def __init__(self,save_old_file=False): # read in what is there json_filename = 'run_data.json' try: with open(json_filename,'r') as f: data =json.load(f) except: print("CANNOT FIND run_data.json: CLASS MUST BE CALLED IN DIRECTORY WHERE FILE IS") return last_step = data['relaxation'][-1] structure = pymatgen.Structure.from_dict(last_step['structure']) composition = structure.composition energy = last_step['electronic']['e_0_energy'] set = MPVaspInputSet() incar = set.get_incar(structure) poscar = set.get_poscar(structure) potcar = set.get_potcar(structure) parameters = self.parse_pseudo_inputs(poscar,incar,potcar) entry = pymatgen.entries.computed_entries.ComputedEntry(composition, energy, parameters=parameters ) data['ComputedEntry'] = entry if save_old_file: shutil.move('run_data.json','run_data_OLD.json') pmg_dump(data, 'run_data.json') return
def __init__(self, save_old_file=False): # read in what is there json_filename = 'run_data.json' try: with open(json_filename, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) except: print( "CANNOT FIND run_data.json: CLASS MUST BE CALLED IN DIRECTORY WHERE FILE IS" ) return last_step = data['relaxation'][-1] structure = pymatgen.Structure.from_dict(last_step['structure']) composition = structure.composition energy = last_step['electronic']['e_0_energy'] set = MPVaspInputSet() incar = set.get_incar(structure) poscar = set.get_poscar(structure) potcar = set.get_potcar(structure) parameters = self.parse_pseudo_inputs(poscar, incar, potcar) entry = pymatgen.entries.computed_entries.ComputedEntry( composition, energy, parameters=parameters) data['ComputedEntry'] = entry if save_old_file: shutil.move('run_data.json', 'run_data_OLD.json') pmg_dump(data, 'run_data.json') return
def get_MaterialsProject_VASP_inputs(structure, workdir, job_name, nproc=16, supplementary_incar_dict=None): if os.path.exists(workdir): print 'WORKDIR ALREADY EXISTS. DELETE TO LAUNCH NEW JOB' return -1 os.mkdir(workdir) input_set = MPVaspInputSet() incar = input_set.get_incar(structure) # set the number of parallel processors to sqrt(nproc), # as recommended in manual. incar.update({'NPAR':int(np.sqrt(nproc))}) if supplementary_incar_dict != None: incar.update(supplementary_incar_dict) poscar = input_set.get_poscar(structure) kpoints = input_set.get_kpoints(structure) potcar = input_set.get_potcar(structure) incar.write_file(workdir+'INCAR') poscar.write_file(workdir+'POSCAR', vasp4_compatible = True) kpoints.write_file(workdir+'KPOINTS') potcar.write_file(workdir+'POTCAR') with open(workdir+'','w') as f: f.write(submit_template.format(job_name,nproc)) with open(workdir+'','w') as f: f.write(clean_template) return 0
def get_ModifiedMaterialsProject_VASP_inputs(structure, workdir, job_name, nproc=16, U_strategy_instance = None, supplementary_incar_dict = None): """ Inputs will be inspired by MaterialsProject, but this function is appropriate when we are seriously modifying the inputs such that they no longer conform to Materials Project. """ if os.path.exists(workdir): print 'WORKDIR ALREADY EXISTS. DELETE TO LAUNCH NEW JOB' return -1 os.mkdir(workdir) # let's start with MP input_set = MPVaspInputSet() incar = input_set.get_incar(structure) if U_strategy_instance != None: # reading the structure here insures consistency, rather # than having the strategy read the structure outside this driver. U_strategy_instance.read_structure(structure) # Generate all LDAU-related variables according to specified strategy. LDAU_dict, poscar_need_hack, potcar_need_hack = U_strategy_instance.get_LDAU() incar.update(LDAU_dict) # set the number of parallel processors to sqrt(nproc), # as recommended in manual. incar.update({'NPAR':int(np.sqrt(nproc))}) if supplementary_incar_dict != None: incar.update(supplementary_incar_dict) poscar = input_set.get_poscar(structure) kpoints = input_set.get_kpoints(structure) potcar = input_set.get_potcar(structure) incar.write_file(workdir+'INCAR') poscar.write_file(workdir+'POSCAR', vasp4_compatible = True) kpoints.write_file(workdir+'KPOINTS') potcar.write_file(workdir+'POTCAR') if poscar_need_hack: # do we need specialized hacking of the poscar because of the U strategy? new_poscar_lines = U_strategy_instance.get_new_poscar_lines() with open(workdir+'POSCAR','w') as f: for line in new_poscar_lines: print >>f, line.strip() if potcar_need_hack: # do we need specialized hacking of the potcar because of the U strategy? new_potcar_symbols = U_strategy_instance.get_new_potcar_symbols(potcar) new_potcar = Potcar(new_potcar_symbols) # overwrite the previous potcar new_potcar.write_file(workdir+'POTCAR') with open(workdir+'','w') as f: f.write(submit_template.format(job_name,nproc)) with open(workdir+'','w') as f: f.write(clean_template) return 0
for line in id_expgap: words=line.split() print words id_line=words[0] os.mkdir(id_line) os.chdir(id_line) s = mpr.get_structure_by_material_id(id_line) # obtain structural information from Materials Project database #print json.dumps(s.to_dict) # convert structural infomation into a dictionary and then dump to a json file user_incar_settings={"ALGO":'Normal',"EDIFF":1E-8,"ENCUT":500,"NSW":0,"LWAVE":True} mpvis = MPVaspInputSet(user_incar_settings=user_incar_settings) mpvis.get_incar(s).write_file('INCAR') # from the GW input set, get the incar parameters, generate INCAR print mpvis.get_incar(s) # kp_density = mpvis.get_kpoints(s).kpts[0] # from the GW input set, get the k-point density kpoints = Kpoints.gamma_automatic(kp_density) # generate Gamma centered k-point mesh kpoints.write_file('KPOINTS') # generate KPOINTS file mpvis.get_poscar(s).write_file('POSCAR') # generate POSCAR file mpvis.get_potcar(s).write_file('POTCAR') # generate POTCAR file os.chdir('..') id_expgap.close()