = W - np.dot(R, S)

        X = store.stored
        f = np.trace(np.dot(X, np.dot(D, np.transpose(X)))) / 2

        return f

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # we use the optimization on a Stiefel manifold because R is constrained to be othogonal
    manifold = Stiefel(3, 2, 1)

    # setup the problem structure with manifold M and cost
    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost, verbosity=0)

    # setup the trust region algorithm to solve the problem
    TR = TrustRegions(maxiter=15)

    # solve the problem
    R_opt = TR.solve(problem, R0)

    return np.transpose(R_opt)
예제 #23
    def minneg_in_SOk(self, Y0):
        Minimizes the negative part of $Y_0 Q$ over $Q \in SO(k)$.
        def cost(Q):
            Y = Y0.dot(Q)
            return self.neg(Y)

        def cost_grad(Q):
            Y = Y0.dot(Q)
            return Y0.transpose().dot(Y*(Y<0))
        k = Y0.shape[1]
        SOk = Stiefel(k,k)
        pblm =   mo.Problem(manifold = SOk,
                            cost = cost,
                            egrad = cost_grad,

        Q,log = self.solver.solve(pblm)
        return Y0.dot(Q)
예제 #24
def accumulate_gradients(opts, lr, batchSize, net, res, mmap=None):

    for l in range(len(net['layers']) - 1, -1, -1):

        if res['dzdw'][l] is not None:

            if 'learningRate' not in net['layers'][l]:
                net['layers'][l]['learningRate'] = 1

            if 'weightDecay' not in net['layers'][l]:
                net['layers'][l]['weightDecay'] = 1

            thisLR = lr * net['layers'][l]['learningRate']

            if 'weight' in net['layers'][l]:

                if net['layers'][l]['type'] == 'bfc':

                    W1 = net['layers'][l]['weight']
                    W1grad = (1. / batchSize) * res['dzdw'][l]

                    manifold = Stiefel(W1.shape[0], W1.shape[1])
                    W1Rgrad = manifold.egrad2rgrad(W1, W1grad)

                    net['layers'][l]['weight'] = manifold.retr(
                        W1, -thisLR * W1Rgrad)


                    net['layers'][l]['weight'] = net['layers'][l][
                        'weight'] - thisLR * (1. / batchSize) * res['dzdw'][l]


    return net, res
예제 #25
def run(backend=SUPPORTED_BACKENDS[0], quiet=True):
    dimension = 3
    num_samples = 200
    num_components = 2
    samples = np.random.normal(size=(num_samples, dimension)) @ np.diag(
        [3, 2, 1])
    samples -= samples.mean(axis=0)

    manifold = Stiefel(dimension, num_components)
    cost, euclidean_gradient, euclidean_hessian = create_cost_and_derivates(
        manifold, samples, backend)
    problem = pymanopt.Problem(

    optimizer = TrustRegions(verbosity=2 * int(not quiet))
    estimated_span_matrix = optimizer.run(problem).point

    if quiet:

    estimated_projector = estimated_span_matrix @ estimated_span_matrix.T

    eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eig(samples.T @ samples)
    indices = np.argsort(eigenvalues)[::-1][:num_components]
    span_matrix = eigenvectors[:, indices]
    projector = span_matrix @ span_matrix.T

        "Frobenius norm error between estimated and closed-form projection "
        np.linalg.norm(projector - estimated_projector),
예제 #26
 def setUp(self):
     self.m = m = 10
     self.n = n = 3
     self.k = k = 3
     self.man = Stiefel(m, n, k=k)
예제 #27
파일: sssrm.py 프로젝트: vincehass/brainiak
    def _update_w(self, data_align, data_sup, labels, w, s, theta, bias):

        data_align : list of 2D arrays, element i has shape=[voxels_i, n_align]
            Each element in the list contains the fMRI data for alignment of
            one subject. There are n_align samples for each subject.

        data_sup : list of 2D arrays, element i has shape=[voxels_i, samples_i]
            Each element in the list contains the fMRI data of one subject for
            the classification task.

        labels : list of arrays of int, element i has shape=[samples_i]
            Each element in the list contains the labels for the data samples
            in data_sup.

        w : list of array, element i has shape=[voxels_i, features]
            The orthogonal transforms (mappings) :math:`W_i` for each subject.

        s : array, shape=[features, samples]
            The shared response.

        theta : array, shape=[classes, features]
            The MLR class plane parameters.

        bias : array, shape=[classes]
            The MLR class biases.


        w : list of 2D array, element i has shape=[voxels_i, features]
            The updated orthogonal transforms (mappings).
        subjects = len(data_align)

        s_th = S.shared(s.astype(theano.config.floatX))
        theta_th = S.shared(theta.T.astype(theano.config.floatX))
        bias_th = S.shared(bias.T.astype(theano.config.floatX),
                           broadcastable=(True, False))

        for subject in range(subjects):
            logger.info('Subject Wi %d' % subject)
            # Solve for subject i
            # Create the theano function
            w_th = T.matrix(name='W', dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            data_srm_subject = \
            constf1 = \
                S.shared((1 - self.alpha) * 0.5 / data_align[subject].shape[1],
            f1 = constf1 * T.sum((data_srm_subject - w_th.dot(s_th))**2)

            if data_sup[subject] is not None:
                lr_samples_S = S.shared(data_sup[subject].shape[1])
                data_sup_subject = \
                labels_S = S.shared(labels[subject])
                constf2 = S.shared(-self.alpha / self.gamma /

                log_p_y_given_x = T.log(
                        (theta_th.dot(w_th.T.dot(data_sup_subject))).T +
                f2 = constf2 * T.sum(log_p_y_given_x[T.arange(lr_samples_S),
                f = f1 + f2
                f = f1

