예제 #1
파일: test_advi.py 프로젝트: jonsedar/pymc3
    def test_elbo(self):
        mu0 = 1.5
        sigma = 1.0
        y_obs = np.array([1.6, 1.4])

        # Create a model for test
        with Model() as model:
            mu = Normal('mu', mu=mu0, sd=sigma)
            Normal('y', mu=mu, sd=1, observed=y_obs)

        model_vars = inputvars(model.vars)

        # Create variational gradient tensor
        elbo, _ = _calc_elbo(model_vars, model, n_mcsamples=10000, random_seed=self.random_seed)

        # Variational posterior parameters
        uw_ = np.array([1.88, np.log(1)])

        # Calculate elbo computed with MonteCarlo
        uw_shared = shared(uw_, 'uw_shared')
        elbo = CallableTensor(elbo)(uw_shared)
        f = function([], elbo)
        elbo_mc = f()

        # Exact value
        elbo_true = (-0.5 * (
            3 + 3 * uw_[0]**2 - 2 * (y_obs[0] + y_obs[1] + mu0) * uw_[0] +
            y_obs[0]**2 + y_obs[1]**2 + mu0**2 + 3 * np.log(2 * np.pi)) +
            0.5 * (np.log(2 * np.pi) + 1))

        np.testing.assert_allclose(elbo_mc, elbo_true, rtol=0, atol=1e-1)
예제 #2
파일: test_advi.py 프로젝트: gladomat/pymc3
    def test_elbo(self):
        mu0 = 1.5
        sigma = 1.0
        y_obs = np.array([1.6, 1.4])

        # Create a model for test
        with Model() as model:
            mu = Normal('mu', mu=mu0, sd=sigma)
            Normal('y', mu=mu, sd=1, observed=y_obs)

        model_vars = inputvars(model.vars)

        # Create variational gradient tensor
        elbo, _ = _calc_elbo(model_vars, model, n_mcsamples=10000, random_seed=self.random_seed)

        # Variational posterior parameters
        uw_ = np.array([1.88, np.log(1)])

        # Calculate elbo computed with MonteCarlo
        uw_shared = shared(uw_, 'uw_shared')
        elbo = CallableTensor(elbo)(uw_shared)
        f = function([], elbo)
        elbo_mc = f()

        # Exact value
        elbo_true = (-0.5 * (
            3 + 3 * uw_[0]**2 - 2 * (y_obs[0] + y_obs[1] + mu0) * uw_[0] +
            y_obs[0]**2 + y_obs[1]**2 + mu0**2 + 3 * np.log(2 * np.pi)) +
            0.5 * (np.log(2 * np.pi) + 1))

        np.testing.assert_allclose(elbo_mc, elbo_true, rtol=0, atol=1e-1)