예제 #1
파일: SeerClient.py 프로젝트: lanl/Seer
    def __init__(self, transport, address, p_id, db_n):
        self.engine = Engine(transport)
        self.server_addr = address
        self.provider_id = p_id
        self.db_name = db_n

        # init the engine
        self.client = SDSKVClient(self.engine)
        self.addr = self.engine.lookup(self.server_addr)
        self.provider_handle = self.client.create_provider_handle(self.addr, self.provider_id)
        self.db = self.provider_handle.open(self.db_name)

        # create a dictionary for values
        self.command_dic = {}
        self.used_unique_ids = []
        self.count = 0

        self.addingKeys = False
        # Generate Hash
        ip_addr = self.__getIP()
        self.hash_val = self.__generateHash(ip_addr)
        # excluded keys
        self.removed_keys = []
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, pdb_path='', pdb_sharded_num=0, pdb_addr=''):
        if pdb_addr == '':  # Standalone mode, need to create engine provider
            self.pdb_engine = Engine('ofi+tcp', mode=pymargo.server)
            self.pdb_provider = SonataProvider(self.pdb_engine, 0)
            self.pdb_address = str(self.pdb_engine.addr())
            self.pdb_admin = SonataAdmin(self.pdb_engine)
            self.pdb_client = SonataClient(self.pdb_engine)

            if pdb_path and int(pdb_sharded_num) > 0:
                for i in range(int(pdb_sharded_num)):
                    pdb_name = 'provdb.' + str(i)
                    file_name = pdb_path + pdb_name + '.unqlite'
                        self.pdb_address, 0, pdb_name, 'unqlite',
                        "{ \"path\" : \"%s\" }" % file_name)
        else:  # Other Chimbuko module created the engine
            self.pdb_engine = Engine(pdb_addr.split(':')[0], pymargo.client)
            self.pdb_address = pdb_addr
            self.pdb_client = SonataClient(self.pdb_engine)

        self.pdb_databases = []
        self.pdb_collections = []
        self.pdb_names = []
        for i in range(pdb_sharded_num):
            pdb_name = 'provdb.' + str(i)
            database = self.pdb_client.open(self.pdb_address, 0, pdb_name)
            col = database.open('anomalies')
예제 #3
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls._engine = Engine('tcp://')
     cls._provider = SDSKVProvider(cls._engine, 1)
     cls._path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
     cls._db_id = cls._provider.attach_database("mydatabase", cls._path,
     cls._client = SDSKVClient(cls._engine)
     cls._addr = cls._engine.lookup('tcp://')
     cls._ph = cls._client.create_provider_handle(cls._addr, 1)
def test(address, nshard):
    with Engine(address.split(':')[0], pymargo.client) as engine:
        client = SonataClient(engine)

        for i in range(nshard):
            pdb_name = 'provdb.' + str(i)
            pdb = client.open(address, 0, pdb_name)
            col = pdb.open('anomalies')
            print("Shard {} has the size of {}.".format(i, col.size))
            del pdb
            del col

        del address
        del client
예제 #5
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls._engine = Engine('tcp://')
예제 #6
# (C) 2018 The University of Chicago
# See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
import sys
from pymargo.core import Engine
from pysdskv.client import *

engine = Engine('ofi+tcp')

server_addr = sys.argv[1]
provider_id = int(sys.argv[2])

client = SDSKVClient(engine)
addr = engine.lookup(server_addr)
provider_handle = client.create_provider_handle(addr, provider_id)

db = provider_handle.open("mydatabase")

db.put("matthieu", "*****@*****.**")
val = db.get("matthieu")
print("db.get('matthieu') returned " + str(val))
    val = db.get("phil")
    print("db.get('phil') returned " + str(val))
except KeyError:
    print("Correctly throws an exception when trying to lookup 'phil'")
e = db.exists("matthieu")
print("db.exists('matthieu') returned " + str(e))
e = db.exists("phil")
print("db.exists('phil') returned " + str(e))
예제 #7
            localBulk = engine.create_bulk(localArray, pymargo.bulk.read_write)
            remoteBulk = Bulk.from_base64(engine, bulk_str)
            print("Remote bulk deserialized")
            size = 5 * 7 * localArray.itemsize
            engine.transfer(pymargo.bulk.pull, handle.get_addr(), remoteBulk,
                            0, localBulk, 0, size)
        except Exception as error:
            print("An exception was caught:")
        print("Transfer done")
        print("Received: ")

def WhenFinalize():
    print("Finalize was called")

engine = Engine('tcp')
provider_id = 42
print("Server running at address " + str(engine.addr()) +
      " with provider_id " + str(provider_id))

provider = HelloProvider(engine, provider_id)

