예제 #1
def make_InAs001_surface(inas_layers = 4, licras_layers = 4, vacuum_layers = 8):
    total_layers = inas_layers + licras_layers + vacuum_layers
    err = 1./total_layers/10
    a = Length(6.0583, "ang")
    fcc_lattice = np.array([[.0,.5,.5],[.5,.0,.5],[.5,.5,.0]])
    lattice = Lattice(fcc_lattice * a)
    surface = Structure(lattice, ['Li', 'Cr', 'As'], [[0.50,0.50,0.50],[0.00,0.00,0.00],[0.25,0.25,0.25]])
    to_remove = []
    print (1.*inas_layers / total_layers)
    print 1.*(inas_layers+licras_layers)/total_layers
    print 1. - 1. / vacuum_layers
    print err
    for idx,site in enumerate(surface):
        if (site.frac_coords[2] - 1.*inas_layers / total_layers) < -err:
            if site.specie.symbol == 'Li': to_remove.append(idx)
            if site.specie.symbol == 'Cr': surface.replace(idx,Element('In'))
        if (site.frac_coords[2] - 1. + 1./vacuum_layers/8.) > -err:
        elif (1.*(inas_layers+licras_layers)/total_layers) - site.frac_coords[2] < err:
    selective_dynamics = len(surface) * [[True,True,True]]
    for idx,site in enumerate(surface):
        if (np.linalg.norm(site.frac_coords) < err):
            selective_dynamics[idx] = [False,False,False]
    return surface.get_sorted_structure(),np.array(selective_dynamics)
예제 #2
def make_Si001_surface(Si_layers = 4, vacuum_layers = 4):
    total_layers = Si_layers + vacuum_layers
    a = Length(5.431, "ang")
    fcc_lattice = np.array([[.0,.5,.5],[.5,.0,.5],[.5,.5,.0]])
    lattice = Lattice(fcc_lattice * a)
    surface = Structure(lattice, ['Si','Si'], [[0.00,0.00,0.00],[0.25,0.25,0.25]])
    to_remove = []
    for idx,site in enumerate(surface):
        if (site.frac_coords[2] > 1.0*Si_layers/total_layers):
    print to_remove
    selective_dynamics = len(surface) * [[True,True,True]]
    for idx,site in enumerate(surface):
        if (site.frac_coords[2] < 0.001):
            selective_dynamics[idx] = [False,False,False]
    return surface.get_sorted_structure(),np.array(selective_dynamics)
def slab_has_mirror_sym(slab, nterm=1, tol=0.01):
    '''This function tests if the input slab has a mirror symmetry in the c-direction (given tolerance 'tol' in Angstrom).
    Specify 'nterm' (number of unique terminations) to ensure enough subtractions from the top/bottom of the layer are considered.
    Unit cell can be of any shape, however make sure that the layer thickness in c-direction is thick enough
    (recommendation: SlabGenerator with min_slab_size=4, in_unit_planes=True)
    Remark: A bug in pymatgen/transformations/standard_transformations.py was fixed in version pymatgen-2020.4.29

    Output: [mirror_sym, error] where 'mirror_sym' is the mirror symmetry (True or False),
    'error' may contain an error message in case any step of the unit cell rotation didn't work, otherwise contains empty string