            # Define the problem and solve
            f_subject = self._objective_function_subject(
                data_align[subject], data_sup[subject], labels[subject],
                w[subject], s, theta, bias)
            minstep = np.amin(((10**-np.floor(np.log10(f_subject))), 1e-1))
            manifold = Stiefel(w[subject].shape[0], w[subject].shape[1])
            problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=f, arg=w_th, verbosity=0)
            solver = ConjugateGradient(mingradnorm=1e-2, minstepsize=minstep)
            w[subject] = np.array(
            if data_sup[subject] is not None:
                del f2
                del log_p_y_given_x
                del data_sup_subject
                del labels_S
            del solver
            del problem
            del manifold
            del f
            del f1
            del data_srm_subject
            del w_th
        del theta_th
        del bias_th
        del s_th

        # Run garbage collector to avoid filling up the memory
        return w
예제 #28
if __name__ == "__main__":
    experiment_name = 'brockett'
    n_exp = 10

    if not os.path.isdir('result'):
    path = os.path.join('result', experiment_name + '.csv')

    m = 20
    n = 5
    A = make_spd_matrix(m)
    N = np.diag([i for i in range(n)])

    cost = create_cost(A, N)
    manifold = Stiefel(m, n)
    problem = pymanopt.Problem(manifold, cost, egrad=None)

    for i in range(n_exp):
        res_list = []

        for beta_type in BetaTypes:
            solver = ConjugateGradient(beta_type=beta_type, maxiter=10000)
            res = solver.solve(problem)

        with open(path, 'a') as f:
            writer = csv.writer(f)
예제 #29
def wda(X, y, p=2, reg=1, k=10, solver=None, maxiter=100, verbose=0):
    Wasserstein Discriminant Analysis [11]_
    The function solves the following optimization problem:

    .. math::
        P = \\text{arg}\min_P \\frac{\\sum_i W(PX^i,PX^i)}{\\sum_{i,j\\neq i} W(PX^i,PX^j)}

    where :
    - :math:`P` is a linear projection operator in the Stiefel(p,d) manifold
    - :math:`W` is entropic regularized Wasserstein distances
    - :math:`X^i` are samples in the dataset corresponding to class i    
    X : numpy.ndarray (n,d)
        Training samples
    y : np.ndarray (n,)
        labels for training samples
    p : int, optional
        size of dimensionnality reduction
    reg : float, optional
        Regularization term >0 (entropic regularization)
    solver : str, optional
        None for steepest decsent or 'TrustRegions' for trust regions algorithm
        else shoudl be a pymanopt.sovers
    verbose : int, optional
        Print information along iterations

    P : (d x p) ndarray
        Optimal transportation matrix for the given parameters
    proj : fun
        projectiuon function including mean centering


    .. [11] Flamary, R., Cuturi, M., Courty, N., & Rakotomamonjy, A. (2016). Wasserstein Discriminant Analysis. arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.08063.


    mx = np.mean(X)
    X -= mx.reshape((1, -1))

    # data split between classes
    d = X.shape[1]
    xc = split_classes(X, y)
    # compute uniform weighs
    wc = [np.ones((x.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32) / x.shape[0] for x in xc]

    def cost(P):
        # wda loss
        loss_b = 0
        loss_w = 0

        for i, xi in enumerate(xc):
            xi = np.dot(xi, P)
            for j, xj in enumerate(xc[i:]):
                xj = np.dot(xj, P)
                M = dist(xi, xj)
                G = sinkhorn(wc[i], wc[j + i], M, reg, k)
                if j == 0:
                    loss_w += np.sum(G * M)
                    loss_b += np.sum(G * M)

        # loss inversed because minimization
        return loss_w / loss_b

    # declare manifold and problem
    manifold = Stiefel(d, p)
    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost)

    # declare solver and solve
    if solver is None:
        solver = SteepestDescent(maxiter=maxiter, logverbosity=verbose)
    elif solver in ['tr', 'TrustRegions']:
        solver = TrustRegions(maxiter=maxiter, logverbosity=verbose)

    Popt = solver.solve(problem)

    def proj(X):
        return (X - mx.reshape((1, -1))).dot(Popt)

    return Popt, proj
예제 #30
import autograd.numpy as np

from pymanopt import Problem
from pymanopt.solvers import SteepestDescent
from pymanopt.manifolds import Stiefel

import pprint

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Generate random data with highest variance in first 2 dimensions
    X = np.diag([3, 2, 1]).dot(np.random.randn(3, 200))

    # Cost function is the squared reconstruction error
    def cost(w):
        return np.sum(np.sum((X - np.dot(w, np.dot(w.T, X)))**2))

    solver = SteepestDescent(logverbosity=2)

    # Projection matrices onto a two dimensional subspace
    manifold = Stiefel(3, 2)

    # Solve the problem with pymanopt
    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost, verbosity=0)
    wopt, optlog = solver.solve(problem)

    print('And here comes the optlog:\n\r')
    pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()