예제 #8
# (C) 2018 The University of Chicago
# See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
import sys
from pymargo.core import Engine
import pysdskv.server
from pysdskv.server import SDSKVProvider

engine = Engine('ofi+tcp')

provider_id = 42
print("Server running at address " + str(engine.addr()) +
      " with provider_id=" + str(provider_id))

provider = SDSKVProvider(engine, provider_id)
dbid = provider.attach_database("mydatabase", "/tmp/sdskv",
print("Created a database with id " + str(dbid))

예제 #9
    # fetch multiple records
    fetched_records = [
        json.loads(x) for x in collection.fetch_multi(record_ids)
    # get all the records
    all_records = [json.loads(x) for x in collection.all]
    # get the size of the collection
    # get the last record id in the collection
    # update record 1 (Lucas)
    collection.update(1, json.dumps({"name": "Lucas", "age": 30}))
    # find out all the records where age > 30
    jx9_filter = "function($user) { return $user.age > 30; }"
    filtered_records = [json.loads(x) for x in collection.filter(jx9_filter)]
    # destroy database
    admin.destroy_database(address, 0, 'mydb')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with Engine('na+sm', pymargo.server) as engine:
        provider = SonataProvider(engine, 0)
        del provider
예제 #10
class InWrapMochi:

	def __init__(self, transport, address, p_id, db_n):
		self.engine = Engine(transport)
		self.server_addr = address
		self.provider_id = p_id
		self.db_name = db_n

		# init the engine
		self.client = SDSKVClient(self.engine)
		self.addr = self.engine.lookup(self.server_addr)
		self.provider_handle = self.client.create_provider_handle(self.addr, self.provider_id)
		self.db = self.provider_handle.open(self.db_name)

		# create a dictionary for values
		self.command_dic = {}
		self.used_unique_ids = []
		self.count = 0

		self.addingKeys = False

	def put_keyval(self, key, val):
		self.db.put(key, val)

	def del_key(self, key):
		if (self.db.exists(key)):
			return "key does not exist"

	def get_val(self, key):
		if (self.db.exists(key)):
			return self.db.get(key)
			return "key does not exist"

	def exists(self, key):
		return self.db.exists(key)

	def list_keyVal(self):
		key,val = self.db.list_keyvals()
		return key,val

	def shutdown(self):

	def getIP(self):
		hostname = socket.gethostname()    
		IPAddr = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)  
		return str(IPAddr)

	def generateHash(self, value):
		hash_object = hashlib.md5(value.encode())
		temp_str = str(hash_object.hexdigest())
		return ( temp_str[0:8] )

	# Transaction operations: Set and commit
	def set(self, key, value):
		self.command_dic[key + "-" + str(self.count)] = value
		self.count = self.count + 1

	def commit(self):

		ip_addr = self.getIP()
		hash_val = self.generateHash(ip_addr)
		new_key = "NEW_KEY_" + hash_val

		# Loop until you can add a new key
		while ( self.db.exists(new_key) ): 

		# Generate a random number to pad keys with
		#rand_num = random.randint(99999,1000000)
		#while rand_num in self.used_unique_ids:
		#	rand_num = random.randint(99999,1000000)


		# Format of keys:

		# Add keys to mochi DB
		key_list = []
		self.addingKeys = True
		#self.db.put("NEW_KEY", "0")	# adding keys
		for key,val in self.command_dic.items():
			key_padded = hash_val + ":" + key	# add unique tag to each
			#key_padded = key + ":" + str(rand_num)	# add unique tag to each
			self.db.put(key_padded, val)			# put key in mochi db

			key_list.append(key)	# save the key for later deletion

			print("key: ", key_padded)
			print("val: ", val)

		#self.db.put("NEW_KEY", str(rand_num))	# adding keys done
		self.db.put(new_key, hash_val)	# adding keys done
		self.addingKeys = False

