예제 #1
def test_earth_apparent_heliocentric_position():
    """Tests the apparent_heliocentric_position() method of Earth class"""

    epoch = Epoch(1992, 10, 13.0)
    lon, lat, r = Earth.apparent_heliocentric_position(epoch)

    assert abs(round(lon.to_positive(), 6) - 19.905986) < TOL, \
        "ERROR: 1st apparent_heliocentric_position() test doesn't match"

    assert lat.dms_str(n_dec=3) == "-0.721''", \
        "ERROR: 2nd apparent_heliocentric_position() test doesn't match"

    assert abs(round(r, 8) - 0.99760852) < TOL, \
        "ERROR: 3rd apparent_heliocentric_position() test doesn't match"
예제 #2
    def apparent_geocentric_position(epoch, nutation=True):
        """This method computes the apparent geocentric position of the Sun
        for a given epoch, using the VSOP87 theory.

        :param epoch: Epoch to compute Sun position, as an Epoch object
        :type epoch: :py:class:`Epoch`
        :param nutation: Whether the nutation correction will be applied
        :type epoch: bool

        :returns: A tuple with the heliocentric longitude and latitude (as
            :py:class:`Angle` objects), and the radius vector (as a float,
            in astronomical units), in that order
        :rtype: tuple
        :raises: TypeError if input values are of wrong type.

        >>> epoch = Epoch(1992, 10, 13.0)
        >>> lon, lat, r = Sun.apparent_geocentric_position(epoch)
        >>> print(lon.to_positive().dms_str(n_dec=3))
        199d 54' 21.548''
        >>> print(lat.dms_str(n_dec=3))
        >>> print(round(r, 8))

        # NOTE: In page 169, Meeus gives a different value for the LONGITUDE
        # (199d 54' 21.818'') as the one presented above (199d 54' 21.548'').
        # After many checks and tests, I came to the conclusion that the result
        # above is the right one, and Meeus' result is wrong.
        # On the other hand, the difference in LATITUDE may be due to the fact
        # that this software uses the complete set of VSOP87C terms, instead of
        # the abridged version in Meeus' book.

        # First check that input values are of correct types
        if not isinstance(epoch, Epoch):
            raise TypeError("Invalid input type")
        # Use Earth heliocentric position to compute Sun's geocentric position
        lon, lat, r = Earth.apparent_heliocentric_position(epoch, nutation)
        lon = lon.to_positive() + 180.0
        lat = -lat
        return lon, lat, r