    1. Rotate unit cell such that Cartesian coordinates of a and b basis vectors is of form (a_x,0,0) and (b_x,b_y,0), respectively.
    2. Create new c-direction orthogonal to a and b.
    3. Add atoms from slab in step 1 to new unit cell of step 2.
    4. Use function mirror_sym_check to check symmetry for the initial slab, the slab with the topmost, the slab with lowermost layer missing,
    and the slab with both topmost/lowermost layers missing. If nterm > 3, additionally np.floor(nterm/2) layers are subtracted from either side and their symmetry checked.
    error = ""
    if round(slab.lattice.alpha, 1) == 90.0 and round(slab.lattice.beta,
                                                      1) == 90.0:
        slab_straight = Structure(slab._lattice, slab.species_and_occu,
        R = slab.lattice.matrix
        #if a base vector not parallel to x-axis in caartesian coords, rotate the cell/structure such that it is
        if abs(R[0, 1]) > 0.0001 or abs(R[0, 2]) > 0.0001:
            x = [1, 0, 0]
            rot_axis = np.cross(R[0], x)
            angle = np.arccos(
                    np.dot(R[0] / np.linalg.norm(R[0]), x / np.linalg.norm(x)),
                    -1.0, 1.0))
            slab = RotationTransformation(
                rot_axis, math.degrees(angle)).apply_transformation(slab)
            R = slab.lattice.matrix
            #In case the wrong sign of the rotation was applied, rotate back twice the angle:
            if abs(R[0, 1]) > 0.0001 or abs(R[0, 2]) > 0.0001:
                slab = RotationTransformation(
                    -2 * math.degrees(angle)).apply_transformation(slab)
                R = slab.lattice.matrix
            if abs(R[0, 1]) > 0.0001 or abs(R[0, 2]) > 0.0001:
                error = "Error. Could not rotate a-axis to be parallel to x-axis."
        #if b vector not lying in cartesian x-y plane, rotate to make it so (i.e. z-component of b vector = 0)
        if abs(R[1, 2]) > 0.0001 and not error:
            b_x_flat = [0, 0, 0]
            b_x_flat[1] = R[1, 1]
            b_x_flat[2] = R[1, 2]
            x = [1, 0, 0]
            y = [0, 1, 0]
            angle2 = np.arccos(
                    np.dot(b_x_flat / np.linalg.norm(b_x_flat),
                           y / np.linalg.norm(y)), -1.0, 1.0)
            )  #angle between y-axis and b vector projected onto y-z-plane
            slab = RotationTransformation(
                x, math.degrees(angle2)).apply_transformation(slab)
            R = slab.lattice.matrix
            #In case the wrong sign of the rotation was applied, rotate back twice the angle:
            if abs(R[1, 2]) > 0.0001:
                slab = RotationTransformation(
                    x, -2 * math.degrees(angle2)).apply_transformation(slab)
                R = slab.lattice.matrix
            if abs(R[1, 2]) > 0.0001:
                error = "Error. Could not rotate b-vector to lie within x-y-plane."
            if R[1, 1] < -0.0001:
                error = "Error. Vector b faces into negative y-direction (which could cause problems)."
        #Now create new c-direction that is orthogonal to the rotated a and b vectors
        if not error:
            N = np.array(R)  #new lattice vectors
            N[2] = np.cross(R[0], R[1])
            N[2] = N[2] * np.dot(
                R[2], N[2]) / (np.linalg.norm(N[2]) * np.linalg.norm(N[2]))
            latticeN = Lattice(N)  #new lattice with c perpendicular to a,b
            #Add atoms from rotated unit cell to new unit cell with orthogonal c-direction
            slab_straight = Structure(latticeN,
    #Check mirror symmetry for straightened slab as well as slabs that are missing either (or both) topmost, lowermost atom-layers
    if not error:
        mirror_sym = False

        #Checks mirror symmetry of slab_straight without any layers removed
        slab_orig = Structure(slab_straight._lattice,
        msym, err = mirror_sym_check(slab_orig, tol=tol)
        if msym:
            mirror_sym = True
        if not err == '':
            error = err

        #Checks mirror symmetry of slab_straight with lowermost layer removed
        min_value = np.min(slab_orig.cart_coords[:, 2])
        first_layer_size = len(
            np.where(np.abs(min_value - slab_orig.cart_coords[:, 2]) < tol)[0])
        for i in range(first_layer_size):
            index_to_remove = np.argmin(slab_orig.frac_coords[:, 2])
        msym, err = mirror_sym_check(slab_orig, tol=tol)
        if msym:
            mirror_sym = True
        if not err == '':
            error = err

        #Checks mirror symmetry of slab_straight with topmost layer removed
        max_value = np.max(slab_straight.cart_coords[:, 2])
        first_layer_size = len(
                np.abs(max_value - slab_straight.cart_coords[:, 2]) < tol)[0])
        for i in range(first_layer_size):
            index_to_remove = np.argmax(slab_straight.frac_coords[:, 2])
        msym, err = mirror_sym_check(slab_straight, tol=tol)
        if msym:
            mirror_sym = True
        if not err == '':
            error = err

        #Checks mirror symmetry of slab_straight with lowermost and topmost layers removed
        min_value = np.min(slab_straight.cart_coords[:, 2])
        first_layer_size = len(
                np.abs(min_value - slab_straight.cart_coords[:, 2]) < tol)[0])
        for i in range(first_layer_size):
            index_to_remove = np.argmin(slab_straight.frac_coords[:, 2])
        msym, err = mirror_sym_check(slab_straight, tol=tol)
        if msym:
            mirror_sym = True
        if not err == '':
            error = err

        #If nterm is larger than 3, remove additonal layers from either side to ensure
        #that we check all relevant slabs that could yield proof that there is mirror symmetry
        if nterm > 3:
            slab_orig = Structure(slab_straight._lattice,
            #delete more layers nterm/2 rounded down on either side from the slab_straight (which had one each side already subtracted)
            for term in range(int(np.floor(nterm / 2))):
                max_value = np.max(slab_straight.cart_coords[:, 2])
                first_layer_size = len(
                        np.abs(max_value -
                               slab_straight.cart_coords[:, 2]) < tol)[0])
                for i in range(first_layer_size):
                    index_to_remove = np.argmax(slab_straight.frac_coords[:,
                msym, err = mirror_sym_check(slab_straight, tol=tol)
                if msym:
                    mirror_sym = True
                if not err == '':
                    error = err

                min_value = np.min(slab_orig.cart_coords[:, 2])
                first_layer_size = len(
                        np.abs(min_value -
                               slab_orig.cart_coords[:, 2]) < tol)[0])
                for i in range(first_layer_size):
                    index_to_remove = np.argmin(slab_orig.frac_coords[:, 2])
                msym, err = mirror_sym_check(slab_orig, tol=tol)
                if msym:
                    mirror_sym = True
                if not err == '':
                    error = err

        #Mirror symmetry is set to False in case there was an error along the way.
        mirror_sym = False

    return mirror_sym, error