		# Delete keys
		for k in key_list:
			del self.command_dic[k]
예제 #11
import sys
import numpy as np
import pymargo
from pymargo.core import Engine
import pymargo.bulk as bulk

def call_rpc_on(engine, rpc_id, addr_str, provider_id, array_str):
    addr = engine.lookup(addr_str)
    handle = engine.create_handle(addr, rpc_id)
    return handle.forward(provider_id, array_str)

with Engine('tcp', mode=pymargo.client) as engine:
    rpc_id = engine.register("send_array")
    myArray = np.random.rand(5, 7)
    blk = engine.create_bulk(myArray, bulk.read_write)
    print("bulk created successfuly")
    s = blk.to_base64()
    print("bulk converted to base64: " + s)
    call_rpc_on(engine, rpc_id, sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2]), s)
    del blk
            print("Shard {} has the size of {}.".format(i, col.size))
            del pdb
            del col

        del address
        del client

if __name__ == '__main__':
    argc = len(sys.argv)
    path = None
    if (argc < 2):
        path = ""
        path = sys.argv[1] + "/"
    with Engine('ofi+tcp', mode=pymargo.server, use_progress_thread=False) \
         as engine:
        provider = SonataProvider(engine, 0)
        addr = str(engine.addr())
        admin = SonataAdmin(engine)
        unqlite_files = glob.glob(path + '*.unqlite')
        # extract number as index
        ids = [int(f.split('.')[-2]) for f in unqlite_files]
        # sort as numeric values
        inds = sorted(range(len(ids)), key=lambda k: ids[k])
        files = [unqlite_files[i] for i in inds]  # files in correct order
        for i, f in enumerate(files):
            pdb_name = 'provdb.' + str(i)
            admin.attach_database(addr, 0, pdb_name, 'unqlite',
                                  "{ \"path\" : \"%s\" }" % f)
예제 #13
# (C) 2018 The University of Chicago
# See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
import sys
from pymargo.core import Engine
from pybake.target import BakeRegionID
from pybake.client import *
import numpy as np

mid = Engine('ofi+tcp')

server_addr = sys.argv[1]
mplex_id = int(sys.argv[2])

client = BakeClient(mid)
addr = mid.lookup(server_addr)
ph = client.create_provider_handle(addr, mplex_id)

# Testing get_eager_limit
lim = ph.get_eager_limit()
print "Eager limit is: " + str(lim)

# probe the provider handle (for all targets)
targets = ph.probe()
print "Probe found the following targets:"
for t in targets:
    print "===== " + str(t)

target = targets[0]

# write into a region
arr = np.random.randn(5, 6)
예제 #14
class ProvDB():
    def __init__(self, pdb_path='', pdb_sharded_num=0, pdb_addr=''):
        if pdb_addr == '':  # Standalone mode, need to create engine provider
            self.pdb_engine = Engine('ofi+tcp', mode=pymargo.server)
            self.pdb_provider = SonataProvider(self.pdb_engine, 0)
            self.pdb_address = str(self.pdb_engine.addr())
            self.pdb_admin = SonataAdmin(self.pdb_engine)
            self.pdb_client = SonataClient(self.pdb_engine)

            if pdb_path and int(pdb_sharded_num) > 0:
                for i in range(int(pdb_sharded_num)):
                    pdb_name = 'provdb.' + str(i)
                    file_name = pdb_path + pdb_name + '.unqlite'
                        self.pdb_address, 0, pdb_name, 'unqlite',
                        "{ \"path\" : \"%s\" }" % file_name)
        else:  # Other Chimbuko module created the engine
            self.pdb_engine = Engine(pdb_addr.split(':')[0], pymargo.client)
            self.pdb_address = pdb_addr
            self.pdb_client = SonataClient(self.pdb_engine)

        self.pdb_databases = []
        self.pdb_collections = []
        self.pdb_names = []
        for i in range(pdb_sharded_num):
            pdb_name = 'provdb.' + str(i)
            database = self.pdb_client.open(self.pdb_address, 0, pdb_name)
            col = database.open('anomalies')

        # print("=-=-=-=-=Initiated ProvDB instance {}=-=-=-=-=".format(
        #     self.pdb_address))

    def __del__(self):
        if self.pdb_databases:
            for database in self.pdb_databases:
                del database
                database = None
            del self.pdb_databases
            self.pdb_databases = []
        if self.pdb_collections:
            for col in self.pdb_collections:
                del col
                col = None
            del self.pdb_collections
            self.pdb_collections = []
        if self.pdb_names:
            for name in self.pdb_names:
                if hasattr(self, 'pdb_admin'):
                    self.pdb_admin.detach_database(self.pdb_address, 0, name)
                del name
                name = None
            self.pdb_names = []
        if self.pdb_client:
            del self.pdb_client
            self.pdb_client = None
        if self.pdb_address:
            del self.pdb_address
            self.pdb_address = None
        if hasattr(self, 'pdb_admin') and self.pdb_admin:
            del self.pdb_admin
            self.pdb_admin = None
        if hasattr(self, 'pdb_provider') and self.pdb_provider:
            del self.pdb_provider
            self.pdb_provider = None
        if self.pdb_engine:
            del self.pdb_engine
            self.pdb_engine = None
예제 #15
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls._engine = Engine('tcp://localhost:1234')
예제 #16
# (C) 2018 The University of Chicago
# See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
import sys
from pymargo.core import Engine
from pybake.target import BakeRegionID
from pybake.client import *

mid = Engine('ofi+tcp')

def test():

    server_addr = sys.argv[1]
    mplex_id    = int(sys.argv[2])

    client = BakeClient(mid)
    addr = mid.lookup(server_addr)
    ph = client.create_provider_handle(addr, mplex_id)

    # Testing get_eager_limit
    lim = ph.get_eager_limit()
    print("Eager limit is: "+str(lim))

    # probe the provider handle (for all targets)
    targets = ph.probe()
    print("Probe found the following targets:")
    for t in targets:
        print("===== "+str(t))

    target = targets[0]
예제 #17
from pymargo.core import Engine

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with Engine('ofi+tcp') as engine:

    print('Hello World')
예제 #18
파일: SeerClient.py 프로젝트: lanl/Seer
class SeerClient:

    def __init__(self, transport, address, p_id, db_n):
        self.engine = Engine(transport)
        self.server_addr = address
        self.provider_id = p_id
        self.db_name = db_n

        # init the engine
        self.client = SDSKVClient(self.engine)
        self.addr = self.engine.lookup(self.server_addr)
        self.provider_handle = self.client.create_provider_handle(self.addr, self.provider_id)
        self.db = self.provider_handle.open(self.db_name)

        # create a dictionary for values
        self.command_dic = {}
        self.used_unique_ids = []
        self.count = 0

        self.addingKeys = False
        # Generate Hash
        ip_addr = self.__getIP()
        self.hash_val = self.__generateHash(ip_addr)
        # excluded keys
        self.removed_keys = []

    def __getIP(self):
        hostname = socket.gethostname()    
        IPAddr = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)  
        return str(IPAddr)

    def __generateHash(self, value):
        hash_object = hashlib.md5(value.encode())
        temp_str = str(hash_object.hexdigest())
        return ( temp_str[0:8] )

    # Some Utility functions
    def put_keyval(self, key, val):
        self.db.put(key, val)

    def del_key(self, key):
        if (self.db.exists(key)):
            return "key " + key +" does not exist!"

    def get_val(self, key):
        if (self.db.exists(key)):
            return self.db.get(key)
            return "key " + key +" does not exist!"

    def exists(self, key):
        return self.db.exists(key)

    def list_keyVal(self):
        key,val = self.db.list_keyvals()
        return key,valvlist_keyvals

    def shutdown(self):
    # User Operations
    def list_keys(self):
        """List my keys and general ones"""
        keys,vals = self.list_keyVal()
        my_keys = []
        for k in keys:
            if k.startswith(self.hash_val) or k.startswith("00000000"): 
                if k not in self.removed_keys:
        return my_keys

    def list_my_keys_only(self):
        """List my keys only"""
        key,val = self.list_keyVal()
        my_keys = []
        for k in key:
            if k.startswith(self.hash_val):   #my keys only
                if k not in self.removed_keys:
        return my_keys
    def get_value_at_ts(self, key, timestep):
        num_ranks = self.get_val("numRanks")
        values = []
        for r in range( int(num_ranks) ):
            temp_key = self.hash_val + "@" + key + "#" + str(r) + "|" + str(timestep)
            values.append( self.get_val(temp_key) )
        return values
    def set(self, key, value):
        """Adds a command"""
        # Format of keys:
        #  NEW_KEY@HASH
        #  HASH@Type:Command%count
        self.command_dic[key + "%" + str(self.count)] = value
        self.count = self.count + 1
        # Append to the list of removed keys
        if key == "DEL":

    def commit(self):
        """Send commands to database"""
        new_key = "NEW_KEY@" + self.hash_val

        # Loop until you can add a new key
        while ( self.db.exists(new_key) ): 

        # Add keys to mochi DB
        key_list = []
        self.addingKeys = True

        for key,val in self.command_dic.items():
            key_padded = self.hash_val + "@" + key  # add unique tag to each
            self.db.put(key_padded, val)            # put key in mochi db

            key_list.append(key)                    # save the key for later deletion

            print("key: ", key_padded)
            print("val: ", val)

        self.db.put(new_key, self.hash_val)  # adding keys done
        self.addingKeys = False

        # Delete keys
        for k in key_list:              # delete keys that have been added to db
            del self.command_dic[k]